�� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� October 2002 - Issue #10 Outbreak Magazine - v10.0 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' "Are you ready for a battle royalle in your butthole dog?" - rambox [editorial] Hey folks. Welcome to the 10TH ISSUE! We made it to ten. It's been a long run. Lots of ups and downs. But we made it. Hope you enjoy this issue. And if you want more issues you all need to submit some articles. Send all texts to: kleptic@grex.org . The more texts the better. We can use all the help we can get. Hope you enjoy issue #10. See you in the next issue. If you're ever on IRC you can join us on any server on dal.net and /join #outbreakzine You can find most of the staff there. - kleptic [/editorial] [staff writers] kleptic................... dropcode.................. gr3p...................... rambox.................... joja...................... Turbo..................... heavenly.................. n0cixel................... Timeless.................. Coercion.................. Lenny..................... [/staff writers] [shout outs] All @ #outbreakzine on any dalnet server, phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, dropcode.tk, fwaggle.net, dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, gr3p.net, sugarpants.org/heavenly, kleptic.tk, guruworld.org, dark-horizon.org, sugarpants.org, Everyone that helped out with this issue of Outbreak. You all rule! [/shout outs] [contact us] ������������������������������������ \-� http://www.outbreakzine.tk �-/ ������������������������������������ Vist Us On IRC @ irc.dal.net Join #outbreakzine Send all articles for submission to: kleptic@grex.org [/contact us] ��ܲ � ���� ��������� �� ��� ���߲ ��� � �� ���߲��������������۰۰�������� �� �� �߱������۰�� ���� ���� �� ����߲۲��� �ܰ ߲����� � ��� �ܰ�� �� ���� ��� �� ��۱� ��� �۰� � ��۲��� �� issue ���ܱ��� �۱� ��� ����� ����-fwaggle ��� october �� �� #10 ��߲ � ����� 2002 ޲ �� ޲ �� file description author ޲ �� ~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~' ޲ �� ޲ �� [00] Editorial kleptic ޲ �� [01] Spam: So Go0d, Its G0ne. dropcode ޲ �� [02] Pikachu's Unite! kleptic ޲ �� [03] Over the Counter & Under the Pepto joja ޲ �� [04] Attack of the cellular towers! Coercion ޲ �� [05] Nokia Cell Phone Ringtones Lenny ޲ �� [06] Dox Dox Dox Dox Dox DoxBot ޲ �� [07] Cry Little Emo Kid.. CRY! n0cixel ޲ �� [08] Curb Your Enthusiasm joja ޲ �� [09] IRC - Hacking FAQ Timeless ޲ �� [10] Specialized Common Carrier Service Adeamis ޲ �� [11] Pac Man Ninja kleptic ޲ �� [12] Digital Multiplexing System Adeamis ޲ �� [13] Getting Revenge On Spammers kleptic ޲ �� [14] Those Girls Be Fly heavenly & n0cixel ޲ �� [15] The Construction of an Acid Bomb joja ޲ �� [16] Corporate Intrusion Turbo ޲ �� [17] SQL Injection: Theory and Practice dropcode ޲ �� [18] Conclusion Outbreak Staff ޲ �� ޲ ۲� ܲ� ߲����� � � ����۲� � � [video notice] windows users: (win98 or higher) you can open these files in notepad, and set your font to terminal, size 9. if you prefer console or MS-DOS, then just open it in MS-DOS editor, making sure if you're using windows that you hit ctrl+enter to make it full screen. linux users: view in console using an editor such as joe, or use less -R . x windows users can view by using a font such as nexus, or the terminal.pcf font that fwaggle created but lost. [/video notice] [legal notice] all texts used in this magazine are submitted by various contributors and to the best of our knowledge these contributors are the rightful copyright owners. feel free to redistribute this magazine in it's entirety, but you may not redistribute or reproduce parts of this publication without express permission from the staff. [/legal notice] �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #10 - Article 1 of 18 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ###################################################################### ############ Spam: So Go0d, Its G0ne. -dropcode ############ ###################################################################### ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Up To $10,000 per Month Working from home!! Congratulations! Here's Your Diploma! BE A MILLIONAIRE IN JUST FIVE MONTHS!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spam or UCE (unsolicited commercial email) is basically the electronic version of the useless clutter propping open the lid of your mailbox and, often enough, blowing around in your driveway. Its useless, its irritating, its often offensive and, here on the internet, its an incredible resource hog. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Do's and Dont's ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Don't reply. "In order to remove your address from our mailing list simply reply to this email using 'REMOVE' as your subject." Bull-peto0ty. Never EVER reply to spam. When you do, you're verifying to the spammer that your email address does indeed exist and it will be a prime candidate for the next distribution. -Don't bother filtering. If all you care about is stopping spam from maxing out your inbox then sure, filtering might do the job. But the purpose of this file is to help educate readers about the problems spam is causing the internet, one of which is chewing up resources like oprah with a bag of cornchips. When you apply filters to your inbox, you're causing your email server to work overtime trying to process all your filters. -Do keep track. If you're really bothered by spam, do your part and fight back. Keep track of who spams you. Even if you only look into a couple of chainletters a week. I'll explain some methods of finding out where spam comes from in the next section of this article. -Do combat spambots. Hey, if nothing more... its kinda fun :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracking Spammers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, so you have a folder full of junkmail and you're pissed. You wanna fight back but you don't know where to start... Here's a novice intro to tracking email. First of all, you're going to want to save the email to your hard-disk so that you have it handy. Open it up and take a look through the headers. There are alot of headers that come in an email, but only a few are important for our task. All of the examples I use are completely made up, the ip's are completely random and the domains, at the time of this writing, do not exist. Keep in mind that certain email software will arrange these headers differently then I have, but these fields will always be present. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: spamkidd13@mygrits.com Received: from lick.mygrits.com (lick.mygrits.com [192.335.127.152]) by mymailserv.com (Switch-2.1.4/Switch-2.1.0) with SMTP ID MO0107E4 for Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:11:19 +0400 Received: by lick.mygrits.com (Switch-2.1.4/Switch-2.1.0) with SMTP id MO0154F3 for ; Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:10:58 +0400 Date: Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:10:58 +0400 From: Spam Kid Message-Id: <14279880235.MO0154F3@lick.mygrits.com> To: dropc0de@mymailserv.com Subject: earn 50$ an hour working from home!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The above is an example of an email sent without precautions being taken to hide the identity of the sender. The return-path is the field that contains the address that will be used by your email client when you reply or by an email server to return a delivery failure. The Recieved fields contain information about the route your email took from the system it started on all the way to your mailserver. These fields should be read in reverse: the email was first sent from lick.mygrits.com [192.335.127.152] to mymailserv.com. The message was sent at 22:10:58 and recieved at 22:11:19, the entire process took 21 seconds. Now lets look at a few different tricks of the spammer trade for remaining anonymous. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Bojangles@asdfasdf.com Received: from lick.mygrits.com (lick.mygrits.com [192.335.127.152]) by mymailserv.com (Switch-2.1.4/Switch-2.1.0) with SMTP ID MO0107E4 for Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:11:19 +0400 Received: by lick.mygrits.com (Switch-2.1.4/Switch-2.1.0) with SMTP id MO0154F3 for ; Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:10:58 +0400 Date: Sun, 15 Sept 2002 3:00:00 +0400 From: Mr Bojangles Message-Id: <14279880235.MO0154F3@lick.mygrits.com> To: dropc0de@mymailserv.com Subject: urgent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this example, a technique has been used to spoof the Return-Path and date headers. This is actually quite simple to do and easy for us to notice. Looking through the Recieved fields we see that this email took the exact same path as the last one. There's no mention of asdfasdf.com anywhere, AND the Date field is set at a completely different time than the Received fields are telling us. This might seem to be a pointless tactic for the spammer to use, but keep in mind that most email clients don't show the full list of headers unless they're asked to. By default you wouldn't see the Received fields and would therefore have no reason to suspect. Well, now that you're all advocative fans of the Received fields, its time to make things even MORE difficult. Just as we saw the Return-Path and Date fields spoofed, all the other header fields, including the Recieved fields can be spoofed as well. Before we look at an example of this type of spoof, lets look at some methods for tracing the spoof we looked at above. Well, to start, we're not exactly sure whether or not the Recieved fields were spoofed. (to keep you on track, they weren't, but pretend you don't know that yet *smirk*). A good sleuth will follow every lead he has, and the first leads are those Recieved fields. Lets take a look at where we think it started: lick.mygrits.com [192.335.127.152]. First, we'll make sure the ip we have matches the hostname. We can do this with nslookup. nslookup can be done in many different ways: webforms, *nix shells, your own box, etc: Results Returned for "lick.mygrits.com": Name: lick.mygrits.com Address: 192.335.127.152 Good, we have a match. Well, the Recieve field has passed the first test. Next we'll find out who's in charge of mygrits.com. To do this we use a service called whois. Just like nslookup, whois can be accessed in many different ways. Registrant: Lick My Grits (MYGRITS-DOM) 123 leet st. Ottawa ON, P6B 3R8 CA Domain Name: MYGRITS.COM Administrative Contact, Technical Contact: Redneck, Dumb (DRF1337) hick@mygrits.com Lick My Grits 123 leet st Ottawa ON, P6B 3R8 CA 613-320-3323 Record expires on 20-Jan-2010. Record created on 18-Jan-1998. Database last updated on 18-Sep-2002 13:09:12 EDT. Excelent, now we have a phone number and email address of someone who can help us out. We'll send Dumb Redneck an email containing the FULL header of the email we recieved and tell him to check through his logs for any reference to emails with the id's MO0107E4 or MO0154F3. Now, if the Recieved fields were faked then Dumb Redneck at mygrits.com isn't going to find anything, but... if the Recieved fields are legit then you might be able to convince him to give you the user info of whoever sent the email. This is an example of the type of user info Dumb Redneck may have sent us in reply: jdoe ttyp7 poor.sob.hisisp.com Sun Sept 15 21:40 - 22:22 (00:42) Login name: jdoe In real life: Jon Doe Directory: /usr/users/jdoe Shell: /bin/sh Excelent. Now we can forward the email to hisisp.com and that will be it for him. Kapow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Bojangles@asdfasdf.com Received: from im.a.spoof.com (lick.mygrits.com [192.335.127.152]) ID MO0107E4 for Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:11:19 +0400 Received: by neenerneener.com (Switch-2.1.4/Switch-2.1.0) with SMTP id MO0154F3 for ; Sun, 15 Sept 2002 22:10:58 +0400 Date: Sun, 15 Sept 2002 3:00:00 +0400 From: Mr Bojangles Message-Id: <14279880235.MO0154F3@lick.mygrits.com> To: dropc0de@mymailserv.com Subject: urgent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this example, the recieved fields have been spoofed. Uh-oh. Hey, no worries. We can thwart the spoof quite easily by following the same procedure as last time. The last hop the email took was from im.a.spoof.com to mymailserv.com right? wrong. You'll notice this when you do an nslookup on im.a.spoof.com and compare it to the ip address our system got the message from. Infact, our email software did its own nslookup on the ip it had and placed the hostname it got beside the ip in the output. (lick.mygrits.com). Not all email software will be that nice however, so you might have to do the lookup yourself. What does this mean? it means that the emailer put im.a.spoof.com in place of lick.mygrits.com, but we were clever enough to notice :) If we didn't notice, we might have ended up emailing neenerneener.com and had them look through their logs for references to MO0154F3. That would have been completely useless, because that message never came near neenerneener.com. Well, now that we have a fairly firm grip on tracing email, lets move on to something else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spambots. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The spambot is the spammers evil, automaton, sidekick. They spider the web scanning webpages for mailto: tags and harvesting the email addresses within them. Spambots are generally quite easy to notice, due to a few very common behavioural traits. By its very nature, a spambot is solely interested in mailto:'s and will stop at nothing to get them. Often, a spam bot will scour a webpage from top to bottom following every link in succession ignoring images, sounds, everything but those mailto:'s. Lets have a look at a standard webserver access log. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /main.html HTTP/1.1" 200 62 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" "www.mygrits.com" - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /images/header.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 416 "http://www.mygrits.com/main.html" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" "www.mygrits.com" - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /images/tractertrailor.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 110 "http://www.mygrits.com/main.html" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" "www.mygrits.com" - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /images/pickuptruck.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 214 "http://www.mygrits.com/main.html" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" "www.mygrits.com" - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /images/shootincans.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 114 "http://www.mygrits.com/main.html" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" "www.mygrits.com" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Heres a small page called main.html on the mygrits.com homepage. A user has just loaded the page by typing it into their browsers address field. (i'm assuming this because theres no referrer in the first GET request, if they followed a link there would be.) First the user's ( client requests the main.html page using the command 'GET /main.html HTTP/1.1'. The server then replies with the response code '200', meaning everythings okay, and the size of the file in bytes. The next line indicates the referring url (omitted in the first record) followed by some information about the users browser/platform (this is called the USER-AGENT field) and finally the webpages domain. All the requests after the first one are in the same format, but you'll notice that they are requests for all the images (contained in tags) on the page. Here's an example of a spam bot viewing www.mygrits.com/main.html: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - [18/Sep/2002:10:52:42 -0700] "GET /main.html HTTP/1.1" 200 62 "Spambot v1.0(neenerneenerneener)" "www.mygrits.com" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll notice two things. First of all, the spambot didn't download any images. Sometimes, users will visit your site using a text browser like lynx, you'll get the same type of entries in your logs for them. Next you'll notice the USER-AGENT. In this example, the bot sent Spambot as their user-agent. Don't take this literally, as far as I know theres no spambot named Spambot. The following is a list of user-agents to look out for. If you know of more, pass them over my way :) ExtractorPro EmailSiphon Wget EmailWolf Vitaplease WebSnake EmailCollector WebEmailExtractor Crescent CherryPicker [Ww]eb[Bb]andit Last but not least, you'll notice in your access logs that spambots will follow, as I said, every link in order from top to bottom. With these behavioural traits noted, its possible to write code to watch for these types of bots, but I'll leave that up to you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Combating Spambots. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As advocative participants in the anti-spam movement, it is our duty to actively pumble all the spambots that cross our paths. When ever a spambot finds a mailto: on a page, it archives it and continues along looking for the next. The following is a small javascript that will generate a list of faux mailto:'s for the spambots to harvest. I was far from the first to think of this, infact there are plenty of programs all over the web that perform the exact same function, however, most are written in perl and c which means you'll need access to a cgi-bin or equivilent to impliment them. This is why I decided to write a javascript version. NOTE: its very important to make sure that the domains being generated do not exist. If they do exist, their servers will have to reply with a delivery failure message causing a slight burden on available resources. Whether the burden is trivial or not, its the complete opposite of what we're trying to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // indigestion.js :: 5:00 PM 9/18/2002 :: -dropcode // ------------------------------------------------ function DecHex(DecVal) { HexSet = "0123456789ABCDEF"; DecVal=parseInt(DecVal); if (DecVal > 255 || DecVal < 0) { DecVal=255; } var a = DecVal % 16; var b = (DecVal-a) / 16; var HexVal = HexSet.charAt(b)+HexSet.charAt(a); return HexVal; } function generateMailtos() { document.write('
This page is meant for mailto harvester _ spambots.

') amountToGenerate = 30; minUsernameChars = 3; maxUsernameChars = 15; minDomainChars = 3; maxDomainChars = 15; username = ''; domainName = ''; for (i = 0; i < amountToGenerate; i++) { usernameChars = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxUsernameChars_ - minUsernameChars)) + minUsernameChars; domainChars = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxDomainChars - _ minDomainChars)) + minDomainChars; for (catonateUsername = 0; catonateUsername < usernameChars;_ catonateUsername++) { currentUNChar = Math.floor(Math.random() * (122 - 97)) + _ 97; currentUNChar = "%" + DecHex(currentUNChar) + ""; username = username + unescape(currentUNChar); } for (catonateDomain = 0; catonateDomain < domainChars; _ catonateDomain++) { currentDChar = Math.floor(Math.random() * (122 - 97)) + _ 97; currentDChar = "%" + DecHex(currentDChar) + ""; domainName = domainName + unescape(currentDChar); } addy = username + '@' + domainName; document.write(' '+ addy +' _ .com
'); username = ""; domainName = ""; } document.write('
Round and round we go._
') return true; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to make the code all fit in the 70 char width format I've been using, I had to split some lines in the middle. Any line ending in an underscore (_) has been split. Remove the underscore and move the code on the next line up. In order to implement the code, you'll want to give it its own dedicated .html. within the tags of that .html you'll add a