Nasal washing, also called nasal irrigation, occurs when the nasal cavity is
rinsed with a saline water solution to moisturize the mucus membranes and flush
out irritants and excess mucus. A popular personal hygiene practice in India,
the disciples of yoga have used nasal washing methods for centuries. This
practice has recently caught on in Western cultures where an increasing number
of people are becoming interested in homeopathic health treatments.
Nasal irrigation is usually used to treat sinus and nasal conditions such as
the common cold, hay fever, nasal congestion, and inflammation of the nose and
sinuses. Others have reported that this cleansing practice can help flu
sufferers feel better.
Nasal washing has many benefits, including reduced allergy symptoms, improved
sinuses, and even the need for less allergy medication. Nasal washes help clean
mucus from the sinus passages and remove irritants such as dust, smoke residue,
or pollen from the nose. Nasal irrigation also removes bacteria and viruses
from the nose and can decrease the swelling in the nose to allow increased air
There are several nasal washing techniques. The simplest method is probably the
hand technique, where one pours saltwater into the palm and sniffs the liquid
up the nose one nostril at a time. This technique is not considered to be as
effective as others, but it can be easily done in a pinch. A more common nasal
washing method calls for a squeeze bottle. The bottle is filled with saltwater,
placed against the nostril, and squeezed. The saltwater should go up the
nostril and come out the opposite nostril or the mouth.
Some people choose to use a water pik with a sinus irrigator tip. The water pik
is filled with saltwater and set to the lowest pressure. The tip is inserted
just inside the nostril and the fluid is allowed to come out of the other
nostril or the mouth.
Neti pots are another way one can do a nasal washing. A neti pot is a ceramic
pot that looks a lot like a small, Aladdin s lamp. Neti pots generally deliver
water with less force than the squeeze bottle and water pik techniques. The pot
is filled with warm salt water, then the tip of the spot is gently inserted
into a nostril. The pot is tipped and the waters flow through one nostril and
out the other.
Still others prefer to wash their nasal cavity with a pulsating irrigator. This
device looks similar to a water pick and delivers a controlled flow of water.
Some medical reports state that the consistent water pressure irrigates the
sinuses more effectively than other methods.
Nasal washing is not really painful, but it can be a bit uncomfortable. No
matter what technique is used, the point of the treatment is to cleanse, not
blast, the sinuses. The water pressure should never be any stronger than the
flow of a water fountain. The water solution needs to be lukewarm to make it
the most comfortable. Plain cold water might irritate the sensitive mucus
membranes in the nose. Nasal washing might sound gross, but those who use this
personal hygiene practice rave about its effectiveness.
Nasal wash
A saltwater nasal wash helps remove mucus, bacteria, and other foreign
materials from the nose and sinuses. This can temporarily reduce symptoms of
nasal congestion and postnasal drip. Doing a nasal wash before using a steroid
nasal spray may make the steroid more effective. After doing a nasal wash, wait
until the draining stops, then use your nasal spray as prescribed by your
healthcare provider. Nasal saline wash of the nose can be one of the most
helpful treatments for both acute and chronic sinus problems.
A nasal wash:
The first step in carrying out a nasal wash is to wash your hands. Next,
prepare the nasal wash solution.
To make the saltwater solution for the nasal wash:
Uniodized salt is used because iodized salt may be irritating when used over a
long period of time.
two fingers.
wash; otherwise, 4 ounces should be enough. Briefly, the wash involves
squirting saltwater into one side of your nose and letting it run out the
other; see the next page for techniques to use. After the wash, discard any
unused saltwater. Prepare a new saltwater solution before the next nasal wash,
using a clean glass.