************************************* * PISS PHILEZ NUMBER 6 * * * * Hacking- Things that piss me off * * * * by Defenestrator * ************************************* Lame people and newbies who talk to me on ICQ ask me "do you hack" and when I reply (if I'm in a good mood I say yes), they say "can you teach me how?". This pisses me off big time. People have this preconceived notion that hacking is just breaking into computers. THEY ARE WRONG! I can't explain to them in 256 characters how fucked up they are. So I thought I would write this file about the misconceptions of most people about hackers. First of all, hacking is not breaking into computers. Hacking has many different aspects besides the obvious. Hacking is accessing systems so that you can learn more about them, not destroy all the stuff there. Hacking also is a state of mind; a state where you block out everything else and concentrate on getting through what you're working on so you can find out stuff and use it to your advantage. By learning you can conquer bigger stuff to try to learn as much as possible about programs, systems, and security holes. Second, I nor anyone else can teach someone "how to hack". But people think hacking is easy enough to be able to be taught. NO! To learn how to do something, you must read. Read read read. Read until your eyes are sore from staring at the goddamn paper. This way you will gain some knowledge about the type of things you may encounter along the way to doing something. But accessing these systems is not as easy as these files say. These files, put together, can help you to get into systems and learn about the systems, NOT TO DESTROY STUFF! People think hackers are these badass mf'ers who just trash everything they see. Nope. These people are not real hackers. These people are probably running canned progs and simulating hacks. THESE PEOPLE ARE SHIT HEADS! They think that since they can run a prog, they know everything. You have to use your brain and not lines of C code to learn. Third, there are lamers who pose as these great mf'ers and say they can do anything, but when you shut off their two main ways of trying to fuck people (winnuke and mailbomb), they break down and are revealed to be shit. This is especially fun when in a chat and someone tries to nuke you and you just stay there and then they look at that hotmail address and they say (and i quote) "oh shit". It is about this time that I have flood pinged the hell out of them and they drop. These people need to get a swift kick in the ass. There are also people who send out things like viruses which sole purpose is to destroy your hard drive. These people can go fuck themselves because they think that viruses are good. Sometimes, a trojan horse here or there can help you and do no harm to anyone, but these people don't know that, they only know how to kill, maim, and destroy. These people are the dumbass criminals of our world. Then there are people who don't do anything bad, and just learn from what they do and don't destroy anything, unless they put it back when they are done. They are very knowlegeable and often enigmatic. They try not to be a bastard to others who come across their path. These people are the REAL hackers. REAL hackers point out holes in systems to sysops. REAL hackers could be trusted to not narc. REAL hackers don't do anything harmful to systems or people unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, and even then it isn't bad. I'd like to consider myself a REAL hacker, but I don't think I am. I still bring down people who are being pricks to others (not trashing anything on their HD but I could if I wanted to), but I don't do anything dumb. I don't feel like ending up in a jail cell with a tranvestite satan worshiper who wants to have me as his little toy. I don't fucking think so. I sound like Dennis Miller. Cool. You don't agree with me? Don't like what I say? You can shove those complaints up your ass. Cause I don't care, and neither does anyone else. You're a sorry piece of cybershit if you just like taking things down for the hell of it. FUCK YOU PEOPLE! Other cool people, want to talk to me? Send e-mail to defenestrator@hempseed.com Flame me? dev/null@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PISS - People into Serious Shit Founderz - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Memberz - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs CGibbons Extinction Faekon/Homarid Grench Greenseed Tim 121 Rhodekyll Contributors- Sameer Ketkar Want more stuph? Go to http://www.angelfire.com/sc/PISS/philez.html The site will change as soon as I get money for one.. E-mail the group at chrisbarron@hotmail.com �1997 PISS Publications This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the file. All rights reserved.