Prophe-Zine, Issue # 20 June 1, 1996 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 20 David Wilkerson.....God's Vision For the Last-Day Church! Wayne Merritt.........Maritime Law and the First Beast Thomas S. McCall, Th.D.....Israel and the Church: the Differences, But Don't Rust! Paula Demers.......The New Age--The Old Lie Prophe-Zine News Bites ....Assorted News sources and faithful readers Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly) Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site. Address: The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1996 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, , Color-It, JPEGview, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1. The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ***************************** Welcome to Issue # 20 Hello All, Once again thank you for subscribing to Prophe-Zine....your one source for Bible Prophecy, World Events and Politics. BOY...has it been ever busy! Does it seem like prophetic happenings are just speeding up or is it just me? What about those elections in Israel? Bibi is in the lead so far, on Sunday June 2nd we will know for sure who won. What about the Peres administration cutting a deal with the PLO to split Jerusalem? (See the news bites) Also what about that May 5th news article from Chicago calling for Bio-Chip implants (PZ # 19). Thingsare happening so fast it does not give one's self a chance to even take a breath. I tell everyone I know that serving the Lord is like and "E" Ticket ride at Disneyland....well these last few weeks have been just that. A lot has happened to me these last few days and I really need prayer. My job has cut my hours in half from 40 to 20 hours a week. This means my pay will be cut in half. We serve a loving God and I know that He will supply all my needs, I pity those who do not know the Lord and how much He does care for us. It is times like this that we really see the Lord work in our lives. Now the good news....It seems that the Lord is already opening doors for me. It seems He wants me to move in the direction of web designer. I have been having people contact me to help them develop a web site or "spice up" their old sites. Isn't if funny how our Heavenly Father works? SOoo...If you or anyone you know needs a web site designed, please let me know and pass them my email I am looking for a small number of people and companies to do web sites for FREE. I am doing this so that I can put together a "portfolio" of websites for customers to see my work. The Lord has also opened the door to me for a wonderful 3-D Graphic artist (hi Ed) who is also helping me in the graphics area. Together we are trying to start something up. I am really trying to concentrate our efforts on helping the Christian business man / woman in getting the word out about their products or service, in that, I am going to keep my prices very low to help my fellow brother and sister in the Lord. So tell all your friends, family, church members, co-workers, anyone who might need a web site built for them about Ray and Ed's web design. Ok now that the advertisement is over....on to PROPHE-ZINE!!!!! Again I want to thank those who have shared PZ with others and have allowed Prophe-Zine to minister to others. Here are just a few of the kudos letters I have gotten from some of you.... -- --- --- --- --- From: Subject: you are truly blessed! I would like to commend you on your efforts to inform the masses on Bible prophecy. Your PZ's have had excellent information on events of the world compared to the Bible. I just received your urgent news letter on the UN in the schools. Boy, does that hit the heart to know where we are in time. I can't say that there is anything happening like that up here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. But if I hear of anything you'll be the first to know. --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- From: Steve VanSlyke I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate your ministry. I was excited to find Prophe-Zine, and think it is doctrinally sound. I am a member of the Republic - Community Bible Church in Republic WA. I am sure we can use this resource to further the work of the lord in Republic. Thanks again, your brother in Christ; Steve. --- ---- ---- ---- --- --- From: Chaz Cuda Subject: Subscription to Prophe-Zine I was thrilled when I came across your site, I have been getting involved in studying the prophesy of the end times and find Prophe-Zine very informative. Please put me on your mailing list! Thanks! If Prophe-Zine has helped you in spreading the gospel, please drop me a note and let me know. I need to hear from the front lines and how our Lord's soldiers are fighting the battle. I am just so honored that the Lord has allowed me the chance to partake in the battle and equipping you, the soldiers, with Prophe-Zine. So until we meet here on this earth or in the air with our Lord... Always in His service, Ray PZ ************************ God's Vision For the Last-Day Church! By David Wilkerson From: Times Square Church Pulpit Series May 23, 1994 I want to share with you what I believe is God's vision for His last-day church. It is a vision based on the revealed Word of God -- because the Bible clearly outlines what the church of Jesus Christ will be like just prior to His coming. Certainly, the church in America is far from what God has envisioned it to be. In fact, most of what we see going on today in the name of Christ is an abomination. Yet, there are remnant churches scattered throughout this nation and around the world that live up to God's holy standards. They lead holy lives, preach righteousness, believe in supernatural works. These churches are alive, full of the Spirit of God, and are impacting lives and entire communities for Jesus. But, for the most part, entire denominations today operate without the Holy Spirit. They are devoid of the presence of Jesus, bankrupt of all spiritual gifts. They practice a form of religion without any power, conviction or saving message. They are cozy with the world and are more political than spiritual. They appease sin -- coddling homosexuals, winking at divorce, ridiculing the supernatural, tossing aside all teachings about heaven, hell, repentance and judgment. Such churches wonder if God is even alive. They are so cold, weak and timid, the world scoffs at them! They have no influence, no respect, no impact on society whatsoever. *But the New Testament church made devils tremble!* It drove legions of demons into the abyss, prayed prison doors open, made rulers cringe in fear. No weapon could prosper against it! Those early believers had such faith and power that cripples rose up leaping, beggars became evangelists. They believed in the supernatural -- and they opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears and healed all manner of diseases. They even raised the dead! I am not saying God's last-day church will be a repeat or copy of the first- century church. No -- *I am saying it will be even greater than that!* It will be mightier, stronger, with an even greater revelation of Jesus. It will have a greater unction from the Spirit than ever -- greater even than at Pentecost! God always saves His best wine for last! The prophet Daniel confirms this. He said certain prophetic truths were locked up, only to be revealed in the last days: **************************************************************** "...for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end....and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand" (Daniel 12:9-10). **************************************************************** God's people are going to begin to understand *new things in his Word!* These things are already in the Bible; they simply haven't been revealed in fullness. And Daniel said he saw these things but couldn't understand them, even with all his divine wisdom: "And I heard, but I understood not..." (verse 8). *But today the Holy Spirit has revealed these things to spiritual, discerning saints!* ****************************************************************** " it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). ****************************************************************** The Holy Ghost abides in us to reveal these hidden things to us! Right now the Lord is preparing a powerful yet humble army of shepherds after His own heart. And He also is preparing a remnant congregation of hungry sheep who have turned away from the deadness and sin of the modern church establishment. The scene is being set for that church against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. It will be hot, not lukewarm -- and it will rock the very foundations of hell. No power on earth will be able to ignore or despise it! Here is what I see in the Scriptures as God's vision for this last-day remnant church: 1. Once Again the Gospel Is Going to Be "Fully Preached"! You may not want to accept my next statement. But, as I see it, *the gospel of Jesus Christ has not been "fully preached" in this generation!* Except for the ministries of a few righteous men and women of God, the gospel we hear today is not what Paul said is a gospel "fully preached." Paul could say to his generation: "...I have fully preached the gospel of Christ" (Romans 15:19). And he described this "fully preached" gospel as one that is much more than words. It is a gospel of *words and deed!* ****************************************************************** "For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient in word and deed..." (verse 18). ****************************************************************** Paul was saying, "The Gentiles turned to Christ not because of my preaching alone -- but because my words were accompanied by miraculous deeds!" ****************************************************************** "Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ" (verse 19). ****************************************************************** If Paul had preached and taught without signs and wonders following, his message would not have had its full impact. It would not have been the gospel *fully preached!* He said to the Corinthians, "Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds" (2 Corinthians 12:12). Note Paul's words in this verse: *signs, wonders, mighty deeds.* Most Christians today cringe when they hear them! Why? *It is because these words have been made an abomination by unscrupulous, power-hungry preachers and teachers!* For the past forty years we have witnessed a grievous perversion of the fully preached gospel. Many intelligent, Christ-loving believers have been shocked or chagrined by the mockery and misuse of supernatural workings by impostors who have set themselves up as figures of faith and power. These liars have turned the fully preached gospel into acts of pride and personal gain. You see them being blasted on television and in newspapers. You see hucksterism, theatrics, phony healings, unsubstantiated claims, money- grabbing, exaggerations -- all so abominable in God's eyes. It has been one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the church! Yet, as if these perversions weren't enough, along came the "prosperity gospel," which added to the perversion. Basically, accepting Christ meant "winning the lottery"! It meant having the promise of wealth -- cars, clothes, houses, land. Whatever a believer "spoke into existence" was to become reality in his life. Even worse, this gospel portrayed Jesus as some wine-guzzling sports fanatic who loves to dote on His "kids"! The biggest tragedy of all is that these very perversions have caused many God-fearing pastors, evangelists and laypeople to turn away from the truth of a fully preached gospel. They want nothing to do with signs, wonders or miracles. *Yet, beloved, God is still God -- and He is mighty in working miracles and wonders!* He is still our healer -- and He wants to show Himself strong on behalf of those who trust in Him! Great supernatural workings took place in the New Testament church without any perversions -- without advertising, showmanship, or any person claiming all the power and authority. The ministry of Paul provides an example: At Troas, Paul preached such a long message, a young man named Eutychus fell asleep while sitting on a window sill. The boy fell three stories to the ground -- and the Bible says Eutychus *"was taken up dead"* (see Acts 20:5- 12). When Paul arrived on the scene below, he quieted everyone. Then he did as Elijah had done: He stretched himself out over the dead lad. Suddenly, life came back into Eutychus. The boy had resurrected -- raised from the dead! *What a mighty miracle!* Now, after this happened, Paul didn't send everyone out to spread the news that a miracle had taken place. He didn't invite Eutychus to accompany him on his evangelistic journeys and testify of his resurrection. There were no pamphlets urging, "See the boy who fell from a building and died. God raised him from the dead! Hear the preaching of Paul, man of great faith and power!" No -- that wasn't what happened at all. Instead, everyone simply went back to the third floor, had communion, and Paul continued preaching. Scripture does not even mention Eutychus any further. Why? *Because the church expected supernatural works to happen!* They preached a full gospel -- with signs and wonders following! ************************************************ These Mighty Deeds Happened Daily Among The Saints -- and No Person Got the Glory! ************************************************ These great deeds were called "special miracles": ****************************************************************** "And God wrought special miracles by the hand of Paul: so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them" (Acts 19:11-12). ****************************************************************** How can a handkerchief or apron get any glory? Paul sent the believers out with such items, and they in turn told others: "The saints have prayed over this garment. If you'll believe God and place it on you, He will heal you." When the people laid these articles on their foreheads, limbs or bodies, they quickly got up from their bed or their begging mat. They were healed! These "special miracles" became an expected part of the believers' daily lives and worship. They didn't have to attend some huge meeting with fanfare to see them take place. No -- they saw these mighty deeds as a part of their everyday walk with the Lord! Here is my point: *If preaching alone could accomplish God's desires, America would have been won to Christ long ago.* Consider what happened in Ephesus, after three months of bold preaching: ****************************************************************** "...(certain) were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude..." (verse 9). ****************************************************************** Ephesus was a godless, idolatrous city given over to the occult. The population was obsessed with occult books and practices, magic, witchcraft. And after three months of bold preaching by Paul, the people only grew harder. But then God began to perform special miracles through Paul's hands. Suddenly, the sick were being healed, the lame were given healthy limbs, the blind had their sight restored! That's when the demonic powers of Ephesus began to get riled up. Seven sons of a priest named Sceva went to a certain man's house to try to cast demons out of him "in the name of the Jesus preached by Paul." But the legion inside this man turned on the seven and attacked them, tearing their clothes and beating them wildly. They ran out for their lives, naked and screaming! Word spread throughout the whole city: "...and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified" (verse 17). People exclaimed, "These followers of Jesus have authority over demon powers!" So Paul held a bonfire on the city square: ****************************************************************** "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver" (verse 19). ****************************************************************** Thousands of books on exorcism, magic, occult sciences, charms, witchcraft -- all went up in flames! *And it happened because the people of Ephesus had been confronted with a gospel "fully preached" -- with signs, wonders and mighty deeds!* ************************************************ God Envisions a Last-Day Church That Does More Than Preach and Teach! ************************************************ I believe the gospel *can't* be fully preached unless it is accompanied by the powerand demonstration of the holy Ghost -- working mighty wonders, proving the gospel is true! Paul boldly stated, ****************************************************************** "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Corinthians 2:4). ****************************************************************** The Greek here means, "with proof." Paul was saying, "I preach the gospel with proof. God and the Holy Spirit are backing me up with wonders!" Indeed, Hebrews 2:4 says God confirmed Paul's message with signs and wonders: "God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will." The New Testament believers had one prayer: "that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus" (Acts 4:30). These apostles went everywhere fully preaching the gospel: ****************************************************************** "...and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles" (Acts 2:43). "And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people...And believers were the more added to the Lord" (5:12). "There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one" (verse 16). ****************************************************************** Finally, here is one of the most conclusive of all verses -- proving that a fully preached gospel must include signs and wonders: ****************************************************************** "Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands" (Acts 14:3). ****************************************************************** This verse says the apostles ministered boldly for a long time, preaching grace and repentance -- *and then God granted "signs and wonders to be done by their hands"!* In contrast, the church today has become weak and ineffective. Why? Because it no longer believes in the supernatural! Theologians tell us that at some point God quit performing mighty deeds. Yet, exactly when all of this supernatural activity stopped, no one can say! Some claim that miracles ceased when Paul died. Others say it was about A.D. 150. But, I ask you: Who has the audacity to pick the day, week, month or year when God supposedly said, "Enough! For thousands of years I've performed signs, wonders and miracles for those who have believed. But now you have a completed Bible and are more intelligent. So I'm cutting you off! No more miracles -- no more signs or healings!" *Beloved, don't be fooled!* There is a great deception behind all of this. You see, Paul tells us that in the last days Satan will come forth "with all power and signs and lying wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:9). Jesus Himself said, ****************************************************************** "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect" (Mark 13:22). ****************************************************************** Think of it: Demons, false Christs, false prophets -- all seeking to confirm their message with lying signs and wonders! Yet, am I supposed to believe that God will expose His church to such a powerful, wonder-working devil -- but leave us with no mighty weapons or supernatural workings of our own? Will He have a church that says, "Satan can work signs and wonders, but God cannot"? *Never! That is absolutely unthinkable!* Rather, the Bible says God's holy remnant church will go ****************************************************************** "forth and (preach) every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following" (Mark 16:20). ****************************************************************** *That is what God envisions for us!* You ask, "But what about all the lying signs and wonders among Satan's hordes?" I tell you, just as Moses' reed swallowed up Pharaoh's snakes, God's mighty deeds in these last days will swallow up all the devil's dark deeds. Satan's works will appear as nothing compared to God's incredible signs and wonders! The miracles of this last-day church will be genuine, real, undisputable, undeniable -- and yet they will not be well-known. Instead, they will issue forth from the hands of ordinary, holy, separated saints who know God and are intimate with Jesus. These believers will emerge from the secret closet of prayer -- a small, prepared army full of faith, with no other desire than to do the will of God and glorify Him. Without fanfare they will go into hospitals, homes, the streets, and will lay hands on the sick and see incredible miracles of healing. They will be fearless against demons, casting down great principalities and powers. They will be so powerful in prayer, they'll open entire nations for the gospel. *And God will confirm His Word by their mighty deeds!" ************************************************ 2. This Last-Day Remnant Church Will Be Comprised of Christians Who Refuse to Live by Bread Alone! ************************************************ If you think you're too ordinary for God to use, listen closely: *God is not going to do His last-day work through big-name evangelists or pastors.* They alone won't be able to handle the great moving of His Spirit! The fact is, God is going to need every housewife, teenager, elderly person and all who love Him to carry out His mighty work! This last-day army is going to be made up of Christians who have been weaned from *bread alone.* Let me explain what I mean: God said through Moses: ****************************************************************** " doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live" (Deuteronomy 8:3). ****************************************************************** Jesus Himself quoted this verse when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness to turn stones into bread. Bread stands for all natural, material things necessary for this life. These include food, shelter, clothes, labor, wages. Bread represents *livelihood* -- those earthly things we need that are not evil in themselves. Now, the Lord knows we need all of these things. But multitudes of Christians live *only* for the things of this life! Their lives are wrapped up in their job, their house, paying the bills. And all their prayers are focused only on their needs -- their hurts, their problems, their desires. *They live on bread alone!* Of course, it is honorable to have a job and to provide for your family. That's all a part of obeying the Word of God and living by every word that proceeds out of His mouth. But some Christians never get beyond bread. They spend a lifetime just surviving! For example -- how many Christian young men and women spend all of their time thinking about their need for a mate? How much of their prayers is focused on asking God to fulfill their loneliness! *They are living on bread alone.* How many married couples spend all of their time focused on trials and troubles with their children? This one matter consumes all their thoughts, all their prayers. They are focused on one need -- *on bread!* Jesus did teach us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). But first He said we were to pray, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done..." (verse 10). We are to focus first on *God's* interests -- to pray for *His* will to be done! What have you been thinking about more than anything else these past six months? What has consumed most of your time and prayers? Has it been mostly bread issues -- personal needs? If you focus only on bread, *then you have no life!* You're living in a wilderness, as the children of Israel did. Each day they arose and began crying for bread. Yet, after God gave it to them, they cried for meat. They continually cried out for their personal needs to be met -- *every day for forty years!* Beloved, that is boredom -- drudgery! God never intended that for His children. Instead, He told Israel through Moses, "You should be living by every word that proceeds out of My mouth! Yes, I told you I would give you bread. But don't stop there. Move on! I've told you there's a land ahead flowing with milk and honey, with rivers, trees, forests, green pastures. And I want that place for you!" If your whole life is centered on survival -- if you're not shut in with Jesus, growing in His Word, preparing your heart as a bride adorned for her Husband -- then you have no life at all! You're bored, unfulfilled! You may come to church and receive a little bit of life here and there. But you are not *giving* life! Right now God is raising up a people who are not focused on bread issues. Instead, they are focused on His will for this midnight hour! They are tired of living in a wilderness of mere survival. All they want is to know and do God's will. They are ordinary people who have been weaned from living on bread alone. Their training has come from the Holy Ghost -- in the secret closet of prayer! ************************************************ God's Army Is Being Called to Prepare Themselves -- to Constantly Be in a Ready Condition! ************************************************ Every member of this last-day army must be ready and prepared in heart -- because God is poised to release His great, final outpouring! Before Jesus came, John the Baptist went forth "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord" (Luke 1:17). This was a preaching of repentance -- a call to people to prepare their hearts. Paul also spoke of being "prepared unto every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21). And Samuel told Israel that God would do a new thing for them, if they would "prepare (their) hearts unto the Lord, and serve Him only" (1 Samuel 7:3). Also, David said, "Lord, thou hast heard the desire [petition] of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear" (Psalm 10:17). In this last verse, David outlines a simple, three-step plan for knowing the Lord's mind and will for your life: 1. Petition Him (pray). 2. Prepare your heart to hear His voice. 3. *He will cause you to know. The Spirit will speak to you!* Very soon, God is going to pour out of His glorious cup the greatest measure of His Spirit the world has ever seen. Great conviction will come upon your neighbors, coworkers and unsaved family members. The Holy Ghost is going to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment! People everywhere are going to be hurting. And they're going to turn from their dead churches to seek out those who walk with God. They will be desperate to find *someone whose heart has been prepared!* Beloved, you are one of those whom God is calling! He is going to use hundreds of thousands of ordinary servants for His end-time work of people-to- people ministry. So, I ask you: Are you preparing your heart right now for His work to be done, both in you and through you? Or are you just sitting by, enduring a wilderness life? Confess to God today: "Oh, Lord -- I want my life to count! I know that right now I'm living in a wilderness of despair, on bread alone. But I want to live!" Dive into His Word. Learn to seek Him daily. There is revolutionary power in the preparation of your heart! It is through this preparation that meaning and fullness come to your life. It changes your feelings, your personality -- and it releases power in you! When God sees you are ready, He will bring to you great opportunities to do His work. You won't even have to leave your house. God will bring the needs right to your door! But be warned: If you don't begin to seek Him, the Bible says, you will turn to evil. ****************************************************************** "And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord" (2 Chronicles 12:14). ****************************************************************** We serve a mighty God who at this very hour is preparing His people for a mighty work: ****************************************************************** "The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies" (Isaiah 42:13). ****************************************************************** So prepare your heart to meet Him. Become a ready servant, equipped and prepared for his great, last-day outpouring. And you will see His glory come alive in you in this final hour! Hallelujah! file: /pub/resources/text/Times.Square.Church/TSCPS: ps940523.txt ================================================================ When in New York City Visit Times Square Church Located at 51st Street & Broadway Schedule of Services Sunday Morning.................................10:00 Sunday Afternoon............................... 3:00 Sunday Evening................................. 6:00 Tuesday Evening [Prayer, healing, communion]... 7:00 Thursday Evening [Intercessory Prayer]......... 7:00 Friday Evening................................. 7:00 ================================================================ <<<<<From time to time I advice my readers of new material out on the market >that deals with Bible Prophecy. Well I am proud to announce that Terry >Cook has finished his newest book "The Mark of the New World Order". >Terry's recently published this 720 page book which provides an >incredible amount of documentation on all of this related cashless >economic system technology (if you're new to this area of technology you >will be quite stunned by how advanced it all has become -- and how rapidly >it continues to advance). He also has a companion video tape to the book, >in which I must also give kudos too. Terry is THE authority on this >subject and I highly recommend both. For those who wish to get more informed on bio-chip implant technology (bio-implantable authentication RF transponders). This 700 plus page book contains about 200 pages of information on just the bio-chip subject alone. Much of it is photo reproduction of actual company sales literature for these products. Here's a sample of the products covered in the book: Texas Instruments markets the TIRIS (Texas Instruments Registration & Identification System) which is used in a wide range of applications (some of you may already use them on your auto for toll road authentication). TIRIS also comes in a 19mm glass capsule bio-implant model, a programmable hand-held reader, along with a multi-shot injector gun capable of high speed and high volume (was designed for livestock identification needs -- which is used in the European Union countries for agriculture inventory tracking and subsidy programs). Can encode 19 digits which in a variety of combinations can be programmed with up to 34 billion code numbers. Another is AVID (American Veterinary Identification Devices). It is bio-implantable and about the size of a grain of rice. Their injector is just a single-use simple syringe device. Can be used with a portable hand-held reader, which can connect to a PC. Yet another is the TROVAN PTS (Passive Transponder System). Is 11.5mm x 2.2mm, glass encapsulated. Can be used for both animate and inanimate object identification -- can be used with a syringe implanter. Trovan markets a number of passive transponder security card products based on their RF transponder designs. Can program up to 1 trillion code numbers. Widely known is the Hughes Identification Device RF/ID tag. Their injectable transponder is the TX1400L, 11mm x 2.1mm, glass encapsulated. Product literature says: "Although specifically designed for injecting in animals, this transponder can be used for other applications requiring a micro-sized identification tag." To contact Terry Cook: Second Coming Ministries 774 Mays Blvd., Ste. 10 Incline Village, Nevada 89451 For product ordering and speaking engagements call Terry at: 702-833-1808 Short bio: Terry L. Cook is a fundamentalist Christian researcher and retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff, as well as a former State of California fraud investigator/Deputy Real Estate Commissioner. He holds A.A., A.S., B.A. and B.S. degrees. He also holds California State teaching credentials in a variety of subjects and has completed some postgraduate study in Theology. He is a California-liscensed airline/transport jet pilot (commercial) and flight instructor. For the past six years, Mr. Cook, who is an ordained minister of the gospel, has been investigating current events as they relate to the fulfillment of "last days" or "end times" Bible prophecies, with an emphasis on biometric identification technology, including smart cards and biochip transponder implants. He is accepted widely as an authority in the field. He is much in demand as a speaker in churches and other lecture forums, including appearances and interviews on radio and television. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WASHINGTON BUREAU: Terry Mattingly's religion column for 5/22/95. WASHINGTON -- It's possible to buy a Christian slave in southern Sudan for as little as $15. Last year's going rate for parents who want to buy back their own kidnapped child was five head of cattle -- about $400. A boy might cost 10 head. An exiled leader in Sudan's Catholic Bishops Conference reports that 30,000 children have been sold into slavery in the Nuba mountains. In six years, more than 1.3 million Christian and other non-Muslim people have been killed in Sudan -- more than Bosnia, Chechnya and Haiti combined. "Sudan is characterized by the total or near complete absence of civil liberties," said activist Nina Shea, during recent Congressional Human Rights Caucus hearings. "Individual Christians, including clergy, have over the past few years ... been assassinated, imprisoned, tortured and flogged for their faith." The Sudan report went on and the leader of Freedom House's Puebla program on religious freedom already had described horror stories from China, Vietnam, North Korea and Pakistan. She still had to cover Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Islamic world. Americans are not seeing news reports about these tragedies or hearing preachers and politicians make urgent appeals for action. But that may change soon. An coalition of human rights activists and religious leaders -- most of them evangelicals or, like Shea, Roman Catholics -- is working overtime to yank this issue into daylight before the November elections. Events at home and overseas may help. Last weekend, the South China Morning Post reported signs that a brutal crackdown was beginning on underground churches in northwest China. A day later, President Clinton announced that he will renew China's most- favored-nation trading status with the United States. Millions of Americans can expect to hear these two issues linked on Sept. 29, when leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) will urge member churches to observe "Persecution Sunday." Efforts are underway to encourage Catholic programs at that time. "The pope has been a great leader on issues of religious freedom -- it has been one of the hallmarks of his papacy," said Shea. "We can expect him to hear him speak out on this issue again. ... The issue is why the U.S. Catholic hierarchy has been quiet." Meanwhile, most of America's Powers That Be in government, media and religion have looked the other way while Christians have become one of the modern world's most persecuted minorities, said Michael Horowitz, a former Reagan administration official who has worked frantically behind the scenes on this issue. His passion has led him to take a stance that angers many other Jews -- declaring that evangelicals, and to some extent Catholics, may become in the 21st century what Jews were in the 20th century. "Christians -- especially evangelicals -- make great demons," said Horowitz. "Most people think of evangelicals as odd or a even threatening. Obviously, they stand out in Communist and radical Islamic cultures and they 're not the kind of people you can buy off with money and raw power, which are the stock in trade of thug regimes. ... Meanwhile, our own political and media elites maintain a kind of quiet, sneering indifference, if not hostility, toward evangelicals. ... "But more and more Christians are getting tortured and killed for their faith. That's the truth. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit through another holocaust. Absolutely not. One was enough." In January, the NAE released a blunt statement calling for specific U.S. government actions -- beginning with President Clinton speaking out on persecution and ending with economic repercussions for offending regimes. One bitter complaint: State Department and Immigration and Naturalization Service officials often shun persecuted Christians. Behind the scenes, talks continue with politicos working with Clinton and challenger Bob Dole. In March, Clinton ducked out of a commitment to speak at the NAE's convention. "This is a chance for Clinton to reach out to some of his fiercest critics," said Horowitz. "But it's also a can't miss opportunity for Bob Dole. What's to lose? We'll have to see who seizes this issue first." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Persecution Prayer By: John Loeffler Please remember five female Christians who were detained by Chinese authorities after a brutal crackdown on a church in northwest China in which people were beaten and had boiling water doused on them. In mid-March armed police burst into a church in Zhaosu county in western Xinjiang province. Many Christians were reportedly hurt in the raid. Christians not only were severely beaten by police, but scalding water was poured on them when they refused to follow police orders. One Christian in her early thirties lost her front teeth after police beat her in the face, the report said. There is fear the five women currently in police custody face imprisonment or labor reform sentences for their roles in the gathering. Witnesses said 12 of the 17 worshippers were released after the five women came forward to take responsibility for the clandestine gathering. Remember families of Christians who have been murdered in southern Mexico and Peru. Pressure on churches in Cuba is on the increase as well as in China and Vietnam. Remember Christians in prison everywhere. Pray for their protection both from their jailers and fellow prisoners. Pray for the church in Somalia and Sudan, labeled some of the worst countries for religious persecution. Pray for connection points everywhere around the world where Bibles are secretly delivered or transferred. The church in Saudi Arabia must operate in secret. Also, the U.S. government has prohibited worship services at the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia to please the Saudi government. Hundreds of Saudi Protestant, Catholics and Mormons had been worshipping there on Sundays. John Loeffler Steel on Steel Productions P.O. Box 3358 Hayden, Idaho 83835-3358 Fax: (208) 772-1652 / (800) 893-5646 Email: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Prime Minister's Office: Jerusalem Will Be Divided From: Arutz Sheva News Service Wednesday, May 22, 1996 / Sivan 4, 5756 The Prime Minister's Office has prepared a document concerning the future of the city of Jerusalem. According to the document, the geographical boundaries of the city will increase eastward, and the city will be divided between Palestinian and Israeli sovereignty. Sources in the Prime Minister's Office have revealed that neighborhoods bordering on the Mt. of Olives, Abu Dis and Azariah, will form the Palestinian capital. Israel will help raise financial assistance from the international community in order to turn the eastern sector of the city into a Palestinian commercial center. In addition, Palestinians will have complete access to the holy places in eastern Jerusalem. Our reporter notes that a similar plan was revealed a few weeks ago in the eastern Jerusalem newspaper, An-Nahar. According to An-Nahar, this plan has already been agreed upon between Peres and Arafat, but will be officially published only after the elections. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Internal Fatah Document: No Changes In Covenant From: Arutz Sheva News Service Wednesday, May 22, 1996 / Sivan 4, 5756 Peace Watch revealed today an internal publication issued by the "Research and Thought" division of Chairman Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the PLO, entitled "The Palestinian National Covenant Between Renewal and Being Frozen." It was published in Ramallah at the end of April, 1996, and was intended for the party's internal cadres. The document declares, "The text of the Palestinian National Covenant remains as it was and no changes whatsoever were made to it [at the recent session of the Palestinian National Council]. This has caused it to be frozen but not annulled." According to the authors, the Israeli demand to amend the Covenant was in effect a demand to issue "a self-inflicted death certificate for the PNC and suicide for the PLO." Peace Watch is an independent non-partisan monitor group which was chosen by Israel's Foreign Ministry to monitor the elections of the Palestinian Authority. The full text of the Peace Watch press release will be linked to the Arutz-7 Website news page. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LEFTISTS BLAST BANKERS ====================== Media Blacks Out Precedent-Setting Affair By Warren Hough (*The Spotlight*, 05/27/96) Liberal and leftist groups from around the world met recently in Washington to attack free trade, the World Trade Organization, the international banks and globalism. The meeting was blacked out by the plutocratic media. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + In a tidal wave of criticism, protests and calls to action against "international corporate tyranny," a coalition of major left-leaning reform groups, environmental movements and consumer alliances has declared war on the "unelected and unaccountable global elites whoare seizing control of one-world governance." A manifesto issued by participants at the coalition's first massrally in Washington extolled populist themes. It denouncedinternationalists and especially the Trilateral Commission as the "developers" of corporate globalization. Globalization, theyinsisted, would devastate fragile ecologies in the Third World,further impoverish its people through exploitation of cheap labor, and destroy traditional cultures and nationalities. It warned that the recently established World Trade Organization (WTO) demonstrated the sort of Rockefeller-sponsored agency "designed to serve as a global governing body for transnational corporate interests." At the three-day convocation which opened on May 11, speakers from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Friends of the Earth, the Center for Technology Assessment, the Sierra Club, Ralph Nader's Public Citizen, the Polaris Institute, and more than a dozen other generally left-oriented national organizations delivered incisive indictments of the International MonetaryFund, the World Bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve as "amoral enforcers of the world's worst exploiters." -+- Coalition Split -+- Experienced observers of the coalition rally, held under the aegis of the International Forum on Globalization, were surprised to note that leading environmental organizations, among them the Rainforest Action Network, the Migratory Species Project, the Network for Safe and Secure Food and Environment and the *Ecologist Magazine* led the attack on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other globalist "free trade" pacts log-rolled by the Clinton administration. "Bill Clinton has been particularly crafty -- and successful -- in dividing and confusing the opposition of these so-called Greens to NAFTA, the WTO and other so-called 'free trade' deals," explained Mark Dowie, a scholar who is writing a book on environmental protection for the M.I.T. Press. But when Carl Pope, the youthful executive director of the 600,000 member Sierra Club, rose to deliver one of the keynote speeches of the symposium, he left no doubt about where his movement stood now. "The Sierra Club has spent more money running newspaper ads criticizing NAFTA than any other topic in its history," Pope said. In spite of all that, the ill-conceived trade pact was adopted. What this means is that "Pat Buchanan deserves a more serious look," Pope declared. "In this year's campaign he ended up challenging globalization, confronting the World Trade Organization, lamenting the increasing inequality of incomes in our society, and challenging the role of Wall Street financiers in shaping our futures." In response, the "international capitalist-connected wing of the Republican Party led by George Will read him out of the party and rallied the conservative, the socially conservative, wing of the Republican party around Bob Dole, and that was the end of Pat Buchanan's presidential challenge," Pope related. What we should note, Pope said, is that Buchanan's campaign began with "locally rooted cultural themes that led him inevitably to challenge globalization" as an ideology and as a strategy. The strategy suggests that despite the Clinton administration's enthusiasm for "free trade and despite the adoption of NAFTA, the global economy is not really inevitable." Many of the global economy's most powerful promoters, and "some of its top advocates and beneficiaries understand this," argued Pope. "They know that the global economy is far from inevitable, and they are quite nervous, quite anxious, perhaps even petrified that the world may wake up and realize this." But if globalization is not the predestined wave of the future, Pope asked, "Why does it seem so irresistible, so overwhelming, and why is the public dialogue that surrounds it so one-sided" -- that is, slanted in favor of free trade? The reason -- at least one key reason -- Pope explained, is that "we have allowed the advocates of free trade -- the economists and their allies and those who profit from it -- to capture, redefine and appropriate our language." By taking over terms such as "conservative" ("'Conservatives are for free trade,' we read all the time") and "liberal" (as in "trade liberalization," a term that suggests globalization means more freedom) or even "common market," a concept implying that international commerce will create new communities for people, the globalists have subverted all meaningful debate over free trade and one-world elites, Pope argued. -+- Fight For The Mind -+- One of the most important things that Americans must do now is to recapture the real sense of such concepts, especially the genuinely positive meaning of the words "protectionism" and "conservatism" urged Pope. Evidence that not just the meaning but the politics of protectionism and populism are gaining favor among "progressive" organizations long dominated by leftist notions of "international cooperation" emerged from talks and debates held during the two days of meetings and panel discussions following Pope's address. "Whether our main concern is the national economy or the global ecology, we are staring catastrophe in the face," said Jean-Luc Jouvet of Greenpeace. "I used to attend the [annual] meetings of the World Bank where we heard dulcet expressions of concern for the world's poor and its wildlife." "They were lies," he added. "There is no way any of us can ignore that reality now." Ralph Nader, head of the Public Citizen alliance, perhaps the most eagerly awaited speaker of the conference, cancelled his appearance with the explanation that bad weather had closed down Washington's airports. Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, represented his group. She delivered a sharp indictment of the administration's "free trade frenzy" and of its most recent spawns, NAFTA and WTO. "NAFTA's effects have not just fallen short of expectations; they turned out to be the exact opposite of its promise," Wallach declared. "It would be one thing if it had not hit the bull's eye or even the target. But we can see now that NAFTA has shot us in the leg." To document her indictment, Wallach noted that "instead of creating 200,000 new jobs, as promised, NAFTA has led to the loss of 600,000 U.S. jobs so far." Moreover, American workers who were not fired "saw the sharpest drop in real hourly wages on record during the first year of NAFTA," she added. In Mexico, where NAFTA was promoted as the catalyst of a business boom, it has generated instead "deteriorating economic conditions, political instability, growing despair and rising social tensions," Wallach confirmed. The WTO, which was created to replace the old General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) at 1993's negotiating session known as the Uruguay Round, has turned out to be an equally insidious instrument of globalized plunder, asserted Wallach. WTO's broad new powers over commerce will "override the domestic tax, health, food, product safety and anti-pollution laws of the U.S.," Wallach explained. This so-called free-trade pact will replace the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund "as the principal enforcer of global financial interests," she predicted. As recently as five years ago, "many of the people here were dreamy internationalists of one sort or another," said Willard Smith of the Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union, who represented the AFL-CIO at the conference. "But what we have seen of NAFTA, the WTO and international financial speculation has been a rough wake-up call," he added. "We will not just take a serious second look at Pat Buchanan, as Carl [Pope] said: I think quite a few of us will vote for him in the fall." You may be unable to find The Spotlight at your local library or news dealer. To subscribe, phone 1-800-522-6292 (Maryland 1-301- 951-6292). Note that I have no personal connection to The Spotlight nor am I compensated by them. I also neither necessarily agree nor disagree with either all or parts of the views expressed in The Spotlight. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The UN and "Human Rights." From: The New American For the sixth consecutive year, the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva as declined to censure Communist China for the documented abuses of its itizens. By a vote of 27 to 20, the 53-nation commission refused even to ebate a tepid resolution offered by the United States and the European nion which expressed mild criticism for the Chinese regime's brutalities gainst its subjects. China's ambassador to the United Nation's, Wu Jianmin, triumphantly rebuked ritics of his government: "Confrontation is a Cold War syndrome. Now the old War is over, why are these people still clinging to Cold War thinking? t is a blasphemy of human rights." Source: The New American Insider Reports June 10, 1996 Subscription: 1-800-727-TRUE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Editor Note: Once again we see how people are being forced to undergo Mental Rehab. How soon will it be before Christians are deemed mentally unfit for society? E-mail zaps back at FORCED ELECTROSHOCK! [DENDRITE] from: Support Coalition