����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ISSUE 002 - PEACHEY INCORPORATED - ISSUE 002 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � Released on May 30, 1997 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � The publishers of this newsletter take no responsibility for the use of � � any information printed and do not encourage others to bother peachey. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ So this is issue two. There's absolutely nothing in here but IRC logs and if you've been to the Peachey Fan Club Page (members.tripod.com/~amandapeachey) then you're not going to find anything new in this issue. Issue three, however will definately have the latest and greatest in peachey's history with new IRC logs (of course), telephone transcripts and possibly interviews with the local Marblehead newspapers and/or police department. One slight update from the previous issue - after finding out it was useless to change her phone number, Peachey & Family changed it back into the original number which is 617-639-0224. Apparently they think they're going to sue the phone company for handing out unlisted numbers when it was actually Spanish Prince who got the number from one of her stupid friends. We can now be emailed at WeLovePeachey@hotmail.com for submissions or comments. Look for issue three, hopefully sometime this week! ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � IRC Logs � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Peachey refuses to netsex RBCP: ------------------------------ you want to be ignored?? No! I just want to tell you how much i like you you want to be phoned all night? i get off work at 2am. please that's a yes? please i dont want you to call.. well, i think you're a really neat person. will you be my friend? no why not? because your so mean I'M not mean. you get me confused with everyone else, i think. I'm the nice guy! do you like sc0rp? no i dont like anyone from rock except for me, right? sure because i`m afraid you will call i've never called you! but you threaten to i'm just kidding about that stuff. tell you what, give me netsex and i'll quit msging you altogether. and i'll take your photograph off of my page hey colleen does everybody i`m sure she will give you a turn ? colleen won't speak to me since you chatted with her! you made her mad at me. i`m sorry about that.. so how about that phone sex or should i just start calling you alot? please lets try to be friends please i said i`m sorry please help me i'm TRYING to be friends but you won't netsex me. hey, did you see how i morphed your photograph on my page and i stuck your head on that nudie girl's body? sc0rp is making a picture of you sitting next to your dead dog please stop then be nice to me i AM. i just told you i loved you, didn't I??? ok i'm dialing your number right now, peachey dont!!!!!! why???????????? don't worry, my phone's unplugged i was just practicing for later tonight no you cant it wont make any sence..i dont use that phone yes you do. you answer all the time please dont gee just talk to me hear why cant you be serious come to #rock and hang out with us hey, join #rbcp for a second. i want to show you something i`m afraid to please csnt take this can`t = i won't be mean, i want to chat a second in #rbcp or in another channel. you choose please? i`m too afraid....your too mean please i just can`t oh come on. what more could i do to you in a channel that i can't do here. how about #peachey? please i already cant sleep at night my heart beats fast vecause i`m really scared there must be a bad reason? please please please? ok, forget it, i just wanted to help you no thanks i cant think as evil as you guys you want to help me? not now. forget it ok [I turn on a flooding program.] dont flood me? is this what you wanted to do/ flood me? no, i'm just pissed cause you wouldn't let me help you Colleen Card has a word or two with Peachey: ------------------------------------------- whats your problem? why are you netsexxing my guy? i wouldnt netsex him with your body even * peachey (�`�._(�`�._( Colleen )_.���)_.���) * peachey (_.���(_.���( Colleen )�`�._)�`�._) sure sure we've all seen the logs a prsent for you present= no thanks your gross it`s good what is it? a msg from your doctor? no maybe from yours?? it`s just a wav hahahaha I don't go to the doctor, againest my relgion is it gross? not for you it wont be :) no thanks then just listen the you can delete if you dont want it?? you might want to let your little boyfriend hear it?? I don't have a boyfriend what ever he is did you get it?? * peachey likes to swim like a fish withColleen ���`�.��..><((((�>.���`�.��.���`�.�><((((�>�.���`�.�.�,�.�.���` �.. ><((((�>`�.��.���`�.�.���`�...�><((((�>�.���`�.�.�,�.�.���`�.. ><((((�>`�.��.���`�.�.���`�...�><((((�> nope is it coming?? nope hum? i don't want your trash you are trash Peachey admits she has a penis: ------------------------------ do you have a penis? yes 8 and 1/2 did you change your phone number yet? cause i'm just waiting for you to do it so i can get the new one within a day you know i will maybe i should just change it for you i fuc.. hate you but we all LOVE you you all hate me..and i dont know why? no, really, we LOVE you. if you'd just put out for me i'd make everyone leave you alone. give me netsex colleen does that for you.. colleen won't netsex me no matter how much a beg. besides, we only have one computer. oh? i`m saving myself for el_jefe Peachey learns what 2600 meetings are really about: -------------------------------------------------- hi hi what's up? well they are calling me shit. still?? yes :( jesus. you should just change your number. well my familywould rather yell at me tell your family to go jump in a lake. :) wish i could is it just el_jefe? i tried to get him to stop and he said he wouldn't call anymore. it`s really bad well he lied he just called me.and i`m in big trouble.. shit. i'm going to quit hanging around with him if he doesn't quit it. this has gone far enough as far as I'm concerned. i don`t think that the ppl in rock realize hoe bad it id me neither. how'd this start anyway? i got drunk tonite cause i cant handle this anymore i havent slept in weeks ask them they call all the time he gives my number out in the sex channels you shouldn't drink. just move out or something. how old are you? smoke cigarettes. that's better for you. :) i went to a party and was gin\ven vodka i hate smoke ah. hehe. i`m scared of what? i can`t make this stop why can't you change your number? no matter how hard i try i cant get eljefe to stop giving my phone number out?? i had three calls already just now? it`s not up to me about changing the number ah. take it off the hook and don't tell your parents. i thought you were getting a tap put on anyways. thats what i did...but it`s an emergency phone line you know it could cost someone their life i feel so guilty i feel so ashamed it is being traped but it takes up to 90 days we have logicboxs number and a few others they will get caught i'd like logic's number, the little shit. he jipped me out of some warez the other day. i just want them to stop i sent him 40 megs of stuff and then he told me to go to hell. 1 612 824 [xxxx] whats your area code? mine's 612 also. logic is in minnesota??? do you know Justin Taylor? it sounds familiar peachey, i'm reaching for my cell phone... 1 770 785 7603 i'm dialing your number, peachey how can you do this to me???????????/ just kidding am i going insane/???? dont kid with me anymore okay, i'm sorry. that was mean. are you dating bandon? who is bandon? some irc guy who's in #rock alot. tell me eljefe zak`s last name and phone number please zak's last name is tomkinson and his first name is chris. i'm not sure about his number though he's in colorado no chris tomikson is someone else i think that dazen why do you protect him????? no, i've known zak for a long time. HE'S chris tomkinson. you live in co? no, i'm in minnesota so your saying eljefe is in minn no, he's in colorado. i go down there alot to 2600 meetings whats your area code?? i`ll show you some of the numbers i have how many phone lines are going into your house? the telco office i'm on the phone with right now says there's three of them mine's 612. 2600 meetings??????? whats that? they're computer hacker meetings. i heard your picture was shown at the latest one. so call that nuber and see who that is?? logicbox..612 824 2497 okay, hold on. why did they use my pic???? please take it out n i wasn't there at that meeting. but they had a blown up picture of you and it was hanging on a few trees i've got rbcp's info. what does that mean?? they want to hang me?? tell them not to worry i`m about to kill myself anyway that was rbcp number? can i have his info no, they were just showing everyone to laugh at i think to laugh at me? last time i checked, rbcp's number was 419-586-2345 and his name is Roy something why does eljefe always say he is roy? he's making fun of rbcp probably. look at eljefe whois el_jefe is roy@mtvernon1.accessus.net * Tha Bomb yeah, but mine says smith. it's all fake. this would all stop if you gave me eljefe info i told you his name. call information can you? last time i trusted shaedow aand he gave me andy scotts is that picture from the 2600 meeting really you? by the way, i just called that 612 number and it's busy. at the 770 number some lady answered. what color hair does the pic have?? red if it is, you're cute. it could be me then :( thanks kinda curly red hair? long? yup :( i wish i were dead geez, they had it blown up to about 1 foot by 2 feet and there were about 6 of them on all the trees with your phone number printed below them why are you torturing me????????? i told you i cant handle this what? I didn't do it! I'm just telling you about it what did you mean about the three phone lines?????? i was on the phone with at&t's assignment center just seeing how many phone lines went into your house. i'm bored how can you do that???how do you do it? thats not legal? i can do anything. :) i can get unlisted numbers too how??? you dont have any info at all on me i have your phone number and when i give them that, they tell me the name on the account and how many lines go into the house and the numbers of all the other lines. don't worry, i didn't ask for them i don`t know what to do i`m really terrified and i thought that that was private secure info? i`m calling the police i wasn't trying to freak you out. i just mess with the at&t office when i'm bored. that's all. sheeze, calm down a little. please i`m so frieghted this is no joke to me well they are not suppose to tell that info i wasn't joking, i was simply plowing through your account information and romping freely. they think i work for nynex. how??????????????????????????????????? cause that's what i told them and i gave them a nynex employee code. it's easy. can anyone else do that? so i better kill myself cause if thats the case i am doomed i cant sleep as it is anyone who takes the time to learn, i'm sure they could. it's not really that hard, they just have bad security. i`m so scared and upset ...can you make them leave me alone? i don't control these people. they're like the biggest cyber-gang in that area. there's not much influencing them. especially a little nobody like me i wish there was someone i could trust. you could make them stop you belong to that awful group do not have you been to rbcp's irc logs page yet? there's about 12 chat logs of you on irc. should or can i call the telephne co and tell them about giving info out? won't do any good. if they stop, then their employees can't get info either. are they very bad??? ummm my web s arent working turn off the images on your netscape. that should make it not crash. but you dont have the names or address to confirm confirm what? please tell me about the info on a private number? why did you leave me? click on netscape options, then uncheck the auto-load images thing i couldn't see that channel. my irc is messed up will i be upset if i see the logs?????? i dunno. depends on how sensitive you are. i cant look:( i am very sensitive :( hehe. they're not that bad. just chat logs and all of your personal information and your pic and a pic of a dead dog or something what personal info? i dunno. havent been there in a few days. they had all your relatives listed, i think and a picture of your pic on a tree. relatives?//?? who????? i don't know. i haven't visited in like a week now whats the url? www.bright.net/~bac/pla/irc.htm are you still there? it still freezes oh well. it's really funny. has pictures of dead dogs lying all over the road and morphed pictures of you and your family and tons of chat logs that make you look really stupid. this chat log will be added to it in the morning you should be very proud why's that? well? you know this would all end if you'd just give me netsex tonight so start netsexing right now [The next day...] hi i said hi! so? so say hi back to me hi that's better. :) so so be nice to me. i just want to be friends. no you dont :( do so no you dont you hate me no i love you. really sure you dont need to love me just stop harrassing me i'm not. i'm trying to help i drove down to colorado and took down those posters. they were sick god!!!! well, I didn't design them. you should be happy i took the time to do this for you sure what do you mean? your a liar i am not. YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!! liar liar quit calling me a liar, god dammit! i NEVER lie to anyone. i can't believe you're being like this after all i've done for you yea your a liar and i hate you you did all that to me!!!! thats what youve done your a heel who hurts ppl how could you hate ME? i'm the victim here! good that makes me happy to hear :) after all we've been through yes shut up let me ask you a question - why do you continue to hang out on irc? you can't go into any channels without being hassled (and this IS your own fault no matter what you'd like to believe) and everyone just pisses you off. it seems you'd realize that staying off irc is a good idea. everyone just laughs at you thanks... i needed that... thanks... *** i`m so depressed i'm serious. it's pointless. why are you here??? [I just her channel, #peachey, and she kicks me out.] and stay out you moron was that supposted to make me sad? :( I'm crying Peachey prepares to kick Spanish Prince's ass: --------------------------------------------- hey baby :) be careful what you say why ? think before you speak! and what if i don't cause i`ve had it what has happened? i will kick your ass you saw what happened i did not see what happened why the fuck should I be afraid of you then why are you speaking to me? why are you yelling at me I will talk to whoever i want to i'm not yelling at you, i'm using no caps your swearing Peachey makes another friend: ---------------------------- hi!! hello hows it going? good until logicbox started again..how are you?? did you have a dif nick? i'm good i never had a dif nick hahaha oh hummmmmm well i would not advise you to harrass me why not? cause you will be very unhappy if you do want me to socket kill you??? why would you want to? cause i'm bored just a question... but why are you sooooo fucked up??? like seriously you have to be the dumbest whore i know. ... only logicbox was mean well and you now.... m�H@h�h�H�Hh�h��� what? i1m not impressed thats nice to know but i really dont care can i phone you? * peachey thinks Malacoda should change name to Junkyard Dawg! * Malacoda thinks peachey should change her name to Bar Slut! i wouldn`t my number is being traced traced by who? tell me!!! by nynex and the police What about the FBI or are you too good for them??? What the heck is your problem?? why? �� U ��M� �0rt@ ph��� h�k�r??? because they call a number that`s private office what ever i'll still call whats yer email then i'll email you why? dont have e mail why not? just dont are you male or female? why? does it matter/ no sorry actually i'm male how bout you? both thats pretty lame... actually i`m female i figured that why`s that? yer lame nick oh peaches are not seis? sexes? whats malacoda? sich what? yeah but only a chick would only pick that nick sick= oh malacoda=? gimme yer phone number please i don`t have one where are you? yes you do what are you calling from then? a payphone? no i dont use it after 5pm honest if yer using a payphone you would need a laptop and an acoustic coupler ummmm where do you loive? here and there... how bout you? your smart!!! and exactly right!!! i am!! well what state here and there? yeah i bet you redboxed yer call as well right? state of u4rea probably you even know what redboxing is? co? nope didnt think so not co that where you live? yes where then? euphoria i told you why? fine if your going to be a// a jerk then i`m not going to talk to you! geez what! i dont live in a state we are not comunicating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your out of the us?? probably i dont talk to foriegners sorry 617-639-0224 is that yer number? chinesse? nope no Canadian you are doomed my friend..... i hate french too i'm not french bitch and i'm not yer friend either you cheap slut.. and i dont live in an igloo and we dont drive dog sleds either i bet fucking redneck me? nope dont swear i dont like it fuck shit cunt bitch ummmmmmmmm watch this ha speak englais? parlez vous francias? yes i can speak french why? well i`m sure you can find someone who might want to listen to you up there ummm not really yer the only loser i can find so how old are you? ha that does figure send me your picture and let me see why all the other people are cool umm k hold on yes the only jerk there is logicbox he needs to grow up no your just a fucking loser just you and logic then *This is where i sent her a picture of tim Armstrong (you know the lead singer of rancid??)* ummm k here it is k brb its of me in concert gesus? what? cant handle it? thats you?? yeah why? what with the stupid hair do? like the mohawk? its blue in real life no hate it you walk around like that? ummm yeah were you abused as a child? and i goto skewl like that no i wasnt abused * peachey holds mal close and pats his head then? ewwww try not to touch me i havent even payed you yet... fine thanx plus i dont want you to ruin my spikes * peachey puts a pair of latex extra thick gloves and pats the mohawk head fuck dont touch me do they have no punx where you live? hummmmmm see you do have some kind of messed up head? you must have a sheltered life lemme guess no drugs or beer sort of lots of ed and homework or phones or electricity never did druds or beer hate beer what ever yer life but i like wine how old are you? and sex older than you i'll call you tommorow hows that? send me ye rpic i sent you mine during the day at 4? anytime dont have a pic sorry why not no just after 10 am and before 5pm but your number will be traced so i dont give a shit wow ok let em try try? there are was to get around try what? try to trace me oh they will... but i will say your not one of them i am tho oh i thought you were going to be nice sorry well kind of i can still be nice if i want to.. to bad i dont want to you are so mean to me!!! how old are you? hey i like your guitar! thats cool how old are you? me? how old are you? how old are you? you first fuck i asked first i was told never to give personal info sorry we can be friends how did you get to be in rock? be in rock? what the hell do you think rock is??? a place for people to talk about rock music of course... umm maybe you should read or even get yer mommy or daddy to read for you!!!!! or heres a cool idea ask questions what the channel is about no... you guys are really mean to me... why dont you join and ask what it is about you stupid whore :) you tell me please ummmm maybe for a blow job sound good? no you sound stupid ha whatever whats yer real name so when i call i know who to ask for you there? no thanks [i just invited her to #rock] whatever why not? why not? i wont harrass you maybe you wont but the rest of rock will so ignore them thanks i try tell them to leave me alone k i did thank you, you seem decent..why are you with them? cause they are cool no no they are not..you think picking on girls is cool? no like what? like well cant really tell that bad huh? no ask one of them i'm not really with them just join #rock say that i told you to join nope why not? i hate them and they are losers they just want to hurt me hardly they love you whats yer first name? tell me my name is Alex (no my name isnt Alex) hello? you still there or you dead? yer really swell fucking talk with me bitch :) talk with me... no i`m upset what yer name? i'm alex why are you upset? 13�shley (wow she can do colors) yer a really cool girl why? why what? never mind just dont know why your with them? why not? you know why can you send me yer pic please??? yousent it to everyone else no and i didnt send it! they took it from someone i trusted they got it from you i sent you mine anyways thats not really fair considering i'm the nicest (according to YOU) you chat with them more then me and they just harrass you yeah yer real nice they are showing the talk with logic what does that have to do with me you could have mentioned it that they were showing it? that they are doing that i didnt know i have that window minimized well can i get yer pic? no where is yours? i sent you mine whats it called? ummm ft_ranc.bmp i think i'm the freak remember? cool yes well can i get yours now? sorry ummmm its deleted no just send it what am i going to do? nutin it`s broke when i get it fixed i`ll send k :) you promise? yes :) k good i had some files loaded and messed up other things oh yeah you think it might have been a virus peach.jpg from rbcp Recieved! (thanx rbcp....) ?>???? no i did it how? i tried to load and deleted files to make room and messed oh yeah wanna get married? me? never why not? < peachey> i hate men like in rock they hurt me we'd be perfect together el_jefe says he loves you alot ummmmmm you don`t know me at all but i could get to know you he hates me the most... he says he dosent he says he wants you really bad what should i say? he hates me anybody that would call after i told him not to late at night i think hes calling out of love well he can talk to me on this i htink hes masturbating and thinking about you fine your real nice aren`t you??? well sorry but its true and he must be using YOUR hands to do it@@ actually no i have my hands on myself why? phuffffffff your gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no please i'm sorry we could be the best of friends maybe even get married have a few kids what do you think? i think your sick why? i'm hardly sick whats wrong? hey i got an idea!!!!!!! how bout i call you!@!!!!!! sound good? see thats what i mean please stop this is all my fault i new i shouldnt have talked to you! ummm hold on lemme get my other phone i'll call ya we could be the best of friends i could call you everyday!!!! what its not like you have a death in the family (i said the death thing cause she told LogicBox that her mom just died) Session Start: Sat May 03 02:44:16 1997 Chat with peachey Waiting for acknowledgement... DCC Chat connection established - so you want me to call you? no why not? bbeacaus i cant get thhhayt phone itsnot like there is a death in the family over there why not? we could be the best of friends talking everyday having phone sex if you want... never what you dont want phone sex? no k so would like do me a big favour? wow like 10 mins to answer a simple question? dont you know how to type? i`m very depressed now whys that? cause everyone is saying they are going to call and im afraid to sleep and it`s 4 in the morning hahahaha you suck * Malacoda cuddles with Peachey..... is that better? (that was the grossest thing i ever typed!!!!!!!!!!) - DCC session closed Session Close: Sat May 03 02:53:54 1997Session Start: Sun May 04 22:12:56 1997 hi!!!! i dont need yer pic anymore... so hows it going? what do you want? to talk with you is that ok? you are un ignored thanx so whats new over there? anything? ok hello you back now? yes cool sorry bout earlier... El_jefe was using my nick (sorry El_Jefe but she wouldent talk with me till i put the blame on someone other then myself.....) really seriously humm :) nite gar why you leaving? not hmmm k yer not really from co are you? are you? no i'm from canada hey take the peachey out of your whois please haha k i will thanks next time i reboot my prog itll change it ok so where you really from??? boston? hummmmmm yes you dont need to send me yer pic anymore hummmmm your a wiseguy arnt you? thought you wanted to be nice? whats that supposed to mean? i am nice peachey - peachey@cnc129049.concentric.net * peachey peachey - irc.vol.com peachey - End of /WHOIS list. hummm well you were NOT nice the other night? remember no el_jefe was prolly using my nick again do you live near him/ in co? no i dont live in co where do you live? i told you in canada not the french part tho humm ok just wanted to see if it was really you whatever ok :) so whats the channel uour in now? #fuckoff justlisa is very nice yeah shes cool what channel are you in? so do you still wanna go to rock? yeah i`m not telling you he hehe well dont go to rock to late dont worry leave then no they netsex me there see your just like them no koch just said that to me about netsex what did he say? never mind you know what he said what did he say? he says please dont call him koch something about net sex or kcoch sounds like cock he hee heheh lol he says dont call him that without please and that yer a fucking bitch..... hey what? who cares what he wants i`ll do what i want to! yer choice yes it is! and anyway how does he know what i call him??? unless you told him? whos in rock? umm he just said "time to sodomize ashley" well tell them not to! please umm every one is in rock show me the list of rock so i can ignore all umm k hold on Malacoda NaTzGUL @[madmax] +Zanzibar @AlieN MithNET TipS AvEnGeRs Demon5 SiX []ZzuP[] Gmouser +daze97 FreeFall_ @Fryguy_ bud- @Baloosh Cye +thugZsta @n00dles @vAPORiZeR +kennyc @[NoBoDy] BladE2 (thats the list from #PC97) you are such a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think i`m stupid??????????? your stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love peachey logic wants to know why you accepted a call yesterday and then hung up... you are a rat no actually i'm a cock by the chinese calendar what are you? your a wimp what can you say now that you did that? well first off i'm not a wimp second i had to lie they said they would kick my ass if i gave names out your a wimp if you HAD to lie? and beat my dgs errr dogs anyways.... but you said you dont live near them? so what are you talking about >??? your not funny will you answer a question for me? they were going to drive up they've done it b4 bull really not that you'd believe me now... but its true not in that golf vokswagan shit box? no in a rented viper probably why? wait i just noticed oh sure right you swore!!!!!! i`m sorry i swore youre making me very upset well i'm sorry to i really don`t think you are sorry and youre probably showing them all this (Wow shes smarter then i thought!!!!) logic wants to know why you accepted a call yesterday and then hung up... no i'm not it would take to long to re write logic wants to know why you accepted a call yesterday and then hung up... does he know that it was traced and *57 and reported? hee hehhehehe umm lemme check OH SHIT I'M IN TROUBLE NOW! they're going to come read my payphone its rights he did it from a payphone you are just a puppet for them..you are so lame i feel bad for you..WHIP!!!i hope they harrass you now too whimp rather well you could whip me just kidding well think what you like but that is not true /ignore malacoda why? take me off ignore cause your just a follower without your own mind no hardly Yer a fucking bitch i hate you!!!!!!!!! You suck!!!!!!!!!!! i know i suck.... Session Close: Sun May 04 23:38:04 1997 They are coming to get YOU!!!: ----------------------------- i love you dont start why not? i'm just trying to make friends with you look i quit so now you have to leave me alone i don't have to do shit, kid and you know, it's really funny that you changed your number because now i'm just going to get into the FACS office and get a list of ALL your phone numbers so you only hurt yourself doing that look i`m not hiding from you you shit! correction: you CAN'T hide from us. so quit trying. and you!!! better watch out for me cause they are coming to get YOU!!!!!!!!! oh shit. i'm sorry. please don't send them after me. then stop bothering me shithead please don't cuss. i don't like foul language. sorry i`m just sick of your stupid stuff I am not stupid I gradualted from 8th grade!!!! OH yes you are!!!!!!@ wicked stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, i tell you what, peachey. i'm not the one who's been harassing you on the phone but I AM the one who WILL get your new phone numbers and when I do, I'll send them to El_Jefe & Co. and you will think you were in heaven before. So have a nice life. why do you have this need to bother and threaten me?? did you want to be friends? i did but then you called me wicked stupid. sorry. now leave me be, i gotta jot down some info. and i promise you, i WILL have your numbers by the end of this week. i will be your friend but you have to be nice and not try to trick me all the time hi? look i`m sorry just leave me alone then Hrmmm what if I have your phone number justin Taylor hey hello? please answer me!! rbcp please talk to me. i'm sorry. rot in hell Session Close: Sun May 18 05:17:50 1997 NOTE: All of the numbers that W1reHead is giving peachey are mostly just random pickings from PLA's Loser List hello Hi,.so, are them rock losers still messing with you? yes them guys are lamers.. is el_jefe the one whose really bothering you the most? yes who are you? sorry ? not sure who u r? I'm just a person who saw that members.tripod.com/~amandapeachey page and i think they're not treating you right.. oh i can`t bear to read that i never read it.. yeah, i saw that RBCP sent you pictures of dead babies and dead dogs yes that happened right after my dog 15years old died awwww..... sowwy to hear it... yer real spiffy though so well, I can help you crush the PLA you can! I can.. wow I can give you RBCP's home phone number.. ok hang on. lemme find it k 217-245-3580 and his name is Virgil Stoner Virgil? no thanks ummmmm give that to el_jefe Thats his real name.. ok.. i'll give it to el_jefe thanks :) so, anything else you need?.. not sure? well, i can get just about anyone's phone number... what # do you go to? i want eljefe I go to #teen, #oldwarez, #warez.. but tonight im spying on them #rock lamers. ok.. i'll get el_jefe's brb whos there? so can i have el_jefe # acr0nym, apok0lyps, eightball, kadafi, pinguino, telecon, marcelo, and me 618-277-1269 and his name is Scott Eyer no no? im giving you valid info.. that is what i have thought eljefe was zack? thats his irc name, his real name is Scott how did you get the info? ap0klyps is so mean to me too? I have muh ways.... I'll get his info k 810-784-8348 Dan LeMieux is rumdog from rock? I dont know rumdog i got banned from depression :( they think i`m from rock! can you belive that aww, im sorry to hear that i cant belive it geshhhhh i better join suicide yeah, maybe you'll be safer in there really i dont see you in there why dont you go there and check it out for me :) 0k seems pretty tame hummmmmm hows rock? they are all jerks oh, there just talking about the usual crap.. hope not me? the topic for tonight is defcon its coming up pretty soon whats that? its a big ol hacker convention. its ereet. im trying to attend, but i dont have the money to go atm. oh great is that legal? its legal.. where is it going to be?? i`f like to attend (with my baseball bat) its gonna be in Las Vegas.. visit www.defcon.org for more infoz thanks do you have a pic? not atm.. but im gonna get one scanned in a few days awhhhh rumdog just called me a fookin wanker.. whats that? f*cking wanker.. it means that I like to do a certant motion to my reproductive organ well i`ts more than rumdog got i`m sure oh it is.. I told him he was a malodorus pile of miscolored guano, and he ran off crying good i know.. wish i could belive you oh btw, el_jefe, rbcp,. logicbox, and a few others are gonna be at defcon huh? las vegas/ hummmm it`s far i know.. its like 2000 miles for me where are you? im in kentucky oh how did you find rock? if you right about the phone numbers will you call one of them www.cocksoldier.com/ i'll call one when i get to a pay phone print that url again for me www.cocksoldier.com but if i`m in it i dont want to see it you arent ok thanks welcome End of peachey buffer Fri May 23 19:47:41 1997 Here's another chat between Spanish Prince and Peachey: uhm could i have your fone number no don`t have a phone :( [Uh, yeah, she's fooling us real good.] what do you mean, peachey? and, have you seen your fanclub page? i dont have a phone it was taken away from me why is that? fone calls? yes oh what kind of stuff did they say? yea it was bad and how old are you? 17? whats the dif? i dunno if you're 17 i can understand having your fone taken away hey that picture of you looks pretty swell hummmm how do you have it? its my windows background its really swell how old are you? well i will tell you if you tell me how old you are i am 16 why want my pic? tell me eljefes name and number and we can have a deal :)))) uhm i don't know el_jefe that well he used to kick me a lot from #rock but he doesn't kick me anymore you mean you dont know his name? i don't know most people in #rock i don't know their names why are you in there? and why did you take my nick? huh? i'm there because some of the people who hang out in there are like me i took your nick because i was bored oh thanks kya so do you want my picture? yes i`d like it sure :) okay so i'm wearing a weird shirt but its the only one i have scanned ok its coming did ya get it? k brb hmm did you look at it? wow yea your good looking ! are you really spanish? mmmmmmmm uhm a little a little? hummm? ya so uhm will you give me netsex? well your cool looking..how old are u? 16 i look older for my age ask El_jefe he gives it to all the guys :) why not netsex me? hello sweetie whats up you're swell hi so whats up nothing how are you? i am fine you're swell ya know? netsex me please? dont talk that way or i will ignore you huh? why's that? what is wrong with netsex? i'm just asking what you think is wrong with it hello/ err ? hello PEACHEY???? ASHLEY?!#@?? whaddup i`m banned from #depression because of rock oh that sucks i want to be a menber in here cause i dont have anyplace to go you do yes uhm i'll try to tell them not to kick ya but i only started coming in here regularly in the last 2 weeks ok thanks uhm so what do you have against netsex /netsex peachey hehe just kidding hey peachey ok see peachey_ and your on!!! turn on unsolved mysteries its leet havent a tv in here oh hey how did your dog die/ hey why did you go and then leave just wanted to see something okay uhm like how did your dog die the same way you will :) uhm you're gonna kill me? i donut think so