Prophe-Zine Issue #9 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano............Welcome to Issue # 9 Raymond Gano......Ready to Rebuild. Menorah Ministries.......The Messianic Movement and Messianic Judaism Alan Yusko ..........What The Bible Says About The Rapture Ray Gano...........The P.L.O. - A Self Portrait In Their Own Words. Todd Strandberg......The Hot Zone...Current events that are fast moving and supportive of Bible prophecy. Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services Prophe-Zine's Cool World Wide Web Sites Special Thanks to: Alan Yusko, and his newsletter THE RAPTURE REPORT. I would also like to thank those at Jack Van Impe Ministries for allowing me full access to their web site and articles. I have posted both of these WWW sites in the Cool WWW sites area. Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 15th of each month. Soon I will be going bi-monthly. Look for a web site here also in the near future. Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1995 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM (needs 8 more megs, those graphics are killing me) The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ******************************************************** Welcome to Issue # 9 Hello and thank you for downloading this months issue of Prophe-Zine. Prophe-Zine is a monthly newsletter that deals with Bible Prophecy, World Events and Politics. In this month are going to be looking at rebuilding of the temple and Israel. I have been getting letters from many of you stating that you like my work, and Prophe-Zine is the greatest thing in the world (g) BUT there are a couple of problems: 1. My issues are WAY TO LONG. In fact one of my readers said that the only other people putting out bigger documents than Prophe-Zine is the Democrats. I busted up when I read this. 2. My information is up to date, but it only comes once a month. So I have been praying and asking the Lord what I need to do. It looks like I will have to start putting out a issue every other week. To do this I will need more articles to publish. So I need people to start writing articles and passing me info and article to put out. The other thing I need to do hear what you the reader think about this. To pull this off, I really need your prayers and your help. I also need to hear what you think of this idea and are you willing to support me in this step of faith. Also, I need some feed back from people who live on the west coast area or from where ever you live. I am thinking of putting together a Prophecy Seminar in the Spring / early Summer. What I need from you the readers is: 1. Where are you from and how far are you willing to go for a Prophecy Seminar? 2. Who would you like to see / hear? 3. What price would you be willing to pay and what do you want out for your dollar? 4. Do you personally know anyone that would want to be a speaker? I have been in contact with Terry Cook, Ray Brubaker, Gary Kah. I need to still contact Dave Breese, Grant Jeffreys, the Lalonde brothers, Hal Lindsy. Anyone I am missing? 5. Would you be willing to volunteer to help runs some things? 6. When is a good time for you, Spring, Summer.? 6. Opinions, ideas, brain storms? I hope that you are blessed in reading Prophe-Zine. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to write to me at Again with me going to a bi-weekly issue, I REALLY need articles. So all you who have always wanted to be published, here is your chance. May our Lord continue blessing you and your family. I also wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. Above all, remember that we serve a good and loving God. So till the day comes when we will meet in the clouds. MARANATHA! In His service, Ray Gano Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine ******************************************************* Ready to Rebuild? By: Ray Gano It started all in May 1948, that was the year that Israel became a nation. That was when the hour glass was turned over. Slowly the sands of time have been trickling through. Now somewhere during this time, I believe that the Jews are going to rebuild their Third Temple in Jerusalem. How do we now that the Jews are going to rebuild the temple? In 2 Thessaloians 2:4 (KJV) " Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God," This is where the Anti-Christ goes into the Temple and defiles it. This is during the mid-point of the Tribulation (first 3/12 years). I believe that we are coming very close to this time and that we are living in the Last Days. The Temple will have to be built for this to happen. So how long is it going to take to rebuild the temple? A meeting was held in November 1990 with religious leaders, political leaders, scientists and archeologist in Israel to discuss the building time of the temple. This was needed in order to work out details for the Oslo 3 treaty talks that will be held in 1996. These are the negotiations which will deal with directly with what will be done with Jerusalem. The time determined to rebuild the Temple was 1-2 years. This does not include all the ornamental work that would be needed, this is just get the temple up. A alterwill be raised somewhere west of the temple construction site to start daily sacrifices. Once the priests resume daily sacrifices, the construction of the Temple itself will begin. The site for the Jewish temples of the past has been the Temple Mount, but there is a problem... The Dome of the Rock is there. The friction between the Jews and the Muslims has gotten (in my opinion) worse during these "Peace Accords" rather than better. Seeing things in that light, it will probably take the diplomatic skills of the Antichrist to make development of this temple to come about. There is also another key aspect and that is the Jews are already preparing some of the vessels to be used in the next temple, and are currently training priests in the their use. They at least feel the next temple is to be built in the VERY near future. Location On the Temple Mount there are NO archaeological digs going on because the Muslims will not permit it. But extensive excavations have been made around the outer perimeter of the area and under the Temple Mount site. In this light, Scientist, Scholars and Archaeologist have come up with 3 main theories/sites as to where the Temple should be rebuilt. The 3 Proposed Temple Site locations are: * Southern Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the Al Kas Foundation. (Bagatti Theory) * Traditional Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the As-Sakhara (Dome of the Rock) * Northern Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the Dome of the Tablets/Spirits (Kaufman Theory) The theory that I will look at in this article is the Northern site or refereed to as the Kaufman theory. I hope to look into the other theories in later issues. In 1969 there was some Arab construction work going on around the Dome of the Rock. A man by the name of Dr. Ze'ev Yeivin (now deputy director of the Department of Antiquities) happened upon this Arab constructions site and made some drawings of an exposed ancient wall near the Dome of the Rock. Sense you cannot have archaeological digs up there, this was a very important find. In the Early 70's a man named Asher Kaufman published a very interesting theory. After studying evidence proposed by a Dr.Bagatti (His theories are for a Southern Site) and other evidences, Asher Kaufman identified the section of this wall, seen by Dr. Yeivin, as the eastern wall of the Temple's Court of the Women. Based on ALL these different works from Bagatti and other Archaeologist and the records left by the British studies from a 100 years ago, Kaufman concluded that the site of the Temple was at the northwest corner. He determined that the east-west line aligning the Mount of Olives and with the Eastern Gate and the Temple exactly bisect on this small cupola. He noted that the bedrock inside the cupola is the only such bedrock appearing on the temple mount, it sticks up from the surface. The rest of the area around the Dome of the Rock has been paved. Now is this the "Even Shetiyyah" (Foundation stone) that protruded in the ancient Holy of Holies? Furthermore, a passage from the Mishneh Torah by Rambam quotes Jewish Talmudic writings from the times before the Temple in 70 AD being destroyed. Eyewitness declare that the Temple was not built in the center of the temple mount (location where the Dome of the Rock is) Rambam states that " the Temple Courtyard was not situated directly in the centre of the Temple Mount. Rather, it was set off farther from the southern wall of the Temple Mount that from the wall of any other direction" The reason is because worshipers would normally enter and exit from the southern Hulda Gate. The people needed room to congregate on that area. Rambam continues to quote sources that declare that the Temple itself was situated directly opposite the Eastern Gate in the northern part of the Temple Mount. * " These five gates were placed in a strait line " from the Eastern Gate into the entrance hall of the Holy of Holies. These gates were as follows " the Eastern Gate, the gate of Chayl, the gate of the Women's Courtyard, the gate of Nicanor and the gate of the entrance hall. So if the temple was built on flat ground, one would have been able to see through all the gates at once" (Mishneh Torah, Commentary Halachah 5 and 6)* Over a century ago there were some archeological digs conducted by the British, these digs and surveys produced some other very relevant new discoveries. When this evidence is looked at in conjunction with Kaufman's, the pieces start to fit. Of importance was a particular rock mass near the Northern steps leading up to a small Muslim Cupola on the Temple Mount. Point: A person standing on the Mount of Olives can look over the Eastern Gate into a huge area north of the Dome of the Rock. If you give this person a surveyors laser, it would cut right through the Eastern Gate (if it was not sealed) and through the center of this small cupola or known by the name of the Dome of the Spirits / Tablets. Another point to look at while discussing this stone, which Kaufman believe is the Foundation Stone (Even Shetiyyah). The stone in Dome of the Spirits / Tablets. is very pitted, this detail also agrees with a 4th century pilgrim of Bordeaux who calls in his accounts the "Pierced Stone" because of its numerous imprints of the hobnailed of Soldiers. Further importance about this stone is the name of this site, Dome of the Spirits/Tablets. Arabic titles often preserve original place names. Were these dual titles reminiscent of the Divine Presence that accompanied the Ark and the tablets of the law stored within it which once rested in the Holy of Holies? Looking at all these sources, information and the writing from the Mishneh Torah and a bit of triangulation we can see that the Temple could have very well been located where Mr. Kaufman believes, and that is over Dome of the Spirits / Tablets. OK one last point of evidence. Knowing the measurements of the Holy of Holies, all the courtyards and walls, and working your way from the center out from the Dome of the Spirits / Tablets, the Dome of the Rock falls within the courtyard of the Gentiles So after telling you all of this, you ask SO WHAT??? THIS FALLS RIGHT IN LINE WITH WHAT REVELATIONS 11: 1-2 STATES !!! Rev 11:1-2 (NIV) 1 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the temple of God and the alter, and count the worshipers there. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. So you still say SO WHAT!!! This is the only theory that enables the Jews to rebuild the Temple TODAY! The only thing that needs to be done is the negotiations. In 1996, like I stated earlier, are the Oslo 3 discussions regarding Jerusalem. It is in my opinion that Israel has given up so much land to the Arabs and have not gotten anything back in return of substance for this land. At this time, I believe that they will pull this ace out from under their sleeve and demand the rebuilding of the Temple and to share the temple mount, all in the name of peace. IMPORTANT!! None of these theories are acceptable to the orthodox Jews because ANY Muslim or other temple, shrine, mosque, etc will desecrate the Temple Mount and make it unclean. So ALL the mosques and monuments have to be taken off the Temple mount before the Temple can be rebuilt. This is according to orthodox Jews. This is a big stumbling block that needs to be overcome. Interesting thing that has recently come about because of Rabbin's death is that Israel's Cabinet has agreed to "crack down" on extremists. Extremists largely being right wing orthodox Jews. Cabinet okays crackdown on extremists by DAVID MAKOVSKY Jerusalem Post Nov.20 1995 JERUSALEM (November 20) - The cabinet yesterday, as expected, approved the establishment of an ad hoc interagency task force that will coordinate information and direct an overall effort to crack down on extremist groups involved in "incitement and sedition.".................... "There is no more business as usual," said Environment Minister Yossi Sarid who, along with Education Minister Amnon Rubinstein, advocated a tough approach in dealing with extremists. "We want to tell the world that we have declared all-out war on Jewish terrorism, just as we have an all-out war on Arab terrorism. No democracy in the world can accept those who seek and act to destroy it."..................... The task force will be coordinated by representatives of the State Attorney's Office, General Security Service, IDF, and police. Its functioning will be re-evaluated after six months............................ Justice Minister David Liba'i said that law-enforcement bodies would no longer be working in an isolated fashion, that the more unified approach would improve effectiveness................................" "One of our major failures was in dealing with a small group of fanatic rabbis, whose role in incitement is apparent. Anyone opposing stigmatizing the entire religious community must disassociate himself from such inciteful rabbis," said Absorption Minister Yair Tzaban........................** I know that this is pure speculation, but if they have the thumb screws on the right wing orthodox jews via this crack down, the liberal jews who are for giving away the promised land might say "yes" to rebuilding the temple and sharing the Temple Mount with the Muslims. Another little bit of information...In 1992 Yitazak Rabbin was approached by the Vatican and a plan was offered. The proposal is for Jerusalem to become the second Vatican. The 3 main religions come from Jerusalem, so why not turn it into a Vatican 2? If this happens, Jerusalem will become its own city/state. It is also proposed that once this happens, turn Jerusalem into the international city of peace, in fact there are rumors that if all of this comes to pass, some people would want the UN to move there . Something else will happen if this comes about, Israel will loose its 3000 year old capitol. One last thing. What about the Ark, and where is it? Some believe it is in a cave on mount Nebo just as is quoted in II Maccabees 2:5. II Maccabees 2:5. "And when Jeremy came thither, he found an hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door." Others state that it was in a small chapel in Ethiopia. It was carried there by Menaleke son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Grant Jeffrey, a leader in Bible Prophecy, has spoken with a man in a position to know. He told Grant Jeffreys that the Ark has been flown from Ethiopia to Israel when the Ethiopian Jews returned to Israel. There are others who believe that it is under the Temple Mount itself. Behind a walled up area called the Warren's Gate there is a hidden vault, it is said to be there. Rabbi Getz, Chief Rabbi of all Holy Places in Israel contends that he knows where the Ark of the Covenant is hidden under the Temple Mount. Rabbi Getz proclaims " The treasures of the First Temple are under the Mount, and we know exactly where they are....The time will come when we will enter".(July 18, 1991)*** There are many theories as to where it and the other Temple treasures are, but that is another article in itself. (just for your info, in Issue #4 I have a VERY interesting article regarding the Ark and a Archeologist who claims to have found the Lost Ark.) There are some very good books out there right now that deal with this topic. If you are interested in this topic I highly recommend these following books. This is also where I drew my information from for this article. Ready to Rebuild By Thomas Ice & Randall Price Messiah, Prince of Darkness, Heaven By Grant Jeffreys Cup of Trembling By Dave Hunt Eziekiel 40 - 45, Revelations 11 & 21, / Bible By God * Heaven Pgs. 63-64 By Grant Jeffreys Frontier Research Publications 1990 **Quotes are from: Jerusalem Post Nov.20 1995 ***Ready to Rebuild Pg. 149 By Thomas Ice & Randall Price Harvest House Publications.1992 ************************************************ The Messianic Movement and Messianic Judaism * * * W h a t - I s - I t * * * An Explanation By A Jewish Christian Pastor Hudson Taylor was the first successful missionary from Europe to bring the Gospel to thc people of China. Why did he succceed when others failed? Because he realized that it wasn't necessary to force European culture upon the Chinese as a part of the Gospel. He even adapted Chinese culture into his own life-style. Despite his success, he was despised by the other missionaries for "compromising" the Gospel for not making Western culture part and parcel of the "Gospel." There is much "alien" culture that surrounds Gentile Christianity, which makes it unpalatable to most Jewish people. Jews will nearly always reject the Gentile Jesus as being the Messiah, but will much more readily accept the Jewish Yeshua(Jesus) as being their Messiah. Most Messianic Jews are much more "zealous for the Law (Torah)" than their Gentile Christian counterparts. In this, they are following the example of the first century Messianic Jew, who were also "zealous for Torah" (Acts 15:19-21;21:17-27). Most Messianic Jews refrain from calling themselves Christians. which is Greek terminology. They prefer more hebraic terms, such as Messianic Jews. The first use of the term Christian was in Antioch, among the Gentile believers (Acts 11:26). Rav Shaul (Paul), as a Jew, simply preferred to say. "I am a Jew." The sect of Jewish believers in Yeshua was also called "the Way," not to be confused with the modern cult of the same name (Acts 24:14;22). The Jewish believers were also called Nazarenes, not to be confused with the modern Christian denomination of the same name. Messianic Jews recognize the sevemh day--Saturday--as being the Sabbath (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8- I1; 32:12-17). The Sabbath is even mentioned more in the N.T. than all the other days of the week combined. There is no mention in the Scripture of the Sabbalh being changed to any other day of the week---a fact recognized by the Catholic Church. Although there are various levels of observance of the Shabbat (Sabbath) among Messianic Jews, the Shabbat is still the day of choice for worshipping the Most High. lt is also seen as the perpetual sign spoken of in Ex. (31:13-16)--pointing back to the original state of the creation---and forward to the time spoken of by the author of Hebrews (4:3) when, "...we who have believed do enter into a Sabbath rest (Shabbat Shabbaton)." Messianic Jews still observe the rite of circumcision. This is part of the Abrahamic covenant for all the physical descendants of Abraham (Gen. 17:9-14). This practice is not forced upon Gentiles (1 Cor. 7: 17-20). Messianic Jews observe the Jewish (and Biblical) High Holy Days prescribed in Leviticus 23, which were ordained to be "celebrated as a perpetual statute throughout your generations, in all your dwelling places...forever" (Lev. 23:14; 21; 31; 41). Messianic Jews tend to observe Biblical Kashrut (laws of clean and unclean meals---Lev.11; Deut. 14). Messianic Jews tend to observe a New Covenant lifestyle----"I will put My Law (Torah) within them and on their heart I will write it (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-10). Torah is eternal and not abolished, per Yeshua (Mt. 5:17-19). Sin is defined as the transgression of that Law (1 John 3:4). In addition, Messianic Jews follow, and have found great value in many of the traditions of our people. Our's is a heritage rich and full, and our history is indeed, the history of God's people. Yeshua did not condemn these traditions. but rather commanded that they not be exalted above the com-mandments of God (Mark 7:6-8). We are careful to follow what our Lord commanded. Lastly, it must be understood that we are saved by faith in the blood atonememt provided by Yeshua, and not on the basis of our own righteousness or good deeds (which as a means of atonement falls far short Isa. 64:5-6; Eccl. 7:20). It is wrong and unscriptural to force Gentile church culture upon the Jewish people as a requirement for believing in their own Messiah. While it is right and proper for other cultures to be allowed to practice their culture after coming to faith in Yeshua, much of Jewish culture comes directly from the Scriptures, and has a firm Biblical foundation lacking in other cultures. The situation was very different in the First century. Then the question was, "How can a Gentile believe in the Jewish Messiah? Shouldn't he convert to Judaism first?" Some Messianic Jews were saying to the Gentiles, "Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved." others said, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to direct them to observe the Law of Moses" (Acts 15:1,5). The Council at Jerusalem decided that the Gentiles did not have to convert to Judaism to believe in the Jewish Messiah(Acls 15:19-21;28-19). Properly observed, Messianic Judaism has no middle wall of partition (Eph. 2:14) separating Jewish believers from Gentile believers. Most Messianic assemblies have a large percentage of Gentiles. Most of these Gentiles love Israel and the Jewish pcople, and have adopted a Jewish expression of their faith in Messiah Yeshua. lt is in Messianic Judaism that we find a most wonderful fulfillment of Scripture---in that all, Jew and Gentile, male and female. bond and free---are seen worshiping the Holy One Of Israel in Spirit and in Truth FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT JESUS (YESHUA) BEING THE PROMISED ANNOINTED ONE, THE MESSIAH, CONTACT: Menorah Ministries; fax 303-722-0900 303-722-0944 P.O. Box 100931 Denver, CO 80250-0931 U.S.A ********************************************** WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE RAPTURE by Alan Yusko WHAT IS THE RAPTURE? A very common question. What exactly is the rapture and what does the Bible say about it? Lets start by looking at some Scripture about the Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13 13. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Corinthians 15:51 51. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. What is the rapture? Well it is a description of an event that will occur when God removes His Church supernaturally from the earth. People will literally disappear as they are called up to the clouds to meed the Lord in the air. There will be one generation that will not know physical death but will be instantly translated into the very presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the same time each Christian will also be transformed and receive their resurrection body. Lets look a bit more closely at the Scriptures previously quoted. 1 Thess 4: 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. This verse is stating that there will be some alive when Jesus returns. He will be returning with the dead in Christ. That is good news because if you have lost loved ones through death there will be a happy reunion at the rapture. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: The Lord Jesus will come Himself and will give a shout (command: possibly 'come up hither'). Notice the dead will rise first. There will be a resurrection where we will be given our resurrection, heavenly bodies. The dead in Christ will be the first to receive their bodies. 17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Those who are alive will be caught up to the clouds to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. What does 'caught up' mean. It literally means to be caught up, to snatch out, or to seize. Those living at the time of the rapture will also be given their immortal, resurrected bodies. In the rapture the Jesus will not set foot on earth but will rather call us up to Himself in the clouds to meet Him there. This is contrasted with His second coming when He will set foot on earth at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem at the battle of Armageddon. At that time everyone saved and lost will see Him return. However at the rapture only blood bought Spirit reborn Christians will see the Lord Jesus Christ. We clearly have two separate events 1) The rapture when Jesus meets the Church in the air and takes them to heaven and 2) The Second Coming which occurs at the climax of the battle of Armageddon. Here The Lord Jesus comes back to earth at the mount of Olives in Jerusalem and sets up His Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 15:51 51. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, The rapture is a mystery that God through the Apostle Paul has revealed. The next question is: What is a mystery? Well a mystery is a new truth. Something not previously known. - Could the mystery be the second coming of Jesus? No as the disciples & Christians already knew that Jesus would return again. Look at Acts 1:9-11 where Jesus is taken to heaven. He will return in like manner, bodily, physically. His Second coming is nothing new. - Could the mystery be the general resurrection of all believers? Nope! God had already revealed that: See Daniel 12:2, Heb 11:17-19 Job 19:25-27. It was general knowledge that there would be a general resurrection of the righteous and the damned. So then what is the mystery, the new truth that God through Paul is revealing? Verse 51 tells what the mystery is. 'We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed'. 1) We shall not all sleep. This means there is a generation of believers that will not die physically but will go straight to heaven. That is certainly new and unrevealed information! - Here is an interesting aside..... What does sleep mean? Why did Jesus and His disciples use the term sleep as opposed to dead? Well the word sleep in their culture also included the fact that the dead person had a future. Death is not a final thing but there is a glorious future for the believer after physical death. 2) we shall all be changed. This literally means we shall be transformed. All born again, blood bought Christians will be given a new body. It will be a body of flesh and bones...a heavenly body just like the Lord Jesus had after His resurrection. So to sum up verse 51....what is the mystery? The mystery is that there is one generation that will not all die but will rather be instantly transformed into their resurrection body as they meet the Lord in the clouds. This is the rapture! What a glorious way to go to heaven! If you had a choice, which way would you prefer to go to heaven? death or rapture? What a glorious new truth! 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. How long will the rapture take? Scripture says a moment, a twinkling of an eye.... How long is a moment, a twinkling of an eye? It will be so quick that the time frame cannot be humanly divided. The rapture will be instant! At that time we will be given our resurrection bodies as the Church is caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord. At the exact same time every believer in the world will be transformed and removed! What a joy it will be at the rapture! Christians will be given their immortal glorified body. There will be no more sickness, pain, or death. We will forever be with the Lord and our loved ones! 1 Corinthians 15 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Our new bodies will be eternal, incorruptible, and glorious!...and the rapture is going to occur soon! WHERE WILL WE GO AFTER THE RAPTURE? To answer this question lets have a look inside the book of John: John 14 1. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. In the above verses you can see the following points: 1) In my fathers house are many mansions. Now where is His fathers house? In heaven of course. There are many mansions, dwellings there. What does that mean? Does it mean that some Christians will be very close to God and others will be 6 blocks down the street? No it doesn't. Picture in your mind the temple that once existed in Jerusalem. In the center was the glory of God and around that there were dwellings for the Levites, the priests of the temple. In heaven we will ALL dwell around the glory of God! We will be close and intimate with God as that is what He desires. We will literally be in the very house of God as close to Him as we can get! What a blessing awaits us over there! 2) I go to prepare a place for you. That is what the Lord Jesus said. One of the things that He is doing when He returned to heaven was to embark on a building project for His beloved Church. 3) I will come again. If an unbeliever ever asks you the question: Did Jesus ever say He would return, you can show him this verse. Jesus said 'I will come again'. Pretty clear isn't it? 4) And receive You. Now we are back to the rapture. The purpose is for the Lord Jesus to receive the Church unto Himself. This is another event separate from the battle of Armageddon which will occur at the end of the 70th week or the Tribulation period at Armageddon. Here we have the pre tribulation rapture as the Lord Jesus receives His Church unto Himself. 5) Unto myself, that where I am, [there] ye may be also. Now where are we Christians going when Jesus comes again? Are we going to make a U turn and come back to the battle of Armageddon like the post tribulation or ammillenial people say? Nope, we are going to His fathers house in heaven....that is our destination and not earth. This will occur at the pre tribulation rapture! We clearly have a distinction of two phases of the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. First He comes for His Church, the rapture. Christians are transformed and taken to heaven (to His Father's house). Jesus does not return to earth but rather meets His Church in the clouds. Later on during another separate event the Lord Jesus will return to earth at the battle of Armageddon. At this time every eye will see him as His coming will not be secret like it was in the rapture. WHY MUST THE RAPTURE OCCUR? There are two reasons why the rapture must occur. 1) With the Holy Spirit filled Church in the world God has a restrainer of evil and the evil one. The anti-Christ and the forces of darkness cannot take over and completely control the world with the Church of the Lord Jesus on earth. God is restraining evil by His Holy Spirit through the Church. God's Holy Spirit indwelt people are literally the 'salt' of the earth. What does salt do? It retards corruption and slows the process of decay. Yes today there is evil in the world but the 'salt' of the Church is a restraining influence on evil. 2 Thessalonians 2 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Verse 3 & 4 are talking about the rise of the anti-Christ...that will occur in the last days. He will enter the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and there claim that he is God. Why can't he do that now? Read on because he is currently being restrained. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way. Evil and the evil one is being restrained and the anti-Christ cannot come to power until something is removed or taken out of the way. The Holy Spirit is an omnipresent being so He cannot be removed from the earth. However the Church was born on Pentecost just after the Lord Jesus returned to heaven. God is using the Church to restrain evil through the prayers & works of Holy Spirit indwelt men and women. Only when the Church is removed from the earth can the anti-Christ come to power. Keep in mind that when the Church is removed from the earth the Holy Spirit will still be present. However the restraining influence of God's Church will no longer be present so evil may go unchecked allowing the devil to mount his attack against God and bring his anti-Christ to power. 2) The second reason why the rapture must occur is that God still has to fulfill the 70th week of Daniels prophecy which was made specifically for the nation of Israel. All the other false views on the timing of the rapture have one thing in common. They don't understand that God has a plan for the Church and God has a plan for Israel. The Church is a mystery, a called out people between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. Daniel 9 24 Seventy weeks are determined upon THY PEOPLE and UPON THY HOLY CITY, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. **Note: notice that the 70 weeks are 'determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city'. This is the Jewish people of Israel and Jerusalem. We could stop right here as Daniel specifically says that the 70 weeks are for Israel and not the Church. The Church is a called out people between the 69th and 70th week. To put the Church on earth during the 70th week is to contradict Daniel above. Notice that 70 Weeks of years (490 years) are determined upon the people of Israel to: - finish the transgression - to make an end of sins - to make reconciliation for iniquity - to bring in everlasting righteousness - to seal up the vision and prophecy - to anoint the most Holy (The Lord Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom) All this has NOT yet been fulfilled. It will yet be fulfilled upon the nation of Israel just like Daniel was told. Lets continue on in the prophecy: Daniel 9 25 Know therefore and understand, [that] from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. These verses are talking about the 7 weeks and 62 weeks of years which add up to 69 weeks. At the end of the 69th week the Messiah will be cut off. This happened at the cross of Calvary. So all that is left is that final week of 7 years. For a more detailed explanation get a good prophecy book that studies Daniel's 70 weeks. (Hal Lindsey, Grant Jeffery, M.R. Dehaan, Dwight Pentecost, J. Walvwood, Dave Hunt, etc...) For a review: Daniel said there was appointed 70 weeks of years for Israel to bring in all righteousness and setup Messiah. When Jesus entered Jerusalem in His triumphal entry it marked the end of the 69 weeks. So we are waiting for the 70th week to be fulfilled. This 70th week begins when the anti-Christ confirms a covenant with Israel for 7 years. In the middle of the week he will break his covenant and commit the abomination of desolation. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Now between the 69th and the 70th week there is a time gap... commonly referred to as the Church age. Here is a breakdown of the events: - Daniel's 70 weeks of years prophecy - After 69 weeks or 483 years the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was crucified. - At pentacost the Holy Spirit came down and the Church was created. The time of the Church age began. This time period will end at the rapture of the Church. - At the rapture of the Church the anti-Christ will come to power and confirm a peace treaty with the nation of Israel (they are NOW back in their homeland!) - This will begin Daniel's 70th week (7 years long) - At the end of the 70th week the battle of Armageddon occurs. This does not mark the end of the world but rather the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will return to earth and setup his 1000 year kingdom of peace on earth. Points to consider: - The prophetic 70 weeks stopped at the rejection and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah. - That occurred after 69 weeks or 483 years. - God has been using the Church (invisible body of Christ) during that time period as the salt of the earth and the restrainer of evil. - After the rapture the restrainer of evil is removed and the anti- Christ rises to power and Israel enters their 70th week. This time is also referred to as the time of Jacobs trouble or the Tribulation period. WHO WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE RAPTURE? The answer is simple. Only those who have trusted/accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour will be a part of the rapture. In this world there are only two types of people: SAVED & LOST. Which category do you fit in? Only the saved people will be going up in the rapture. John 3:14 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:36 36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. WHEN WILL THE RAPTURE HAPPEN? The rapture can happen at any time as there are no prophecies that must be fulfilled before the rapture. As soon as God brings in the last person by salvation into the Church the rapture will occur. After the rapture a person still may be saved in the 70th week or the 7 year tribulation period. In fact God will use 144,000 Jews from the nation of Israel to win an 'innumerable' number of souls during that time. All we know is that the rapture will happen before that 70th week. In light of that fact, how much closer are we to the rapture when the events of that 70th week of Daniel's prophecy are right now being setup in the world! CONCLUSION 2 Thessalonians 2:1 1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, The above verse shows two things concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus: 1) 'the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ' This will occur at the battle of Armageddon when the Lord Jesus will come back to earth to setup His 1000 year Kingdom 2) 'and [by] our gathering together unto him' This is referencing the rapture when all blood bought, Spirit reborn Christians are raptured to heaven. This will occur before the anti-Christ comes to power and the 70th week of Daniels prophecy begins. We will literally be gathered unto Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) The RAPTURE is the blessed hope for the Christian! It is GOOD NEWS as we live in these perilous days before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Men's hearts will be failing as they see what is happening in the earth..but the Christian has HOPE! Soon we will be in heaven and it is a blessed hope to know that the DAY is quickly approaching. Imagine a whole generation of Christians who will not die but rather be instantly transformed and taken to heaven! Titus 2 13 Looking for that BLESSED HOPE, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; I hope this tract has been a blessing to you. Here are a few encouraging verses to think about at the end of this tract: Luke 21 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Romans 5:9 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, [even] Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:10 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. **************************************** The P.L.O. - A Self Portrait In Their Own Words.... By: Ray Gano We have heard so much in these recent days about peace and how the PLO and Israel are in need of such peace. It is wrong that Israel is giving away THEIR promised land for a temporary peace. We need to keep Israel in our prayers every day. We need to tell our leaders to support Israel once more. In Genesis God says that he will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee. In Psalms 122 it says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Our government has not been doing a good job at this. If we keep it up, we the people will be judged, if we are not all ready being judged. Our government needs to support Israel and her people. I do not say this in fear for Israel, I say this in fear for us. Do you know that Jerusalem is celebrating its 3000 year old birthday in 1996 as Israel's capitol? Do you know that the US Government does not recognize this fact? But our government does recognize the need for the PLO to have their own land? Also do you know that Israel is only 3-5% of the total land in the Middle east? Why does Israel need to give the PLO their land, so little that they have of it? It is wrong the PLO is taking the Promised Land of Israel. Why is the PLO doing this? Because the PLO and the rest of the Arab nations are going to try to wipe Israel off the face of this earth.....this is what they say in their own words. The PLO on the Peace Process: "It is only a cease-fire until the next stage." -- Abbas Zaki, a member of the P.L.O. Executive Committee and the nominee to head the Palestinian police force in the territories (The Jerusalem Post, 16 March 1994) "I am convinced that our people are now on the way to establishing a Palestinian state. The agreement signed in Cairo is the first step in establishing the state, and therefore it should be implemented." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O., in an interview immediately after the signing ceremony in Cairo on 4 May 1994 (Radio Monte Carlo, 4 May 1994) "This is the first step towards a Palestinian state." -- Feisal Husseini, leading P.L.O. figure in Israel (Yediot Aharonot, 4 May 1994) The PLO on Palestinian displeasure with the agreement: "I hope that the anger about the agreement will not carry over to the territories, but will instead be turned against the Zionist enemy, who raped our land." -- Farouk Qaddumi, head of the P.L.O. Political Department (Radio Monte Carlo, 5 May 1994) The Israel-P.L.O. agreement "will not be binding on the Palestinian people." -- Dr. Haidar Abdel-Shafi, former head of the Palestinian delegation to the peace talks with Israel, at a press conference in Jerusalem (The Jerusalem Post International Edition, 7 May 1994) "Show me who is pleased with it." -- Hanan Ashrawi, former spokesman for the Palestinian delegation to the peace talks with Israel, when asked if she was pleased with the agreement (Ha'aretz, 5 May 1994) The PLO on Israel: "We will not lay down our weapons until complete liberation... Sooner or later we will throw the Zionists into the sea." -- Lt. Col. Munir Maqdah, Commander of P.L.O. forces in Lebanon (Reuters, October 8, 1993) "We have to accept the deal and wait for a change in the circumstances that could lead to the elimination of Israel." -- Abu el-Aynayn, P.L.O. Chief of Rashidieh refugee camp in Lebanon (U.S. News and World Report, September 27, 1993) The PLO on Jerusalem: "Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (The Jerusalem Post, 2 January 1994) "Yasser Arafat stressed the continuation of struggle until the Palestinian flag is hoisted over Jerusalem's walls." -- Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 24 October 1993 "Jerusalem is the capital of our Palestinian state. It is our Jerusalem. And as brother Yasser Arafat said... Jerusalem is not only a Palestinian cause. It is a Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and Christian cause. It is the central issue. And the central axis in all of the realms of our activities." -- Falastin al-Thawra, the P.L.O.'s official magazine, in an editorial on 15 August 1993 "Anyone who relinquishes a single inch of Jerusalem is neither an Arab nor a Muslim." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 2 September 1993) The PLO on the P.L.O. office currently operating in Jerusalem: "The fact that we sit here is politically significant. It is proof that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine." -- Fahim Kilani, public relations officer for the P.L.O. in Jerusalem (The Jerusalem Report, 24 April 1994 issue) The PLO on statehood: "I believe that today's return is the beginning of a journey toward an independent Palestinian state." -- Hanan Deek, daughter of the late P.L.O. military chief Abu Jihad, as she was preparing to travel to Judea and Samaria (Associated Press, 5 April 1994) "I am not Mr. Chairman. I am His Excellency, the President of Palestine." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O., in response to a greeting by Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt (Jerusalem Post, 17 December 1993) "The Israelis can say whatever they want. We want a Palestinian state, and after it is established it will have a confederative relationship with Jordan. That is our preference; that is our goal; and we will achieve it in time." -- Abu Mazen, P.L.O. official who signed the agreement in Washington with Shimon Peres (Al-Khiat, cited in the Jerusalem Post International Edition, 13 November 1993) The agreement "will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Radio Monte Carlo, 1 September 1993. The resolution referred to is the "Phased Plan", which calls for the creation of a Palestinian state as the first in a series of stages culminating in the destruction of Israel.) "When we say the Palestinian state is coming, it will undoubtedly come..." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Jordanian TV, 13 September 1993) "I know [declaring a Palestinian state] is a problem for the Israelis. So we'll declare our national authority, which is really a state..." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (U.S. News and World Report, 8 November 1993) "Palestine is onle a stone's throw away for a small Palestinian boy or girl." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Jordanian TV, 13 September 1993) The PLO on Jerusalem and statehood: "Gradually, stage by stage, we will reach an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital." -- Feisal Husseini, senior P.L.O. figure in Israel (Beirut Times, 16 September 1993) "This phase prompts us to maintain the P.L.O. as an expression of our independent Palestinian identity... until our Palestinian state is established on our national soil, G-d willing, with Jerusalem as its capital." -- Farouk Qaddumi, head of the P.L.O. Political Department (Al-Dustur, Amman, Jordan, 16 October 1993) "Mahmoud Abbas, member of the P.L.O. Executive Committee... added that he understood withdrawal to extend to the whole of the territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalem included, and the Gaza Strip." -- Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 15 October 1993 The Palestinian flag "will fly over the walls of Jerusalem, the churches of Jerusalem and the mosques of Jerusalem." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Jordanian TV, 13 September 1993) "The Palestinian state is within our grasp. Soon the Palestinian flag will fly on the walls, the minarets and the cathedrals of Jerusalem." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (The New York Times, September 3, 1993) "If anyone believes we Palestinians can do without east Jerusalem, he is completely mistaken." -- Faisal Husseini, leading P.L.O. figure in Israel (The Guardian of London, September 1, 1993) "Not exceeding the beginning of the third year, we'll discuss the final status which will lead to an independent Palestinian state with its capital in what we call holy Jerusalem. It is a matter of time." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Associated Press, September 26, 1993) "We are awaiting completion of the plan to establish the state whose capital must be Jerusalem." -- Husayn Far'un, P.L.O. Security Chief in Lebanon (Al-Hayat, September 28, 1993) The PLO on Arabs and Jews living together: "It is clear we do not want them here... We want independence." -- Hisham Abd al-Razek, a senior P.L.O. official in Gaza (Yediot Aharonot, 8 April 1994) "Rabin has to remove all the settlers from the West Bank and Gaza and transfer them to hell." -- Jibril Rajoub, senior adviser to Yasser Arafat (Yediot Aharonot, 4 March 1994) "There will be no peace without the expulsion of all settlers from the West Bank and Gaza." -- from a leaflet distributed in Hebron by the P.L.O.'s Fatah Hawks (Ha'aretz, 27 December 1993) "The settlers are not welcome and the Israelis know that. They must leave." -- Nabil Sha'ath, head of the P.L.O. delegation to the talks with Israel in Taba (Jerusalem Post International Edition, 23 October 1993) "The army must withdraw and the settlements and settlers along with it." -- Feisal Husseini, leading P.L.O. figure in Israel (Reuters, 8 November 1993) The PLO on the security of Jews living under Palestinian autonomy: "They shouldn't have anybody outside the settlements... They should have no military presence on the roads." -- Nabil Sha'ath, head of the P.L.O. delegation to the talks with Israel in Taba (Dow Jones News Service, 11 November 1993) "The security of the settlers lies only in their departure, and not in any other measures." -- Yahya Rabah, P.L.O. ambassador to Yemen (Voice of Palestine, San'a, Yemen, 1 November 1993) "I believe even those points which have been accepted in the Declaration of Principles about leaving security in the hands of the Israelis will not work." -- Feisal Husseini, leading P.L.O. figure in Israel (The Jerusalem Post, 9 November 1993) The PLO on the right of Jews to visit holy places in Judea, Samaria and Gaza: "We expect the Israelis to give us back these holy places... We believe in freedom of religion. But Jews won't have rights there because these are our places." -- Hasan Tahboub, head of the P.L.O.-backed Supreme Muslim Council (The Jerusalem Report, 16 December 1993) The PLO on continuation of the struggle against Israel: The peace process will "not prevent the continued struggle of our people against the illegal actions of the Israeli occupier." -- from a petition signed by Dr. Haidar Abdel-Shafi, former head of the Palestinian delegation to the peace talks with Israel, and other P.L.O. leaders (The New York Times, 26 April 1994) "We call for Fatah Hawks... to escalate the military operations against Israeli soldiers. Every Zionist in the [Gaza] Strip is considered a target for our military apparatus." -- from a leaflet issued by the P.L.O.'s Fatah Hawks in Gaza (The Jerusalem Post, 31 March 1994) "We warn our leaders to stop the negotiations with Israel." -- a gunman from Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the P.L.O. at a rally in the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza (Associated Press, 3 April 1994) "The Fatah movement threatened to step up clashes with the Israeli occupation authorities." -- Voice of Palestine, Sanaa, Yemen, 29 March 1994 "There is no decision in Fatah to cease the armed struggle against the occupation." -- Abbas Zaki, a member of the P.L.O. Executive Committee and the nominee to head the Palestinian police force in the territories (The Jerusalem Post, 16 March 1994) "The intifada will continue until Israel removes the last soldier." -- Farouq Kaddumi, head of the P.L.O. Political Department (Maariv, 21 March 1994) "I think it is time to go back to clandestine resistance." -- Sheikh Ismail, a member of the P.L.O.'s Fatah Hawks in Gaza (Christian Science Monitor, 21 March 1994) "We shall distribute weapons to the Palestinian residents and return to the armed struggle." -- Jibril Rajoub, senior adviser to Yasser Arafat (Yediot Aharonot, 4 March 1994) "We will burn the ground under the feet of the Nazi occupiers." -- from a leaflet issued by the Unified National Leadership of the Intifada (Yediot Aharonot, 1 March 1994) "We are all ready to renew attacks against Israeli soldiers and settlers." -- a leader of the P.L.O.'s Fatah Hawks in Gaza (The New York Times, 5 March 1994) "In Gaza, we demand to go back to the struggle that existed before the September agreement." -- Salim al-Zreii, a leader of Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction of the P.L.O. in Gaza (The New York Times, 6 March 1994) "We will return to the armed struggle." -- a senior leader of the P.L.O.'s Fatah Hawks in Gaza (Yediot Aharonot, 28 January 1994) "It is a revolution until victory, until victory, until victory." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 31 December 1993) "The heroic intifada, which has entered its seventh year, is an extension of the 29-year-old Palestinian revolution and will go on relentlessly... It is continuing, continuing, continuing." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (Associated Press, 7 January 1994) "Reteach the enemy the lesson of the intifada." -- from a leaflet distributed in Ramallah by Fatah, Yasser Arafat's faction of the P.L.O. (Iton Yerushalayim, 10 December 1993) "We tell everyone who is for the agreement to go to Jericho and Gaza. We will continue our military struggle." -- Lt. Col. Munir Maqdah, Commander of P.L.O. forces in Lebanon (The Jerusalem Report, 18 November 1993 issue) "Palestine cannot contain the two of us. It is either us or the Zionists." -- Abu Imad, P.L.O. military commander of the Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp in Lebanon (The Jerusalem Report, 18 November 1993) "We still have some effort to make and struggle to wage in confronting and expelling occupation from all the areas which have been occupied since 1967 and from other areas, in implementation of the U.N. Security Council resolution - the partition resolution." -- Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 23 October 1993 (note the reference to "other areas" - namely pre-1967 Israel) "Our intifada has not ended and will not stop... We will continue the revolution until we expel the last of the soldiers and the settlers and liberate every grain of our dear homeland. Yes to the continuation of the revolution." -- from a leaflet distributed in Ramallah on 17 November 1993 by Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the P.L.O. (Yediot Aharonot, 19 November 1993) The PLO on altering the P.L.O. covenant, which calls for Israel's destruction: "Consequently, the P.L.O. undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in regard to the Palestinian covenant." -- Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O. (in the exchange of letters with Israel on 9 September 1993) six weeks later... "Israel must not demand that the P.L.O. alter its covenant, just as the P.L.O. does not demand that the Jewish nation cancel the Bible." -- Ziad Abu Ziad, senior P.L.O. official (in a speech to the American Jewish Federation, 23 October 1993) On the "right of return" of Palestinian refugees: "800,000 Palestinians among those who left after 1967 will come back in the transitional period, which is five years. Those who left in 1948 will come back after the declaration of the Palestinian independent state." -- Nabil Sha'ath, head of the P.L.O. delegation to the talks with Israel in Taba (Al-Hayat, 28 September 1993) The PLO on the Palestinian police force: "As a Palestinian police officer, I will not hesitate to give my gun to anyone who approaches me and tells me he is going to commit an attack against the army or the settlers. I will even kiss the gun before and after the operation." -- a P.L.O. recruit from Ramallah for the Palestinian police The PLO on Iraqi missile attacks against Israel during the Gulf War: "The Scuds fired by Iraq against Israel pleased us." -- a local leader of Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the P.L.O. in Gaza (International Herald Tribune, 27 December 1993) The PLO on Palestinian support for the P.L.O.: "People have turned against not just Chairman Arafat, but anyone associated with the peace process." -- Saeb Erakat, one of the chief Palestinian delegates to the talks with Israel (The New York Times, 5 March 1994) "They're a leadership without credibility and without moral authority, and I don't know any Palestinian today who considers the P.L.O. in its current form anything but an organization of losers and has-beens." -- Edward Said, former member of the P.L.O.'s Palestine National Council (The New York Times, 4 March 1994) The PLO on Yasser Arafat: "Arafat doesn't think he is accountable. Important posts aren't filled because he can't find people he thinks are loyal enough, not because we lack the experts." -- a P.L.O. military commander (The Jerusalem Report, 5 May 1994 issue) Arafat "wants to control the Palestinians and to put all the strings in his hand." -- a leader of Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the P.L.O. in Ramallah (Associated Press, 1 April 1994) Arafat is "a mixture between Nelson Mandela's charisma and Idi Amin's or even Saddam Hussein's methods of governing." -- Yasser Abd Rabbo, senior P.L.O. official (U.S. News and World Report, 27 December 1993) "Since September 13, Arafat has reached a new level of megalomania no one had ever imagined." -- a member of the P.L.O. Executive Committee (U.S. News and World Report, 27 December 1993) Arafat "is beyond hope of reform. He has taken decisions alone for so long that he is fossilized in his ways." -- Haidar Abdel Shafi, former head of the Palestinian delegation to the peace talks with Israel (Washington Post, 16 January 1994) Yasser Arafat through the years: The 1970's: "The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel, and there can be no compromise." -- Yasser Arafat (Washington Post, 29 March 1970) "You are the generation that will reach the sea and hoist the flag of Palestine over Tel Aviv." -- Yasser Arafat (ANSA, Cairo, 25 July 1974) "Even if only one guerilla cub survives the prolonged struggle, I am confident that he will raise the flag of Palestine over Jerusalem... Jerusalem is destined to be the eternal capital of our sovereign, independent Palestinian state under the P.L.O. leadership." -- Yasser Arafat (Associated Press, 8 May 1979) The 1980's: "Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations." -- Yasser Arafat (El Mundo, Caracas, Venezuela, 11 February 1980) "The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine - from the Jordan River to the Meditteranean Sea and from Rosh Hanikra to Eilat." -- Yasser Arafat, in a speech at the University of Beirut (Sawt Falastin, 7 December 1980) "The war of attrition against the Zionist enemy will never cease." -- Yasser Arafat (Al Destour, 26 December 1983) The 1990's: "Soon we will raise the flag of Palestine over the liberated Palestinian land." -- Yasser Arafat (Voice of Palestine, Algiers, 17 November 1993) "We will remain together until we reach Jerusalem, with God's help." -- Yasser Arafat, in oordinator at regional offices If you would like more information on this subject, there is a author named Mike Evans. He has a love for Israel and her people like none I have ever seen. Mike has some great books and videos that every Christian needs to read and watch. His newest book is called "Save Jerusalem". Both the Video and Book are very informative and give the Christian a very serious mandate regarding Israel. ************************************** The Hot Zone By Todd Strandberg The Rapture Index.. Current events that are fast moving and supportive of Bible prophecy. --------------------------------------------------- * The Russian Defense Minister on a trip to Israel flew over the Golan Heights. This is where the Russian forces will likely invade Israel. It may be he wanted to checkout his invasion route. I'm sure, the real reason has to do with the conflict between Israel and Syria over the Golan. * The Stock Market has shoot up all year. Right now it's at very dangerous levels. With P/E ratings at record lows, any bad news could send the markets crashing. * Israel faced a vote in the UN and lost. The vote was about who controls the city of Jerusalem. Israel was the only country voting against the measure. Someday the nations of the world will invade Israel. The reason for this invasion, will have something to do with, the control of God's city Jerusalem. * The number of people who are in jail is at a record high. The number stands at 1.1 million inmates. The yearly numbers show a 9 percent increase, over 1994's figures. * A very powerful 8.0 earthquake rocks the Kuril islands. The quake occurred in a sparsely populated area. * Washington state has experienced record floods in the in Seattle area. * The Church of England has proposed the sanctioning of people living together. The idea is to let people see if they are compatible, before they marry. It's bad enough when the world looses its moral compass but when the church follows suit, then we're really in trouble. * Queen Elizabeth has become the first British monarch in 400 years to attend a Catholic service in her own country. This helps move forward, the push toward a one world religion. * Vladimar Zhirnovsky "the bad boy of Russian politics," said he's going to run for president. If he was to win next June he would be the Gog of Ezk 38 and 39. As it stands now, the Russian people would have to declared insane before this would happen. * A volcano named Cerro Negro erupted in Nicaragua. The later quarter of this years is getting heavy with volcanic activity. * Ireland joins the rest of the pack and legalized divorce. If we are to have a continual decline in morality up to the return of Jesus. It would seem a must that Ireland move this way. Someday the scenario may have Ireland, as one of the last to legalize prostitution. * With the Bosnian situation at a resolution, the focus will turn back toward the Middle East peace plan. Peres, the leader of Israel, is flying to Washington in Dec. to talk to Clinton, about the peace plan. * Ukraine is turning over SS-19 missiles to Russia. If the Communism make a come back in Russia, a nation that does not have nuclear weapons, will be a whole lot easier to reclaim, than one with nukes. * Iran and Iraq are drawing closer together year by year. The two have been bitter enemies ever since the early 1980's. having Iran and Iraq on good terms with each other, will be a must for the future battle known as the Gog War. * Right now, everything seem to be on hold, ahead of the elections in Russia next month. The outcome will set the tone for the June Presidential election and may show that Eastern Europe is trending back towards Communism. * A strong earthquake strikes the Gulf of Aqaba, just south of Israel. It is a rare thing to have strong quakes in this region. * Lech Walesa looses to a to a former Communist leader. Walesa started the movement that brought down the Communist Government of Poland. He ironically has been beaten, by the forces, he once triumphed over. The trend is not isolated to Poland. Russia next Dec 17 may do the same thing by electing communist, to a majority of the seats, in the Russian Duma. * Syria has said it is ready to proceed with peace negotiations. This is a positive sign but Syria is a tough nation to negotiate with. If a final agreement is made this would complete the circle and set the stage for the several other prophecies to be manifested. * Russia's gain harvest remains at a 30 years low. Reserves in the many areas are at an all time low. The issue has become so important, that the military has sent troops in, to help with the harvest. If food shortages arise, they could complicate the Dec and June elections. * Procter & Gamble and two other companies have pulled ad money from a number of trash talk shows. There hasn't been any reaction from the shows themselves. Also there doesn't appear to be any financial problems for the shows, because several other advertisers may fill-in the void. * The situation in Israel is primed for end time activity now. 70 percent of the people are for the peace plan. The labor party is now far ahead of the opposition, where as before it was behind. The Government is now blocking right wing Jews for entering the country. All this is fallout from the Rabin assassination last week. Peres, the acting Prime Minister, could have giving prophecy watchers a heart attack today, if the 5 year peace time table he proposed included 2 more years to it. (The antichrist will offer a 7 year peace agreement.) * A volcano with the name Rincon de la Vieja, erupts in Costa Rica. 95 has already been a banner year for the natural disaster categories. * The Jehovah's Witnesses have stated they are ending their forecasts of Armageddon. They see this event as being no longer nigh. After 3 major wrong predictions this century, the watchtower has decided to call it quits. This organization, which is highly misguided by the forces of darkness, ends the very speculation that it was founded on. It is possible that the demonic angels at work here, are changing themission of the Jehovah's witnesses because they realize that the actual date of Armageddon is soon to come. * Bill Clinton would beat Bob Dole in a Presidential race if held today. Clinton makes a better player in the end time events then Dole, Powell, or any other Republican as it stands now. * It would appears that Yeltsin will not be able to campaign for his party in the upcoming Dec 17 elections. Not having your leader to rally the forces can put your side at a disadvantage. In Russia's case it may be the difference between a free society and ones that's totalitarian. * The assassination of Prime Minister Rabin of Israel Will likely give the peace plan a big push forward. Because the perpetrator was a right-wing Jew who is against the peace plan. This action will discredit the opposition and motivate those for peace to go forward. The scripture "saying peace, peace when there is no peace" Jer. 6:14, comes to mind when you think of what is really transpiring in Israel. With Rabin as the movements martyr, all major sticking point should be overcome. A peace plan with Syria right now is the most difficult obstacle. With ever major power's leader or representative at the funeral. The prophecy " I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone" Zep12:3 also comes into one's memory. It is amazing that a nation the size of New Jersey could be constantly in the news. That is until you realize that God has his hand and name on this tiny country. **************************************** Prophe-Zine News Bites IS THAT THE MARK OF THE BEAST OR JUST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.... By: Ray Gano The San Jose Mercury news reported on Nov. 22, 1995 in the Business section that "Universal E-mail Access Urged". A 2 year study put on by the Rand Institute stated that it is "imperative" to the country's future to ensure everyone has E-mail. " The study, released Tuesday, concludes that giving every citizen a UNIQUE electronic mail address, and ensuring they have access to the appropriate computers an communications lines,......" (emphasis added) +++++++++++++++++++++ EDUCATION....IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK By: Ray Gano " Every child of America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances. Allegiances towards his founding fathers, towards his elected officials. towards his parents, towards a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of his nation as a entity. it's up to you teachers to make all these children well by creating international children of the future." -- Chester Pierce, Department of Education Psychiatry, Harvard University, in a speech made at the 1973 childhood International Educational Seminar) "Perhaps children don't always love their families...Write a story about these times" -- Language is Fun - Level One, Book One ---- " Adults often are disrespectful and discouraging to the children on many ways without realizing it. ANY FORM of punishment or permissiveness or disrespectful and discouraging to children." --- Positive Discipline Techniques for Fostering Resiliency - Weakness Program) emphasis added. Outcome based education / Goals 2000, what is it really? I have been in contact with a group of parents who have a GREAT organization. It is called "Parents Involved in Education" or P.I.E. I heard about this group on the local radio station where I live (KSFO 560 AM). These are a group of parents that are concerned about what the liberal establishment is doing to our children. Some points about OBE / Goals 2000 * Focus on Socialization: 1. Vague outcomes based on: * Social Attitudes * Interpersonal Relationships * Inventive and / or Whole Word Spelling * Understanding Diversity 2. Block Scheduling, subjects grouped together, i.e. math/ science history / philosophy, p.e. / humanities. 3. Teacher Denigrated to facilitator / coach, peer tutoring (even in class) 4. Cooperative learning, group projects, group answers, group GRADES 5. Global Citizenship STRESSED. 6. Resistance to Parental Authority / Rights. In California we have 2 very important bills.. ACA 30 - Parental Rights - (House, R-Hughson) will guarantee that parents have the "fundamental rights to control the care and custody of their own children" including the "education, discipline, religious and moral instruction, health, medical care, welfare, ... counseling, and psychological and emotional well being" of the child.! Planned Parenthood said regarding a similar bill " it dangerously expands parental rights" AB 1586 - Psychological Surveys - (House, R-Hughson) will prohibit teachers from administering surveys, questionnaires, tests, etc. of psychological nature! ACA 30 and AB 1586 will be heard in January 1996 in the California Assembly. If you live in California, Phone, Fax, and Write your state and local legislator. Also have friends in other districts in California do the same. If you live outside of California, give P.I.E. a call and ask for your local support group in your area. We as Christians have been keeping our heads in the sand long enough. We are called to be the salt and light to the world. As you can see by the current government and laws, we have not been doing a very good job. Now is the time to wake up and see what local, state and federal government is doing. It is time Christians got involved again and stop that dreaded Christian disease.. Non-rockus-boatus. (don't rock the boat mentality) If you would like to contact P.I.E. and find out more about what is going on in your schools and what you can do about it, here is their information. P.I.E Lobby PO Box 428 Palm Dessert, CA 92261 PH# 619-360-9949 FAX# 619-360-8949 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRIESTLY PURPLE DYE DISCOVERED A fabric found at Masada over 30 years ago, and recently analyzed, bears the priestly purple dye used on the robes of Babylonian kings and Roman emperors. "Nothing of this dye has ever been found in Israel on actual fabric," says Prof. Zvi Koren of the Shenkar Institute, Israel's college of textiles and fashion. The discovery of snail extract on the fabric "settles once and for all the argument of the actual color of the biblical color argaman," he said. Argaman, the Hebrew word for priestly purple, was believed to have been made from secretions of the murex snail. An entire robe required 10,000 snails, each 1-3 inches in size. "It was very, very expensive dye. Only the powerful and rich leaders were able to afford such fabrics," noted Koren. The find is significant to those who want to build the Third Temple and believe identical artifacts must be used. Argaman was an important color used in the Temple, mostly in dying priestly robes. Only light blue, tehelet, is considered more sacred. "If it is able to help determine [the color of Argaman] with scientific precision, it would be a contribution toward establishing what we would need to reinstate the sacred service," said Rabbi Ben Gershon, of the Temple Institute, which is researching and preparing for the Third Temple. The dye is mentioned in the Bible following the Exodus, when it was used in the priests' cloth sashes. It is also mentioned in Judges 8:26. The identification took 30 years, Koren said, because Israel had no dye analysis center before 1991 and there are only a handful of chemists in the field. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEWARE OF FREEMASONRY By: There is a real and well documented connection between freemasonry and the new age movement. Up through at least 1985 the official magazine of freemasonry was known as the New Age Magazine. It has since been called the more benign sounding The Scottish Rite Journal. Albert Pike who wrote the book Dogma and Morals which is the sort of freeemasonry bible also makes the connections plain. He relates how the order is heavily into the occult. recently there has been a heavy media campaign by the masons to put a good spin on what they do. I believe they are trying to cover up for thier real intentions. Which is to create a 1 world religion. Which is to be headed by the anti-christ. Alice Bailey who is a sort of mother of the new age movement in this country had strong connections with the masons. Anyone intersested in more complete and documented information about this subject I urge to read Enroute To Global Occupation by Gary Kah. +++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS FROM RUSSIA AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES By: The Van Impe Intelligence Briefing Oct 1995 By the year 2000, Russia will have the largest nuclear submarine fleet in the world - surpassing the U.S. The fleet will also be more modern and include some subs quieter than the best the U.S. has to offer. What does this mean? Military success in the modern world depend on the ability to send and sustain forces overseas, as the Persian Gulf War illustrates. In war, 90 percent of materiel travels by ship. Safe delivery depends on superiority at sea. Russia's military may be smaller than it was during the height of the Soviet Union's power. But, in some ways, downsizing and modernizing has made it more effective. As students of the Bible understand, the last - and most important - chapter of Russian history has not yet been written. (Ezekiel 38:5-7) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ADMINISTRATION PLANS 1.5 MILLION TELEPHONE INTERCEPTS By: Clark Matthews Janet Reno's Justice Department and the FBI have directed U.S. telephone companies to prepare for up to 1.5 million simultaneous, electronic intercepts on Americans' telephones. The same directive requires the nation's phone companies to complete the necessary modifications to their equipment to create this massive surveillance apparatus from America's public telephone networks. Telephone companies are directed to have these capabilities in place by October 28, 1998, one week before the 1998 elections. The Clinton administration's claimed authorization for this massive high-tech domestic surveillance machine is the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). The CALEA law is better known as infamous "Wiretap Access Bill", which has been discussed many times in these columns over the past 14 months. The CALEA law continues to be a hot topic because the proposed "Omnibus Counter-Terrorism Bill" of 1995 (H.R. 1710) contains provisions for setting up a national FBI surveillance center and paying for the national eavesdropping system with a 40% surcharge on all federal civil fines and property seizures. "CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS" The administration's eavesdropping diktats are buried in a set of technical "capacity requirements" that telephone companies are expected to meet in order to comply with the CALEA law. The capacity requirements appear on pages 53643-53646 of the Federal Register for October 16, 1995. Computer users can access this document electronically on the internet from the Electronic Privacy Information Center ( or by using wais ( The "Capacity Requirements" published in the Federal Register correspond to a minimum of 540,000 and a maximum of 1.5 million simultaneous telephone "intercepts" in the United States. These electronic "intercepts" involve several different telephone surveillance techniques. They can record the telephone numbers you call and the numbers of people who call you, and then match the phone numbers in a special database "associating" you with your friends, relatives, acquaintances, journalists, activists, or businesses. They can also be programmed to monitor telephone conversations, intercept faxes, and record communications sessions between computer modems, including computer passwords and digital transactions. Here is a breakdown of the scope of the federal surveillance described by the capacity requirements: * Category 3 -- In 75% of the nation, phone companies must be prepared to activate federal intercepts on a maximum of 0.25% of all telephone subscribers, i.e. 250 telephones out of every 100,000. * Category 2 -- Is ill-defined. Phone companies in Category 2 areas must make their equipment capable of supporting federal interceptions on a maximum of 0.5% of all subscribers, i.e. 500 telephones per 100,000 * Category 1 -- Includes ill-defined "high interest" areas like major cities, where phone companies must be prepared to surveil 1% of all telephones, i.e. 1,000 phones per 100,000 WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN According to FCC statistics for 1993, there were at least 150 million telephone numbers in our country -- and these figures omitted cellular phones, beepers, pagers, WATS lines, and other non-switched telephone services. Therefore Category 3 translates into 0.25% of at least 112.5 million telephones -- 281,250 intercepts nationwide. Assuming Category 2 equals 15% of the nation's phones, it translates into 0.5% of 22.5 million phones, another 122,500 potential wiretaps. Category 1 is 1% of the remaining 15 million phones: that's 150,000 more people. Add it up: 553,750 intercepts, minimum. And since "major cities" are "high interest" areas, the actual number is more likely to approach one million or more. Even these figures don't tell the whole story. The Justice Department directives have a built-in vagueness that allows areas to be re- defined. They can become "high-interest" hotspots at any time, under any circumstances. A currency crisis, for instance. Or a hotly contested election. Or perhaps a mysterious bombing provocation in the midwest. Furthermore, telephone companies do not have the luxury of meeting the minimum surveillance requirements. It's a technological reality that they must modify their equipment to meet the maximum requirements. That's because the FBI can re- define their surveillance responsibilities at any time, by branding their customers as "interesting". As the FBI's "interest" shifts from area to area, the whole country could rapidly come under the 1% surveillance directive. 1.5 million telephone intercepts. Or more. 'ONLY 1,157 WIRETAPS' The conduct of Clinton's law-enforcement leaders is especially outrageous, now that the true intentions of their KGB-like program have been revealed. When FBI Director Louis Freeh lobbied Congress for the Wiretap Bill last year, he cited FBI statistics claiming only 1,157 federal, state, and local electronic surveillance orders for all of 1993. In sworn Congressional testimony, the FBI director went on to say that his bureau had been thwarted in "several" attempts to intercept communications on specialized telephone equipment. Freeh cited obstacles like digital switches, digital loops, and similar privately owned, computerized business telephone switching systems, which he claimed prevented his agents from listening to telephone conversations, intercepting faxes, and capturing the data exchanged in computer modem sessions. The built-in interception capacity of at least 1.5 million phone subscribers is well over 1,000 times the 1993 wiretapping number given to Congress by Director Freeh. WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES The Justice Department instructed America's telephone companies to respond by November 15th in writing (in triplicate) with comments on their new national telephone surveillance requirements. Why not ask your elected representatives to drop them a line, too? Your Senators and Representative may well wonder how Louis Freeh's 1,157 1993 surveillance orders and "several" failed eavesdropping attempts turned into a license to monitor over a million phones in the nation's telephone system in less than two years. I sure do wonder. The "capacity requirements" for the 1994 Wiretap Law (CALEA) were published in the Federal Register of October 16. They are listed on pages 53643-53646. The address for comments is: Telecommunications Industry Liaison Unit (TILU), Federal Bureau of Investigation, P.O. Box 220450, Chantilly, VA 22022-0450. The FBI expects your representatives to write in triplicate. .---. .----------- * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / \ __ / ------ * / / \(..)/ ----- * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ////// ' \/ ` ---- * //// / // : : --- * PERMISSION TO \\/ / * / /` '--* COPY / REPOST \*/ * //..\\ x-x-UU----UUx-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x '//||\\` N E M O..M E..I M P U N E..L A C E S S I T x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IRAN PREPARING FOR WAR? By: Alan Yusko, THE RAPTURE REPORT Oct. 1995 Recently the news announced that Iran has begun building up troops in its southern borders at the Strait of Hormuz in the Persion Gulf. They have over 6000 troups and have brought chemical arms to the area. The danger is they may threaten Oil shipping in the Persian Gulf. Iran now has some submarines and have on order additional PT boats armed with anti-ship missles. The anti ship missles can destroy a ship from 60 miles away. Matthew 24 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. The Arab nations, Iran in particular, have been arming themselves over the last ten plus years. I think it would be a fair comparison to what they are doing as to what Hitler did in 1938 before WWII. It is foolish to think that nations like Iran, Syria, and again Iraq will just build big armies and not use them. Yes, there will be war and the day is coming when nuclear bombs will be used. Apparently Iran already has a few bombs and is fervently working to develop their own nuclear technology. They will have that in place in just a few short years. The days will come when mens' heart will fail for seeing what is coming into the world. Fear can and will cause heart attacks! Luke 21 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. However we look for a better place, a heavenly one! What should the Christian do in these troubled days? We have hope and look forward to the coming of our Lord and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ! Luke 21 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. ++++++++++++++++++++++ WHAT IS THE SECRET RAPTURE MOVEMENT By Todd Strandberg The secret rapture movement is the belief that when the rapture takes place,few people will be aware of the true reason for its occurrence. The majority of Christians leaders envision the people left behind will be stunned at first , then they will quickly develop some sort of amnesia. The idea that events will transpire without any suspicion, by those remaining ,seems hard to believe. Especially since so much knowledge of the rapture has already been disseminated in the forms of millions of books, radio or TV broadcasts, and even in the form of bumper stickers. -------------------------------------- How the Idea of a Secret Rapture Became Predominant Most Christian writings, when it comes the world's reaction regarding the rapture, paint a picture of total ignorance of what has happened. The common understanding is, in order to have the Antichrist come to power a blanket of ignorance needs to be over all tribulations events. The unsaved saying "Gosh where did everyone go" has been dominated in rapture writings the past 25 years. This just won't be the case, because the whole purpose of the rapture is to get people's attention. The basic understanding of the rapture is very wide spread throughout society, so much so that the occurrence of the rapture will likely cause more weeping and whaling than what many authors currently project. Will the World Take Notice of the Rapture? -------------------------------------- The world will most certainly take notice when the rapture occurs. If the Statue of Liberty suddenly vanished from Hudson Bay ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN would break from programming to cover this marvel. Tohave millions of people disappear without a trace, the media focus can not be imagined. If one car or airplane crashed without a driver or pilot, it would be a major news item. After the rapture the media will have 1000's of examples to choose from. Think of the vital position that Christian hold in the workplace. Many businesses would be paralyzed by the loss of key members. The economy will suffer a devastating blow. Millions of people who had friends and family raptured will be terrified. The media storm that this event will create will rival anything in the past. If you turned on your television, you would find 24 hour coverage on every channel, the President having emergency meetings after emergency meeting, and churches will be filled to overflowing. -------------------------------------- How Then Will the Devil Deceive the World Right after the rapture those who are left behind will be repenting of every sin they committed and repenting of some they haven't committed. The prophecy section in all Christian bookstores will be cleaned out. The world will be in a state of supreme chaos and out of this mess will arise the man who will have an answer to every question. This man, the Antichrist has been repeatedly mentioned in the New Testament. Paul the Apostle, warned us to look out for him. He will be the greatest salesman in the history, because he will sale the people the biggest lie ever. Satan will be so impressed with him, he will give this man his full power. Paul also stated that because the people had no pleasure in the truth, God will send them strong delusion, that they may be damned. What that delusion is, we can only guess. How the Antichrist will explain away the rapture I have know idea. Some say he will sight space aliens as the reason. Some say the explanation will be they went into another dimension to receive better understanding. If we are grounded in the word of God, no lie no matter how beguiling, will be able to shake us loose from the truth. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BIOMETRICS UPDATE Sydney, Australia (CNN) Dec. 7, l995 "Left your credit card at home? Forgotten your PIN number? Use your finger to make that purchase or draw money. A new scanning device uses a person's finger to make a postive identification, making credit cards, identity cards, passwords and PIN numbers redundant. The technology developed by an Australian company permits someone to identify themselves by pressing their finger against a device which makes a three-dimensional scan of their fingerprint and instantly matches it with a template stored on a computer. Fingerscan inventor John Parselle, explained that the scan works by examining the unique ridges and valleys of a person's finger, as wll as the flow of blood through the finger. The Sydney-based company Fingerscan specializes in biometrics- the study of identifying people through their physical and behavioral patterns. Company officials said Fingerscan is already being used by major organizations in Australia, including the New South Wales Police, who use it to restrict entry into a hight-security building. While Australia is well on the way to becoming the first country to replace traditional tools like ID cards and credit cards with the device, Fingerscan is now tapping inot wider markets. Asia, Europe and the United States are on the company's list. It exports its products to 30 countries, and the company is optimistic that Fingerscan will become a $100 million-a-year money-spinner. Fingerscan can also be used to access computers, commercial facilities, car parks, and remote facilities. Parselle hopes that one day it will even do away with the need for passports. The device faces little political resistance on the sensitive question of privacy because it doesn't record an exact fingerprint, only some of its characteristics." ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BIOMETRICS HERE IN THE US (UPDATE) Date: 11-11-95 10:15 From: Steve Milstead To: All Subj: New bank service in Texas ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, November 7, 1995 The Houston Post Beginning in December, banks across the state will take the fingerprint of nonaccount-holders who request check cashing services in an effort to reduce check fraud. The program, dubbed Thumbprint Signature, was announced Monday by the Texas Bankers Association. Nonaccount-holders seeking to cash a check will be required to apply their right thumb to an inkless fingerprinting device that leaves no ink stains or residue. The print will be placed on the face of the check between the memo line and signature line. [additional note] It is our understanding the new Texas Driver Licenses will also bear a thumbprint in addition to the traditional photograph. Regarding this news, here is the letter I received from my bank: Citizens National Bank P.O Box 20 Bellaire, TX 77402 November 13, 1995 Dear Customer, On or around December 1, 1995, Citizens National Bank of Texas will begin participation in an industry program designed to help prevent check fraud, a problem that costs Texas banks and their customers million of dollars every year. The program called Thumbprint Signature, will not directly affect your company, though it may affect some of your employees or others to whom you write checks. The program is very simple. If a non-account holder coes to cash a check with our bank or one of its branch offices, they will be asked to provide not only the standard forms of identification, but also to impress their thumbprint on the check. Each of our tellers will have a small, inkless pad to facilitate the process. The procedure is quick, simple, and clean. The Thumbprint Signature is only put to use if the check proves to be fraudulent. In those cases, it becomes an important tool for law enforcement officials to use in apprehending those responsible. Similar programs have been well received by businesses, banks, and their customers in other states where it has been implemented, and it has been proven to be a very effective deterrent. Check fraud has been reduced from 40 to 80 percent in participating institutions. While we believe being more active in fighting crime is important, we do not want to disturb or disrupt any of our customers or those coming to us to legitimately cash our customer's checks. I ask your help in letting your employees and others who may be affected know about our programs. An informational sheet is enclosed for you to copy and distribute to anyone you feel appropriate. I also want to invite you to call us with any questions or concerns you may have about this or any of our other programs or procedures. Your input will be important as we continue our efforts to eliminate this source of fraudulent activity. Sincerely, Randall W. Dobbs Senior Vice Prseident in additon to the letter a press-release was included as well as a set of typical Q&A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ david r. proctor futurus, corp. p. o. box 921 league city, tx 77573 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************** Cool Web Sites on the Internet Christain and Bible Prophecy hhtp:// Jack Van Impe Ministries hhtp:// This Week In Bible Prophecy Maranatha (Prophecy Pages) Wes Peters web site..COOL prophecy stuff Prophecy & World events web The Rapture Index the Rapture Report Jews for jesus Christian web site Berean Bible Studies Chrisatian Reaseach Institute Decieving the Elect PromiseKeepers 1995 Meeting Dates Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper One World Sites United Nations Maitreya (this is who many think might be the Anti-christ) Share International This is the group who is behind Maitreya They also have a office at the U.N. World Citizen Home page the World Bank world wide constitutions this site also has the proposed world costitution Grassroot world government the Natural Law Party (Transindental Meditation Political Party (New Age) Illuminati New World Order card game Visa Credit Card (One World One Currency) Some of my favorite places Pat Buchanan For President The Jerusalem Post The London Telegraph Town hall (your one stop conservative site) Likud USA site Patriots against New World Order Other good Patriot sites Strategic Solutions West (where I work) Yahoo Directory 24