Prophe-Zine Issue #7 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano.............. Welcome to Issue #7 Texe Marrs........Fascist Terror Stalking America Richard Stauch...........The End Times Keith Wilkerson.........Will they outlaw evangelism next? Sid Roth................ The Second Coming Of Messiah Jesus Freeman Ministries ....The New World Order or a world out-of-order? Author Unknown......Anti-Semitism & Revision Theology Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted authors and news services Rudy Hulstrom......... New Age News Cool Christian Resources plus some cool web sites Special thanks: Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 15th of each month. Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1995 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Certain products, titles, and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM (needs 8 more megs, those graphics are killing me) OOPS.... I Forgot The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ******************************************************** Welcome to issue #7 Hello all. I want to take this time to thank you for downloading Prophe-Zine. Prophe-Zine is a monthly "E" zine that deals with Bible Prophecy and World Events. In this issue we will be taking a look at the signs of the times in these days that we live in. This has been a pretty interesting last month. Israel and the PLO have signed a peace treaty (again). The interesting fact about this treaty is that the PLO will maintain all religious sites AND will allow Jews and Christians unlimited access to these sites. Now this is the interesting thing, will this treaty allow the Jews access to the Temple Mount? If they do, will the Jewish people rebuild the temple? Also in San Francisco the Gorbachav Foundation has been hard at work. They have just hosted a meeting to find out how they will lead the world now that there in no more cold war to worry about. Are we on our way to a One World Government under the leadership of our "friend" Gorby? Another thing that happened this last month was Ross Perot announcing that United We Stand America is now a official third political party. Hhhhhmmmm.....So what does this do for the election. In the Wall Street Journal on 9/26/95 there was a article stating that the people who want Bill Clinton as President the most are the Republicans. With him in office, they would have someone to blame (scapegoat). This next Presidential election is going to be very interesting indeed. I find it interesting that Israel, Russia and other countries are also having their election in 1996. In Israel they are having to deal with a very "Liberal" administration. Israel, like here in the US, the conservative movement is really starting to grow. In Russia they are dealing with a VERY weak leader (7% of the populace approve of Yeltsen). The World is looking for a strong leader to lead them. The world we live in is willing to give almost anything to have that leader. If we are offered a strong leader in 1996, it would be very hard not to follow him. Look for that leader on the horizon riding a white horse and carrying a bow shouting Peace, Peace. So are we coming down to the wire here? Like HELLO!!!! I can not get up anymore and watch the news and NOT see something dealing with the end of the age. Talk about birth pangs.....Weird weather, Volcanoes, Mutant illness, Off the wall religions, Weak leaders, Murder, Sick sex practices...I mean I can go on and on. I have the feeling that it is not going to get any better any time soon either. I tell you this, I am getting to the point that I wish our Lord would just hurry up and beam us up. The only thing that I know keeping me here is the knowledge that SO many people have still not heard the Good News about our Lord. I get up every day and put on that armor. I really praise the Lord for being so good to us. I have to admit to that I would not want to live in any other time. We are very privileged that we live in these days and are allowed to witness the things happening at the end of this age. To see our Lord working every day. You can not get up and not say that there is not a God in Heaven. His own word is coming true DAILY. Shout it for the mountains MARANATHA!!!! Shout it from the tops of the buildings MARANATHA!!!! Shout it in the streets MARANATHA!!! Our Lord is coming soon and getting ready to take us home! Remember that we serve a great and loving God, and if you follow Him, you are guaranteed the "E" ticket ride of your life. In His service, Ray ******************************************************* FASCIST TERROR STALKING AMERICA by: Texe Marrs "Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you." (James 5:5-6) Although a vile and wicket man, he was elected to high office by the constitutional vote of a free people in a democratic country. However, this ungodly schemer realized that only a dramatic act of chaotic evil could catapult him toward total dictatorial power. Therefore, this national leader secretly ordered the tragic firebombing of a federal building. It was a brilliant and diabolical move. Craftily, he blamed the fiery carnage on his enemies and cleverly inflamed public opinion against them by deft use of the media. The national leader ordered law enforcement into action. Promptly they arrested an innocent man, disingenuously planted evidence to frame him, and smugly announced to the nation that a terrorist guilty of the firebombing was in custody. Swift justice would be his lot and the death penalty meted out, the national leadership assured the frightened and, by now, angry masses. However, law enforcement authorities warned that the arrested terrorist was, in fact, only one of many participants in a broader, national conspiracy of anti-government plotters. These men and women, the government and the media explained, are professed "enemies of the state." What's more, if their bloody terrorist acts are to be prevented in the future, the people must now agree to give up some of their liberties in exchange for security. Law and order, and respect for government, the national leader explained, will have to be the prime objective of the day. New, wide-ranging, anti-terrorist legislation must quickly be enacted. Constitutional prohibitions against illegal search and seizure must be relaxed. The federal government must be granted extraordinary investigative and police powers. Only this, he counseled, will enable federal law enforcement to put an end to these mad terrorists, these shameless enemies of government. Some, of course, opposed this massive increase in government police power. But the national leader was not deterred. He cagily hinted that anyone who opposed the government's plan were "haters of humanity," accomplices to the bombing of the federal building; they, too, he said, are social and religious pariahs, aliens to law and order. "We must purge the nation of this dark evil" trumpeted the national leader of this great democratic country. "Tighter gun control and firearms laws are necessary. Hate crime legislation is required. The negative, anti-government critics must be curbed--the voices of hatred and divisiveness must be silenced." "Extremists who would overthrow the government and who defame its institutions must not find a safe haven ever again," said the increasingly popular national leader. The people of the nation applauded. "Yes, everything will be set right by our national leader," they reasoned. "Our elected leader knows the best way. The anti-government protesters are, indeed, haters and anarchists. Riff-raff. They must be harshly dealt with, the sooner the better." "Yes, they roared and echoed in unison. "More national police are needed. More and more laws restricting our constitutional rights should be passed. In fact, we demand more power be given to the government and to our national leader! After all, it is he who deeply loves us and feels our pain. It is he who wants only to protect us. He would never lie to us. We trust him. Let us, therefore, use our federal police powers to destroy our enemies, these terrorists, these horrible, firebombing fanatics." A TALE OF TWO CITIES The above is a true story. Indeed, it is, to use a Charles Dickens' phrase, A Tale of Two Cities. On February 27, 1933, Adolf Hitler, Germany's constitutionally elected leader, secretly ordered the firebombing of Berlin's Reichstag--a federal building roughly equivalent to our own nation's U.S. Capitol. The public outcry inevitably resulted in the dictatorial empowerment of the federal government. The SS Gestapo was created, and a hugely popular leader, Adolf Hitler, assumed virtually complete, totalitarian authority. The people of Germany had gladly given up their constitutional rights and freedoms to a megalomaniac whom they unswervingly revered and trusted. He spoke flatteries to them. He was for good and against evil. He felt their pain and soothed their suffering. Germany and the whole world entered a dark era of despair, horror, and death. Some 50 million perished in the flames of World War II and in concentration camps. And it all started with the clandestine torching of a single federal building! HE WHO FORGETS THE PAST As Santayana once said, "He who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it." And so, on April 19, 1995, a federal building was firebombed in Oklahoma City. Bill Clinton, no doubt fully aware of Hitler's fantastic success with the same, outrageous scheme six and one-half decades prior, moved fast to follow in the Nazi fuhrer's footsteps. Clinton's own, Himmler-type agent, FBI Director Louis Freeh, in a speech in Oklahoma City, ranted about "enemies of the state" and "haters of humanity." (Yes, he actually used those very terms!) Clinton's own, Hell-like agent, Attorney-General Janet Reno, arrogantly goose-stepped forward to the podium to announce that a mad bomber, though just one cog in a nationwide, terrorist conspiracy, had promptly been arrested. Once convicted, said Ms. Reno, the evil Mr. Timothy McVeigh would pay the maximum penalty--death. The American people, as the Germans before them, seem more than eager to oblige Clinton and his henchmen in their lust-filled grab for the ultimate in governmental power and authority. The media have assured the ignorant and trusting masses that Bill Clinton and his lovely wife, Hillary, would never lie to us. "Father" Bill and "Mother" Hillary adore and love our little children. Indeed, they love all of us. The government is only here to help you. Only believe...and you will remain safe and secure in your comfortable cocoons out in suburbia. But distrust our national leader, they caution, and we will smash you. Criticize Big Brother, Big Sister, and their police state, and you may end up on the receiving end of an IRS or FBI investigation. Or worse. THE NEW FASCISTS ARE LIKE THE OLD FASCISTS It is fair to say that Bill Clifton is, in fact, a fascist. A fascist is a strange, hybrid creature who combines the most effective--and most virulent--strains of both Nazism and Communism. The fascist believes in a totalitarian government, but one ruled behind the scenes by a wealthy elite, such as the CFR and Trilateral Comission clique. The fascist despises God for he believes himself to be divine. The fascist deceitfully uses and manipulates the masses. From the rich he privately obtains his awesome power. From the deluded people he obtains his authority, which he wields with cruel and terrible effectiveness. Yes, Bill Clinton is a fascist. And today it is the fascists who stalk America. The modern-day fascist tyrants, however, have not changed much from those of the past. Bill Clinton, like Hitler and Mussolini before him, tells outrageous lies. He lies about what really happened in Waco, and he cynically uses the Oklahoma City tragedy to arouse Public fear and incite public anger toward perceived "enemies." Mr. Clinton manipulates this fear and anger to achieve the hidden agenda of the Illuminati elite: the granting of dictatorial police powers and the setting aside of our nation's Bill of Rights. In London's Daily Telegraph newspaper, historian John Keegan recently penned an article under the title, "Who Says a Hitler Could Never Happen Again?" Keegan observed, "People...cannot tolerate chronic insecurity. They crave civil peace almost as much as they need food. If denied it, they will give their loyalty to anyone who can assure it; they will also sanction any measures this Leviathan---as Hobbes called this bringer of security--deems necessary to restore order." "Hitler's genius," Keegan continues, "was for playing on the fears and anxieties of ordinary men and women" who, frightened and desperate for order, agreed "to the whole apparatus of social control that Hitler installed, when he achieved power---with their votes." Keegan points out that the people, feeling themselves under pressure from a "collection of terrorists, fanatics, and criminals, assented to police state tactics, deprivation of civil rights, imprisonment without trial, judicial murder, and, eventually, mass extermination of the enemies of the people." To those who say it couldn't happen today, now with an enlightened media, Keegan responds by reminding us that, in fact, the media were the greatest promoters of Nazi Fascism and were among the warmest advocates of Adolf Hitler's totalitarian program. "Hitler's real genius," says Keegan, "was in public relations... The German press, radio, and cinema applauded the Nazi assault on 'anti-social and criminal elements' every step of the way." And so we return again to 1995, to Bill Clinton, and to an anxious and fearful America. Clinton's unconstitutional agenda, as was Hitler's, is applauded by the media. Even the gassing and burning to death of the 17 children inside the Branch Davidian compound in Waco is described as a righteous act by an honest and virtuous President and Attorney-General. The German people had their Reichstag. The Americans now have their Oklahoma City. Apparently, the devil never changes his ways, and neither do his fascists agents here on planet Earth. WHO PROFITS? No one but an insane saint--or a scheming totalitarian--would have participated in or applauded the Oklahoma City bombing. Who, then, did profit from this otherwise senseless act of sheer terror? You know, and I know, the answer. In a manner frighteningly reminiscent of Josef Stalin's purges in Soviet Russia and Hitler's propagandistic, Nazi era, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, and their totalitarian comrades are cynically using this tragedy to demand special, dictatorial police powers. How disgustingly convenient, how cruelly perfect, how devilishly advantageous to the long-cherished agenda of Bill Clinton and his New World Order superiors was htis monstrous firebombing and massacre in Oklahoma City! Truly, God's Word is astute, for we read in Proverbs 8:36: "All they that hate me love death." ENEMIES OF THE STATE Both the government and the media agree: certain, designated "enemies must be stopped. Federal law enforcement agencies, we are told, must be given the maximum authority to shut the mouths of the dissidents. Republicans and Democrats alike in Congress seem determined to give to federal authorities dictatorial tools to end what the media describes as "the threat to public security posed by dangerous, anti-government factions." America is being told that so-called "extremist, right-wing" groups must be thoroughly investigated, even if they are not suspected of actual crimes. For the good of the nation, they must be confronted with far-reaching, police state tactics. Among the extremist groups identified by the media and the government as threats to national security are the following. Look and see if you or someone you know could be on Big Brother's enemy hit list. Check to see if you are a designated "enemy of the state:" * PRO-LIFERS, who oppose abortion, all of whom, the government and media claim, are guilty of a national conspiracy to firebomb abortion clinics and murder abortion doctors. * CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS, especially those who believe in a coming apocalypse, a literal Armageddon, the last days' rise of Mystery Babylon, and the Imminent return of Jesus Christ. * CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, especially those who warn of a "New World Order" or who criticize the United Nations. * Farmers and ranchers, because they oppose the "wisdom" of new environmental regulations and the government's management of their lands and homesteads. ( Of course, only the little farmers and ranchers are threats--the big, "agribusiness" titans are government-approved . * INTERNET AND FAX USERS, because they are supposedly guilty of spreading so-called "hate" messages by computer and over the fax lines. * GUN OWNERS, villified because they allege that the Second Amendment to the constitution guarantees to the citizenry "the right to keep and bear arms." This, we are told, is a dangerous and inflammatory idea. * MILITIA MEMBERS, Targeted because they expose the heinous and murderous acts perpetrated by the FBI and BATF in Waco, things that the media and the government prefer the American people not find out. * CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOSTS, because they provide forums where the enslaved working classes, American patriots, biblical Christians, and other anti-New World Order voices stir up discontent and distrust of Big Brother government--which, of course, is a decide no-no as far as the elitists are concerned. * TAX PROTESTERS, because they simply don't understand that it is a "good thing" for our friends at the IRS to exercise such massive and unconstitutional police powers over the suffering and ever more paying citizenry. (How else can we pay for the police state, for all those much-needed government welfare programs, and for all that foreignaid?) * CONSTITUTIONALISTS, because of their unacceptable belief that the wording of the Bill of Rights is to be taken literally. Constitutionalists are also said to be extreme because they oppose the New World Order and warn of a coming, one world government system which would make obsolete the need for our "old and antiquated" national Constitution. * TENTH AMENDMENT ADVOCATES: Especially to be watched and beaten down are those who believe in the Tenth Amendment, which states that those powers not specifically delegated to the federal government, "are reserved to the states or to the people." This, say the media and the politicians in Washington, D.C., is a disturbing and revolutionary notion! * PATRIOTS, because they cherish the "Old America"--the land that once belonged to the brave and the free, before today's socialist rot set in. * ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL, because they despise their "heroic," draft-dodging, U.S. military-loathing, Commander-in-chief, Bill Clinton. These men and women oppose PDD-25, the government's directive to turn over command of the U.S. Military forces to United Nations' controllers. Many uniformed personnel are also "America Firsters," and this presents a roadblock to the glorious, soon coming New Age of one-worldism. * RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS, All of the people in the above categories, plus many more "anti-government' agitators--for example, home schoolers, objectors to homosexual conduct, etc.--are lumped together and labeled as "right-wing extremists." The nation is being encouraged to distrust, investigate, watch, despise, and quarantine these terrible people. STAND UP FOR TRUTH! In fact, there is probably not one, tender-hearted member of any of the groups described above who would not have sacrificed his or her own life in a brave effort to prevent the Oklahoma City tragedy. My friends, do not allow the savage forces of a scheming elite to trample on the constitution of the United States and to defame and persecute good and innocent people who believe in God and country. Stand up and be counted! And please, always remember: it is not necessary to use bullets and bombs. True Christians would never return evil with evil. Let the Clintonista rabble-rousers and the power-hungry government agents employ lies and unleash waves of bloody violence and destruction. The only weapon we need--and how mighty is it!--is the Truth. The Word of God is mightier than the sword! Preach with conviction. Tell the Truth to as many people as you can. Get the facts out. Speak boldly; do not faint or grow weary. Most important, pray unceasingly, Pray even for Bill Clinton and the others who hate and despitefully use us. Depend solely on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Trust Him completely. Worry not what men can do to you, for God is with you. He will never forsake you. Frankly I tremble for Bill Clinton and His New World Order cohorts when I consider the awesome justice of a vengeful God. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." That, my friends, is Truth. It is power, and it is destiny. ____________________________________________________________________ For more information contact: Living Truth Ministries 1708 Patterson Road Austin, Texas 78733-6507 ******************************************************* THE END TIMES by Richard Stauch What are the End Times? Most people understand that Christians say we are in the End Times. Just what does that mean? How can we know it's true, and what signs will show us for sure? The following paragraphs will explain in detail what the End Times are, where the doctrine comes from, and how we can be sure when we're in them. It's a frightening time to consider, even for some Christians. There's a lot of confusion about what this all means. Some Christians think they'll have to go through a period called the Great Tribulation. I hope to show that's not true, for God has said we're not to suffer His wrath (1 Thes. 5:8-10). Others actually believe there's no such thing at all. I also hope to show that's false, because our Lord Jesus Christ warned us to watch, and the apostles confirmed this (1 Thes. 5:6). Why would He do that if we have no hope to escape the destruction that's just about to come? Gen. 18:20-19:29 GOD, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE Would God judge the righteous with the wicked? His answer is an emphatic No! Lot was judged to be righteous. The destruction which came on Sodom and Gomorah waited until he, and those with him, were safe. Even so, some of Lot's family refused to believe that God would destroy the cities of the plains, and remained behind. They were destroyed with the cities. Also, Lot's wife, who disobeyed and looked back, became a pillar of salt. Let's believe God, and obey, or we may find ourselves in serious trouble! Matt. 16:1-4 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES This is where the phrase "the signs of the times" is found. Some people would say the phrase is taken out of context. Surely, we can borrow the phrase. Our Lord was saying the Jews were blind to the signs of their time. Cannot we learn a lesson from their failure? Jesus said the End Times would be just like the days when Noah built the ark. Noah survived God's wrath, with his family and all the animals God had sent to him (Matt. 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-27). Jesus also gave many specific things for us to watch for. These would be sure signs that He was about to appear (Matt. 24:3-8): (Many false christs) From Jim Jones to the Ayatola. (Wars and rumors of war) War has never ceased. (Ethnic strife) The Greek word translated "nation" is "ethnos". (Nationalism) Small countries seek to expand their borders. (Famines) Everywhere we look, there are shortages of food. (Pestilence) Diseases are spreading, and becoming resistant. (Earthquakes) Southern California has no corner on the market. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. The intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning. Yet, Our Lord told us not to be troubled, because these are only the beginning of "birth pains". Matt. 24:9-14 THE TIME OF THE END We have seen that the world is completely unaware that everything is about to break loose! The following signs have only begun to happen. They will grow in intensity, and scope (See also: Luke 21:7-36): (Persecution) Many believers will be killed. (Great offense and betrayal) Others turn away from the faith. (False prophets and deception) Psychics decieve the world. (Love grows cold) Many that remain stop working. (The gospel preached world-wide) The whole world hears the gospel. It's at this point that the end of this age comes. The time of the gentiles comes to an end on an inauspicious note. There is not much for many so-called believers to be proud of, since they are lukewarm. Our Lord will not honor them (Rev. 3:14-22). On the other hand, those who risk their lives for the gospel will have great honor from God (Rev. 12:11). Matt. 24:15-22 THE GREAT TRIBULATION The persecution of beleivers is not what the Bible calls Great Tribulation. If so, then the early church also went through such a time. Yet, Jesus said this time would be unique in the history of the world (Matt. 24:21). Thank God, for He will shorten the time! If not, nobody would survive (Matt. 24:22). Many people have a hard time seeing the events of the Great Tribulation. It's no wonder, since the period is unique in history. There simply is no comperable time! The following is a brief time-line based on the book of Revelation. It may be helpful for your studies: Reference Time ============================================================== 1:1-8 | Opening prayer 1:9-3:22 | The time of the gentiles 4:1-5:14 | Heaven as it is now 6:1-7:17 | The first half of the Tribulation 8:1-11:19 | The second half of the Tribulation 12:1-5 | The time from Abraham to Tribulation 12:6-13 | The first half of the Tribulation 12:14-13:4 | The second half of the Tribulation 13:5-17 | The first half of the Tribulation 13:18-14:12 | The second half of the Tribulation 14:13-16 | Reaping the righteous dead 14:17-20 | Reaping the unrighteous dead 15:1-20:3 | The seven last plagues 20:4-6 | The thousand year reign of Christ 20:7-10 | Satan loosed for a "little season" 20:11-21:5 | The Great White Throne judgement 21:6-22:9 | The new Jerusalem 22:10-22:21 | Closing prayer As you can see, the book of Revelation is almost chronologic in structure. The first and second halves of the Great Tribulation are spoken of three times. Most Bible scolars agree, when Scripture repeats a prophetic subject, it means these things are sure to happen. Conclusion: I believe there will be a great "catching away" that will happen without warning. Some people call this the Rapture. Although the word doesn't occur in Scripture, it certainly describes the event. Our Lord spoke of a moment when one of two would be "taken", and the other left (Matt. 24:40-42). Then, Jesus Christ warned us to watch, because we don't know when this will happen. Let's pray that God will send His Holy Spirit to dwell in us. As long as the Spirit of God is in us, we can be sure we won't have to see the Tribulation. Richard Stauch ******************************************************* Will they outlaw evangelism next? (7/94) The following is from Christian Crusade Newspaper, We can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on Compuserve at 72204,541, and via the Internet as . by Keith Wilkerson, editor What if they made a law against witnessing about Jesus? What if some faceless bureaucrat in Washington, D.C., made it a crime to share your faith with people at work? What if some pencil pusher elected by nobody wrote a federal regulation that could get you fired for wearing a cross at work? Believe it or not, somebody within the Clinton Administration tried. It almost became a federal regulation on June 13. Only because astonished and horrified Christians besieged Washington, D.C. with telephone calls and letters did elected lawmakers call for a Congressional investigation. The new regulation against giving your Christian testimony on the job had been written quietly and without publicity by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Somebody tipped off former Nixon aide Charles Colson, now the head of Prison Fellowship International. He checked into it, found the rumor to be true, and alerted the leaders of some of America's largest religious groups. As a result, the U.S. Senate voted 94-0 to ask the Clinton Administration to shelve the new rules -- which the bureaucrats claimed would end "religious harassment." Unfortunately, the Senate's unanimous request does not have the force of law. The Clinton Administration may go ahead anyway -- contrary to the wishes of elected lawmakers. "I fear that the overall impact of the proposed guidelines will be to create a workplace in which religious freedom is stifled and employers are put into an untenable position,'' said Sen. Howell Heflin, D-Ala., on the floor of the Senate. Lawyers for the Clinton Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) tried to downplay concerns. They said that Senators and 90,000 letter-writers and concerned callers were all over-reacting to the proposed rules. The new rules would protect us all from religious nuts, not end freedom of religion, the lawyers complained. However, nobody seemed to think their new regulations were a good idea -- except for the American Atheists and a Jewish group. In testimony before the U.S. Senate, "Can the EEOC guarantee that the communication of the Christian gospel will never, under any circumstances, be deemed to be actionable harassment?'' asked Michael K. Whitehead, the general counsel for the Southern Baptist Convention's Christian Life Commission. "Southern Baptists and other religious groups can never support ambiguous and elastic standards which would permit an exercise of bureaucratic power over a person in the workplace who merely shares his faith.'' Dudley Rochelle, an Atlanta labor lawyer who represents employers, said that if the new rules are adopted, she would have to advise bosses and supervisors to ban all religion at work. That would mean no witnessing, no conversation about Jesus, and not even Christian calendars on the wall. She said the rules require "a workplace to be completely free of religious expression." All Bibles would have to be removed from desks, all religious magazines would have to be hidden from view, and no discussion of faith could take place on the job. Gary Bauer of the Family Research Council, noted that the EEOC rules could result in "situations where an employer with a Bible on his desk might make a Muslim secretary uncomfortable and have something like that lead to a lawsuit.'' Writing in the Chicago Tribune, Constitutional law professor Douglas Laycock of the University of Texas at Austin noted the tens of thousands of letters that the EEOC had received "from people who fear that the religious harassment guidelines will be used to suppress all religious speech in the workplace." Senate hearings "lent credence to the worst fears of the commission's critics," wrote Professor Laycock. "The American Atheists claim that the only way to end religious harassment is to create a 'religion-free' workplace, in which employees would be forbidden to keep religious art, calendars or books in their workplace, forbidden to hum or whistle religious songs, forbidden to engage in religious conversations, and forbidden to wear crosses, yarmulkes, or other religious clothing. "Already, Delta Airlines has actually tried to create a religion-free workplace, directing that its employees 'should not possess or display, in any manner, on company premises any material which may be construed, by anyone, to have racial, religious, or sexual overtones, whether positive or negative,'" noted the professor. Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., noted that the rules could lead employers to bar all religious expression in the workplace, violating our freedom of religion. "Under the EEOC's proposed guidelines, an employee who wears a cross, Star of David or other religious symbol, or who keeps a Bible on a desk could be accused of religious harassment," he said. The new rules could make it risky for employers to even mention their religious beliefs for fear of being charged with harassing workers who might disagree, noted the Birmingham, Alabama Post- Herald's Washington correspondent Thomas Hargrove, writing for the Scripps-Howard news service. "The EEOC guidelines were supported by the American Jewish Congress," he observed, "which said that Jews historically have been subjected to a variety of subtle and overt harassments on the job." Hargrove quoted Ohio Democratic Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, who is Jewish, as telling supporters of the Senate bill. "'I am having difficulty in understanding just what it is you find objectionable. A broad brush has been used.' "But," according to Hargrove, "Metzenbaum dropped his opposition after he convinced Sens. Heflin and Hank Brown, R-Colo., to remove language from their bill that insisted that religious harassment must be considered separately from other kinds of harassment. "This is not an area that the EEOC has had guidelines on before,'' Sen. Brown said during the hour-long debate on the floor of the Senate. He expressed concern over placing religion into the same emotional powder keg that has developed over workplace sexual harassment. "To equate a picture of Moses, or Martin Luther King, or Christ with a pornographic picture is absurd.'' Sen. Heflin said employer groups had expressed fear that the guidelines would open businesses to an entirely new kind of threat from civil lawsuits. "These guidelines, as worded, will create a tremendous burden for employers who would be forced to make policies in anticipation of employee reaction to almost every manifestation of religious belief,'' he said. Attorneys for the EEOC told the Reuters News Service that although the guidelines would be revised, the matter is far from settled. "Given the amount of controversy generated by this provision, it is clear that the language should be revised to more accurately reflect the intended meaning," Elizabeth Thornton, acting legal counsel for the EEOC, told the Senate Judiciary courts subcommittee, which is chaired by Heflin. "There is the need to do some clarification," she said. However, just revising the rules will not be enough, said 21 Republican senators. In a letter to the EEOC, they asked that the reference to religion be deleted altogether, not merely revised. Professor Laycock suggested that the matter could be handled very easily -- if that was the desire of the Clinton Administration. As proposed, the EEOC "forbid any speech or conduct that 'denigrates' or shows 'aversion' to any religion and creates an offensive environment' or 'otherwise adversely affects' any employee," wrote the professor. "The provisions are to be interpreted from the perspective of a reasonable person. But people of sharply different religious views have equally different ideas about what is offensive. "The guidelines do not distinguish expressions of religious faith and disagreement about religious issues, which are constitutionally protected, from personal attacks on other employees or persistent harangues directed at an unwilling audience, which are not. The vagueness of the guidelines invites large numbers of unjustified charges, and the prospect of litigation over such charges encourages employers to overreact and suppress all religious speech in the workplace. "It is not hard to state much more precisely what speech is harassment and what speech is protected." Here are six clarifications that the professor said could eliminate much of the confusion caused by EEOC's rules: "1. It is illegal to demand that an employee engage in or refrain from religious behavior. Attending church or joining your supervisor in prayer cannot be made a condition of employment, promotion, raises, or other job benefits. "2. Slurs, epithets, and negative stereotypes about the personal characteristics of a religious group are generally illegal. "3. Persistent evangelism directed at the same individual, continued after a clear request to end the conversation or not bring the subject up again, may generally be treated as illegal religious harassment. The speaker has a clear right to evangelize, and the target has a clear right to end the conversation. "4. Affirmative expression of one's own religious faith or lack thereof, not targeted at a particular individual, cannot be religious harassment. Employees are free to wear religious clothing or jewelry, hang religious calendars or art in their personal workspace, and refer to their faith in ordinary conversation. "5. Serious argument for or against a religious or political proposition cannot be religious harassment -- or any other kind of harassment. This ist rue even if the argument rejects someone else's religious teachings, even if the argument is made in forceful, colorful or inarticulate terms, even if some co-workers find the speaker's position offensive. Religious and political argument is speech of the highest first amendment value. It would be a great improvement in the harassment guidelines if this flap over religious harassment resulted in a general clarification that serious argument is not harassment. "6. Even with these substantive clarifications, the commission should eliminate the multiple and overlapping generalities used in the guidelines." However, it is yet to be seen if anyone at EEOC is interested in being so clear. Such simple solutions were shrugged off by EEOC attorneys at the Senate hearings. "At last week's Senate hearings, there was remarkable agreement on what is protected speech and what is religious harassment," wrote the professor. "This agreement spanned the political spectrum, from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Southern Baptist Convention. "What remains to be seen is whether the commission will state these principles in plain language. "Or will it persist in vague generalities that unnecessarily intimidate workers and employers and leave all the real answers to be worked out in the courts through expensive litigation?" America will have to wait and see. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER? Christian Crusade Newspaper is in its 42nd year, has a worldwide circulation and is published by Christian Crusade, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. It is mailed to subscribers without charge as a result of the conviction of its founder not to put a price-tag on the gospel. For a free subscription, just ask. Although Dr. Hargis no longer travels, editor-in-chief Keith Wilkerson accepts speaking invitations. Both can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on GEnie as K.Wilkerson3, via the Internet as, and on Compuserve at 72204,541. ****************************************************** THE SECOND COMING OF MESSIAH JESUS As the end of the millennium approaches, fulfillment of Bible prophecy is rushing to a climax. You are among the few generations to witness the close of a millennium. You could be the generation to witness the second coming of Messiah Jesus! We Are Instructed To Know The Time ---------------------------------- * Jesus said, "See, I have told you beforehand" (Matt. 24:25, NKJV). * " yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night . . . But ye, brethren are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" (I Thess. 5:2, 4) * "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" (Matt. 24:33). * Jesus clearly said no one would know the day or the hour of His return (Matt. 25:13), but remember that 24 hours is a small slice of time. While some knew of and understood his first coming, Jesus rebuked those that could not "discern the signs of the times" (Matt. 16:3). Israel, God's Time Clock ------------------------ Jesus taught that we could know the "times" by watching the nation of Israel. He prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed in A.D. 70 and the Jewish people were scattered among the nations. Israel was re-established in 1948. And after the Six-Day War, Jerusalem was recaptured from the Gentiles. In His parable of the fig tree, Jesus said that this generation (the one that sees the signs) will certainly not pass away until all these things, including the return of Messiah, have happened (v.32). 120 - Year Warning Of Noah -------------------------- "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" (Luke 17:26) In 1878, Noah Troyer, an Amish minister, became ill, lapsing into repeated periods of unconsciousness. During these periods, he stood and prophesied the same basic message 19 times. His message was that just as God gave the world 120 years to repent beforethe flood (Gen. 6:3), He was giving America the same 120 year warning. 1878 + 120 biblical (360-day) years = 1996. Significantly, in 1878 the first Jewish villages in Palestine were established - Petah Tikvah in Judea and Rosh Pinnah in Galilee - the beginning of modern Israel. Additionally, respected prophecy scholar Grant R. Jeffrey believes 1878 signaled the end of the Gentile age and the beginning of the 120 year countdown. 1 Sir Isaac Newton And The Prophecy Of Daniel ------------------------------------------- Sir Isaac Newton, one of the world's greatest geniuses and the 'father of modern science" was also a devout Christian and Bible Scholar. His later life was devoted to studying and writing about the book of Daniel. Newton, who lived 300 years ago;, believed the Messiah's second coming would occur 49 years after a friendly kingdom would again issue a "commandment to build Jerusalem" (Newton's Prophecies of Daniel, reprinted by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, 1991). 1 This belief was based upon his interpretation of Daniel 9:25. Most modern scholars add the two numbers of weeks given by Daniel. Instead, Newton believed the two numbers separately foretell both the first and second comings of Messiah by counting each from the going forth of the command to restore. Thus Daniel's 62 weeks of years, or 434 years, foretells Messiah's first coming and the seven weeks of years, or forty-nine years, foretells His second coming. The United Nations, a friendly kingdom, issued the commandment in November of 1947 decreeing Israel's rebirth. Using Newton's formula, 1947 plus 49 years brings us to 1995 or 1996 (depending on whether a biblical 360-day calendar is used. Also, the Jewish calendar equivalent of 1996 begins with Rosh HaShana, 1995). Early Jewish Writings And The Sabbath Principle ----------------------------------------------- The view frequently expressed in the Talmud is that the world as we know it would last only six thousand years. Tanna debe Eliyyahu teaches "the world is to exist for 6,000 years. In the first 2,000 years was desolation (no Torah, form Adam to Abraham .. ) [for] 2,000 years the Torah flourished and the next 2,000 years is the Messianic era.. . . "2 Since a thousand years to the Lord is as a day (Ps. 90:4; 2Pet. 3:8), some ancient and modern scholars see the coming of the seventh millennium shall be the millennial years of remission, that God alone may be exalted in that day" (Rabbi Kettina Gemara). 2 Early Christian Thought ------------------------ Early Christian writers, as well as the apostles and the early church, taught that at the end of 6,000 years of human history, the Messiah would return and reign for 1,000 years (referred to as the Millennium). Many church fathers and historians paralleled the rabbinical view stated above. As late as A.D. 1650, in "The Chronology of the Old and New Testament", Bishop Latimer calculated that the Millennium would begin in A.D. 1997, based on Jesus' birth in 4 B. C. Other Biblical Evidence ------------------------ There are many biblical signs heralding the "last days' before the soon return of the Lord. Billy Graham has said that while some signs have appeared in the past, "this is the first time in human history that all the signs are converging. "2 Paul describes increased degeneracy in the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Matt. 24:11,12 cites false prophets and increased lawlessness. Matthew 24:37 reveals these times to be "as in the days of Noah were", which were "corrupt" and "filled with violence" (Gen. 6:11). Jesus also said there would be famines and earthquakes (Matt. 24:7). Since the middle of this century (when other signs began) there has been an astonishing increase in the frequency of earthquakes measuring above 6.0 on the Richter scale. By decades, this is the breakdown: 1880s (1), 1890s (1), 1900s (3), 1910's (2), 1920s (2), 1930s (5), 1940s(4), 1950s (9), 1960s (13), 1970s (46), 1980s (52)! In the 1990s we have had a number of extremely deadly quakes above 7.0 Richter, and the unusual June 1994 Bolivian quake with its record setting 400-mile deep 8.2 Richter felt in the U.S. and Canada. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end shall come" (Matt. 24:14). Hundreds of missions organizations are rapidly closing on the goal of evangelizing the world by the year 2000. For example, Campus Crusade for Christ plans to fulfill the great Commission by December 31st, 2000. Angel Messages And Supernatural Encounters -------------------------------------------- * Twice during 1993, an angel appeared to Vincent Tan and said, concerning the Lord, " He is coming very, very soon, " then mysteriously disappeared. 1 * On November 20th, 1994, Larry Taylor was awakened at 1 a.m. with the panoramic vision of Revelation unfolding before his eyes. Then the Lord spoke to him and said, "The tribulation is at the door."1 * In August 1992, David Grant had a spectacular salvation experience, after which he asked the Lord to take him to heaven. Instead the Lord spoke to him and said, "I want you to go back and get your family ready to meet Me. And go tell the world I am coming back for my children before the year 2000." If you are not ready for His return and would like to receive Jesus as your Messiah, pray this prayer out loud and mean it to the best of your ability: Dear God, please forgive me for every sin I have ever committed. I am sorry and, with your help, I turn from them. I believe Jesus died in my place for my sins. And by His wounds, I am forgiven. I make Jesus my Lord And ask Him to live inside of me. In the name of Jesus, Amen." NOTE: The information was compiled from Sid Roth's interview with Jim Bramlett And two articles written by Mr. Bramlett: 1 "Did God reveal to Sir Isaac Newton a secret prophecy for this decade that has been confirmed by other events?" And 2 "Christ's Soon Return: The Overwhelming Evidence." We are not trying to set a date for the Messiah's return, but rather are presenting signs that indicate His return will be soon. Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are form the King James Version. Si Roth's interview with Jim Bramlett (C902) is available for $5 from Messianic Vision, P.O Box 1918 Brunswick, GA 31521 (912) 265-2500. (Permission to copy and distribute the Mishbochah File1:13 is given by Sid Roth's The Messsianic Vision.) **************************************************** THE NEW WORLD ORDER OR A WORLD OUT-OF-ORDER? This Message Exposes A Plan To Control The Future Of Nations -And Your Life! * How often, recently have you heard our President use the term... NEW WORLD ORDER? Just where did this "New World Order" come from? * Will the "New World Order" have any effect on the average American citizen and their lifestyle? What is the stated purpose of "The New World Order"? * Recently, there has been a great deal of talk in the media about "interdependency" of various countries of the world. What does the interdependency mean? Is it a new word also? * How is it that the higher hiarchy of the Communist Party simply change their name to socialist democrats and are still the leaders of these various countries? * How is it that Communism, which has been presented to us as the biggest threat to the Western World for the past 70 years suddenly disintegrates and becomes among our best friends? * How is it that the Soviet Union can put the first man in space and still have a very active space program but cannot get their food to market and are looking to the UNITED STATES for aid this winter? * Last but not least, what is the real purpose of the "Free Mexican Trade Agreement"? First let me tell you a little about myself so that you may properly evaluate the information you are about to receive. I retired from the Navy in 1977 as a Senior Chief Petty Officer at age 38 and went into civilian industry to support myself and family. In the military you live a somewhat secluded life from that of the average citizen, especially if you are spending a great deal of your time aboard ship or overseas. Upon being exposed to the civilian job market again, I certainly received some surprises. Things that were foisted on the average American Citizen over a period of 20 years I was exposed to in a matter of a few weeks. Talk about culture shock! The thing that hit me the most was this. In 1955 and 1956 prior to entering the service as a 19 year old man, I could support my wife, make house and car payments. We didn't live in any great style but we could make ends meet with just me working and we could put a few dollars aside. My youngest son had recently married and it is virtually impossible for them to survive without both he and his wife working, much less put anything in savings. WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICA'S ECONOMY DURING MY 20 YEARS AWAY? I began thinking about this a great deal. I thought long and hard about what institution had more control over my lifestyle or that of any other American than any other Government institution. The obvious answer was THE FEDERAL RESERVE. They determine how much money is in circulation, what interest rates are and indirectly or directly (depending on how you want to look at it) what taxes are to be paid by us, the American Citizens. Needless to say, I began developing a deep interest in The Federal Reserve, since it seemed to have a much bigger impact on my life than any Congressman or Presidents I voted for. I began asking my civilian friends and my banker to tell me what they knew about the Federal Reserve System. I got the same answer from all of them, "It is some branch of the U.S. Government." Everyone was complaining about the federal debt and the damage it was doing to the country. One day I picked up an encyclopedia and looked up the "FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" and would you believe the book was a PRIVATELY OWNED OPERATION. Well, that made more sense because at least, I could understand the debt situation better. The next question I had was...where does this private corporation get the money to loan to you, me, and our government? Was I in for a surprise! They get it from us. THEY PRINT THE MONEY THAT BELONGS TO YOU AND ME AND... THEN LOAN IT BACK TO US AND CHARGE US INTEREST. Needless to say, I quickly realized that the stock holders of this Federal Reserve System had a real thing going. I immediately wondered who they were and how the hell they ever managed to get in such a position to pull something like that off! After reading research that has been done by others and Congressional Records of the early 1930's, it seems there are now around 300 stockholders of The Federal Reserve that have voting stock. In 1984, with an interest of one billion dollars on the federal debt, these people realized a 33 MILLION DOLLAR PROFIT each on a literally NO RISK INVESTMENT. To say that I was intrigued with this information is to say the least, and I pursued reading on this matter. It seems in the early 1900's a dozen or so big bankers out of New York held a secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia and put together a central banking system for the good old U.S.A. This meeting was headed up by a fellow with the name of Paul Warburg from Europe. He was also the first Chairman of The Board of The Federal Reserve until 1920. Paul's brother Max Warburg was Financial Advisor to the Kaiser of Germany during the First World War, while Paul Warburg ran our financial system. The people at this meeting were from the J.P. Morgan Bank (now Citicorp), The Rockefeller Bank (now Chase Manhattan) and other various big banks from New York that were financed by the Rothschild Bank of Germany (Rothschild also financed The Bank of England). In other words, you will find that our central banking system is mostly owned by foreign money and has been since its inception. In any event, this plan was initially presented to Congress in 1910 as The Aldrich Bill. Senator Aldrich was from New York and somewhat of a financier himself. It was rejected by Congress due to private banking interest in it. With a few minor changes, such as breaking the system down into 12 Districts, (still all districts controlled by the New York District) it was resubmitted to Congress in 1913. After MILLIONS OF DOLLARS expended by the bankers the bill passed as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Our Constitution says that Congress and only Congress had the responsibility of coining our money. The 16th Amendment never repealed that provision and many legal minds say the 16th Amendment is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN 1931 SAID THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WAS THE BIGGEST ACT OT TREASON EVER PERFORMED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. That speech is in the Congressional Record and is included as a reference along with other references at the end of this message. Now what does all this relate to as far as whether we can support our families? It relates directly. Out of The Federal Reserve sprang two other organizations, The Import Export Bank and The World Bank. ALL LOANS MADE BY THESE BANKS TO ANY COUNTRY ARE GUARANTEED BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. When George Bush told Egypt they could forget their 8 billion dollar loan they owed to the Federal Reserve, it doesn't mean the loan doesn't get paid, it means we (you and me) pay the Federal Reserve instead of Egypt. It is the same with all loans made by the U.S.A. that are not repaid. How many loans can you name that has been repaid. AS MORE AND MORE OF OUR WEALTH LEAVES OUR COUNTRY...YOU AND I...AND OUR CHILDREN MUST WORK MORE AND MORE TO HAVE ANY WEALTH. IT IS CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND AND THE SUPPLY IS LEAVING OUR COUNTRY, WHILE THE DEMAND KEEPS INCREASING. The Federal Reserve Note (use to be a U.S. Dollar) is not backed by gold anymore, it is backed now simply by assets and productivity (sweat and toil) of the American people. The Federal Reserve Corporation actually has legal lien on the clothes you are wearing and any other thing you think you own. Total value of the U.S.A. (and everything in it) is set at about 46 TRILLION DOLLARS. Total debt both private and government is about 16 Trillion Dollars. HOW LONG BEFORE WE MAX OUT AND GET REPOSSESSED? Interestingly enough, pursuit of this information turns up other interesting facts. For instance, THE SAME PEOPLE WHO OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE ALSO FINANCED THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. The Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, schiff Loeb, and Rothschild are today in the 1990's, the Major Investors in the Soviet Union. THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS ALSO. YOU AND I HAVE ALWAYS GUARANTEED THOSE LOANS. Rothschild is quoted as saying, "I don't care who the government is, let me control the money and I will control the country." If you will take the time to read the reference material listed which has been researched by Professors of Universities, Congressmen, etc., you will turn up information that might even frighten you a little bit. For instance, the same stockholders of The Federal Reserve financed and brought into being in 1921, and organization called the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" (CFR). Harper's Magazine called this THE MOST POWERFUL ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES. From CFR comes 90% of the people in the State Department and key positions in the Executive Branch. The CFR publishes a magazine called "FOREIGN AFFAIRS". Read it if you want to know what is going to happen in the coming years. The CFR's Annual Report in 1974 says the project for the CFR in the '80's will be "The management of the International economy, global poverty, environment and the new "common"... the oceans, the seabeds, and space, and interstate violence, including arms control. (WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS "THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUR MONEY, YOUR LAND, YOUR GROCERIES, AND YOUR GUNS.) Perhaps this can give us a better understanding of "Gun Control". In 1975, Rockefeller Foundation Report discusses the "INTERDEPENDENCE" of the countries of the world on each other. That we are of one world and shall become A NATION STATE WORLD UNDER ONE GOVERNMENT. They also say, we must reach a zero state population growth. The Rockefeller Foundation stated that they have in excess of 747 million dollars to achieve this with. One month ago, I was watching the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on CSPAN about 1:30 A.M. They were discussing the "NEW WORLD ORDER." (You will find this term or phrase originated with CFR) and how it should be implemented. It seems they feel the UNITED NATIONS, with a few minor changes is TO BE THE GOVERNING BODY UNDER A NEW WORLD CONSTITUTION. There is to be 3 or 4 Regional Armed Forces under strict U.N. Control (NO COUNTRY IS TO HAVE ITS OWN ARMY) for enforcing U.N. mandates. The U.S.A. Constitution is to be subverted to the World Constitution. They indicated on television they thought there would originally be some problems with Americans in getting them to agree to let the United Nations come in and monitor our elections. They said one of the first objectives was to get nationalism out of the American peoples heads, that patriotism to a country would not be a value in the future. Some of this is a little hard for an old salt like me to swallow. Last year I had a conversation with a lady previously employed in International Banking, now employed by our local UPS Service. She informed me of an International Banking seminar she attended in which they were discussing DOING AWAY WITH MONEY AND GOING TO STRICTLY A DEBIT CARD. ALL FUNDS WERE TO BE ELECTRONICALLY CREDITED OR DEBITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT BY THE CARD. (Have you seen what's at the local grocery store at the cashier yet?) She stated there were presently communication satellites that could handle your buying a fur coat in Paris and instantly debiting your account in the states. That this system would be initially implemented with social security and welfare recipients. Sure enough this is now happening in Maryland with welfare and the military. YOU HAVE GOT TO HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT TO GET PAID. Last month our bankers came in to get our business to go on a cashless system. I refused. They said - THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE ON IT BY 1997 AND IF I WANTED TO DO BUSINESS...I WOULD NOT HAVE A CHOICE. SURELY... THIS IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST THE BIBLE SPOKE OF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION! CONSIDER WHAT LIFE COULD BE LIKE IN A CASHLESS SOCIETY. Every monetary transaction would be instantly monitored by the government and taxed at that instant. YOU WOULD VIRTUALLY HAVE NO PRIVACY! What can you do without a monetary transaction of some sort and what about being monitored by BIG BROTHER, our banking friends? In 1954 The Ford Foundation President H.Rowan Gaither told Norman Dodd, investigator for Congressman Reece's Committee, that their objective "WAS TO ALTER OUR LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES SO THAT WE CAN BE COMFORTABLY MERGED WITH THE SOVIET UNION." Indeed, if Rothschild was right about controlling the money, you control the country, then it is pretty easy to see how Communism can fail so conveniently for the NEW WORLD ORDER. It even can explain how basically the same people who were communists are now Socialist Democrats and still running things. So how is it that a country which can put people into space such as the Soviet Union cannot even get their crops to market. I think you will find it very interesting that THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DRAFTED THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ALSO BOUGHT ALL THE MAJOR NEWSPAPERS IN THE 1930'S, the same media companies that now own the major electronic media. Could it be that the major investors in the Soviet Union just need a little more of our money to insure that their investments in the communist countries are successful? Do you think there will be a Mexican Free Trade Agreement? Did you know that Mercedes and Toyota are already building Automobile Plants in Mexico? Did you know that a union worker for Ford or GM in Mexico makes $6.00 a day? How many new autos can you buy on $6.00 a day, or washing machines, or whatever else is made in America? Who do you think the Japanese or Germans are looking at for their Market? You've got it, the good ole U.S.A., with no import tax. How do you think our manufacturers can compete with $6.00 a day wages? Right again, they simply have to move to Mexico to compete on the same basis, AND THERE GOES AMERICAN JOBS RIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER. Being a business man and seeing the handwriting on the wall, I went to Mexico this year to check out business opportunities. (If rape is inevitable, find some way to benefit from it.) I asked a Mexican Real Estate Agent the average cost of housing (3 bedroom, 1 bath) and he said from $27,000 to $35,000 American. I asked how could a Mexican making $6.00 a day ever afford a home? He said, their aunt, uncle, mother, father, and children all lived in it and paid for it. Is this the standard of living the U.S.A. can look forward to? Let me do a little forecasting and YOU DECIDE if you think there could be anything to it. This coming year you will have the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC) operating on the same money for all countries, no borders as far as immigration goes. The EEC is presently headed up by bankers from these FINANCIAL PEOPLE I have previously mentioned. (Yesterday, the President of EEC said on television that the EEC Peace Efforts with Yugoslavia and Croatia were not successful and they may have to resort to force. NOW WE HAVE THE BANKERS CONTROLLING THE ARMY INSTEAD OF ELECTED GOVERNMENT. They also said pressure was being put on the United States and the Soviet Union to get involved. Who do you think is putting the pressure on us?) The EEC plans on absorbing the Baltic Countries into it also. There already exists an Asian Economic Community. Once there is an American Economic Community then all that is left to do is merge the three and YOU HAVE YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER OR ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. For this NEW WORLD ORDER to function as they desire there can be no great desparity in the wealth of the various countries. Free trade agreements and open immigration will result in a leveling of all the economies involved. You will find the Middle Class has disappeared and there is only the very wealthy and the poor who are kept that way by the cashless society. Guess what percentage is going to be rich and what percentage poor and who the rich will be. You might have noticed the Middle Class is already disappearing here in the U.S.A. Now the average American Citizen isn't going to give up his Constitution for some World Constitution that easily. We and our ancestors have fought too long and shed too much blood for it to give up easily. BUT SUPPOSE THAT THIS RECESSION WE ARE IN WERE TO BEGIN A MAJOR DEPRESSION. I mean a depression as bad or worse than 1929. Then suppose a party comes along and says "Vote for us and we will take you into THE NEW WORLD ORDER, have world trade, put you to work again." Do you think if you and your children were starving that you might be willing to give up your freedom so that you might feed them? NOT A VERY PLEASANT THOUGHT IS IT. If you will read the material I am referencing...all written by intelligent, educated, patriotic Americans, I believe plain old logic will bring you to the same conclusion. Just look around and see what is happening today. How can a free trade agreement with Mexico be good for the majority of Americans? WHY DOES IT TAKE ALL THE INCOME TAX PAID BY THE PEOPLE LIVING WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE FEDERAL DEBT TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? Why is it 20 years ago it only took one working to support a family and now it takes both? Why is literally 10% of the American work force out of work (not 6.8%)? Why won't the government extend unemployment insurance when the monies are there? Why do we spend billions of dollars to send a telescope into space that doesn't even work properly...when there are so many homeless in our country? Why do we have a welfare system that makes more and more people dependent on the Government? Why do we keep giving our money away overseas? Is it because the Europeans are worse than us? BULL HOCKEY! I have been to Europe and they don't have the problems we've got. WHY DOESN'T THE FEDERAL RESERVE COME UNDER THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE AND WHY HAVE THEY NEVER BEEN AUDITED BY A GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN ALL THESE YEARS? Well...All of this came about by me wondering why I could support my family when I got married and my son had to have his wife work. You will find VIRTUALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OUR TWO POLITICAL PARTIES, the Republicans and the Democrats, despite all the rhetoric. You will find the training ground called the CFR PRODUCES THE LEADERS OF BOTH PARTIES and they both are headed the same way. They simply take turns being the good guy and bad guy to confuse the American Citizens. SO WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? All it takes is one simple step and that is to NATIONALIZE THE FEDERAL RESERVE. TURN IT OVER TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT INSTEAD OF PRIVATE BANKERS. Simply erase the money owed to the private banking interests, it was our money to start with. For the private citizens who have bought U.S. Debt - then of course, we pay it. Nationalizing our banking system, making Congress comply with Constitution and do the coining of our money will destroy the power base of these financial interests, maintain the integrity of our Constitution, take power from Federal Government and put it back with states close to the people where the Constitution intended it. HOW DO WE DO THIS? Speak out! Write to your congressman, the President, and tell them how you feel about this! It is YOUR COUNTRY AND IT IS IN A CRISIS FAR WORSE THAN ANY IN ITS HISTORY. IF YOU PERSONALLY DON'T DO SOMETHING...NOBODY WILL. (Except the bankers) If you have any doubts then at least educate the reference materials from the library. DON'T LEAVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE!! C.R. BROWN, AQCS USN Ret. Saving America P.O. Box 1205 Middleburg, FL 32050-1205 (904) 282-9877 or 1-800-633-7692 REFERENCES: 1 - FOUNDATIONS PAY THE WAY, Alan Stang 2 - NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, Gary Allen 3 - POTENTIAL GENOCIDE, Dunham 4 - THE C.F.R., Gary Allen 5 - THE FEARFUL MASTER, Griffin 6 - THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT, Smoot 7 - SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE, Eustace Mullins 8 - SHADOWS OF POWER, Perloff 9 - SPEECH BY - Louis McFadden, Chairman Of The House Bankingand Finance Committee - Congressional Record page 1207 Distributed free of charge by: Freeman Ministries P.O. Box 1055 Seattle, Washington 98111 U.S.A. ****************************************************** Anti-Semitism & Revision Theology The Jewish Problem The main thing that causes anti-semitism by gentiles that claim to believe the bible is their lack of proper training in the words of the bible. Authentic christianity is Jewish both theologically and culturally! Anyone that denies this has a serious case of either historical amnesia or ignorance. Jesus himself said luke 4:21 "salvation is from the Jewish people." In acts 5:31 peter says "god exalted Jesus that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to israel." Surely god's plans and purposes are always filled although it may not be in our time frame! Jesus lived on earth as a Jewish person. It was a Jewish man that shed the blood for the sacrifice for gentile people to have a right standing with the Jewish god of abraham isaac and jacob. It was Jewish missionaries who first reached out to the gentile people with the good news of the Jewish messiah. Jesus is Jewish Luke 2:21-24 when Jesus was eight days old he was circumcised. This was to fulfil a covenant with abraham which is still being done by many Jewish people. They even offered an animal sacrifice according to the law of moses. John 4:22 Jesus confirms that he himself is Jewish when he says "we Jewish people". Luke 2:41 every year Jesus' earthly parents went to jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish holiday, passover. Acts 7:37 moses told the israelites, "god will sent you a prophet like me from among your own people." The common Jewish people . Matthew 8:2-4 Jesus instructed the man he healed of leprosy to fulfil an old testament command by moses to show himself to the priest. The man if he had not been Jewish would not have been required to do this. Matthew 9:35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages teaching in synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Luke 18:38 the blind man sitting by the side of the road called Jesus "son of david", a title rooted in Jewish scripture about the messiah. Luke 18:42 Jesus healed the blind man and told him it was his faith that healed him. He recognized Jesus as the Jewish messiah. Luke 23:56 the women that prepared spices and perfumes for the body of Jesus were Jewish women that rested on the sabbath according to the commandment. John 7:30 again we see by the context that Jesus was talking to Jewish people and many Jewish people put their faith in him. John 8:30 as is evident by the context, including verse 22, many Jewish people put their faith in Jesus. John 8:31 the memorable words of Jesus "the truth will set you free" was first spoken to Jewish people who had believed in him! John 9:22 the young man who was blind since birth was Jewish john 11:45 after Jesus raised lazarus from the dead, many of the jews put their faith in Jesus. The leaders of the Jewish people Much of the church world has said "only the common Jewish people accepted Jesus but the Jewish leaders rejected him." Let's see what the word of god says about this. Matthew 8:18 a teacher of the law came to Jesus and said "rabbi i will follow you wherever you go" luke 7:3 the elders of the Jewish people were sent by a gentile centurion to ask Jesus to heal his servant. Luke 8:41 jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, went to Jesus to ask him to heal his daughter. Luke 23:50-53 joseph, a member of the Jewish leadership, sanhedrin council, had not consented to any negative action to be taken concerning Jesus and in fact asked for his body after the crucifixion so that he could give Jesus a proper Jewish burial. John 12:42 yet at the same time many even among the Jewish leaders believed in Jesus. Acts 6:7 a large number of Jewish priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 18:8 crispus, the synagogue ruler, and his entire household believed in the lord. Adding up these Jewish leaders that did not reject Jesus would not even come close to the number of the ones that are not written about. And how many other Jewish leaders would have been born again by their testimony we do not know. The crucifixion Luke 18:32 Jesus said that he would be handed over to gentiles that would mock, insult, spit, flog and kill him. Matthew 20:19 Jesus said the gentiles would mock, flog, and crucify him. 10:33-34 Jesus said that the gentiles would mock, spit, flog and kill him. Evidences of Jewish believers in Jesus after Jesus' resurrection Luke 13:35 Jesus said to jerusalem that they (the ancestors of today's Jewish people) would not see him again until they said "blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord." Obviously, Jesus was not confused, he knew one day even more of the Jewish people would be saying that he was the one that came in the name of the lord. Acts 2:14 peter was also Jewish as indicated here as he addressed the crowd at pentecost as "fellow jews" acts 2:41 3,000 Jewish people were added that day. Acts 3:12 peter addresses "men of israel"acts 4:4 many of these Jewish people believed and the number of them grew to 5,000. Acts 6:1 the reason that the seven men were chosen by the twelve main disciples to "wait on tables" was because part of the "increasing number of disciples were grecian and hebraic Jewish widows that both needed a daily distribution of food. Acts 10:45 the circumcised Jewish believers were astonished that the gift of the holy spirit was poured out on the gentiles. Acts 13:43 many of the Jewish people followed paul who urged them to continue in grace. Acts 15:5 some of the Jewish people belonging to the pharisees had become believers in Jesus and were still carrying on their customs. Acts 16:1 timothy's mother was a born again Jewish woman. Acts 16:20 paul and silas were dragged before the governmental authorities who said "these Jewish men are throwing our city intoan uproar by advocating customs unlawful for us romans to accept or practice."acts 18:24-27 a Jewish man being taught the way of the lord adequately and was a great help to those who had by grace believed. Acts 18:27-28 apollos, a Jewish believer, went to achaia and proved from the Jewish scriptures that Jesus was the messiah acts 22:12-14 ananias, a devout observer of the law, a Jewish man who referred to "the god of our fathers", was used by god for the healing of god for the healing of paul's blindness. Acts 26-14 Jesus, the Jewish messiah, spoke to paul, the Jewish man that wrote many of the epistle, in the hebrew language. Romans 11:6 paul says, talking about the Jewish people, that at that present time there was a remnant of believers chosen by grace. The believers that were 50 years old at the time he said this might have been small children or possibly not even born at the time of Jesus' resurrection. Romans 15:26-27 paul talks about Jewish saints in jerusalem galations 6:15-16 paul says "what counts is a new creation" and "peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the israel of god." Which we understand now is the Jewish people. The church was never referred to as "israel" or "spiritual israel" or anything similar in the word of god. That is an error that has spread in the "church world". How god must grieve that born again gentiles, that he has made his own beloved children and priests in his kingdom, that his son shed his blood for, would stretched his word past "his"meaning, not fully understanding that they are loved unconditionally forever regardless of whether or not they are israel!. Plus as hebrews 8:6 states james 1:1 james addresses his letter to the "twelve tribes scattered among the nations." Again we see evidence of Jewish believers even forty years after Jesus' resurrection. James2:2 here when the greek is translated properly the word says"if a man comes into your synagogue" in 1:2 the word shows his addressing brethren. This is a congregation of Jewish believers worshipping Jesus within their traditions and culture. Nowhere in the word is this discouraged for Jewish believers. Hebrews the book written approximately 60 to 70 years after the resurrection was written specifically to born again Jewish people. Did paul or the holy spirit give up on the Jewish people? Acts 13:46 paul says "we now turn to the gentiles" but...... Acts 14:1 paul went as was his custom into the iconium Jewish synagogue and a great number of Jewish people believed. Acts 16:13-15 paul presented a message at a place of prayer on the sabbath and lydia the dealer in purple, responded and she and her household were immersed in water. Acts 17:1 paul went as was his custom into the thessalonica Jewish synagogue acts 17:4 some of the Jewish people were persuaded and joined paul. Acts 17:10 on arriving in berea paul went into the synagogue. Acts 17:12 many of the Jewish people believed. Acts 18:4 in cornith he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath. Acts 18:19 paul went into the synagogue at ephesus and reasoned with the jews. Acts 19:8 paul entered the synagogue and spoke there boldly for three months. Messianic Judaism There has been always been a by the holy spirit, in 1967 it began snowballing at a rapid speed when jerusalem was again belonging to israel. At that time many Jewish people began meeting in small groups unknown to each other around the united states and possibly the world studying the new testament. At the same time god began putting on the hearts of some gentile true believers in the messiah a burden to pray for israel and they were lead to introduce the Jewish people to their messiah, Jesus. Right now in the united states there are at least 130 synagogues that worship Jesus as the messiah of israel. Even now there are messianic Jewish groups meeting regularly in st. Petersberg, minsk, lvov, kiev, odessa, moscow and probably other former soviet cities. Acts 21:18 the elders of the community of believers were present in jerusalem. Acts 21:20 "how many thousands of Jewish people have believed and they are all zealous for the law." Acts 21:21 paul is told that the born again Jewish people among the gentile believers had been told that he, paul, had told the believing Jewish people to turn away from living according to their customs. Acts 21:22 knowing this couldn't be true they asked paul what they should do. Acts 21:24 the elders then suggest that paul take some men with him and perform rites to prove that he himself was living in obedience to the law. Acts 21:26 he did the rite, not to attain righteousness which he knew came through the blood of Jesus but to show that although gentile believers weren't required to begin doing Jewish laws and customs, the Jewish believers were free to remain Jewish in their life style. Future salvation of Israel Jeremiah 23:26 moreover the word of the lord came to jeremiah, saying considerest thou not what this people have spoken saying, the two families which the lord hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? They have despised thy people that they should be no more a nation before them. Thus saith the lord if my covenant be not with day and night, and if i have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then will i cast away the seed of jacob and david my servant, so that i will not take ant of his seed to be rulers over the seed of abraham, isaac, and jacob:for i will cause their captivity to return and have mercy on them. Isaiah 45:17 but israel will be saved by the lord with an everlasting salvation; israel will never be put to shame or disgraced to ages everlasting. We know by the words of peter (who acts 2:14 shows was also Jewish) in acts 4:12 that salvation is found in no one else except Jesus. Isaiah 51:22 the sovereign lord says to jerusalem "see, i have taken out of your hand the cup that made you stagger from that cup, the goblet of my wrath, you will never drink again!" Jeremiah 50:5 the lord said through jeremiah "the israelites will come and bind themselves to the lord in an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten. Ezekiel 37:26 the lord says that he will make an everlasting covenant of peace with israel ezekiel 37:28 then the nations will know that he makes israel holy. Luke 13:35 Jesus said, "you will not see me again until you say", `blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord.' acts 1:6-7 Jesus' apostles asked him if he was going to restore the kingdom to israel at that present time and he answered that it wasn't for them to know the time or date. The apostles knew that the kingdom would be restored to israel and Jesus didn't tell them they were wrong. Romans 11:1-2 paul says that god did not reject the Jewish people! Exposing the replacement doctrine heresy that says the church Is israel and not the Jewish people. Luke 2:32 as simeon was speaking moved by the holy spirit he said that Jesus would be glory to God's people israel. In the previous verse he mentions gentiles, because gentile believers are not israel! Luke 2:34 Jesus would be the rising of many in israel. Yes he says falling too, but most of the church world never sees the words "rising of many in israel." Acts 15:23 why was a letter addressed to gentile believers if they were the "new israel" or "the new Jewish people"? Romans 2:29 says "but he is a jew which is one inwardly, circumcision is that of the heart." This is not written to gentiles to tell them they are jews if they are circumcised in heart. Although romans was written to gentile and Jewish believers as verse 17 shows that he was speaking to jews not gentiles as he addresses them "thou art called a jew and rest in the law" romans 9:1-5 when paul says israel he means ... Israel! Romans 9:16 states that not all the israelites accepted the good news. Of course this is referring to the Jewish people not the church. Also "not all" certainly implies that some Jewish people did accept the good news. Romans 9:27 only the remnant will be saved. The word "remnant" like the word "israel" is not the church but the Jewish people that believe in Jesus. Romans 9:31 israel has not obtained righteousness. This israel is not referring to the born again gentile church which has attained righteousness through Jesus. Again, scriptural proof that when the bible says israel it means the Jewish people not the gentile born again church. Romans 11:6 paul says that at that present time there was a "remnant" of believers chosen by grace. The word "remnant" is referring to Jewish believers not the "current gentile church" romans 11:7 talking about the portion of Jewish people that became believers uses the term "the elect". We see that the "elect" were the Jewish believers not the "gentile church" romans 11:11 paul says "did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery?" He answers the question. "not at all!" The true israel, the Jewish people will recover! Romans 11:15-21 15 for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? 16 for if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. 17 and if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; {among them: or, for them} 18 boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. 19 thou wilt say then, the branches were broken off, that i might be graffed in. 20 well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: 21 for if god spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. (kjv)romans 11:25 says that israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of gentiles come in. Obviously, the israel spoken of here is the Jewish people not the church. Gentiles are referred to as gentiles. Let's let paul interpret paul! Romans 11:28 paul tells the gentiles that as far as election is concerned israel, the Jewish people, are loved on account of the patriarches. Ephesians 2:13 but now in christ Jesus ye (gentiles) who were far off are made near by the blood of christ. This word near or nigh in the king james version of the bible means "near" a place. This scripture no more than any other says that gentiles are israel. They are brought near. God certainly had the ability to say the church was israel or Jewish if it was his will. It was not his will and it was never said. ***************************************************** Prophe-Zine News Bites Mickey's Mantra? by: Warren E. Berkley WEB47@AOL One imposing religious trend on the rise all around us is the New Age movement. It is a rather bizarre assortment of diverse beliefs and practices, but it begins with the core assumption that all human ills stems from an ignorance or inability to see ourselves as god. Their philosophy, ritual and lifestyle is based on a "spirituality" that places primary importance on discovering your own divinity. Once they lead their candidates to discover their own divinity, they are encouraged to nurture and use their new powers in a variety of ways. Of course, there is a biblical response to all of this: 1. The essence of God and the essence of man are not one and the same. See, Rom. 1:25-26; Eccl. 5:2; Ezek. 28:1,2; Deut. 4:35; 1 Cor. 8:6. 2. Human begins do not enjoy unlimited potential. See, Prov. 3:5; Jer. 10:23. 3. There are moral absolutes. See, Jer. 10:23; Psa. 19:7-11. 4. In the Bible, there is resurrection, not reincarnation. See, Heb. 9:27,28; Jno. 5:28,29. 5. Pantheism is not the biblical concept of deity. Isa. 6:3; Rom. 1:23,25; Psa. 83:18. 6. GENERAL STATEMENTS AGAINST NEW AGE: Isa. 2:6; Isa. 8:19,20; Jno. 14:6; Col. 3:17; Acts 13:4-12; Rev. 21:8. Where would you expect to find these influences? California, a counter-culture village in New Mexico, or in a showcase center in Baca, Colorado (financed by Shirley MacLaine)? How about DISNEYLAND? Ferrell Jenkins sent me this clip from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Europe. Additional comments follow the article. From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE (Friday, Saturday, Mar. 17-18, 1995, p.#3) Disney Switches Its Focus to Adults In 'New Age' Resort BY EBEN SHAPIRO Staff Reporter NEW YORK - Walt Disney Co. is going New Age. In a jarring departure from its Mickey Mouse traditions, Disney unveiled plans for the Disney Institute, a new resort that will offer guests workshops on self-discovery and "reclaiming family stories." Sessions on hydroponic gardening and relaxation techmques are among the 80 other courses that will be offered each week. The $35 mil lion Disney Institute is scheduled to open next February on Disney property in Orlando, Florida. Disney's move is one of the first big attempts by a major corporation to cash in on the New Age movement at a time when spiritual manifestos are crowding best-seller lists and workshops on male bonding are Jammed. The new resort comes just as Disney is ex panding beyond its traditional theme resorts in a bid to attract more grown-ups. The com pany, which is also building an amateur sports complex in Orlando, has recently begun aiming new ads at what it calls " prefamilies" and "postfamilies." Further Comments: The New Age Movement continues to quietly gain momentum, and now, we can no longer have confidence in or trust the innocence of What ashamed, that we are at a place now where we can no longer trust the innocence of an American institution like Disney, and Mickey Mouse. Why would Disney powers jump on to the New Age bandwagon? I can think of two possible reasons: (1) MONEY! Many of those who are intoxicated by New Age philosophy are yuppies; you know, upwardly mobile, good incomes, "sophisticated" children. Reporter Shapiro is accurate; this is a major corporation cashing in on something that attractive to the folks who have some lesiure time, money and credit lines. (2) INFLUENCE. If we were to look into this, and do some investigating, we might discover that some of the young executives who were part of this decision were sent to a New Age training seminar for management; or, they've been reading the New Age books, or going to a New Age therapists. But whatever the reasons, let the buyer (and parents) beware: the next time you go to Orlando, Mickey may tell you about his past life, or whisper his mantra in your ear. Remember the biblical response. "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6, KJV). ---> For a free tract on the New Age Movement, send your name and mailing address with request for the tract to: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Secrets of the Temple by: THE NEW AMERICAN The Spring 1995 issue of The Temple of Understanding newsletter includes an essay by former UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller entitled "Preparing for the Next Millenium." Dr. Muller served 38 years as a United Nations "civil servant," and for the past ten years -- since his retirement in 1985 -- has served as chancellor of the UN's University for Peace in Costa Rica. He is best known as a perfervid New Age apostle of "global spirituality" and proudly accepts the title of the "father of global education." He is the author of the World Core Curriculum now in use in schools worldwide. Speaking of the spiritual significance of the approaching year 2000, Muller opines in his Temple essay: "In my view, from all perspectives -- scientific, political, social, economic and ideological -- humanity finds itself in the pregnancy of an entirely new and promising age: the global, interdependent, universal age ... the birth of the global brain, heart, senses and soulto humanity, of a holistic consciousness of our place in the universe and on this planet, and of our role and destiny in them." What's more, says the metaphysical savant, "We must, together, create an agency within the UN and perhaps an independent United Religions Secretariat. What an incredible challenge that would offer to the United Nations, and what untold good it would bring to humanity, which desperately needs a moral and spiritual Renaissance." According to the newsletter, Muller and Juliet Hollister, founder of the Temple of Understanding, were recently honored as recipients of the "Eleanor Roosevelt award for profound contributions to humanity," given by the Center for International Dialogue at an awards ceremony at Georgetown University. The Center for International Dialogue, formerly known as the Center for Soviet/American Dialogue, is one of the many disinformation vehicles used by the Kremlin to deceive the West. The Center has sponsored more than 1,000 projects between Russia and the United States in its ten-year history. More Muller Musings The Albert Schweitzer Institute for the Humanities and Quinnipiac College Press of Hamden, Connecticut have published a monograph by Robert Muller entitled Framework for the Year 2000, the 21st Century and the Third Millenium. Comprised of a series of speeches and ruminations by globalist guru Muller, it provides a useful (and frightening) insight into the spiritual "vision" taking shape at the UN. Muller calls for "a world society no longer stifled by absolute, obsolete and abusive national sovereignty," and a "World Disarmament Agency" under the UN to bring about "a totally disarmed planet." As always, however, when world disarmers talk about "totally disarmed," they're playing fast and loose with rhetoric. What they really mean is that nations will be totally disarmed; the UN's World Disarmament Agency will, of necessity, still be armed. Among the many things Muller sees as hopefully coming to pass between 1995 and the year 2000 are the following: "The United Nations flag and emblem gain worldwide affection as the planetary symbols of one world and one human family. The UN emblem is displayed on all vessels, aircraft and satellites.... Some countries adopt a new flag showing their national flag on one side and the UN flag on the other." "A World Core Curriculum and a Planetary Management Curriculum are adopted by UNESCO as common guides for proper Global Education in all schools and universities of Earth. 1996 is proclaimed International Year of Global Education." "The taboo subject of world taxation appears at long last on the world agenda. Strong measures are taken to combat world fiscal evasion.... A world tax system is planned." THE NEW AMERICAN -- July 10, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational purposes to allow individual file transfer and non-commercial mail-list transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHY NOT WORLD GOVERNMENT? by William F. Jasper World peace through world government and world law. It is an ancient idea that has fastened itself mightily on the minds of men in many ages. Never before, however, has our human race been so close to inaugurating this utopian "ideal", to establishing and empowering government on a planetary scale. But our planet and our age have had more than passing acquaintance with utopias empowered. And without exception, the promises of the utopian dream have yielded to dystopian nightmares. The tens of millions of victims of Lenin, Fidel, Pol Pot, Amin, Lumumba, Qhadaffi, Khomeini, and dozens of other utopic despots cry out to us. They warn us against the utopian siren call. They warn us of the fundamental truth embodied in George Washington's definition of government: Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. World government, of course, would necessitate WORLDWIDE force --- unprecedented power on a global scale. Make no mistake about it, that is what the advocates of "an empowered United Nations" are really after. And what is most disturbing is that they have very nearly succeeded in grasping hold of this power, without most inhabitants of this planet having the slightest idea of what is being planned for them. CALL FOR WORLD GOVERNMENT Since World War II, calls for world government and an end to national sovereignty have proliferated, usually emanating from individuals associated with organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the World Federalist Association (WFA). Below are but a few of many examples that could be cited. * In 1950, a "Preliminary Draft of a World Constitution" authored by CFR globalists Robert M. Hutchins, Rexford G. Tugwell, and others was introduced in Congress by Senator Glen Taylor (D-ID). The submitted World Constitution declared that "iniquity and war inseparably spring from the competitive anarchy of the national states; that therefore the age of nations must end." It held as well that nations must "surrender their arms" to the proposed "Federal Republic of the World." * In 1960, Rhodes Scholar Walt Whitman Rostow (CFR) claimed that urgent imperatives "argue strongly for movement in the direction of federalized world organization under effective international law" and for "effective international control of military power." The real world problem, said Rostow, is "national sovereignty", and "it is therefore an American interest to see an end to nationhood as it has been historically defined." Incredibly, Rostow was given a top spot in the Kennedy State Department. * In 1961, the Kennedy State Department brought forth an official policy entitled "Freedom from War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World (Department of State Publication 7277)". This amazing document proposed a plan of "progressive controlled disarmament" in which all national armaments, including those of the United States, would be transferred to the United Nations". This disarmament "would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force." * On Earth Day, April 22, 1970, Norman Cousins (CFR), the long-time president of the United World Federalists (now the World Federalist Association), proclaimed, "Humanity needs world order. The fully sovereign nation is incapable of dealing with the poisoning of the environment... The management of the planet...requires a world government." FAST FORWARD 25 YEARS The appeals for world government muiltiplied with the approach of the UN's 50th anniversary in 1995. * In a June 22, 1993 letter on White House stationery to the World Federalist Association, President Bill Clinton congratulated the WFA on awarding the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award to the president's longtime friend and No. 2 State Department appointee, Strobe Talbot (CFR). Clinton's letter boasted, "Norman Cousins (CFR) worked for world peace and world government... Best wishes... for future success." * In the World Bank's 1994 Human Development Report, an essay by Nobel Prize-winning economist Jan Tinbergen, entitled "Global Governance for the 21st Century," declares: "Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national governments. What is needed is a World Government." And this government, says he, should be empowered with a "World Police" and a program for "the redistribution of world income." UNLIMITED POWER KILLS The real problem we face, however, is that these appeals and proposals are now being implemented through United Nations treaties and conventions which are establishing "supranational institutions" with REAL power and force. Lord Acton's famous dictum that "Power tendsto corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is a sobering truism acknowledged by all intelligent people. To this maxim should be added what we might call the Rummel Corollary: "Power kills and absolute Power kills absolutely." R.J. Rummel, a professor of political science at the University of Hawaii, has spent the past eight years of his life in an intensive study of a very grim but important phenomenon of our century: genocide and government mass murder, or what he calls "democide". He has thus far produced four powerful and harrowing books, the latest volume being, "Death by Government" (Transaction, 1994). "The more power a government has," notes Dr. Rummel, "the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide." One graph in his newest book lists the top 15 of "this century's megamurderers -- those states killing in cold blood, aside from warfare, 1 million or more men, women and children." The bloodiest of those criminal regimes -- the USSR and Red China -- were not only invited into the United Nations, but were given special status on the UN Security Council! The UN could (and does) accommodate these megamurderers because "the rule of law," in UN terms, is radically, fundamentally different from the "rule of law" as understood by the American Founding Fathers and as embodied in our Constitution. Whereas the U.S. Constitution is rooted in the traditional Western and Judeo-Christian legal concepts fo divine law and natural law which circumscribe the limits of government power and posit individual God-given rights which it is government's duty to protect, the United Nations Charter is based in the framework of positivist legal theory which virtually guarantees unrestrained, despotic government. All of its empty platitudes about "peace," "justice," "law," and "human rights" notwithstanding, the UN is a lawless organization made up largely of criminal regimes pursuing a malevolent, tyrannical agenda. A global, regimented police state under the UN would mean a grim existence -- if, that is, you are one of the "lucky" ones ALLOWED TO EXIST. One sure thing Dr. Rummel's research points up with unmistakable clarity is this: "Power will achieve its murderous potential." Ponder for a moment then this mind-numbing summary of already "realized" potential: In total, during the first eighty-eight years of this century, almost 170 million men, women, and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed, or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people. It is as though our species has been devastated by a modern Black Plague. And indeed it has, but a plague of Power, not of germs. Surely the human mind cannot even begin to conceive the enormity of the global slaughter that would certainly accompany the "Plague of Power" issuing from a world government under any entity other than God Himself. The John Birch Society Appleton, WI 59413-8040 (414) 749-3783 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE TRUTH IS IN THE AIR How Near Are We to Christ's Return? Jesus gives us a clue as to the time, or season, of His return in the book of Matthew. He refers to Israel as the fig tree and tells us when Israel once again becomes a nation, as they did on May 14, 1948 after nearly 1900 years of scattered exile, this generation shall not pass without witnessing His return. We are living in that era now (Matthew 24:32-51). The book of Revelation, written by John on the Isle of Patmos, contains detailed prophecies of the events surrounding Christ's return, many of which are being fulfilled every day. For example, John foresees an army of 200 million advancing from the East. China now has that many. According to Revelation 16:12, this army will cross the Euphrates River on dry ground. In 1990, Turkey built a dam which could make this possible. Earthquakes, plagues, weather changes and a falling away of the churches are all occurring as prophesied. Christians look up-you redemption draweth nigh! You can expect perilous times from now until the end. As for the time of His return, no man shall know the day or the hour, but we should all heed the signs. Paul says in I Thessalonians 5:4-6, "Let us not sleep as others do but watch and be sober." Whether you believe it or not, God has set an appointed time with destiny which cannot be evaded or postponed. Since the turn of the century we have seen world wars, civil wars, famine communism, dictatorships, terrorism and the collapse of family valued. It has already started to happen and will get much worse. The good news is you can have faith in Jesus, who shed His blood for all mankind and who promises eternal life (Romans 6:23). His promise is found in I Thessalonians 4:16-18. The Thrilling Promise from Jesus "For the Lord Himself shall descend form heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with trumpet call of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and we shall forever be with the Lord. Wherefore, console one another with these words." How the Establishment of the New World Order Fulfills Prophecy Scripture forewarns the revival of the Roman Empire as a sign that end-time events are in motion. The result will be a One World government, One World economy and One World religion. Read Daniel 2,4,7,and 9. The New World Order which world leaders so enthusiastically herald will be led by ten nations. A charismatic leader will arise and take control of this confederacy by confirming a peace covenant between Israel and many nations. (Daniel 9:27). He will be the antichrist. A false messiah. The Bible says this man will be mighty and perform miracles. If possible even the very elect will be deceived(Matthew 24:2-4). With the calamity surrounding the establishment of this new world order, (read Ezekial 38 and 39), peace and prosperity will reign for 3.5 years. Then all hell will break loose. The antichrist will set himself up in the Jewish temple as God. The ensuing 3.5 years of tribulation will be so severe that few will survive. The good news is, the church of Jesus Christ will be spared from the seven year reign of the antichrist and false prophet. All born again Christians will be with Jesus during this period and then return with Him to triumph at the final Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 3:10-11). Jesus will then establish His kingdom on earth for 1000 years (Zechariah 14). Beware of New Age philosophies and cults trying to deceive. The Bible warns of these: "Therefor, test the spirits and make sure they are of God." Instead they teach that you yourself can achieve Christ consciousness or become Godlike. They believe that in the year 2000 they will usher in a New Age kingdom and rule. Furthermore, they admit this cannot be done without first removing Christians from the world, a process wickedly referred to as 'spiritual cleansing. 'Dear Christian brothers and sisters, stand firm in your faith. The Countdown Has Started The Epistle of Barnabas and many other early Christian writings taught there would be 6000 years of man's unjust self-governing then a 1000 year Millennium in which Christ would rule. Victorinus, Bishop of Petau, wrote in around A.D. 270; "the true and just Sabbath should be observed the seventh Millennium of years. Wherefore, to those seven days the Lord attributed to each a thousand years". (2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90) The antichrist will rule for seven years. (Daniel 9:27) If a peace pact is confirmed soon, where does that place the Rapture of the church? Where does that leave you? If you are left on earth during the seven year reign of the antichrist (false messiah, do not accept the mark of the beast, the number 666, or you will be condemned eternally to Hell. (Revelation 14:9-10) We are living in the most critical time in the history of the world. The proliferation of nuclear weapons, ethnic tensions and aggressive behavior are out of control. As a spiritually reborn Christian you have nothing to fear. You can be with Jesus during the terrible rule of the antichrist and then return with Christ when He sets up His kingdom, where all is peace and harmony. If you think this article is a fairy tale, read Revelation chapters 13, 14, and 19. How Can You Be Sure You Are Ready? My friend, Jesus did it all on the cross, without the shedding of His blood there would be no redemption (Romans 5:80. Jesus said;"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) Christ also told Nicodemus; "you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God." (John 3:3) Become born again today and live you life for Jesus and spend eternity with the Lord. The Rapture is near, Jesus could come today! Our prayer is that you will be ready and that multitudes find the narrow path that prepares them for this final event. Read John 3:16. If you desire to have a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ, please pray this prayer: Dear God I am a sinner and repent of my sins. I need Jesus Christ to come into my life and become my Lord and Savior. I accept His sacrifice on the cross and the penalty and payment for my sins. Thank you for loving me and for giving me a second chance. I give my life to you in Jesus name. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Read Romans 10:9-11 & 10:13, John 14:1-3, Revelation 3:20, I Peter 2:2, Hebrews 10:25, Philippians 4:6-7, Ephesians 2:8,9 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Visa to test stored-value cards Visa International recently announced a pilot project using stored-value cards. These cards,containing a microchip,store electronic funds and are to be used in place of cash at participating retail outlets and fast food chains,and in vending machines and newspaper boxes. Visa Canada has said that it will be participating in the pilot project in an area that has not yet been disclosed. Visa Canada will work in cooperation with banks that will issue the cards and with merchants who agree to participate in the test. According to a March 24,1995 report in the Toronto Star,"Vending machines,newspaper boxes,laundromats,convenience stores and fast food outlets are just some of the places that Visa thinks can be weaned off cash and switched to the chip card." "Three United States banks hope to have 5,000 merchants signed up to the smart card system in time for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta...."MasterCard plans to launch its cash card in the U.S. next week,Reuters news service reported." SLOWLY,but surely the cashless society that has been feared is being forced upon us in a way that is nothing less than ingenious. Right in front of our very eyes!! There has been a school of thought throughout history that says, If you want to hide something,put it out in plain sight. It will be overlooked and mistakenly ignored. More and more money is now being controlled by fewer and fewer people. When the time is right, those who have control of the money will give their authority to the beast as it states in Revelation 17:12 "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers." Isn't it comforting to know and understand that this global plot, that is now being hatched will not succeed? We have the word of our God and Savior on it! But that doesn't mean we should stand back or sit on the sidelines,we need to be active and keep an eye open. For the threats to our freedom are very real and need to be exposed when ever and where ever they are found +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ European Union Focuses on Currency Brussels-European Union plans to merge national currencies into one by the end of the century will be the focus of attention when the bloc's finance ministers meet in Luxembourg.The ministers will have before them documents from the European Commission pointing out that of the 15 EU members only Luxembourg,Ireland and Germany so far meet key single currency criteria on public finances. When the currencies of the world all come to be valued the same,then watch for a global currency to be issued. I've been watching the struggle between the the Dollar and the Japanese Yen and other major world currencies. There seems to be a plan afoot to force these currencies to a matching value level. The closer that the value of the Dollar comes to the value of the Yen,the closer we come to a global currency. So here is an area to keep an eye on when it comes to global finance. We already have a Global Stock Market and Global banking,so the time must come when we also have a Global Currency to trade with. We have the means to trade globally,via bank credit cards and other forms of electronic banking. The only thing that stands in the way is the standard global currency... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Teachers Declare October Gay / Lesbian History Month At its recent annual conference, the National Education Association passed an official resolution calling on teachers in every school district of this country (USA) to observe October as "Gay/Lesbian History Month". The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming 2 to 1 margin. The extent to which children will be affected in schoolrooms across America is uncertain. But several school districts are already planning special homosexual events, displays, films, and guest speakers. President Clinton drew from the NEA for key roles in his administration and in government. He even appointed and NEA member to organize the Democratic National Convention itself. Speaking before the NEA conference, President Clinton told delegates " I believe.. we have had a partnership I promised... You and I are joined in a common cause, and I believe we will succeed." In Northern California 2 teachers were suspended because they had 2 homosexuals, which discussed how homosexual sex was "great" and went into detail of how homosexual sex was performed. These "special Guests" spoke to a classroom of 10 and 11 year old children. They (the teachers) did not inform the parents about this "special event." The parents went to the school board and complained. The board had the teachers fired. The teachers have taken the case to court. ***************************************************** NEW AGE UPDATE By Rudy Hulstrom This is the text of the September 1995 issue of New Age Update.New Age Update is a Christian response to the New Age and New World Order along with its agenda of global government. It is a monthly publication produced by Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal.Melrose Park,IL.60160. E-Mail address is 102551.1063@Compuserve.Com ********************************************************* Worldwide Water Shortage?? Chicago Tribune 8/7/95 Washington- The World will spend $600 billion over the next decade to augment water reserves,as demand,spurred by urbanization and agriculture outstrips available supplies,according to the World Bank. "We are warning the world that there is ahuge problem looming out there,"said Ismail Serageldin,a bank vice president."Unless current trends are reversed,we will have a worsening water crisis around the planet". Crisis Management? Let's stop right here and take a short course in crisis management. This has worked for hundreds of years in order to get the required result. Crisis management is simply: 1. finding a problem. 2. Blowing that problem way out of proportion.3.Offering your own special solution to the problem. Now let's get back to this article. This is crisis management step 1. It says,With the world's population expected to expand from todays 5.6 billion to 8 billion in 2025,demands on water for households,industries and irrigation will grow rapidly. Meanwhile the supply is increasingly being contaminated by pollution from industry,domestic waste and farm chemicals,the World Bank paper said. This is crisis management step 2. "The water problem in most countries stems not from a shortage of water but rather from its inefficient and unsustainable use,"Serageldin said. "We need to change our attitudes toward water and stop wasting it." Most countries with limited water are in the Middle East,Noeth Africa,central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa,where populations are growing fatest. Other regions facinf scarcity are Northern China,southern India,western South America and parts of Pakistan and Mexico. Global demand for water,which historically has increased at arate of 2.3 percent per year,doubling very 21 years,MUST BE SLOWED,the paper said. Irrigation consumes 90% of all water used in poor countries,the report said,but up to half of that is wasted and never reaches plants (could it be that the people are using it stay alive,you know,by drinking it?) an average of 40% of water leaving treatment plants in Third World cities is lost. "The experts all agree on the need to do something fast,"The main problem is the lack of political will to carry out these recommendations."said Serageldin This is crisis management step 3. It recommended that the problem be addresed by establishing associations(global governing bodies )of river and lake users to manage water,and by SELLING WATER at prices high enough to encourage conservation. (What a great way to decrease the use of water,simply charge for it and those who can't afford it will die of thirst.This also solves the problem of the ever growing world population ).Bring yourself up to date on the world population "problem"by ordering the"Population Report",it's on this months flyer for the special price of $1.oo. The World Bank estimated that $600 Billion will be invested in projects to increase clean water output in the next 10 years. Most will come from user countries,but 10% of the money will come from abroad,mainly as aid for poor countries. The World Bank will participate with loans of up to $40 billion. (will they loan them the money to buy the water??) BUT YOU MUST DO IT OUR WAY! "But the World Bank will not fund projects that look only at irrigation or only at municipal use",Serageldin said."We want to see how their use fits into the greater claim on this precious resource." That translates into do it our way or no money. Now you can see how the The New World Order,through its organization of globalist leaders can squeeze what they want out anyone,including the United States of America. ********************************************************** A Few of the favorite things offered and used by the New Age Movement and New World Order. As you will see,the New Age landscape is littered with bizarre rituals, idolatry, ideas, concepts and teachings. Among these are Reincarnation,fanasy books and role playing. Games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards and Warriors. There is WhiteMagic,BlackMagic,Sorcery,Shamanism, Polytheism. Occult symbols such as Swastika,Pentagram,Circle,Triangle,Unicorn etc. Holistic Mediums such as,Polarity Therapy (sounds like a rock group), Acupuncture/Pressure, Reflexology,Rebirthing...etc. Physical tests and Sports; like Ninja, the Martial Arts,Yoga,etc. Occult Objects and Idols; Figurines, Pyramids, Crystals,etc. Psychology; Visualization,Meditation,Healing of memories,etc. Other products of the New Age include the following: UFO's and E.T.s. Witchcraft and Satan Worship,Astrology and Horoscopes,Tarot Cards,Ouija Boards,Palm Readings,Fire Walking,Seances,Mediums and Spirit Channeling. Other tools include,Home learning textbooks, study manuals,Sunday School Curricula,Parenting/Psychology self-help books. Some of the organaizations and associations include these; Planetary Initiative for the world we choose,Assoc.for Humanistic Psychology,Assoc.for Research and Enlightenment(ARE),The Club of Rome,The Global Education Associates,United Nations Association,Planetary Citizens, Y.W.C.A.(teaching New Age courses),Girl Scouts of America/Boy Scouts of America(both of these are being taught New Age philosophy),N.A.S.A(executives being taught EST,ZEN,Buddhism,Gestalt,Focusing. World Council of Churches,National Council of Churches. There are plenty more that could be listed here and we will but space is limited so we will list them as space permits. **************************************************************** Study Urges Bold Changes to Spur Savings Washington-7/25/95 Banking on Social Security and other entitlements for their future income,millions of middle-aged and older Americans have distressingly little household wealth,according to a study. A Rand indicated that many Americans over 50 have no assets and prompted its author,labor economist James Smith,to call for"bold" public policy changes to encourage savings. Those changes would include:Revamping Social Security so it is the prime source of income for only the poorest elderly.Institute a consumption tax.Forcing all workers to set aside part of their earnings for retirement. Under the New World Order the three"changes"that are being offered would put all the people under a tighter yoke of slavery than is already being experienced. Let's Take a look at these"changes". "Revamping Social Security"making it the prime source of income for only the pooest elderly. It seems that those of us who have been paying into Social Security all these years would be not be allowed access to it if you didn't need it. Instituting a consumption tax. Do you realize that this is simply a national sales tax ? Just what we need,another tax that would take away more of the hard earned money that we have left to live on. Now get this! this last item shows you the audacity of this New World Order. They want a "change" (that means a new law )forcing all workers to set aside part of their earnings for retirement. Am I missing something here? Isn't that what Social Security is supposed to do? I see it now, What they are saying is that you and me and countless millions of American workers are too stupid to save any money for our future.So as good dictators of the coming one world government,they want to take control of the rest of our hard earned money for us,because in their way of thinking we can't do it for ourselves. That's the way it will be under the New World Order folks. They refuse to face the fact that the taxes we pay already are the reason that so many can't put any money away for their future. *********************************************************** PA Files Complaint Here's one that you must read to believe! The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency has filed a complaint against Metra that claims the commuter train agency put the environment,and possibly the employees,at risk by improperly monitoring equipment at it's Harvey, Il.facility that requires use of hazardous PCB's. Though Metra riders were never exposed to the potential carcinogen,employees working at the maintenance facility may have been at risk,said Don de Blasio,a regional spokesman for the EPA, EPA has recommended a fine of $46,000. Read it over again and you find that nothing happened to endanger anyone or anything, but the company should be fined anyway,according to EPA! It's also interesting to see that humanity comes in second to the environment,even when there has been no actual damage. I guess that you can thank the EPA for the next increase in train fares too...somebody will have to pay for the fines. They probably don't even take the train. This is just another example of the power that has been given to this agency of the New World Oder. It seems that if they think that a problem has arisen,that is good enough to slap heavy fines on any unsuspecting company. ******************************************************************* On the Religion page of the Chicago Tribune 7/14/95 Paul Galloway,the writer of On Religion,a collumn that covers a wide variety of religious belief and expression,has this to say concerning The Anti-Christ and the Rapture of the church. He uses refernces from a book titled" Antichrist:Two Thousand Years of the Human Fascination With Evil", by Bernard McGinn,who teaches historical theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School And "Naming the Antichrist;The History of an American Obsession,by Robert Fuller,professor of religious studies at Bradley University. SCRIPTURE REDUCED TO "LEGEND" "Attempts to name the Antichrist,Fuller writes,tell much about a particular American period's"latent hopes and fears". This view is shared by McGinn,who declares that"the most important what (the legend )has to tell us about our present attitudes toward evil." The word"antichrist"appears only 4 times in Scripture (directed toward Christians condemned as heretics )and nowhere in Revelation,the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament." ( Hey boys and girls the word antichrist was and is directed at anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ.) Let's stop right here and take a look 1 John 3 18 18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. 20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 21 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. 22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. This bit of scripture clearly says that ANYONE who denies that Jesus is the Christ,is antichrist.Not just those who falsley claim to be Christian! He goes on to say that"some think scripture signals how history ends;others think the notion's absurd.McGinn proposes to take the beliefs"seriously but not literally". "The Roman Catholic Churh and most major Protestant groups do the same,generally ignoring the subject while subscribing to St.Augustine's view that Scripture doesn't foretell the future." I guess he hasn't read the Book of Revelation,Daniel,Ezekiel or any of the other 25% of the Bible that is prophetic! *********************************************************** About this"V"chip to control television programs. The notion first floated in Congress a few years ago as a component added to TV sets that would filter TV fare so children wouldn't see violent shows. This is just another attempt by the New World Order to take control of what you are free to see. Granted there are some truly offensive,violent and disgusting things that are being broadcast into our homes,but we don't need another law to tell us what we already know. Parental responsibility is what is needed.Which includes teaching our children right from wrong and the right to discipline that child in the proper manner when when he/she rebels. Today we can't discipline our children without the fear of being arrested for child abuse. So the New World Order,in it's wisdom,says move over parents,we will take responsibility for what your children will watch and learn, over the airwaves and in our schools. Remember that without total control,the New World Order will fall apart. This is why they need you to accept them as the great benefactor and the so-called salvation of mankind. ****************************************************************** Universal Health Coverage is on the Move Again! Washington,D.C.--Sens.Nancy Kassebaum and Edward Kennedy introduced the first major bipartisan health legislation of this Congress,a bill designed to require insurance companies to cover people with existing medical problems and to enable workers to keep insurance when they leave their jobs. The bill would provide the sort of incremental change that Republicans last year urged President Clinton to accept,instead of pushing for sweeping legislation that would have reinvented the nation's health care system. Kennedy has long been a champion of proposals to insure all Americans but he told the Senate that"even though some people might consider this a modest step,I think it is an extremely important one". The bill,which already has the sponsorship of 12 of the 16 members of the Labor Committee,would require any insurance company that offers individual policies to sell one to anyone who had group insurance and lost it for any reason. It would also prohibit insurers from denying insurance to people with"pre-existing conditions". This is just another way of coming in through the back door with the universal health care that was soundly defeated by the American people. Please remember that they want complete control and this is one more way of getting it. Don't forget the"Universal Health Care I.D.Card that was created. You don't think that they were destroyed do you??Hmmmmmmmmmmm. *********************************************************************** Drug Testing Upgraded?? Here is a letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune that I found to be intriguing: Downers Grove,IL--"I could feel the knee-jerk reaction against the Supreme Court's decision to allow drug testing of public school students." "Those partaking of public funds should be subject to testing to ensure that they are not in violation of the laws of the land. Perhaps this decision can allow us to find others in our communities who are drug users." "It stands to reason that if the students are to be subject to random tests,so,too,should the teachers,administrators,bus drivers,suppliers of goods to the schools. Whoever is at the school when drug testing is announced should be tested." "If we expand this to other areas,the benefits are immediately obvious. For example, anyone who entered a hospital would be tested for drugs.Services could be refused to illegal drug users. I am sure that would save Cook County Hospital a few bucks.. Also,we could randomly test the staff to ensure that no one was under the influence of drugs while working." "If we take this just one step further,we could use this logic to randomly test anyone for drugs. When people drive on the public highways (or walk on the sidewalks),they are using a government provided infrastructure. Random roadside stops to have people give urine samples would be appropriate." Yes,I think we should all get behind this ruling.We can make this a drug free society." This is exactly the kind of thinking that will give more control to the New World Order,and to think that this person is actually asking to be tested for drugs. But that is how it will be as we get closer to that day.People will not only ask for more control,but will demand it from the very government that wants it in the first place. Ironic,isn't it? ***************************************************** Those Mergers Keep on Coming! A merger creating the nation's largest rail network was approved unanimously by the Interstate Commerce Commission. After the 4-0 vote,commissioners said they would decide whether to attach conditions to the $4 billion merger of Burlington Northern Inc.and Santa Fe Pacific Corp. The new rail network would stretch from Canada to Mexico,with 33,000 miles of track in the Midwest,West and Southeast.It would have about $7 billion in annual revenue and dominate rail cargo in the West. Here is another example of "the Golden Rule"theory of finance,those who own the gold,rule.More and more we keep seeing the smaller companies being gobbled up by the larger more powerful corporations.That simply means that more and more money is being controlled by fewer and fewer people. Soon,only a handful of global financiers will make the decisions concerning the monetary affairs of the world. *********************************************************** First Case for Parapsychology?? Denver- Virginia Mae Morrow,the housewife whose hypnosis-induced tale of a past life as a 19th century Irishwoamn,Bridey Murphy,created a sensation in the 1950's gas died at 70. In a 1971 AP interview,she said"People have told me they think the whole field of parapsychology opened from it". She said she was not a firm believer in reincarnation but thought it was a possibility. "I want someone else to prove it to me as I can't think rationally about it." The Hypnotist,a business man named Morey Bernstein wrote"The Search for Bridey Murphey",a book that became a best seller and touched off bitter controversy over the claims of reincarnation. Bernstein said Ms.Morrow's account was spun over a half dozen sessions in the early 50'swhen she was a housewife in Pueblo,Colorada,named Virginia Tighe. The account,allegedly given in a thick Irish accent,nothing like Ms.Morrow's normal speech,related that Bridey Murphey lived from 1789 to 1865,first in Cork,Ireland and later in Belfast. It said she married a man named Brian MacCarthy and gave details about places and events. In later years,Ms.Morrow claimed to remember little about the hypnosis,which she said she underwent in an effort to rid herself of severe alergies."If I had known what was going to happen,I'd never have lain down on that couch,"she once said. So now you know the beginning of the current trend of so-called past life regression and the renewed interest in reincarnation. As you can see this was not a frontal attack on the intelligence of the people,but one simple offering of "alternative"thought. And that my friends is how it begins. ********************************************************************** A Channelled Message by the Master through Benjamin Creme of the Tara Center. The following is an excerpt from The Emergence,a monthly letter from the Tara Center,a New Age think tank and headquarters for Maitreya,who is to be known as the World Teacher. This message was "channelled" or spoken by a demon,or evil spirit through benjamin Creme,the spokesman for the"Master". In this message you will plainly see that the goal of world government through"sharing"with the"third world" is one of the ploys used by the New World Order to lower the standard of living here in the United States,not to raise the standards of thethird world countries" They also make mention of the Divine Plan. This is not to be confused with the Plan of God as found in the pages of the Bible.It is the Plan of the New Age/New World Order to build a world government where there are no soveriegn nations,no borders and no freedoms that we now enjoy. This 13 point Plan was printed in the June issue of New Age Update.For a copy of the June issue send $1.00 and your name and address to the editor... This"article"goes on to say that men will someday recognize their "divinity"that lies within themselves,and has the nerve to take the title of "Sons of God".But the Bible says in (Galatians 3:26) "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus," So don't let them fool you with their use of"Christian"and Biblical terms. Then he talks about the emergence of the Great Lord.that the world will see him forthwith. Could this be the (anti-christ)who is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. Now that you are armed with the truth,you can go ahead and see for yourselves that the New Age/New World Order is in fact alive and well and completely intent on forcing there will upon an unsuspecting world population. "Never before in the world's history has so much depended on the decisions now being made behind closed doors,in the political power centers of the planet. At long last,the political and economic realities of the present world crisis have persuaded the men of power to address these problems. On their deliberations rests the future well being of the world. Until now,the"first world"nations have taken for granted their favoured position in world affairs,and have organized economic power to their advantage.For the first time,they turn their attention now to the fact of"third world"deprivation,and look for mutually beneficial solutions to the many issues which endanger world stability. Hearkening to the cry for succour from the poorer nations,the rich prepare to contemplate the inevitable: the need to share. This represents a vital shift in attitudes and augers well for the future. In past crises,man has been aided,often from behind the scenes,by his Elder Brothers (no, not Joycelyn Elders, and no, not Dr Joyce Brothers : editor. ) This time a new situation pertains and,in full vision and fact,the Brothers will extend Thier counsel and insight.Thus will men be aided in their choices and decisions;thus will they take the shortest path to Truth. Informed and guided by Maitreya and His Group,men will quickly end the worst divisions in this divided world:mass poverty and starvation will fade from sight and memory;old wounds will be healed,past wrongs forgiven. Thus will the sons of men recommence their journey into their divinity.Under the leadership of Maitreya and His Brothers,they will know the meaning and purpose of their lives and,deicating themselves to the establishment of the Divine Plan,will recognize each other as Divine Sons of God.Thus will it be;and thus will the travail of the Great Lord be complete.The timing of His emergence has been determined.The world will see Him forthwith. ************************************************ An editorial by Stephan Chapman-Chicago tribune "Americans think they place a high value on the right to privacy,but the Constitution's chief bulwark against government snooping is being steadily dismantled,with enthusiastic support of the public. This weeks Supreme Court decision upholding drug tests for adolescent athletes in public schools is the latest diminution of personal sovereignty in the name of greater safety. The court said in 1969 that school children don't shed their rights at the schoolhouse door,but that was long ago in a galaxy far,far away. This court thinks that the loss of a few liberties is not too high a price to pay to combat illicit drugs. It has traded our birthright for a mess of pottage: The lost rights are vital,but the contribution to the drug war is trivial." The Camel has stuck his nose into the tent once more and is intent on coming in all the way. Some may think that this is"good"others think that it will only lead to more and more "government intrusion"and they are right. You see,in the New World Order,"government"will make all the decisions for you and me and only "government" will have the knowledge and authority to judge between what is acceptable behavior and what is not. This decision by the Supreme Court is merely"Crisis Management". They cite a"problem"and then blow it out of all proportion.Then offer their solution to the problem,which includes more laws and regulations that are intended to remove as much authority from the honest citizen as possible,without seeming obvious. You see,the last obstacle to the New World Order is the Constitution of the United States of America. It must be"amended"and changed and tinkered with until it no longer has the power to stand in the face of tyranny,for which it was written. So keep looking up,our redemption draws near. ****************************************************** Your Rights As Parents Being Removed Your rights and duty as a parent are being illiminated before your eyes. Those parents who truly care for their children are being stripped of their authority to make decisions concerning their families. In a "global"society the state will ultimately make the decisions for you and your familiy,so the following article should be no surprise as we watch the"New World Order"unfold. Judge Suspends Notification Law a second time! A federal judge indefinitely suspended enforcement of a new Illinois law requiring doctors to tell parents before performing abortions on their unmarried daughters under 18. U.S.District court Judge Hubert Will said it is too early for him to make any decisions about the constitutionality of the law. Lawyers for the state,who are defending the staute,agreed. The Illinois Supreme Court hasn't handed down guidelines telling lower courts how to administer the law.Those guidelines are at the center of the legal battle over whether the statute is constitutional. The guidelines will tell courts how to administer paet of the law allowing young women to go to court to waive the notification requirement. A 1983 law requiring parents to be told of their minor daughter's abortions was struck down because Illinois courts had not provided a speedy and private method for girls to bypass the notification requirement. Will was the judge who handled the challenge to the 1983 law,and his ruling was upheld by the 7th U.S.Court of Appeals. The ACLU of Illinois filed the challenge. Acting again on a request by the ACLU,Will temporarily prevented the new parental notification law from being enforced. Gov.Edgar had signed the measure only hours earlier. Lawyers for the state agreed that Will's preliminary injunction would remain in effect until the state Supreme Court comes up with rules for administering it. "This is how the 7th Circuit told us to handle it the last time"said Kathleen Flahaven,an assistant attorney general."The statute is incomplete." Lawyers for the ACLU said the group had accomplished its interim goal. Let me get this straight. If my minor daughter wants to kill her unborn baby,according to the new law,passed and signed by the Governor,her "doctor"must notify me ahead of time. But that law was suspended so that"guidelines"can be formed as to how the law will be "administered" The law seems very plain to me,simply inform the parent,or legal guardian that there is a plan to kill her unborn baby.What is so hard about that? Apparently there is a plan to kill all the unborn babies of the world,to reduce the size of the global population.That was the meaning and the intent of the latest UN conference on the population. For more information on this you must get the report "Population Control",or Population Reduction.The truth behind Abortion,Euthanasia and the Final Solution, In the Resource Material of New Age Update ********************************************************** Man Dies After Snake Bites Him in Church AP-Enigma,GA. A man died after being bitten by a rattlesnake,which he had taken to church because the Bible says believers"shall take up serpents." Dewey Bruce Hale,40,was bitten during Sunday Services at New River Free Holiness Church and died at home late that night,the Sheriff's office said. The death was ruled an accident. "The Sheriff's office was not called by the family or the church,"said the Sheriff Jerry Brogdon. Martha Hale,the victim's cousin,said the church members take the Bible literally,particularly a passage in Mark saying that one of the signsof those who believe in Jesus is that"they shall take up serpents." The Bible also says that we are not to put the Lord our God to the test. As we see in Luke 4:9-12 The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down from here. 10 For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; 11 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'" 12 Jesus answered, "It says: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Enough said! ********************************************************** Illinois Representatives Given Vacations By New World Order!! What do Senator Carol Mosley-Braun,Rep. John Porter,Rep. Cardiss Collins,and Rep. Dick Durbin, have in common? They all have taken "vacations"courtesy of the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Institute, a gathering place for those who would transform the United States into part of the New World Order.It is a think tank whose goal,like the Council on Foreign Relations, is to bring the United States into the new millenium as leader of the global society. This report was seen in the Chicago tribune 6/18/95. Maybe you too have seen this in your local papers. Just how many of our"representatives"are being given"vacations"courtesy of this New Age/New World Order organization. What about all the other government officials who are not listed,how many of them are being trained by "Institutes"such as these. We need to look into this more intently,and here in the pages of New Age Update,we will do just that. ***************************************************** The Group of Seven,Who Are They? Actually there are eight members of the so called G-7,or Group of Seven of the richest industrialized nations. They are European Union President Jacques Santer,Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama,German Chancellor Helmut Khol,President Bill Clinton,Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, French President Jacques Chirac, British Prime Minister John Major and Italian Prime Minister Lamberto Dino. At a recent meeting of the G-7 in Halifax,Nova Scotia,they approved a series of of reforms that would require nations to make more information public about their financial and economic conditions (to bolster investor confidence)Yea,sure.(ed) Now get this and read it closely,"They also urged closer international cooperation and supervision of financial institutions and markets by regulators."a move that they said could prevent a bank collapse similar to the failure of the Barings bank. The most solid achievement of the meeting was an agreement to double the $27 billion industrial country fund,called The General Agreement to Borrow,to help prevent future financial crises. ( this is a global loan company folks!) In a press conference,President Clinton hailed this reform,saying that it would mean that longer would have to be lender of last resort when a nation like Mexico gets into trouble. But,he conceded he may have difficulty persuading Congress to go along with the extra funding,which is not a cash commitment,but borrowing authority for a new international rescue fund.The fund would be administered by the International Monetary Fund in consultation with the richest 10 industrial countries known as the Group of 10. Well boys and girls,the plot thickens doesn't it? We know who the G-7 are but who are those who make up the group of 10? This article didn't elaborate.Are they part of the G-7 or are they another group altogether? You really have to watch the news and read the papers to get to the bottom of these things. But you need to read the Bible at the same.We read In the Book of Revelation chapter 17:7 Then the angel said to me: "Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come. 9 "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. 12 "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. It would seem that the formation of this global power and authority is running at high speed and has the full support of our government,no matter who is in the majority! *************************************************** Resource material available from NEW AGE UPDATE The Constitution of the Universal Federation of Pagans...This four page document will open your eyes to the extent of Paganism,and they say there is no organization..........................$2.00 Population Control,(or Population Reduction:The truth behind Abortion,Euthanasia and the Final Solution....This nine page report will show you just what the plan is for us and the rest of the world.....................$3.00 Welcome to Amerikka...Freedom is Dead! Communism Flourishes...The former Soviet Union?...No! This is America today! This assessment of the deterioration of freedom and constitutional guarantees will startle you...................$3.00 Masonry..The Hidden Evil..Masonry,posing under the guise of Christianity,is spreading the teachings of Lucifer to the world! This assessment of the goals of ancient and modern Masonry will show you how...............................$2.00 Freedom From War...The United States program for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world..This plan was first inaugurated by President John F.Kennedy in September of 1961..You will see for yourself how close they are to completion of this plan to disarm the world.............................$3.00 The New Age-The Old Lie...This report covers a wide range of topics like+What is the New Age?+,+The Media+,+Disney World+, New Agers and the Rapture.....................$2.00 The Environmental Movement...This report will give you insight into the agenda behind the+green+movement.Some of the topics covered are -Lies exposed+,Apples Dangerous?+,DDT,Global Warming+,Dolphin Safe Laws+,The Ozone+,and the Religion of Environmentalism+....$2.00 The Rapture: will satellites project an image of -God+? This short(1 page )report will show you how holographs can be used to deceive the world.........................$1.00 The United Nations...This 2 page report will show you the plan of this organization,along with its� related groups,to bring in the New World Order......................................$1.00 The Illuminati...LORDS OF DARKNESS...This 3 page report will show how this extension of Freemasonry worships satan as the Lord of Light and Truth and has agoal of world domination under the New World Oreder....................................................$2.00 The Council on Foreign Relations...Officially formed July 29,1921,it�s express goal is to overthrow the Constitutional Government of the United States of America and to install a Socialist,One World Government with the United States as a servile member+kingdom+.............$1.00 They Want Your Children This 10 page report covers how the New World Order will control your children and grandchildren. Subjects covered are -What are Children�s Rights?+,From the Cradle+,+School+, T.V.Movies Videos,+,Sunday School and much more..........$3.00 They Want Your Children! This ten page report covers how the New World Order will control your children and grandchildren.Subjects covered are -What are children�s rights?+ -From the Cradle+, -School+, -Television,Movies and Videos+, -The Toy Box+, -Comic Books+, -Sunday School?+, -Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts+..................................................$3.00 Prophecy and Prophets This 4 page report covers subjects such as:History, Experience, False Prophets, Hints for interpreting prophecy, and New testament Prophets............................$2.00 Resurrection or Reincarnation? A Biblically based case against the idea of reincarnation.Short(3 pages) and to the point,easy to read and understand,good tool for use in debate........................$1.00 False Prophets This report includes Old and New Testament history of false prophets,false Christs,False worship and more.....................................$2.00 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child This is a MUST READ for anyone concerned about their children and grandchildren. Does the U.N.want custody of our kids? This 5 page report exposes the intent of the New World Order..........$2.00 To order simply circle the items that you like,fill out the form below and send the entire page along with the proper remittance made payable to Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal.Melrose Park,IL.60160... Name....................................................................... ........................................... Address.................................................................... ..................................... City....................................................................... ........... State................Zip............................. New Age Update is an (8) page monthly publication that provides information that is current,accurate and will help to keep you aware of what the New Age/New World Order has in mind for you and me. Todays headlines are filled with just such revelations and New Age Update will help point them out to you. Best of all the subscription rate is a mere $8.00 for 12 issues,plus Special Bonus Reports along the way. Please make all checks or money orders payable to Rudy Hulstrom Sample copy of New Age Update................................................$1.00 FREE REPORT!! FREE REPORT!! FREE REPORT!! Could Presidential -Executive Orders+lead to a dictatorship here in the United States of America? Send a #10 Self addressed stamped envelope for this startling and revealing information.......FREE...FREE *************************************************** Cool Web Sites on the Internet hhtp:// This Week In Bible Prophecy PromiseKeepers 1995 Meeting Dates Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper Christian web site yahoo Directory christian coalalition Jews for jesus Wes Peters web site..COOL prophecy stuff prophecy world events web Visa Credit Card (One World One Currency) Cool Resources CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS P.O. Box 6000 Peabody MA. 01961-6000 Customer Service: (508) 977-4550 Membership and monthly catalog subscription; $3 per year CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATIONS Prison & Ministry Outreach - Online Bible Studies Jeannine Robinson P.O. 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