=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - P.I.S.S. Philez Number 55 = = - - Messing with Wingates = = - - by Defenestrator = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WinGates are the best invention to the IRC warrior (among other things) since gay services (aka Dalnet, but I won't go into that now). WinGates are setup for some reason which seems to escape me, but who really cares? The point I am trying to make is that you can use WinGates to effectively "spoof" an address, making yourself untraceable. Let's see how that is done. IRC --- If say, I wanted to take #operhelp on Dalnet, I would find an IRC operator's /whois. [This is taken straight from Cantaloop 3.0, which is not available yet because I don't feel like putting it out. All I can say is that it is way better than the first two.] Dakal is dakal@ppp41.lowdown.com : David Knepper Dakal on @#operhelp Dakal is using stlouis.mo.us.dal.net : Some stlouis bullshit here Dakal is an IRC NaziSlut - Services Administrator Dakal looks very helpful End of /WHOIS list. So he is on lowdown.com. DNS him, and plug that address into the WinGate scanner provided with this file (if it is not, email piss@softhome.net and we'll give one to you. Mine won't compile correctly so I'll send another one until it does work.) His DNS would be (not really). So the WinGate scanner tries to connect to port 23 on each of 41.41.41.'s class C, and when it gives a WinGate> prompt, you've found a WinGate. What exactly is a WinGate? It allows more than one person to connect from the same IP address. Anyway, you pull up a WinGate of So if you are using Cantaloop, goto Setup and put that in the SOCKS firewall, and check the box. No username/password is usually needed. Sometimes, however, the gate doesn't accept you. The mIRC SOCKS error handling is bad, but in Cantaloop 3.0 I changed the responses to be more accurate for your reason of disconnection. You can try and close the client and restart it, which sometimes works, or just rescan another one. Then change your identD to dakal (it won't pick this up, but just do it anyway) and change your email address to dakal@is.a.big.ho or something. It will pick up the dakal from the email address and give you a /whois of ~dakal@ppp.14.lowdown.com . So you can /msg chanserv access #operhelp, and it will probably still give you basic access. You can sometimes social engineer ops or combine it with the services trick described in an earlier issue. For our Linux/Unix/Solaris/FreeBSD/yadda yadda yadda users: Start your IRC client (ircii is the best, but some people like BitchX, i have no idea why) /server the.wingate.host.here 23 /quote the.server:6667 The client takes care of the rest. There are a few drawbacks. Like you can't DCC because their client tries to connect to your gate, which isn't sending anything. Also, sometimes the gate gets really lagged or shuts you off altogether, then you have to rescan. And that's it. For IRC at least. HTTP WinGates ------------- Linux/Unix: I don't have a lot of experience with Lynx (our page isn't even lynx friendly, I have to start changing that), so when I figure out how to setup a proxy I'll say. All you have to do is set the WinGate in as the proxy server and put port 80 as the port. Windows: For Netscape users, click the Options tab, then Network Preferences, then put your WinGate in there and put port 80 as the port. Better than the Anonymizer, because you don't have to wait for 30 seconds or however long they delay service. FTP WinGates ------------ Again, if your FTP client can handle proxies, put the gate in but put port 21 in this time. Or with Netscape/IE, you have a choice of FTP proxy, so put that in there. There are many other services which WinGates can handle, such as SOCKS support, Gopher, etc. However, a friend of mine has gotten called by an ISP for using their WinGates, so tread lightly and don't do anything extremely stupid. Have fun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs Extinction Grench Rhodekyll Dial Tone Psycho Phreak Djdude Circular Reclusion Havok Luther AT2Screech Phantom Operator Apocalypse Skrike Contributors- Sameer Ketkar The Axess Phreak Devnull PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. We have never done any of this. Really. And we don't condone it. Uh-huh. Want more stuff? Go to http://piss.home.ml.org E-mail the group at davematthews@rocketmail.com � Copyright 1998 PISS Publications and also copyrighted by the author. This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the end. All rights reserved. Or something like that.