*************************************** * PISS PHILEZ ISSUE 13 * * * * Newbies Guide to Phreaking Vol. 2 * * * * by Dial Tone * * * * Created 8/17/97 * * Last Modified 8/17/97 * *************************************** A NEWBIES GUIDE TO PHREAKING IN THE '90s volume II It's that time again. Our Disclaimer: We in no way are responsible for any actions you take with the knowledge gained from this manual. It is intended for informational purposes only. Yadda, yadda yadda...just get to the manual. This volume is going to be on Boxes. As a good phreak you should have skeptisism toward the boxes listed below, all have been reported to exist, all reportedly work, The one's I've investigated work. I guess everything works in theory...use your own judgement. I.Box quick reference guide II.Short history of boxing III.Misc It's not neccessary, but the ability to name a box and what it does when trying to talk to a fellow phreak is nice. For more detailed information on the different boxes I reccommend checking out Super Sharp Shooter's page at http://www.cyberus.ca/~mdma/phreak/. Name/Color Use__________________________________________ |Acrylic____ |three-way, call waiting, call forwarding | |Aero______|free payphone calls local and long distance | |Aqua_____ |stop FBI line trace | |Beige_____ |cheap lineman's handset | |Black_____ |no charge to calling party | |Blast_____ |phone mic amplifier | |Blotto_____ |shorts out phones | |Blue______ |gives you the same power as an operator | |Brown____ |party line from 2 existing lines | |Bud______ |tap neighbors phone | |Busy______ |creates busy signal on neighbors phone | |Chartreuse__|uses line electricity for misc stuff | |Cheese____ |make your phone a payphone | |Chrome____|manipulate traffic signals with a strobe light | |Copper____ |causes cross-talk | |Crimson____|makes a hold button for your phone | |Dark______ |re-route calls to other phones | |Dayglo_____|connect to neighbors line | |Ditto______ |tap a line | |Divertor____|dark box clone | |Dloc______ |conference 2 lines that aren't yours | |Gold______ |trace call, detect trace | |Green_____ |emulates coin return tones on a payphone | |Jack______ |touch-tone keypad | |Light______ |AM transmitter...it's a bug | |Lunch_____ |similar to bud box | |Magenta____|connects two remote lines | |Maroon___ |remote beige box | |Mauve_____|tap without cutting the line | |Neon______|external mic | |Noise_____ |makes line noise | |Olive______ |external ringer | |Paisley____ |blue, beige, and blotto boxes in one | |Party______ |party line from two lines | |Pearl______ |generates tones | |Pink_______ |connects two lines with hold on either one | |Purple_____ |hold button..crimson box clone | |Rainbow___ |kill trace | |Red_______ |free pay phone calls | |Rock______ |adds music to line | |Scarlet_____ |causes poor reception | |Silver_____ |A, B, C, D and priority DTMF tones | |Static______ |keep line voltage high | |Switch_____ |another hold button, lights, conferencing, etc.| |Tan_______ |line activated telephone recorder | |Tron_______|slows down power meter on your house | |Violet_____ |won't let pay phones hang up | |White_____ |portable DTMF kaypad | |Yellow_____|adds extension phone. | As far as I know boxing first became popular with the blue box...made famous (or infamous depending on your point of view) by Captain Crunch. There are a bunch of great files out there about the Capt'n and the history of blue boxing. In our opinon the Capt'n is the greatest phone phreak that has ever lived (yes he is still alive. However he is "retired/clean" at this point in time). Blue boxing has become nearly imposible due to Bell upgrading their security precautions. However blue boxing is still posible if you find the right lines and trunks. After a few years more and more boxes came into being. The list above is fairly current, and should stay that way until we the artisians of the electronic black arts get off our asses (side note: we've already made new boxes...your turn :-)) and discover new technologies instead of relying on the trailblazzing work of others, such as the Capt'n. Needless to say most if not all boxing is illegal...therefore it would be fairly stupid to box from your own home. If you make a new box that works publish it ASAP. Boxes are just electronic devices that let you steal, gain, utilize,etc. different functions of phones and phone systems. Most of these are easy to make and only require minimal finacial investment. Good luck. That more or less wraps up this short guide on boxing...If we get any feed back that asks for more complete info, we'll write a more complete version. This is the end of another text file by Dial-Tone (dial_tone_2600@hotmail.com) and the rest of PISS. PS: Def Con was a blast this year! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founderz - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Memberz - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs CGibbons Extinction Faekon/Homarid Grench Greenseed Tim 121 Rhodekyll Dial Tone Terror Zombie Snack Barr Contributors- Sameer Ketkar Want more stuph? Go to http://www.angelfire.com/sc/PISS/philez.html The site will change as soon as I get money for one.. E-mail the group at chrisbarron@hotmail.com �1997 PISS Publications This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the file. All rights reserved.