Prophe-Zine, Issue # 26 Sept 15, 1996 Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 26 J. R. Church ....Doom for U.S. Predicted By George Washington Raymond Clarke .....While America Slept John Loeffler....Dealing With The C-Word Rowland Croucher...Compassion And Mercy Berit Kjos... Executive Order #13011 Prophe-Zine News Bites ....Assorted News sources and faithful readers Rob Smith ...Gun Control Is Technologically Feasible (bio-chip update HOT!!!) Paula Demmers .....No God for the Dems... Lee Underwood ...Israel In The News US Military....The MARC Card (Smart Card Update) Wendy Beuster ...REPORT FROM DESPATCH MAGAZINE Arutz Sheva News Service...Isreal in the News Paula Demmers ...Judge Redefines Roles of Parents Prophe-Zine's Statement of Faith ************** Welcome to PZ # 26 Hello Everyone out there in Cyberland, GREAT NEWS!!!!!! I want to take this time to introduce my NEW Asst. Editor, Chris Jewett and his wife Linda. Take it away Chris...... As a matter of introduction, my name is Christ Jewett. I've been a Christian most of my adult life and became intrigued with prophecy in 1971 as my wife Lynda and I, like a lot of young Christians at that time, read through Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth." Actually seeing that the world had, was, and indeed is now acting out what was spoken of by the prophets and recorded in God's Word was the most convincing argument I'd ever witnessed for proof of God's existence, His plan of redemption and His love for us. Admittedly, a great deal has happened to Lynda and I since 1971. Always looking for Jesus' return and thinking it might be at any second, it seemed, governed our every little move, and convinced us more than ever that we, as Christian songwriter Larry Norman put it, were "only visiting this planet." Every car we bought didn't need to be brand new, afterall, we may only need it for a few days. As a member of the military, every transfer to a new duty station was "our last." However, as sometimes happens, things became stagnant in my life. I went to church on Sundays and helped out with AWANA on Tuesdays and other youth activities on weekends, but it was if by rote...mechanical. Our two children were growing in the Lord. Our son, the eldest, loved God from day one. He accepted the Lord at age four, was baptized and became a servant in many areas thereafter. He loved people and was always looking for ways to befriend them the way Jesus befriended those around him. In his teen years he spent his summers as a ranch hand on a Christian youth ranch and also, through involvement with Youth for Christ, learned about missionary life during several Project Serve trips to the Caribbean. Life was good, life was calm. I had a great family, a good assignment and was finally really getting "involved" in the fellowship. Then on the last day of 1988, God gave me a reality check. He rewarded my son and took him Home. He was seventeen. Neither Lynda nor I nor our fourteen year old daughter ever asked the Lord "why?" We accepted what the world considered tragic and what some Christians considered "too bad." I'm not saying we were uneffected, the loss was unbelievable in every sense of the word, but we didn't mourn as those in the world mourned. After all he was not "lost," we knew exactly where he was. And the most marvelous thing was that we were gonna see him again! Our longing for that day increased. It is important for every fellowship to teach prophecy. All too often prophetic events and the proper study of them become the forgotten element of our Christian walk. Some churches avoid teaching things of the Last Days altogether. It might be too controversial. "People will think we are a bunch of kooks." or "we know He's coming back, we don't need to teach the Revelation." But, through the teaching of the "whole counsel of God" the Holy Spirit will direct steps of His children in the study of prophecy, and of His soon return. I John 3:3 states that "Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." Looking forward to the Lord's return keeps us on our toes, keeps us aware of what we are to be about on earth--getting the Word out, working hard, for the night is coming. A bride ought to look forward to her wedding day. In that regard, I consider it a privilege that God has led me to help Ray with this very worthwhile project. I look forward to seeing what God will accomplish through the ministry of "Prophe-zine," and I look forward to being available to help in whatever way He directs. Meanwhile, Christians, keep looking up, for your redemption draweth nigh! Maranatha (soon)! Chris......Back to you Ray. Thanks Chris for telling us about yourself. If you would like to write Chris and welcome him on board, here is his email Tell him Ray sent ya (grin). I also want to take this time to thank the staff at "Prophecy In The News" and J.R. Church for allowing me to use his articles. I also wan tto thank Leo Juneau "Prophecy In The News" webmaster for making Prophe-Zine is the site of the month. So please take so time and go visit there site and let them know that you enjoyed J.R's article. As always, you can get there by the Prophe-Zine www cool links. "Prophecy In The News" is in the "prophecy" links area. It has been yet another interesting couple of weeks. We are seeing Sadam on the move again and Clinton trying to stand up to the challenge. Sad thing is that no matter what he has done, he really has not impressed the rest of the world and in fact has angered many countries. The PM of Israel met with the Terrorist Arafat, I guess it was history in the making. I am so glad to see Bibi in that office. Israel has someone now to stand up against the PLO and the rest of the terrorist that are trying to exterminate Israel. In doing this, we are seeing tensions rising in the middle east. Boris Yelsin is going under the knife and is passing his power to his marshals under him. Keep an eye on Lebed. There is a real power grab going on right now and I see Lebed being the winner when it is all over. If that happens, I can also see yet one step closer to the Gog Magog War. Last week I had the chance to meet Chuck Missler and some of his staff (Hi Gordon). John Loeffler, was a player in letting me know about Chuck being in town and I thank him for that. Chuck has given me permission to use his articles and he might even write some just for Prophe-Zine. That is...given that he has the time. I also had the Great honor in meeting Lambert Dolphin along with Chuck. Many of you have seen Lambert's www page, if you have not, I have him linked from my site. Check it out, his articles are great and you will see some them appearing in PZ. Both Lambert's and Chuck's sites are listed at the PZ www Cool Links. Check both in the Christian and Prophecy areas. In meeting both of these wonderful men of God, they both have given me permission to use there articles and will be joining the PZ family. Many of you have been asking for Chuck Missler and now you are going to get him. Here is another plug but this is for a GREAT music resource. This is a company that my good friend Tim West found and told me about. The company is called Rad Rockers and they specialize in hard to find / RARE Records, CD's and Tapes. I have been on the quest to find a album by a band called Arkangle album name "Warrior". This was put out by Kemper Crabb and they only did one album. Well when I called Rad Rockers, they had it plus a VERY RARE Pre-Swirling Eddies CD (any DA fans out there?). Just to say I was VERY happy to find them both. SO if you are looking for hard to find Christian music, Check out Rad Rockers at and like always, tell them you read about it in Prophe-Zine. Well Gotta Go. Remember that I need authors and reporters. I want to thank Rob Smith and Paula Demmers for giving me there great newsbites. I need more of them and more people writing them for me. So until we meet here on this earth or in the clouds with our Lord.... Always in His service, Ray Gano Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine ************** Doom for U.S. Predicted By George Washington By J. R. Church George Washington may not have been a prophet, but the concluding statements in his written inauguration address are coming to pass today! The last page of Washington's speech, handwritten by the first president, himself, was discovered recently and sold at auction in London for $306,000. Washington had handwritten 60 pages intended to be delivered at his inauguration in New York City, April 30, 1789. During the last century, each page of the discourse was sold to autograph hunters in America and Europe - a common practice in the 19th century. It is believed that the page was brought to England in the 1840s by the wife of Charles Lyell, a British scientist. The manuscript page was placed in an album of American memorabilia. According to a Reuter's report, "the manuscript page was discovered under a sofa in an old autograph album in a house in Suffolk, a county in eastern England, by auctioneers who came to value the contents after the owner died." Though Washington did not actually deliver this speech at the ceremony, opting for a shorter one instead, he clearly intended to share his vision of America's future as a great nation that would not again submit to foreign rule "until the people of America shall have lost all virtue: until they shall have become totally insensible to the difference between freedom and slavery: until they shall have been reduced to such poverty of spirit as to be willing to sell that pre-eminent blessing, the birthright of a freeman, for a mess of pottage: in short, until they have been found incapable of governing themselves and ripe for a master ..." This was the message on the page sold at auction in London. There are four statements that appear to be coming to pass at this time. Lost All Virtue First, Washington warned that America would be in danger of foreign rule when "... the people of America shall have lost all virtue." That appears to be the case today as America faces the possibility of losing its sovereignty to a world governing body. The so-called "New World Order," sponsored by the United Nations, is moving quickly to establish a world government by the year 2000. Our political policy makers are presently preparing to hand over our sovereignty to this malignant cancer growing in the very city where George Washington took his oath of office - in the very city that served as the first capital of the fledgling United States in 1789 - New York City. Why is our government allowing us to fall under foreign rule - by the UN? Because our politicians have lost all virtue. They have turned their backs on the constitution they swore to uphold. The United States military has been effectively turned over to the jurisdiction of the U.N. United States Soldiers are forced to wear its insignia. U.S. troops are deployed on foreign soil under the auspices of the United Nations. There are several military bases across America that have been turned over to the United Nations. Tens of thousands of foreign troops are presently being trained in our country on U.S. military bases paid for by our tax dollars. The U.N. flag now flies along side the U.S. flag on many military bases across the United States. Why are the people across our vast country allowing this treasonous situation? Because, unfortunately, most Americans have lost the virtue that once made us a great nation! Today, one-third of all births are illegitimate. Couples think nothing of living together out of wedlock - products of a corrupt school system that actively discourages moral values taught in the Bible. God, holy living, and prayer are not only unwelcome, but despised in classrooms. This scourge upon America is ripe for God's judgment. Recently, a Ball Park in Palm Springs, California, announced " All Nudity Day" for an upcoming game. The event was soon canceled, however, not because of an outcry of indecency, but because too many people had called wanting to come. The owners said they could not accommodate everyone. The president demonstrated his lack of virtue when he vetoed a bill that would ban partial-birth abortions. A court in Hawaii recently ruled in favor of allowing homosexual marriages! Judges no longer look to the foundation of all law - the Bible for the basis of court rulings. Everyone does what seems to be right in their own eyes. This foolish action prompted our Congress to pass a law defining what constitutes a marriage. The whole sordid affair is absurd. It seems no one knows the definition of decency anymore. We have to be told in the lawyerly language of Congress what is right and moral. Congress has to define morality because they no longer open the old black book and say, "here it is! The Bible tells us what is right and we stand on the basis of God's definition! "Oh no, Americans can no longer believe what is wrong just because the Bible says it is wrong. We have to have some high-falutin' politician to push God aside and redefine morality for us. We should be against homosexual marriages, not because Congress passed a law, but because God is against homosexual marriages. Why can't our government and people just believe the moral laws of the Bible anymore? Because we have lost all virtue. We are reaping the result of the Supreme Court decision to ban prayer and the Bible from the classroom. There is no foundation for morality left in our nation. We are ripe for a foreign takeover. We have lost all virtue. President Clinton recently unveiled a plan to put a so-called V chip in every new television set in order to allow parents to block out immoral programs and filthy movies from their children. What he did not tell us is that the movie industry has spent millions of dollars over the years producing these filthy movies and have been unable to air them on television until now. Networks have had to cut and trim filthy movies for years - bleeping out fowl language and rearranging camera angles so as not to show sexually explicit scenes. But many movies are so bad they could not be aired. Now networks want to schedule these cesspools of human degradation for airing so they won't have to continue airing so many reruns of Hollywood's milder films. Watch out. Our president is preparing the public for more and more filth to be aired on television. Why? No virtue. Unethical Business Practices Today, honesty and ethics are declining across the broad spectrum of American society. The Disney Corporation is an example of declining ethics in business. Originally offering only family entertainment, they now produce so-called adult movies and actively support homosexuality. Many corporations are downsizing in our nation while opening factories in third-world countries where they take advantage of poverty wages. Thousands upon thousands of Americans continue to lose their jobs because of the NAFTA and GATT treaties. The next time you shop for clothes, look at the label that tells you where they are made. I was shocked to find that most major brand-name clothes are made in third-world countries. Some are made by slaves in communist China. Some are made by enslaved children! They make as little as 10 cents a day while their products bring upwards to $50- $100 in America. Unethical business practices by US corporations fulfill George Washington's prediction. America has lost its virtue. Unethical Politicians Never have we seen such a drought of ethics in our government. The very man who serves in the office established by George Washington appointed scores of homosexuals at top management levels in our government. He supported gays in our military. He may claim to be a Baptist, but he has no virtue. Mike Barnicle, columnist for the Boston Globe writes, "There is something wrong with the way this president and his wife behave. Ironically, it has little to do with day-to-day governing and everything to do with character, arrogance, and hypocrisy. "The FBI files seem to have been requested in order to see if there was anything in Billy Dale's background to shut him up after the poor guy was fired from the travel office and forced to defend himself against bogus charges born out of Mrs. Clinton's desire to purge career employees and replace them with her friends. "Vince Foster and Webster Hubble both came to Washington because of Hillary Clinton. One is dead and the other is in jail. Zoe Baird, Mrs. Clinton's initial nominee for attorney general imploded after it was discovered she paid slave wages to a refugee for babysitting chores. Kimba Wood, the second designee for Justice also went down for being cheap and stupid. Janet Reno, who got the job proceeded to burn a batch of children at Waco. Bernie Nussbaum, a lawyer who worked with Mrs. Clinton on the Watergate Committee 20 years ago became White House counsel, where he apparently contracted amnesia and failed to notice anything wrong being done with documents the evening Foster committed suicide. Incompetence and insincerity are the problem." It is a sad commentary upon society when there is no moral leadership in the nation. During the days of Israel's judges, anarchy ruled over the land: We are told, "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25). In like manner, America is presently on the brink of anarchy. No one feels safe anymore. Many have chosen to live behind locked doors, barricades and in closed compounds. Even the White House has closed off Pennsylvania Ave. Our cities are feeling the results of its drug infested areas. Drive-by shootings and gang-related crimes reveal the spiritual drought predicted by George Washington. America is ripe for foreign rule. Freedom and Slavery Secondly, Washington warned that America would be ripe for an international takeover when "... they shall have become totally insensible to the difference between freedom and slavery." Washington's statement concerned the right of citizens to live freely - unencumbered by a dictatorial government. Our forefathers formed a government that was deliberately kept at arms-length from interfering in the lives of its citizens. There was no "federal bureaucracy" back then, only a "national government." The states were sovereign. There were no direct taxes of any kind - no sales tax or income tax. The national government was funded by the states. Today, however, states rights have eroded in favor of a power-hungry federal bureaucracy. The "Income Tax" was imposed in 1913 and has gained a strangle-hold on every citizen. In the early years following the introduction of the Income Tax, the average man paid only $12.00. But today, the Income Tax is so oppressive it hinders productivity. Yet, Americans are led to believe that its just the way things are. We have become virtual slaves to an ever-growing bureaucracy -just as Washington predicted. Thirdly, Washington warned that America would be ripe for a world government when "... they shall have been reduced to such poverty of spirit as to be willing to sell that preeminent blessing, the birthright of freeman, for a mess of pottage." Birthright of a Freeman Washington knew his Bible. He quotes here from the story of Jacob and Esau. For the desire of free food, Esau threw all caution to the wind and was willing to give up the future of his posterity. He had no forethought for the generations that would come from him. He cared not for their future. He thought only for himself at the moment. George Washington drew an analogy from this story and warned that someday Americans would be willing to throw away their future for a mess of government pottage. When our government established Social Security, they promised a retirement plan for the elderly without thinking what it would cost future generations. They threw caution to the wind and bought votes with a promise they could not keep. At the same time, instead of planning to take care of themselves, unsuspecting citizens liked the idea of letting the government feed, clothe and house them in their old age. I'm sure there are many who would argue that the Social Security check is a salvation and a God-send. Furthermore, the government forcibly took your hard-earned money from you, promising to give it back after 65. It's your money. Why shouldn't you get it back? I agree that one should be able to reap the benefits of investment - even if it be a government program. But the government has raided the Social Security fund so many times over the years, there is little money left. Present taxpayers are having to fund those monthly checks. Instead of letting the Government buy votes with hollow promises, why didn't you plan for your own future? Why didn't you save a little bit each week for your retirement? Why didn't you think ahead? Well, Esau didn't think ahead either. I would remind you that the next generation will not be able to count on Social Security. The government is already telling us that the Social Security system will be bankrupt within the decade. Medicare and Medicaid are other government programs that have caused more harm than good to our economy. Remember when Medicare was introduced, the average hospital bill was reasonable. Since the Government became involved, medical costs have skyrocketed more than any other segment of our economy. Medicare only pays part of a hospital stay, the remaining expense is as much as the whole bill was before Medicare. Where have we gained? We still pay as much for medical costs as before. We have allowed the Government to steal our ability to be free for a mess of socialist pottage. Welfare is another drain upon society. Free food will never take the place of self reliance and responsibility for one's own freedom. Like slaves, they are fed, clothed and housed, but they are not free. They are coerced to vote for the people who promise to continue their government handouts. They are not free. They are slaves to the welfare check. Where is our self reliance today? Where is the man who will take care of himself? As a young man, I was given the opportunity to decline Social Security, I said no to the Social Security system and trust only in God for my odd age. Should I be chided for not snuggling up to the government trough for my pottage? Who will get the last laugh? God has never run out of funds. I trust in God, not government. Incapable of Governing Finally, Washington warned that America would be ripe for a master (perhaps a world dictator) when "... they have been found incapable of governing themselves." Most are no longer capable of governing themselves. George Washington hit the nail on the head when he predicted such a time. When the voter no longer informs himself about the facts - when character and integrity no longer matter- when only a continuation of hollow government promises motivates the voter, our nation is ready for a dictator. In a recent edition of Investor's Business Daily an editorial posed the question, "Does Character Still Count?" The article said, "a recent poll showed that most Americans distrust Clinton Gallup found 54% believe he's dishonest, 50% think he's lying about Filegate and 49% think he's lying about Whitewater. An ABC News-Washington Post poll found 56% don't buy his 'bureaucratic snafu' excuse on Filegate." But the upshot of the article is that morality will not be enough to elect Bob Dole. Clinton still leads Dole by a hefty margin. 56% told Gallup the president is doing a good job. Morality no longer counts. Why? George Washington said it best. Americans have lost all virtue. They reflect a poverty of spirit. They are no longercapable of ruling themselves. Not only America, but the entire world is ripe for the Antichrist. ------------------------------------------------------- August, 1996 Questions or Comments: JR Church ***************** While America Slept by Raymond Clarke Without a doubt the United States of America has been a great nation, perhaps the greatest nation ever to exist on planet earth. No doubt America has had its problems and indeed mistakes have been made. What has made America such a great and mighty nation? To be sure there are many factors at which we might point with a certain amount of pride and proclaim that this is what made America Great but, my friend, Almighty God has had his hand upon America. Perhaps the educator would point to our educational system and proclaim that our system of universal education has made America great. Considering all factors a legitimate argument could be made that indeed we have enjoyed one of the top educational systems ever to evolve and this educational system has catapulted America into greatness. Consider the contributions this nation has made to the world and one would have to give a certain amount of credit to our educational system. No nation on earth has made the commitment to education that America has made. Then our political scientist point with much pride to the Constitution, framed by our fore-fathers, as the one ingredient which perhaps has made this nation great. Our republican form of government which many simply refer to as " a democracy" ( though that is technically incorrect) has certainly given us the foundation for our government which has guided this nation quiet well for two hundred years give or take a few and has contributed much to the stability we have long enjoyed. This "Constitution" which has become the guardian of our freedoms and is cherished by millions of Americans was deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures.. Over the years it has been zealously guarded by the Supreme Court of the land as honorable men have given much of their lives to guarantee proper interpretation thereof. The military would probably point to the defense department which perhaps has been second to none in the history of the world and with some degree of accuracy proclaim that the military is the one thing which has made this nation the mighty nation it has become. Few nations of the world have dared take on the mighty military force of this nation and those who did usually lived to regret it. The United States military forces have indeed, over the years, been the pride of this nation. The military, like so many other institutions has become corrupt in many ways and does not stand upon the Godly principles it once stood. The economist could likewise point with pride to the economic powerhouse which this nation became and declare that without this mighty force this nation could never have become the mighty nation it has become. There have indeed been some ups and some downs but overall this nation has been an economic power house over the past two hundred years. Compared to many nations around the world our poorer Americans have been more wealthy than many kings of the past. Yes, my fellow Americans, we have indeed been a blessed nation and a mighty nation. One Englishmen ( I believe it was) once said, " America is great because she is good. If she ever ceases to be good she will cease to be great." Has America ceased to be good? Has America ceased to be great? I for one am much troubled. Indeed, I still believe in the American people and I believe that there is much good in America. But sadly I see America deteriorating at a rapid pace and unless we somehow get back to the values which has made America good, America will cease to be great! My friends be assured that our president, our legislature, our educational system, our supreme court, our military, our economy and even our Constitution as it is being maligned today are not going to save America. Nothing is going to save America unless her people repent and cease in their rebellion against Almighty God. There is no force on earth which can turn things around. Oh, they may put a little icing on the cake and dress up a few things here or there but such dressings are not going to turn things around. Every time a convict gets out of jail and perhaps commits a highly visible crime (as bad as that can be) nearly every politician in the nation wants to jump on the bandwagon and get tough on crime. Politicians have run on strong anti-crime platforms since I was a kid some fifty plus years ago and crime has only grown worse. It has just about gotten to the point that it sickens me to hear a politician from the presidential level down to the city council level talk about how they are going to get tough on crime. The fact is they can put one hundred thousand thousand police officers on the streets or they can build tens of thousands of prisons and they are not going to solve the crime problem of this nation because the crime problem is but a symptom of the decaying morals of this nation. I will go one step further and proclaim that it is a spiritual problem and spiritual problems will never bow the knee to secular solutions. The military can build all of the smart bombs they desire along with sophisticated delivery systems and they are not going to save America because the problems facing this nation are not going to bow the knee to the military forces. I believe in a strong military force but if we are depending upon that to save America from itself, forget it. It is not going to happen! The once honorable Supreme Court could be depended upon to protect the integrity of the Constitution but today we have a real problem. It has only been in recent years that we have seen less honorable men and women take their seat on the beloved Court and moved to trash our Constitution for political expediency. This once honorable body has deteriorated to such a low level that it refuses to protect the very lives of the most innocent of all. May God have mercy upon this nation collectively, upon those Supreme Court Justices or any other individual who refuses to stand in support of the unborn child . Why, today if the Constitution were being written the Supreme Court would probably declare it unconstitutional because of its deep roots in the Holy Scriptures. We cannot, therefore, depend upon our Supreme Court because all who sit thereon are not honorable men or women and they stand in need of repentance! Then we have our social scientist and our economist who have put all of their faith in the economy and believe that if we can share the wealth with everyone then all of our problems will be solved. The Great Society should have taught us how wrong that line of thinking is. About all that this accomplished was to bring this nation to the brink of bankruptcy and we have not overcome that till this day. No, my friends our problems are not going to bow the knee to economic prosperity because that is not the problem. This nation is facing terrorism, a force with which it has never had to deal before now. When some catastrophic event occurs everyone from our President on down wants to call a press conference to declare how they are not going to tolerate such violent acts and the first thing they want to do is to "gut the constitution" which has served this nation so well. Following the Oklahoma bombing we had to have an anti-terrorist law. Fine, perhaps it was needed. But every time such an act occurs all that many of our politicians want to do is to pass more laws and further restrict our constitutional rights and what so many of us fear is that such action will one day be turned on the law abiding citizen. Do not scoff, I can assure you that the way things are moving today it shall happen and may have already begun. When the government can take everything a man has and jail him when he builds a house on a damp spot of his own property, or if they can confiscate ones property without due process, then I think we are in serious trouble. We must remember that every time we restrict the rights of the criminal we likewise restrict the rights of every American. It will not take many such advances on our Constitution until we no longer have a Constitution. Someone gets shot and everyone wants to jump on gun control and trash the constitution as it relates there-to, thereby denying every American citizen his constitutional right because of the actions of one. Do we want to take all of the knives form the American people every time someone gets stabbed? Why not take all of the sticks away from people when some gets clubbed to death? I know that I am getting ridiculous but it is to make a point. You cannot stop murder unless you stop it in the heart and it all comes backto this thing called morality. My brother, a young twenty-five year old police officer in south Alabama, was slain while in the line of duty. How foolish it would be for me to believe that banning assault weapons would solve anything but boy if I were a politician I could really make an emotional case for getting assault rifles off the street. I personally have no need for assault weapons and do not know why anyone has but my point is that the American people have a constitutional right to bear arms. Advocates of gun control say that their goals or objectives are to save lives yet these same people will not stand up on behalf of the unborn children who are totally and completely innocent. Why not just leave the Constitution alone? I don't even like guns. I have one old sixteen gauge gun which belonged to my dad and it hasn't been fired in 20 years. I do not fear guns nearly as much as I fear the gutting of the Constitution. Guns are not the problem and if you take hundreds of millions of guns away from the citizens of American in defiance of the constitution you have solved nothing because people still have their sticks. Remember the problems of this nation will not bow the knee to the absence of guns because our problems are that of moral decay! It seems as though our educational system may indeed be the only answer but wait a minute! Education is perhaps the one institution (if you can narrow it to one) that has done more to bring about moral decay than any other in this nation with the possible exception of a few so called ministers of the gospel who preach a social gospel. Sorry about that my fellow educators ( I am a retired professional educator.) but I place much of the responsibility for America's problems at the feet of public education and the National Education Association. The humanist movement in education has done more to trash the morals of this nation than any other. The humanist movement which has virtually taken over education has declared that there are no moral absolutes. They have declared that there is no God and man is answerable only to himself. Generations have gone through the public schools and have been taught either deliberately or inadvertently that God does not exist. The theory of evolution, promoted more by public education than any other institution gave rise to this Godless humanism which has destroyed the morals of millions of our youth and led this nation to the very brink of disaster. I am sorry Mr. President, Mr. Congressman, Mr. Senator, Mr. Supreme Court Justice and any other who believes we can legislate our way out of this quagmire but these problems will not bow the knee to secular solutions and if you fail to realize that our problems are spiritual in nature and release the forces which can successfully move against these problems then all is lost. Your pitiful arguments that more wiretaps, reducing our constitutional freedoms, more police officers, a stronger military, a larger FBI, more DEA agents and even the right of women to take the life of their unborn child are going to solve these problems then your are in worse shape than I even believe if that is possible. Wake up America! It is not the economy "stupid", rather it is the moral climate of America that will ultimately bring her to her knees either in repentance or in submission. The choice is our own. I love America but I hate what I see happening and the pitiful solutions being applied. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer and if we Americans do not wake up to that fact, then we can hang it up. It is all over. To be sure we will probably last or exist for quiet a number of years based on the sheer momentum of the past, but we are headed for "ground zero" at an alarming rate and there is no force beyond that of Almighty God that can save us! Think on these things! Who is responsible? We are. We sit back and fail to make a stand and foolishly go along with the establishment. We fail to stand up and speak out. We neglect our own spiritual development and that ultimately leads to destruction. I will tell you as John the Baptist told the people of his day- "Repent America" before it is everlastingly too late! Raymond Clarke 1609 Lakeview Drive NW Cullman, AL 35055 ****************** DEALING WITH THE C-WORD By John Loeffler Well, I have to come out of the closet on this. I know it will shock a lot of my listeners and readers, and for all of you who have been so faithful for so long, please forgive me but here goes: I don't believe there's a deep dark conspiracy afoot to take over the world. There, I've done it! Joyous relief! Having made this public confession of my darkest, deepest secret will surely spare me copious amounts of future grief and ridicule. After all, serious use of the C-word nowadays in public is enough to evoke howls of disdain from the far left to alleged-conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh. With a few bizarre twists of logic, it can even get you branded anti-semitic by leftist groups posturing themselves as "experts" on the right. But I'm done with all that now and good riddance to it! You know, I have to admit, even though I'm not foolish enough any more to believe in a world takeover conspiracy, I'm still having difficulty overcoming this addiction, especially when it's so easy to find articles and speeches by key world leaders, which threaten to push me off the wagon back into my former depraved beliefs. We should outlaw freedom of the press. It would make adhering to naivete easier. Last year, you see, San Francisco hosted the Gorbachev Foundation's State of the World Forum, attended by a who's-who of world leaders and personalities. The pervading imagery of the event (not reported in most media) was the coming global government, society and religion. Forum president Jim Garrison, in an interview with the San Francisco Weekly, was quoted as saying, "We are going to end up with world government...we have to govern and regulate human interaction." Mikhail Gorbachev, former premier of the Soviet Union announced to the glitterazzi that "we are giving birth to the first Global Civilization." Then, this year the United Nations Commission on Global Governance came out of the closet and issued its 420-page report entitled, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD, calling for a World Conference on Global Governance in 1998 with all treaties and laws needed to establish global governance in place and ratified by the year 2000. Well, maybe I'm reading things into that. But there's a Time magazine article from July 20, 1992, entitled, "The Birth of the Global Nation", penned by the State Department's number two man, Strobe Talbott, for which he received the World Federalist organization's Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. President Bill Clinton wrote Mr. Talbott a letter of congratulation stating, "Norman Cousins worked for world peace and world government...Strobe Talbott's lifetime achievements as a voice for global harmony have earned him this recognition...He will be a worthy recipient of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Best wishes...for future success." I'm trying hard to stay on the wagon but there is the haunting memory of Henry Kissinger's article in the Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order." I was told that only right-wing whackos use that term and surely Mr. wouldn't, would he? In the Winter 1992 Foreign Affairs Journal, published by the respectable Council on Foreign Relations -- the one which the hysterical whackos say is promoting global government -- U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali asserted "it is undeniable that the centuries-old doctrine of absolute and exclusive sovereignty no longer stands...Underlying the rights of the individual and the rights of people is a dimension of universal sovereignty that resides in all humanity...It is a sense that increasingly finds expression in the gradual expansion of international law...In this setting the significance of the United Nations should be evident and accepted." In the same journal, Richard Gardner wrote that "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned front assault." He went on to explain how GATT would be this end-run around national sovereignty. As far back as September, 1948, Senator Alben Barkley, a vice-president of the Interparliamentary Union, said, "one of the aims of this union is to create a world government. But I must say as a personal opinion that the time is not yet mature for what we mean by world government. We must create a more efficient organization here and we must strengthen the United Nations before we can achieve our goal of world government." I could go on and on about my struggles to stay on the wagon but, in truth, my nightmares revolve around the content of the most recent United Nations conferences in Rio de Janeiro, Copenhagen, Beijing, Istanbul and Cairo and their ensuing documents and treaties which have the following themes: (1) Capitalism is bad and global socialism is good. (2) The United States (and the west) is responsible for all of the world's problems and environmental damage. (3) A socialist global government is the only way to get rid of these problems, and (4) We must transfer the West's (read United States') money to accomplish this wonderful dream, which (5) will be achieved using treaties and international agreements, all of which become legally binding and do an end-run on the countries' sovereignty. I guess it's no surprise that Fidel Castro received a thunderous, standing ovation with hordes of delegates rushing to shake his hand after delivering a scathing denunciation of the United States at the Habitat II, the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul last year. I knew about it. Didn't your newspaper didn't tell you that? Boy, now I'm breaking out in a sweat. I've got to stay on the wagon. Just when I think I can make it, disaster. I read a passage from the 1968 book TRAGEDY AND HOPE, written by President Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, the now-deceased Professor Carroll Quigley. In it, Professor Quigley, whom Mr. Clinton twice after election to office publically accredited with being responsible for being a major influence in his life, says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups (should I read CFR?), has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently to a few of it policies...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." Oh, dear me, Auntie M. I'm slipping. I don't believe in conspiracies. I don't believe in conspiracies. There's no place like political correctness. Does anyone know where I can join a chapter of Conspiracy Whackos Anonymous? I need help. # # # John Loeffler hosts the Information Radio Network's weekly news program Steel on Steel heard Saturdays in Denver on KPOF (910 AM) at 10:00 a.m. and in Colorado Springs on KCBR (1040 AM) at 1:00 p.m. He also hosts the national program The Missler Report with Chuck Missler heard on KLT in Denver (670 AM) weekdays at 6:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. John's EMAIL is To inquire about obtaining a tape of the recent Steel on Steel programs on U.N. treaties, call toll-free at (800) 829-5646. ****************** COMPASSION AND MERCY By Rowland Croucher 'They [the Jerusalem church leaders] asked only one thing, that we remember the poor, which was actually what I was eager to do' (Galatians 2:10) Healthy churches are concerned not only about 'saving souls' -- evangelism -- but helping others deprived of necessary daily needs. Unfortunately Christians have sometimes emphasized one or the other of these two areas of essential ministry, rather than both. Jim Wallis somewhere put it well: 'The greatest need in our time is not simply for kerygma, the preaching of the gospel, nor for diakonia, service on behalf of justice, nor for charisma, the experience of the Spirit's gifts, nor even for propheteia, the challenging of the king. The greatest need of our time is for koinonia, the call to simply be the church -- to love one another, and to offer our life for the sake of the world.' A theological understanding of Christian social concern begins with the character of God. He is a 'social God', relating within the community of the Trinity, and, in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, with his creatures on this planet. Jesus came with a mandate to preach, liberate and heal (Luke 4:18-19) and commissions his followers to do the same as he did (John 20:21). So the church, the body of Christ, does in its world what Jesus did in his: no more, no less. It adopts Jesus' stance towards others: that of a servant. And it will be called to account at the Great Judgment relative to the presence or absence of ministries of compassion to the poor (Matthew 25:31-46). Who are the poor? They are people who have no 'place'. The materially poor are deprived of a place within the bounty of the community; the lonely, the imprisoned, or the emotionally poor do not have a place within a loving family or community; the politically poor do not have a place in the decision-making processes of their government; refugees are 'displaced', without a part of the earth to call their own; the spiritually deprived do not have a place in the Kingdom. Our Christian compassion must address all these issues. The meaning of Christian 'hospitality' is simply our opening up our hearts, our lives, our homes, our commun- ities, to the 'wretched of the earth'. Hospitality is providing a place for Jesus, who is still poor today. I asked some very poor rural Brazilians what made them anxious or fearful. A sad-looking mother said, 'I cannot warm my children with just one blanket.' A man who had the face and hands of half a century's hard labour said, 'I toil and toil but have very little to show for it'. I was very moved. What do I say to them? Maybe my tears spoke louder than any words. I felt helpless, but I also felt a solidarity with them in their despair. 'Compassion' comes from the Latin pati and cum - 'to suffer with'. The church takes Jesus as its model for compassion. Twelve times in the Gospels Jesus or his Father- God are said to be 'moved with compassion' for worried and helpless people (e.g. Matthew 9:36). Our Lord sends us his followers into the world to 'be compassionate as your Father is compassionate' (Luke 6:36). How does compassion work? In the same way God's does: he sends Jesus into the world to be with us. He emptied himself and became a servant (Philippians 2). That gives us dignity: we must be worth a lot if he is willing to be our slave! He says to us: 'I will be with you always until the end of the age' (Matthew 28:20). We are not alone. So compassion is more than sympathy -- 'feeling sorry' for the poor. It's not 'pity' for someone weak or inferior. Compassion is a 'doing verb' -- relieving the pain of others, not just emoting about it. But it's more than 'helping the less fortunate' -- that's elitist and paternalistic. Compassion, says Matthew Fox, is the world's richest energy source. A few days before his death, Rabbi Heschel said, 'There is an old idea in Judaism that God suffers when we suffer... Even when a criminal is hanged on the gallows, God cries. God identifies himself with the misery on this earth. I can help God by reducing human suffering, human anguish and human misery.' But there's so much pain -- where do I start? In the Matthew text describing Jesus' compassion (9:35-38), our Lord then turns to his disciples and says 'There's so much to do, and so few to do it, PRAY!' First, pray! Prayer tunes us in to the heart of God. Prayer helps us focus on others and their needs. Prayer turns frustration and anger into hope. A by-product of prayer is peace, without which we will never act appropriately in an unjust world. I believe it is important for every wage or salary earner, with their family or community, to give a proportion away regularly to the poor -- in one's own country and overseas. You could sponsor a child, or give directly to projects among the poor (more of your dollar gets there that way). Choose an organization, preferably, that is committed to a 'need not creed' approach (as Jesus was, rather than giving to your kind of people only). Or you can give through your own denomination: whatever you do, try to be well informed about the situations you are supporting. We are called, to use an image of Thomas Merton's, motivated and empowered by the love of God to be involved in the sufferings of the world because it is the aim of God's love to reset the broken bones of humanity. (These notes of sermons/studies originally commissioned by World Vision are not copyright. They may be adapted by preachers or small group leaders and used with or without acknowledgment). Director, JOHN MARK MINISTRIES Resources for pastors/leaders & spouses Tel: 613 9729 2517 Fax: 613 9729 2494 Email: Home Page: Clergy/Leaders' List: (SUBSCRIBE on subject-line) **************** A NATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Executive Order #13011 by Berit Kjos On July 16, President Clinton signed Executive Order #13011, creating a massive new bureaucracy with authority to manage "Federal Information Technology." It links the data gathered by the health, education, and labor departments to the data accessible to the FBI, CIA, EPA, and other federal agencies. And it apparently gives this unified information system unspecified power to- * Propagandize the public by disseminating politically correct information everywhere. * Control people through a vast federal data bank and monitoring system. Yet, at first glance, this new order sounds practical enough to silence most critics. Section 1 begins, "It shall be the policy of the United States Government that executive agencies shall: a) significantly improve the management of their information systems.... b) refocus information technology management to support... strategic missions.... c) establish clear accountability for information resources management activities by creating agency Chief Information Officers (CIOs).... d) ... promote a coordinated, interoperable, secure, and shared Government-wide infrastructure that is provided and supported by a diversity of private sector suppliers.... The CIOs are selected by the heads of participating executive agencies. These include most of the agencies represented in the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (Executive Order 13010): the CIA, FEMA, FBI as well as the Departments of Defense, Commerce, Transportation, Energy, etc. Executive Order 13011 expands that network by adding the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the Departments of Interior, Education, Health and Human Services, Labor, HUD, Army, Navy, and Air Force along with NASA, the Agency for International Development, and others. To grasp the extent of its reach, remember that the controversial "Careers Act" (HR1617) would have linked only three agencies-the Departments of Education, Labor and Health and Human Services-in an effort to create a national employment agency and a "National Electronic Data Base," part of a massive "National Labor Market Information System." The Chief Information Officers make up the CIO Council, which shall "develop... federal information technology management policy" and "sponsor cooperation in using information resources, procedures, and standards...." It still sounds like good business practice, doesn't it? Section 4 establishes Government Information Technology Services that encourages "cross-agency cooperation" and develops "shared governmentwide information infrastructure services." Its "major government mission areas" include electronic commerce, law enforcement, environmental protection, national defense, and health care." In the name of national security and protection from terrorists, polluters, extremists, and other enemies to the global village, the all-seeing eyes of the State will have power to search everywhere and to monitor everyone. Section 7 links the Federal information management system to "State and local governments" and "nongovernmental international organizations" and "intergovernmental organizations." Section 9 deals with "liaison, consultation, and negotiation with foreign governments and intergovernmenal organizations on all matters related to information resources management" and ensures "that the United States is represented in the development of international standards.... affecting information technology." Do you see the bigger picture? Standing alone, this executive order might raise little alarm. But examined in the light of the United Nations agenda and stated government intentions, it looks ominous. The UN has called for a sophisticated international computerized information system that would disseminate its politically correct data and pseudo-scientific risk assessments into every community, build consensus based on its visions, goals, values, and choices, then monitor individual and collective compliance everywhere-in homes, schools, offices.... "Develop gender-sensitive databases, information and monitoring systems," states the Beijing Platform for Action (#258). It calls for the "consistent flow of information" among "national, subregional/regional and international institutions." (#288) -all under the watchful guidance of the UN's Social and Economic Council. (#314) The UN plan matches the Clinton plan for social transformation through a vast government-controlled information and surveillance system. The President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD)-the US counterpart to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development-issued a report that echoes the UN agenda. Called, Sustainable America: A New Consensus, it states in Chapter 3 which deals with "Information and Education," "Citizens... depend on the quality and timeliness of information to alert them to hazards and to make informed decisions.... As sustainable development focuses attention on new environmental, social, or economic concerns, government must perform this critical management function more effectively to ensure the quality and timely availability of new kinds of information.... "The federal government is already participating in collaborative efforts with the public, the private sector, and intergovernmental organizations to improve information management. These efforts should be expanded to include priority setting for data collection and analysis, identification of the most useful formats for dissemination, and additional mechanisms...." (p. 59) The report calls for "international cooperation" and broad governmental networks to coordinate "comprehensive regional inventories and assessments of environmental, economic, and social indicators of progress." The public would be warned about "risk assessment" and taught "accurate information built on basic scientific research... needed for sound decisionmaking." (p.61) The truthfulness of this "accurate information" would depend on political expedience. As Stanford environmentalist Stephen Schneider said, "We'd like to see the world a better place... to get some broad-based support, to capture the public's imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts we might have...." (See Brave New Schools, chapter 5) The PCSD report calls for "policies that increase access to public information for all segments of society and encourage the development of the National Information Infrastructure."(p. 64) It wants "better tools for measuring the public value"-the community consensus and solidarity based on common goals and values called "social capital" by UN and World Bank leaders. To the PCSD, "information is useful only if citizens can put it into a framework of knowledge and use it to solve problems, form values, and make choices"-the right choices. For this "framework of knowledge" is the new global paradigm-the new way of thinking, believing, and deciding that turns traditional values, facts, and logic upside down. It's the bridge to the 21st Century and it burns the bridges to the past. This monstrous information management system is part of a global phenomenon. Already, "more than 100 nations have established national councils on sustainable development similar to the US President's Council on Sustainable Development." (p.160) Following UN guidelines for "information management," each nation guides its unsuspecting public toward global controls through deceptive propaganda in the name of "scientific research." The PCSD report was sent to me from the US Department of Education with a letter that stated, "The PCSD is now entering its implementation phase." Apparently, Executive Order 13011 is part that phase. As you ponder the significance of Executive Orders 13010 and 13011, remember what Al Gore wrote in Earth in the Balance: "Adopting a central organizing principle [saving the earth] means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy to halt the destruction of the environment.... Minor shifts in policy.. rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change-these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public's desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary." (p. 274, Emphasis added) The world is changing fast. If our globalist leaders win this battle, they will end the freedoms Americans have taken for granted. It's time to awaken our neighbors, pray to the only God who can reverse these trends, seek His guidance, and stand together against the forces that would mold our minds and control our lives. When we trust and follow Him, He makes us "more than conquerors." (Romans 8:37) # # # For practical information about the new education system designed to mold and monitor the minds of both children and parents, read Brave New Schools (Harvest House Publishers) by Berit Kjos. Available through Christian bookstores or call 800-829-5646. ***************** Prophe-Zine's News Bites Bio-Chip Update Gun Control Is Technologically Feasible By Rob Smith LOS ANGELES NEWSPAPER REPORTS Electronic Surveillance is Inevitable Douglas Hull didn't know he was paving the way for the antichrist when he started his company 13 years ago. "We just thought we were creating a new technology that helps lost pets get found," he said. Hull is chief operating officer of privately held Avid Inc. of Narco, which makes computer chips that are injected under pet's skin. Animal pounds with scanners "read" the chip to identify the owner of a missing pooch. Avid also makes electronic bracelets the U.S. Navy has used to identify refugees at Guantanamo Bay. To Hull and others, this is technological progress. To a small but vocal number of folks, it's something else: the devil's work. Those electronic identification devices, they say, will soon be used in people. They are, the argument continues, the "sign of the beast" warn of in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelations. "And he causeth all... to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads." "These (biochips) are a sign of impending possibilities, and will be fully instituted when we have an antichrist and a One World Government," said the Rev. Joseph Chambers, head of the Paw Creek Church in Charlotte North Carolina. Terry Cook, a former Los Angeles policeman who calls himself a Christian researcher or"the electronic enslavement undera New World Order," agrees "Most of these people (at highs tech companies) are good people who think they are just creatingadvanced technology," he said. "But what they are doing will eventually lead to our enslavement," Cook said. Among the companies viewed: with suspicion by the antichrist people is the apply name Hughes Identification Devices, 48 subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft. It already produces chips that end up in humans, though they're not directly implanted. Hughes Identification makes a rice-sized chip that Switzerland's LipoMatrix puts in its soybean-based breast implants. The chip can be scanned to learn who made the implant, the country of origin, the doctor who did the surgery and the product's distributor. Congress prompted companies to make such chips when it passed the Safe Medical Device Registration Act in 1990. The act requires that devices placed in the body be permanently marked with an identification number. What about Big Brother, Big Blue? Does the advanced technology being developed by huge chip maker International Business Machines Corp. include identity chips? No, says Mik King, a spokesman for IBM' Network Application Services Division in White Plains, N.Y. Still, the Bible-quoting critics don't go unnoticed by some makers of the products at issue. Avid's Hull said his company takes pains to avoid stringing three sixes together in issuing identity! numbers for its pet chips-a six hundred three score and six being the beast's number, according to Revelations. Not all my concern about implanted chips comes from Christian fundamentalists. Robert Ellis Smith, editor of the Privacy Journal in Providence, R.I., says he's not aligned with the Christian right but shares some of their apprehensions. There are one-way implications for putting these (identity devices) into humans-once you do it, you can't reverse it," Ellis said. He predicts that within a few years chipswill become increasingly common in paroles and Alzheimer's disease patients. Then there is the recent debate in Congress over ways to reduce illegal immigration. One proposal, in a bill sponsored by Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson and Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, is for a federal computer system that would check on the background of every person hired for a job. Arguing in favor of the bill,Florida Rep. Bill McCollum said the country needs a Gore tamper-proof" identification system than is in place today. One of the possibilities he mentioned was "a biometric identifier." Such things sound ominous indeed to Cook, the Christian researcher. Hitler used an identification system for Jews based on tattoos in the skin," Cook said. "What's coming is electronic identification rather than tattoos." Words__ of__ Caution There were words back in 1993 that legislators intend to pursue the use of biomedical chips placed in the palms of gun owners hands to assure that a gun _can not_ be fired unless it was in the hands of the person it was registered to. This is very technologically feasible today. They intend to start using this technique on police officers so that when they are apprehending a criminal and the criminal goes for the police officers gun it will render the gun useless. These chips will have a dual capability. One is to assure a safe weapon and the other is a mating transponder inside the weapon so that it can be located within inches of their stowed location. I believe they will call this "Affirmative Gun Control" a highly feasible concept with current technology and more so in the future.In a cashless society this is how everyone will pay their bills, shop for food, and be identified and located. "In the year 2510, everything you think, do, or say will be in the pill you took today." ++++++++++++++++++ No God for the Dems... Paula Demmers On August 30, 1996 ath 9:11 CST, at the National Democratic Committee Meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago, Illimois, C-Span gave live coverage as the Pledge to the flag was recited but.....SOMETHING WAS MISSING... " I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "UNDER GOD" was missing!! A spokesperson answering the phones for the convention, Steve Quaigman (sp?) replied to a concerned citizen from Louisiana: "We don't use that any more, I'm a teacher from New York and we don't use those words in New York schools anymore either, Some of us don't believe in God." He further stated that he was handling 6 telephone lines and didn't have time for stupid Christians like them and slammed the phone down. One citizen, a 26 year+ Veteran of the U.S. Military was told this was the "politically correct version" of the pledge to the flag. WAKE UP AMERICA! DOES THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY REPRESENT YOUR VALUES? Call the Democratic National Committee 202 863-8000 For your answer !! C-Span transcripts are available and usually replays events at later watch for this Again!!! ++++++++++++++++++ Israel In The News By: Lee Underwood Week Ending: September 7, 1996/Elul 23, 5756 "Consider the covenant; for the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence. Let not the oppressed return dishonored; let the afflicted and needy praise Thy name." Psalm 74.20-21 NETANYAHU MEETS WITH ARAFAT: On Wednesday, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Yassir Arafat met at the Erez Checkpoint in Gaza. The meeting, which was aired live on International Television, was billed as a large step towards the continuation and completion of the Israel- PA piece process. Netanyahu stated that he intends to honor agreements signed by the previous Labor Party government, including agreements signed regarding Hevron. The Prime Minister emphasized that all matters on all levels are open for discussion and they would be dealt with at the negotiating table. Labor MK Haggai Merom claimed that he has learned that Netanyahu made a secret promise to Arafat to execute the withdrawal from Hevron "soon," and not to establish new communities in YESHA. Arafat would not confirm or deny reports concerning a secret deal with PM Netanyahu. Ma'ariv reports that Zvi Katzover, head of the Kiryat Arba Council hung a black flag outside his home. "Netanyahu met with the one he himself called the master murderer - and for me this is a day of mourning," he explained. "He misled a large part of his voters. What we feared has come to pass. This is a black day for Israel. Whoever begins to give in will continue to do so until he gives up Jerusalem." (SNS, Galei Tzahal) SETTLERS TO BUILD: YESHA has responded to the Netanyahu-Arafat meeting by deciding to embark on a major building campaign - legally if possible, but illegally if not. Council Chairman Pinchas Wallerstein said that the council would wait no longer for a green light from the government and this would be a test concerning its intentions in the development of YESHA. Council spokeswoman Aliza Herbst said the council planned to start in places where there are already fully-approved building plans. These plans, which she said encompass "hundreds" of units, were frozen by the previous government, but could theoretically go ahead now that the cabinet has revoked the freeze - though the government still has the legal power to put a stop to them at any stage. Originally, Herbst said, the council had decided not to build these units without the government's explicit approval. However, in the words of an official press statement, the council was "shocked" by PM Netanyahu's decision to meet with Arafat, "while his promises to his constituents [such as building in the territories] remain unfulfilled." At an emergency meeting held late Wednesday night, it therefore decided it could wait no longer for the government's okay. Meanwhile, Minister of Infrastructure, Ariel Sharon, ordered that plans be prepared to build houses on plots released for construction on the Eastern slopes of the Golan Heights. In another story, Ha'Aretz reports Deputy Housing Minister, Meir Porush, ins tructed the team preparing a new map identifying "priority areas" to ignore the Jewish settlements because they are a "sensitive" matter whose future will be determined by the government. (Jerusalem Post, Arutz Sheva, IMRA) ARAFAT THREATENS TO DECLARE PALESTINIAN STATE: In a speech Saturday (8-31-96) in Shechem, Arafat said, "We will soon declare the lands of the Palestinian State. I say to Israel that if they do not carry out the agreement, we will have no other choice." However, on Thursday of this past week (9-5-96), PM Netanyahu vowed before the Likud central committee, "There never will be a Palestinian state between the sea and the Jordan." He also pledged that Jerusalem will never be redivided, that Jewish settlements "will remain forever and prosper," and that his government will move towards peace with security "at the proper speed, without reckless haste." In another story, Ha'Aretz reports security sources are concerned over reports that Yasser Arafat's new helicopters have been outfitted with radiation detectors. According to Israeli sources, Israel will not permit the helicopters to fly over Israel with the detectors. Meanwhile, Israel has transferred close to NIS 200 million ($63 million) over the last two years to a Tel Aviv bank account, which has been designated mainly for PA Chairman Arafat's discretionary spending, the Jerusalem Post has learned from non-Israeli and Israeli officials. The money, which has been nicknamed by some as "Fund B" or "the slush fund," consists of gasoline taxes which Israel is supposed to rebate to the PA as revenue for its operating budget. "It is known what amounts go into the Tel Aviv Bank Leumi account, but we just do not know what amounts go out and for what purpose," an official told the Post. "Apparently, there is a slice of the money that is supposed to and perhaps does make its way for the PA budget. Yet the fund is for Arafat's use and there is no question that the account operates outside of the framework of Palestinian Authority accountability." The PA could not be reached for a comment. Meanwhile, when asked how long this payment policy to the Tel Aviv account will continue, an official in the Prime Minister's Office said, "This matter is now being closely examined by the government and it will take appropriate action once all the details are uncovered." The existence of this unknown account has been known, not just to Israel but also to the estimated two dozen donor countries which provide funding to the PA. In fact, sources say, the donors wrote a formal letter to Arafat in April 1995 and asked him to "consolidate" the account into regular PA accounts, which are scrutinized by the international community. The existence of the account is also said to be known to US congressman Ben Gilman, head of the House International Affairs Committee, who is said to be waiting for an explanation of how the money in this account is being spent, before he releases the $10 million in US aid that he has been holding up since last fall. (SNS, Jerusalem Post, IMRA) HEVRON DISPATCH: On Friday, the Israeli government voted to create a team to guide plans for withdrawal from Hevron. The team will be led by PM Netanyahu, with participating Foreign Minister David Levy and Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai. Infrastructure Minister Ariel Sharon was excluded from the team, and made his disappointment known. The team will attempt to alter the withdrawal and redeployment plans to reflect the spirit of the Netanyahu government policy. Peace Now has announced the commencement of a Hevron campaign, designed at convincing the Israeli public that withdrawal from Hevron is 'good for everyone.' The Peace Now supporters have been critical of the government's procrastination regarding the redeployment from Hevron. The campaign will include a demonstration in Jerusalem, and a march in Hevron, as well as a meeting with Hevron Arabs. Galei Tzahal reports that members and supporters of Peace Now were stopped by Israel Defense Force (IDF) troops from holding a planned demonstration on Wednesday. Security forces stopped their bus north of Hevron at Gush Etzion Junction. They presented the demonstrators with a Military Order declaring the area a Closed Military Zone. (Jewish Community of Hevron, SNS) JERUSALEM UPDATE: Arutz Sheva has learned that PA employees are working feverishly to complete the construction of another mosque adjacent to the southern section of the Temple Mount. PM Netanyahu received word of this Friday. A restraining order has been served against the works and municipal officials visited the site Friday to ensure that the orders are being honored. The PA remain firm in their demand for an Israeli pullout from all of East Jerusalem and the closure of several PA offices in the city should not be seen as a change in the PA position, Faisal Husseini, the senior PLO official in Jerusalem, said Monday. "Israel must pull out of all East Jerusalem, in accordance with UN Resolution 242," Husseini told a press conference at Orient House, the PLO Headquarters in the city. "Israel must realize that on the issue of Jerusalem, it has not only the PLO Authority to deal with, but also the entire Arab world, and international community," which would back the PA claims to the city, Husseini said. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister David Levy warned Ireland, the current European Union (EU) president, not to send an EU delegation to visit Orient House in eastern Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Post reported. "We have reached an agreement that the political institutions of the Palestinians are no longer to be located in Jerusalem," Levy said. Kol Yisrael reported that the Foreign Minister discussed the issue in Dublin with Irish Foreign Minister Dick Spring. The EU rejected the appeal. Spring said that the EU adopted a resolution several weeks ago requiring foreign ministers of the EU's presidency to visit Orient House while in Israel. In another development, Ha'Aretz relates a report recently prepared by a senior security official and presented to the government reveals that approximately 100 apartments around Jerusalem have been rented by Jabril Rajoub's PA security forces. The apartments are used as offices for interrogations and other activities which are prohibited by the Oslo Agreements in those areas. The security source explained that it is difficult to prove that the PA forces are acting in the apartments because their neighbors in the villages fear them. Despite this, Israel does get information because the forces also are involved in settling local disputes and always settle in favor of their landlords - leading the losers in the disputes to turn to the Israelis to complain. While Israel has protested this massive illegal presence of Rajoub's forces around Jerusalem, the activity continues. (Jerusalem Post/SNS, IMRA) UN SYMPOSIUM ON "PALESTINE" HELD IN GENEVA: Delegates at the joint UN International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Meeting/European NGO Symposium on "Palestine", in Geneva have called on the international community, and specially the United Nations and the European Union, to urge Israel to observe its obligations under the Declaration of Principles and the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The groups declared that certain measures by the new Israeli Government had created new obstacles for the piece process which undermined confidence, generated insecurity among the Palestinian People and posed a threat to securing a just and lasting piece. A statement adopted by the NGOs at the end of the three- day international symposium said: "Although the resolution of the questions relating to Jerusalem, Israeli settlements and the right of return has been deferred to the permanent status negotiations, we NGOs clearly reaffirm their fundamental importance to any just and lasting piece. We firmly oppose any Israeli action designed to predetermine the final outcome of the talks". (UN Daily Highlights) TERRORISTS STOPPED: Galei Tzahal reports three Arabs were placed under arrest about a week ago and charged with conspiring to carry out attacks against Israeli targets. Among the sites that were targeted was the Zichron Kedoshim Synagogue, in the Jaffa area of Tel- Aviv. The Synagogue was reported to have been a mosque, once upon a time, and it was at the top of the list. A Jerusalem factory and other factories and synagogues in the Jaffa area of Tel-Aviv were also slated to be blown up. The suspects are said to have a connection with the Moslem Wakf, the authority responsible for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. One of the suspects is reported to be from the PLO-controlled town of Kalkilya. It is reported that they had 10 Molotov cocktails in their possession when arrested. Police stated they were caught early in their plans to commit the terrorist acts. Meanwhile, Army sources advise that there has been an increase in stone throwing by young Palestinians, including supporters of the agreement with Israel, with the encouragement of Hamas members, reports Ha'Aretz. In the last month over 100 incidents of stone throwing against settlers and Israeli security forces were recorded. (SNS, IMRA) EGYPTIANS WORRY OVER RETURN TO JEWISH FAITH: The Egyptian daily Al-Ghumhuriyya wrote that Israel is experiencing religious polarization. The paper in an editorial warned about the wave of individuals returning to the Jewish faith. The piece also charged that the haredi attack on the Supreme Court was one facet of an anti-Moslem surge. The episode also is indicative of the birth of a new establishment in Israel, a religious one that will dictate its terms to the government in the coming years, said Al-Ghumhuriyya. (Arutz Sheva) ISRAEL STANDS READY IN CASE OF SCUD ATTACK: Ha'Aretz reports security authorities have undertaken a number of technical measures to prevent Israel from being surprised by an Iraqi Scud attack. Air Force Commander Eitan Ben-Eliahu said that although the US attack on Iraq should not have any ramifications for Israel, the Air Force is always prepared for any possibility. Security officials now have direct access to information provided by American satellites. Israel had previously asked for access to this information but was refused. Former Minister of Defense and Aeronautics Engineer, Moshe Arens, stated that Israel is also following the events in Iraq via its new satellite, Ofek-3. Many hundreds of Israelis are not taking any chances: long lines formed at gas-mask distribution centers throughout the country as citizens came to refresh their family gas-mask kits. (Israel Line, Arutz Sheva, SNS) FIRE IN JERUSALEM CORRIDOR: An end-of-summer heat wave fed a simmering blaze Friday in forested kibbutzim and villages outside Jerusalem, which forced thousands of residents to evacuate. The blaze devoured more than 400 acres of forest and damaged 40 homes in at least two villages. Two people were hospitalized in Jerusalem for smoke inhalation and 11 others were treated on site. (AP) IN HIS OWN WORDS: "We have several options available, political, economic and social which we can exercise if Netanyahu's position does not change - among them is armed struggle, using the weapons which the Palestinian Authority has." Col. Mohammed Dahlan, Commander Palestinian Preventive Security. "Binyamin Netanyahu is a bigger Nazi than Hitler and more of a Zionist than [Ze'ev] Jabotinsky, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir." This quote was taken from a PA newspaper that is printed and distributed in PA- controlled Ram'Allah. It appeared in Tuesday's edition. (IMRA/Ha'Aretz, SNS) STEERING COMMITTEE TO MEET ON MONDAY: The Israeli- Palestinian Supreme Steering Committee will convene on Monday for the first time and focus on formulating working procedures and adopting an agenda for future talks, Ha'Aretz reported. According to an agreement between PM Netanyahu and PA Chairman Arafat, the steering committee will discuss the IDF redeployment in Hebron, the closure on the territories, and other security-related matters such as the operation of the Palestinian airport in Dahiniya. The committee is headed by former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron and PA member Sa'eb Arikat. The newspaper reported that the sides will establish a subcommittee to work on the Hevron redeployment. Arikat said the committee willdiscuss inviting observers from five new countries to join the current temporary group of international monitors in the city. The committee will discuss a location for the Joint Liaison Command Center near Hevron as well as the location for a joint patrol base. (Israel Line) F.Y.I. - Israel In The News Week Ending: September 14, 1996/Tishri 1, 5757 "And it will come about that just as you were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you that you may become a blessing. Do not fear; let your hands be strong" Zechariah 8.13 NETANYAHU TRAVELS TO US: Following his meeting with US President Clinton on Monday, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that Israeli-Syrian negotiations can be renewed if Damascus desires such talks, Kol Yisrael reported. Dr. Dore Gold, Netanyahu's foreign policy advisor, remained in Washington to work with US-Middle East Coordinator Dennis Ross on formulating a proposal to restart negotiations. Ross is expected to visit the Middle East next week. Negotiations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) were also discussed during Monday's meetings. The Prime Minister explained his views on the Israel Defense Force (IDF) redeployment in Hevron to US Secretary of State Christopher. Netanyahu said the two sides need to make corrections and revise security arrangements for areas slated to be transferred to Palestinian control. Netanyahu added that the Israeli-Palestinian negotiating agenda is now focusing on implementing the Interim Agreement. Netanyahu also visited New York this week and attended the 40th anniversary dinner of the Conference of Presidents Of Major Jewish Organizations on Tuesday night. VP Gore and Republican VP candidate Jack Kemp were also in attendance, and vied with each other over who was Israel's strongest supporter. Kemp talked of his many trips to Israel, heaped praise on Netanyahu, and vowed that a Dole White House would never pressure Israel into giving up the Golan Heights. Not to be outdone, Gore declared, "History will record that Israel has never had a better friend in the White House than President Bill Clinton. Just as we walked alongside Yitzchak Rabin in his quest for piece, so we will be proud to walk together with you, Mr. Prime Minister." Netanyahu called upon Jewish organizations and communities in the US to take part in a project for the "renaissance of the Jewish people." Netanyahu demanded that the US Jewish community invest a greater effort to thwart assimilation. Meanwhile, in an interview that appeared in Friday's (09-06-96) edition of Ma'ariv, Netanyahu said that he plans to "limit" the authorities of the Supreme Court. Sunday he clarified his commitment to the rule of law in the country and to the independence of the Supreme Court. However, he added that the issue of separation of powers is the subject of international debate, as well as within Israel, and that he was still studying it. (Israel Line, Arutz Sheva, Virtual Jerusalem) WAKF REFUSES TO STOP CONSTRUCTION ON TEMPLE MOUNT: Officials of the Moslem Wakf Authority, responsible for the Temple Mount of Jerusalem's Old City, refused to accept a "stop-building order" presented to them last week by Jerusalem Municipality Inspectors [see FYI 9-7-96-ed]. The Wakf Officials stated that the Jerusalem Municipality has no authority over them and the Temple Mount and they had no intention of complying with the order. They refused to accept the papers from the Municipality Officials. The Inspectors stuck the order on a wall, and left the area. Sheik Muchmad Hussein, responsible for the Temple Mount site, stated he sees this move by the Jerusalem Municipality as a direct affront to the Moslem worshipers. The Supreme Court Thursday considered the petition of the Temple Mount Faithful against the Jerusalem Police concerning the illegal Waqf construction activity on the Temple Mount. It became clear during the session that the Jerusalem municipality has not taken any action against the construction, despite a Supreme Court ruling obligating them to do so. Supervisors are to visit the Mount next week to document the activity. The authorities had earlier decided not to interfere with the Waqf construction for fear of "instigating unrest." (SNS, Arutz Sheva) HEVRON DISPATCH: The Hevron Press Office has learned from sources in New York that Tuesday evening, Netanyahu, at a meeting with major Jewish leaders, revealed that he has decided to follow through with the redeployment in Hevron as signed in the Oslo B Accords, excepting minor changes. At the meeting, Netanyahu declared that he will pull out of Hevron in three weeks time, immediately after Succot. The only change he has suggested from the original Peres-Arafat Accords is the allowance of IDF patrols in Palestinian-occupied territory, following the withdrawal. He explained to the group that these patrols will prevent Arab marksmen from sniping from the hills into the Jewish neighborhoods in the valley. When asked about the security dangers facing the Jewish residents of Hevron and the visitors to the city, he replied that there will not be a security danger and that 'everything will be OK.' The participants left the meeting shaken and shocked at what they heard. In the words of one of them, "Bibi has lost touch with the people. He has no idea that there will be a problem in Hevron after redeployment.' In a related development, Minister Raphael Eitan said during the program "Conference Call" that if there is an army withdrawal from Hevron, and if the Jewish Community faces security dangers, he will resign from the government and withdraw from the coalition. In a report from another source, Netanyahu indicated the long-delayed Israeli withdrawal from much of Hevron might not be too difficult to arrange. Netanyahu says he does not want major changes in the Hevron withdrawal plan approved by the previous Israeli government. Rather, he told the Jerusalem Post, he wants some "modifications" which he believes are important. PA Chairman Arafat, reluctantly agreed last week to discuss such "modifications" in the Hevron plan, but PA officials say they will not accept major changes. In another story, a protest tent began operation Sunday in Menorah park in Jerusalem, on behalf of Hevron. During the course of the week, various public figures will take up quarters at the tent, including rabbis and Likud members, who will appeal to the Prime Minister not to carry out the withdrawal from Hevron. On Wednesday, the Hevron Jewish Community sent a telegram to the Government of the United States via the US Embassy in Tel-Aviv. In the telegram, the Jewish Community asked US President Clinton to stop pressuring Israel to pull out of Hevron and pointed out that it is inappropriate for the US to interfere in internal Israeli affairs. Meanwhile, Ha'Aretz reports Israel has decided to extend the mandate of the Norwegian observer force in Hevron for another month. The 60 man force came to Hevron two months ago to supervise the IDF and the Palestinians regarding the redeployment. This is the second time that the mandate has been extended. (VOA, IMRA, Arutz Sheva, The Voice in the Field News Service) CARAVANS STOPPED: The IDF halted a convoy of ten caravans Wednesday that were intended to be used for classrooms in the Judean community of Alon Shvut. The drivers of the caravans, which were on their way from Be'er Sheva northwards, were halted at an IDF checkpoint near Beit Haggai, as the drivers did not have the necessary permits. Earlier in the afternoon, another seven caravans were delayed for three hours outside of Beitar Illit, but this was more of a technical matter. Moshe Yogev, treasurer of Amana, the organization responsible for the populating of the Yesha communities, said, "Apparently the lower echelons have not yet understood that there is a new government with new policies." Pinchas Wallerstein, Chairman of the Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) Council, said that he hopes that the caravans will be allowed to pass, but if not, "We have our own routes to get the caravans to their destination." Meanwhile, IDF OC Central Command and OC Southern Command leaders signed orders setting procedures for the authorization of settlement construction and expansion in the territories, Ha'Aretz reported. Members of Yesha expressed disappointment with the order, calling it "cumbersome, complex, at times incomprehensible, and complicating the development of settlements in Judea and Samaria." In a related story, Ha'Aretz reports a "senior official" on the Netanyahu plane [a code word frequently used for Netanyahu himself-ed] told reporters that Israel will coordinate its actions with the United States and involve America in the fine details of its decisions in order to insure understanding and prevent damaging surprises - even on matters in which there is disagreement - like the settlements. (Arutz Sheva, IMRA) CHURCH LEADERS CONDEMN GOV'T POLICIES: The patriarchs and heads of Christian parishes in Jerusalem issued a statement recently, condemning Israeli policies which they believe impede the piece process. The joint statement criticized the closure imposed on Jerusalem, denying Christians and Moslems the right to pray in mosques and churches in the city. The churches also said they opposed Jewish settlement expansion, saying that the new Israeli government was being manipulated by a small group of extremists. Lastly the statement condemned the demolition by Israel of Arab homes. The churches said that denying Arabs the right to build and then demolishing their [illegally built] homes was unconscionable behavior. The church leaders called on parishioners to pray for peace in the region. (SNS) ISRAELI-SYRIAN PIECE TALKS: The US will soon forward proposals to Damascus to restart Israeli-Syrian negotiations. The new proposal, drafted during Netanyahu's visit last week in the US and currently being finalized with Jerusalem, states that Israel will take into consideration former understandings achieved during negotiations with Syria. The term "recognize" former understandings was not included. The development of the proposal comes after reports, confirmed by sources, that PM Rabin made a conditional promise to President Clinton that Israel would withdraw from the Golan to the June 4, 1967 borders as part of a piece treaty, once Israel was satisfied with Golan-related security arrangements and normalization. However, on his return flight from the US, Netanyahu told reporters "Our position is that the Golan Heights will remain under Israeli control." US Middle East Coordinator Dennis Ross will visit the region next week and is scheduled to make calls in Jerusalem, Cairo and the Gaza Strip. If the proposal to renew negotiations is completed, Ross is also expected to stop in Syria to present the formula to President Hafez el-Assad. A-Theora, the Syrian government's official newspaper, stated that Damascus will not agree to renewing negotiations until Netanyahu accepts all understandings reached with the previous government. Meanwhile, the Syrian army has continued with its unusual troop movements in Lebanon and Syria, and the IDF is closely watching the redeployment because it is unlike anything it has seen for a long time. Reports from Lebanon said Syrian troops had pulled out of several positions in and around Beirut which they have occupied for years. Syria has about 30,000 troops in Lebanon. IDF intelligence analysts do not believe the redeployment indicates a dramatic change in Syrian assessment or that it is preparing an attack. According to the London- based newsletter Foreign Report, Syrian army engineers are also reported to be working "feverishly" to build combat positions in the demilitarized zone of the Golan Heights, in contravention of the 1974 disengagement agreement brokered by former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger following the Yom Kippur War. This is the first time that Syria has flouted the agreement, and UNDOF, which monitors the zone, is preparing a report on the activities of the Syrian engineers for UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and members of the Security Council. (Israel Line, Arutz Sheva, Virtual Jerusalem, Jerusalem Post, ZINC) EGYPT PRACTICES INVASION OF SINAI: Al Ahram reports the largest armed forces exercise in Egypt's history. The exercise, code named Badr-96, involves coordinated operations by land, air and naval forces. Badr-96 is divided into three stages to cover what military sources termed "all possible theaters of operation." While the first two stages are geared to test Egypt's ability to respond to invasions from the South and the North, the third stage practices a massive Egyptian offensive into Sinai. The invasion into the Sinai by troops from the 2nd and 3rd Armies is termed the most important of the three stages of the exercise. According to the report, the exercise is designed to test the ability of Egypt to stage a massive night time crossing of the Suez Canal under heavy enemy air attacks. Egypt hopes to learn from the experience how long it would take to complete the crossing under heavy resistance. After the Egyptian crossing, a mock battle will be carried out to simulate a head-to-head armored battle in Sinai against the enemy. The working assumption of the exercise is that the enemy would enjoy air superiority and might use weapons of mass destruction. Egypt will also practice using electronic warfare methods during the exercise to disrupt communications. Western equipment to be used in the exercise includes: F-16 jet fighters and Mirage 2000, Apache, Gazelle and M1-8 helicopters, C-130 transports, E2C early warning aircraft, M-1 A-1 Abrams and M-60 tanks, M-113 armored personnel carriers, Chaparral, Crotale and TOW missiles and German GPS floating craft. Russian equipment includes T-54 and t-55 tanks and MiG 21's. The exercise follows last week's joint naval maneuvers, Morgan-2, staged by Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea. (IMRA) HUSSEINI AT IT AGAIN: In an appearance on Syrian Television, on the English language interview program "Focus", PLO Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Faisal Husseini was asked what the boundaries of Palestine are. In response, Husseini replied that all Palestinians agree that the "just boundaries" of Palestine are the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. He explained that, realistically, whatever can be obtained now should be accepted and that subsequent events, perhaps in the next fifteen or twenty years would present an opportunity to realize the just boundaries of Palestine. Husseini was interviewed in Damascus during his visit there. (IMRA) JERUSALEM UPDATE: The three PA-affiliated offices reported to be operating inside the Jerusalem limits are still operating according to Minister of National Infrastructure Arik Sharon and an Army Radio investigation. Deputy Minister of Housing Rabbi Meir Porush, stated that to the best of his knowledge, the offices remain operational. Rabbi Porush stated that the PLO Ministry of Religious Affairs continues to operate on the Temple Mount as do the PLO Offices inside the East Jerusalem Orient House. Minister of Internal Security Avigdor Kahalani stated that the offices were shut down. PLO Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Faisal Husseini denies the allegations that the PA is attempting to deceive Israel. It is being alleged that the offices reported closed have moved to, and now operate in the PLO-controlled Orient House in East Jerusalem. Regarding the closing of PLO offices in Jerusalem, the Prime Minister told Channel 2 Television Sunday night, "It could be that I was given incorrect information on this matter. The matter is being looked into again." Shmuel Meir, deputy mayor of Jerusalem, stated that the offices are in fact operating. Meanwhile, members of the Knesset Interior Committee toured the Orient House in Jerusalem Sunday morning. However, three of its members refused to enter the building after they discovered that the Jerusalem police would not accompany them into the building. MK Elon told Arutz Sheva that it is clear that the Orient House has an "ex-territorial" status. In another story, State Attorney General Michael Ben-Yair has announced he will be moving ahead with the indictment against Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert. Olmert is being charged with campaign fraud dating back to the 1988 Municipal Elections. It is alleged that Olmert, who was the Likud Party Treasurer at the time, gave out fictitious receipts from an advertisement firm that was set up to launder campaign donations. Ben- Yair has spent some time investigating the facts and also met with Olmert personally before reaching his decision to hand down an indictment. (Channel 2 TV News, SNS) PA SLUSH FUND UPDATE: The PA has acknowledged that its gas-tax revenues are being refunded by Israel into a Bank Leumi account operating outside of the PA Budget [see FYI 9-7-96-ed]. Page three of a document about the PA's financial situation, signed by the PA Finance Ministry and distributed by the PA to all donor countries at their meeting in Washington last Thursday (9-5-96) says: "The PA is also considering integrating the 'petroleum excise account' at Bank Leumi, as well as the excise tax account in the "West Bank", into the Ministry of Finance's Budgetary Operations." The wording clearly suggests that there is a second non-budgeted account in the "West Bank", but details could not be confirmed. The PA Finance Ministry report flies in the face of World Bank Officials, who unanimously claimed last week that the account is actually Arafat's personal money, since the report plainly states that the money in question is tax revenue transferred by Israel. (Jerusalem Post/SNS) POPULATION INCREASE DROPS: On the eve of 5757, Israel's population stands at some 5,716,000, the Central Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. Some 4,620,000 residents (80.8%) are Jewish, with 835,000 (14.6%) Moslems, 166,000 (2.9%) Christians, and 95,000 (1.7%) Druse. The population increased by 141,000 over the last 12- months, or 2.5%, a drop from 2.6% last year. The percentage of new immigrants among the yearly increase dropped to 40% from 42%. 70,500 new immigrants arrived in Israel during the past Jewish year of 5756. Some 58,000 of them are from the CIS (the former Soviet Union). A spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said that since the beginning of the present wave of immigration in September 1988, a total of 746,500 new olim have arrived in the country, including more than 640,000 from the CIS. (Jerusalem Post/SNS, Arutz Sheva) THE TERROR CONTINUES: Yediot Achronot reports the PA Secret Police have apprehended a Gaza youth who was sold by his father to Hamas to carry out a suicide attack against Israel. The boy's father received money to feed his family in exchange for his son. The incident was reported to PM Netanyahu by Yassir Arafat at their meeting at the Erez Checkpoint last week. Arafat explained that if the closure on Gaza continues, the poverty and unemployment will only rise, leading to increased tensions. Meanwhile, the Hamas terrorist organization has called upon Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to renew the "People's Army" and the struggle, including attacks against Israeli targets. This to prevent the "continued expansion of Jewish settlements." In another story, Arab factions have begun talking to each other in preparation for a comprehensive national dialogue. The PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and the Fatah Movement (Arafat's terrorist wing within the PLO, inside Israel and abroad) are engaging in talks aimed at reaching a common, unified stand to face the challenges of the future. The DFLP and PFLP are looking for a general review of the PLO negotiating process since the Madrid conference as well as the restructuring of all PLO institutions. They are asking for all Arab factions to be included in the national dialogue. Fatah has also called for immediate dialogue with all factions. Ha'Aretz reports there has recently been an increase in rock throwing incidents against IDF soldiers. Military sources attribute the increase in tension in the territories to the delays in the redeployment in Hevron. (SNS) DAYLIGHTS SAVINGS TIME ENDS: Daylight Saving Time in Israel will end at midnight (21:00 GMT) between Sunday and Monday. At that time, clocks will be turned back one hour. (Jerusalem Post) ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: According to an Associated Press report, Israeli forces launched air and ground attacks Friday to thwart guerrilla infiltration in southern Lebanon, killing at least one rebel. Lebanese security sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said US-built Apache helicopter gunships strafed suspected Hizb'Allah guerrilla trails on the edge of the Israeli-occupied Security Zone in southern Lebanon. The Israeli military command said one Hizb'Allah terrorist was killed and possibly another one wounded in an encounter with Israeli forces on the edge of the enclave. The command said there were no Israeli casualties. Meanwhile, Hizb'Allah's leader said Friday that his party would carry out suicide attacks if Israel launched any military action against Lebanon or Syria. (Washington Post) SEDITION CONVICTION: A resident of a community in the Southern Hevron Hills area, David Blackson, was sentenced to 21-days in jail, after being found guilty of sedition, according to a report by Ma'ariv. Blackson was charged after being interviewed by foreign press. He was quoted as saying, "I hope that the nation of Israel will fight against the Satan Islam and the Arab hold over Israel." (SNS) UN COMMITMENT TO PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD: The Bureau of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has expressed its satisfaction at the resumption of the Israeli- Palestinian peace negotiations. In a statement, the Bureau welcomed the meeting between, Yasser Arafat and PM Netanyahu, as an important step towards the full implementation of the agreements already reached between the two sides. "The Bureau reiterates the Committee's strong support for the current peace process, and its determination to spare no effort in promoting the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and statehood," the statement said. (UN Daily Highlights) Send comments to Lee Underwood at: Archives located at: Note: The word "peace" is not misspelled in this document. When used in conjunction with the Middle East process, it is correctly spelled "piece"-ed. ============================================================== Lee Underwood "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet" Isaiah 62:1 ============================================================== +++++++++++++ Smart Card Update I wanted to show you all this article and the www site address to a very interesting site. This is for the MARC card ID card the Military is going to. This will hold all your records and act as a cash card as well at the PX, DX Military Stores, etc. I thought that the name was pretty interesting myself... doesnt Rev 13:16-18 say somthing about a marc? --Ray PZ -- From: Department of Defense MULTI-TECHNOLOGY AUTOMATED READER CARD (MARC) What is MARC? The Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card (MARC) is an individually carried smart card that has several media: a standard 3 of 9 bar code, magnetic stripe, embossed data, printed information (including a digital photograph), and an Integrated Circuit (IC) computer chip. The combination of several media on one credit card-sized device gives the MARC its versatility: it can interface with a variety of technologies and systems, from rudimentary imprinting machines to computer systems that use IC chips as data carriers. Note: Click for sample picture (front and back). MARC and Global Personnel Decision Support The objective of Global Command and Control System (GCCS) is to give warriors real time decision support information. The goal of the MARC program is to develop a prototype that improves commanders' ability to access the information they need when they need it. MARC will accomplish this by serving as the key to a family of databases related to personnel control. As a result MARC will enable warfighters to improve personnel asset management by: enhancing warriors' ability to access GCCS at all levels: giving efficiencies of decentralized data manipulation without reliance on global connectivity; giving functional process owners, including the individual, control of data processing; eliminating manual data entry. MARC Prototype DoD plans to evaluate the MARC as a prototype system in several functional areas related to personnel control: Field Medical Documentation. The field medical evaluation will assess the ability of the MARC IC chip to record, revise, and transfer medical treatment data across echelons of care in the field for both mass casualty and field outpatient treatment. Mobility/Readiness Processing. The evaluation will assess the use of MARC IC chip to store the up-to-date readiness information such as personal, legal, medical and other data that the soldier must have current prior to deployment. Manifesting. This evaluation will use the MARC IC chip and bar code to create real-time manifest records of military personnel as they board and disembark from aircraft or ships. Accountability. This evaluation will use the MARC IC chip and bar code to create real-time accountability reports for military personnel in the field or garrison, allowing commanders to track personnel location and status. Food Service Head Count. This evaluation uses the MARC magnetic stripe to replace the current paper meal card. Automated collection and reporting of meal headcount data and the ability for the diner to pay by payroll deduction are supported. CHCS Patient Reception. The evaluation will assess the ability of the MARC bar code to automate and improve the accuracy of patient admission processes within Military Treatment Facilities (MTF). Many potential future applications have been identified for use of the MARC. These include use of the MARC for providing In-Transit Visibility of patients through TRANSCOM Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES); personal equipment accountability; various peacetime medical functions including wellness, patient administration, and credentialing; access control; Women's, Infant's, and Children's (WIC) benefits; and many more. Additional information is available on the MARC Prototype Project and Technical Specifications. DoD/VA Sharing Opportunities with MARC. MARC presents an opportunity to take a comprehensive look at sharing medical data between VA and DoD. By acting as a portable data storage device for shared information, and as a key to information systems such as CHCS and DHCP in both departments, MARC could: Enhance VA/DoD interoperability and coordination, Foster more effective resource utilization, Enable the seamless transition of DoD patients to VA medical care in peace and in war. MARC Points-of-Contact For more information about MARC, please contact one of the following individuals: Mr. Michael Noll , OASD (C3I) Room 1C255 Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301; Phone:(703) 614-l996/2196 ; Fax:(703) 614-6943 ; E-mail: LTC Romano , PM MARC Phone:(317) 542-3811; DSN: 699-3811; Fax:(317) 542-3804 MAJ Corey Kirschner, Joint Staff (J-4 (MRD)) Phone:(703) 697-4421; DSN: 227-4421; Fax:(703) 697-0510; E-mail: Mr. Tom Gregg, 3-G International, Inc. Phone:(703) 824-4968; Fax:(703) 824-5230 ; E-mail: +++++++++++++++ FYI: Clinton addresses the UN By: Paula Demmers The UN's general session opens 17, September. Clinton is scheduled to address the General Assembly on Monday, 23, September. I wonder what he is going to talk about. Anyone who finds out, let us know, OK? --Paula-- +++++++++++ REPORT FROM DESPATCH MAGAZINE From: Wendy Beuster Dear Fellow Believers NEW...UPDATED... REPORT FROM DESPATCH MAGAZINE - 9th. September, 1996. MORE INFORMATION ON GUNS, US TROOPS. JOHN HOWARD, PRIME MINISTER, ON THE TODAY SHOW: John Howard, the Prime Minister, Liberal, commented to Steve Leibman on the Today Show that all semi-automatic weapons would be totally outlawed, even 22 calibre rifles. The Australian newspaper said there would be a six month only amnesty, with a new tax levy to fund the buy back of guns. Heavy fines and even jail terms would be given to any person who failed to hand in their weapons. Howard wants a mandatory sentence for possessing a weapon. You will not have to commit a crime to go to jail, just keep a weapon. Said the Australian: "if you think shot guns are not next, then all bolt action 22's - you delude yourself. This is the start of the total ban the Federal Government passed into law a few years ago." THE LEGISLATION STATES: "The importation of all firearms, except those listed below - pistols, rifles, shotguns, tear gas launchers and specialist equipment that are to be used by defense and law enforcement...." This would mean total disarmament forever! In the Adelaide Advertiser of August 9,1996, there was an estimate given of 50,000 military firearms that would disappear in SA(South Australia) alone because the Federal Government will not even pay any compensation to the owners of firearms that are unregistered. This interesting piece of news appeared in South East Christian Witness: " is almost impossible at present to purchase large diameter irrigation style poly pipe in the South East. Virtually every stockist of this, and similiar type pipe, has sold out. It does not take a college education to realise where it has gone. It is underground! But I would hazard a guess the pipes are not filled with water!" All states, it appears at this stage, will pay compensation to gun owners, except SA. The police minister there has said that they are "not prepared to pay people to break the law. They should hand in those firearms now without compensation. They are breaking the law." Police, the gun lobby and politicians have condemned the move. It is feared that not compensating gun owners might lead to an illegal trade in firearms, with SA (South Aust.) owners wanting money and selling unregistered weapons in blackmarket deals. After four months in the amnesty, owners who still retained their guns will face fines of up to $20,000, or a four year jail term. Victoria, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and South Australia have registration which requires all newly banned weapons to be registered. The first three states will offer compensation to those who own unregistered guns, they will not be prosecuted for handing in those guns, if they have not been used in a crime or have been stolen. The Victorian Government, Herald-Sun, Sunday August 11, 1996, said that the Victorian Government will have vans which will be used as mobile units to collect surrendered guns. The vans will have power saws to cut the weapons up, and the vices to crush them. The owners will get a government cheque on the spot. THE USA TROOPS HERE: It is reported [by soldiers] that 30,000 marines are in Perth.(but we had heard via news services, these marines are coming and going, not stationed here.) 7,000 are also in other parts of Australia. People have reported them as being in Victoria, Queensland - as far north as Townsville. "The top-secret spy satellite base at Pine Gap will be upgraded as part of proposals to strengthen the US-Australia alliance. For the first time, the US will be sending what one diplomat described as a trifecta of top officials for the meeting: Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Defense Secretary William Perry and Joint chiefs of Staff chairman General John Shalikashvilli." SECW, August, 1996. [note here the Despatch Vol.8:3 report of Downer & Fisher�s meeting with Christopher in the US, during the height of the Gun debate.] A FEW DISTURBING DEVELOPMENTS: The disarming of the population is occurring here in conjunction with the basing of US peacekeeping troops, who could be used if massive unrest happens and law and order breaks down. It appears to us that there may be things about to go on which we will not like, and so it appears we are having our weapons removed so that we can be made to submit. In Brisbane, September 6th 1996, Dr, Norman Myers [from the UK] spoke in our Town Hall. He said he was on his way to speak to the Federal Government re. the `population explosion�, and the need to protect the environment. Myers advocates the issuing of licenses to have children, he is part of the plan to reduce the population of the globe from 6 billion to 2 billion! Myers composed the environmental side of `Gaia Atlas of Future Worlds�[which is in all our Australian Schools], he is an advisor to the World Bank, the World Resources Institute and various UN agencies. The International Peace Research Association [IPRA] met in Brisbane recently, Nobel prize Laureates were there, Gen. Sec, of UNESCO also. All these matters may be unrelated, but one wonders? Wendy B. Howard...Editor of Despatch... -- ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> W.B. Howard...Director & Editor of Despatch Magazine Endtime Ministries/Christian Resource Center [pub.Q'rtly.Despatch mag.], which exposes the Infiltration of the N.A.N.W.O. in our Churches and Society in General. ============================================================= Visit our Aussie site: ============================================================= Jesus said: " I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me." Jn.14:6 <@}}}>< <@}}}>< <@}}}>< <@}}}>< <@}}}>< <@}}}>< ++++++++++++ Isreal in the News As Reported By: Arutz Sheva News Service REQUEST TO ORDER CITY TO STOP TEMPLE MOUNT CONSTRUCTION The Temple Mount Loyalists organization have appealed to the Supreme Court to order the Jerusalem Municipality, the Attorney General, and the Jerusalem Police to enforce the order that forbids construction on the Temple Mount. The authorities had earlier decided not to interfere with the Waqf construction currently being carried out on the Mount for fear of "instigating unrest." RABIN PROMISED TO GIVE OVER ENTIRE GOLAN The late Prime Minister Rabin promised the Syrians that Israel would withdraw from the entire Golan, in exchange for all of the security precautions requested by Israel. This was revealed by the daily newspaper Yediot Acharonot, which published today a chapter from a new book by journalist Orli Azulai-Katz about the defeat of the Labor party in the recent elections. In her book, entitled "The Man who Didn't Know how to Win," Azulai-Katz claims that Shimon Peres found out about the concession only hours before Rabin's funeral. President Clinton, upon arriving in Israel for the funeral, asked Peres if he was planning to stand by Rabin's commitment; Peres immediately called in senior Defense Ministry officials to find out what had transpired on the Syrian track. In a related item, MK Yosi Beilin (Labor) claimed today that Syria is not interested in peace with Israel. Beilin said that if Syria had been interested in peace in exchange for the Golan, a peace agreement would have been signed long ago. +++++++++++++++++ Judge Redefines Roles of Parents Paula Demmers Isn't this just great? No responsability for our children when we drop them off at school. Even without the UN "Treaty of the Rights of the Child", they took control. Excuse my language, but who the HELL do they think they are? --Paula-- JUDGE REDEFINES ROLE OF PARENTS: (American Family Association Journal, September 1996, page 9) It's official. Public schools are now the parents for our children, at least according to a federal judge. Federal district Judge Melinda Harmon made that determination in a Texas case where a child was questioned by Children's Protective Services (CPS) officials without his parents' knowledge. During that interrogation, the boy was forces to strip so a female CPS Worker could check for signs of the paddling the boy's parents allegedly administered. When the youth's family found out about the case, they immediately filed suit against the school district. In finding for the school district, Judge Harmon ruled that "parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school." **************** Our Statement of Faith Here at Prophe-Zine THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano