!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zine Scene - O t a k u B o y O n l i n e - Zine Scene The best news from the best vid-gaming sites -- Dec. 7, 1998 Vol. 1 No. 31 I'm down for whatever. -- written by OtakuBoy - "It's all about da chedda." Now on superriffic, magical ICQ! # 21176515 Resouces obtained through Gaming Central! http://www.startpath.com/gamingcentral/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OtakuBoy loves you. OtakuBoy cares. That's why OtakuBoy unleashes his virtual scrubbing bubbles onto all the online console video game sites -- even on sites you've never heard of before -- to scour out the best features, reviews, previews, and news. Then OtakuBoy tells you where to go get them. OtakuBoy loves you. Now, love OtakuBoy back. _____________________ Sponsor's Message ____________________ ConsoleCity is three (click) three (click) three (click) three sites in one! First, there's PSXMax, a premier PSXsite with all things PlayStation. (You have to check out Kingboxer's Rumor Mill!) Then there's The Nth Dimension, with their oft-scoops on cool movies. And, finally, there's Dreamcast Insider, which sticks to Dreamcast like cooked rice sticks to a bride and groom. OtakuBoy's always heading there for the latest info. Why not you? http://www.consolecity.com (Note: ConsoleCity is undergoing a server change. They are up. "Consolecity.com" will bring you to the temporary site.) _____________________ Sponsor's Message ____________________ =OtakuBoy Speaketh ========================================= Oy. OtakuBoy here, with a bunch of new subscribers on board courtesy of uber-site Console City. Check out their sponsor message up above. I'm excited, d00dz. I can finally lead with PlayStation! Yay! Lots and lots of links. Wooo hoo! ----------- PlayStation (PSX) In fact, with a headline such as this next one, you'd tar and feather me for NOT going with PlayStation first. What could it be? A FARGIN' Final Fantasy 8 MOVIE, fellers! Holy malarky! Jeez! I can't believe it. Gaming-Age, I love you. Love? YES, LOVE! Here, let me show you... ZIIIIIIP. Ahem. In other news, 110,000 UK PlayStations sold during a recent week. The number is not Sony-confirmed but is rumored to be close. And only Sony's hairdresser knows the reasons why it happened. But that didn't stop Game-Online from stab- bing at the whys. "Syphon Filter" has a date, according to FGN. But, ha-ha, they don't tell us the date. Isn't that funny? Yeah, I can see you laughing. PSXNation says it's February 1999. More details there. GameWEEK runs a story about the Cool Boarders Videogame Challenge coming soon. Meanwhile, Game-Online pre- views the very British "Max Power Racing." (British as in, it's somewhat based on a popular national magazine that the English would know easily -- at least according to Game-Online. Could you imagine such a thing here? Field & Stream Power Bass Fishing? Yeah, I can imagine it, too.) Jeez! Could "Crash Bandicoot: WARPED" be any shorter? 3 hours is not a lot of game time. Of course if you suck-a- doodle-do, like me, 3 hours translates to 30. Anyway, PSXMax reviews the new game. ConsoleDomain takes a look at "Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal," and calls it 'resentfully cute.' HA! And Game-Online reviews "Colony Wars: Vengeance." Yeah, it's kinda old, but it's also kinda cool. (The game, I mean. ;) And now for something completely... You know the rest. PSXMax runs a story about videogames promotion in the Philippines. All you retailers out there could get some pretty good ideas for your store! You're in the moneee. You're in the moneee. Nintendo (N64, GameBoy) Are you a fan of the PC games "Synnergist?" Oh. Well, then, how about "Dark Ang�l?" (I just don't know PC games, but apparently the developer, Vicarious, does pretty good RPGs and they're comin' to the N64!) Details over at IGN64. Take bowling and minature golf, throw it in a "space-age" blender at hit puree. What do you get? According to Game- Online, you get "Milo's Astro Lane." Check out news of the UK version at Game-Online. Maybe Tom Clancy is the King of All Media? Really. Now he's coming to the console world -- the N64 specifically. And so is his developer Red Storm. Details at FGN. It's today's second story. Oh, durn it. OtakuBoy made another boo-boo in Saturday's Sleep-Deprivation Issue. IGN64 ran a nifty news story about a game called WINBack that I thought was "Romance of The Kingdom." It's not! It's "WINBack," a spy, action shooter to take on the likes-a Goldeneye. Check it out at IGN64. OtakuBoy has cut off a digit in regret. Anyway, also on IGN64, "Fox Sports College Hoops" is the POOPS! Check out IGN64's review. And Gaming-Age wants to know, did you find Mario in Zelda yet? Did ya? Check out the titillating pictures on Gaming-Age. Dreamcast & Saturn (DC & SAT) Ah, Sega X. You can always count on them to have at least a few news and features published before anyone else does. What devotion! For instance, here's what you can do there today! * Download the ENTIRE "Shenmue" video, all 6 megs of it. * Download screen shots for PowerStone and Seventh Cross. * Read about how Sega Europe will introduce the Dreamcast. * And, last but not least, read that PenPen is not the bad game everyone pretends it to be. Oh, no no! In fact, "PenPen Tricelon" is the surprise hit of Dreamcast! (?!) Plus, download tons o' pics and movies. W O W ! Multi-format Very, very soon you could be playing Cricket and Rugby on your game machine! Who says? EA Sports! That's who! And FGNOnline wrote down every detail. Cheers, folks. See a cool story? Send it to me! Otakuboy@bigfoot.com ============================================================ Sponsor Message!____________________________________________ Veteran Bob Hope script writer Bob Mills publishes the free, daily comedy e-zine "Funny Side Up" with topical jokes from politically incorrect to tasteless to, on occasion, a real sickie. Plus fascinating stories from behind-the-scenes of the Bob Hope Show. See a sample at http://home.switchboard.com/funnysideup or sign up at: http://funnysideup.listbot.com/ No browser? E-mail Bob at jokesmith@msn.com and put "free laughs" in the subject box. ___________________________________________Sponsor Message! PlayStation links: -- The 14 Meg FF8 MOVIE! - News -- http://www.gaming-age.com/news2/december98/120798d.htm -- 110,000 UK PlayStations sold in a week? Why? - News -- http://www.game-online.com/cfdocs/site/news/newstemp.cfm?newsid=1214 -- A Syphon Filter date set. - News -- http://www.psxnation.com/news/120498a.html -- The Cool Boarders 3 Videogame Challenge - News -- -- The very British "Max Power Racing." - Preview -- http://www.game-online.com/cfdocs/site/previews/prevtemp.cfm?puniid=187 -- Could Crash: Warped BE any shorter? - Review -- -- Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal is "Resentfully Cute." - Review -- http://www.consoledomain.com/psx/reviews/Tiny_Tank_Up_Your_Arsenal.html -- Colony Wars Vengeance - Review -- http://www.game-online.com/cfdocs/site/reviews/reveg.cfm?reviews__uniID=814 -- Report on the Philippine promotions! - Feature -- Nintendo 64 Links: -- Fan of Synnergist? Dark Ang�l? - News -- http://ign64.ign.com/news/5998.html -- Milo's Astro Lanes - News -- http://www.game-online.com/cfdocs/site/news/newstemp.cfm?newsid=1215 -- Tom Clancy comin' to Nintendo - News (2nd story) -- http://www.fgnonline.com/web/fgn_archives.html?publish_date=1998-12-07 -- It's NOT Romance of The Kingdom! It's WINBACK! - Preview -- http://ign64.ign.com/previews/3937.html -- Fox Sport College Hoops is de POOPS! - Review -- http://ign64.ign.com/reviews/2235.html -- Can you find Mario in Zelda? - Cutesy Feature -- http://www.gaming-age.com/news2/december98/120798b.htm Dreamcast links: -- The entire ShenMue video, all 6 megs of it. - Feature -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_981207_shenmuevid.htm -- Screen Shots! -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_981207_powerstone.htm (PowerStone) -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_981207_seventhcrosspics.htm (Seventh Cross) -- Sega Europe & PlayStation? - SHORT Feature -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_981207_marketing.htm -- PenPen a surprise hit?! A BUNCH of PICS and MoVIEs- Review -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/reviews/import_penpen.htm Multi-format links: -- New EA Sports titles, Cricket and Rugby? - News (14th Story) -- http://www.fgnonline.com/web/fgn_archives.html?publish_date=1998-12-07 ----------------------------------------------------------- And, hey, when you wanna go out and surf on your own, stop on by Gaming Central. They're linked to every gaming site in the world! They kick TOCK! (As in But-TOCK!) -- http://www.startpath.com/gamingcentral/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Thus ends another ish of OtakuBoy Online. The place for the squeeky clean zine scene... and those zines better get to writin' better features. Zine Scene - O t a k u B o y O n l i n e - Zine Scene -- Dec. 7, 1998 Vol. 1 No. 31 I'm down for whatever. -- written by OtakuBoy - "It's all about da chedda." Now on superriffic, magical ICQ! # 21176515 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!