����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ISSUE 001 - PEACHEY INCORPORATED - ISSUE 001 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � Released on May 27, 1997 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ij � The publishers of this newsletter take no responsibility for the use of � � any information printed and do not encourage others to bother peachey. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ With all the recent IRC hype over the ultra-popular, one & only badass herself, peachey, we've decided to release this semi-monthly 'zine to keep others updated on the current happenings in the peachey saga. Things are really heating up lately and I expect some really interesting things to happen in her life (as well as ours if she gets the feds involved) in the near future. For the first issue, I'm just going to list a bunch of old, yet entertaining peachey logs & some basic information about her. This issue will be short but the next Peachey Inc. will be out very soon because I have alot more logs to put in. If you have something to submit, contact a PLAer on efnet's #rock. By next issue we should have an e-mail address. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Just Who The Hell Is This Peachey Character? � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Peachey is an ordinary girl from Boston, Massachusetts who one day decided to come into efnet's #rock and talk about rock music. This was her first mistake. As most people either know or find out the hard way, #rock was taken over a few years ago by a bunch of Phone Losers of America goons. #rock regulars began to insult her and msged her constantly for days after that. They also began to follow her all over IRC into every channel she went into, harassing the people & saying mean things about peachey until both them & peachey were kick-banned. If one person got kicked, though, another #rock goon would take their place and talk about peachey until she was either kicked or would leave in embarassment. Finally someone chatted with her enough to convince her that they were a friend and peachey was dumb enough to give them her home phone number. Almost immediately her life was ruined. Mainly el_jefe, who has no life and a ton of spare time on his hands spent alot of time calling her and roying her to death. She claimed that he was calling at all hours of the day and night and that her parents were getting mad and yelling at her for getting calls so late. She said she couldn't take the phone off the hook or turn off the ringer because her dad was a doctor and they needed the phone for emergencies. This went on for way over a month and everytime we called, peachey would appear on IRC and beg everyone to quit. Since that didn't seem to work, she'd resort to threatening random people out of #rock, saying she was going to "get them!" This didn't settle well with the people in #rock. Everyone began msging her, pretending to be her friend or just plain harassing her and sometimes logging the fun. More and more people began to call her at home and peachey finally found a channel she could hang out in without being bothered too much - #depression. Finally peachey (or her parents?) broke down and changed their phone number around the middle of May 1997. Since we didn't have any other information on her other than her real first name, which was Ashley, finding her new number was sort of difficult. Then one day Spanish Prince went on IRC and changed his nick to "peachey" to see if he'd get msged. Apparently one of peachey's legitimate friends thought that he was the real peachey and fired up a conversation with "her." In the end, Spanish Prince asked, "You have my new number, right?" and the friend replied, "Yes, 1081." which gave us her new unlisted phone number! During this time, RBCP was going crazy nuts trying to find her information in any way he could. Mostly he called up local pizza joints and video stores, looking to see if she had an account listed under her old phone number. Finally he found one at Videoscope (617-631-4898) listed under the names Beverly, Zac & Zeb Edwards at 16 Cornell. After getting the name Zac & Zeb, he tried a few net phone books and came up with Zac & Zeb Edwards, 288 Pleasant St, Marblehead, MA, 617-631-8454. For now, that's all the info we're going to print. Next issue we'll have verified everything (hopefully) and gotten the rest of their numbers from FACS. Check the ZIP for the elite peachey pic which should be enclosed. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � IRC LOGS � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Below are a bunch of IRC logs involving peachey and various other people. This first one is between RBCP and peachey. At the time, RBCP was impersonating Dazen so he's using that nick throughout most of the log. RBCP MAKE PEACHEY VERY SAD: -------------------------- if it`s possible..i hope your day gets much worse ......ha ha ha ha oh shit, you're cursing me pms today??? yeah, my ass is killin' me i bet your face is killing me please stop insulting me. it hurts. who are you kidding>??? your the nastest girl i ever saw smooch and stupid to foolow those sickos there oh please stop harassing me. you're ruining my life by saying this stuff to me. hope your enjoying yourself oh stop it pleae being nasty will make you nasty...i just wanted to be friends will you cybersex me please? thanks for the invitation but i think i`ll pass. by the way ask eljefe for the sex okay! you think he'll stick it to me for reaL?? don`t you haveany pride? you don`t even know me and you speak like that? do you have big tits, baby? you don`t have to put out to be popular you don't get out much, do you? because apparently the IRC is your whole life for you to have been so easily offended. you twit. go suck your daddy's cock some more i get out as much as i want and with who i want and for sure they arnt pigs and you hang out on irc 23 hours a day. yeah right. you have nobody. go masturbate some more how come i see you? everytime i`m on? whats your life like?? hee heheheh i dont have to masturbate i have a man you are a man, aren't you? man man man i bet your stroking it your a slut,thats what some of your friends say listen how bent out of shape you're getting to me? a guy you don't even know. is irc really this important to you? * Dazen laughs at you you seem to be quite informed about doin it right? i like to stroke my cock all day it gives me a boner boner boner boner why did you invite me/ why not? el_jefe kicked me? fuck you i c you will have to be punished for that... f--k y-u it's okay, you can say fuck you. i won't be offended. is that your phone # yes, call me never call me, bitch you whore is that NH? just call me get it threw your thick black head !!!NEVER!!! i don`t like filthy mouths okay, you little fucker what's wrong with filthy mouths, bitch? stop or you`ll be punished come to #peachey [She wants me to come to #peachey so she can exercise her channel operator powers on me, thus punishing me. Oh dear.] Hey you little slut shit fuck crap dam is bandon your superior? yup he is in the sex ranks i sware! where are your! ops? poor boy hee hehehehehehheheheheh :) el_jefe ate them he good in bed? sure mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm god good how can i make my whois so they cant see the channels i`m at? i'm not telling bitch how? you got pms or something? you are so moody! i need some prozac unban me! ok oh yea you don`t even have ops!!!!! do so what can i do to make you stop? nothing > i want your dog peachey go to bed boy i like you ????? i said i love you, bitch. and your little dog too [As you probably noticed, I changed my nick to rbcp at the end of the conversation. Below is part of a log where I convinced her that I was really Dazen who apparently she's good friends with now or something.] Session Start: Sat Mar 29 20:16:16 1997 Dazen !!!! ok didn`t know it was you? yeah, i stole rbcp's nick again. why? who is that poor person? some asshole that used to steal my nick alot. he harassed me a whole bunch and caused me to overdose on drugs one night what? you did! yeah. long story. hey, do you have a pic? no just wondering. what do you look like? i have a pic of your buddy though who's buddy? rbcp? want it? sure! eljefe um if i send it will you not tell anyone? i won't. i don't know what the guy looks like so this will be cool! dazen please i want to trust you ok? uh, okay. me and el_jefe were never on good terms anyway how come? just don't like each other. [Here peachey sends me a picture of el_jefe and I send her back three pictures, two of them are dead baby pictures and one of a human being burned in a fire.] did you see my pictures? i dont like you why not? your really mean why?? are you messing with me? i'm really rbcp and el_jefe is sitting here next to me and i've posted everything you've said to #rock. hehe no eeeeer i thought we were getting along thats all i am so stupid and that's not el_jefe's pic. look at my suave pictures whatever enjoy you make me sick and very sad RBCP PASTES LIKE A CREEP: ------------------------ i like you. you have nice tits! hey i wouldn`t start with me if i were you! * peachey rules!!! oh shit, please have mercy on me. sexy buns hey, can you go to a web page right now? i can try but it`s been freezing up give me the url okay, it's www.cocksoldier.com/irc.htm no thanks it's got some of our private chat logs in it! :) me? yep it's not a sex page you are mean to put our private conversation in a web page.. i hate you and i`m going to tell your wife shell never screww you again oh shit, come on. i'm sorry show me what it says hold on, i'm fixing it my ftp connection is lagged is eljefe thrown out of rock :) see i cant talk to you cause you copy and paste like a creep copy and paste? or log it? whatever everything i do on irc is logged automatically. nothing personal but you dont have to show it to everybody? why not? i wouldn't get pissed if you put up logs of me cause your from rock and they all are nasty i don't hang out there anymore. they're motherfuckers but i sure do like it when you say the word nasty to me hummmmm well then take my log out from the web page i'm trying to put it in. you'll like it where do you go? no i know i wont like it...every time i talked to someone from #rock i was mad okay, i got the log up there! go check it out no dont put it in? i promise you'll like it, it's not mean brb please let me put it in. I LIKE to put it in it frooze again? can you put it in here? you have apic? yes, my pics are on my page. www.bright.net/~bac/ i'll put it in anywhere you want, honey cute kids yours? which one is you? i'm the guy hey, try www.cocksoldier.com/ircpeach.txt it freezes?? then i have to end task? k try hitting alt-f4 to unfreze while you're in mirc whats thepoint? i hate you can you log in the dcc chat? i log everything ````you dont have to? send me your pic see how horrible you are to impersonate dazen? hey thats why they all hated me in rock? there's pics of me all over the pla page. just go to cocksoldier.com and look around k dosent work? even with alt f4 my computer has to be redone? you lie so much It tastes So good! hate to think your someones dad? I love you I must go buy groceries hey i'd hate to be your poor wife I beat my wife alot She likes it though Ha i bet you do...i`m going to find her and tell her how to get rid of you! Sexxy buns She wants me more when I do it she will cheat on you all the time after i talk to her mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ha ha I feel sorry for you parents No she won't she dosen't like sex bye i think i did once talk to her?? we were discussing the sex channels mmmmmmmmmm shes really hot with your buddies!!!!!! wwo woooo listen i gotta go, i'm going to go add this little bit here into my logs page. haha please dont or i`ll never talk to you again! please Session Close: Mon Apr 07 12:58:08 1997 I simply MUST call Bangladesh on your bill: ------------------------------------------ This one is rather weird. I'm assuming that "peachster" is actually Logic Box. The log I had of this was really screwed up. peachster: HI HI HI peachster: what's up? peachey: hi who are you? peachster: a person who wants to bring el_jefe down just as much as you do peachster: down with el_jefe! peachey: what # do you go to? peachster: I sometimes spy on him and his evil PLA friends in #rock peachster: they are evil I tell you! peachster: they talk about you sometimes peachey: wow Hi there peachster: hi peachey: how come your mad at him? peachey: gee i know that.. peachster: he called me almost nonstop for about two weeks straight peachey: why do you type so slow? peachey: what do they say? peachey: hi i`m here peachster: uh you might be lagged peachster: try switching servers, come to irc.vol.com where I'm at peachey: ? peachey: k brb peachey: are you here? peachey: hi peachster: hi peachey: hi peachey: it says your away peachey: so why do you go to rock then? peachey: is eljefe there? peachster: not now peachster: I go there to spy on them peachey: do you have his number? peachster: no peachster: do you? peachey: yup peachster: really? what is it? peachey: wanna see his pic? peachster: I already saw it peachey: how? peachster: his pic is on the PLA webpage peachster: what is his #? peachey: gee i cant give his number out sorry. i`m afraid he`d find out and get even madder at me??/ so sorry peachey: no i have a close up of him peachster: I won't tell anyone peachster: hello? can you give me his number? peachey: cant to scared peachey: sorry peachster: don't be scared peachster: I won't tell anyone peachey: i am though peachey: i`ll give you his pic ok? peachster: no, I saw it already peachey: but he is so scary looking too peachster: yeah, I know peachey: i bet his mom thinks he is a cutie though peachster: how did you get his number? peachey: my dad had it traced peachster: really? peachster: cool peachey: yup peachster: is your dad a cop? peachey: nope peachey: but has friends peachster: do you think they can help us get rid of el_jefe? peachey: oh yes peachster: please tell me his number, you do not know how long I have been looking for it peachey: but i told dad he was not going to call during the night anymore so he`s giving him one more chance peachey: but i can`t tell eljefe this cause he wont listen to me? peachster: he won't? why not? peachey: el is stupid peachey: i just didnt want the cops involved peachster: I will help you get back at him! peachey: how? peachey: xoxooxo peachster: you have to give me his number though peachey: after you help me peachster: I will not give it out to anyone, or tell where I got it peachster: no, see, I need his number to get back at him peachster: so I can do stuff to him on the phone peachey: you know i wish i could trust someone but i just cant peachster: why not? peachey: no he will blame me ....nooo peachster: he won't know it was you peachey: please dont ask... cause i`m really afraid to make him madder peachey: i dont know why he hates me as it is? peachster: he is weird, he likes to bother other people peachey: why? peachster: ok... what can I do to convince you to trust me? peachster: some group he is in called the PLA peachey: i`m going to call him peachey: do you know pea? peachster: no peachster: who is that? peachey: i think she is a bi sexual? peachey: never mind peachster: how can I convince you to trust me? peachey: dont know? peachster: ok, how bout if I tell you his real name, and you give me his number? peachey: maybe cant promise peachster: ok, I got a better idea: I'll tell you his first name, then you give me the area code and prefix of his phone number, then I tell you his last name, then you tell me the suffix of his phone number peachster: how does that sound? peachey: k peachster: ok, are you ready? peachey: yes peachster: his first name is James peachster: your turn now peachey: not right? peachster: huh? peachster: are you there? peachey: yes peachster: what is el_jefe's area code and prefix now? peachey: brb peachster: hello?? peachey: yes peachster: ok peachster: area code and prefix please peachey: last name? peachster: tell me his area code and prefix, then I'll tell you his last name, then you tell me the suffix peachey: 303 peachster: and the prefix? peachey: last name? peachster: you have to give me the prefix first, then I give you the last name, then you give me the suffix peachey: phone brb peachster: ok peachey: hi peachster: hello peachster: what is el_jefe's prefix? peachey: 364 peachster: ok peachster: now I tell you his last name, and you tell me his suffix peachster: his last name is Ihdes peachster: James Ihdes peachster: what is his suffix? peachster: are you there? peachey: thats not the name peachster: what? peachey: thats not his name/? peachster: it isn't? peachster: are you sure? peachster: they told me that was his name peachey: wrong? peachster: what is his suffix? peachey: find out the name peachster: that IS his name peachster: please tell me his suffix peachster: hello? peachey: phone peachey: hey hi peachey: are you going to give me the right name>? who gave you that name? peachster: Colleen gave it to me... she's really mad about this whole thing peachey: who is colleen? peachster: I think rbcp's girlfriend peachey: rbcp is a jerk peachster: I know :( peachster: but Colleen came storming in here last night and yelled at everybody peachster: she said she was very upset at rbcp peachey: where? peachster: in #rock peachey: why is she mad? peachster: she just said she was upset because him and el_jefe have been so mean peachster: can I have his suffix now? peachey: 303 338- peachster: you said 364 before peachey: i know peachster: so which is it? peachey: 303-338 peachster: ok, now what are the last 4 digits? peachster: hello? peachster: are you going to give the suffix to me? peachey: get the name again~ peachey: yes peachster: tell me the suffix, and I will ask her again peachster: better yet maybe I'll call and ask him >:) peachey: please give me the name again? peachey: where do you live? peachster: California peachey: he`s in co peachster: what are the last 4 numbers of his phone number? peachey: but you didnt give me his name?? i dont know you peachey: i`m going to call him right now peachster: tell me his number, I will get him on call waiting peachey: brbr i`m going to call right now peachster: tell me his number first, please! peachey: no peachey: wait i min peachster: please peachey: no answer peachster: ok peachster: give me his number peachey: logicbox can you tell me whos in rock right now.... peachster: yes peachster: but do you promise to give me his number if I do? peachey: ys peachster: @Shaedow couch @bandon pea @mr_p @AichPhive @vel Rabbit LogicBox peachey: hey the number i have is not el jefe??? its that andy scotts :( peachster: YOU RETARDED FUCKING KIKE peachster: YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME peachster: JEWJEWJEWJEWJEWJ peachster: I'm going to come throw Andy Scott's head at your house now Ashley peachey: what are you talking about!!!! peachey: i`m going to get you for this shit you do just wait peachster: wow, I am like phearing in my boots peachster: are you with Madcrew ma'am? peachster: HI HI HI peachster: I HAVE MAD ELITE ASHLEY INF0Z peachster: YOU SEXY REDHEADED DINGO-MOLESTER@!#@! peachey: hey is your brain so fried that you dont even know what your saying? peachster: wh0ah peachster: my brain is an egg! peachey: i wish i could kill you peachster: I'M SORRY MA'AM BUT MY EGG IS ON DRUGZ RIGHT NOW peachey: i thinks its a pea peachey: you are the asswhole eljefe arnt you peachster: is that a death threat ma'am?@!?#@?@!#@#@ peachster: no actually, I'm not peachey: yes i want you to die is that good peachey: you are the biggest loser i have ever met peachster: NO MA'AM IT IS NOT! peachster: thanks!@@!@! peachey: cant we be friends? i`m serious? i dont want to fight anymore peachster: EYE WUB J00 ASHLEY peachey: please i cant take this anymore peachster: I'm sorry ma'am but I simply MUST call Bangladesh on your bill! peachster: may I touch your fluffy white cloud? peachster: HELLO HELLO HELLO?@!#!@#@!#@!$@#$@#$@#!@ i just want to hug and squeeze you so much: ------------------------------------------ Here's a log of Shaedow & Peachey. This one is really cool, especially since peachey is so grateful towards him that she dcc's him her picture and offers him phone sex. can you help me with getting someone off my back? sure who? eljefe whats he doing? calling my home everynight and waking the whole family family? yes..he calls during the night ..like 3am 4amm etc thats fucked I heard el_jefe Is an ex con please help me he comes in #tacd occcasionally what do you want me to do? i have done everything he asked.. what did he ask? gee i thought youwere serious ...your showing this to pill? pill is sitting behind me * Shaedow is at his house i would likeeljefe number address anything so i can get him to stop. yes that wont really help. PLA is fucked they dont care believe me it will be better than involving the police they are tracing the phone why not? PLA literally enjoys fucking with people when people try to fight back it pisses them off so it comes back 100 times but i did everthing he said.. can you give me his number? you cannot fight PLA * Shaedow doesnt have his # he dosent know i know you.... actually pill does one sec do you have is address? lemme see what state his name? Ohh Pill OWNS el jefe getting the info now name Andy Scott fone num 303-338-0247 2050 S Evanston Court Aurora, CO 80014 Dads name James Scott anything else? DO NOT TELL HIM I GAVE THIS TO YOU! he used to work at office max he drives a hoda golf ### NOTE: Froggs info is cool... ### are you telling me the truth/ Pill doesnt like el_jefe this info i is pills not mine i would never tell on you..i would die first that is the truth ### NOTE: OWNT ### well i love pill too how old is he? I have change my number 2 times from pranks I think hes 17 he goes to high school see my dad is a surgeon and he cannot change the number .. thats why its so terrible that sux. and elhefe knows that too if you ever come to Boston let me know!! you got a pic? can i trud\st you really? I just hooked ya up ok DCC Get of peach.jpg from peachey completed (00:00:14 1066cps) what part of boston? thank you so much...... you are the best north shore * Shaedow used to wrok for poloaroid eletronic imaging not too far from there actually how old are you? 22 you? 27 pretty cute =] thanks you have a pic? yeppers may i have it? looking DCC Send of shaedow1.jpg to peachey completed (00:00:28 512cps) you are my hero! * Shaedow bows DCC Get of 1hero.wav from peachey completed (00:01:05 1046cps) can`t see you too well but looks neat...mmmmmmmmm thank you are you all in co? I like that pic cuz ya cant really see me i like your kinda look :) ruged mmmmmmmmmm yeppers lot of cool people in 303 i`d like to get that nashi person to slap eljefe around forme I dont know if he likes el jefe might not be a good idea to ask * peachey Commands so what did you do to get el jefe after ya? well he mentioned him as a hoser/ what is that? but anyway i wont just a hate thought sorry well i went to that channel rock thinking it was a music channel eljefe threw me out and called me all kinds of stuff ... so i went back in and now for months !!! he`s been harrassing me him and the others even that dazen dont op apok he`s one of them please dont tell him your talking to me or that you ever did i`ll leave ther eok! thank you so much.. you are sooooo cool i just like watching you talk! why thank you. when i leave say you never noticed me..so he wont suspect anything, thank you , your a good man. I love that your not afraid of them you make me feel safe thanks xoxooxoxoxoxoxo no problem maybe we'll netsex sometime. =] thank you...xoxoxo for you i would ### NOTE: I Own her. ### mmmmmmmmmmxoxoox werd werd? meaning? werd up.. like coool werd up? still don`t know that word werd? weird? werd is like cool oh ok yes anything you want...cool kewl like you are cool!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm and nice maybe I'll talk to ya voice sometime. well i am so grateful to you that i actually feel bad..and really would like to i just want to hug and squeeze you somuch and kiss you all over good bye xoxoxoxoxoox have a good one. Once again, Peachey thinks she has a friend: ------------------------------------------- This one is rather confusing. I'm not sure exactly who's log it is but it's funny as hell. -> [dazen] there? -> [dazen] wake up fuxor [jer0me] what's she saying? -> [jer0me] loggin, sec [jer0me] cool -> [jer0me] does she know what state you are in? [jer0me] colorado, cause she has fr0gg'd info, other than that, no [srain] could you check your dimcom mail for my pgp message? -> [srain] got it.. take me a while to decrypt it tho. pgp is on the laptop [srain] cool. it is just account infoz. -> [srain] for local? [srain] sek.org -> [srain] if so, vox me real quick and I can do it faster [srain] w3rd. -> [jer0me] she thinks yo live in aurora... [jer0me] yeah, she has all fr0gg's info, she's totally convinced that' who I am -> [jer0me] hahaha -> [jer0me] haha.. evanston ct [jer0me] hehehehehe -> [jer0me] should i verify tht is your address? -> [jer0me] or make her wonder.. [jer0me] yessir! [jer0me] verify -> [jer0me] she is asking where your family is [jer0me] mexico [jer0me] say I reall am black :) -> [jer0me] haha. some nigga from mexico [jer0me] el_nigger :) ->[peachey] jer0me is off irc now. [peachey] k [peachey] so tell me what his number is?tell me do you know it? ->[peachey] see, you are so mean and untrusting towards me, but you say we can be friends? ->[peachey] i know how to get ahold of him. i know his home line and his pager number. i have his cell number written down somewhere i think (if he still has it) [peachey] thats not being mean? ->[peachey] whats not being mean? ->[peachey] I am trying to be nice and help you. [peachey] cant you see how horrible he is? cant you see it? ->[peachey] he is only like that to you though. Since he is nice to everyone else I have to think that maybe you did something that caused this. He is usually a nice guy. [peachey] how can you help? -> [srain] right.. ->[peachey] Tell him to quit. ->[peachey] Like I said, he listens to me. But you seem to mean and untrusting towards me. [peachey] he wont listen to anybody ->[peachey] who knows him? ->[peachey] i'm sorry you feel that way, but your lack of trust towards me is annoying. [peachey] everyone of them say they will help and they just lie ->[peachey] oh.. i see. I am just like everyone else. Ok. [peachey] i want to trust you so much honest ->[peachey] nevermind. be on your own. [peachey] please [peachey] please dont leave me ->[peachey] why? so you can be mean to me? [peachey] see your mean too ->[peachey] i can go to my girlfriend if I want abuse. [peachey] i am nice honest [peachey] what do you want me to do tell me ->[peachey] trust me when I say I will try to help. I can't guarantee anything, but I can try. [peachey] k ->[peachey] do you have caller ID? how often does he call? [peachey] yes ->[peachey] does it every say anything on the CID machine? [peachey] sometimes all threw the night [peachey] the police are tracing his calls ->[peachey] what does he say? and do you ever leave the phone off the hook? ->[peachey] police can't help. he knows as much about phone systems as I do. [peachey] but he puts my number in the sex places too [peachey] and other ppl have called ->[peachey] who else? [peachey] like rbcp ->[peachey] what does he say, and how do you react? ->[peachey] (this is all important) [peachey] hes royyyyyyyyyy [peachey] and swears at my family ->[peachey] ok.. how do you respond to him? how do they? [peachey] who has the whois that says rad in it? ->[peachey] what? ->[peachey] I don't know what you mean.. [peachey] he just called and woke up everbody ->[peachey] when, just now? [peachey] yes [peachey] just now ->[peachey] i will get him to quit in a few minutes. [peachey] woke up everybody ->[peachey] what did he say, and what did you say? [peachey] i said nothing [peachey] he called my brother moron or soething and woke him up [peachey] everyone is yelling at me ->[peachey] tell them you can't help it, and that you are trying to get him to stop [peachey] but this has been for over 2 months ->[peachey] that long?! ->[peachey] last i heard about lasted a little over 3 years ->[peachey] i am about to talk to him. I will do everything i can to have him not do anything else for the rest of the night. [peachey] i cant sleep anymore [peachey] my brother goes to work at 4 am and he just woke him up ->[peachey] try to get some rest.. i will try to take care of it. ->[peachey] I feel sorry for you.... [peachey] i didnt get it on time ->[peachey] take the phone off the hook for a few hours [peachey] its an emergency phne line i cant ' ->[peachey] ok.. i gotta take off for a bit, but will be talking to him. i will try to find out whats up ->[peachey] take care [peachey] i probably deserve this he gets me so upset and i lose my temper [peachey] k ->[peachey] there? [peachey] yes ->[peachey] he won't bother you for the rest of the night [peachey] why what did he say? ->[peachey] i told him it was really uncool and that you seemed a decent person. told him to lay off and let you get some rest.. as a favor to me. he said ok [peachey] thank you.. ->[peachey] no prob ->[peachey] if he bothers you, let me know. i will kick his ass. [peachey] really? ->[peachey] hmm.. well, from here on for the rest of the night he shouldn't bother you. ->[peachey] sorry, it was the quickest I could meet with him. [peachey] in person? ->[peachey] yup ->[peachey] just had him meet me down the road at Denny's ->[peachey] meetings like that are always best in person. it lets them know you are serious. ->[el_jefe] haha.. this is getting good. [peachey] can you make him stop for ever? [el_jefe] peachey? ->[peachey] I dunno. I can try though ->[el_jefe] yup [peachey] whats wrong with him? ->[peachey] I dunno. he thinks the whole thing is funny or something. ->[peachey] that costs a lot of money (at least, if you want it to be effective) ->[el_jefe] hahhaa.. she is talking about hiring someone to show up at your house! [el_jefe] i hope i get my ass kicked [peachey] worth it i cant sleep because of him ->[peachey] i know what you mean.. but that is a serious step. [peachey] well he must stop ->[peachey] i know. like i said, doing what I can. ->[peachey] he is on right now [peachey] i know you are great..believe me i appreciate you very much ->[el_jefe] remember, no harassing.. ->[el_jefe] she is really really trusting me [el_jefe] no prob, it's worth it :) ->[el_jefe] hehe.. i told her you were on.. so she will see no harassment and trust more. muhahaha [el_jefe] poor peachey :) ->[peachey] he harassing you right now? [el_jefe] when I'm the king of evil, you can be my second in command [peachey] yes ->[el_jefe] hehe.. i am your publicity rep/social manager ->[el_jefe] she says you are harssing her right now... [peachey] oh mayb its one of his followers [el_jefe] i'm not [peachey] sorry ->[peachey] it shouldn't be him.. [peachey] wait [el_jefe] haven't said a word to her ->[el_jefe] oh maybe its one of his followers [el_jefe] maybe she means when i calledfrom the payphone at albertsons ->[el_jefe] nope... talking right now ->[peachey] he insists it isn't him. [peachey] k [el_jefe] not I ->[el_jefe] good deal. gonna crash.. like I said, don't mess with her tonight. about to send the first log.. [el_jefe] i'll try and stop it [el_jefe] ok, night night [peachey] see thats the problem he gets them all after me ->[peachey] I have to run for a while. message me anytime tonight if he bothers you and I will talk to him in the morning if he does. Either way, he shouldn't. [peachey] thanks ->[peachey] np [el_jefe] hahahah, 10k of her [el_jefe] you rule ->[el_jefe]-) :) RBCP makes a noble move to help Peachey: --------------------------------------- "Phelon" is actually RBCP here on a day that RBCP felt like impersonating him to cause trouble. He was actually really going to help her out with her problems but she screwed it up. never call me again i won't, but i need you to know that i love you hello? listen, i want to help you bring down el_jefe and the PLA you called me and i`m in lots of trouble now please never call me again seriuosly, if you want to call me i'd gladly give you my number you type too slow. forget it peachey, are you there? if you are, please respond, i have something to say to you. (and it's not mean) yes okay, listen - first of all, i'm not phelon, i'm RBCP. (look at the whois stuff) what? secondly, i was going to tell you this stuff at first but you were mean so i was mean back at you whats your point? I've never called you at home except for that cellular call i just did. The trace is not going to help and you won't catch el_jefe. I promise you this. I'm trying to help you here el_jefe knows how to cover his tracks. the FBI couldn't even trace him. if you want some advice, CHANGE YOUR NICK. change it to peachey- or something you mean that was you? when you get a call at home - HANG UP. don't say one word to them. don't try to outsmart the caller. don't listen to what they have to say, just hang up. i assure you they'll get bored if you do this. well eljefe has stopped calling me hey you called okay, well i seriously don't know who's calling you. i know that el_jefe was but whoever still is, is smart enough to cover their tracks so i doubt a trace will get anywhere. i'm all for bugging people on IRC but i think they're taking it too far my web page is a compilation of humorous things on IRC. Sorry, but this whole thing I find humorous. :) Just change your nick and you won't show up on their (and my) notify. why are you still saying your phelon? and why did you act like that on the phone I hate phelon so I'm stealing his nick. i did the same thing to dazen last month. i'll probably keep phelon's nick for weeks. but I am RBCP, just look at the bright.net domain name and just to assure you, i won't print this private log since it's mostly me giving you advice. i just think the whole thing is outta hand since you didn't really do anything except threaten to "get us" but why did you call me? if i change the nick you still called me why did you call me tonight? and make my whole family upset? i know i called you just now. that's the first time i ever called you. el_jefe spit out the number, my cell phone was here and one thing led to another. I pranked you. I'm just trying to tell you how you can avoid all this. I've fucked with alot of people before but they were usually more deserving than you. They're just messing with you because you're fun to mess with. thats not fair thanks' life isn't fair. i'm a really good friend of el_jefe's and we mess with people alot. I'm just being nice now and telling you how to put a stop to it. just quit responding to them. and a nick change will do you lots of good. Just a peachey- or something to throw them off a little. but please help me ok but the phone is being traced...i didnt want to do it ...i told eljefe that but you called too many times why did you act like that on the phone? believe me, the phone company and police will assure you they're doing everything they can but they can't help too much. especially if it's el_jefe - you will NOT catch him. you really should read all the PLA issues. it's good information and you'll realize how useless "phone traps" really are. and you'll read stories of other people who have gone through what you've gone through. i acted like that tonight because i was pranking you. sorry, but it was fun. are you planning to do itagain? it`s not fun..i`m in lots of trouble did you switch nicks with phelon? he's taken mine to try and get to me. little does he know that i don't care but you have the same whois? please tell me you will never call me again i dont want to be enimies? eljefe has not called ....so it`s just you doing it..... I'M not doing it. I'm messing with you on IRC, that's all. i won't prank you again, though but as far as everyone else goes, i can't influence them either way. i'm not trying to make friends with you, i just think you should learn how to handle it why ? why were you mean to the operator? we don't have the same /whois. i'm bright.net and he's umn.edu. oh ic Peachey - I PRANKED YOU. I did it for fun. That's the first and last time. I'm just letting you know how to take care of them. I don't even know who all is involved besides el_jefe. Just ignore them. Put them on ignore (/ignore el_jefe), don't listen or talk to them on the phone and change your nick. that's all it takes. but he calls on the phone? i can handle theirc most times but i have no control with the phone thats why i`m in trouble eljefe is your friend? yes, best friends. (sort of) i`m afraid to sleep now please never call me again...i`ll call you if you eant want tell me why you were like that to the operator? and dosent it cost you$$$$ to call from ohio? whos number did you give me? because i was pranking you. Don't be afraid to sleep, nobody is going to come to your house. el_jefe is a little punk and has alot of free time on his hands. just take the phone off the hook if you have to and instruct your parents not to talk to anyone who calls like that. even a cellular operator because i listened to the whole dialouge. just hang up. and no, it doesn't cost me a dime to call anywhere in the world. I'm a phone loser. :) read the texts. (My PLAT&T long distance plan rules) my netscape freezes i cant read the web page.. i cant take the phone off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm. can you ftp? we use the phone for emergency calls.........i told you that you should talk to concentric about that. what is ftp? well, if you can't take the phone off the hook, don't talk to them when they call. don't say anything. the only reason they're calling is to hear you get all upset at them. and whatever you do, don't threaten to "get them." we really like that. please tell me why you scared me? like saying things about killing my dog because i was pranking you. i'm MEAN. i'm a jerk and i like it. i just dont understand why you wanted to hurt me? i don't want to hurt you and i didn't imply that i would hurt you. i don't feel sorry for you and i'm not trying to be your friend. i'm just trying to help a little. dern it. how old are you? not old enough to handle you hehe you're friends with quinus, aren't you? i know he stopped hanging out in #rock because they wouldn't quit on you *** rbcp (phelon@x212-43.stu.umn.edu) invites you to join #rock i did everything you told me to do the last time and you said you would stop.. quinbus dosent talk to me anymore he is a nice person yep, me and him are good friends. he actually took his #rock page down because of you well i`m so sorry about that he is so cool and regret losing him.. but he dodnt belive me that el and i quess you were still calling me he is too nice yo be friends in rock he has class. Other than tonight, I've never called you. Ever.I'm rbcp!remember??? yeah sure listen it really pisses me off that i'm going to this much trouble to try and help you and you're calling me a liar now. did you call earlier today? like 5? nooo sorry please i`m sorry you all sound alike to me? * peachey hugs rbcp please dont get mad it scares me i know you're paranoid from all this. but believe me - i've never called you except for an hour ago can you give me your tel #? and eljefe? ok no, because el_jefe is my friend and i wouldn't do that to a friend. i was going to give you mine earlier but since we've had this chat there's not much need to now did you give it to me before? no, i made up the last four digits. 419 586 that? why? i wont harrass you! i will call you tom give me a time i'm not worried about you harassing me but since we've talked there's no need for you to have my number now. yes i want it i`d feel safer if i had it well, too bad. you are mean i'm mean? you have MY # actually, i don't have your number. i punched it into the cellular from the computer screen without writing it down. quit acting like a 5 year old give me yours? or el? i wont use it without your permission peachey, fuck off. i've tried to be nice and i thought you'd really appreciate this but i guess not. go to my page and get my phone number if you want it so bad my netscape freezez too bad then. fix it you really do hate me you know, you're really stupid. i just spent an hour talking to you, trying to help you out and now you're giving me shit. i could've been a good allie of yours - someone to come to for help when el_jefe gives you shit but now you're just pumping me for his info. that's really fucking stupid on your part. good luck, you won't catch these people. now i know why they're doing this to you. thanks thanks i`m sorry..please don`t be mad again.. i appreciate what you did. i just don`t know who to trust.everyone has lied to me before you're dense. i hope they fuck you over good. i'm sorry i tried to help. have a nice life. hey i`m just not as mean as you but i`m learning fast oh well what are you doing?????? fuck off i tried to be nice. your calling?? you were nice ...but whos calling me now? eljefe? can you come talk to me in dcc? i said fuck off. i tried to be nice and you called me a liar. you're stupid, thanks alot. calm down.......... come to dcc? well? fine just have it your way i tried to be nice to you too you did some really nasty crap to me ya know remember? please i`m afraid to go to sleep... i dont know what to do to make even you stop? like do you want me to be nasty or nice? just tell me? don`t do that again fuck off and quit msging me. i tried to help. get lost. peachey hugs phelon i don`t understand you? fuck off and quit msging me. i tried to help. get lost. well i`m leaving for good bye forever Peachey begs RBCP to kill all of the internet service in Ohio: ------------------------------------------------------------- This one takes place after peachey kicks rbcp from #peachey and rbcp says to unban him or else. your unbanned you're swell well i unbanned you so we are cool... now leave me alone but you're swell, peachey. go look at my irc page swell swell swell please dont do things like that but peachey, you don't understand. you're SWELL! hey i unbanned you? why are you being mean? I'm not being mean, i think you're SWELL! you wouldnt be hurting me if you thought that god dammit, i'm not hurting you. i'm just trying to compliment you by saying that you're swell! i saw your picture today and i think i'm going to link it from my irc page whats that mean? it means that everyone who goes to my irc page and looks at the irc logs of you can also see your picture. please dont show me or the logs please if you do i`ll never ever speak to you again ever!!! well, the logs are already up there and if you know anything about HTML, you know that once something goes into a web server, it's there forever so i can't take them away now i'm sorry i hate you!! Thats just not fair I Hate you!!!!! no wait, i'm not trying to be mean. i'll take down the links that go to the irc page but i can't take down the actual page. it's impossible without burning down the bright.net building i was thinking it'd be cool to get some really dumb irc logs of el_jefe and put them up along with that picture of him you sent me. please thats so cruel to do what you did what do you mean, what I did? i think it's cruel what YOU did. Colleen wouldn't speak to me for weeks after you talked to her. to use our private logs? and my picture i never talked to colleen? yes you did and now she's STILL pissed at me what do you THINK i said? but listen, i can forgive you for that. i was thinking that maybe me and you could get el_jefe to say some really dumb stuff and i could log it and we could put it up and make him look stupid and i could put his picture up on the page too can you take me out of the web thing? i can't but i could put a bunch of el_jefe stuff on top of your logs and then people probably wouldn't notice the logs of you. why cant you delete? please i can't delete anything because if I do it will wipe out my whole account. bright.net is a little messed up. i wouldn't be surprised if deleting your page didn't crash their whole Ohio system. you should get el_jefe to say something dumb for my new irc logs page! no sa no sa? you can delete if you really want to? well, yeah, but then i'd crash all of the internet service in Ohio. It'd take them weeks to get it all up again. so? SO?? SO???? This is millions of people who'd lose their internet if i deleted the IRC page. that's MEAN. no it`s not iwant you to delete it maybe then they will fix the thing! well, i think it's horrible that you want to deprive all those people out of internet service just for your own greedy self? How would you like it if suddenly you couldn't access your concentric account? no more ircing? How would YOU like it? Huh??? sorry i`m just very upset.. i'm picking up my cell phone, peachey... please!!!!!!! dont!!!!!!!!!!!! please stop! what? i'm just calling my mother.. i hate you ummmmmmmm arhhhhh i`m so afraid that someone will call i am doomed back to this colleen thing - what did you say to her to make her never speak to me again nothing? sorry i dont remember? well, when i came home she hit me over the head with some lunchmeat and said it was because of a little conversation she had with peachey. HUMM ? I DON`T KNOW? i bet you don't well thanks for ruining a pretty good relationship. she tried to run over me with her bike yesterday i`m sorry,,, maybe someone used my nick?? eljefe does stuff like that all the time have you ever tried netsex? NO?) well, i was thinking that maybe me and you could have netsex tonight noooo thanks i dont want colleen to be mad at me.... shes my friend now :) well, i think netsex is the least you could do for me since she won't talk to me anymore because of you. don't worry, she's not home right now anyway nope friends don`t netsex with friends boyfriends!!!! well, okay, i'll give you a choice: netsex me right now or i'll start calling your house all night until colleen gets home i guess i should have nerver talked to you come on, just 10 minutes of netsex is long enough for me...or should i run out to the car and fetch my cell phone? please dont do this it`s late and i`m upset have a heart please then start netsexing me, darn it no please? * rbcp runs out to get his cell phone... no thanks hey eljefe likes to ummmmm we are waiting for a call please don`t thats the truth i swear i have to go bye okay, seriously, i gotta go now. i'm going to go turn this little chat into a new page for my peachey collection for everyone to see i'll talk to you when i'm done