����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ISSUE 004 - PEACHEY INCORPORATED - ISSUE 004 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � Released on June 4th, 1997 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � The publishers of this newsletter take no responsibility for the use of � � any information printed and do not encourage others to bother peachey. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Once again, nothing but an issue of logs. The #rock goons have calmed down a little bit on peachey mainly because she suposedly has an appointment with the FBI about us this week. Of course this isn't confirmed but we'll let you know which #rock goons start going to prison first. Be sure to check out the shaedow logs. Peachey turns into a real badass and makes us remember why we started annoying her in the first place. Peachey has been doing everything she can lately to avoid us on IRC but she always makes the same stupid mistakes and we end up finding her. Mainly, no matter what nick she uses, she always jumps into #peachey for a second to see if it's taken over which is always is and that's when the fun starts. This week she's used such creative nicks as peachey, peachey-, cornstarc, sad and beetle. She also keeps changing her identd which doesn't do much for her. Remember, we can be contacted at WelovePeachey@hotmail.com so submit your peachey logs today! ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � IRC Logs � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Twist rats us out: ----------------- tell me elJefe name Zack and the others names please and you can be my friend and nobody will know it will be cool i don't know, el_jefe is really sneaky and would find out if you *promise* absolutly never tell him i told you i would rather get cancer than to tell on you ..please believe me ok his name is Jesse Williams he lives in colorado i think i can get his phone number, you want it? yes ok, 1382 Elmwood street, Broomfield Co, 80020, 469-1291 you have to promise to never say where you got that from, he would kill me thats the name i have for him, his name is not zak are you in rock?are you or anyone else c/pasting the converstions? i'm not is #rock, they wern't pasting when i was in though i wish i could trust you..i need a friend i was in #rock about 15min ago, you wern't on then, i hate to see them treat you the way they do thanks :( i have to go back to work ok have o good day sc0rp has a boner for peachey: ----------------------------- Why dont you join #rock i dont know why he kicked me :( He only does that to gay people he banned me :( im not gay? i am female Are you cute? can you unban me? and tell him to leave me alonr? yes i am cute :) are you? Yes why is maq picking on me? no the fbi i know who you are? well did you unban me? you have ops? tell maq to leave me alone please Sure I wil thanks You can join #rock if you like http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7342/i wow your cool thanks :) Ok join #rock now I promise they wont mess with you wow you have power Ive been playing them for weeks now cool it`s just the principle of it to me I dont follow you must be brave Hehe why is maq saying that? he sucks why did they kick iamq Watch out for sc0rp, hes really got a boner for you god yuk dont tell me that stuff okay? sure sc0rp please dont just dont tell me ok Ok How come you never emailed me? cutiepie cause i didnt want you to have my email address i`m sorry :( who is homeskill? He is the secret leader of PLA! do you have a pic? Of me? hes nasty yes WHy do you say that? who do you sleep with? He is the most foul of them all yes i see *homeskill* I wub you scorpy warpy homeskill> Hey you dumb cunt join #rock now! I was just joking around. Oh Please dont repeat that, I dont like cursing *homeskill* I wanna suck sc0rp clit see Are you friends with scorp? me too no! He says your real close noooo ive never seen home before? Pardon? so who sleeps in the same bed as you? and where is your picturre? I sleep alone, and dont have a picture. But you could sleep with me if you wanted And sleeps in the same bed Read the earlier than that no thanks:) i`d steal all the covers is that you poly? No a close friend of mine No a close friend of mine an unnamable friend who looks just like me And sleeps in the same bed an unnamable friend who looks just like me well? I was hinting that it was me (jokingly) without incriminating myself oh hee heh You are so sweet, why do they hate you so much? opppps i dont know really i dont? sometimes i can get sarcastic :( Ohhh, so maybe you did deserve it in the beginning no never NO you didnt yank them around too much with your sarcasm? maybe a little but they deserved it..i hate their pregides Who are they pregides against? Not you? yes they hate females that obvious No theres alot of girls in here All the time You know you have a pretty dirty little mind for such a young girl well i dont know why then :( so how do you know that? ummmmm Well youve told me before that you like sex i1m sorry :( so? shouldnt i? and i dont recall telling you thay? Well Ive got it in my logs you hate sex i suppose? No, but Im over 18 maybe i will hate it after all i am begigning to hate guys bye then But not me right, that would really make me sad what? If you hated me too i don`t hate you at all xoxooxo i like you alot.. you have power and un banned me thank you :) So have you ever hooked up with anyone that youve met on irc? you are very nice to me nope Well you are a nice girl well i do have friends you don`t know that you sad i was too over sexed? That you met online? (I mean have you had any sexual encounters with people that youve met online?) but i am a virgin I guess not not yet hee hhehe almost today i am frustrated Is he cute ?? whats his name whered you meet him Im very happy for you! I want all the details well i donno' no cant talk about it Hes not cute? nothing happened You liar You are a bad liar yes of course he`s cute ha i`m not lying :( Where did you meet him, do you go to school with him? no How old is he your talking about irc i thought? in real life i dont do it Oh thats sad just have a bf You are missing out why? nope how old are you? I want to meet you when Im done with this case You are so sweet I could be falling send me your picture i dont care what you look like i just want to see you :) Thats me on the web page Its the onlyh picture I have Or can give thank you for helping me :) Of course, any time baby can you type it in for my url please? http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/7342 cool brb ok its setting up Yeah Its kind of a dark picture where are you? Texas Do you have any nude photos? I only have one pic of you Hey sweetie. When you come online I want you to look for me,, you are so much more interesting thatn these clowns Hey wake up ok i took the test Hehe I like gothic girls i couldnt see you? too dark Oh too bad. I am really cute I promise Ill take pics tonight i have doc martins he eheheheh but no tatoos I have big docs they go up to my knee great you are gothic? When I go to clubs, otherwqise I look just like everyone else mmmmmmmmmm wow why? Cause I work and have a life I really want a pic of you too I already have one But I want a nother cool i like that no i will never send another sorry i learnt my lesson I dont understand? You know Im not one of them You must hate me well you are op at rock? nope i hate eljefe So, Ive got news fo ryou Our sattelites are picking up cellular activity I think hes about to call you what i`m getting upset from eljefe noooooooooooooooo please tell him to stop please I cant What am I going to say? why? Hey Im really on her side. That would blow my cover do it please take the number out please i beg you I cant. all these dorks have your number anyway I feel really bad That I cant do anything But this is going to be great evidence. youre afraid i dont blame you its okay :( nooooooooo malacoda is a friend of mine Baby I have to leave But please email me, or look for me online he is? Yeah He is alright Do you promise that youll look for me online? you said he wasnt before? k bye wish you could stay with me bye malacoda, hes not a real bad guy like the rest of them yes i will k' kissess smootch can you get eljefeto stop first? please xo Ill try my hardest, Session Close: Fri May 30 22:56:14 1997 Shaedow is el_jefe's tool: ------------------------- heya you lied to me how do you figure? you lied to me about your pal eljefe hes not andy scott he is do we have to do this every time we talk? see you still lie yes your a liar hope your proud of yourself I see why they harass you yer a bitch aren`t you a little old to do this? people try to help you and you are a bitch they have been calling me all night help me? have I? I have helped you more than anyone should have no you are the lowest one you sit there with him being his puppet listen bitch. fuck you I tried to help you hope your proud you will see I may just have to help him fuck you you are nothing but a peice of shit I will have your info by tomarrow your owned by eljefe your shit slave to him BOY thats all you are I'll be calling you tomarrow.. your the one who phears eljefe yer a bitch no wonder why they fuck with you. i`m not afraid of you your just a wimp and yer stupid. so how many times did ya call andy? just curious..\ an eljefe puppet 1. you are dumb. 2. el jefe is a friend of mine. 3. you talk alot of shit never cause i new you were a liar the whole time . you never fooled me but your pal eljefe just uses you peachey you are lying. you told me you hated eljefe your lying and you are useless hope you cross eljefe and he kills you and you are a gullible idjit because of weak people like you he can do his thing umm actually because of dumb people like you he can. your just his tool see peach you dont know me. but i know you. and you make a fool out of your self your indecent look whos talking. i am also immoral but see you are also owned. yea you torture people that makes you big hey? have i tortured you? maybe tomaroow.. no your the one whos owned and who is afraid to sleep at night? me or you? yes you have tortured me you lied see the more you talk shit the more you dig a hole for yourself you bring it on yourself. just because i`m not close to you dosen`t give you the right to hurt me you have no common sense how do you figure? you harassed andy and his parents i dont like them good plan if ya ask me. see you are a fool always have always will if i were a guy you wouldnt do this but thats your mistake you will fear Me Andy is a guy... I fuck with him are you trying to threaten me? yes Lee Taxor Denver area Find me lame ass dyke your just a toy of eljefe i dont want you . thats cuz you are too stupid to jefe is a friend of mine ya dumb gash you act like a moron..is that why your eljefe boy you are his toy. we both know it. some friend he is to you... yeah he realy fucks me over making me laugh as he fucks with yer dumb ass. he talks behind your back...go ahead make him mad at you and he will chew you up and spit you out in one second uhh huh you are desperate. try it you`ll see he will get rid of you why would i fuck him over? your a fool because he uses you. most people if ya fuck em over they get rid of you your stupid HAHAHAHA I am stupid and you are the one who can't sleep at night. so you just be a good boy and do what zack wants you to do and then you will be safe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA zack is not god peachey remember this.... he will get rid of you if you stop obeying him as much as you phear him he is not satan. you fear him i dont you don't? hmmm maybe he isn't trying enough or maybe you are a liar i thought you were nice....just thought i`d tell you to add me to your hate list..i ish all bad things happen to you talk to you soon it`s good to have ppl wishing terrible things for you say it enough and it will happen to you msg el_jefe hey bro toss me peacheys info i feel like calling someone but peachey i love you. change your nick to puppet change yers to owned. it suits you or gullible look around your the gullible toy and who is afraid to sleep ? me or you? i am [tacd.] The time is now 4:00AM. * Shaedow hands peachy a clue i`m glad i make you happy that you did a good job but i am your hero! gullible gash i can tell your going to make something good out of your life you too your with the right ppl and you have good self asteem if you can sleep enough to get to wrok i dont have to work.. yeah i heard prostituion paid well eljefe mother dosent even want him around thats why he drifts so when did you become a shrink? it`s easy just talking to you ..your so easy to read yeah you saw right through me so you have alot going for yourself 1.liar 2.wimp 3.gofer boy 4.ass wiper wow you can insult. yer leet want more? can i be you? you couldn`t even eat at my feet my mom taught me about sticks and stones. hmm I have a log floating around that sez you would netsex me. i`m glad i`m getting to you :) ohh no i may not be able to sleep peachey get a clue see you rely on us feeling bad and stopping. or us getting tired of it. i`d kill you before you could even breathe the same air as me some people fish, we own people. you owned ...not me peachey i know yer not a bad ass. I know you cry alot yes i am I know you are weak so i`m not weak you are uhh huh thats why you begged for my help offered to be a net whore for it. did not uhhh huh you lied to me yep and you belived it, then said you would netsex, Juts for me cuz i am your hero well i lied to you because i new you were lying to me took ya long enough, sounds like a lie too especially since ya called andy several times no i dont lie as much as you no i didnt and when i did i talked to him he`s great i like him alot and would never abuse him andy is very nice.... so nice he threatens to kill girls your just jeaulous of him because he`s so cool ohh yep thats right. hes k rad your the one who threatens girls thats the whole point you cant threaten guys you have to make girls cry this makes you strong peachey you could get dumber but i'm not sure how i`m tierd prolly dont sleep much just like the Scott famliy call andy he's awake.. it`s so cruel but you will be caught how do you figure? and i will prsecute you also i have been threatened my line is on trap have i done anything? you lied to me peachey you could get dumber but i dont know how your guilty by association too see thats the beauty of america. guilt by asscocitaion is unconstitional why dont you sleep? guilty concience?or does eljefe make you stay up * Shaedow hands peachey a clue I sleep during the day. threatening rape is illegal did i threaten to rape you? which telphine number is yours? stupid whore. eljefe did mines the one from canada noooo that malacoda Ohh sorry Mines the one from guam give me your phone number and we can chat :) why ya feel like phone sex? come on sugar please mmmmmmm such a man you are peachey yer logs are worthless. so are your threats i dont save them like you do i can remember what i say your phone logs of number that call you numbers *** shadows is on IRC well i dont care the police can trace anything yeah they have done such a great job so far. stopped him in his tracks i already have them making a case against eljefe it takes up to 90 days * Shaedow hands peachey a clue you dont even know me or anything about me and yet you do this??? whos the one without the clue?? hmm i can call you... can you call me? I can sleep at night can you? so what?? you can call me? so what? if you could sleep at night why are you up? because i am a freak if you could sleep at night why are you up? cuz i fear you peachey. why don`t you give me your telephone number? really i dont understand? why you don`t ? we could talk and maybe make friends cuz i am not stupid like you and hand my number over to people on the net. we will talk before theis is done. i wouldnt do that im not like you you are a liar. no you are but i would call you and be nice [tacd.] The time is now 4:30AM. uhh huh you just want my # on your phone records no silly ..you need to call me to be trap but instead of being "trapped" i should give you the # ??? just having your number dosent mean anything i have to have it on the record yes so i can maybe convirnce you to be nice and make you understand why you should get rid of eljefe and you cant do that here? no how ya figure? i have to rest first say what? i will call you later when you tell me a good time I will get yer # from el jefe. denver has plenty of pay phones. i`m tired and upset but i would like to talk to you maybe later after you rest too no dont call me why? plesse dont cuz you want my home #? ok yes i wouldnt make harrass calls i know ya won't ok cuz ya aint getting my # =] your a wimp see ok i am a wimp and you are stupid. ok i am stupid if i wanted my number spread across the net it would be listed. i promise i wont do that who would god dame want it? geee what? who the hell would want your number??? are you serious? see i could be spreading you # to porn channels right now like someone keeps doing to fr0gg i just wanted to talk to you ..like in person so we could be friends..thats all I will call you tomarrow if i think about it. nooooo never mind you are useless to talk to i will not give you my phone number your social engineering skills aren't that leet but i will be in touch. i am sure el jefe has your #. talk to ya soon =] Peachey tries to join PLA: ------------------------- hi i quit now ok i want to have peace and be friends will you suck our dicks? no i cant do that then i dont wanna be friends. well i will be nice and what? stop calling us in the middle of the night? hahahahaha whatever cause i want to be done with your group ok I am not in PLA PLA is dead oh well i just want to be one of you. you want to be someone who harasses people? no but i can come to rock and tacd and you guys wont bother me on my other channels? like we dont harass you in them anyway. yes you all kick and ban me? i`m very serious about this ...i`d like it to stop..and be like well like friends we are sick people we lack compassion well ok? i wont ever give you or any one including eljefe grief again you insulted me. i`m sorry i won`t insult you ever again.... toooooo late toooooo late too late too late too late. i`m banned in rock and your point being? then we have no way of straightening this out? well you can suck our dicks we like that alot. goodbye talk to ya tonight. ok how's 1 am my time. like 3 am yours. no you should grow up ahh hell I will call til you acutally talk to me. never i dont have that f/// phone i told you that PLA and firends pesronifys toys r us. (i dont wanna grow up I'm a PLA kid.) that f/// phone? yup dont have that phone to use that's ok it will be busy all night. what thrill do you possibly get out of that? it makes me hard. i could be good for your group..if you all became friends with me? what could you do for "us" even though we aren't formally a group. i could be someone from my area to talk to? you never talk to us. you always hang up. i will no not on the phone? in the channels will you netsex us? we like that.. no/........ come on ......stop......i`m trying to be nice here so am I would you netsex my girlfriend? thats dumb NO)OOOO i don`t like this kinda talk why you are bisexual right? ashamed of your sexuality? no i`m female just sexual so like you wouldn't go down on a chick with a hot body and great mind. very plain so what do you do for work/school wanna know the truth? maybe I harass people oh no shit. i get paid 10.50 an hour to harass people how? collections I even get to steal cars and shit. Life is good. awhhhhhhhhhhhh repo man thats a tuff sad job no its great. I lvoe calling deadbeats saying Hey shitheal I am taking your car. as I drive away well your mean enough hee heheh (joke) well ppl wouldnt be in that position if they could help it I don't care. i would feel bad for them :( Fuck em they fucked up so I can legally destroy their lives. which remeinds me well i have to go (((going to the movies))) ever had a lien on yer house? we friends? on yer car... no no?? Ohh want one? no thanks :) bye see you laters talk to yer creditor soon =] i will what? i dont have any? yer family does. no i`m adopted if you own a home/car business i have no family i just board here thats ok I have no concience. dosent matter to me??? i`m just a room person with no family thats ok. I will call em and tell em why they have liens on their property and are being audited. why do you just eant to hurt me???? i dont understand?? i`m not hurting you?? did i? you insulted me. and threatened me. when? your misstake. no no it wasnt me? yer a liar I have logs maybe eljefe was using my nick or soemthing :) nope I checked your ip i never told you to go f yourself or drop dead or anything like that?? did I wanna see what you said? so thats pretty good dont ya think? I have the log, no no i dont i have to go bye when you get kicked out of yer domicile think about colorado Peachey goes to #2600 for help: ------------------------------ Darklight is an IRC friend of peachey's so we were impersonating him and she just assumed it was really him without doing a /whois. hi they took over? yes dumbasses yes i`m sorry about what? hold on... doorbell the one i got the name and telephone number says he works for the dod and he will come to my house and murder me but does he really?????? i really think he does?? Because he was able to get ALL my family info even my real name who he dosent realize is me they now me as ashley my new unlisted numbers and address old and new but i thought they were hackers? jesus i have to go do something so i'll be back in a few. hope your still there. k someone still has #peachey. a guy named ping-mask yes is he one of them? he won't op me he makes all kind s of trouble i guess i`ll just have to give up the net yes i guess so. but i will be sad. :( he is one of them where is he? in #peachey and a guy named s_p just came in thanks dont be sad where? oh yea in #peachey stay away from them darn. hold on, i'm being yelled at again. hehe please come back now ok play the game dark you will be the next victim what?? i said someone was at the door again i thought you were with them me??? no meaning yelling with them at them no, my next dorr neighbor kept coming over and i had to leave the keyboard for a second k hey, i got an idea for you. what there is a channel called #2600 and they are hackers but they are NICE hackers ok so maybe if you go in there and tell them what's going on, they will help you really? but are they kids too? they're mostly in their 20's but some are kids but most hackers are good not like them dark come out of that channel now hurry so it's worth a shot ok it could work. the people in #2600 are a very organized group and they know their stuff and they seem nice. i've been going in there the last copple days to see what they're about you are awesome darklight they dont notice me? hmmmm. [peachey enters #2600 and starts saying dumb things. Then I go to #rock and #peachey and tell everyone to come in under fake nicks and watch the fun. But they stupidly go in under their real names and peachey is too afraid to say anything. I will post part of the #2600 log below.] one of the bad guys just came in none of them are very talkative. #hack is another channel but we can't try that tonight because it's invite only. darn xtort fat tony too who are they?? hey, have you tried hanging out on dal.net? they don't put up with this kind of stuff. no i dont know how to get there? me neither. i'll ask around hee heeheeh i`m talking to shock from the channel :) what's he saying? does he know them?? he was lisening telling him to tell all telling you to tell all? well yea hmmm. this isn't working at all well, if nothing this is an interesting channel tonight i havent been watching i1ve been talking to shock> oh now he`s asking about me??? gesus wants to know my age even?? i dont want to say cause i`m not sure its a good idea?/ at least they aren`t looking for me heehehhehh yeah no kidding. ha well not that different!!! :) this sucks. the PLA is taking over #2600 now. they're pissing off everyone in there hey, you still there? yes wanna help talk to him// guess what? i'm rbcp. look at my /whois you stupid bitch. buhahaha. and you actually thought #2600 could help. i just wanted to see you look like a fool. neener neener neener hey ashley, you there? i have a bad headache how come? yes i`m cursed cursed?? i think i can help you for real though yes i cant straighten this out #peachey can't join channel (it's full) weird you should just move. change your name, start a new life sure seriously. they couldn't find you then or you could get a new internet provider. there's about 7 others to choose from in the boston area. your more clever than i thought concentric isn't all that great to tell the truth. i like it though they always help me yeah, but they're a huge national provider. a local provider will help you much more and will have faster connections i speak from experience. who are you? ok then you see? i didnt do anything who am i? yes i'm just giving you advice. i'm trying to be nice. a friend. ok it's like i always try to help you and give you great advice and then you insult me or threaten me or call me a liar. and that really hurts. cause you confuse me all the time :( well, you have to expect that when you call me a liar. it hurts me. well ive always told you that i was sorry that i even would consider being friends.. yeah, but then you go right back to calling me dirty names. i know your over my league im not trying to compete with you for smarts.. i didn't say you were ok you always misunderstand me ;( i dont mean to be fresh but you hurt me too much all i know is that when your dog died i was there for you. please dont mention my dog any more ok / please um i told you it makes me sad to joke about him okay i'm not joking!! okay, acutally i am. when i heard your dog died, i pissed in my pants laughing so hard. ok stained them beyond repair, ashley! #2600 log of peachey asking for help: ------------------------------------ I've edited out most of the non-peachey related stuff here. For the most part this log sucks and not much happens but it's slightly entertaining. *** peachey (mirc@cnc129048.concentric.net) has joined #2600 hi my name is peachey :) i`m having an awful time with pLA does anyone know them? *** grapey (irc1@sl26.chrysalis.org) has joined #2600 hi!!!!!!!!! Hello has anyone heard of the PLA? they're really neet guys@! -> *grapey* damn you -> *grapey* now she's gonna know what's up. fat r0y wants sum l0vin!@ phone losers *** UncleRoy (irc1@sl26.chrysalis.org) has joined #2600 gemme sum lovin *** du0d is now known as r0y plik: give unkie roy some lubbin <[vio]> golam, i am russian bro peachey!! someone needs to help us crush the PLA i think the pla is a bunch of nice neat guys!!! neat!@# darklight like neeto!@# d00d!@# hmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think they are SWELL the PLA? isn't that some club? yeah but they're ruining peachey's life <_-plik-_> wtf????? meester prym kak dyela vio the PLA killed my dog! unkie roy need some lubbin UNKIE ROY NEED SUM LUBBIN. It goes downhill from there. Mostly peachey is talking privately with shock` from #2600 who is supposedly helping her. Peachey warns Colleen again: --------------------------- Once again, rbcp impersonating Colleen Card. yes can you help? what did he do? hes been calling all night on the phone.. he has?? there's no way he can't call for free and our long distance got shut off because of him colleen i think he screamed at the baby>>>> well what did he say? do you leave the baby alone with him and his friends?? yes all the time. he's nice colleen i heard him scream at the Baby like a maniac he wouldn't do something like that you trust them alone with baby? of course. he's the father. i heard her cry then heard him scream!!!!! at her rbcp is very nice and would never scream at emily. maybe someone else called you. colleen were you home all night? no i work on the weekends. awhhhhhhh gee wish you would listen to me i'm listening are you tatally alone? on this i think it was someone else who called you. rbcp wouldn't do that. did he SAY he was rbcp? yes, it's just me and rbcp. my family's all on the west coast hummmmm well watch for it i heard the baby in the background and his friends sound drunk rbcp is a really nice guy. i mean, he never even hits me when emily is in the room. el_jefe has a baby too. i bet it was him he hits you??? you let him?? well only when i'm bad so it's okay. i mean, i deserve it you know. hello? gee i dont know what to say [Peachey gets a whole new attitude during this part that almost makes me like her.] like one time i made him a TV dinner after he'd worked a full 4 hour shift and he said i was skimping out on my duties so i was black and blue for a week after that. i just had to learn to do my job and it's okay now. well i csn understand that..he`s a man agood one at that! and deserves to be taken well cared for that's true. god men like rbcp are hard to find... at least you won`t make ANY mistakes around him! i know. other men i've dated i could never trust to stay faithful but rbcp is great! that's true and if i do, i'll learn my lesson real quick. oh sure he sounds like he will ALWAYS be faithful to you!!! but arnt you tempeted to kinda ummmmm flirt with his cute buddies????? well, el_jefe's a real stud and we've fooled around a time or two but other than that, rbcp really does it for me. does he know that well, no. if he did he would get out the sissors again. so it's just my little secret. can i have your phone ??? i want to tell you a secret okay, it's 419-586-2345 no it has to be 303 that i even know i`m doing you a favor no we're in ohio. ill call when hes on the4hour shift which is 419. look in the phone book he said fl? look give me your number it`s an emergency that i speak with you we are speaking right now we have lived in ohio for 6 months now can tell you this over the net i want to tell you the truth about who gave me apok number!!!!!@ but i wont do it over tehe net' okay, it's 419-586-2345 how could eljefe be in your house if hes in co? ever hear of 3 way calling? no they were together no they weren't. eljefe is in illinois. what time can i call tomorow?? i ant to chat with you about a serious matter what serious matter? i want to talk to you and i`ll give you the info on how i got this person apok number why do i care how you got apok's number. I have all their numbers. can you give me some? their information? you just told me you had it. why do you need it twice? no others like yours...net-mask..eubernig--maq702 sl33p whos do you have?? i have all of them. they're in my address book because we're all friends. colleen can you give me them? well, let me ask you this - do you like it when they give out YOUR info? no but this seems to stop them' well, these are good friends of mine and i would never give out information of a friend. well you would be helping them if you ddi cause my family has had it they will never know who ave it they have all my info they give it out all over the world look i have to go i cant keep my eyes open please let me call you tomorow how would i be helping them, though? okay, give me a call. try in the moring time i can get it it must be boston imean i`ll call you from boston what time is the difference?? boston time is 1:30 right now?? yours is?? 1:30 too no difference listen, el_jefe just msged me oh good okay so what time?? is good whhen your alone and said he ordered a copy of blueprints of your house from the city of boston or something anytime is fine with me doesn't matter if i'm alone or not. i'll be gone about an hour in the morning so if i don't answer, just try back in an hour. after that i'll be home all day. what the number? 419-586-2345 hey dont be dumb and tell rbcp that you talked to me..he is very nice but he might feel indifferent towards me k want me to try right noe and make sure it works/ is he home? yeah, he's watching tv. he doesn't care who i talk to. well, i'm on the phone now on the computer can he hear the phone? we only have one line only if i'm in the room with him he can hear me. well sign off? can eljefe really get your blueprints like that? nope :) anyway it wouldnt do him any good why not? i`m outof here in two weeks ;) hehe. cool. yup where are you going? travel cross country go to colorado i hear it's nice this time of year looking at schools i might look at tuffs right here in boston too they have a really nice university in colorado smith and bc you'd feel right at home there co state yeah, you'd be only miles from el_jefe where are you again?? ohio? you could go bash in his teeth ohio oHIo OhiO oHio ohIo k mmmmmmmmmmm well actually since i have his phone number he has tamed down i thought he's been calling you all day him and rbcp and apok and netmask sort of like putting the saddle on the f horse :) on their 5 way calling noooooooo not apko i dont think yes, he was on with me and rbcp and el_jefe. we laughed. mostly your hubby tek tsk tsk xxx..and net mask cant remember? no, i'm actually rbcp right now. colleen is at work. and it was me, apok, eljefe and netmask. get it right. im tired why? not sleeping good lately? apok? no cant believe that? nope i couldnt sleep at all last night why can't you believe that? apok called me, then he put el_jefe on 3-way, then eljefe called netmask and I called you. he just seemed more mature than to do that? i didnt think he could stoop to your levels and the blueprints most definately are on order. takes 3-4 weeks to get to colorado and costs us $35. they're public record. no, apok is a motherfucker just like us. you should ask him what he did to his x-wife. it's funny. hello? well wahat do you need blue prints for?? dont bother tellin gme i`m too tired and it will scare me probably so keep it to yourself i`m going to leave irc anyway you win bye no wait they need them for battle plans i believe im too tired i'm not sure but they're mapping out routes to your room which one is your room? this is important. ashley? will you fall for this again tomorrow? i could put you on ignore oh shit! not that! i`m just completely wiped out''' why cant we had been friends ? itwould have been nicer does this mean you won't answer the phone in 3 hours? nicer for you. for us it's been a barrel of monkeys. you souldnt harrass girls it`s just too mean..we are oo sensitive for it ;( i'm a girl too. its not fair ... besides, you're not a girl, you're an old woman. i dont know how or what to say to make you stop old woman old woman old woman well i`m changing servers tomorrow and my nick so good night hastalavista' won't work sorry but seriously, will you answer the phone tonight? yes it will it will work i`m using a different service no the phone is of the hook was that your number?? i`ll give you info i tell you what you want to know that was my number. nite i'll try to call anyway k no why? i`ll call colleen in the late morning or early after noon i will call you in 2 hours no plesse i need to sleep so bad i acant but you said the phone will be off the hook i will try to hide it hide the phone? but he has to wait for a call about the winds? winds? i'll call and tell him about the winds all about them look im too tied okay, then don't answer the phone your brother will get it no please stop it see you twist me up okay, look, i'm too tired to discuss this on irc. i'll just call you in a couple of hours okay he iwll miss work esus you suck buy hey even if you do move somewhere else or change servers they will find you. they're pros. you can move anywhere in the US and they'll track you down. it's what they do. they have the time, resources and friends all over the US. and no life. and they hate you. so go right ahead and move. im so sorry i ever met you Peachey makes her list of demands: --------------------------------- *** Now talking in #peachey *** pabell was kicked by peachey (peachey) *** peachey sets mode: +b *!*@dial-up2.cdcui.com hi peachey *** rbcp was kicked by peachey (peachey) *** peachey sets mode: +b *!*@waba1-cs-2.dial.bright.net sweetheart how are you this fine sunday morning? I have missed chatting with you oh youre up early I was having withdrawls earlier, so I called, however I got the machine and no im not up early, im up late btw your rbcp? this is netmask and pinguinio NO not redbox he isnt up this early, EVER. well thanks to you we are all up why is that? can i get sum ops plz well ? so it was you who called this morning? well i would exactly say morning i would say more like middle of the night i dont even know you about 3am? 4am? THATS IT! but i`ll tell you this you getit! you dont know me *** peachey has quit IRC (irc-e.primenet.com irc.vol.com) and im harrassing you *** Now talking in #peachey *** Retrieving #peachey channel info... *** ping-mask sets mode: +nt+l 420 *** irc.nwlink.com sets mode: -ntl-o ping-mask *** peachey (eccentric@cnc129041.concentric.net) has joined #peachey *** irc.vol.com sets mode: +o peachey oh how much did you miss of what i said? like i was saying i missed it all REPENT err repeat arhhhhgg but wait you must listen to me i dont know you, but you fucked with pla, you fucked with us all yer like 0wned and shit so anyway, what were you about to threaten me with? i wasnt threatening you GET yet = uh english? YET YTE tell me about you first TEY TIT well im 6'4 195lbs im a denver heavy weight lamer im 22 yrs old and your female??? yuk? i like to get drunk IM MALE you dumb whore remember i talked to yo on the one phone and you spilled el_jefe's infoz to me also did Dazen tell you thatshit? if you tell me is pinguino@dialup8.phoenix-internet.net * pinguino i will make ALL of PLA stop thats a girls info from a dif # peachey: ges what! me and pinguinio are friends, so im like at her house no she is from #rock and #tacd also plus some stupid lame art channels well what was your nick when i spoke with you? nemask neta snrt aSnjrt anetmas nremask netmaskl netmask NetMask BioEngine BioMask dohhh BioFreak iamnexit Zeos Bong NeverDry Netmask? from the call yesterday? yesterday? wake up! 2 days ago you spilled someone's info to me remember that? WHo told you? ill make everyone stop fucking you err with you -> [peachey] VERSION well... listen to me! I gave my word that i would not use the info i have ....IF you all were TOLD to stop bothering me.. no more phone calls if you bother me anymore i will have to use this info and really fuck you all up! well i think what has just happend i know alot of tgings that could really be ugly to get out you just opened your mouth to the WRONG mother fucking person ugly? like there names and #'s? OH NO! ges what? we all have that well and we dont fuck with each other call the police? what are they going to do? eh? besides you called her once yea but me having it is not the same as YOU having it understand?? and thats recorded you called el_jefe once i mean you harrassed him as i remember nope and as all others to remember nope? 20 of us vs 1 of you ? *** peachey has quit IRC (irc.blackened.com irc.vol.com) *** Now talking in #peachey *** irc.nwlink.com sets mode: -o ping-mask *** irc.vol.com sets mode: +st *** peachey (eccentric@cnc129041.concentric.net) has joined #peachey *** irc.vol.com sets mode: +o peachey wb ha yo woman i was told that if i kept my side of the bargain that this phone call stuff would stop.....so far it hasn`t and and it wont until you tell me WHO gave you the infoz i`m not happy........this is not good okay it was ? first you make sure that this all stops i`ll tell you what i want first alright k i want the web page removed yeah.. I'll have rbcp do it when he's awake and coherant i want no one ever ever to call again cant do that super-tough webmaster shit when youre all partied out (or kept up all nite by beating your wife) i want your real nick lag... i want to talk to colleen on the phone today this is netmask but you said that you were not harrassing me? remember/ i want rbcp address and phone number I wasn't while on the phone the other night. But i was brainwashed tonight by a higher power mmmmmm give me these all today where are you? it`s 9am ? Phone Losers of America Attn: RBCP 235 E Walnut St.. Avon Park, FL ..uhh. i cant remember the zipcode and pingy doesnt have it i'm in a state of delerium oh hes not in fl? um yes he is central florida didnt you hear the alligators in the background when you talked to him voice? dumbass ok wheres the phone # dont have it with me.. im here a few days... well i want that now um i can't do it right now. yes no thats it those are my terms how the fuck am i supposed to call him and wake him up to get his number if i dont have the fucking number in the first place? get it from one of the other f 20 members uh yeah 90% went out to some party a few hours from here so? they wont be awake til like 5pm wwake them up maybe they arnt sleeping yet ok SURE wake up a buncha drunken pissed off hackers. smooth one. thats the best way to piss of #rock people; by waking them up when they have a hangover and ASKING for something rbcp and colleen called me already so they are up well are they on irc? NO. do they live in colorado and drunk? NO. Do we have their #? NO well then my answer will have to be put off until i am satisfied Geezus maybe if we send out a priority mail package asking for their #, we'll get a reply in a few days you answer needs to be got off? We'll get you off on the phone if you dont give us those names i want it today..then i`ll tell you what you want apok going to be very mad madder than hell when i give his info out Sorry, SOME phone losers have lives. goin to bed in a few hours, then church, then youth group thingy at the ice skating rink, then out getting drunk i know apok. if you give out his info, he'll prolly go visit you. you dont want that. thats so pathetic?? going to church???my God where in co? what a f lame place that is?? all stupid people in a group not f. FUCKING. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFU CKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK FUCKFUCKFUCK just like you want to fuck el jefe FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK well apok will be pissed alright that nobody listened to him when he told everyone not to call me and they still are tsk tsk tsk thats real bad if youre gonna THINK it then you might as well SAY it he didnt tell me. You think we're all cool and can be telepathically linked? well i`m telling you ....he is awesome apok0lyps... we're good but not that fucking good peachey wants apok's body ha Do you want to see a picture of el jefe btw? Someone drew him at defcon do you have his picture? i`d really love to see him..he sounds so awesome i felt safe talking to him i got a drawing of el jefe. ill look for apoks. nooooo apoks picture i want apok dummy i know look at this anyway k any fighter will tell you to know your opponent. this better not be something i wont like its not a dead baby or pr0n i`m not fighting with apok k :) i still have nightmareas about that baby oh hey heres one i have to see that from netscape? you can.. hummmmm theyre standard gif files i like it better from find okay lalalala you can change it to that? stupid ass slow dcc hummmmm your is not mine :) so where are you? why don't you load quickview and look in your downloads directory in MIRC i'm at pinguino's house dont know how? you slept there? its probably on your C drive we havent slept yet. its still nighttime ok brb going to look ok c:\mirc\downloads people like you shouldnt be allowed to purchase a computer without taking a basic class from like CompUSA or something shut up phear. what do i do after that double click on the graphic then nevermind ill go to netscape wait ok you don't watch 90210 do you..? the g0at is watching. the g0at will rob you of your dreams whilst you sleep. the g0at is your master. the g0at is your lover. the g0at is your benefactor. eat the g0at, share the g0at, be a part of the g0at. do you think apok is sexy? would you do him if he came to give you a smackdown? er fine take your time [netmask has dcced her a picture of a scary looking friend of pinguino's who has a fro and is holding a big stick... Now it's time to give peachey a lesson on how to use Windows 95. Oh god.] I bet you're gettin off on that pic of him and his stick. 5 min... know what? I don't have a fro like apok and jefe. so i guess you wouldnt think i was all sexy and stuff 6 min *sigh* im gonna fall asleep if you dont say anything OHHHHHHHH hi i want to see the picture you HAVENT seen them yet!? its been 6 minutes no?? cant do it//????? geez i know HUMMMMMMM okok click on "my computer" dont know how? hummmmmmmmm and tell me if you have a c and d drives or just a c you'll also have some other stuff in there will you keep talking and i`ll follow while i do it? yeah so is it c and d or just c? umm how do i see that screen? in mirc in the upper right hand corner, theres a bar, 2 boxes and a x. click on the bar. when you wwanna get back to mirc, go to the start bar and click mirc. my computer will be a picture of a computer on your screen (desktop) what do you want to know? when i get there if you have a C and D or just C... k i have cd c ? okay click twice (real fast) on C then look for an icon labelled MIRC ive seen gif before just dont remember how i did it and click twice (real fast) on MIRC where? did you get a new window after doubleclicking C? im gonna fall asleep on you no i`m too stupid alright. we'll do it the easy way. click X on all the screens you dont need maybe i can do it from another thing k with netscape, go to File, pull down and click on Open location. press browse and find c:\mirc\downloads in the white bar type apok.gif if you cant do that, youre truely hopeless or im way too tired to be on irc right now. ummm enjoy. you figure it out. ask your daddy when he gets home. im going to bed now. bye, Peachey scares the shit out of Spanish Prince: --------------------------------------------- spanish prince right? yeah so? i thought i was your friend see the title? see my fingers? see my thumb? see my Fist? you better run!!!! huh? you can't punch me through a computer in case you didn't figure out