=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - P.I.S.S. Philez Number 53 = = - - Guitar The Easy Way = = - - by Defenestrator = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Got a guitar laying around? Don't know how to play it? Well here's the answer. I'm not exactly going to teach you everything there is to know about guitar, just a few simple and cool sounding songs. Semi-Charmed Life (Third Eye Blind) ----------------------------------- This song is alarmingly easy, only took me about 5 minutes to play it pretty much perfectly. If you know the way the song goes, the chords are this: G: ---3 --2- 0--- 0--- 0--- ---3 This is the way to play a G chord, with the high string being the first string and so forth. You play all of the strings on this chord. D: --2- ---3 --2- 0--- ---- ---- Only play the first 4 strings. The part where the guitarist moves up a notch at the end of the chord makes you slide the first string up to the 3rd fret, making it a Dsus4. Cadd9: ---3 ---3 0--- --2- ---3 ---- Play the first five strings. The Dsus4 to Cadd9 is the hardest chord change in the entire song, and even then it's not that hard compared to some other songs. Just repeat this pretty much all the way through and there's the rhythm part. Smoke On The Water ------------------ The guitar part for this is absurdly easy, it can be learned by a non- musical person or an advanced fish in about a minute. The riff you hear all the time is this, played off the bass E string (last string). --0--3--5----0--3--6-5---0--3--5--3--0 You can substitute that last 0 for a 1, it doesn't matter a whole lot. I wouldn't worry about any other part in the song except the solo, which you probably won't be able to play anyway. I'll add more songs when I find some as easy as this. Right now I'm trying to tab "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's harder than both of these, but it's still pretty easy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs Extinction Grench Rhodekyll Dial Tone Psycho Phreak Djdude Circular Reclusion Havok Luther AT2Screech Phantom Operator Apocalypse Skrike Contributors- Sameer Ketkar The Axess Phreak Devnull PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. We have never done any of this. Really. And we don't condone it. Uh-huh. Want more stuff? Go to http://piss.hypermart.net E-mail the group at piss@softhome.net � Copyright 1998 PISS Publications and also copyrighted by the author. This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the end. All rights reserved. Or something like that.