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Hope you enjoy #8. - kleptic [/editorial] [staff writers] kkk took his baby away : kleptic thinks he's turning japanese : dropcode walking like an egyptian : rambox he's an asshole! oley oley oh! : Prodigal|Son dancing with himself : GPC stray cats strut he's a ladies man : gr3p This is a PSA with... GUITARS! : Ryan he let the dogs out : Radioactive_Raindeer he can dance if he wants to : Timeless he's more than a feeling : TheEnigma rock this town, rock it inside out : dirV rise above! he's gonna rise above! : Turbanator wants you to want him : p0rt [/staff writers] [shout outs] All @ #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net, phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, diegeekdie.org, hackerzlair.org, fwaggle.net, dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, gr3p.net/heavenly/, gr3p.net, gr3p.net/ravagrrl/, guruworld.org, dark-horizon.org, #outbreakzine on irc.dal.net, Everyone that helped out with this issue of Outbreak. You all rule! [/shout outs] [contact us] ������������������������������������ \-� http://www.outbreakzine.tk �-/ ������������������������������������ Vist Us @ IRC.DAL.NET Join #outbreakzine Send all articles for submission to: outbreak@fwaggle.net [/contact us] ��ܲ � ���� ��������� �� ��� ���߲ ��� � �� ���߲��������������۰۰�������� �� �� �߱������۰�� ���� ���� �� ����߲۲��� �ܰ ߲����� � ��� �ܰ�� �� ���� ��� �� ��۱� ��� �۰� � ��۲��� �� issue ���ܱ��� �۱� ��� ����� ����-fwaggle ��� august �� �� #8 ��߲ � ����� 2002 ޲ �� ޲ �� file description author ޲ �� ~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~' ޲ �� ޲ �� [00] Editorial kleptic ޲ �� [01] I Got No Time For The Jibba Jabba Scooter ޲ �� [02] The anTrojan Filez 6 Timeless ޲ �� [03] The Evils of Tradition kleptic ޲ �� [04] The Circle Breaks Turbanator ޲ �� [05] 42 Thoughts GPC ޲ �� [06] Wiggity Wiggity What? ޲ �� [07] Backdoored By A Loved One Joja ޲ �� [08] Useful Codes For Most Nokia Phones Lenny ޲ �� [09] RE: Disproving Evolution Troy ޲ �� [10] Virgin CC's + Cvv2 and more PART 2 dirV ޲ �� [11] Microsoft's Hidden File TheEnigma ޲ �� [12] Tap, Tap, Tap! p0rt ޲ �� [13] Opteron Rocks! Itaniums a Silly-con? Prodigal|Son ޲ �� [14] Conclusion Outbreak Staff ޲ �� ޲ ۲� ܲ� ߲����� � � ����۲� � � [video notice] windows users: (win98 or higher) you can open these files in notepad, and set your font to terminal, size 9. if you prefer console or MS-DOS, then just open it in MS-DOS editor, making sure if you're using windows that you hit ctrl+enter to make it full screen. linux users: view in console using an editor such as joe, or use less -R . x windows users can view by using a font such as nexus, or the terminal.pcf font that fwaggle created but lost. [/video notice] [legal notice] all texts used in this magazine are submitted by various contributors and to the best of our knowledge these contributors are the rightful copyright owners. feel free to redistribute this magazine in it's entirety, but you may not redistribute or reproduce parts of this publication without express permission from the staff. [/legal notice] �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 1 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Our friend Scooter is a proud black man. His number 1 influance is Mr. T. So when you read this log, just remember that he's a proud black man. Scooter says: i got no time for the jibba jabba superstar says: hey Scooter says: i said...... I - GOT - NO - TIME - FOR - THE - J-I-B-B-A - J-A-B-B-A that means, no jibba jabba-ing superstar says: what superstar says: ???? Scooter says: i just spelled it out for you.. Jibba Jabba superstar says: whatever Scooter says: like what Scooter says: in the butt Scooter says: wiggity what Scooter says: for real, ya know? superstar says: what?????? Scooter says: c'mon girl. this be tarrel up in the hizzle. who you be? superstar says: kandice Scooter says: kandice? with a K? who you trying to fool girl? superstar says: yes with a k Scooter says: im gonna call you kandy kane. like what in the butt. wiggity what Scooter says: for real superstar says: i not trying to fool anyone Scooter says: girl, you as white as the deoderant under my arm Scooter says: for real like what Scooter says: my gerbils kickin' it in my afro are more black than you are Scooter says: word superstar says: what you dont know what i look like Scooter says: my baby girls momma's name was kandy kane superstar says: oh Scooter says: you my baby girls momma? superstar says: i'm noot her Scooter says: i havent seen my baby girls momma in 14 years Scooter says: you know what kinda stress that puts on a prominant black man such as myself? Scooter says: not know where your kids are.. where you babys momma is superstar says: what???? Scooter says: yeah, you know Scooter says: all i got now is the gerbils kickin' it in my afro Scooter says: swimming around in the afro sheen superstar says: what race? Scooter says: they're gerbils girl. what do you mean race? they're brown and fuzzy. gerbils.. GERBILS superstar says: no u superstar says: a/s/l Scooter says: I got antwon kickin' on the ones and twos on the left. i got kool-aide kickin' it on the threes and fours. they be my crew of gerbils kickin' it upstairs Scooter says: like what Scooter says: in the butt Scooter says: wiggity what superstar says: u know kool_aide Scooter says: yeah. hes big red, and a proud gerbil Scooter says: hes one of them brother gerbils from the east. ya know? superstar says: he is my baby Scooter says: you go around kissing gerbils? Scooter says: what kind of freak are you? superstar says: mabey Scooter says: they make porn sites with that kind of stuff on it superstar says: oh superstar says: ok Scooter says: yeah, for real Scooter says: tickity tock, wiggity wock Scooter says: ya know? Scooter says: yeah, you know Scooter says: word �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 2 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' "The anTrojan Filez 6" by Timeless -( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-* --------oOOo-------- sPaM iS... gOoD? --------oOOo-------- OPEN YOUR MIND, WE'RE GOING IN JUNK MAIL IS BAD! - Wastes your time reading through it. - Wastes bandwidth receiving it. - Wastes your time trying to unsubscribe from it. - Wastes your mind because you're not sure that if unsubscribing makes them send you more because they think you're an active e-mail address. - Wastes disk space. - Wastes contiguous disk space when it gets deleted. - Wastes time deleting it. - Wastes your mouse pad. - Wastes a small part of life from your mouse, keyboard and CPU fan. - Wastes system administrators' time when you try to black list the spammers. - Wastes more bandwidth that could have been used for Q3 or CS. - Wastes your body energy and oxygen. - Wastes the poor person's e-mail account found in the "reply to" address. - Wastes all of the above for that person. JUNK MAIL IS GOOD! (huh?) - You know your e-mail account still works. -( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-*-( o )-* And so it continues, as your mind gets infected by the anTrojan filez. Greetz to all at #outbreakzine, #hackerzlair and #tinylittlepyramid (it didn't need to be a very big pyramid after all) on DalNet. - Timeless 2002-07-20 Disclaimer: may or may not be fictional. You are responsible for your own actions and state of mind. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 3 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' The Evils of Tradition ---------------------- by: kleptic All around me I see people doing what people always have done, are doing, and will do. They are born, go to school, grow up, get a job, work, get old, and die. Most of those people will never do anything within their life span that has not already been done. That scares me. I believe each life is precious, and that everyone has something to offer the world that no other person could ever or will ever be able to duplicate. My life goal is to push my abilities far enough that I hopefully achieve whatever my unique potential contribution may be, preferably before I'm dead. The problem, as I see it, is that we live and die by tradition. As our forefathers have done, we shall do. Why are we doing that? It's tradition. If that's the only thing stopping us from creating our own approaches to a situation, I think we need to reevaluate our priorities. At some point, those traditions were created. The people who created them, who did them first, obviously did not consider what had been done before. They were creating something new. Do you think the authors of tradition really intended to limit the later generations creative thinking so severely with their creations? Unlikely. I find it far more feasible they would hope we could learn from their innovation, learn to create our own rituals and methods. I urge all of you to take a step away from the shackles of tradition. Nothing should be done solely for the sake of tradition. Ideally, we would just forget tradition and treat each new problem as a new entity, using our knowledge and creativity to invent our own solutions, but if tradition must be considered it would be far better to not do something a tradition dictates, or even intentionally doing the opposite. I try to do one thing a day that no one has likely ever done before. It seems a daunting task, but the effort is definitely not wasted. Nothing makes you feel special like being the first person in history to do something. I suppose I can share with you my own personal method for marking my place in history on a daily basis, even though it does slightly lower my chances of true innovation each day. I use the concept of 128 bit data encryption to invent new words. The basic idea is this: if you combine 128 random syllables into a combination, odds are with you no one will put the same combination together. Therefore, you most likely will end up with a word that no one else in history has ever said, or will ever say. Feels good, doesn't it? The only other step is to give the word some meaning, so it can be used in a sentence. I like to use unique and specific emotions, such as the following example: icharuyijbmartycraraquerdecaxroonxarmattyfattypart - noun - the feeling you get when Richard Simmons and B.B. King catch you sucking on your toes while wearing a Gucci suit and wielding a potato gun. I really doubt anyone has ever used that word, expressed that emotion, or even had the experience that would trigger that emotion. I have rendered the future a little more prepared; if Richard Simmons and B.B. King ever do catch someone sucking on their toes while wearing a Gucci suit and wielding a potato gun, they'll be able to say, "Whoa there, fellas. It's not what it looks like. Boy, do I feel icharuyijbmartycraraquerdecaxroonxarmattyfattypart." By the way, there's not 128 syllables in my example word, but you get the idea. Anyway, I hope some of you find it important to leave your permanent mark on this little tribe called humanity, without letting it leave it's mark on you too deeply. We're all born unique, but we grow into mediocrity. Be weird, be crazy. This world would be a lot more fun with a bunch of free thinkers running around, wouldn't it? �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 4 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When The Circle Breaks by:Turbanator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its funny how things can go from what you think to be normal, to completely flipped around. This is a poem, that shows alot of my emotion towards a recent event, and of things to come. Things happen, friends change and move on, people go off and form other groups, even though long ago they promised not to break away. Ones who were not originally close, are now closer than ever, and things that were, will never be the same. The seasons also change, but the difference is that eventually, things return to normal. Promises are broken. Nations are separated by war, but peace talks are in place, so the nations are close once again. Things change. Now there are ones that come from the shadows, that are now in the light with you. Things change. And the circle breaks. Two lovers are divided by lack of communication, braught on by the petty differences they share. Emotions break, and slowly fade away. Like suger, dissolving in hot tea. Things change. And the circle breaks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This text file was written by:Turbanator For:Outbreak The author can be contacted at:turbanator2k2@yahoo.com, AIM=Turbanator2k2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 5 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ############################## ## ## ## 42 Thoughts ## ## ## ## By ## ## ## ## GPC ## ## ## ############################## Here upon lies a random collection of quotes, mumblings and thoughts from my mind, enjoy. Does the Spanish dude need a creator?, and if so who created him? If you go back in time are you there? And if you are could you control yourself or are there two uncontrolled versions of you? If you appear conscious as your future self do you replace your past self? Where does your past self go? Where do you go if you cannot control either the one or two of yourself and, do you know when you get to where you go? If there is only one unified theory it is just a set of rules and inflations on which we base reality - Stephen Hawking We have more to fear from those that think they understand us than those who know they don't - Martin Luther King Jnr. America are calling these Taliban fighters 'unlawful combatants' because they are fighting without declaring war and are therefore not prisoners of war and therefore do not have to be treated according to the Geneva Convention. However when America fought in Vietnam they hadn't declared war either. America claimed that it had sent 'military advisors' however these 'military advisors' were incidentally US army troops, dressed in US army uniform and armed by the US army. Technically, these soldiers were also unlawful combatants but campaigned for the release of many 'prisoners of war' during the Vietnam war which they claimed the Vietnamese had captured and were treating without accordance to the current laws on 'prisoners of war'. These soldiers were released and hailed as heroes by the American people yet they feel it justified to keep several Taliban soldiers locked in cages that even animal rights people would not let animals stay in. There has to be a change in the bureaucracy and red tape that dominate politics today. Even the simplest task requires months of planning and countless meetings. Governments are too afraid to do what they know is right for fear of offending people and loosing power. If there is an infinite number of parallel universes there is an identical one of me, writing this, right now, but one thing is different in their world maybe but they may not even be aware of this so, to them, at least, this is an identical world. But will they also be thinking this? This also leads to the possibility that are countless millions of me, doing this, an infinite number. A microscopic dot on a microscopic dot. ********** Solipsism - Your mind is the only thing that exists and therefore everything else is a product of your imagination. Scepticism - There may or may not be an external world, and if there is it may or may not be completely different from how it seems to you - there's no way for you to tell. How do you know that you didn't just come into existence a few minutes ago, complete with all your present memories? You would be assuming the reality of the past to prove the reality of the past. What is the basis of your idea that everything has to have an explanation? It's true that in your normal, non-philosophical conception of the world, processes like those which go in your mind are caused, at least in part, by other things outside them. Science is just as vulnerable as suggestion. How can we know that the world outside our minds corresponds to our ideas of what would be a good theoretical explanation of our observations? Can we establish the reality of our sense experiences in relation to the external world? Is the idea of external reality that no one could ever discover meaningless? A dream has to be something that you can wake up from in order to discover that you were asleep. But, if you never knew you were asleep in the first place does the dream become your reality and if so what becomes of the reality where you are asleep? Is it possible to be in two realities at once but only to be aware of one? Can the state of two realities actually exist? If so, is it feasible to be able to experience both realities with knowledge of the other? If the world was made by your mind, and this may be so because you only know that you have a mind, think about the objects and people that inhabit your world. If you did create them, why? Does everyone serve a purpose? If you have never been to a specific place in our reality yet you are told it exists, does it? Just how far can pictures on the television or words on a page go to prove the existence of a place or object if you have never seen it yourself? Do things that you haven't experienced actually exist? Is the fact that exist to others irrelevant? If you believe that your mind is the only one in the world is it not entirely acceptable to wonder if it is not a little improbable that the whole world was created as a product of your mind? If the world is created by you, is it already formed or do parts of it form as you travel to them? If the last case is true then it is therefore possible to escape your world by 'thinking' your way out of it. Is that surely not a logical impossibility? It is said that solipsism is a very lonely viewpoint because no other human would actually exist, just images / representations of them. However, to say this is somewhat of a contradiction. This is because there may be no physical humans for you to interact with but there are an infinite number of images / representations for you to interact with. They may not be real but if you don't know your mind was the only one you would think of them as normal humans and more importantly wouldn't question their reality or otherwise. Is ignorance really bliss? I wonder if any of you even got to here. Oh well. Until next time... GPC wishes you well. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 6 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' uhhh. i got nothing. move on to the next text. heh �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 7 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Backdoored By A Loved One. By joja. The word "suppository" strikes fear in the hearts of children across the world. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of getting a suppository brually shoved into your asshole, consider yourself extremely lucky. The suppository is one of those most evil medicines ever invented, and one of the most uncomfortable. I personally have experienced the wrath of the butt bullet, and trust me, it's anything but fun. Not only does the suppository cause physical pain, but I know for me, it caused mental as well. Now, there are two ways a suppository can find its way into your ass, and I have named these methods. The first method is called "The Sneaky Finger." The Sneaky Finger is usually what parents do to get a suppository into your body while you're not expecting it. This is the most evil method, and should be illegalized. I've fallen for The Sneaky Finger many a time in my childhood, and I am scarred for life. Here is an example of The Sneaky Finger in action. Usually I'd be laying in bed in my pajamas, and my mom would come into the room. She'd sit next to me and feel my head for a fever and give the "Sad Parent Face." She would tell me to roll over on my stomach to see if there was a rash or something on my back, and I would. Now this is where it goes from P3-13 to NC-17 in seconds. She would pull my pants down and shove the suppository in my ass with lightning speed. She had it down to a fucking science. Normally if I felt my pants going down, I knew what was about to happen, and I would squirm. But she was a fucking professional, and she always got me. The second method is called "The Whole Shot." Now, The Whole Shot is somewhat better than The Sneaky Finger because you're doing it yourself. So at least you're expecting this one. Although, I would never want to put myself through this. I am fortunate enough to be able to say that I have never experienced The Whole Shot, but I'm deeply sorry for those who have. Even if I absolutely had to perform The Whole Shot, I probably could never go through with it. There is no way you could get me to willingly shove something into my ass. Overall, both The Sneaky Finger and The Whole Shot have their up's and downs... Mostly downs. There are two types of suppositories, the rectal suppository and the vaginal suppository. Both can be used for different reasons. I believe the most common use for rectal suppositories is for constipation. Other rectal supposotories can be used to releave hemorrhoidal symptoms, and I even found one that is supposed to give you energy. Sorry, but if I need energy, I'm going to eat a fucking powerbar or drink some coffee. Why would someone use a suppository for energy? Furthermore, why would someone use a rectal suppository to soothe the internal swelling, burning, itching and just general discomfort of hemorrhoids? Look, if you're constipated use a laxitive in a pill or liquid form that can be taken ORALLY. If you're suffering from hemorrhoids use the cream for fucks sake! And last but not least, if you need energy snort a line of cocaine or drink coffee, anything but the buttbomb. Now, vaginal suppositories can used for infertility, fungal and yeast infections, and even a contraceptive. Personally I don't want to get into the vaginal suppositories, so I'm going to make it short. If you're having infertility problems stop trying to have kids, it's that simple. If you have a fungal or yeast infection use the cream! Cream is always a better alternative, although it may not be as effective, it's nice not to have to use the beaver cleaver, you know? As far as contraceptives go, FOAM, DIAPHRAGM, THE PILL, I could go on and on. You choose. I have compiled a list of different names for both vaginal and rectal suppositories. Rectal: Two-inch torpedo. Butt bomb. Butt bullet. Rectum rocket. Mangina mine. Ass missle. Vaginal: Beaver cleaver. Muff missle. Twat torpedo. Snatch spike. Cooter Claymore. I lost pretty much all motivation to type anymore about suppositories, so I think I'm going to end it here. Although, If you are interested in using a suppository, for some sick and twisted reason, at least do it the right way. Or you could always give my mom a call. Here are the 12 easy steps to "install" your rectal suppository taken from The Michigan Pharmacists Association's Patient Education Program. I got a kick out of it. 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 2. If the suppository is soft, hold it under cool water to harden it before removing the wrapper. 3. Remove the wrapper, if present. 4. If you were told to use half of the suppository, cut it lengthwise with a clean, single-edge razor blade. 5. Put on a finger cot or disposable glove, if desired (available at a pharmacy). 6. Lubricate the suppository tip with a water-soluble lubricant such as K-Y Jelly, not petroleum jelly (Vaseline). If you do not have this lubricant, moisten your rectal area with cool tap water. 7. Lie on your side with your lower leg straightened out and your upper leg bent forward toward your stomach. 8. Lift upper buttock to expose the rectal area. 9. Insert the suppository; pointed end first, with your finger until it passes the muscular sphincter of the rectum, about 1/2 to 1 inch in infants and 1 inch in adults. If not inserted past this sphincter, the suppository may pop out. (See below) 10. Hold buttocks together for a few seconds. 11. Remain lying down for about 15 minutes to avoid having the suppository come out. 12. Discard used materials and wash your hands thoroughly. Have fun. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 8 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Useful codes for most nokia phones -Useful codes- -Display Version Number: *#9999# Displays the version number of the phone -Check ESN: *#92772689# Here you can check you Serial No along with Made, Programming date, Repaired, Transfer user data?, and Like timer. The only way to exit this menu is to shut the phone off. -Service Mode: *3001#12345# Here you have very many options Like editing the NAM 1-3,Changing the Security code, Changing The Emergency number's, Changing the SW version, Changing The Serial No. There is alot do to in this mode take your time and check everything. The only way to exit this mode is to shut the phone off. -Change Cellular number: *#639# Im not sure how this is useful but i have been told you can spoof caller id this way. -Lenny �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 9 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' * This letter is in reply to EvilRyan's article in Outbreak #3 "Disproving Evolution." Thanks to Troy from speaking his side. I was reading your article in outbreak and I found it so absurd I simply had to correct you. I know you will probably ignore every word I say but I would be a hypocrite not to send it in the first place. Creationism only survives by ignoring all evidence to the contrary so for you to make such an ignorant an ill formed claim against legitimate science is laughable. calling evolution a theory was a correct assumption but I fear you meant it in the casual as apposed to the scientific usage of the word, which in fact means a proven and generally accepted concept. Your next claim is that evolution makes many unfounded claims, this is absurd, crack open a legitimate scientific journal or go to a museum, its all there ready for review, meanwhile creationism provides no legitimate evidence,check the bibliography of on e of the creationist books, they reference mostly woefully out of date information, generally dating 30 to even several hundred years old. They often quote legitimate sounding, but completely absurd publications, such as the Uks science magazine, which is ruf fly the equivalent of the inquirer, indeed gish is well known for once referencing the weekly world news. By the way gish is also well known for admitting something as false then reusing it again in other debates. As far as observed instances of speciation perhaps you should wander over to the talkorigins website, amongst its archives there is a list of observed instances of speciation in everything from insects to single celled organisms. a perfect example is the London subway mosquito, after the London subways were built a local species of mosquito took advantage of the new resource, now its well adapted to its man-made environment and is sterile with its parent species. as far as your tree statements its a little ab surd, the organisms which made up the first life simply are not likely to be preserved, we can only know them by experimenting with various abiogenic compounds and see if they fit the geological and biological records, the "branches" are only incomplete becau se not all life is preserved, so again we can only deduce them by studying other evidences. your third paragraph is barely understandable, but I would take point with your claim that a species must some how be better then its ancestors. In fact many species live side by side with their ancestors (the aforementioned subway mosquito) and some spec ies leave more than one descendent, for instance we share a common ancestor with orangutans, we aren't descended from them, a little further down the line we split with gorillas, even further we and chimps part ways, one group remaining superficially more sim ilar than the other. As for reproduction its necessary irregardless, if a species cannot reproduce its extinct plain and simple, until I see a rock form into a goat I will assume reproduction is absolutely necessary. As for paragraph four I'm curious why you felt that 600 proteins were absolutely necessary, and the simplest life form imaginable is an ambiogenic compound, which is simply a chemical that reproduces. As for your claim that there is no evidence of change over time this is absurd and due to ignorance of the evidence. The fact is that there is a fairly complete fossil record from prosimmian to monkey, to ape, to greater ape, to australopithecine to homin id to you and me. There are several rebuttals of your absurd claim at talk origins as well as a dinosaur specific rebuttal at dinosauria. > I hope that this shows you all that you should always get > the facts from both sides before you make any decisions > about what you are going to spend your entire life believing. Maybe you should take your own advice, on a final note science isn't believed it is understood, and revised when false, creationism on the other hand requires faith and belief, because it cant survive on its own. > If you have any questions or comments please feel free to > contact me. And here we are. http://www.talkorigins.org/ http://www.dinosauria.com/ http://www.atheists.org/ <------------Look for zindlers articles in particular, he shows the "creation scientists" in all their absurdity. -Troy �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 10 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' --------------------------------------------------------- Virgin CC's + Cvv2 and more . The basic art of socialing. --------------------------------------------------------- My Last text I wrote Taught you how to Get yourself virgin credit cards around town. Now I think I shall explain how to get these cc's online. There are several differnt ways to obtain these fraudulent credit cards. What I explain to you here is just a spark to lite the fire in your own mind - Get your own Ideas of how to get not only cc's, but other personal information. Im only going to give you One Idea - but its a pretty good one- Requirments for Virgin CC+ info - Basic knowledge of html - A good AOL Mass Imer - OR a Mass Email Program - Webspace / domain - Bunch of proxies --------------------------------------------------------- Ok Heres How I get my Virgin CC's - Take a look at one of these two sites - www.americaonlinebilling.com www.aolbillinghq.com These are two example of the webpages you need. Just rip the site if you have too. THen take your spammer to AOL and spam them iwth a good spam msg - or email. Example Email: Dear America Online User, We regret to inform you due to a recent system flush, the billing information for your account was deleted. In order to enjoy your America Online experience and keep your account active, you must enter your credit card information within 24 hours of receiving this e-mail. To re-enter your account information and keep your account active, please click the link below. http://www.AmericaOnlineBilling.com Sincerely, Sean Wright AOL Billing Department P.S. GET A GOOD AOL NICK LIKE BilRep498 - find dumb people. and remmeber - AOL doesnt promote this kind of activity- if you get busted its your own ass. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 11 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' --=Microsoft's Hidden Files=-- -By TheEnigma- I am sure many of you know about this but I recommend reading this text anyway. Let me first say that I am not a very big fan of Microsoft, but Windows is a decent OS and there are many wonderful programs that require Windows to run. If you insist on using Windows be aware that pretty much everything you do online is being recorded on your box. I bet all of you cover your internet browsing tacks by deleting your history and temp files. So now nobody will be able to see where you have been on the internet, right? Wrong! Windows records and hides websites, search queries, old e-mails, and much more. One of the most important files to be aware of is the "index.dat" file. This file stores a list of your history, cache and cookies. Most of these files will not be clear when you delete them. The "index.dat" file should be located in one of the following directories. Just search around for it. c:\windows\tempor~1 c:\windows\history c:\temp c:\windows\local settings\ c:\windows\application data\ c:\windows\temp\ Other folders you should give attention to are the ones with alphanumeric names located under your IE content folder. They will look something like this: QET6CF4J, 7YDF326U, U5FVHSI4, etc. You will have to boot to DOS in order to see the full contents of these folders because windows explorer will not show some of the files. Once you are in DOS navigate to where your alphanumeric folders are located. The type cd %alphanumeric folder name%. Then type dir/p. While your computer is in DOS mode you can also view the contents of your "index.dat" file. Navigate to where your "index.dat" file is located and type edit /75 index.dat. You should be looking at a screen full of binary. Just scroll down till you start seeing your urls. These are all the sites you have ever visited. I have even found old e-mails for hotmail accounts in these folders. I kinda had to rush through the writing of this text so I did not get to include a lot of my research on this subject, so if you have any questions or you cant get something to work please contact me at #outbreakzine on Dalnet. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 12 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Tap Tap Tap =========== By: p0rt So, you have an enemy who talks behind your back? Or, maybe you just would like to "listen" in on your friend's conversations? Well, if you have 2 phone lines and call waiting on one of them, you are in luck. (Only one problem.. Your friend must also have call waiting!) Procedure: Call up your friend with the phone you want to listen with. When he answers call waiting (he's already on the phone, and you are the 2nd caller) then you either sit there or say: sorry, I have the wrong number.. Next, you wait until he goes back to the other line (puts you on hold). Then, pick up your other line and call "YOUR" call waiting. Answer call waiting Then go back to him. (Answer, and then click back.. Click ->2<- times Answer, and go back..) Hang up your second line You are now on the line! Listen and be QUIET! He can hear you. - If you have call forwarding, turn it on and forward calls somewhere before you start listening. If a call comes through on your call waiting circuit, the people talking will not hear anything, but after you answer call waiting and come back, they will hear the other call hang up (two clicks). If you don't have call forwarding, I suggest you get it if you are going to make a habit of this, because it will become a major pain in the ass. When your call waiting rings, you are removed from the "listening" conversation and placed back on his hold circuit. In order to get back on, you must answer the phone and wait for your party (when you answer the phone, tell the guy you are in a hurry and you have to go or you'll call him back later or something) to hang up. When he or she hangs up, you will be back on the conversation. Then, one of your pals will say: What was that? (because of the clicks) So, try to use call forwarding if you can. Remember, Have fun, and don't abuse it. =P It is illegal (what isn't these days) because it is "invading privacy". I don't know if the phone company just did not realize there was a flaw in it, or that it was planned for line testing, I am not sure. Have fun! - p0rt �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #8 - Article 13 of 14 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Opteron Rocks! Itaniums a Silly-con? ==================================== By: Prodigal|Son The 32-bit processor has been out for awhile, since 1985 to be exact. It changed the face of computing for a long time because it outperformed the 16 bit processors by a lot, and allowed computers to use up to 4 gigs of memory. Times are changing, and soon people will be using a lot more ram than they already are. 4 gigs seems alot, but so did 640KB in 1981, and 64 bit should allow 1 terabyte. 64 bit CPUs have been used in servers for years, and servers need more memory then your average Joe's gaming machine. Software is demanding more and more RAM. I remember when 16 megs was enough for windows 3.1, and the most current version of windows, windows XP, demands as much as 128 megs. That's more then a lot of hard drives had when 3.1 first came out. The problem with using 64 bit processors is that software would have to be rewritten for 64 bit processors, which is tedious and time consuming. Intel has the Itanium processor which only runs 64 bit software and operating systems. The downside to this is that companies who use windows cannot use the windows server operating software, except there is a special edition of windows .net fir the new itanium CPUs. AMD has started on the 64-bit CPU bandwagon too, by bringing out a 64 bit CPU, code named hammer, but when released will be called opteron. What's interesting about these CPUs is that they run 32 and 64 bit software and still uses the x86 instruction set, which the Intel itanium has abandoned. This has Intel scared, because the opteron will be for servers, and also home workstations. Microsoft has become a partner with AMD, and they're working on a windows for x86-64. 64 bit CPUs also run around twice as fast as 32 bit. for example, a 900MHz opteron will run around 1700 or 1800MHz. In order to run that fast, the processor would need 64-bit software, because 32 bit doesn't run as fast. For the opteron to work and sell well, AMD has better get companies to write software for the 64 bit CPUs too. if they can get the opteron to do well, and get companies to write software for them, then AMD might make it to the top in speed for the home computer market. The 8th generation athlon will be based on the opteron, and will be used mostly for home computers and low end business workstations. the opteron processor does not have a front side bus as everyone has come accustomed to. it's all controlled inside the chip. opteron's will be able to support up to 8 processors at a time, depending on which package you decide to use. I have great hopes of this processor, and think it will do well. I'll probably upgrade to the 8th generation athlon when it comes out, but I imagine that it will be pretty pricey. so you better save up! _______________________________________________________________ |______________________________________________________________ | || || || ___ _ ____ _ || || / _ \ _ _| |_| __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | _ || || | | | | | | | __| _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / || || | |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | | | __/ (_| | < || || \___/ \__,_|\__|____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\ || || || ||_____--------------------------------------------------______|| |_______/-----------------------------------------------\_______| ___ _ _ | __(_)_ _ __ _| | | _|| | ' \/ _` | | __ |_| |_|_||_\__,_|_| \ \ / /__ _ _ __| |___ \ \/\/ / _ \ '_/ _` (_-< \_/\_/\___/_| \__,_/__/ ���������������������������������������������������������������� PUT THE WORDS IN HERE: Well it took a while to get this issue out. I've been busy with other things. But we finally got our shit together and released it. Hope everyone enjoys it. We encourage everyone to come visit us on IRC. Join us on any Dalnet server and join #outbreakzine and come say "hello." We need some articles for issue #9. So get off your duff and write something. The more articles the better. Anyone can write anything they want. Just write a text file on what you know. You don't need to ask our permission to write a text. Just write. Send all texts to: outbreak@fwaggle.net Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy #8. - Outbreak Staff ���������������������������������������������������������������� ++++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH THIS SPACE++++++++++++++++++++++ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij Outbreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission By the Editor - outbreak@fwaggle.net COPYRIGHT�� 2002.