����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ISSUE 003 - PEACHEY INCORPORATED - ISSUE 003 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � Released on June 1, 1997 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � The publishers of this newsletter take no responsibility for the use of � � any information printed and do not encourage others to bother peachey. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Welcome to the third issue of Peachey Incorporated! Not a whole lot has developed since the last couple of issues. Peachey has finally started coming back on IRC on a regular basis. Somehow she managed to find someone who gave her el_jefe's real home phone number and when the #rock goons found out about this, they really let her have it. By now she's wishing she'd never gotten it and refuses to tell anyone who gave it to her. Details are in the #phoneloser log in this issue. Darkhour (a regular from #rock) was nice enough to make a peachey.irc script. It doesn't actually do anything useful but blurt out dumb peachey quotes but it's funny. Also, check out peachmap.jpg which should be included in this issue's archive and shows pictures of peachey's town and a map to her house! ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � /whois peachey � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ As a regular feature in each issue of Peachey Inc, we will dedicate a section to peachey's personal information, updated from the last issue to reflect changes if any apply. Nobody has really done any research lately so we don't have alot of information but here's the little that we do have: Peachey lives at 16 Cornell in Marblehead, MA which is a suburb-like town of Boston, MA. She lives with her brother, mom & dad. Their main phone number is 617-639-0224. They also have at least one other line which we haven't got yet because the MLAC offices are really fierce there. On their video account at Videoscope, they list Beverly, Zac & Zeb Edwards. We believe peachey's real name is Ashley and she's 27 years old but haven't really bothered to verify any of this info. Listed with directory assistance is Zac & Zeb Edwards, 288 Pleasant St, Marblehead, MA, 617-631-8454. This residence is very close by peachey's house. (see map) The Marblehead MLAC number is 617-662-3550 if anyone wants to give it a try. They insist that I give them a tech ID number. If you see peachey, warn her not to rent any videos! An unnamed person called the video store, explaining they were Chris Tomkinson of the Boston Police Department and that if any of the Edwards family came in to rent videos, to remain calm and call the police immediately. The video store clerk made a notation on their account and promised to keep her eye out for them. hehe. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � peachey.irc � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ # Just when you thought you were safe from stupid scripts with no # purpose.. # Its.. # PEACHEY.IRC!!!!!!!!!!!!! # w00p w00p w00p w00p # # peachey.irc, v1.0 # # sorry if the coding lewks bad, im lame @ peachey.logo = [.+peachey+.] ^assign peachey.version .+1.0 alpha 10+. ^eval set client_information $client_information + peachey.irc - by darkhour echo --------- peachey.irc by darkhour (darkhour@underworld.net) echo --------- greetz: LogicBox, S_P, pinguino, Maq702 echo --------- version .+1.0 alpha10+. echo --------- /peachey for random quote, /peachey #channel for topic echo --------- /script for more 1nf0 ^assign peachey.status.loaded 1 ^assign peachey.infoz.0 if it's possible..i hope your day gets much worse .......ha ha ha ha ^assign peachey.infoz.1 your face is killing me ^assign peachey.infoz.2 thanks for the invitation but i think i'll pass. by the way ask eljefe for the sex. ^assign peachey.infoz.3 don't you have any pride? you don't even know me and you speak like that? ^assign peachey.infoz.4 how come i see you? everytime im on? what's your life like??? hee hehehehe i don't have to masturbate i have a man ^assign peachey.infoz.5 el_jefe kicked me? ^assign peachey.infoz.6 you will have to be punished for that.. ^assign peachey.infoz.7 i don't like filthy mouths.. ^assign peachey.infoz.8 get it threw your thick black head !!!NEVER!!! ^assign peachey.infoz.9 stop or you'll be punished ^assign peachey.infoz.10 is bandon your superior? ^assign peachey.infoz.11 what can i do to make you stop? ^assign peachey.infoz.12 i don't like you ^assign peachey.infoz.13 your really mean ^assign peachey.infoz.14 you make me sick and very sad ^assign peachey.infoz.15 hey i wouldn't start with me if i were you! ^assign peachey.infoz.16 you are mean to put our private conversation in a web page... i hate you ^assign peachey.infoz.17 and im going to tell your wife, she'll never screw you again! ^assign peachey.infoz.18 cause your from rock and they all are nasty ^assign peachey.infoz.19 no i won't like it...every time i talked to someone from rock i was mad ^assign peachey.infoz.20 doesnt work? even with alt-f4 my computer needs to be redone? ^assign peachey.infoz.21 hate to think your someones dad? ^assign peachey.infoz.22 please don't or i'll never talk to you again!!!! ^assign peachey.infoz.23 my dad had it traced ^assign peachey.infoz.24 i would like el_jefe's number address anything so i can make him stop ^assign peachey.infoz.25 i'd like to get that nashi person to slap el_jefe around for me ^assign peachey.infoz.26 you want to be ignored??? ^assign peachey.infoz.27 beacause im afraid you will call ^assign peachey.infoz.28 please i already can't sleep at night my heart beats fast and im scared ^assign peachey.infoz.29 do you have a penis? yes 8 and 1/2 ^assign peachey.infoz.30 im saving myself for el_jefe ^assign peachey.infoz.31 i fuc.. hate you @ total.peachey = [0] foreach peachey.infoz ii { @total.peachey++ } alias script { echo --------- peachey.irc - by darkhour --------- echo --------- .+1.0 alpha 10+. --------- echo --------- released:5/21/97 --------- echo --------- ph33r peachey --------- echo --------- (darkhour@underworld.net) --------- } alias peachey { @peachmsg=[${peachey.infoz[${rand($total.peachey)-1}]} - peachey.irc] if (![$0]) { say ${peachmsg} }{ if ([$0]) { if ([$0]) { if ([$[1]0]==[#]) { if ([$strlen($0)]==[1]) { topic ${peachmsg} }{ quote topic $0 :${peachmsg} } } } } } } ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � IRC Logs � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ They are bad honest: ------------------- Note: sad is peachey, just trying to trick us into thinking she's not on IRC. why do you call yourself Roy? are you roy? Yeah, I'm Roy. Why? is that eljefes name? are you also in rock? It's my name, and it's also el_jefe's name. Just a coincidence. thanks you what is eljefe name? it`s not roy His first name is Roy, I donno his last. He talked to me when I first came into #rock, cause he saw my name and noticed it's the same as his. be carful in rock they are bad people They are? They seem nice... I just came in the other day cause a friend of mine said that write a wagazine he likes. They say they don't do it anymore, but oh well. We just talk about computers and stuff. Why do you say they're bad? they harrass me They do? How? How can they harass you on IRC? too numerous to mention are you male? Yeah... are you? no if you can find out what eljefe name is but do not under any circumstances tell him you talk to me!! Ok... I won't. I haven't talked to him except that first night. You're a girl and they harass you? That's messed up... Did you do something to them? please try for me...they call me at my home all hours swear threaten me etc it`s a nightmare please dont tell them you talking to me Geez, really? How did they get your phone number? no i didn`t do anything to make them this mad at me :( I won't say anything for now... if they're really doing this to you I'm not gonna talk to them any more. they tricked me in \to giving it But I hope you're not telling stories about them... You aren't, are you? they have my unlisted phone number. i got it changed and they got the new one..they are phone losers of america Geez... like PLA? That's the name of the magazine my friend said these guys wrote or are writing or whatever. they are bad honest be carful I didn't know what it stood for, I never read it... my friend doesn't have a computer anymore, but he said to check out #rock. I will.... crap. Are you sure you didn't do anything to them? I mean, they really seem nice... get out while you can and never ever give your telephone number How did they get your new phone number? (if it's unlisted) Crap... I already gave my number to one guy! they tricked me :( Damn. I mean, c'mon... There has to be some reason why they call you at home! You didn't like swear at them or insult them or anything? they are harrassing me big time How'd they get your new number? i dont know? Are they like hackers or something? yes Geez. Can't you call the cops? If they're harassing you... they cant catch them Sure they can! They can trace the calls or something... they have been traced...dosen`t work they are using cellular and phone booths That sucks. Can't you change the number again? And like be really careful with it? i did they have access to all the phones somehow even unlisted Geez. Are you sure you didn't do anything to them? I mean, they wouldn't harass you for no reason?! NO Why would they spent so much time bugging you then? * session ends. guess she logged off. El_Jefe is beyond mean: ---------------------- This is a chat log of #peachey one day. Pa Bell was her "friend" for the day and happily handed over el_jefe's phone number. nothing i want eljefe name what are you doing :) > Dont tell him I told you > but he is an ass > his Name is Rob Buecher you know i won`t... i would be grateful to you no > if they find out, you got the # off caller id if they ask stop > stop what? lying they tell me its zak then jeesse? > it is rob as far as I know > Thats all Ive ever called him He may have lied to me how can i get it from the caller id? > I know his phone # though but Dont think I should give it to ya please > hmm I dunno if he finds out he would be mad at me he will never find out > ok but if he asks who you got it from dont mention me wb > 618-451-1238 > hmm I dunno if he finds out he would be mad at me > be right back > back wb :) > I got a headache oh i`m sorry :( > not your fault hummmmmm how your not fooling with me i cant take this stuff. > im not fooling with you hope= > I told ya what I know as far as I know thats the right stuff k where is your area code? have you ever tried to call him? > he called me one and his # was on caller Id > I live in CA > el_jefe is a mean person he is beyond mean pabell peachey joins #phoneloser to talk to us about el_jefe's phone number: -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is several hours after Apok0lyps got wind that peachey found out what el_jefe's phone number was and convinced peachey to come into our channel. *** peachey (eccentric@cnc129041.concentric.net) has joined #phoneloser no one kick her no one kick her no one kick her no one kick her /kick #rock peachey hehehe j/k peachey: admit to me who gave you our numbers, and I'll go easy on you i dont remenber the nick? it was flashed to me on a msg was it zens? NO or dazen? nnever even saw him you just told me in a /msg it was *** rbcp sets mode: +o peachey NO z3n? *** rbcp sets mode: -o peachey ME nope dazen? never from me no someone paste that message fine it wasnt me peachey if you unban me from #peachey right now then i won't call you tonight peachey: come clean now I can make your life hell. ask anyone here come clean and we won't visit marblehead peachey guess what. apok, does she understand what will happen to her if we dont get the truth. you don't have my number and im willing to ruin you That we have been treallly sweet to her so far peachey, how would you like a bunch of local reporters knocking on your door in the morning? i think this would make a very interesting story for them if dazen did it peachey: I'm not fucking around he dies peachey tell me who did it be honest if peachey doesn't say where she got that number right now, I'm going to the payphone be honest peachey, or you won't go to heaven! *** S_P sets mode: +o-o peachey peachey don't worry, i'm going to have a LONG night at the pay phone tonight. i'm setting my alarm for 2am. apok0lyps you said yOU were going to talk to me nobody else Hmmm, I wonder what daddy's friends would think if he started getting bestiality magazines in the mail at the hospital... peachey: I AM talking to you you better get this straight with me right now k but i cant answer everone? answer me k I'm your biggest problem put us all on ignore then you stupid bitch rbcp is i will be TELL ME WHO DID IT NOW LAST CHANCE OR WE WON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE I DO NOT KNOW it was a false nick bullshit which nick was false? peachey, you better tell him. you think its bad now. it can get so much worse. peachey: /msg me *my* home number just tell us which nick it was and since it was false, we can eliminate that person I feel bad omens do you keep logs peachey? you already know my real name, but everyone does what nick was it, peachey i wont ever call you or use your name... i didnt call you? and i had the number too late I want to know who told you just the fact that you have it peachey is enough to cause us to hold PeacheyCon in Boston this summer what nick was it, peachey? peachey: if u tell us well bother that person isntead of u peachey: If you tell me who it was, we'll go much easier on you so it would be wise to tell peachey this could be an end to all your suffering. It just take a couple words what nick was it, peachey? what nick was it, peachey? what nick was it, peachey? what nick was it, peachey? listen peachey if we know who it is then we have no reason to bug u anymore we will have someone new to bug but I NEVER did anything to you??? you are harassing me for no reason?? WAHT NICK WAS IT, PEACHEY NICK! I dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just think peachey - if you tell us who it was then we'll have to spend at least HALF of our time bugging them so you'd get about 5 hours of sleep each night yes you do, bitch. do you think they actually would tell me??? that's it and peachey, if we do hold PeacheyCon in Boston, I'm giving Apok0lyps a helluva lot of coffee I tried being nice god i DONT KNOW peachey, it doesnt matter. We'll have a new target and theyll get it really bad what difference does it make?? YOU OR THEM TAKE YOUR PICK! I`m not the F stalker here!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will leave you alone they don't have to tell you, idiot. when someone /msg's you, it has their nick on i peachey: because I'm gonna kill whoever it was t then tell us the fucking nick now what was the fucking nick? 10 fine, have it your way its all out war now that wasnt smart peachey not that anything youve done was you guys keep asking her I'm making a call Oh well... nice knowing you, peachey. peachey do you have me on ignore? ummmmm i think i was so shocked that maybe i didnt notice the nick?? ummm bullshit?? now but you werent shocked enough to rememeber it? apok, i can get us a group flight discount 'cause my friend works at united airlines unless you tell me the nick youd wanna netsex them i'm going to go to the payphone but thats the truth :( please so, i`m scared id tell you if i remembered start telling me the nick, or I'm going to have to call all night, every night until you tell me peach: Seriously, Apok has a REALLY nasty temper and he's very pissed about this. If he can't take it out on the guy, he WILL take it out on you. you better start remembering i cant :( peachey, you hate us.. you wouldnt want to MEET us would you? Peachy have you ever been published in a adult magazine before? no joke its odd how u member that info but NOT who told u eh? you had better remember i know but what can i do?? i done remember anyway i didnt call you????????? remember now Look at your logs are you going to call me peachey? no shit but i dont remember seeing it? someone tell peachey to take me off of ignore or else but u member seeing the info? BULLSHIT that's a load of shit Peachey. it doesnt matter. you have the numbers. NOBODY can have the numbers. Either you fess up or your life, REAL LIFE, goes to hell. i threw all the logs away..cause i didnt want anyone here to see them i always delete them take rbcp off ignore We won't stop with you, either... we can get your dad fired and or arrested. He's lose his job and his medical license. you remember everything the person said but you don't remember who said it if your going to throw them away why the fuck log it? peachey: LISTEN DO U WANT YOUR DAD TO LOOSE HIS JOB? Is that worth it to you, to have your whole family's life destroyed? yes youre an insensitive bitch then I would hate for your dad to loose his job that would prob NOT be cool no i dont remember the nick why can t you understand it? LIAR you thought your life was hell before, that's nothing. It was just a game til now. liar why? you expect us to believe you remember everything the person said, but not who it was? bullshit peacheY: How bout I have a investigation started on your dad? would jog cuntie's memory U think he would like that? You think some phone calls were annoying?!? That is nothing compard to what's coming now! peachey, ever thought about college? haha. not gonna happen now. your life, your parents lives, your friends lives (if you have any left) all over with your poor daddy is gonna be collecting state aid my brother keeps bothering me about what college to go to no more puter for u unless you start talking (he's doing that right now) (what he said). Hmm, let's see... just slip a quarter gram of cocaine in your dad's car, phone in an anonymous tip to the police... maq: no u forget maq: I can have a investigation started on ANYONE power is nice Boom... arrested. Loss of medical license for drug use. Fired and ignored by his friends. even if there was nothing there he still would be seen as a bad person stigmatizing him forever wait. if peacheys so old why does she still live with her parents?!!? she's retarded that's why * S_P 's dad is a doctor WAIT All of a sudden you have to move cuz the bank forecloses on your house. Parents start fighting over money every day until they ultimately divorce. I remember now i suggest you answer the question your dad was molesting some kid peachey and your dad was like touching people kicking me from your channel isn't the best way to get on our good side rawr! *** rbcp sets mode: +o peachey damn thats gotta suck i dare you to takeover peachey i dare you come on do it And for somereason Your daddy has pedophilic warrants in all but two states. bbl reading or you could tell us who. Dad works in a gas station for a few years until the depression causes him to commit suicide. Mom works as a waitress , and and the family live in a 1-bedrrom apartment in the ghetto. hrm maq: hehe yam ninja? oh well Is this all worth it? *** Sc0rp changes topic to " 617-639-0224 " *** Sc0rp sets mode: +l 1997 Peachey im putting your pics in a adult magazine as of next months issue you will be known as the Boston Peach queen hey peachey will your dad get mad if I Call him at work? peachey's not talking to us anymore then why the fuck is she still here i dont know what to do? answer the question remember what the fucking nick was. now. ITS REAL SIMPLE BITCH YOU WILL you can start by getting on your knees, the rest comes naturally tell the name and you can rest easy tongight TELL NOW FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING SAKE or your life will get worse that it already is this isn't shit, you'll be wishing to get hit by a bus by the time it's done give us the nick, and you never get harassed agian i told you i cant you can and you fucking will OK you made your choice if you just give us the nick, all of this stops ok give us the nick if you don't, it gets fifty times worse eljefe if i knew it i would you know i hate all of you why would i protect someone?? peachey was it 'zens' you actually expect me to believe that someone told you a bunch of stuff that you just committed to memory, but just can't remember who did it? or 'z3ns' or 'dazen' bullshit you're fucking lying i don't like liars i am not lying el jefe if you continue to lie to me, i will make your life very bad Maybe someone should call her and walk her through, step by step, how to look at a log. now fucking remember the nick, and this will quit BYE i came to talk to apok thats it!!!!!!!! he should have kept his word!!!!!!!! * pabell away cleaning/packing for the flight *** peachey (eccentric@cnc129041.concentric.net) has left #phoneloser Another #peachey log: -------------------- *** Now talking in #peachey boo hi why weren't you answering your phone earlier? look at the trouble you caused :( where is colleen at work what trouble did i cause? hello? [rbcp changes topic in #rock to "everyone join #peachey!"] *** iceQbicle has joined #peachey hi * iceQbicle hugs peachey xoxoxooxoxoxo *** darkhour has joined #peachey no * rbcp hugs peachey PEACHEY! hi darkhour *** _Tigress has joined #peachey stop or you'll be punished - peachey.irc * iceQbicle hugs tigress cause your from rock and they all are nasty - peachey.irc <_Tigress> hiya q * iceQbicle hugs tigress * _Tigress sits down by q hehe *** netmask has joined #peachey <_Tigress> i've missed ya * iceQbicle wraps his arm around tigress *** porchmnky has joined #PEACHEY missed you too baby wow, you're popular peachey! * iceQbicle squeezes, hugs, and loves tigress we all love peachey *** DeaY has joined #peachey peachey is the shit *** Retrieving #peachey channel info... *** rbcp changes topic to "peachey has a smelly cunt" *** lilac has joined #peachey *** You were kicked from #peachey by peachey (peachey) Session Close: Sat May 31 22:43:11 1997 RBCP beats Colleen to a bloody pulp: ----------------------------------- In the few days following this chat, Colleen has been being really nice to peachey to get information from her which worked quite well. hello what's up? ;0 don't make those stupid fucking things at me hummm sorry :( you better be bitch oooooooo ummmmmm ok? why are you mad? yeah whatever i had to beat the shit out of colleen for what she did WHAT????????????????????/ how DARE she be nice to you! you bastard!!!!!!!!!! she didnt do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're calling me a bastard? that's not smart yes well you HIT her?????????????? i would kill you burn you in the bed cut you that's not smart considering the mass amount of information i have on you i made those maps of your house and i have more i hate you!!!! No man hits his wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well you are making my life dangerous? why? your wife Colleen is the nicest part of you i also am getting the newspaper in marblehead involved so they should contact you soon i made colleen dye her hair red and get a perm so she'd look like you. then i beat the living crap out of her she didnt do ot tell me anything?? why are you mad at her?? you really hit her? you make me sick The Advocate, Marblehead Magazine, Marblehead_News-Digest. They'll be at your house soon. please stop can i call you and talk to you please hold on, let me punch her in the nose again. no please i didnt do anything NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i`m going to call the police fine go ahead. you don't have our address do you? look i wont talk to you anymore i`ll have to put you on ignore if you try to scare me anymore :( cause you are look i even invited colleen and you to visit this summer fine, put me on ignore. i'll just be forced to call you all night. i've got tonight off work and could sit at the pay phone until about 3am. i don't want to be around you, i'll probably get a disease. please what did i do? i'm the one who called you and you said to meet you on irc at 12:30 the other day ha i`m not going to bed with you so dont worry about it hee hehheh colleen must hate it too i'm i'm the one who called you at 3am last week and bothered your brother and left an at&t message after he took the phone off the hook you were? i love how you're trying to insult me here awhhhhh no i will be good i mean, it's not smart to try and piss me off right now. colleen is lying in a puddle of blood and piss over here i hope you're happy may i talk to her please her fingers aren't working quite right today. so no. i1m scared for her...........she is such a nice person...she dosent deserve this. her brain won't be working in a few hours... she's a pig and deserves everything she gets. tell exactly what you want me to do...to make this all end ...pLease i can talk to you right now on the phone if you want..i will call you or you may call me.. this will never end. it's hopeless. sorry me and el_jefe are going to harass all of colleen's family now please dont you are indangering me..there are crazy ppl out there pleaes so you'll get a little slack from that i'm not crazy, though. ok but take the number and that page out there must be something i can do? what do you want from me please...help me stop it i`m breaking down do you realize this i cant take it anymore please [RBCP attempts to DCC her peach001.zip] nope. read this file when you get it. you'll like it. no NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO i wont okay, fine, you won't get to see exactly how far it's gone and what we know. i wont do anthing you say ever you have to give me something in return if you want me to cooperate with you anyway do you know eubernig? what if i die from this frustration? my heart hurts i`m so depressed then join #messedup can i talk to mcolleen no i love you peachey i'm going to leave colleen and come see you no you dont colleen is better than me she can handle you i cant she can't anymore not physically anyway i tried i`m so upset all the time cause of you why? el_jefe is not as mean as you congratulatios look why cant you make a deal with me i`m not a bad person come back here i am here i'm a bad person no your very nice nope. listen i gotta get going. i have phone calls to make! have a nice day! and i hope el_jefe's phone number was worth it. bye. sleep tight tonight [Later that day...] cactus? what? you know no? dont know what that means? YOU WILL i need a hug :( i`m going crazy * rbcp hugs peachey...then stabs her in the fucking eye please dont do this? hey guess what? there really is no colleen. i just made her up. i have split personalities not true you also have a page yes, i took those pictures from some other girl's page. don't know her. i'm actually a fag but the whole colleen and emily thing is a big coverup well i`m glad cause at least you can not beat her :) okay, i'm lying. colleen is real but she will be dead soon ummmmmm whats your first name?? Alex 76!@#$%^&(*) I bet colleen is the one who gave you el_jefe's phone number. alex please leave colleen alone she didnt tell me a thing it was someone else she should have known better than that and now she's paying for it noooooooooooo plesse i wish you could hit me instead :( she didnt give me anything anyways the number i got (from someone else) is no good don't fuck with me and quit lying. nope honest it dosent work :( sorry :( yep, it does. you must've wrote it down wrong. but that doesn't change the fact that colleen betrayed me so she will suffer. sorry. alex i want to talkt to you right now please? ummm i`ll call you OR you can call me right now nobody home i'll call you at 3am tonight don't worry about it nooooooooooooooooo noooooooooooooo why do you live at home at your age? for the f last time she didnt do anything?? it was me who betrayed you! she didnt give it to me??? yes she did, i have the logs. why are you lying to me? what are you doing f with me anyway your married hee hehehehhehehehh sorry it's too late anyway, i don't think she'll survive more than another few hours i like to put roach clips on my nipples what? you do? good :) hope it gets stuck and sticks mmmmmmmmmm you`d like that wow, nice how you're trying to insult me. i think i'll call you 5 times tonight for everytime you do that. thats wasnt an insult??????????????/ i thought you liked pain???????????? i took it as an insult so you're up to 10 calls tonight. you won't sleep tonight i`m not going to be home and i didnt insult you i thought you would like that thought?? i`m trying to think like you fine, i'll annoy your brother. he likes it netsex me no he please hes is a nice person really so are you but that's not stopping me. give me your number then 419-586-2345 i really don't care if you have my number because i'm on the internet all the time oh? yeah can i talk to colleen for just a minute? so go ahead and try. i won't be here anyway, i'll be out at the pay phone go ahead nooooo only when you want me to call you i will i don't need you to call me but go ahead. colleen is in the kitchen crying so maybe she will answer no i dont want you mad just tell me when to call okay?? and then you wont call me ok please ok? i will call you. whenever i want no it wont be necessary to call me okay, your brother then what kind of names are zac & zeb? those are really stupid. what!!!!!! dont who's beverly? ummmm i cant talk freely cause your a one way story ? who? what are you going to do on monday when zak changes his number? you'll be right back where you started but he'll just be alot more pissed off as well as I. so you screwed yourself over good by getting his number did you pay those late fines yet? it pisses me off that you're not answering me. this deserves another 5 calls tonight at 4am ignore me now, you won't be able to tonight [rbcp joins #peachey and gets kicked.] that's fine. we'll see who does the kicking tonight ------------------- This is actually rbcp and not Colleen. they let you in #rock? are you okay??? rbcpsaid he beat you :( can you leave him?? bring the baby and come to boston and dont tell him hehe. he doesn't beat me did he say he did? yes he did:( i have been very upset about it all day oh! well he didn't do anything like that. rbcp is a very non-violent person. i could kick his ass. hehe. well kick it he said horrible things about what he did to you hmmmm. are you sure it was rbcp? he promised me he wouldn't do anything like that to you anymore. it was him all the time calling me at night early am threateining me it was him :) i am sorry to tell you this no no no, rbcp would never do anything like that to you. he has no way to call for free. i've taken away his red box and calling cards. it's impossible colleen if youever have a problem you cancome to me with the baby honest you are a very sweet girl and do not deserve his double personality please becarfu; colleen it was him :( he said it today he verified things to me that ONLY he would know iM positive hmmm. he just left for work. i'll have to have a talk with him. but he doesn't hit me, he's a very nice person. everyone likes him here. well i`m telling you honestly it was him that was calling me he proved it to me...just becarful it`s not a joke please colleen just be carful okay well thank you. but really he's a very nice person and I don't think he would do something awful like that. well, there was that one time he punched my teeth in. but other than that... what????????????????????????????????? colleen????????????????????? do you know what your saying? you are kidding? no, i wouldn't kid about something like that. he's a nice guy but when he drinks too much kool-aid he gets a little hyperactive. this was just one of those times colleen you are too nice for him dont be offended i dont want your marriage upset but you shoul leave him immediately go home to your mom ack, no way. my mom is a meaney. alex is really nice he just gets a little obsessed over dumb things. like once i didn't fold his underwear like he wanted me too so he shredded all my underwear into little peices and threw them in the street. but this was early in our marriage so it was understandable. no no no thats not true no man scares woman ever? colleen look i wont and i do not mean to upset you please just listen to me if he hits you or threatens you take emily and leave without him knowing and go to the shelter..or call me okay? at least you have a place to go okay?? you dont have to be abused by him i'm not abused though! he's really nice when he's sober which is most of the weekdays. he f drinks liquor too???????????? god colleen :( arnt you scared? well, it's not so bad. he's really nice and the only real problem with the liquor is that he buys so much of it that i never have money for emily's food. but i don't mind his drinking. god this is obsurb... sorry but i hste him brb door bell but he's NICE. you'd like him if you met him in person. he's cool ha i know too much already to think that colleen were is he now? he's typing to you right now see, colleen is at work tonight and i'm impersonating her. hehe. you're dumb. where? she's working. at work. with a big bruise on her eye ?? !! well i will tell her all about you and what you did what i did? what did i do? please don't tell her i will i f cant wait!!!!!!!! don't curse!! if you tell her i'll be sad i will convince her to leave you hee heh no you won't she's trapped in a bad marriage. nope she cann come to me ha hahhah nobody shoued be traped with wife beater pig like you she wont ever give you sex again ha ahhahah i1ll tell her I'M NO PIG! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!! she can't come to you, there's no way for her to leave town. no bus, no taxi, no airport. and she don't drive. hey your a wimp you cant take the the truth what is oh please don't tell her why do you have to show our private conversations there you go [I kick her from #rock (she'd been hanging out there for an hour.] why? i didnt do a thing? you insulted me! that was mean i didn't like it one bit you want me to put you on ignore?? i'm not going to let colleen irc anymore. i'll put a password on the computer and she won't be able to log in anymore put me back in rock right now !@@@#$$%^^^&***((((())))___++ okay okay done last chance before you get ignored?? thanks okay i will be nice now bullshit. you're going to tell colleen everything i said to you and i can't have that no i wont/ i dont want to upset her living with you is enough stress [As usual, I'm posting our private chat for everyone to see in #rock] why are you doing that? it's funny stop kicking me i said i was going to be nice i didnt ignore you? yet i don't care if you do. go ahead and ignore me. you can't ignore my phone calls. nope hey i just want you to be a little kinder towards me then don't try to threaten and insult me. see, that's why you're in the situation that you're in. ok i am sorry just dont make me mad buhahaha and if i make you mad then what the hell are you going to do? look if you want private conversation fine if not then leave me alone' [An hour later...] will you stop if i behave? no send me your picture get it from my page ha i`d rather :GET IT FROM YOU " too bad. i'd just send you a picture of a dead dog. nahh but thanks for the tip listen, i'm not involved as you think i am but there's something you should know - apok0lyps and el_jefe and a bunch of other people have already set up flights to boston for next week. so i'd be careful what you say to them ha no they are not.... i`ll be gone next week anyway hee hheh [Of course I'm making all this up.] just telling you. i won't be there but they will. i don't think they want to harm you physically but probably do something nasty. i dunno like? i don't know. i'm just warning you. please it`s late so dont scare me before i go to sleep pleease okay fine, i don't care. i was just telling you what i know. geez. but i`m paranoid now :( whatever what please give me a hug tell me your just kidding okay you're not smart. depends what you think smart is and okay goodnight [She joins #peachey which I've taken over and I kick her out.] stay out of my channel i took you off ignore :) we are friends now the hell we are. after you threatened me? you don't know how to make friends. i am trying please i will be your friend and colleens yeah right. you're going to tell colleen about me. you're a two-faced bitch and i hate you for that if you give me a chance i will always be nice can i call you right now? no everyone is a sleep good, hold on let me get my cell phone whos the mean one? see it1s you :( i`m being nice and your not wanna come to my channel? hello???? i found a pic. do you really want it? if it`s nothing that will give me nightmares hummmmmmm no better not thanks anyway i`m too afraid fine. i found it just for you too. geez. hummmmm since your not trustworthy i cant accept it sorry i said fine. i just don't know why you asked and then wouldn't take it. i'm not the one who sent you gross pics anyway, that was phelon. cause i dont trust you but if you say it`s apicture of you i will take it are you sure? yes come to peachey2 *** now talking in #peachey2 wow no hi rbcp- it's packed in here ha ton-o-people lots of good conversation too well i have not many friends since i`m banned from every channel that rock followed me into hehe. sorry about that what? them getting you banned from everywhere. [This part is funny. Instead of sending a picture of myself, I sent her the "peachey atlas" JPG with maps to her house.] there's my pic brb k you are dead why?? *** you were kicked from #peachey2 by peachey (peachey) [Back to private chat...] why'd you kick me??? did i send the wrong pic?? i`m going to blab eljefe name and number all over this fucking net and you know what it`s your fault and also i`m going to tell apoklyps that IT was you who gave me HIS info too hee hehehhehehehehehhehehehe [You know you've pissed her off when she actually says a cuss word.] oh no!! don't please don't! i'm sorry, what pic did i send? it was an accident? hey i'm sorry