Prophe-Zine, Issue # 14 March 1, 1996 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 14 Eugene W. Gross...Post-Tribulation: My Reasons for Believing It. William Norman Grigg........Global Reconstruction Zola Levitt ...........The Father of Lies Paula Demers...Population Reduction Dennis L. Finnan .......The Coming Last Days Wayne Merritt (A1nOnly@ - The Lie some beleive Author Unknown ......The Truth Is In The Air Robert Smith.....Computer's And The Mark Of The Beast Richard R. Biondi.... World Federation? Dan Druck.....Intro To The Next Story Lu Haynes....Gorbachev is "Giving Birth" to a New World Order Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly) Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site. Address: The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1996 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ***************************** Welcome to Issue # 14 Hello Everyone!! Once again, here is your bi-weekly issue of PROPHE-ZINE. It has been a busy couple of weeks and I was slow at updating the www site. So if it effected any ofyou, I am sorry for that. I need your help, if you are willing. I have made some business cards for PZ and the www site and if you will be so kind, drop me a note with your snail mail address and I will send some to you to pass out to your friends, co-workers and fellow church members. (I am sorry that I can not offer this to my friends abroad, my funds do not permit this at this time) Also, let me assure you that I will not give your address to anyone, unless the BATF breaks my door down and steals my computer records, that is the only way I see your address getting out of my hands (g). Other than that, NO one will get your address. Next I would like to offer, if you are interested, I can send you some newspaper clippings that I have and some sample newsletters from Gary Kah or Norm Franz if you want . If you can, all I ask is that you please drop $3.00 in the mail to cover all the copying and mail fees when you get the packet. Now the $3.00 is if you want the news clippings, if you want my business cards, you don't have to send me any money, your helping me out in that. One more thing. I AM NOT DOING THIS FOR ANY PROFIT. I am doing this to give you, my readers, tools to let people see what is going on by use of secular media. I find using secular stories very convincing when it comes to Bible Prophecy and spreading the Gospel. So if you are interested, let me know when you send me your snail mail address. I really need prayer. I have been going through some rough times and can really use it. The enemy is attacking me in my marriage, job and ministry. I guess I am doing something right if he is hitting me from all sides like that. So please keep me in your prayers from time to time...I REALLY need it right now. Thanks. =) One last thing, If you live in California, Please drop me a note. I would like to meet my readers from CA and maybe we can all meet one weekend for a prophecy - get - together. How does that sound? Anyone like to camp? Summer is coming up and I though that it would be a fun thing to do. Heck, where ever you live and if you are interested in doing something like this, you are welcome also. So let me know all you California locals(and non locals too) if this sounds like something fun and something you would want to do. So until we meet together her on this earth or in the air with our Lord....... Always in His service, Ray Prophe-Zine ********************************* Post-Tribulation: My Reasons for Believing It. By: Eugene W. Gross, Director, Third Day Ministry I've read a number of objections to the post-tribulational view of the rapture. Many of them raise excellent points, but my purpose here is not to attempt to answer all of those points. Indeed, such an effort would be doomed to failure given the need for brevity required by any magazine article. There are books available that do this. I shall endeavor to provide such a list at a future time. I started off believing in a pre-tribulational rapture after coming to Christ back in the early 70's. But when I began doing my own study and research into this doctrine, I found myself questioning the conclusions of men like Walvoord, Breese, Lindsey, Pentecost, and others. I respect these men, but must at the same time respectfully disagree with their thinking. When God has poured out His wrath in the past, He did not remove His people, but rather protected them in the midst of the outpouring of His wrath. Examine Noah. Noah and his family were not removed from the world while the Flood inundated and destroyed all life on the earth. Rather, God had Noah build an Ark and protected Noah and his family inside the Ark as His wrath fell upon that evil, foul world of the time. Then, in Egypt, when God poured out His judgements and wrath upon the Egyptians, He protected the Israelites in the midst of it all. He even provided one of the clearest symbols of the Blood of Christ and its value when He had the Israelites splash lamb's blood on the door posts and lentels of the Hebrew homes prior to the coming of the angel of death to take the first born. Again, God did not take His people out, but protected them in the midst of the outpouring of His wrath. This caused me to wonder about the coming tribulation that will fall upon this world at the end times. Will God actually remove the Church from the world? So I began reading the prophetic statements of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels concerning this period of time. When I finished reading Matthew 24, it became clear to me that the only thing that even remotely sounded like the rapture, and event of considerable significance to the entire Church, was found in Matthew 24:31. This event, the gathering of the elect from all parts of the world, occurs only after the time that Jesus calls the "great tribulation" in verse 21. Now, some argue that Jesus' statements aren't in chronological order, but this doesn't carry much weight since we can follow the statements of Christ in chronological order today and see their fulfillment. For example, Jesus mentions earthquakes in various places. So, let's look at some facts about earthquakes. For the sake of this article, let's look only at quakes over 6.0 on the Richter scale, since these are significant quakes. 1890 to 1970: 39 over 6.0 1970 to 1979: 51 over 6.0 1980 to 1989: 86 over 6.0 1990 to 1994: 100+ over 6.0 Do you see the progression? What about other signs of the time of birth pangs, as Jesus called them? Well, we now have outbreaks of pestilence the likes of which we've not seen since the beginning of history. AIDS, Ebola Zaire, to name only two, but there are more just waiting. And this doesn't include such things as the new, drug-resistant strains of TB and other diseases. We also are seeing increasing persecution of Christians around the world and in this nation. Sometimes, Christians are being handed over by those who once sat next to them as brothers and sisters in Christ. Note what Jesus said in verses 9-12: "Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold." Those betraying Christians aren't non-believers, but believers!! Or at least, they have called themselves believers. Also note that many false prophets shall rise -- not from outside the Church, but from within the Church! Don't we see this today? All of these events are happening in chronological order so far, so the argument that what Jesus says is not chronological is without foundation. And if what He says is in chronological order, then we have a problem with the view that the rapture occurs prior to the "great tribulation." The "great tribulation," according to Jesus, occurs after the revealing of the man of sin, the abomination that causes desolation! More, the catching away, or gathering together unto Him, occurs after the "great tribulation." Now, we don't base any view on one passage, or even a couple of passages.So, let's look at another passage found in Paul's writings. Turn to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. Here we read, "Now we beseech you, brethren, but the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of [the Lord] is [present]. Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come [the] falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." Note that Paul specifically states that before the Lord comes to gather us together unto Him, there must first come the falling away, or the apostacy, and the revealing of the man of sin, the son of perdition, we call the Antichrist. Again, Paul places the sequence of events in the same order as Jesus did. Thus, I conclude that the rapture will not take place prior to the "great tribulation," but rather at some point after the "great tribulation." For those who ask about us going through God's wrath, recall that God has always protected His people from and in the midst of His wrath. Why would God leave us here during the "great tribulation"? Because we have a job to do! We have a witness that must continue until the moment of His return. The Church not only must bear witness to the world that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords, King of kings, but also point them toward Him as the only hope of salvation. According to what Jesus says (Matt. 24:14), we are here to preach the Gospel to all the world. During the darkest time in all of recorded history, there will be the greatest revival occurring in history! Now, even if this doesn't cause you to change your thinking on this doctrine, and that really wasn't my purpose here, I want you to think about something. In China before the takeover of the Communists, many missionaries taught their congregants that they would not have to endure tribulation. When the Communists took over, these congregants were at a loss to explain to others why they were now undergoing such incredible persecution! Many fell away because they thought that they had been lied to and that there was no power in Christianity. However, others who had been taught to prepare to endure hardship and tribulation came through this time, those that weren't martyred for Christ, stronger and more committed to Christ than ever. Today, the underground Church in China is alive and thriving, but they are teaching their congregants to prepare! So, while I would not dissuade someone from believing in a pre-trib rapture, I do teach that people need to prepare as if they were going to be here for the entire end times events, but pray that God takes them out sooner! More, I teach people to give the world sufficient evidence to convict them of being Christians, committed totally to Christ, not even loving their own lives. If the Lord does indeed return for us prior to the "great tribulation," what better for Him to see than His people doing what He commissioned them to do with total commitment!? ****************************** Global Reconstruction By: William Norman Grigg From: THE NEW AMERICAN -- January 8, 1996 Shortly after his inauguration, President Clinton was asked by the Wall Street Journal, "What event before 1900 helped shape your vision of American society [and] your view of America s role in the world?" Mr. Clinton replied, "None, because most of the things the U.S. did before 1900 were totally inconsistent with the global role I d like us to play...." Give Mr. Clinton credit for his candor then and his consistency now. The deployment of U.S. troops to Bosnia as part of aNATO "implementation force" (IFOR) under the authority of the United Nations Security Council does indeed represent a critical redefinition of America s role in the world, one that is completely incompatible with the values and ideals of America s Founders. Without constitutional authority, prior congressional approval, or a mandate from the American public, the Clinton Administration is using American troops to impose a new political order upon a collection of peoples who have displayed no desire to participate in a UN-mandated "multiethnic democracy." Of course, the Administration and the Establishment media have sought to disguise such unpalatable truths by coating them with a cloying glaze of Orwellian language. In a moment of transparent dishonesty during his November 27th address, Mr. Clinton declared, "In the choice between peace and war, America must choose peace." This was too much for Washington Times columnist Richard Grenier, a former Naval officer and devout anti-Communist who can hardly be accused of "isolationist" sentiments. Grenier observed, "In our role of Bosnian peace enforcers we bear some resemblance to the peace fighters that Peking sent across the border in Korea to clobber us when Gen. MacArthur got too close to the Yalu." In Bosnia, "peace" will be achieved through a military occupation and the imposition of the unworkable constitution created by the Dayton peace agreement. But, as we will see, the implications of the Bosnian venture for America s independence and constitutional system are just as sinister. From the moment the Bosnian peace accord was initialed in Dayton, supporters of the treaty have insisted that troops must be deployed to Bosnia lest "American credibility" suffer. It matters not to such individuals that President Clinton s promise to deploy American troops was constitutionally invalid. In the new world order, the role of national leaders is to tutor their subjects regarding their "international commitments" and compel acceptance of those commitments. This point was made explicitly in Our Global Neighborhood, the recently published report of the Commission on Global Governance: "[I]nternal political processes within nation-states themselves may.. become obstacles to adoption of international standards.... In the contemporary world, populist action has the potential to strike down the carefully crafted products of international deliberation, usually on the grounds of nationalism.... One of the challenges for governments in an era of democracy is to ensure that the public understands the nature of international law-making processes and supports them." For supporters of the Clinton Administration s Bosnia policy, the President s commitment to deploy "peacekeeping" troops may be constitutionally untenable, but it carries the weight of law as an international commitment. On December 3rd, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) stated on ABC s This Week with David Brinkley that phone calls to Capitol Hill were running "100-to-one" against the deployment of U.S. troops to Bosnia. Nevertheless, McCain insisted that he had "no choice" other than to support the deployment, because "the word of the United States has to mean something." Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) expressed similar sentiments on the Senate floor: "We have the responsibility whenever the President of the United States, whoever that may be, gives his word to the international community.... It s not politically popular, but it s the right thing to do. And sometimes it takes a while for people to understand when you do the right thing." The preponderance of public disapproval for the President s Bosnia policy was felt more keenly in the House. On December 7th, 201 members of Congress from both parties signed a one-sentence letter to President Clinton which stated simply: "We urge you not to send ground troops to Bosnia." However, one signature conspicuously absent from that letter was the familiar felt-tip scrawl of House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), a self-described "internationalist." The Speaker s acquiescent stance toward the Administration offered a clear signal that the President s critics had little choice but to accept the deployment as a fait accompli. This message was understood by House National Security Committee Chairman Floyd Spence (R-SC), who opened a November 30th hearing by stating, "The proverbial train has left the station, and our troops are already on board." In an attempt to prod recalcitrant legislators into supporting the Bosnia mission, the Clinton Administration made use of a familiar tactic: It sought to create a "bipartisan consensus" on behalf of the venture by enlisting the support of Establishment foreign policy "experts" -- nearly all of whom were associated with the ubiquitous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Dayton peace agreement and the planned U.S. deployment received early endorsements from Henry Kissinger (CFR), Colin Powell (CFR), and Brent Scowcroft (CFR). By early December the Administration had also secured the public support of former Presidents George Bush (CFR), Gerald Ford (CFR), and Jimmy Carter (CFR). During a December 5th Washington, DC press conference, seven foreign policy luminaries (Alexander Haig, Frank Carlucci, Ken Adleman, Max Kampelman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dante Fascell, and Stephen Solarz), all of whom are CFR members, continued the fabrication of a "bipartisan consensus" by announcing the creation of the Committee for American Leadership in Bosnia. On December 6th, President Clinton welcomed a delegation from that committee tothe Cabinet Room of the White House, where he thanked them for joining "across partisan lines to make a strong case for America s leadership in Bosnia...." The Committee for American Leadership in Bosnia presented its "case" to the public on December 7th in the form of "An Open Letter to Congress" published in full-page advertisements in the New York Times and the Washington Post. After dutifully reciting the talking points assembled by the Clinton Administration, the advertisement concluded: "We urge Congress to provide a clear expression of bipartisan support so that everyone in Bosnia -- especially the young American men and women we send there -- understands our resolve to help bring this tragic and dangerous war to an end." Committee spokesman Rick Messick, a former chief counsel for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee under Senator Dick Lugar (R-IN), explained to The New American that "[Committee organizers] Peter Rodman and Steve Solarz and a couple of other people thought it would be good to show that there is bipartisan support for the President s Bosnia initiative. So people just started calling their friends, and that s what we were able to assemble." To judge by the committee s membership list, it appears that Rodman and Solarz simply posted a sign-up sheet at the CFR s Pratt House headquarters: Of the 45 committee members who signed the full-page ads, 37 are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. By December 8th, according to Messick, the committee -- which had been little more than a collection of signatures and a Wall Street address -- had served its purpose and ceased to exist. The Republican leadership understood the message: As the New York Times observed, "Republicans long identified with the foreign-policy establishment, like Mr. Dole, Mr. McCain and Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, have swung behind the President." On December 13th, with what the Chicago Tribune described as the "reluctant but unflinching aid of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole," the Senate approved a resolution co-sponsored by Dole and McCain supporting the Bosnia deployment. The Dole/McCain measure effectively stopped a House resolution sponsored by Representative Bob Dornan (R-CA), which called for the de-funding of the Bosnia mission and the withdrawal of American troops which had already been deployed: Dornan s bill was defeated by a vote of 218-210. House Speaker Gingrich was nowhere to be seen during floor debate over the Dornan bill. Seeking to allay the concerns of the American public and defuse congressional criticism, the Clinton Administration has repeatedly emphasized that the Bosnia deployment is a NATO venture rather than a UN mission. However, the Dayton agreement unambiguously states that NATO is a "peacekeeping" enterprise "under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter," and that the mission was mandated by the United Nations Security Council. As is documented elsewhere in this issue (see page 17), NATO was designed as a political and military subsidiary of the UN, and it has no rationale for existence apart from the world organization. This was understood at the time of NATO s creation in 1949. A State Department document published in the spring of that year entitled Foreign Affairs Outlines: Building the Peace explained that NATO was designed to "bring about world conditions which will permit the United Nations to function more efficiently." This understanding was also expressed in a March 1949 Washington, DC address by Secretary of State Dean Acheson (CFR). Acheson explained: "[NATO] is designed to fit precisely into the framework of the United Nations and to assure practical measures for maintaining peace and security in harmony with the Charter.... The United States government and the governments with which we are associated in this treaty are convinced that it is an essential measure for strengthening the United Nations...." That the Bosnia mission is a UN enterprise was conceded by Senator Patrick Moynihan (D_NY) during the floor debate over the Dole/McCain resolution. Senator Moynihan, along-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, exulted: "I once represented the United States as President of the Security Council. I had not known I would live to see an hour as fine as this...." Moynihan called particular attention to "the importance of the fact that we are doing it in a collective effort anticipated by the UN Charter." Nor can Americans be reliably assured that U.S. GIs assigned to NATO will always serve under American command. In 1991, Bush Administration Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney (CFR) announced a radical restructuring of NATO in which American soldiers would be placed under the command of German, British, and other foreign officers. The subsequent drive to expand NATO to include former Warsaw Pact nations through the "Partnership for Peace" initiative creates the potential for even more unsettling command configurations. Furthermore, the recently installed secretary-general of NATO, Spanish diplomat Javier Solana, is a devoted socialist, as was his scandal-plagued Belgian predecessor Willy Claes. (Interestingly, Solana was the Clinton Administration s preferred candidate for the post.) When Admiral Leighton Smith stated last September that American fighters conducting bombing raids over Bosnia were "carrying out the mandates of the secretary-general," the individual to whom Admiral Smith referred was either Belgian socialist Willy Claes or Egyptian socialist Boutros Boutros-Ghali. The Clinton Administration has repeatedly emphasized that the IFOR will be commanded by U.S. Army General George Joulwan, the supreme NATO military commander. However, in the NATO chain of command, General Joulwan receives his authority from NATO s highest-ranking civilian official, Javier Solana, who is himself subordinate to UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali. During the 1960s and 70s, Javier Solana was a member of Spain s Socialist Worker s Party and a supporter of the Soviet Union; he remains a committed friend of Fidel Castro. Before becoming an "ex-Marxist," Solana was also a vehement critic of NATO. However, now that the alliance has dropped its pretense of anti-Communism, Solana has become one of its most energetic supporters. A highly placed NATO official enthused to The European that Solana s appointment "sends a very clear message that we are now more than just a military alliance. We are evolving into a political organization." NATO s political function is to accelerate the consolidation of Europe as a socialist megastate. In testimony offered before the House Committee on International Relations and National Security on November 30th, Defense Secretary William Perry proudly pointed out that the NATO/UN Implementation Force will include troops from 32 nations, including Russia. "The wide participation in the IFOR is a symbol of the new Europe," Perry emphasized. "The effort will define how security in Europe is going to be handled for decades to come. In effect, we will be defining what post-Cold War Europe is all about and how its security will be assured." Helping to define European security in Bosnia will be Russian General Leonty Shevtsov, whose last assignment was to carry out the Kremlin s murderous effort to suppress resurgent Chechnyan nationalism. But then again, suppressing nationalism is one of the chief functions of the new "post-Cold War Europe." This point was made emphatically by former German Chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher, one of Europe s most powerful and influential diplomats, during a recent panel discussion at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University: "The stability of the new world order and the new global challenges require cooperation between all global players.... [W]e have to fight organized crime, international terrorism, and fundamentalist tendencies which are not limited to Islamics only.... Nationalism ... is a main enemy of the nations of Europe, and it can only be avoided by an ever closer cooperation [through the European Union]." In a subsequent syndicated column applauding the Dayton accord, Genscher reiterated the point that nationalism is incompatible with the new world order: "The human tragedy of the conflict in Bosnia has provided shocking proof ... that nationalism and intolerance no longer have a place in Europe." Nationalism can indeed be intolerant, and Bosnia has presented the tragic spectacle of mutually exclusive ethnic nationalisms engaged in a war of liquidation. However, the dogma of "multi-ethnic democracy" can triumph in Bosnia only through coercion and bloodshed -- and NATO troops are poised to kill recalcitrant Muslims, Croats, and Serbs whose aspirations are incompatible with the constitution created by in the Dayton accord. The proposed constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina is the handiwork of a cluster of American diplomats and lawyers who gathered at Dayton, Ohio in an environment giddily described by State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns as "a living, breathing, international diplomatic biosphere." Most of the architects of the Dayton agreement and the draft constitution for Bosnia-Herzegovina remain anonymous. An official at the State Department s European Bureau explained to The New American, "Apart from the top negotiators at Dayton, we re not releasing any names" of those responsible for the framework agreement. However, he disclosed that "the bulk of the document was drafted by our own legal people here at the State Department, with some help from our European counterparts." It is therefore reasonable to assume that the draft Bosnian constitution represents the distilled wisdom of America s foreign policy establishment -- a troubling prospect, when one examines the establishment s handiwork. According to its new constitution, the "nation" of Bosnia-Herzegovina will be composed of two political entities, the Republica Srbska and the Moslem-Croat federation of Bosnia. The new nation will not be defined by shared ethnicity, cultural origins, or religious ideals, but by "the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations." Article II, paragraph 2 of the Bosnian constitution contains an explicit supremacy clause which makes national law subordinate to international law: "The rights and freedoms set forth in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols shall apply directly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These shall have priority over all other law." (Emphasis added.) This provision will simplify "harmonization" between Bosnia and the European Union (EU), and the newly created Bosnian Constitutional Court is directed to bring Bosnian laws into conformity with EU standards. In the fashion of Stalin s Soviet constitution and the UN s "human rights" instruments, the new Bosnian constitution enumerates individual "rights," rather than powers of government. Article II, paragraph 3 contains the heading "Enumeration of Rights," and proceeds through a familiar litany of government-created -- and therefore revocable -- "rights." Furthermore, Article II, paragraph 7 dictates that "Bosnia and Herzegovina shall remain or become party to the international agreements listed in Annex I to this Constitution." The Annex in question includes every significant UN "human rights" document, including the Genocide Convention, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child -- all of which are similarly predicated upon the assumption that "rights" are conditional gifts of the state, rather than unalienable endowments from God. Additionally, the constitution provides that Bosnia will be a nation effectively devoid of national sovereignty: "All competent authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall cooperate with and provide unrestricted access to: any international human rights monitoring mechanisms established for Bosnia and Herzegovina; the supervisory bodies established by any of the international agreements listed in Annex I to this Constitution [that is, the UN conventions and treaties]; the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ... and any other organization authorized by the United Nations Security Council with a mandate concerning human rights or humanitarian law." This "transparency" will extend to economic matters as well. The new constitution specifies that "There shall be a Central Bank of Bosnia, which shall be the sole authority for issuing currency and for monetary policy throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina," and that the first Governing Board of the Bosnian Central Bank will be headed by "a Governor appointed by the International Monetary Fund" (IMF). It was the IMF s management of the post-Tito Yugoslav economy which created the wave of hyperinflation which helped precipitate the Yugoslav civil war. (See "New World Order on Display," The New American, October 4, 1993). Apologists for the Dayton accord may insist that the UN-dominated institutions created by the Bosnian constitution are necessary to prevent future outbreaks of ethnic strife. However, as the December 18th issue of U.S. News & World Report observed, "Far from unifying Bosnia s different ethnic groups, signs are that the accord will spark one final round of self-imposed ethnic cleansing as soldiers and civilians caught on the wrong side of the new ethnic dividing lines scramble to escape to the right side." The largest concentration of people on the "wrong" side are the 60,000-150,000 Bosnian Serbs who live in the suburbs of Sarajevo, which the Dayton accord designates a unified city under Muslim control. A senior diplomat in Belgrade told Dusko Doder of The European that "Dayton is a botched job. It seems to sanction ethnic cleansing of Sarajevo." A similar warning was issued by General Jean-Rene Bachelet, who until recently commanded French peacekeeping forces in Bosnia. Noting that the agreement requires the disarmament of Serb militias in Sarajevo -- which will leave them defenseless before the majority Muslim government -- General Bachelet predicts that if the Dayton accord is implemented, "We would then see terrible television pictures of French soldiers directing traffic while houses burned." For Serb civilians who reside in Sarajevo, according to Bachelet, the Dayton agreement presents "a choice between a coffin and a suitcase." As U.S. News pointed out, "It was in the Sarajevo suburbs that the war more or less began." Despite the fact that the French have been assigned the task of "pacifying" Sarajevo, the Bosnian Serbs have identified the U.S. as their enemy -- a perception which has been strengthened by the announcement that the U.S.-led IFOR will help arm and train the Bosnian Federation s military. Should violence erupt anew in the embattled capital, it will be all but impossible to avoid the involvement of American and British troops -- thus internationalizing what had been an isolated ethnic conflict. But Sarajevo is not the only flash point. In an analysis of the Dayton accord published in The New Republic, professors John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Van Evera of MIT observe that the Bosnian Federation is the product of an unnatural union between the Croats and Muslims, and a divorce between these factions "may well occur by war." Furthermore, "Renewed Croat-Muslim fighting could in turn cause a wide unraveling of the Dayton accord by triggering renewed Serb-Muslim and Serb-Croat fighting." Far from producing peace and ethnic harmony, Mearsheimer and Van Evera maintain, the Dayton accords "will lead to a new war, this time with American troops caught in the middle." Such intractable rivalries cannot be reconciled; they can only be suppressed. Accordingly, the IFOR mission in Bosnia will take the form of a military dictatorship. The Dayton accord decrees that within 120 days of the final signing ceremony, all military units will be demobilized and all troops and heavy weaponry will be confined to barracks facilities. The IFOR may use whatever military force is deemed necessary to compel compliance. Furthermore, the agreement s provisions for "demilitarization" of the new Bosnian state include the "disbandment of special operations and armed civilian groups" as "progressive measures for regional stability and arms control." The Dayton accord s "Agreement on the Military Aspects of the Peace Settlement" applies to "all personnel and organizations with military capability under its control or within territory under its control, including armed civilian groups, national guards, army reserves, military police, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Special Police...." The Annex referred to demands that Bosnian authorities, under NATO direction, "disarm and disband all armed civilian groups, except for authorized police forces, within 30 days after the Transfer of Authority [from UN to NATO command]." The Bosnian police force will be constructed under UN supervision. In addition, pending the establishment of a UN-approved Bosnian police force, the IFOR army of occupation will essentially be a police force with a standing search warrant: "[T]he IFOR shall have the unimpeded right to observe, monitor, and inspect any Forces, facility, or activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the IFOR believes may have military capability. The refusal, interference, or denial by any Party of this right to observe, monitor, and inspect by the IFOR shall constitute a breach of this [agreement] and the violating Party shall be subject to military action by the IFOR, including the use of necessary force to ensure compliance...." Even a superficial review of the Bosnian constitution and the functions and powers conferred upon the IFOR mission illustrates why the Bosnia deployment is such a cherished project of the Establishment: The mission is intended to create in Bosnia a microcosm of the new world order. It is an almost literal realization, albeit on a relatively small scale, of the vision expressed in the 1958 manifesto World Peace Through World Law by globalists Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn, in which a UN "world police force" would be endowed with "a coercive force of overwhelming power" to impose "world law" upon a disarmed population. The legal axiom that "hard cases make bad law" certainly makes sense in international affairs. The "world law" dreamed of by the likes of Clark and Sohn will be built upon hard cases like that of Bosnia, and precedents set in such efforts will ultimately have an impact upon America s domestic affairs. Indeed, the ease with which Bill Clinton was able to ignore the constitutional limitations of his office, and the alacrity with which his congressional "opposition" yielded to his usurpation, demonstrate that the effort to create "world law" has already significantly subverted our constitutional system. THE NEW AMERICAN -- January 8, 1996 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational purposes to allow individual file transfer and non-commercial mail-list transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved. Address reposting requests to or the above address. ***************************** The Father of Lies By Zola Levitt In John 8:44, Jesus declares that Satan is the father of lies. It is one of his primary methods of operation. If he cannot twist truth to fit his purpose, he will do all he can to cloud it so that it can't be seen. And since Israel has been at the heart of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, Satan has woven some of his biggest lies around that little nation, trying to undermine the Israelis' divine right to their land. Evidence of this surrounds us. On a CBS program dealing with the subject of Rabin's assassination, Thomas Friedman, a writer, remarked, "There are Jews who care more about the biblical land of Israel than making peace with the Palestinians." (He can count me among them.) He, at least, gives some credence to the idea that Israel is a biblical land, a fact that isn't always clear to Israel's leaders. In a New York Times article, Prime Minister Peres talked about the West Bank as ". . . what they [his opponents] hold to be biblical Jewish land." It is in fact biblical Jewish land, and no historian or archaeologist could doubt that. Peres also referred to right-wing Israelis as being "on the edge of insanity, who think they are God's messengers. In fact, they are the devil's disciples." He seems to have gotten it turned around. It brings to mind Isaiah 5:20, "Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil." Such rhetoric would seem more natural coming from Israel's enemies. In fact, in the PLO Covenant, article 20 states, "Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood." I wonder which "facts of history" they are using. Probably the ones that begin, "Once upon a time. . . ." The PLO Covenant is a document most Christians are unfamiliar with, and it is a bone of contention in the ongoing "peace process." The PLO has until March to change their covenant, article 9 of which states, "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase." Article 21 declares, "The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by the armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine." Such statements are incompatible with the new dove of peace Arafat supposedly carries around in his pocket. It is telling, however, that more than a year after the peace agreement started, those articles still remain. Israel is in danger. It has always been in danger, surrounded from its birth by nations committed to its destruction, but the current policy of giving up its land only weakens it. By having areas of Palestinian self-rule within a stone's throw of Israeli settlements, those Israelis have lost a great deal of their security. Moshe Zak writes in a recent Jerusalem Post article that Israeli defense experts, in allowing an independent Palestinian police force, did not think it would pose a military threat, but that "they didn't take another issue into account: the ability and willingness of the Palestinian Police to prevent Israeli settlements being harassed by Palestinian marauders from over the Green Line [the informal boundary between the West Bank and the rest of Israel]." The Israeli government's hands are tied, since "it can no longer launch severe reprisals to force the Palestinian Police to act against the plague of car theft and stealing of agricultural property from settlements in the area." In a recent editorial in the Jerusalem Post, Israel is described as "the only country in which the vast majority of thefts are committed with the active encouragement of a neighboring government. . . . The vehicles are actually ordered from the burglars by Palestinian Authority officials, specifying size, make, color and model." Later, the editorial states, "All the communities abutting the territories complaain of a dramatic increase in thefts, burglaries and even robberies." The citizens of Israel have been made more vulnerable by the land giveaways; and that is a frightening thought when you couple that with the fact that in meetings with the PLO, Hamas has renewed its pledge to continue violence. It has refused to desist. Derek Prince, a noted Bible teacher, in a taped Bible study related that before the 1948 war, when Israel was not yet a nation, he observed with his own eyes a skirmish between Jews and Arabs on a major street in downtown Jerusalem. Prince had an apartment that overlooked the street, and his 5-year-old daughter told him to come and look. Arabs had trapped and killed 35 Israelis. When he saw the street, it looked as if supermarket meat had been dumped there because the Arabs had shot the Israelis and then cut them into small pieces. Prince was making the point in his study that the Arabs in Israel still have this horrific mentality. There are so many reasons why the Land ought not to be given to the PLO: 1) It is anti-biblical. 2) It rewards terrorism and the Intifada. 3) It elevates an ordinary killer (Arafat) to national leadership. 4) It will not lead to peace; the PLO has no intention of making peace. 5) It becomes physically impossible to defend the remaining parts of Israel militarily. 6) Jewish and Christian religious sites are being handed over to Moslems (such as the Church of the Nativity and Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, and the tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron). It should be remembered that the struggle in Israel is spiritual as well as physical. It is a contest of religions as well as a conflict between peoples. A key feature of the End Times will be the reign of the Antichrist during the Tribulation. And his reign will be religious as well as political. In his book 2000 A.D., a look 25 years later at his Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey saw that the End Times were developing just as he had predicted. He followed Scripture and it is all coming about. That would explain the postures that everyone is taking, Christian, Jew and Arab. When I first began examining prophecy, I had no idea that the Arabs would play such a prominent role, that a common Arab terrorist such as Arafat would one day be perceived as a figure of world importance. It is all part of the coming of the End Times, and the world church of the Tribulation could well develop from a pact between the sacramental religions of the world, especially Moslems and Catholics. Author Dave Hunt believes that the Catholic Church will play a prominent role in the Tribulation, and he is not alone in that belief. An uncomfortable alliance is forming of Catholics and fundamentalist Moslems which could be equal to upwards of 2 billion people (almost half the world). It began over reproduction ethics at the 1994 Cairo Conference. They found themselves holding the line together about contraception, abortion, etc., and now are in some sort of agreement. Although the Pope grudgingly recognizes that Jews need a place to live, he still does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and he wants Jerusalem to be divided, calling it the capital of three great religions. You can contrast this view with that of Mayor Ehud Olmert, who points out that the capital of Moslems is in Mecca and that of Christians is in Rome, and therefore Jerusalem is solely the Jewish capital. Actually, it is the seat of the Catholic Church that is in Rome. The true Christian capital will be the new Jerusalem, which we, the Jews and Gentiles of the Church, will occupy. I haven't written the above as an exercise in bashing Catholics. There are devout Christians within this church, but throughout history the Catholic Church has shown a distressing tendency to adapt itself to whichever cultural and religious adherents it has tried to proselytize. In this way, error has entered into its doctrines and practices. This trait of assimilation could be disastrous if it tries to draw the other world religions within its folds and make peace by diluting the Gospel to the point where Christ is indistinguable from Mohammed, Buddha, or any other great "prophet." Satan is the father of lies, and in the End Times there will be great deception. Israel will play a key role in the unfolding of final biblical prophecy, and so Satan is bound to do all he can to pull the wool overpeople's eyes concerning the truth of its place in God's plan. The world will continue to pressure Israel with one "peace" plan or another, but lasting peace is available only through our risen Savior; and He is the One to whom one day "every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Write for Zola'a Newsletter, send mail to: Zola Levitt Ministries Box 12268 Dallas, TX 75225 For speaking engagements, write to the address above or send a FAX to: 214-669-8640 Tell them that you read it in Prophe-Zine. ***************************** Population Reduction by Paula Demers Every time I turn around I will hear over the news, or read in the paper of the tremendous over population of our planet. This is very interesting, because, from what I understand, if you took the entire population of the world, stood them side by side in the state of Texas, each person would have 1000 square feet. We are also told through various media sources, that we are using up the earths precious resources. Yet we have the technology to find a license plate on a car by use of a satellite. We have the technology for our government to listen to every phone call going on in the United States by use of a computer. This computer has about 400 key words, that if it picks up on any of these words, will record the phone call. We have the technology to put a computer chip contain all information on a person in the back of their hand the size of a grain of rice . We have the technology to put all information on a person on a strip in the back of their license, that can be run though a little machine and call up all info on that person. Is the media trying to tell us that we don't have the ability to use the earths precious resources wisely to feed and cloth everyone on the planet? I mean, our government pays farmers not to grow food. Food in third world countries is stored in buildings and left to rot. What is going on here? What would be the purpose of stressing a fact that isn't even true? For those of you folks who have read the Iron Mountain Report, you will notice that they stress that the population would have to be at a controllable level. They give many examples on how the population could be brought down to a level that would be controllable. The simple fact is that there are simply too many people on the earth to be controlled at this point. The following information is taken from the report written by Dr. J Coleman, (copyright 1992: 2533 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89706) "Global 2000: A Blueprint For Global Genocide". I will be using quotes out of the report that should get every reader thinking. In the first paragraph of the report Dr. Coleman wrote, he stated, "In 1979 I received a copy of a massive document commissioned by the Club of Rome and written by Cyrus Vance, three days after President James Earl Carter accepted it as official U.S. Policy....Global 2000 was unknown outside the Committee of 300 and carefully chosen official inside U.S. Government circles...." Keep in mind that many of the ideas for "Goals 2000" came from 19th century thinkers and writers such as Jeremy Bentham, William Petty-the Earl of Shelburne, H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell. (page one, paragraph three) "In his book 'The Impact of Science on Society' Russell expounded his views on how the world's population ought to be controlled, so as not to become a threat to the privileged rulers...." (page three, paragraph five) "We are also witnessing the Great Plagues of 1987-2000 in the form of AIDS, herpes, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis....Aids, as we know, is an artificially induced virus which in effect is a cancer of the blood.The first experiments were conducted in Africa on the border of Sierra Leone and Nigeria..." (page four and five paragraph's five and one) "...namely that the world is populated with too many redundant people who must not be allowed to procreate and consume scarce natural resources..." (page five paragraph five) "..jobless people be confined in concentration camps, run by a join stock company for profit....Once committed to concentration camps, inmates would never leave there alive." (Page six, paragraph two) "Bentham, Shelburne, Wells and Russell hated the idea of education for the in operation that would allow people to have a vocabulary of no more than 500 words....might help to explain why Alexander King of the Club of Rome was commissioned to destroy education in America.....A destructed education system qualifying millions who can barely read and write....will ensure a society in which the majority can and will be easily manipulated by men like President Bush, Cyrus Vance, Lord Carrington and James Baker III." (page six, paragraph five) "The First and Second World Wars were wars designed to kill millions....were not successful enough hence the new methods outlined in the Global 2000 Report." (page seven, paragraph two) "the mechanism of agriculture and the industrialization of the world was a terrible has led to, and presently supports, a mass of people who perform no indispensable service....consuming the limited resources and destroying the environment of the globe....which they...the Committee of 300 representing the 'preordained leaders' of the world, say is theirs.....the remedy...lies in destroying an economy based upon agricultural and industrial expansion, because these support larger and larger populations of unwanted 'useless eaters'." (page seven, paragraph seven) "The 'surplus population' thus created is targeted for death as 'useless eaters' in terms so clearly expressed in the Global 2000 Report." (page eight, paragraph four) "By the year 2000 the world SHALL have rid itself of at least 100 million 'useless eaters' and by the year 2050, the number culled SHALL amount to not less then 400 million." (Page nine, paragraph four) "By the year 2000...cases of AIDS in America will have reached 10 million, with millions more dying of AIDS-related diseases like tuberculosis, meningitis, cholera and more than likely, from bubonic plague. These events were planned and they are ongoing." (Page nine paragraph five) The quotes I have given from Dr. Coleman's report sound pretty unbelievable. Or do they? Let's take a look at what is happening in our country. In the report, Dr. Coleman mentioned abortion and the gay life style. Abortion has killed about 36 million babies. Many in America have been conditioned to believe this is not murder, but it has reduce America's population by 36 million. The gay life style was encouraged, because with same sex partners, there is no procreation. The education system in America as "dumb downed" our children so much that people are going to and graduating from college who can't read. Outcomebased Education does not teach the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. It is training our children to become "global citizens". The environmental movement is bringing man down to a level lower than the animals. In public schools, children are being taught to worship "Mother Earth". People can no longer do with their property what they want, but are accountable to the government if they want to add a room to their house, put a side walk up, cut a tree down. Our weather is being controlled. Droughts, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes are rampant. People are starving to death because of droughts in their countries and the food being shipped to them is being left to rot in storage houses. Aids is rampant. The behaviors that cause the spread of Aids is being encouraged by our government. Civilian labor camps are being put up on military installations. Saw an interesting article in the Daily News, January 8, 1995. It was called "Doing Time On The Outside". It talks about using prisoners to do work, like construction or road work, while they are in prison to save the taxpayers money. A sign on outside the Department of Corrections said, "Inmate Work Crews, Reducing Costs to Taxpayers". As I was reading the article, the thought kept going through my mind, "Is this how they are going to get people use to seeing prisoner slave labor?" Global 2000 doesn't seem to have a list of people who they want to get. It seems that they consider most of the population "useless eaters". I do imagine they will go after people fighting this first. There was no evidence that folks who keep quite and don't try to get the word out would be safe. No one will be safe. The Committee of 300 believe that the world is theirs to do with as they want. The rest of us are excess baggage. This report reminds me of a scripture verse. Matthew 24:21-22, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. and except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." This article was written by Paula Demers. For more of her offers send two first class stamps to Home Profits Business Builders, PO Box 280, Ft Walton Beach, Fl 32549-0280 ******************************* The Coming Last Days By: Dennis L. Finnan of The World, the Word & You Of all the subjects in the Bible, there is perhaps none of greater interest than the subject of Prophecy. Why such an interest? Well, that's obvious. Everyone wants to know what the future holds, what lies ahead, so we might plan our lives accordingly to make the future, if possible, more secure, stable and of course less threatening. Now prophecy I believe can do just that. Its main purpose of presentation in the Bible, is to bring the inquirer a sure hope. That is, the hope of God intervening in the affairs of men by coming again to the earth to finally rule and reign Himself forever and ever. Now, in Bible terms we call this the "Second Coming of Christ." It is not so much a singular event as it is a period of time when God abruptly stops the autonomous living of His creatures, and intervenes to directly accomplish His sovereign and eternal will. Now if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have the authority and call to look forward to this period of time with great anticipation and joy -- for God intends it to be just that. And, to help believers in Christ do that, the Lord has given us the Book of Revelation to especially help us see what lies ahead. Particularly for believers, we see a bright new future that awaits us. Therefore, it is important that every true believer in Jesus Christ, regardless of their denominational affiliation, understand the fundamentals of Bible prophecy. To do that we must catalog what we find the Bible teaches on this subject. Of course, as one goes through the 66 inspired and inerrant Books that make up our single Bible, one can find a plethora of revelations that reveal the future. However no book in the whole Bible touches the subject of prophecy more than the Book of "the Revelation of Jesus Christ." This is the last book in the New Testament, and is one everybody should be acquainted with. So let's examine the book in a brief but chronological form, to see what God is telling us about our future that lies ahead. The Book of Revelation is a very old book. It is almost 2000 years old. It was written before the turn of the first century around 100 AD, penned for us by an old man, one of the apostles of the Lord Jesus Himself. Yes, his name is John, a man who literally and physically walked with God, our Lord Jesus Christ. At this point in his life John was under persecution for his faith. He had been banished from the Roman empire's grace and was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, to be left alone in his last and final days. However he was far from being alone. As a dynamic believer in the resurrected and living Christ, John was in full communion and fellowship with God. This is where we get the book of Revelation. God gave it to him in a series of "revelations," or visions. Let's quickly but concisely look at this book and see what fresh things it has to say to us as we march towards the fantastic 21st Century. There are many differing interpretations of this prophetic book, but I, being a fundamentalist, am proud to say I and the historic Christ is behind me, together we believe that God's Word is to be literally interpreted. However, such literal interpretation carries with it the authority to interpret the Bible symbolically where applicable. Such application comes by direct permission from the Biblical writers, or by common and clear grammatical and historical usage of language. It is precisely here that the Book of Revelation gives many people trouble. It is a book of symbolism, more than literalism. You see, God intended it to be so because it is a book that describes the future. If God literally revealed what was to happen and how it would happen, it would disturb and destroy the normal course of progressive advancement of the human race. That was not God's plan, so God gives us this book with rich symbolic parallels that can be understood as one enters the periods of time described therein. Now the Book of Revelation can be broken down into three sections of time. In fact, we are told to do this for we read in, Rev 1:19 NIV "Write , therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." John was told to organize this book, so the human race might know the past, present and future, concerning spiritual events. This is exactly what we find. In John's series of visions, we find the first chapter of Revelation covers the background of things that are past. Then in chapters two and three, he reveals to us a series of messages God gave to the churches of Jesus Christ during the period of time John was alive. These churches were spattered all around Asia Minor and were real literal functioning churches. Although these message were specifically given to their needs, they do contain prophetic teachings too. However, I believe that is not their main purpose. These two chapters are God's communication with them during their period of human existence. But then we come to chapters four through twenty-two. It is here we find God's Word presents what will occur in the future. In fact, it was to be so far into the future, that these passage still remain a future prediction of things to come. Nothing in Revelation chapters 4-22 have yet occurred. So when we read, study and exegete them, we must talk in the future tense and realize the symbolism may not be fully understood, since the events and happenings have not yet occurred -- and He still does not want to clearly reveal the future so as to change it as it would normally unfold by human hands and living. Now with that behind us, let's look at what lies ahead. In chapters 2-3, God talks to seven of the major churches of Asia Minor. In these chapters we can learn some very important truths. I believe the most important is that mankind hasn't changed in 2000 years! How Christians lived in the first century is very similar to how we live out our lives today. The messages to these seven churches therefore can be practically applied to us today. Here Jesus Christ begins by personally speaking to His flock at the Church of EPHESUS. The Lord summarizes them as the "Backslidden Church" (2:1-7). He warned them to return to their first love. The love of the Bible, witnessing, and living Christ before others. Next the Lord speaks to the Church of SMYRNA (2:8-11) for there, believers were experiencing great persecution that brought poverty and shame. Jesus encourages them to remain faithful for He would not forget their labors and sacrifices and He revealed a great reward was coming for those who were faithful. Third, we see a message to the Church of PERGAMUM (2:12-17). These believers were faithful, but they had also become worldly. They began to mimic the world, wanting to be like them. Soon they even began to adopt secular thinking and actions. The church had been infiltrated by "politically correct dogma" and the Lord rebuked them for it. Fourth in Revelation chapters 2-3, God speaks to the Church of THYATIRA (2:18-29) as the "Idolatrous Church," for this church had theologically defected! It actually begin denying God's Word and teachings. It began by ordaining women preachers who became leaders and teachers in their midst -- and one in particular had lead many into New Age teachings that directly denied the Lord who "bought them with His blood." Jesus warned and rebuked them to turn away from this sin, or swift judgment would come. Now to the fifth church the Church of SARDIS (3:1-6), God identifies this church as the "Dying Church." They had literally just about forgotten to uphold and practice the life giving witness of their faith. They were no longer evangelistic, and saw little use for it. In turn it brought about their impending death. Jesus had no words of comfort or praise for them only warnings and rebuke. Then we find the sixth church the Church of PHILADELPHIA (3:7-13). "Oh" what a wonderful vibrant group of believers these were! Jesus had nothing but praise for them for they were a strong and "Healthy Church." They kept the faith, held fast the Word, and faithfully labored to win souls to Christ. Would to God every church today would be like this church. But then lastly, the seventh church is the Church of LAODICEA (3:14-22). Jesus called this the "Lukewarm Church." They tried desperately to have a foot in both worlds. Not to hot for Christ, it would look bad for them in their communities in which hey lived. They didn't want to offend their godless neighbors or public school officials. Yet they didn't want to offend God either, so they gave God the "minimum," that they thought would keep them known as believers. Yet God said to them He would "cast them out of his mouth," as for all who are compromised, half-hearted followers! Now that is God's Word in Revelation to the churches of John's day. And, since human history often repeats itself, we can apply the unique actions and emphasis of these churches to ours today. But now we come to the fourth chapter of Revelation. It is here controversy begins. For this chapter exclusively takes us into the far future, to a time when multitudes and millions of human beings are "in heaven," praising God. Now, when can such a time as this exist? The answer is, when God calls the entire Church home! From other Scripture we can easily and clearly conclude this fourth chapter is a prediction that the Church of Jesus Christ one day, in all fullness will be "caught away" from the earth, to be with the Lord (1 Thess 4:13-18). This is called the doctrine of "the Rapture." Now, here is the controversy. Everyone does not agree when and how the rapture occurs, if at all! However, being a fundamentalist and a believer in historic Christianity, we find the book of Revelation naturally and literally tells us that Chapter 4 precedes chapters 5-22, the final events of human history. Therefore, if one naturally believes the whole Bible's record, the Book of Revelation gives us a perfect scenario of when the Rapture of the Church occurs. As the last portion of Revelation beginning in chapter five reveals a time when God intervenes in the godless affairs of men, the church must be raptured before this happens! This in eschatology is called the Pre-millennial, Pre-Tribulational Rapture view of the Church. That means before the Tribulation Period formally begins, God will literally "snatch away" His Church in a "twinkling of an eye." That my friend is a future prediction and of all future prophecy, is the next step on the events God has planed for this world. Literally, one day, perhaps even today, at any moment, the trumpet of God will call His Church home and the world will be left to its godless, selfish, sinful ways. But then, following this glorious event that begins the Period known as the Second Coming of Christ, God promises our world that we will for a short time, be left to our own sinful ways. For Chapters 5-20 tells us of the almost unbelievable and tragic events that are coming on our world. In rich symbolic form we are told God is going to pour out judgments on this Christ rejecting world, during a period of seven years. Judgments so terrible and horrible, it will be the worst time of human history! A time that begins with the promise of human peace, but ends in the wicked subjugation of the world to a demon possessed world leader known in the Bible as the antichrist, who destroys all hope for humanity's future. Now, three series of judgments are predicted in Revelation that are known as: (1) THE SEVEN SEAL JUDGMENTS (5-8) - a time when the fullness of today's anti-god ideology blossoms, followed by a massive world war, planet-wide famine, terrible disease and plagues and massive global anarchy, persecution and martyrdom. Then God promises to unleash on this Christ rejecting world, what the Bible calls (2) THE SEVEN TRUMPET JUDGMENTS (8-12). Here the whole creation will "vomit up" its distaste for the godless and demonically inspired rulership. We are told in these chapters, that the seas will be polluted and turned to blood, the sun will become dimmed, celestial bodies will fall and invade the earth, the fresh water systems of the planet will be polluted, and literally demons previously chained in Hell, will be unleashed and allowed to pour out their wicked hatred upon on all the godless who rejected Christ and His people. Friend, it will be time not to be alive, but ironically, no one will be able to die for a short period of time -- all will suffer terribly for their open rebellion and sins. But then, the last series of judgments are called by John (3)) THE SEVEN VIAL JUDGMENTS found in chapters (13-18), but specifically revealed to us in chapter 16. Here we are told God begins His plan of rescuing the human race from its sin fevered demon infection. Seven plagues that repeat what has happened before, but with more intensity, are unleashed upon the world! All these judgments pave the way for the final world battle called Armageddon. Here wicked unsaved mankind under the demon possessed leadership of the antichrist, will attempt to attack God as the final moment occurs. At the close of the seven years of tribulation, the skies break open and reveal the coming Revelation of the Lord, at what is called the Battle of Armageddon. This battle is actually never fought, for Revelation 20 tells us upon Christ's return, in an instant by the word of His mouth, He slays all sinners who have stood against Him. Then the victory is won, the battle is over the godless, the humanists, the homosexuals, the immoral, the false religionists, and the irreligious - all will have lost the battle to take over this world. And they will be at that time, judged and cast into Hell to suffer forever and ever. Now, following this judgment of the nations, and of course the miraculous saving of Israel, that is not the emphasis of my thoughts today - God opens a new era of human history called the 1000 year reign of Christ, literally on the earth. Now my moments with you are almost gone, so what can we say to wrap this up? Only one thing. The time for us to consider these things is now at hand. I believe we are so close. Will mankind survive and enter the 21st century? Many believe God will wind things up when this Millennium comes. However, I'm not a date setter, but I am a believer in God's Word, for the startling realization that all this coming true is ever more my conviction. Therefore, I want to be ready for the coming of the Lord. I want my life to count for Christ in '96 as never before. I want to be on the vanguard of faithful, and sacrificial service for the King! Oh that when He comes, He will find me faithful. Say friend how about you? Will you commit by faith to join me? Will you become ever more committed to theLord's church and His work? If so, bow with me in a moment of prayer. "Father God, I confess as I look over my life, there is much more I can do for you and much more I can be like you in this new year. Come into my heart in a fresh and dynamic way Lord, and begin a real revival in me, that I might be on "fire" for Christ. May my home, my family my job and my witness been seen in a new light that will reveal a dynamic change from things in the past. Oh God, use me to be a vibrant witness for your Word and call, and anoint me afresh with the power of the Spirit to be ready when You call. This I pray and ask in the authority and Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. Amen." If you can say amen to that with me - then be ready for a dynamic new beginning! And, may God grant this to you for Jesus sake. Amen. As we close I do not want to leave out those who have yet to enter God's fold. If you cannot remember a time when you dedicated your life to Christ, you surely don't want to be here should the Rapture come tomorrow. All these terrible things that lie ahead will be your portion for life, before you are cast into an everlasting Hell. No friend, God wants better for you, and He now offers you pardon, if you'll come to Jesus Christ confessing your sins, and calling upon Him to save you. That's exactly what I did more than 20 years ago as I listened to a radio preacher in my car while traveling. I paused and prayed for salvation and forgiveness, I dedicated my life to Christ, and right there God changed me and accepted me, and since then I've had the joy and deep peace that has been my guide and stay. I pray you too will ask Christ into your life before its too late. God grant this to you here and now - for it is God's accepted time. * Radio talk # 0196 * Broadcast date: January 7, 1996 * Speaker: Dennis L. Finnan, Commentator * Program: The World, the Word & You! Radio Broadcast * Address: P.O. Box 575 St. Charles, MN 55972-0575 -------------------------------------- The World, the Word & You! Broadcast is a non-denominational ministry based on the historic fundamental evangelical interpretation of the Scriptures.A copy of our doctrinal statement is available upon request.These weekly radio commentaries can be heard in selected areas around the nation. Dennis Finnan has been the speaker for 16 years, and serves as General Director. These transcripts are available free of charge to all who desire them. Also available are radio cassette tapes and printed booklets of each message. A free listing of all messages is available upon request also. For further information, reprints, or a listing of all topics, please write to our speaker, Dennis L. Finnan at Visit The World, the Word & You www site at: ******************************** Abortion - The Lie Some Beleive By: Wayne Merritt (A1nOnly@ Greetings, I wanted to write to you all about some more New Age information entering the church. But, as I read my local paper I noticed that the Partial Birth Abortion bill (DNX) is heading to the Presidents Desk and rumours say Mr Clinton will veto it, allowing this procedure to be another means of abortion. You know the procedure if you have been following this. It turns the babies body around in the womb, pulls the body partially out with forceps, up to the neck, leaving the head in the womb, then the doctor inserts a instrument into the back of the head, making a hole wide enough to use a high power vacuum if you will, to suck the brains out and deflate the head. All in the name of saving the mom!!!! Let me tell you a story before I move on: Mrs Jones just delivered her 3rd child, the child was 48 hours old and home from the hospital. The child was up all night and Mrs Jones was exhausted the next day. Well the husband, Mr Jones, getting most of the sleep the night before decides to take the other two children out for Ice Cream while his wife took a afternoon nap while the baby slept. This was much appreciated by his wife. While Mr Jones and the two older children were out enjoying there time together, Mrs Jones was awakened by the fire alarms. As she rose, the house was filled with smoke. She was disillusioned and panicky. She got her facultys in order and ran towards the babys room, hardly being able to see through the smoke. As she open the door she saw the fire was ablaze in that room, an inferno. She Ran in the Room, risking her life for her child, knowing the room pretty well was the only thing that got her to the crib. She picked up the baby, choking and she noticed her pant leg was aflame. Not caring she crawled to the front door her leg must have been on fire it was so hot. Managing to open the front door, she crawled out to the porch, a neighbor present took the baby, and dragged Mrs Jones to safety. The neighbor already had called the fire dept and police and managed to give mouth to mouth to the baby, who was choking and dowse the fire from Mrs Jones pant leg. The story ends that both Mom and Baby were okay and by the Grace of God saved from this tradegy. The MOM risked her life for her Child. Does this story come as a surprise to you. Wouldn't all mom's, who are in danger, risk there life for there very own? As a Husband and Dad, would Mr Jones risked his life for his wife, if he came home during this time? As I read Ephesians 5:25 I am told by Paul that I, as a husband, are to risk my Life for my Wife as Chirst gave Himself for the Church. I would give my Life for my wife, and children. This is not only what is commanded of me, but what is in my heart. My wife would give her life for our children. Everyone of them. This is what is in her heart. Why, all of a sudden, is it different by this "Save the Mom" abortion lie? Why would our president sign such a procedure? Well, Clinton said that if it would save the mother this would be the right avenue to take. NO! ITS NOT! ITS EVIL, ITS WRONG! Doesn't Jesus Christ command us in a different view completely......... The long term effects, Not in the MIND but in the heart, of this mother whom chose to abort the baby for her own life would be devastating. This is because God knows us, He knows what is right for us, and that is why HE commanded us, in these tradgic situations, to give our lives for others. What a tradegy it would be for anyone to get into a decision of Life or Death..... But what would you choose? I know what your would choose, cause the truth of the Gospel is in you. We take the Free Gift from God, thats Jesus's suffering and final victory over sin. Did Jesus Love the Church (his Bride) enough to die for it? Do End Time Saints Love Jesus enough to die for the truth? Will those who accept Jesus after the Rapture be put to death for HIM? Its not hard to discern this abortion issue. Its a lie from that pit called hell. Its confusion, murder, pain, suffering and unjust! I wish I could be more optimistic when I write, but its so so hard. The ways of the world lead to death, and then death again! AND I see souls daily that are misinformed, victims of the lie, not only abortion, but lies from the world. My heart goes out to them, I want them so badly to know the truth in Jesus Christ. I was one of these lost souls, and now I am found, as the song goes. For me, I am the model of optimisism, but for the lost world, I feel in my heart for them. This is why I write in sorrow and agony, not for us, but for them. In His Blessed Name..... Wayne Merritt Romans 6:23 Editor Note: At first I was not going to present this article, but after some prayer and consulting with the author and friends, I put it in. I really was up in the air about this topic but after talking to Wayne and another one of my confidants they both reminded me of a few verses. One was 2 Tim 3:1-5, these verses talk about the Godlessness in the last days. The second verse was in Galations 5:19-21, this section talks about the fruits of the flesh. Wayne and my friends both opened my eyes, and I recognize the fact that this "political" topic, is a topic of prophecy. As Wayne told me "it (abortion) is not the New World Order or Bio Chips, but it is a part of Bible prophecy ." In a resent letter to one of my readers, I myself told that person that we must look at everything and not put on those blinders. So I want to thank Wayne and my friends who advise me for opening my eyes and helping in taking off MY blinders. Ray Prophe-Zine *************************** THE TRUTH IS IN THE AIR Author Unknown How Near Are We to Christ's Return? Jesus gives us a clue as to the time, or season, of His return in the book of Matthew. He refers to Israel as the fig tree and tells us when Israel once again becomes a nation, as they did on May 14, 1948 after nearly 1900 years of scattered exile, this generation shall not pass without witnessing His return. We are living in that era now (Matthew 24:32-51). The book of Revelation, written by John on the Isle of Patmos, contains detailed prophecies of the events surrounding Christ's return, many of which are being fulfilled every day. For example, John foresees an army of 200 million advancing from the East. China now has that many. According to Revelation 16:12, this army will cross the Euphrates River on dry ground. In 1990, Turkey built a dam which could make this possible. Earthquakes, plagues, weather changes and a falling away of the churches are all occurring as prophesied. Christians look up-you redemption draweth nigh! You can expect perilous times from now until the end. As for the time of His return, no man shall know the day or the hour, but we should all heed the signs. Paul says in I Thessalonians 5:4-6, "Let us not sleep as others do but watch and be sober." Whether you believe it or not, God has set an appointed time with destiny which cannot be evaded or postponed. Since the turn of the century we have seen world wars, civil wars, famine communism, dictatorships, terrorism and the collapse of family valued. It has already started to happen and will get much worse. The good news is you can have faith in Jesus, who shed His blood for all mankind and who promises eternal life (Romans 6:23). His promise is found in I Thessalonians 4:16-18. The Thrilling Promise from Jesus "For the Lord Himself shall descend form heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with trumpet call of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and we shall forever be with the Lord. Wherefore, console one another with these words." How the Establishment of the New World Order Fulfills Prophecy Scripture forewarns the revival of the Roman Empire as a sign that end-time events are in motion. The result will be a One World government, One World economy and One World religion. Read Daniel 2,4,7,and 9. The New World Order which world leaders so enthusiastically herald will be led by ten nations. A charismatic leader will arise and take control of this confederacy by confirming a peace covenant between Israel and many nations. (Daniel 9:27). He will be the antichrist. A false messiah. The Bible says this man will be mighty and perform miracles. If possible even the very elect will be deceived (Matthew 24:2-4). With the calamity surrounding the establishment of this new world order, (read Ezekial 38 and 39), peace and prosperity will reign for 3.5 years. Then all hell will break loose. The antichrist will set himself up in the Jewish temple as God. The ensuing 3.5 years of tribulation will be so severe that few will survive. The good news is, the church of Jesus Christ will be spared from the seven year reign of the antichrist and false prophet. All born again Christians will be with Jesus during this period and then return with Him to triumph at the final Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 3:10-11). Jesus will then establish His kingdom on earth for 1000 years (Zechariah 14). Beware of New Age philosophies and cults trying to deceive. The Bible warns of these: "Therefor, test the spirits and make sure they are of God." Instead they teach that you yourself can achieve Christ consciousness or become Godlike. They believe that in the year 2000 they will usher in a New Age kingdom and rule. Furthermore, they admit this cannot be done without first removing Christians from the world, a process wickedly referred to as 'spiritual cleansing. 'Dear Christian brothers and sisters, stand firm in your faith. The Countdown Has Started The Epistle of Barnabas and many other early Christian writings taught there would be 6000 years of man's unjust self-governing then a 1000 year Millennium in which Christ would rule. Victorinus, Bishop of Petau, wrote in around A.D. 270; "the true and just Sabbath should be observed the seventh Millennium of years. Wherefore, to those seven days the Lord attributed to each a thousand years". (2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90) The antichrist will rule for seven years. (Daniel 9:27) If a peace pact is confirmed soon, where does that place the Rapture of the church? Where does that leave you? If you are left on earth during the seven year reign of the antichrist (false messiah, do not accept the mark of the beast, the number 666, or you will be condemned eternally to Hell. (Revelation 14:9-10) We are living in the most critical time in the history of the world. The proliferation of nuclear weapons, ethnic tensions and aggressive behavior are out of control. As a spiritually reborn Christian you have nothing to fear. You can be with Jesus during the terrible rule of the antichrist and then return with Christ when He sets up His kingdom, where all is peace and harmony. If you think this article is a fairy tale, read Revelation chapters 13, 14, and 19. How Can You Be Sure You Are Ready? My friend, Jesus did it all on the cross, without the shedding of His blood there would be no redemption (Romans 5:80. Jesus said;"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) Christ also told Nicodemus; "you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God." (John 3:3) Become born again today and live you life for Jesus and spend eternity with the Lord. The Rapture is near, Jesus could come today! Our prayer is that you will be ready and that multitudes find the narrow path that prepares them for this final event. Read John 3:16. If you desire to have a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ, please pray this prayer: Dear God I am a sinner and repent of my sins. I need Jesus Christ to come into my life and become my Lord and Savior. I accept His sacrifice on the cross and the penalty and payment for my sins. Thank you for loving me and for giving me a second chance. I give my life to you in Jesus name. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Read Romans 10:9-11 & 10:13, John 14:1-3, Revelation 3:20, I Peter 2:2, Hebrews 10:25, Philippians 4:6-7, Ephesians 2:8,9 ************************* COMPUTER'S AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST By: Robert Smith Many advanced Computers are available with many designations, but one is especially interesting. NCR produced a six-core memory computer with 60 bytes per word in conjunction with six bits to the character. It is named and advertised as the 6-60-6, which defines the size and shape of the computer. The only way this can be pronounced is six sixty-six (666). In computer language, 666 has a unique significance. A computer is an information retrieval system, and all of its information is stored as numbers. A computer's memory cell has only two states--on and off, or mathematically 1 and 0. Thus, every number must be represented in 1s and Os. We use a decimal system based on 10; thus, it has 10 symbols: O, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Computers use a binary system using two symbols (O and 1). To manage large numbers, computers use a binary coded decimal system (BCD), which consists of groups of four digits, to make up all numbers. By comparing the groups of numbers listed below one can find each system's equivalent symbol. Thus, OOO1, OO11, O111, O1O1 in the binary coded decimal system is equal to our decimal system number 1,375. DECIMAL SYSTEM BINARY SYSTEM O = OOOO 1 = OOO1 2 = OO1O 3 = OO11 4 = O1OO 5 = O1O1 6 = O11O 7 = O111 8 = 1OOO 9 = 1OO1 (For various reasons, some computers use Base 8 (O-7) and therefore do not use the last two symbols shown.) As shown in the BCD system, the number 6 is represented by O11O. This is unique because O11O written backwards or upside-down is still O11O. The only other number in the BCD system with the same property is its complement 1OO1, or 9. (However, not every computer counts past 7.). This consistency is the same in every country in the world, unaffected by language because every computer speaks the same language of "1s and "Os." Thus, O11O, O11O, O11O is 666 universally. In the Book of Revelation, John said that 666 is the mark of the Beast. This number also represents the universal consistency of the computers that will be required to control the world's finances and thus the world's people. When John wrote 1,900 years ago, he did not know anything about the binary number system, computers, or why computers would require binary coded decimals. Yet, he stated emphatically that the mark of the beast is 666. The Government's system for identification uses 18 digits, the last nine of which are the Social Security number. Virtually every citizen in the country over the age of 1 will be forced to have a Social security number. Starting in 1990, every child over one year old must have a Social Security number to qualify as a dependent on tax returns. Preceding this 9-digit Social Security number are 3 digits corresponding to one's telephone area code. Obviously, the whole world is tied by phone; every barren deserts with no inhabitants have area codes. In front of these numbers is a country code; for America it is 11O. From this single, universally consistent number, the government will instantly know a person's country, region, and identity. Does that seem logical so far? But that accounts for only 15 digits, and the system is based on 18. The missing 3-digit code specifies that you are in the system: 666. Is that enough to concern you? The point is that 666 is a significant and important part of what the future is going to hold. The Bible prophesied it. By: Robert Smith *********************** Note: This is for all the people who are confused about the World Government movement. It is not a conspiracy, in fact it is open and in the public records. The Bible speaks about this as well in Daniel and Revelation. -- Ray PZ -- _________ A Brief Chronology of the World Federalist Movement in the United States Congress The following information is documented in "Conspiracy of Silence: An American's Guide to Congressional Documentation of the World Government Movement in Congress," by Richard R. Biondi, Operation Patriot Spectre. WORLD FEDERATION? -- Article 109 of the United Nations Charter provides that 2/3 of the General Assembly or any 9 Members of the Security Council can call a general conference--or world constitutional convention--to "strengthen the Charter." Whereas our Founding Fathers were called to Philadelphia to strengthen the Articles of Confederation and emerged with the Constitution of the United States, proponents of world government wish call a general conference to strengthen the United Nations Charter into a world constitution. -- Since 1945, individuals representing special interests have lobbied the United States Congress and the President of the United States to take the lead in transforming the United Nations into a world federation open to all nations with defined and limited powers adequate to preserve peace and prevent aggression through the enactment, interpretation, and enforcement of world law. -- From 1949 - 51, Alan Cranston served as president of the United World Federalists and helped convince 111 Members of the House--including Rep. John F. Kennedy and Rep. Gerald Ford, 22 Members of the Senate--including Sen. Hubert Humphrey, and 25 State legislatures--including the state of Washington, to strengthen the United Nations into a world government by cosponsoring world federalist resolutions. -- On July 21, 1955, President Eisenhower offered the Soviet Union a comprehensive disarmament verification system known as "Open Skies." Under the proposal, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.would have exchanged their entire national defense blueprints and allowed for aerial verification of disarmament compliance. Khrushchev rejected the proposal. -- On November 21, 1955, the U.N. General Assembly decided that "a General Conference to review the Charter shall be held at an appropriate time." The Soviet Bloc voted against the U.N. Resolution. -- In 1960, Senator Joseph Clark introduced S. Con. Res. 83 which called for the United States to take the lead in opening Article 109 to "strengthen" the United Nations into a world federation. Prominent cosponsors of S. Con. Res. 83 included Senators Byrd of West Virginia, Church, Humphrey, Kefauver, Kennedy, McCarthy, and Symington. -- On September 21, 1961, President John F. Kennedy called for general and complete disarmament and the establishment of the international machinery to insure a just and lasting peace. In essence, President Kennedy called for world government. Once again, Khrushchev rejected the world government/disarmament proposal offered by the United States. -- In 1968, Senator Joseph Clark was defeated for reelection. In 1969, Sen. Clark became the president of the United World Federalists. -- Also in 1968, former president of the United World Federalists, Alan Cranston, was elected U.S. Senator from the state of California. -- In 1971, Senator Cranston introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 45, which was essentially a refined version of S. Con. Res. 83 from 1960. Prominent members of the Washington establishment that supported Senate Concurrent Resolution 45 in 1971 included Senators Bentson, Byrd of West Virginia, Church, Sen. Robert Dole, Humphrey, Inouye, Kennedy, McGovern, Mondale, Packwood, Pell, Ribicoff, Schweiker, and Taft. -- A similar resolution was introduced into the House of Representatives, known as H. Con. Res. 258. HCR 258--introduced by Rep. Hungate--had a total of 131 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, they include Representatives Anderson (now president of the World Federalist Association), Dellums, Drinan, Foley, Kemp, Mathias, Michel, Mitchell, Sarbanes, and Symington. In 1972, Walter Hoffman of the World Federalists--USA and Ronald Glossop--chairman of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of World Federalists were invited to testify before the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Here is the text of SCR 45 -- almost identical to HCR 258: *** Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives Concurring), Whereas the United Nations General Assembly voted on December 11, 1970, to request the Secretary General to "invite Member States to communicate to him, before July 1, 1972, their views and suggestions on the review of the Charter of the United Nations" (General Assembly Resolution 2697 (XXV)): Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives Concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that-- (1) The United States should continue in its historic role of providing world leadership in working for modernization and reform of the United Nations, and toward the establishment and preservation of a civilized family of nations in accordance with the highest aspirations of mankind. (2) The President is hereby requested to initiate high-level studies in the executive branch of the Government to determine what changes should be made in the Charter of the United Nations, to promote a just and lasting peace through the development of the rule of law, including protection of individual rights and liberties as well as the field of war prevention. The President is further requested to report to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives before June 30, 1972, the results of such studies. (3) The Government of the United States should take the lead in calling for a conference to review the United Nations Charter in accordance with article 109 of the Charter, not later than 1974. *** -- In 1973, Sen. Alan Cranston, along with Sen. Taft, introduced S. Res. 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. Sen. Alan Cranston wanted the United States to give up its sovereign right to oppose the decisions of the International Court of Justice . 1) SR 74: Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the submission of United States territorial disputes to the International Court of Justice. 2) SR 75: Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the adjudication of disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of international agreements. 3) SR 76: Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate wit respect to establishing regional courts within the International Court of Justice, increasing the categories of parties which may request advisory opinions from the International Court of Justice, selecting Judges of the International Court of Justice, and having the InternationalCourt of Justice consider cases outside the Hague. 4) SR 77: Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. 5) SR 78: Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to access to the International Court of Justice. "1) to permit private individuals, business organizations, and other legal entities or persons to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court." In order to have a global rule of law, a supranational body must have the ability to enact, interpret and enforce world law. Over the years, the language of the world federalist resolutions have been deliberately reduced to vague and idealistic language. In order to understand them, you have to understand the history of the world federalist movement itself. -- In 1974, Rep. Robert Drinan introduced H. Con. Res. 417--the Right to Peace Resolution-- *** Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate Concurring,) That-- (1) A world without war is possible. (2) In such a world nations will rely for their external protection on world institutions strong enough to stop any nation from making war, capable of assuring peaceful and just settlements of disputes, and reliable enough to be entrusted with such powers. (3) It is the policy of the United States to initiate and to implement with other nations practical steps consistent with our commitment to the United Nations for the expeditious realization of such institutions. *** -- Rep. Drinan was chairman of the World Order Strategy Committee of the Members of Congress for Peace through Law. Sen. Bob Packwood served as the vice-chairman. Rep. Drinan introduced HCR 417 as a stepping stone to strengthening the United Nations into a world federation. 40 Members of the House of Representatives cosponsored the above resolution, including Representatives Brown of California, Dellums, Hungate, Lehman, and Symington. -- In 1975, the world federalists were invited to testify before the Subcommittee on International Organizations and Movements of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Luther Evans, representing the World Federalists, USA, testified. The President of the World Federalists, USA, at this time, was former Sen. Joseph Clark--the Senator who introduced SCR 83 (world federalists resolution) in 1960. Rosemary Ginn, representing an organization known as the U.S. National Commission or UNESCO--which advocates the concept of world citizenship--submitted a list of members of the Commission. Sen. Robert Dole and Sen. Lloyd Bentson were members of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO. -- The world federalist attempted again to influence the Committee on Foreign Relations in 1979 during a hearing known as United Nations Reform, held on October 26, 1979. Walter Hoffman, representing the Campaign for United Nations Reform, and Donald Keys, representing the World Association of World Federalists, testified before the Committee. -- There were no world federalist hearings held from 1980 - 1993. One can speculate that the world federalist movement went underground in order to confuse its opposition. This is quite plausible considering that this information is not discussed in our public educational establishment, in the "mainstream" media, and even Sen. Bob Dole has engaged in a conspiracy of silence. Will he admit he supported a world federalist resolution? -- President Clinton has furthered the world federalist cause by implementing PDD - 25. PDD - 25 shifts more responsibility to the United Nations by reducing U.S. financial burden for peacekeeping missions, providing U.S. military bases for U.N. training operations, and allowing U.S. troops to serve under U.N. command. -- On October 19, 1994, the Gorbachev Foundation USA--which is chaired by Alan Cranston and George Shultz--released the Global Security Programme. Alan Cranston is the head of the U.S. delegation for the Global Security Project. Their proposal includes "New security and peacekeeping arrangements designed to reduce perceived needs to rely on nuclear weapons, including measures to strengthen the authority of the United Nations and regional security institutions." -- On October 24, 1994, the House Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations and Human Rights of the Committee on Foreign Affairs invited George Shultz of the Gorbachev Foundation USA, Ernst B. Hass--an integration theorist, and Mr. Tad Daley--member of the World Federalist Association and director of the Campaign for a New United Nations Charter to testify before the hearing known as United Nations at 50. -- In 1995, Sen. Bob Dole push the G.A.T.T. Treaty (World Trade Organization) through the Senate. Is it not one of the powers of Congress to regulate foreign commerce? Why would Sen. Dole and the Washington Establishment give this essential right to a supranational authority? What Proponents of World Government Have Said "The plain fact is that the creation of some sort of world government is inevitable. The world has been moving toward some form of world-wide political institution ever since man stood on his hind feet and began to walk. The areas governed have grown steadily larger, commencing with the family, through the tribe, to the village, then the state, and now to the nation as we know it. Plainly the world has shrunk so small, with transportation so rapid, with methods of destruction so violent, that it cannot long continue as a jungle of anarchistic nations." -- Alan Cranston, president of the United World Federalists, 1950. Taken from: US Congress, Senate, Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations. Revision of the United Nations Charter. Hearings, 81st Congress, Second Session, February 2 - 20th, 1950. "World Government is not only possible, it is inevitable; and when it comes, it will appeal to patriotism in its truest, in its only sense, the patriotism of men who love their national heritage so deeply that they with to preserve them in safety for the common good." -- Sir Peter Ustinov, president, World Federalist Movement. Taken from Glossop, Ronald. World Federation? A Critical Analysis of Federal World Government, London: McFarland, 1993, inside cover. "It has been suggested that 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of the Charter, would be a good time for such a conference [Article 109], especially since there are some things which definitely need to be changed such as a reference to the no-longer existent "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" in Article 23 and the reference to Japan and Germany as "enemy states" in Article 53. A conference to discuss possible changes in the Charter could conceivably turn out to be somewhat parallel to the 1787 meeting where the U.S. Constitution was developed even though the meeting had been called by the Continental Congress only to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to draw up a new federal constitution. A meeting to review the UN Charter might become a meeting to consider a constitution for a world federation." Taken from: Glossop, Ronald. World Federation? A Critic al Analysis of Federal World Government, London: McFarland, 1993, p. 194. By: Richard Biondi For more info: Operation Patriot Spectre 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste. B - 156 Lynnwood, WA 98037 - 4709 *********************** Below is the article "Gorby Gives Birth to the New World Order", written by one of the CDR's networkers, Lu Haynes of Washington State. The article was originally distributed electronically by Steve Washam +++++++++++++++++++ The Monday Morning Wake-up Call By: Average martyrs p.a. as of following dates: Martyrs (1996): 159,000 Martyrs (1900): 35,600 Martyrs (1970): 230,000 Martyrdom across the ages has garnered a significant amount of interest recently. In Our globe and how to reach it (1990, Barrett & Johnson), the grim facts are presented. From AD33 to 1990, there were 420 situations of martyrdom (where large groups of Christians are killed). In 56 of these over 100,000 were killed; in 20, more than half a million were killed and in twelve over 1 million were killed. The bulk of these situations occurred in two periods: the first, between 1000 and 1500 AD, and the second, a much shorter period, 1900-1980. 26 million, over half of all Christian martyrs ever, were killed in this latter period. Some 9.9 million were martyred in the past forty years alone. +++++++++++++++++++++ What is THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE? By: Rabbi Chaim Richman Introduction The Temple Institute is an educational, non-profit organization located in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. The Institute was founded in 1987 with a unique goal in mind: to raise the conciousness of the Jewish people - and the world in general - to the realization that mankind's spiritual vacuum can only be filled by the rebuilding of the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, location of both the First Temple and Second Temple ...and the location of the Third Temple, as promised and foresee n by every prophet of Israel, without exception. Through ongoing educational, scientific and research-related projects, our goal is to further the understanding and awareness of the spiritual significance of the Holy Temple to all mankind... as taught by the Bible of Israel. "For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56). Today, at the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. Here, you can see something which has not been seen on the face of the earth for 2,000 years: In preparation for the Third Temple, the Temple Institute has created authenti c Temple vessels and priestly garments according to Biblical specifications. This is an ongoing process, and to date over 60 sacred objects have been recreated from gold, silver and copper. These vessels are not models or replicas, but they are actually made according to all the complicated nuances and requirements of Biblical law. If the Holy Temple were to be rebuilt immediately, the Divine service could be resumed utilizing these vessels. Click here to see some of these recreated vessels. The Institute operates a permanent exhibition, "THE TREASURES OF THE TEMPLE," which has attracted over 250,000 visitors from around the world. The exhibition has been featured in Time Magazine and numerous other publications, and receives ex tensive media coverage around the world. Research and Development In addition to its work on the recreation of Temple vessels, the Institute is conducting a number of related research projects. These include the importation of authentic Red Heifers to Israel, in preparation for the ritual purification detailed in Number s:19. Other 'firsts' include the identification and gathering together of all 11 ingredients of the incense offering, and the long and exhaustive research in identifying the stones of the High Priest's breastplate - the 'Urim V'Thummim.' There is even advanced work being done by technicians and architects, using sophisticated computer technology, to design actual blueprints for the Third Temple. To find out more about the work of the Temple Institute, Jerusalem, and the Temple, send an email message at, or fax: Rabbi Chaim Richman, 972-2-860-453. ++++++++++++++++++ 1996 Series U.S. Currency Forwarded to PZ by Tim West The United States will issue currency with new security features beginning with the $100 Federal Reserve notes in early 1996. These enhancements make U.S. currency easier to recognize as genuine and more secure against advancing technologies which could be used for counterfeiting. This currency will be introduced one denomination at a time. Following the $100 bill, lower denominations ($50, $20, $10, etc.) will be issued at the rate of about one denomination per year. There will be no recall and no devaluation of any U.S. currency. The notes incorporate both familiar and new features, while remaining recognizably American. A Smooth Transition All U.S. currency will continue to be honored at full face value. There will be no recall or devaluation of any U.S. notes. As the new currency is phased in, the old notes will be retired by the Federal Reserve when they are returned by financial institutions. This means that there is no time limit or requirement for exchanging old notes for new notes. Familiar Features Many elements of the currency remain the same, including: * Size of the bill * Ink colors -- black on the front and green on the back * Paper -- cotton and linen with red and blue fibers * Texture of the paper * Historical figures and back illustrations -- with slight alterations * Motto -- "In God We Trust" New Features A number of new security features have been incorporated into the new design. The security thread runs vertically just to the left of the portrait; the watermark is to the right of the Treasury Department's seal; color shifting ink appears on the lower-right "100." * Larger, Off-Center Portrait * Watermark Portrait * Color Shifting Ink * Concentric Fine-Line Printing * Microprinting * Security Thread * Serial Numbers * Federal Reserve Seal To check out more about the New Money, aim your www browser to: +++++++++++++++++ Rush To The `New World Order' By: Committee To Restore The Constitution, Inc Reform Of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Mandate For Change Staff Report to Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, August 1993, S.Prt 103-45. Document, 106 pages, available from US Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402, ISBN O-16-041449-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECTED EXTRACTS Major Restructuring Of United Nations Headquarters Peacekeeping Operations (1) Establish a separate Peace Support Operational Directorate with combined military and civilian support personnel. (2) Expand the UN supply depot in Pisa, Italy to ensure there are sufficient backup supplies to meet the immemdiate need of peacekeeping operations. (3) Create three new functions to improve peacekeeping capabilities: (a) A United Nations peacekeeping training unit capable of providing continuous training to military and civilian personnel both before and after they are deployed. (b) A United Nations intelligence system that can anticipate conflicts and filter intelligence to units in the field. (c) A United Nations Inspector General's Office. Establlish A Rapid Response Military Force On United Nations Standby (1) Improve current UN training and contingency planning for peace support operations. (2) Earmark stand-by forces to respond rapidly to crisis. Enhance United States Support For Peacekeeping Operations (1) Review legal and administrative constraints on US participation in peacekeeping operations. (2) Negotiate Article 43 (UN Charter) special agreements with UN covering the types of forces and other assistance to facilitate US contributions to peace operations. (3) Provide assistance to the UN in modernizing its peacekeeping operations. (4) Allow deployment of US combat troops under UN command. (5) Train US and foreign troops in peace operations. (6) Give US military personnel with UN peace operation experience special designators on their personnel files. (7) Encourage US police officers to participate in civil police (CIVPOL) operations. (8) Change US funding of peacekeeping operations so that the defense budget contains an appropriation for estimated support of the US military in UN operations, and with the State Department budget reflecting US assessed contributions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Extended reprint "Reform of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Mandate for Change" in April 1995 BULLETIN, Committee to Restore the Constitution. Send self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to: Archibald E Roberts, LtCol, AUS, ret, Director COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, Inc P O Box 986 Fort Collins CO 80522 Implementing Executive action, US Senate, "Reform of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Mandate for Change" is revealed in "The Clinton Administration's Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace Operations, Presidential Decision Directive #25, 3 May 1994 (State Department Summary). Relevant extracts available via e-mail from: Ask for INTERLOCKING SUBVERSION text. PDD #25 is central to Specialist Michael New Defense, standing court martial for refusal to don UN garb. +++++++++++++++++++++ Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 02:14:00 -0800 Subject: The Revolution Starts in New Jersey... ATTENTION ALL MOTOR VEHICLE OWNERS Millions Of Vehicles To Be Affected By New VEHICLE CONFISCATION LAW On June 2, 1995, Governor Whitman signed legislation #SCS-1700. It is NOW LAW, and will be fully implemented against all New Jersey car and truck owners as soon as the necessary testing facilities and remote monitoring stations are constructed - expected sometime in 1996-97. Briefly, SCS-1700 states the following: All motor vehicles over four years old will be required to report to new CENTRALIZED TESTING FACILITIES for "ENHANCED EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS". If your car or truck fails this test - the vehicle MUST be taken off the road. Only three percent of those vehicles failing the test and having already spent a minimum of $450 for repairs will be granted a waiver allowing them to remain on the road for two more years. You have no appeal and no other options. NOW FOR THE BAD NEWS Motor vehicle inspections will cost $24. The I/M ENHANCED EMISSIONS TEST, in which an operator "drives" your car through a simulated dynamometer road test, is DESIGNED TO FAIL 60% OF ALL CARS, this according to the EPA. Almost no vehicles over 10 years old are expected to pass. You have no protection against damage or the destruction of your vehicle by such stress testing methods. 97% of those vehicles failing the new enhanced emissions test will have their registration renewal automatically denied by the state. Such vehicles cannot be sold to any other individual or dealer and essentially become FORFEITED TO THE STATE... which will receive "pollution credits" they can sell to industrial polluters for every vehicle they take off the road. Owners of failed vehicles must surrender their license plates within 45 days...and since NJ law already prohibits you from having an unregistered vehicle on your own property, local law enforcement can then seize it at will. Assisting it in this effort, NJ DEP recently revised the state's definition of "quasi-public" to include ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS" - Yes, you've also lost your private property rights! Repairs can only be attempted by a STATE CERTIFIED REPAIR which you have no say about work quality or cost. You can no longer legally perform emissions related repairs yourself, nor can you take it to your trusted mechanic (unless they first receive state certification and invest $100,000 in equipment). As part of SCS-1700, roadblocks will be established throughout the state to randomly test a percentage of all vehicles. Automated sensing devices will be installed along New Jersey highways to monitor your vehicle's emissions as you drive by. Violators of the new emission standards will have their license plates PHOTOGRAPHED; thus enabling the state to issue summonses through the mail. Severe penalties, fines, and jail time have been attached to all violations of this new legislation. In fact, the state will begin kicking back a commission to local police for their help in seizing your car! Remember, SCS-1700 is aimed at TAKING YOUR CAR OFF THE ROAD! It is aimed at producing one car families. Collector, hot rod, and hobbyist cars are history. A spare car for local trips, a teenage driver, student, or the commuter park and ride is history. That classic Mustang convertible has been redefined as a "gross polluter" and is now targeted by the state for the crusher. Many car and truck related businesses will suffer or fail. Ironically, state officials are recommending you start saving your money now to buy a new car-an impossibility for most individuals given our current local tax burden of around 50%. The issue here is ever increasing government controlling not only your mobility, your life and your freedom, but even your ability to work and earn a living. It has almost nothing to do wih clean air. Remember that you have NO LEGAL RIGHT TO DRIVE in this state. New Jersey considers it their PRIVILEGE to allow you to drive on their roads...and starting sometime in 1996 they will be taking it back. As stated by EPA Region 8 administrator William Yellowtail, "Cleaning up cars and the roads is only half the solution...the much more difficult half involves getting people out of their cars." Sound far fetched? Can't happen? Remind you of a Soviet or Nazi style police state? FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. Call Legislative Services at 800-792-8630 and ask for a free copy of SCS-1700. Ask for your legislator's phone number and voice your concern. Call DMV Director Dick Kamin at 609-984-9827 and request all administrative and DEP requlations associated with SCS-1700. Call Governor Whitman at 609-292-6000. Ask for a repeal of this horrendous legislation. Most importantly-SPREAD THE WORD! Copy and distribute this flyer everywhere. Fax it to business associates. Warn your friends. Till now, you've heard very few details regarding SCS-1700...since politicians desperately want to keep the nightmare they rammed through the legislature quiet until after you reelect them. Remember this election day that you finally have alternatives to the two party system that once again stomped all over your rights...and VOTE! TODAY NEW JERSEY.....TOMORROW YOUR STATE!!! +++++++++++++++++++ ARMAGEDDON DELAYED: ANOTHER WATCHTOWER DISAPPOINTMENT For several decades, the Watchtower has taught that 1914 marked the invisible presence of Christ, and that the generation that saw the world events that occurred since 1914 would be the one to witness Armageddon and the subsequent establisment of an earthly paradise. The November 1, 1995 Watchtower marks yet another disappointment in Watchtower history. In the article 'A Time to Keep Awake', page 17, the magazine states, "Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term 'generation' as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics." On page 19, the article goes on to state, "Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, 'this generation' apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways." It is of interest to note that 80 years was previously thought to be the maximum length of a generation. Measuring by that standard, the culmination of events witnessed by the generation of 1914 should have had it's final fulfillment in 1994. In keeping with the change in the interpretation of 'this generation', the Awake! magazine's masthead, or statement of purpose, has been changed, as well. 1/8/68 "Awake!" pledges itself to righteous principles, to exposing hidden foes and subtle dangers, to championing freedom for all, to comforting mourners and strengthening those disheartened by the failures of a delinquent world, reflecting sure hope for the establishment of God's righteous new order in this generation. 1/8/75 Most importantly, "Awake!" provides hope, giving you a basis for confidence in the Creator's promise of a new order of lasting peace and true security within our generation. 1/8/78 Most importantly, "Awake!" builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new order within our generation. 1/8/82 Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 C.E. passes away. 6/8/83 Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure New Order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away. 1/8/87 ["statement of purpose" removed] 3/8/88 ["statement of purpose" reinstated] Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away. 1/8/91 Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away. 11/8/95 Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things. Notice that the Awake! had stated it was 'the Creator's promise' that the generation of 1914 would see the establisment of God's 'peaceful and secure new world.' Has the Creator's promise changed? Or, is it possible that the Watchtower again misinterpreted Scripture, found themselves in an embarassing situation, and were forced to revoke the promise that they made to their readers around the world? 39