=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - P.I.S.S. Philez Number 51 = = - - Mindless Phone Tricks = = - - by Phantom Operator = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Phantom Operator (phanop)'s Mindless Phone Tricks Some people asked me what I do in my spare time when I'm bored as hell and have nothing but a phone to play with. So, by popular demand, here is some favorite silly phone tricks you can do, much in the spirit of the PLA Issue entitled similarly. * What's your favorite scary movie? * (You need a cellular phone for this trick) This is one of my favorites, just pick a payphone (preferably one thats inside), get the number off it, and go somewhere where you can see who answers but they can't easily see you. You can also have a partner to help with the identifying. I usually use one inside a popular area cafeteria. Call up the phone, and you (or your partner) goes and looks to see who it is. Then when they answer talk to them, including their name. This is actually kind of freaky. Talk about the clothes they are wearing, etc. If you don't know them, talking about clothes or something that you both can see works well also. Laugh at their beweilderment. If you get bored, instruct them to turn your head and look at you, or, go up to them with your cell phone, talking, until they get the picture. * It's stuck! * (Pick a redbox capable phone for this... duh) Make a phone call to the president or something far away, whatever. Screw up your redbox so that the operator comes on. Then hold down the quarter button. Yell that its stuck. Hit the payphone a few times, let go of your redbox, and tell the nice lady it dropped in. You sometimes have to do this more than once, operators usually hangup when they hear the "Stuck" quarter. This is an example call, not very funny, but still worth the trouble. Op: please deposit $3.00 for the first three minutes Me: ok... hold on, let me get some quarters Me: it's stuck in the phone!! Me: there, it dropped in. how much more do I need now? Op: sir, what you just did there is illegal. Me: what? i didn't damage the phone... i promise! Op: no, I know exactly what a red pack does Me: a red pack? what does a red pack do? Op: it makes free phone calls. that's fraud, and i'm going to get the cops to go out there and arrest you Me: nah, i don't think that would be good Op: you little smartalecks, always thinking you can get away with everything... Me: ma'am, it's ok, i'm a card carying PISS member I don't know where she got that red pack idea... Oh well * How's sales? * Places like Walmart and Radio Shack really love having demo cellular phones with all the new technologies such as digital PCS, etc. Go and collect the numbers, unless you're a total dumbass, you should be able how to get the demo phone to tell you its number. On most digital phones you need to hit "Menu", then press the number that goes with "Display", then there should be an option for "My Phone Number". Pretty simple. (Radio Shack of Waxahachie TX's cell demo number is 972-333-0410). Anyway, you can call these poor folks and harrass them constantly, I don't know who pays those cellular bills... Oh well. Also, if they leave them unattended like Radio Shack often does, they do make calls, most don't ask for a unlock number or anything (Walmart usually locks the phones tho). * This is _really_ gonna cost you... * My cellular phone is mine and stuff, so when I prank people I don't bother blocking caller ID or any of that crap, when people call you back from calling them it's a prime opportunity for harrassment. One of my favorites is to call people that I know have CID and yell Roy alot and be otherwise generally annoying. When they call back, put on your best Abu Far Eastern accent... Me: helo, you have reached a roaming GTE cellular phone. this call costs $5.50 per minute, if you do not wish to incurr charges, please hangup now. otherwise wait on the line Him: $5.50!? Me: Yes sir, i've begun billing now no-one has been persistent enough to "accept" charges, but if they do, you can just laugh at how much the call is "costing" them, and they'll probably just curse at you and hangup anyway. * Ping? Pong! * Call a big company, ask about their extensions... Most places will tell you if you ask nicely. Call back, enter, say, extension 100. Ask to be transferred to extension 101. Ask the nice lady working 101 to transfer you to 102, then ask for 103, etc. After about 105, loop back to 100 again until someone yells at you. This works especially well at places that have people working side by side, cause they can see each other doing the transfers... * Split Personality * This used to be nice to do to OCI, maybe this is why they won't make collect calls anymore except from their payphones? Anyway, turn on your 3r33t haxx0r cell phone and dial 0. Ask the nice operator to make a collect call, give them your cell phone number. Your phone will start ringing... Pick up your cell and (make sure to sound exactly the same as you did), talk to the nice operator. She'll get pretty mad that you're the same person. Heh :) I actually got an AT&T operator to swear at me doing this. Me: i'd like to make a collect call please Op: i need the number, area code first please. Me: 972-xxx-xxxx Op: what's your name? Me: Pimp Daddy Roy Op: sir? Me: you heard me, Pimp Daddy Roy Op: please hold... Me: hello Op: I have a collect call from a Pimp Daddy Roy, will you accept charges? Me: Pimp Daddy? Hmm.... he sounds kinda cool, what do you think? Op: you fucking bastard, what do you think the phone is, your toy? Me: i'll send you a PISS postcard if you tell me your address * Ancient Chinese Stupidity Torture * Sad to say, but this is inspired from actual events. I used to work for a help line, and sometimes we'd get these ridiculously stupid people... anyway.... pull up one of those web pages out there with those "tech support" phone call transcripts, the real dumb ones. call up your local hillbilly dumbfuck computer store and give them some of the stupidest crap... eventually they'll cry. okay, thats enough for now, i've probably inspired a whole new group of people to annoy the hell out of their fellow citizens. have fun oh, and a stupid Linux trick before you leave... ps aux is lame... if you are k-rad you should type ps auxuauxuauxuxauxauxuaxuaxuaxuaxuaxuaxuauxauxauxauxuxuxuxxuxuxauauxuauxa it looks so much more wizardly :) - phanop "pUd ROY!? what have you been smoking?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs Extinction Grench Rhodekyll Dial Tone Psycho Phreak Djdude Circular Reclusion Havok Luther AT2Screech Phantom Operator Apocalypse Skrike Contributors- Sameer Ketkar The Axess Phreak PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. We have never done any of this. Really. And we don't condone it. Uh-huh. Want more stuff? Go to http://piss.home.ml.org E-mail the group at davematthews@rocketmail.com � Copyright 1998 PISS Publications and also copyrighted by the author. This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the end. All rights reserved. Or something like that.