����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ISSUE 005 - PEACHEY INCORPORATED - ISSUE 005 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � Released on February 20th, 1999 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � The publishers of this newsletter take no responsibility for the use of � � any information printed and do not encourage others to bother peachey. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Fast forward to a few months later on June 4th, 1997 when peachey started msging me. It started out nice but ended up being just like it always is... hi :) hey there you're msging ME?? wow you'd better not harass me gee heh how's everything going? hows that? you can see right threww me just teasing what do you mean/? OH :) MISSED YOU hows everything we're doing pretty good. colleen sez hi awhhhhh she is great! hehe r u being good ? of course i am. colleen beats me when i'm bad now thats cool :) i like it ha hahahah hey, do you know d0vegirl? 'well if colleen likes you you must have something under that tuff crap :) no dovegirl? just wondering. she told me she chatted with you awhile back i don't really know her, i just talked to her a little today hummmmmmm what other nick haS SHE? don't know. i just know her as d0vegirl. this was back when you were getting msged alot so you probably just don't remember her. yea :) i still get msg alot :) but goodones ,,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahah must be nice. nobody msgs me hey, did you hear about apok0lyps threatening colleen's life last month? yes!!!!!!! what a jerk! Lamer see i told you!!! i was the good guy!!! he really is a sicko yep, he is. i never did like him but at least now i have a reason to be mean to him. was he at the convention? nope me & sc0rp always say mean things to him when he comes in #rock now, so he stays out most of the time. we start talking about how he likes teenage girls and stuff. ohhhhh ummm u know scorp? yeah, him and colleen are really good friends really? wow k he`s cool yep wish he lived near me he's only 4500 miles away... i wanted to come to the convention but colleen said he already had a girlfriend hehe. i don't know if he does. i don't really talk to him that much. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm did you see that my town was on tv all week:) on tv? for what? the hurricane or something? WEll NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO tHE CONSTITUTION!!!! first battle ship??? old iron sides!!!! Marblehead is the Birth Place of the First navy~!!! ah. i'm dumb, i don't get out much. i don't watch more than an hour of tv a week. well it`s in you History Books! i was a D student. :) but i`m telling you that Marblehead is the Birth Place of the first navy and the famous constution won the first battle here in this small town :) okay, okay, i'm a moron. noooo sorry ummmmmm i am just telling you this cause maybe i live here and i know it welllllll, celina was the birth place of... uh... nothing! [peachey SOUND] * peachey says if you want this wav file type !Peachey celine.wav her? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sexy MMMMMMMMM you're nuts maybe :) bye say hello to colleen :) xoxo see ya. i will. chat again with me sometime, fruity. i`d love to as long as your nice :) xoxox i'm always nice. it's my evil double that gives me a bad name ohhhhhh i love twins xoxoxooxoxo yummmmmmmmmmm So, uh, I guess me and peachey are the best of friends now. Or are we? Let's fast-forward to 1998. It's been awhile and these previous four issues of Peachey Inc. were kept to ourselves for over a year but now that they've been released we may as well go on with the story. I hadn't heard about or talked to peachey for almost a year and then suddenly she started messaging me again. And of course I started messing with her and archiving everything. Session Start: Fri Oct 09 17:05:43 1998 hello long time no chat. :) did u move? yep. me and colleen are living in illinois now ohhhhhhh cool change your addy i see :) are you behaving now? yep, i still have my bright.net account but i don't use it anymore except for email what have you been up to not much how is colleen? and the baby we're all doing good. our page is at http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp now if you want to check out elite emily pics. :) great thanks :)' i just put some new ones up there a couple months ago i hope you are treating Colleen nicely You are very lucky to have her :) of course i am. she's the one that's always mean to me hehheheheeeeeeee xooxoxoxoxoxooxox she throws red kool-aid on me when i'm bad good :) hehheheheeeeeeeee hope you dont see those freaks anymore which freaks nice pics el_jefe? yea? he's a weirdo. he showed up at our house last month when he was in town wow errrrrrrr i hadn't seen him in like 3 years wow did he sleep in your house nah, he just visited for the day and went home i'd be afraid to let him sleep here. Session Close: Fri Oct 09 17:19:28 1998 In the following log peachey thinks she's talking to Colleen Card, but really Colleen is just sitting next to me and laughing at it all. Session Start: Thu Nov 12 20:56:56 1998 hello colleen? hello how are you and the baby? hehe, fine. she's not a baby anymore though. :) she's 2 1/2 now wowoow great she is very pretty :) thanks! wow, we haven't talked in over 6 months now. what have you been up to? we moved to illinois a few months ago thats nice wow do u like it? well, there's more to do here since we're not in the boonies anymore so it's better is rbcp home? upstairs playing stickers with emily can u get him for me :) get him? and colleen will u please ask him to help me help you? what's happened? i heard they virused your computer or something. yes el-jefe deleted my entire computer :(( it was so mean nobody should ever have to go threw that Apparently a few evil hacker types from the 303 area managed to convince peachey that installing Back Orifice on her computer would be a good thing. jeez i'm sorry. they just deleted the hard drive right? our friend a few miles away - they virused his computer and he had to buy a new hard drive yes mine is still not right and i lost everyones things :( i still don't understand how they do that kind of stuff. i don't even like rbcp talking to el_jefe anymore because i'm afraid el_jefe will end up getting us in trouble again oh he will el-jefe has pissed off lots of people lately i mean to do a thing like that to someone is beyond mean, funny etc no joke at all were you able to recover the data? we have like 5 gigs of stuff on our computer, i can't imagine what we'd do if we lost most of it. no i will never recover data that was placed there for safe keeping :( i feel so sick and ashammed about it well did you get ANY of it back? you should just be able to run the recover command and it would find most of it. no i had to completely have the hd reformated what size of hard drive? you can probably still recover most of it. when you format a drive, it doesn't actually erase the data, it just removed the references to it. so the data is STILL on your hard drive, you just have to recover it. :) couldnt it was so messed had someone for $125 an hour do it darn. well i'm really sorry that had to happen. i wish i had el_jefe's phone number and i'd call him up and yell about it. me too is his name andy? anyway i want to talk to rbcp very badly el_jefe's? i think his name is Roy, we actually never knew him that well. Want me to go get rbcp? yes i want to ask him to please please remove the logs he has of me on his page its causing me alot of grief still please its just not fair anymoreand rpcp keeps it there please please ask him to remove it She's referring to these Peachey Inc. issues, of course. Session Start: Fri Nov 13 22:40:38 1998 hi this is colleen again. alex took down those peachey logs. sorry about him did he get an e-mail form someone named simi-lost? lemme check.. k check the logs too it doesn't look like it but he might have deleted it. what am i checking for? well i am lookin at the site now..it's still there...i just don't think he would really like it if ppl did that to him..so why does he do it to others? try reloading the screen, it's gone. i ust want to know why it is still tere after he said it was there. i did..i did a refresh...let me clear my cache and look again..just a sec colleen how is emily? well..i dumped my cache and the page still loads...that means it is still up. Several minutes later... -> (-el_jefe-) hey, i'm going to be mean to peachey in a second okay? well??? :) wow, i'm on your notify list, i feel so honored. just because i wanted to be able to talk to you about that page. okay, try it now. reload, i fixed it myself ok sec At this point I was sick of her begging me every day to take down those logs, so I changed the page she was reloading to have nothing up there but a huge picture of her along with a few insulting comments underneath. This didn't set well with her since she was under the impression that we were all cyber-buddies now. x0x0x0x0x well isn't that special?...i really have no idea why you want to do something like this what? what do you mean? i took down the logs put up a page calling me a dumb whore?..how would you like it if someone started to slander you on the web? oh shit, a hacker hacked my irc page! i swear i didn't do that oh yeh right...that just changed in what..5 mins? those hackers are FAST! i mean, look how quickly they formatted your drive! hey, i'll send you a file that will let you change the page yourself. okay? you know ...you are really a muscle flexer behind your cheesey 486 screen..but you prob wouldn't like to meet me in real life.. er, what? let me reboot, maybe that will get those hackers out of my computer! that isn't on your computer that is on a server oh my god! i bet the guy who hosts phonelosers.org is being hacked! i better go call him right now! ya really think i may not be as smart as you think..but i have had someone working with me teaching me all this.. i am learning fast too...don't try and jack me around wow, you sure are smart! what should i do?? what should i do?? maybe if i'm smart as you, i won't run a program that a hacker gives me. oh wait, never mind. hhhmm..maybe ya should make your next 2600 meeting in december...my friend would really like to try and work things out with you...he is willing to sit down and talk about things like a man well that was then..this is now or does it bother you that there would be no screen between the both of you? yeah, a week can really make a difference the next 2600 meeting IS in december at the galleria...he says he has shopped there amny times send him my pic, i'm there every month will to talk to anybody hard to do that when you all deleted it for me tee hee i didn't delete anything but i sure laughed when i heard about it my pictures are all on my page, download them again. i know you love to look at me you may not have...but you are just like they say "guilty by association" hehehe...couuldn't tell if those pimples were on your face or on your ass! yeah, i was sending him psychic vibes, egging him on to do it HEY YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT MY ASS THAT WAY! oh..sorry..they looked so much alike i really couldn't tell you know doug? can't say i do you will and way do you say that? way do i say? how now brown cow i just really have only one question, you look like you really love your family..and even look like you may have a human side to you by putting up a picture of a missing child..what the hell snapped in your brain that made you want to do things like this t other people? no human picture in brain if someone does the thngs to you that you do to me... what would you do?..how would you feel? someone things would feel what? who? the drugs are starting to never mind hey, your phone number changed it doesn't matter who would..i'm just askin if someone put things like that up about you and your family..how would you feel doesn't just put wood your nat makin any sense to me..what are you saying? nat? i said your phone number changed? how come? i moved\ where to? what address? another town/city\ unknown you don't know? is your leg broken again? give me your number so we can talk this out i do u don't:) you crack whore hey.why did you take down your personal page? it's moved does your wife know your talking to mrlike that? http://r0y.phoneloser.net/~rbcp/ who's mrlike? roy? i thought that was eljefe? you thought wrong emily is roy you are roy=eljefe? el_jefe lives with us now colleen is going to divorce you after shes gets the shit beat out of you heheheheh an yes eljefe is whos goingto beat your butt el_jefe likes to play with my pimples i like it and emily really is the daughter of eljefe ? we're still not sure. i think colleen had sex with chris tomkinson efe does it better than you thats why she is leaving you don't talk about my slut like that! you toothless bad person you hehehe..but simi really does wonder how someone that is suposed to be such a big bad hacker can be so stupid to put up all the personal info on your page that you did..that is just saying "pleasase...come and get me mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Please, come and get me mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm xoxoxoxoxoxox! i hacked a tape player once i hack -> (-logicbox-) peachey is demonstrating her wit on me right now you really do think this is all a game in wonderland.. well..ya have no idea who anyone can be..and you have no idea of what kinda people may actually live near you..you never know what kinda connections they may have..so with all those variables..why would ya be so stupid to give someone easy access to you?..you really arn't that bright i see you're going to have someone come beat me up because i call you names on the internet? oh please no! you must think before you do...because you my one day find yourself in the same positoon..there are no threats being made..i am just saying..man are you about a half a floor from gettin there no one is going to beat you up... you already made your threats, i'm sorry i hurt your feelings crack whore why don't you fly down for the 2600 meeting on friday? i made no threats..i am just saying that with the net you never know who you may have to end up dealing with although we really did miss you at defcon this year hey baby wanna stroke my beard? no deal..i didn't miss the stench my beard doesn't stink! how would you feel if i called you up at home monday afternoon? rbcp what happened last night? you were being so nice :( it's the drugs you gave your word you would take the logs out your a heal no integrity a mouse anyway, what happened to YOU? scroll back a little and tell me again you weren't threatening me. what drugs? prozak or lithium so, can i call you up on monday: ino w asint' was no threat! they were promise so, can i call you up on monday? no...it wasn't a threat..it was just asking..how would you feel if this was happening to you? ino w asint' was no threat! they were promise <-- what, you have a split personality i said i promise it wasnt a threat exactly SO, can i call you up on monday and we'll talk this over? yes give me your number what time is good? i'll call you. you don't need to give me the number mine is listed, you know our name, look it up ill call you not if i call you first want me to have el_jefe call you too? well? if thats your alter personality? that's a yes? okay you're welcome to call me this weekend, i'm usually up until midnight or so. if not, i'll call you on monday. xoxoxoxox. :) Session Close: Fri Nov 13 23:46:24 1998 The following log is from one of the nights I took over peachey's nick to see if anyone interesting would msg me. This is when I met Micki. Session Start: Tue Dec 22 16:48:50 1998 Session Ident: Micki (Kitz82@d77-xf101h1-mtrl-pdi.attcanada.net) Hi Peach hi! sorry i was afk Hello Beverly howdy micki :) Hi there@! Thanks for dropping by! How ya been? depressed. el_jefe calling me all day and all night Your son? no, some punk in colorado. i don't know if i mentioned him to you before but he has been bothering me for years now Shit, no! That's all you need. Calling you on the phone? Bob must be having kittens. hehe yep. it's pretty sad but he understands how have you been Thank god for that then. What's new? Kids home? Plans for holidays? I never really get a chance to talk anymore. We're going to downtown Boston for a nighttime christmas caroling with the homeless people on 4th street. Other than that not doing anything special Better, don't have to type the name all the time. Aw Bev, that sounds like fun....I'll meet you, we can go together (I wish) yer just lazy I would love to be in Boston, snowed today I heard. oh yeah, nothing but snow. and zero temperatures it's miserable outside but i'm glad winter is finally here Same here, went to see "You've got Mail" tonight - nice movie, and took 20 minutes to get into the bloody car. locks iced over? Icy and very cold. Not quite, but almost.... The tops of the doors freeze. -> (-el_jefe-) peachey's real name is beverly ah Plans for Xmas? man i'm tired. was kept up all last night with phone calls Why doesn't he stop calling? nope no plans, just gonna hang out with Zac and stuff i don't know, i never did anything to him. he virused my computer last month and thinks it's hilarious Ah, that's what happened to the puter, little shit... ....What about Zeb? Both of 'em, going to their house that's about it -> (-logicbox-) holy shit!@ This lady KNOWS peachey@#@ How's the furries? they died WHAT??? At this point I feel the conversation is going nowhere so I start being really idiotic at Micki. I have no idea what "furries" are supposed to be but I do a pretty good job at faking it. You didn't hear? NO! Bev, that's awful...... What happened? I brought my big foot down on top of 'em and SQUISH! It was a mess to clean up Peachy, tell me, not all of them? well, one survived Peach, how could you step on three at the same time? and i fucked that one up the ass. It was smelly. i liked it hello? WHO THE HELL IS THIS ANYWAY???????????????????????????? el_jefe who are you? By the way, thanks for confirming her name is Beverly. I always wondered if Zac and Zeb were really related to her. DCC session closed The next day Micki is sitting in #broadway so me and el_jefe hop in there to see if we can stir up any trouble. I'm still using the nick peachangl. Session Start: Wed Dec 23 00:19:33 1998 *** Now talking in #broadway *** Topic is 'It's Snowing Here!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! NOOOO!!!!!!' *** Set by Arkman_1 on Tue Dec 22 19:50:54 micki! x0x0x! hi bev hey mic do u still have my pic? No, send it again to me sometime, actually, send me a real one via mail. DAMN excuse me hi el_jefe, long time no chat! Nops, some psycho, don't talk to her/him, whatever it is. micki: is that not beverly? i just talke to her on the phone UH? i stepped on them micki i stepped on them and SQUISH! beverly, are you alright? I squished them el_jefe! SQUISH! hey peach your a freak get lost um buh bye no WHO THE HELL IS THIS ANYWAY??????????????????????????????? man micki, you rule you know how pissed she's gonna be when she finds out you told us her name?? that's funny No kidding micki, i bet she never talks to you again. *** Micki has quit IRC (Leaving) awww poor micki bye micki! micki runs off to call peachey did they go SQUISH? how's it going, bev? bev bev bev bev *** peachangl is now known as rbcp *** ^^PeachAn (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) has joined #broadway -^^PeachAn- < Private Notice > you son of a bitch hi peachey! I love you, peachey! peachey ? peachangl or a sshe's currently on ^^peachan Dare I ask PEEEEEEEEEEECHEY 781-639-0224 I'm lonely, call me <^^PeachAn> so el_jefe is rbcp the same well, peachangl there is my sister -^^PeachAn- < Private Notice >im going to call Bob Boyles -^^PeachAn- < Private Notice > im going to call Bob Boyles who is bob thats peacheys real name I dunno but i'm scared! yeah, it's not really BEVERLY and peachey is your sister....... <^^PeachAn> i am calling 303-794-1919 reporting Bob Boyles yeah, she's kind of confused <^^PeachAn> also calling the police hahahaha i'm calling 419-586-2345 and reporting greg carson i DARE you <^^PeachAn> you all will be shut down all your isps have been notified so who is greg Bob Boyles will PAY oh no, she's going to get my phonelosers.net account taken away! <^^PeachAn> no YOU rbcp will pay the most your tacd account is history el_jefe! I bet she's going to cry when we're all still here tomorrow why me? <^^PeachAn> YOU the most rbcp <^^PeachAn> you are doomed why me? i don't want to be doomed why am i doomed? <^^PeachAn> you and your family hey rbcp, you're doooooooooooooooooooomed! my family is doomed?? that's not nice doooooooooooooooom <^^PeachAn> your not nice hey logic, you're dooooooooooooomed too don't be mad, i didn't do anything *** nickle (rbcp@r0y.phonelosers.net) has joined #broadway oh no! <^^PeachAn> You are a married man with a child you should be ashamed *** nickle is now known as peachey impeach the barstard but it's okay because i don't love the child or anything i beat her silly with a stick i did too we both did we liked it we're crazy nuts I agree please don't shut off my ISP peachan peach? hello? peachey. hi. i'm afraid to go to bed now because i'm going to be doomed in the morning and won't have a merry christmas [JOIN] ^^PeachAn (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) has joined channel #new2mirc *** logicdork (logic@geekbox.net) invites you to join #new2mIRC #new2mirc can't join channel (you're banned!) Session Close: Wed Dec 23 01:19:45 1998 Session Start: Wed Jan 05 22:17:01 2000 *** Now talking in #broadway *** Topic is 'Someone choose a topic...' *** Set by SeaEssSea on Tue Jan 05 21:56:17 Peach!!!! How ya doing? micki! i got a big wet cunt in my face!!! xoxoxox Ignore this person folks. my virgin ears! hehe, you're so gullible micki i love you How do I ban someone? poor micki *** You were kicked by Arkman_1 (Arkman_1) *** Attempting to rejoin... Session Close: Wed Jan 05 22:18:23 2000 Session Start: Mon Feb 08 16:16:56 1999 Session Ident: |peachang (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) <|peachang> ok give me the nick back please no and i HOPE you call me, i have a few things to say to you Session Start: Sun Jan 24 22:24:34 1999 Session Ident: Micki (Kitz82@d67-xf101h2-mtrl-pdi.attcanada.net) hello Who are ya? Hello??? Fuck off idiot! hehe, i made you mad. that's funny! funny funny funyy remember that time you talked to me for a half hour thinking i was beverly? Haha, now THAT was funny -> (-peachangl-) this Micki character is FUNNY! :) stay away from these people or else now THAT'S funny Here's another one where I was idling as peachangl and a guy starts messaging me: Session Start: Sat Jan 09 23:24:43 1999 Session Ident: nickh (nickh@jvl-pm3-2-179.jvlnet.com) hi peach hello what's up? nothing that's no fun. :) heh heh what'd you expect me to say! i dunno. like say your dick or something mmmmmmmmm! heh heh i think you're getting ready to dream again! you betcha good luck :) i still can't believe hubby doesn't realize oh he knows. he wants to have a 3some! with who? me and you big boy. :) oh, stop it no really! hey fuck you okay? peach? i'm pissed at you for what you did don't talk to me geez okay. bye. Peachey finally decides that the only way to combat the problem of me stealing her nick is to steal MY nick. That will teach me a thing or two. Unfortunately for her the only time I'm ever on IRC anymore is when I'm idling as her just to see what people say to me so her plan fails. Session Start: Mon Feb 08 16:02:44 1999 Session Ident: rbcp (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) alex i want to talk to colleen right now i'm talking to your friends who!!! that should be "who?" not "who!!!" please stop this shit He wants to know how my hubby is. Hehe, how sweet. who? I would tell you but I'm a little ticked off that you stole my nick whats the nick? you stole mine :( oh try to blame it on ME now what? u did OH TRY TO BLAME IT ON ME NOW i want to talk to colleen right now she's upstairs. call her or i will keep your f nick for ever i don't use f as a nick this rbcp i am going to keep it forever oh. okay. you can have it, that nick is overrated anyway. I like peachangl better. It fits my personality better please why cant we just be friends now? i havent bother you right i don't even know you, you're the one bothering me. I was sitting here innocently talking to my friends and you starting msging me your hopeless and i truly despise you This guy wants to call me, is it okay to give him my home phone number? i you do you will die if you despise me you should leave me the hell alone please please have a heart!!!!!! i want to taLK to colleen please No Eric that's bullshit. If she doesn't want to get beaten then she can divorce my ass. oh, wrong window. sorry you're the one bothering ME. I'm just sitting here! what? leave me alone! can i talk to colleen? not you This is colleen. i was just pretending to be rbcp haha, funny joke. :) do you really want my phone number? yes go to http://www.phonelosers.org/sound.html and listen to all the sound clips. My phone number is mentioned in several of the newer ones so is my name no i dont like to see the trash you put in there just give it to me and ill call then call information. Two of our phone numbers are published. I'm not trying to protect my number but why should i give it to you? Just do about 2 minutes of detective work and you'll get my number. Use your head. no never mind :( the last time you sent me there i saw those pictures :(( i don't want to see stuff like that don't go there then, dial 1-618-555-1212 and get our number. It will take you less than a minute and you can call us all you want. they need a city and a name you have my name. and my city is clearly stated about 50 times on my homepage look at http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp to learn all about my city why can't you just tell me? because you're being lazy. If you want something you can't expect everyone to hand it over to you. Like I said, do just a minute or two of research and you'll have my number. you must have a reason not to give it to me :( i told you i trusted you thje last time and u lied im afraid to look just give it Just leave me alone. I'm not bothering you and if you don't want to take the time to get my number yourself then you don't need to have it. :( can i just have my nick back then I might consider that but since you've been threatening my friends and telling them that you're going to send someone to my house to "take care of me" I don't really think I owe you anything. ok i won't say that ever again friends :) and ill give you yours back i don't want mine back. And you can't just threaten peoples' lives and expect them to be nice to you i didn't threaten you? i just said i wanted to visit keep it stick it i don't care fuck off and i hope you call me, i have a few things to say to you Session Close: Mon Feb 08 17:12:01 1999 This is a guy I don't really know but he asked for peachey's phone number after reading the logs of her so I give it to him. Session Start: Mon Jan 18 18:00:01 1999 Session Ident: sfds (BLAH@ppp040.iar.net) What's peaches phone #? 781-639-0224 ok are you calling? No be ah, i see I might call from a payphone Session Close: Mon Jan 18 18:02:01 1999 A month later he suddenly has a change of attitude. Session Start: Mon Feb 08 16:45:38 1999 Session Ident: sfds (sfds@ will you get off of peachy's back who's this? Sfds sure that helps The one who got peachy to say Pla owns me ohhhhh i knew your nick was familiar She's all over my case yours? how come? she know where my friend lives and his phone number He called her i will put your name in every sex channel with your telephone number i don't want to do it honest i don't SHe thinks its my number but its my friends hehe, he didn't block his caller ID or something? no He's an idoit Just get off her back will ya' i'm not even msging her anymore, i just like this nick better Peachy wants your phone number hehe, i bet. tell her it's listed and all she has to do is dial 618-555-1212 and ask for it What city do you live in she needs to know or she'll harass me she won't harass you I dont want her calling my friend tell her to visit http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp and everything she needs to know about me is on that page. she's talking to me now peachy needs your name and crap i dont want her harassing me Two days later, peachey has my phone number and starts messaging me with it. She says some guy from IRC gave it to her. Hmmm, wonder who THAT was... Session Start: Tue Feb 09 09:07:07 1999 Session Ident: Peachy (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) You have made me very annoyed. I hope this pleases you, as this is what i,m sure you intentions are, why i'm not sure but i don't care anymore about you so i have you on permanent ignore. keep the f nick shove it up y... a.. you don't have me on ignore and i could care less bitch. *** Added peachy to notify list Session Close: Tue Feb 09 10:14:30 1999 Client: Cyc ( Acknowledging chat request... DCC Chat connection established hi hello lover ewww :) i think ya meant awwwwwwwwww oh yeah, that's it! silly me xoxox so how was last night di dya have any good dremas? dreams even boy did i! there was this big dildo and i shoved it up my nose!! hello? oh i thought maybe ya had a dream about me oh yeah, afterwards i shoved it up your bum. and you liked it oh yeah turn mr on my ass is a one way street exit only well fuck you then Session Close: Thu Dec 31 16:32:57 1998 Session Start: Mon Feb 08 16:01:44 1999 Session Ident: peach-afk (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) what are you doing? talking to your friends F QUIT IT! Session Close: Mon Feb 08 16:03:43 1999 Session Start: Wed Dec 23 01:08:13 1998 Session Ident: ^^PeachAn (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) <^^PeachAn> i will call your wife i am going to report you to the police what for? <^^PeachAn> your a married man with a daughter. How horrible you are. <^^PeachAn> what a fool you make of your self what?? who is this? Session Close: Wed Dec 23 01:15:40 1998 Session Start: Mon Jan 18 17:03:43 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hey haven't seen you on in awhile now yes :0 its been good :) have you finally removed me from the pla page? nope, i think it's funny that you're on there well i thought you agreed to remove it? * rbcp points and laughs * rbcp points and laughs some more Hey, how's hubby? :) Session Close: Mon Jan 18 17:22:04 1999 In this one Peachey is using her own nick and I keep changing mine. Robert Edwards is the name on her phone account so she gets really mad when I change my nick to R_Edwards. Session Start: Mon Jan 18 17:24:01 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hey baby wanna stroke my beard?! rbcp you don't fool me and anyway colleen once told me you had the smallest penis she ever had now i feel really insulted! not what colleen says or sfds he said you were tenney peeny he couldnt even see it? no i promise, it's BIG! okay? please? u r going to die why are your torturing me :( how come? why? what did i do? what did i ever do to you :((( please leave me alone itd not fair i'm not doing anything! you're insane please well just leave me alone' please well that really nice of you to ask me a favor after you just insulted my manhood! i just want to sit and talk to nice people on the net i'm nice! why don't you like me? im sorry u win ok your meaner than me i admit it what do i win? u win the hate contest i hTE YOU you win How come you moved over to Pleasant Road anyway? its a different family please stop whats your problem then how come you're there answering their phone? i haven't bothered you i am visiting i dont live here okay, just curious we shouldnt talk why not? please can we become friends? i thought we were already friends im not bad no u hurt me you're weird you hurt me more than you know you have to tell me i have a really really big pee pee then, okay? hello? Session Close: Mon Jan 18 17:38:39 1999 Session Start: Sat Jan 23 10:49:42 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hey can we be friends now? nope too lATE :( UNLESS nevermind, you're a crusty whore i guess hey i was going to make an effort but if that's the way you want to be about it then fuck you very much i said unless you also said "too LATE" well tell me what how can i trust you? alex? wait i have something very very special too LATE what? but i have something A PICTURE YOU WILL LOVE HONEST fine ill give it to someone else Session Close: Sat Jan 23 11:00:32 1999 Session Start: Sun Jan 24 22:37:51 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) Man, Micki is really pissed off today! stay away from these people or else hehe, why do you say that? please dont bother other people :( we could be friends you know :( i'm not bothering her, she likes it she does? likes like what? when i tease her me and micki are good friends but how do u tease her/ like what? are you serious? why are you so slow in answering me" copy and pasting? ?? hello? i'm not in any channels, just trying to get my ICQ to work right me and micki kid around about stuff can u just talk to me for a few minutes? like when i told her i was going to a homeless vigil on new years eve and stuff how come you can be friends with her and not me? i don't understand :( i thought we were friends! did i do something wrong? are you on icq? shit nevermind rbcp ;( this is fucked up, if this is the way you want to be then fuck you Session Close: Sun Jan 24 23:03:47 1999 Session Start: Mon Feb 01 12:43:03 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hi colleen? nope oh it's me, the jerk Look at http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp/cam.html i'm waving to you! hey sexy! you're not talking to me you make me very sad i have to go but send me the url again it's http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/ Palace/8276/index.html will this upset me? er, i don't think so i just waved into the camera well ok thanks im going to see i didn't hold up a peachey sign this time. :) thank you ...A few days earlier peachey had gone to my web cam and I was sitting there holding up a sign that said, "Peachey Sucks!" and she got mad at me. When she asked for the URL again I gave her the URL to a page with a dead baby as the opening picture... god forgive you leave me alone never talk to me again ever ever you betcha baby your beyond cruel you mean on the phone or on irc too? is collen there? tell her i need to speak with her tonite i have to go call her, she's here all day #? dont worry i dont harass ppl you don't have our number?? it's listed look on my webpage, it's there no i dont i dont have ur web page anymore http://www.phonelosers.net/rbcp Hers is linked from there the phone number? okay can i call about 8pm est? sure k bye bye Session Close: Mon Feb 01 13:20:22 1999 She never called and never tried the easiest way to get our phone number which would have been to dial information and ask for it. Instead she spent the evening threatening this sfds guy until he handed over our number but he didn't give her the address yet so she decided to try one of the tricks from the PLA page. This is really bizzare - peachey calls my house (the number comes in anonymous) and she pretends to be with AT&T Collections. I have absolutely no idea that it's peachey but she goes on and on about how I owe money to AT&T and that I need to get this taken care of or it'll go against my credit. Then she wants to "confirm" my address and when I tell her to go ahead and I'll confirm if she's right or wrong, she says that AT&T isn't allowed to give out that kind of information over the phone. Then I start telling her that I don't believe she's AT&T and she keeps insisting she is so I tell her to let me call her back at her desk and she begins stuttering. Then I start being really rude and obnoxious and eventually she hangs up. This whole time I had no idea that it was her but about 10 minutes later I think, "Gee, that had to be peachey." Session Start: Tue Feb 09 11:36:42 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) You called me and lied to me and I don't appreciate it. hi look i'm letting you usr your own nick :) xoox i'll steal yours when you leave i won'tleave :) i will idle :) and if you do i will use A.Carter :) nanannananna is what they mean about touche` ? what call? i didnt hurt u why are you so mad? i won't bother you your so paranoid huh you'll never hurt me and i'm not worried about you. im glad i scare you :) it is such a cool thing your such a wimp hehehhehehehe afraid of me :) I LOVE IT!!!!!!! please leave me alone! don't hurt me! can't do dip about one phone call and any way im going to show them all the horrible stuff you do to people ! i am going to suprise you too :))) either you be nice to me from right now on or you will get the rath ofmy hate cause right now i am on top! winning :) hehehehhehh but i have pity for you okay, please stop! i'm very very sorry! really? no i'm being sarcastic no? no :( too bad then hey, i thought it was on ignore you put me on ignore and said you'd never speak to me again well you didnt have the right nick nmae fine now do NOT bother me again EVER is this CLEAR! i sure thing you betcha never ever again i have all your info :) so don't f with me! what's f mean? if you want to have info wars, i will win. something i bet your wife refuses to do with you whats info wars/ she tried but i always beat the shit out of her she likes it when i take swings at her you are so gross it turns her on i think i'm not sure, i'm just assuming it does i heard she left you not yet, she's stuck here. no place to go and is shaking up with apok? she says hes a real man i've fucked apok before. he's a real man, i like him. your gay? bi apok is studly i knew you must have hate for woman gays hate woman well i don't blame colleen for wanting to get far away from you..you are a nasty bitch i like women but only when i can beat them up i like being a nasty bitch well NO Man will ever hit me :) :) i think my friend should pay you a visit :) okay i'm here all day just check my webcam to make sure i'm here first how? by going to my live webcam page whats the url http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp/cam.html ok haven't we gone through this before? yea but u have so many i love you will you marry me? xoxoxoxox! you are married we just won't tell little 'ole simple-minded colleen, will we? but we could have had fun if i trusted you she is smarter than u So which AT&T bill do i need to pay first? she is the only thing nice you hAVE she's not nice, she's really mean! THAT WASNT ME? I DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT sorry yes you did and i quote - " can't do dip about one phone call " no really i did not you called and committed a federal offense by impersonating an AT&T rep. because you said you got A phone call i thought you were refering to a single one your golden retriever looks depressed :( look will you stop the bull with me turn around and smile in you cam I recognize your voice very well and if you'll read the part of my homepage where it talks about my desk, you'll notice that it mentions how i record all incoming and outgoing phone calls to my number. I have the whole thing on tape. I'll turn it into a realaudio file later and let everyone hear how you stuttered through the whole conversation. it's funny as hell, you should call me more often whatever if you do that i will never talk to you again which u would like right anyway i will deny it i don't care if you talk to me. and if it's not really you then you have nothing to worry about. but we both know that you called me 30 minutes ago. it dosent sound like me anyway i will deny it totally cause you are a liar and everyone knows it i don't care if you deny it, everyone who hears it is going to laugh their asses off. it's just another chapter in the peachey book. Watch the page for Peachey Incorporated #6! :) please please what? I thought it really wasn't you please dont do this i really want to talk to you off the record That was the funniest call I've gotten all year, someone who calls ME pretending to be AT&T, stutters at all my retorts and tries to get my home address which is listed in the phone book in the first place. i want to tell you something but cant don't tell me then :( how can you be so cruel? this is entrapment So what is "all this info" you have on me? My name and phone number? Believe me, if you want to compare info and can find out stuff about you that even YOU don't know. So go ahead and keep feeding me my info, this should be enjoyable. i believe you won't it be funny when i have a sound clip on PLA's sound clip page of peachey pranking ME? Buhaha, this rules. you win take my nick take everthing i will learve irc buh bye go bye bye now peachey see ya so log off already hurry the hell up bitch you are smarter than me :( you know how to hurt so deep :( btw i really do not understand you at all You shouldn't be involving me in your federal offenses if you don't want to get hurt why you want me to hurt like this? you ruined my time on this net log off now, beverly i am not as clever as decieving as you are :( obviously. bye bye. quit msging me now so are you proud of your self? it didn't take much to do bye bye call me again tonight, okay? (She changes her nick to peachy) -> (-peachy-) oh hi peachy. i thought you were logging off! Session Close: Tue Feb 09 12:16:08 1999 Session Start: Tue Feb 09 16:23:20 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) I thought you were leaving IRC forever. Hi i changed my mind i have a new friend cause of you :) thank you: xoxoxooxoxoxo where are you? working someone pays you? Yep, I get paid to sit here and bother you all day. Funny, eh? uh huh ?) hey got your address now :))) killer, drop by and we'll have coffee. and my friend says you better be good to me "))) just coffeee and hot steamy sex, bitch dont call me bitch oooo, give it to me sexy! i want it! uh huh do u know Gwonk? Yeah, i had sex with him this weekend hes says you better not put that phone caLL in to the web i don't think he has sex with other males you shouldn't have called if you didn't want that to happen it will happen as soon as i get a little spare time no yup i'm sure of it just end it here what do you care anyway, you told me you didn't make the call :( but you are going to say i did that's because you did. but why cant you be like my brother and be nice to me? It's not my fault if you did something as stupid as that. But if you look at my sound clips page you'll see that I always post humorous incoming phone calls to my house. Look at all the telemarketing calls on http://www.phonelosers.org/sound.html and you'll see what i mean. This is just another one of those. your brother thinks you're a whore no cause i am not please why can't we be friends now? what is with you? You always do this - first you threaten me then you ask me to please do something for you. Life just doesn't work that way. You've been threatening to "get me" for like a year now so why is it so surprising that I'm mean to you on IRC? no i have been very good Ypu started with me this time and i goof up :( No I was innocently sitting there yesterday with your nick and you start threatening me. but i know now it was a bad mistake forgive me this time? There you go again, asking me for something immediately after you threaten me. Stupid stupid stupid. Why don't you ever leave the house anyway? You're sitting there on IRC 24 hours a day when did i threaten you? hey i am a prisoner how are you a prisoner? long story maybe i work at home :) like you doubt it i hope you don't do phone work because you were the most un-official sounding person I've ever talked with. I didn't even realize it was you until minutes after we hung up but you sounded fake from the beginning. You need to find a new act. but then it was good if you didnt know who it was? I didn't have any idea who you were but it was obvious that you were not from AT&T. I'm not even a paranoid person but my first thought was, "This person is trying to get my address from me." Session Close: Tue Feb 09 17:05:12 1999 Here is the log Gwonk sent me after she talked to him. For about a day she was thinking that her and Gwonk were the best of friends. How is he tricking you? <|Peach> well i got his number HE has mine andis always calling <|Peach> calls 3am 4am etc <|Peach> so i just called his number And why were you continuing your threats against him today? <|Peach> no <|Peach> I just pretended i was someone else <|Peach> he taped it <|Peach> and is going to harrass e with it :( and he made you sound like an idiot? <|Peach> yes :( <|Peach> big time <|Peach> hes so cruel Well why were you threatening him today? <|Peach> hes done so many horrible things to me Like tape you when you call him and make you sound like an idiot? <|Peach> hes tried to make collect calls using my phone etc <|Peach> hes called my home and wakes up everyone <|Peach> swears at whoever answers all hours of the night He doesnt do that over the phone does he? <|Peach> so i want revenge :( <|Peach> yes he has Umm <|Peach> so i want revenge :( Never ever say that <|Peach> well im so angry <|Peach> im so hurt :( By who? <|Peach> him <|Peach> he steals my nick name and talks to my friends <|Peach> says horrible things Well..the best thing to do is launch an all out campaign against him <|Peach> have you seen his pages? Web pages and shit posting his phone number and info <|Peach> will you help me? Yes I've seen his pages <|Peach> :( <|Peach> 618-462-6481 No no no you dont do that here You put it on web pages post it everywhere <|Peach> but you see he has my number so if i do anything he will do something worse to me :((( babaaaaa i don't know what to do :(((( Get your phone number changed. <|Peach> his name is Alex Carter <|Peach> can u get his address for me? <|Peach> alton illinois Howd you get his number to begin with? <|Peach> someone who had pity on me <|Peach> and i called it to see if it was right Like, who? <|Peach> and it was Get that same person to give you his address <|Peach> i can't tell that <|Peach> hey you said you would help me I will <|Peach> that person does not live in ill What person does not? <|Peach> so he dosent hAVE THE PHONE BOOK Oh Well could he ask rbcp for his address? <|Peach> no <|Peach> then rbcp will know Have you tried calling information? <|Peach> gee thats not to sharp? i wonder if it's safe for you to hjekp me? hey again <|Peach> my computer froze Okay <|Peach> will you help? Yes I said I would <|Peach> thank you <|Peach> can u look up his address for me alton illinois <|Peach> great thanks <|Peach> maybe if he feels that people know where he lives he will stop I found it!!!!! No wait Thats someone else <|Peach> k we are looking for alex right? <|Peach> yes <|Peach> or colleen <|Peach> his wife <|Peach> hes married <|Peach> gross huh hehehe <|Peach> got it :) got what? <|Peach> the address What is it? Whats the address... and whered you find it at? <|Peach> do u live near him ? No I live like 4 hours from alton Whats the address? <|Peach> ew big state Whered you find that at? peachy....whered you find that at I wanna see <|Peach> i called 411 and asked for the address for alex carter? <|Peach> sorta What did you do?> <|Peach> i have my faith back in people from illinois :) So have I helped you any? <|Peach> yes :) hugs <|Peach> does any of you live near that area? nope Why anyway?? What would we do, drive by the house <|Peach> just wanted to know if someone knew him <|Peach> no i wouldn't go by his house heheh are you forgetting <|Peach> gee thats a good question I was at his house last weekend <|Peach> can you lok ion the phone book for me Girly.... Its really not a good idea to try and do anything to rbcp <|Peach> Gwonk i don't mean to be rude but i don't believe you You don't believe what? <|Peach> and don't call me girly :) <|Peach> that u were at his house Hehhee <|Peach> :( Next time he comes on you can ask him <|Peach> please don't screw with my head Tell him that Gwonk and you are going to take him down <|Peach> i have been totally honest and trusted you :( And I have been helping you <|Peach> but if you were at his house you must be friends? <|Peach> why would you help me okay I wasnt at his house But I did drive through alton :-) <|Peach> :( please don't trick me with this I'm not gonna trick you with anything <|Peach> i know you know him <|Peach> thanks I just embellish the truth <|Peach> ok Next time he comes on, tell him that you have teamed up with Gwonk and we are going to take him down. He doesnt like me <|Peach> are you sure? Yea He will probably freak out <|Peach> are you big? Yea That'll take some of the heat off of you too <|Peach> well i don't want you to take my punishment :( He wont fuck with me I was a secruity guard for the st louis rams last year <|Peach> he will be after you too if I tell him that thats fine, I have nothing better to do It'll take some of the heat off you maybe spread it around a little bit <|Peach> you are nice Gwonk <|Peach> at least i met a nice person like you out of a terrible situation <|Peach> i appreciate you so much <|Peach> hugs hugs hugs <|Peach> i have to leave thank you may i msg you or come back here another time? Just come back here What will happen in the next exciting installment of Peachey Inc?? Look for the sixth issue one of these days when I feel like cleaning out my IRC logs again..