=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - P.I.S.S. Philez Number 67 = = - - Canucks Can Bite My Ass = = - - by FreeRadical = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Phile first appeared on the P.I.S.S. website. It may be freely distributed as long as it is not changed, altered, or fucked up in any way DoctorNIL presents: Transcendental Masturbation...The Drama of The New Age ...The Power of an Elastic Personality...Canadians Really do say "Eh!"...A Cult Finally Pays Off... ______________________________________________________ ? ---- Om Om { -- } \ / ? -- -- \ \ / / \\ // |\ /| ___/ () \___ \______/___/ _______________________________________________________ DoctorNIL cognizes the Ved *************NON-DISCLAIMER**************************** This is probably the first hacker-phile that doesn't Need a disclaimer. The technique of harassment described is so personal, clever, and diabolical that most people could never pull if off, even if they had Cap'n Crunch's magic whistle. If you can do anything anywhere near so clever, I'll buy you a beer. ******************************************************* Ring. Ring. Ring. Click. Hello, You've reached Andrew Featherhead's apartment, Andrew Featherhead speaking. Uhh...Hello? (long pause) I Know you're there because if you weren't I'd be hearing a dialtone. Okay. This is me hanging up. Click. Paranoia is the spice of life. Watching The UFO's flitting over their midnight reflections in a private pool. Wondering why the black helicopters keep following you. It's enough to send delightful shivers along the spine as you sit crouched in a corner of your room, knuckling a loaded target rifle whie you wait for the bullet of an unseen sniper. But the best paranoia, the most savory, exotic, and delicious is somebody else's. Enter Andrew Featherhead. An angular, stork-like kanuck, that in his most self-reflective moments remembers the past life of a brilliant physicist, doomed to the bad karma embodied in himself because he refused the holy wisdom of unnamed eastern sages. This terrible karma, he fancies, is the cause of all his modern troubles. Well in a way he's right. But the most recent cause of his current confusion, which will most probably land his ass on the cement apron that spreads under the back door of a certain graduate computer science program, is me. The Transcendental Meditation movement has always fascinated me. At the behest of the state, DoctorNIL was forced to endure endless therapy sessions with a psychologist whose sole aim seemed to be converting me to the New-Age paradigm. Nothing I said or did would get me out because the Circuit Court of Maryland had set the length and duration of my visits to equal the duration of my high school career. Maybe if I was the social engineer I fancy myself to be I could have just dialed up the governor and said "Hey! The gorillas aren't chasing me anymore! Be a pal and lift this injunction for me would'ja?" But, alas, I wasn't as canny then as I am now. So, once every week, I would sit in the maddening sphere of a white-noise machine for an hour, destroy a bespectacled shrink's waxy office plants, and play out this endless, episodic, verbal duel during which he would quote innumerable tobacco-like studies and statistics and try to wrest a "Gee Whiz! Can Transcendental Meditation really do all that!?!" from me while I did my best not to give him one. This lasted for the better part of two years, until I was transferred to group therapy sessions where this really sexy Korean girl and I would spend the whole time belittling a pair of... But that's another story. So, when my Uncle threw me out of his house last month I moved in with the first roommate I could find. When I first looked at the place he answered the door with a too-wide grin and the maniacal gleam of the fanatic in his eyes. I needed a roof so I beamed one right back at him. I nodded at him when he said he had to meditate twice a day. I listened good natueredly while he described his plan to build great, shining cities to rival the geometric dreams of Buckminster Fuller. Folly. Folly. Folly. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Click. Hello, Andrew Featherhead speaking. (short pause and then a deep, dramatic sigh) Listen. I don't know who you are but youv'e got to stop calling. Iv'e got lots of studies and your'e starting to weird me out. (another pause) Okay. That's it. Iv'e been trying to be nice to you but I can't take another week. Iv'e allready had the police trace the line. If you promise to stop this, right now, I won't press charges. (another, even longer pause) Okay. If that's how you want to play it. You'd better hire an attorney. Click. Andrew is a member of the quasi-religious organization known as The Transcendental Meditation Movement. It's founder is the Mahareshi- Mahesh-Yogi: a bearded gentelman credited with, among numerous other powers, the uncanny ability to remain erect inside a young Indian girl for more than four hours at a time. Would you follow this man's teachings? Who wouldn't? I did. Andrew got to me when I was drunk one night and trying to write. He began prolestetising and wagging his head like the very Buddha, telling me about his flying experiences and how his friends became enlightened in *dramatic gasp* "The Pod". I am very good at humoring people. At playing along. Almost too good. There comes a point in a deceptive relationship when playing along becomes actual belief. That moment comes stealthily, unannounced, and slinks by just as unnoticed as whence it came. It's only years later that you realize you're pocket's been picked. In DoctorNIl's case it was exactly one week. TM is a form of postmodern brainwashing: a mishmash of Indian Mysticism and pseudo-science that is funneled into the subconscious by autohypnosis. It's allure is that it really works. A person under the influence of hypnosis can be given suggestions like "You will loose weight." or "You will stop smoking." and if they don't remember the suggestion they'll really do it. You can tell a person in the grasp of synamblysim (the deepest hypnotic state) that you're going to touch them with a red-hot poker, do the actual touching with an ice-cube, and they'll blister. Mind and body. Each work to fool the other. TM does for the devotee whatever they expected it to. If you expect to end all your bad habits, become happier and healthier, and have all the girls falling at your feet when you start reciting your mantra, you really will. Or at least you'll think it's happening. It's Opium for the ego but the cost is subtle, dangerous, and deep. You have to give up the highest level of your reason and shed the finest layer of your will. You must force yourself to kneel and relinquish, like a conquered sword, the sharpness of your soul. And yes, at that time, I was a man with problems. First among these was that when somebody else thought I had a problem, and I picked up on it, I believed that they could see something I was blind to. Stupid me. I'm simply smarter than everyone else and was too humble to actually to believe it. And the second? The Black Helicopters. I've done lots of hallucinogens, uppers, downers: virtually every concoction available under the counter, but never, not even when I smoked myself sober, was I unable to discern between hallucinations and real sensory input. Well, optical input anyway. So, when big, black, unmarked bell-hueys started whup-whup-whuping over my house, over restaurants where I was eating, over the heads of myself and certain unsavory acquaintances, I began to get a little paranoid. At the invitation of my Aunt BurnOut (the only person alive willing to believe my fantastic encounters without a shred of proof) I fled to Iowa. I was going to live on her farm, write my novel, and forget my felonious past. A wonderful opportunity. A beautiful dream. I forgot that that invitation came with an Uncle Clause. Ring. Ring. Ring. Click. Hello? (the usual silent pause) Who the hell are you?!? (voice colored by equal portions of rage and fear) How did you get my number!?! I'm not even listed under the same name! "Where is your roommate?" said DoctorNIL. (I was using my patented, homemade voice-changer. To make one yourself simply hold the receiver between your chin and shoulder, cover your mouth with your hands, and talk like Darth-Vader. For maximum echo effect, sit naked in a hotel bathtub with a bottle of cheap red.) "Who the hell are you?" he asked again, his voice gone breathless. I ignored him. "Where is your roommate?" I said again. "He was one of our best agents. Now he's gone missing." "I knew it! I knew he was in the CIA!" "What have you done to him. What did you tell him? What did he say?" I asked in my best James Earl Jones. "Nothing. He didn't tell me a thing." "He was also an agent of The Black Lodge." I said, making sure to emphasize the 'The'. "What's The Black Lodge?" he asked, the slightest tremor poking through the curiosity in his voice. "An occult society dedicated to the suppression of human potential." Another pause. I took the lead: "He was working for them, as well as for us. Something you or your movement taught him changed his beliefs. He's gone AWOL. We no longer want him but we need to know what he knows." "Well, I'm sorry, but I just can't help you. I have no idea where he went after he left. His aunt said..." I cut him off. "Your girlfriend. Coming home from class. She's so vulnerable. So delicate....so..so PRETTY. Don't you think?" A very long pause, during which his breath rate fluctuated several times. "What do you want from me?" He could barely squeak this out, but managed anyway. I'm very proud of him for this. "Give us his Mantra." "What?" "His. Mantra. His mind resonates with it's secret song. If we have his mantra we can find him." "I don't know it. I'd tell you if I did but I can't. Only he and his teacher know." "Then give us the name of the one who taught him. We know it was a woman. You must have introduced him." "You know what I think?" He said, wising up. "I think You're The Black Lodge! I think DoctorNIL is on the run from YOU!". "Give us his Mantra. We will have it from you within the week. Either that or we'll have something more precious. It's your choice.". "I can't. Even if I wanted to. You've gotta believe me, I just can't get his teacher to tell me something like that...". I persisted. "Our order has many rituals that require the..cooperation ..of women. We know of an especially effective formula for the divination of words of power from human entrails." He was livid to say the least. "Go to hell! I hope NIL sells you out to the CIA! I hope that with all my heart! I wouldn't tell you where he was for a million dollars! (now I knew what TM was all about) You can't scare me. Go ahead, kill my girlfriend, I don't care what happens. You can't frighten me anymore.". To say that he was winded from this outburst is to understate a fact. It took a full minute for him to pant and gasp his way to what passed for normalcy. He should have hung up the phone, cut me off right there. I was already satisfied. I would have left him alone after that. But no, the poor, stupid kanuck wanted a grand drama, a great spiritual battle to redeem his poor, reincarnated soul. He was waiting for a hammer blow, and I gave it to him. When he had calmed down to the point where I could no longer hear his breath I laid this line down on him: "We cannot let you live with what you know. Someday, when you least expect it, we will..find a use for you." CLICK My Uncle maintains his marriage with my Aunt by way of an endless game of mental chess. That's fine for operators and people you're harassing, but a shitty basis for a marriage. But people do this all the time. This is why I don't want to get married. If I had to keep that kind of shit up forever I'd go crazy. If that's what it takes I'd rather stay single. I'll credit my Uncle one thing, he's a clever sonofabitch. He lost his hearing in the jungles of Veitnam, but came back without so much as a scar, if that tells you anything. When I came to live with them he was stuck with a dilemma: how to get rid of a rent-paying nephew-in-law without pissing off his sympathetic wife. His solution? Hire and bribe his buddies to prowl the premises late at night when I was gone, smoke pot and harass the dog under their bedroom window while I was at the bar, leave doors wide open after I had shut them. Ect. Ect. It worked. After a week he had reason enough to ask me to leave without pissing her off. "NIL, I've got to ask you to leave." "Why?" I asked. "This coming home late at night, wandering around the house after three a.m., waking us up, We just can't have it." "I talked to Ellen about this already." I protested. "That's not me!" I had already figured out that somebody was trying to get me to leave. "Yeah", he said "But it'll probably stop when you're gone". He thought I'd leave it that, that I'd just scratch my head and turn away, but I didn't. Instead, I smiled the smile of the refugee, long since resigned to the runaway's life. "Yeah." I sighed. "It probably will". And that gave him a shock. His eyes widened. He thought I'd figured him out. He was so nervous that I had his secret that he gave me a hundred bucks, just to get me out of the house a day sooner. I actually respected the guy at the time so I left without comment. You see, it all made sense, tied into the same paranoid story-line. Everything, the UFO's, The Black Helicopters, The unseen agents at the farm, all were part of an emergency management plan by a government agency, in league with the good aliens, to get DoctorNIL, key player in a cosmic drama, into a society for spiritual enlightenment so that when the millenium came around I'd have the necessary spiritual acuity to resist whatever evil it is that will descend upon the earth. Well, that's not precisely what I thought but It's close enough for horseshoes, hand grenades, and the hacker community. Perhaps that explains why I was such a willing convert, why I would spend two hundred bucks and a week of my life wandering in an autohypnotic haze which took my own subconscious a week of nightmares to extricate me from. In this way, TM really was effective: my brief encounter with the movement phreaked me right out of my schizophrenic delusions. The night I left my apartment I was so nervous and elated at the prospect macing a Canadian (we'd allready scuffled in my landlady's apartment) that it was not until the moment I left that I realized he wasn't really violent, merely laboring under the imensurable weight of a blind faith that wouldn't fight unless it was challenged directly. Already I had been sowing the seeds. I spent an hour one night trying to convince the guy of the existence of evil. My mind was so clouded that I lost a job. I'm now living out of my car, scamming net service, and tapping lines by the light of xenon parking lights, but I am free. And I'll leave it at that. I'd include his real name and number for the benefit of the standard Hacker harassment but my revenge is already so perfect, so complete, that I don't want anyone to mess it up. The thought of this guy, clutching his poor, emotionally dominated girlfriend, and contemplating the world of darkness into which he has been so suddenly and inexplicably plunged, eyes wide and knuckles white until the wee hours of the morning, puts a smile on my face wider than the finest white-blotter. A would-be pundit once sent an email to Suck.com in which he opined: "Canadians are part of an evil plot, a dark northern conspiracy to dilute and dissolve American culture.". The notion of Stereotypes is a myth. Canadians really do say "Eh!" all the time, and for no good reason. They are truly naive, wide-eyed maniacs. Any group of people who think that by throwing maltovs at passing armored cars they are stepping towards independence are capable of the most asinine follies. Their cigarettes taste like rancid horseshit and their liquor is more overpriced than here in our own Midwest. The only thing Canadian money is good for is running currency exchange scams, and that's the Lords'honest truth. Beware, beware our "brothers" of the great, white north. Copyright Freeradical Research, 1998. Email DoctorNIL@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever Rocketeer Grench Rhodekyll Psycho Phreak Djdude Circular Reclusion AT2Screech Phantom Operator Apocalypse Skrike Kalony FreeRadical Comanche Contributors- Sameer Ketkar The Axess Phreak Devnull PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. We have never done any of this. Really. And we don't condone it. Uh-huh. Want more stuff? Go to http://home.piss.nu E-mail the group at piss@softhome.net � Copyright 1998 PISS Publications and also copyrighted by the author. This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the end. All rights reserved. Or something like that.