********************************* * PISS PHILEZ ISSUE 17 * * * * How to Hack those Comps at * * Sam's, WalMart, and the like * * * * by Defenestrator * * * * Created 8/21/97 * * Last Modified 8/22/97 * ********************************* DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this file is for informational or entertaiment purposes only. If you do this stuff then PISS, me, or anyone I know can't be held responsible. Yeah, whatever. Here goes. So one day my rents told me to drive down to the local Office Depot and get a file cabinet. Don't ask me why because I have no damn clue. So I got the only other hacker friend I have in the 803 area code (there's only 1 hacker besides me where I live), and we called in a pizza. The wait for the pizza was about 45 minutes, so we stayed at Office Depot. And at Office Depot, they had computers with the Windows password that always stays on, and that you can never turn off. I saw two wussy workers playing MicroShit Golf on one, so I decided to have fun with the rest of the others. So I found that there were two computers without screensavers on, and proceeded to take my PISS logo (I bring it on a disk wherever I go, don't ask me why), and change it so that the Windows background was the logo, tiled over and over again. I also changed the screensaver (on none at that time), to Scrolling Marquee (this comes with Windows), and typed in "THIS MACHINE HAS BEEN LIBERATED BY P.I.S.S.!!! HA HA HA YOU BASTARD WORKERS!!!". This was rather childish, but what the hell do I care? So I put a real long password in for the screensaver "lamerssuckbigmonkeydicks" (like they're EVER going to find that out), and then decided to try to crack the password on the other machines. Then I had a thought about how to turn off the screensavers since I only had 30 minutes and Ctrl-Alt-Del wasn't working, because it was a Windows built-in screensaver. However other screensavers that do not come with Windows can be turned off with Ctrl-Alt-Del. I turned the power off. Now why the hell hasn't ANYONE ever thought of this before? If they have then they never stuck it in a file. So we both turned ALL the machines off and then rebooted them. On some of the machines we stuck a trojan I wrote that kills all config files if the screensaver runs (like I'm gonna give this out..yeah right!). On others, we did the same thing that we did to the computers without screen savers on, which they were trying to figure out the passwords on when we came back about an hour later. Hell, they'll never figure out to turn the damn things off. On still others we deleted autoexec.bat just for fun and left the computers off. Since they don't keep backup copies of autoexec.bat (dumb shits), that computer will probably have to have Win95 reinstalled or some other shit to fix it. But back to the story. We got chased out of the store when we came back (how did they know it was us?????) but we both ran track last year and fat guys wearing dress shoes are NO match for runners wearing Nike cross trainers. We knocked over these losers who skateboarded around there all the time and evidently had no life (neither do I). We then called Office Depot through OCI (dumb shits! 1-800-288-2880) to op-divert and harassed the hell out of them. The next day I called up my harassment program (CatCall), and fired that sucker up and left it on while I went to watch the people at Office Dipshit try to answer the phones that were oddly ringing off the hook. Hmmmm, I wonder who could've done that? Out of the gratefulness of my heart after laughing at the bastards all day, I turned off the program and everybody there probably breathed a sigh of relief. So, for those who want to skip the pious bullshit and just read how to bust the computers, here goes. 1. Find computers with screensavers off. Do whatever the hell you want with it. 2. If you can't crack the password to the screen saver (yeah it's pretty easy but I didn't have a lot of time), then just turn the damn machine off. 3. Boot into DOS or Windows, whichever you want, and then change all the screen saver passwords (this pisses EVERYBODY off and is fun to stick around and watch the swearing). Then do whatever you want. 4. Have fun! E-mail me at defenestrator@hotmail.com Flames go to dev/null@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs CGibbons Extinction Faekon/Homarid Grench Greenseed Tim 121 Rhodekyll Dial Tone Terror Zombie Snack Barr Psycho Phreak Contributors- Sameer Ketkar PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. Want more stuff? Go to http://www.angelfire.com/sc/PISS/philez.html The site will change as soon as I get money for one.. E-mail the group at chrisbarron@hotmail.com �1997 PISS Publications This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the file. All rights reserved.