*************************************** * PISS PHILEZ NUMBER 7 * * * * Introduction to Phreaking * * * * by Defenestrator * *************************************** WARNING: All the stuff in this phile is probably illegal. If you attempt any of this, then me, PISS, my friends, and anyone who knows me cannot be held responsible for your actions. WHAT IS PHREAKING? ------------------ For those of you who have been living in caves for the past 25 years, phreaking is the skill or art (damn right it's an art!) of messing with the phone company. If you want the "real" definition, go look it the hell up. THINGS TO DO ------------ There are many cool easy ways to have fun with the phone company. There are boxes which can give free calls, become lineman's handsets (tap into phone lines), make yourself an operator (sorta) to get free calls, and harass dumb people. RED BOXING ---------- Red boxing involves a box (for me, a Radio Shit tone dialer), which produces tones that simulate coins being dropped in a pay phone. There are several easy ways to do this, with the best being to go buy a tone dialer WITH MEMORY from Radio Shit and also order a 6.5536 MHz crystal. The tone dialer will set you back $25 and the crystal is about $4, but they will pay for themselves over time. The employees are dumb and will look at you like you have 13 heads. Tell them that you are not making this up and to give you a goddamn crystal. It's even better to work there and just loot the store (duh). Take the back off with your screwdriver (you HAVE a screwdriver don't you? you should!) and look inside. You'll see a thing that looks vaguely like the crystal you bought. Unsolder that and jam the 6.5536 crystal in there (and don't break it dumbass!). Now take the memory buttons (DON'T TELL ME YOU GOT THE WRONG ONE!) and program them like this: P1, *, *, *, *, *. This is a tone for a quarter. P2, *, *. This is the dime tone. P3, *. This is the nickel tone. My red box has two settings on it, which can easily be made by getting a SPST switch and connecting wires which go from one crystal to the other so if I have it one way it's a red box and if I flip it the other way it's a regular tone dialer. The regular dialer comes in handy if you get busted or if you get a COCOT phone (more on that later). Now to get this to work right you gotta find a Bell phone. If you see a phone but it's not a Bell one, it's a COCOT. You can phreak COCOTs or just break them. I like phreaking the one at my school. When you get a Bell phone, dial your number, but for the red box to work, you either have to go through the operator or dial it as a long distance call. To dial any call as a long distance call add 10288. This is good, except that damn recording butts in every 3 minutes asking for more money. Also, it is a good idea to not say that you are phreaking the call because some operators are nosy and listen in on the conversation. I can tell by now if someone else is on the line so I don't worry about it, but for you dummies out there just don't say anything. To go through the operator, dial 0, and say something like "The keypad's bashed in and the 4 and 8 are stuck." Be creative. Don't use this one cause it's MINE! Then when the operator asks you for money, use the keypad. Some operators pick up on this and say something like "I'm Getting Security!" Normally they are full of shit. But if you see pigs (cops) or hear sirens, get ready to run, especially if you've done a lot of boxing from that phone. Now call anyone you want to call in the world (I like calling Singapore to talk to my friends and to harass my former employer ;) ). It's all FREE!!! Thanks to phone company stupidity. BLUE BOXING ----------- Even though I have one, I haven't blue boxed yet only because I know people who got busted for doing it, and they only did it once or twice. So when I change cities in two years, I'll start blue boxing. For now, I recommend going to any decent hack site and getting Better Homes and Blue Boxing. Read it. Also get the plans because they're too long to fit on here without leeching them AND LEECHING ISN'T RIGHT!! [Commented update: that hasn't stopped me it seems] BEIGE BOXING ------------ Beige boxing is also called using a lineman's handset. A linesman's handset is a phone with alligator clips which lets you tap into a phone line and use it for free calls. I don't do this much either because I'm real lazy, but if you want to become a good phreak learn how to. I recommend getting the plans for the box and reading any manuals you can find on it. Sometimes in phone company manholes there are lineman's handset manuals (Bonus!) and you should be able to take these along with the handset and beige box until you get busted or you're tired of harassing dumb people (never). COCOT PHONES ------------ COCOT stands for Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephones. Why do businesses (especially hotels) use these? One word: money. Businesses normally get a cut of these profits, so it's real fun to screw them out of money or even rob the phone (I don't advise doing this). To screw the COCOTs, you can either do something with a paper clip in the mouthpiece???? (didn't work when I tried it) or you can do it the easy way. For this all you need is your trusty tone dialer (not the red box) and an IQ slightly higher than one of a houseplant. COCOTs operate by producing a fake dialtone loop which means you cannot just dial your call through the operator because you don't have a dialtone. But ALL telephones MUST let you call 800 numbers for phree. Dial ANY 800 number (I use 1-800-4-GO-BAJA, a number of some Mexican answering machine, or if I can't remember that, then use 1-800-LOAN-YES), and get them to hang up. This is the real fun part because you can yell and scream at the person on the other end and call them all kinds of nasty names (I like pretending like I'm ordering at a drive through) and then letting them hang up. Now you have a real dialtone. Dial your call using your tone dialer, because the lame-ass "security features" consist of turning off the keypad. Hell, I don't use it anyways. However, some newer phones cut back into that loop when the phone hears a dialtone. Hiss into the speaker trying to mask the sound or start dialing your number VERY quickly. It's weird hearing this guy in the cafeteria hissing into the phone with his girlfriend laughing her ass off next to him because he pissed of some Mexican operator by saying "eat shit and die, whore" (come mierda y muere, puta). For some reason she finds this extremely funny. So don't look like some kind of stupid fuck when you do this. If you've done it right, then you have a dialtone and you can keep dialing with your tone dialer. Mwaaaaahahaha!!!!! Or, if you're too cheap even for a tone dialer, you can simulate pulse dialing with clicking that little lever that's pushed when you hangup. 1 click is 1, 2 rapid clicks are two, and so on. Sometimes the phone company figures it out and calls the number you dialed, so make sure you can trust the guy on the other end. The calls normally sound like this: Dumbass operator (DO): "Hello. I'm calling about a call you recieved on 8/8/97 from Saratoga, New York." Cool Guy: "What call? I don't know anyone. Go to hell." Dumbass motherfucker: "Yeah, his name is Defenestrator, want his address?" That's the real basics of red box and COCOT phreaking. When I get more stuff on blue boxing and beige boxing, I'll make another damn file. E-Mail me at defenestrator@hempseed.com Flames goto dev/null@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founderz - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Memberz - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs CGibbons Extinction Faekon/Homarid Grench Greenseed Tim 121 Rhodekyll Contributors- Sameer Ketkar Want more stuff? Go to http://www.angelfire.com/sc/PISS/philez.html The site will change as soon as I get money for one.. E-mail the group at chrisbarron@hotmail.com �1997 PISS Publications This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the file. All rights reserved.