Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue LII July 1st, 1999 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Oh my goodness. When Ndetroit is gone, NWR is actually done on time. Time to stop waiting for his punk ass to release me thinks. Maybe the issue will suck though, who knows, and when you get right down to it, who the fuck cares. We got all our usual shit, and since I'm writing this on Monday, I can't say whether or not we have any cool stuff or not cuz I haven't read anyone elses shit. I will tell you my shit is nothing special though Anyways, Nd has yet to visit me here in Cali so I can't make fun of him in this issue, next issue though I promise! Intro update: ND never visited me as I couldn't stay up till 5am waiting to goto breakfast with him. So that sucks and I'll just make up shit for the story about him. We have no utils report this week, Bud was working some OT at the strip club. Ryche does a special report and doesn't review the VCD scene. We also have a change of NWR policy, please read the special letter from the editors and also a potential new section that reviews the cracking scene by none other than krakhed koka(english help from Sketch). We also have the return of one of the greatest steeds of trading to NWR! The jesspic is back! -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- - No fucking quotes. -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- Blah. Ndetroit is on his way back to Canada so we have none of his Usual idiotic rantings. Enjoy the rest of the mag! Siteops!! send your weektops to: Thanks to all those that support us every week... ;) =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: ---------------------------------------- 2.5x XH - SXX 2.0x DXX - FX - XT 1.5x EX - XWX - XOL - TOX ----------------------------------------- If you can't guess what sites are what, chances are you Aren't on them. If you got ranked then you know what the Fuck you weektopped anyways. No more posting site names In NWR. Read editor's letter for further details. trader group XH SXX DXX FX XT EX XWX XOL TOX - pts --------------------------------------------------------------------- tc DEV 3 1 2 1 - - 1 - 1 - 166.0 tirre AOD 5 6 2 5 - - 3 - - 86.0 bizzybone AMN - 4 - 3 - - - 1 - - 81.0 tukkerp INS - - - - - 2 3 2 - - 52.0 faith AOD 2 8 - - 3 - - - - - 52.0 cedric AOD 10 2 - - - - - 7 - - 45.0 pyx AV - - - 5 7 - - 4 - - 45.0 evilmind THD - - - - - 1 4 6 - - 44.0 jaydee DEV 1 - - - - 4 - - - - 44.0 diamond RVL - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 38.0 Next week we will be adding alltime stats and group totals. NWR is Going to expand the stats section! =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Biased Courier Report Well, it's me again guys. I am stuck in this god damn cycle. AOD: Well with Tirre back and Faith pretty active, as well as the mass pre'ing that is turning AOD into another Prevotion. AOD is giving Dev a real run for their money, if TC and the pft mania die down, AOD is #1. And since their people are actually trading as well as pre'ing, I still say they are #1 right now. Heard some rumblings of unhappiness and shell trouble though, so hopefully they can settle all that. Devotion: Well TC pre'd like 1.4 gigs or something on his own last week, so Dev defaults to #1 on most scorecards, Garoto and the ex-siege prewhores have been pre'ing around PWA rlses to sites and continuing the trend of mass pre, but no real trading of any kind from this crew with Godbless inactive. Amnesia: Bizzybone came up with a huge week pulling down some big numbers, and Psych/Sins did their pre'ing and trading, giving AMN a comfortable #3 on most sites. They don't yet compete against aod/dev and the mass pre'ing, but they keep picking up old school traders, if they ever trade it should be interesting, picked up Devan from Risc, Smooth, and Zeus21. Also HOX joined as CHQ. As well as E coming in as WHQ. Vice: Well soon to be "Out of SerVICE" it seems, alot of complaints about lack of shells and childish antics. They still have a decent team, but the meggage is not there in europe without Mrp going full steam. The US team of skimp/blitz is still a formiddable force, but all that does is piss off Risc who thinks they own US.. This group is pretty much the same boat DMS was before the split. Risc: Brain seems to be really pushing back into activity and pushing to make XDR a top notch site again, whether or not he can is yet to be seen. But the effort is at least admirable. The loss of Devan doesn't help things much as they aren't exactly overflowing with couriers, but at least they have 1 guy pushing to make Risc do something in Brain. EQL: Blink continues to try to give EQL some credibility on sites, and a few other EQL peops are popping up here and there, will we finally see a little stability from this group? RTS: Wow, I don't think I ever reviewed these guys. (Hi Ord and Ninja!). Kruzin moves over to RTS and so if he is trading and Krs-one is active they will have some showings on sites, but RTS lacks any real euro resources at the moment so they will compete against Vice on the US field it seems. THD: Hi Sketchie poo:) Welp folks, another week goes by and I'm still doing this shit. Enjoy ! =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= ---------- [ A letter from the Editor ] ------------- Well folks, this has been a long time coming, and I think it's time we changed our policy around here with NWR. Couple major issues will be changing, in the site rankings for the courier stats we will no longer be listing the full site name or even the complete abbreviation. We feel that if you don't know what the site is, you should not know what the site is. NWR is here to offer information and entertainment to the scene, not to be a source for the people we wish to stay away from. We are also removing any and all web page endorsements, minus Prozac's page in respect for his contribution past and present to NWR, and the porn advertisement, since we all love porn. We advise and suggest that everyone avoid using the message bases and overtly public methods of discussion on these webpages. It is in no way meant as disrespect to the hosts of the pages that we were supporting and many are our friends. It is simply becoming far too open and dangerous to have every detail of the scene being displayed for anyone. Now you might be saying, wasn't NWR working on a webpage? Yes we were, and still are. Our webpage will still go up as planned, we will no longer have a daily news section and if we have a webboard at all, it will be ipchecking and user/pw enforced. Just like a BBS, if you deserve to be in there talking about shit, then you will get in there. If you don't, then you won't. As far as group moves and site changes and news. We will do our best to abbreviate any and all site names in any important news that is addressed to the scene. No siteops will be mentioned or addressed (please remember that mistakes will happen). We do however allow Bud, Ryche and Blitz to do their report as they see fit, any information in those reports are entirely up to their judgement if they feel the entire scene should read it. Obviously as the above statement shows, we will still be listing who released what and the scores/etc of that. NWR is still going to be bringing you the same things that we always did, we will simply be a little more mindful of small things that are not necessary to the magazine and simply offer more information than we would like to give. I would like to thank everyone for reading NWR over the past year and for all the support that has been given, we look forward to continuing to bring you NWR for as long as you all like to read it. Ok, enjoy the magazine and look forward to Issue 53 as the big retrospective and anniversary issue(yes I know it should have been 52, but ND is out of town.) - Lester [ Co-Editor ] =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Blitz's Slightly Biased Gaming Report]----------- THE BLITZ REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF 06/14/99 - 06/21/99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [NOTE FROM BLITZ - This was ready last week, and should have been included, but as we all know our editors ndetroit and Lester are morons.] Seems we can't just have a regular week of releasing without controversy. This was certianly not the best week in history, but damn we had some huge games come out. Origin USA (or so they say) continues to show off their newfound skills, and want you all to know about it. Class might go the way of Siege without China Blue. Lots of action, let's start the report with our weekly roundup of releases. _ ______ ______ ____ _____ ____ _____ \// _ \ _ \_\__/ _ \_\__/_\_ \ / / / / /. / / / / / / \______/ \____|_/\___ /___/___/ / --------|___|---------/____\------/____\- No dropoff from last week, Origin has their biggest week ever with four games and a huge title in Dungeon Keeper 2. Summer isn't supposed to be the best time of the year for games, but Bullfrog follows up their hit from a few years ago with the sequal. This one looks like a sure-burn. Two addons are probably musts for those of you without burners, a game like this deserves to be played in full glory. The intro movie on the ISO was worth it alone. Breakneck and Peacemaker are a pair of lesser games, but still excellent titles that would have got more attention in a slower week. Rich Diamond is crappy, but a game. Unzip it sometime in the next month. Total Annihilation... man. Well first of all this one came out 2 hours after the Razor version beat out TPC. Now, Origin claims Razor raped this game. With a word like rape, you would expect there to be some serious damage to the game. Well you can judge for yourself. I've included copies of the before and after jpg's from the backgrounds. There's a minimal difference. Even assuming that you don't agree with the majority and feel Razor's rip is bad... Origin lost to TPC by 2 hours. Either way Origin's late release was lame. What's lamer is cutting down Beowulf in the nfo. Origin could have had a week to remember, now all they will be remembered for is how bad they looked in their loss. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0 Rich_Diamond-ORIGIN (15.1M) 5.0 DUNGEON.KEEPER.2-ORIGIN (93.3M) 3.0 Breakneck-ORIGIN (134.9M) 3.0 Peacemaker-ORIGIN (57.6M) -2.5 *NUKED*Total.Annihilation.Kingdoms-ORIGIN (208.4M) 1.0 DUNGEON.KEEPER.2-MUSIC.ADDON-ORIGIN (52.3M) 1.0 DUNGEON.KEEPER.2-SPEECH.ADDON-ORIGIN (67.1M) -2.5 Dungeon.Keeper.2.High.Resolution.Fix-SHG 0.5 STARTREK_BIRTH_OF_THE_FEDERATION_CHEAT_CODES-ORIGIN (0.0M) 0.0 *NUKED*Total.Annihilation.Kingdoms.All.Releases.Fix-ORIGIN (0.9M) --- 10.5 ______ /| ___ /\______ /\______ / \/ | / _ \ / _____/ _____> / |_ / |/ | \\____ \ \____ \ < | < / | / | \/ | \ \ _____\_<____|___\_____ /\_____ / +=\/======================\/=======\/==+ Wham. Seems more and more games are getting ripped off the ISO now. Razor ripped TA:K from a CIFE release, now class returns the favour finishing what Razor gave up on with the Heavy Gear II rip, our third 5.0 title of the week (a first since I've done this report). I wasn't crazy about this one either, but it seems that as I get older I like fewer and fewer games. I can still appreciate good work though. This one looks like it's going to have a lot of fans. Tarzan got nuked on most sites as a kiddie game. When I leeched it... it wasn't too bad. But the game is intended for ages under 10 years, and in my books that spells kiddie. Those are never legit releases, and we're going to have to penalize CLS for it. Frankly, I just can't see justification to take points on this one, however... even though it is a kiddie game. I won't deduct any points. It was close enough. The auxilliary team was damn busy. Four patches came out, as well as three trainers. As per the new rules, only the Need for Speed trainer recieved an award, being a 4.0 quality game. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.0 Heavy_Gear_2-CLS (112.8M) 0.0 Tarzan-CLS (41.8M) 0.5 DARK_VENGENCE_v1.20_UPDATE_CRACKED-CLS (2.9M) 0.5 Need_For_Speed_High_Stakes_Money_Cheat-CLS (0.1M) 0.5 STAR_WARS_ROGUE_SQUADRON_v1.00.01_UPDATE_CRACKED-CLS (1.1M) 0.5 F-22_Lightning_3_Update_Cracked-CLS (4F/9.4M/3d 21h) 0.5 Total_Annihilation_Kingdoms_Trainer-CLS (0.0M) 0.0 Militato_Cheat_Codes-CLS (0.0M) 0.0 America_Greatest_Arcade_Hits_3D_Trainer-CLS (0.0M) --- 7.5 /\______ /\______ ____/\______ __ \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/ \______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ ======\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= Steady as she goes... Razor is consistently releasing now, unlike the first three months when they were getting flack from across the scene (read back in NWR for an ironic quote from me). This week we see the legit rip of Total Annihilation Kingdoms. This game I'm a little neutral on, but Beowulf wanted this one real bad. He got it, the rip is supported by every group that didn't release a bastard copy, so this one stands. The addon and two patches round out the week. Topic in #Razor welcomed Genesis P'Orridge from Origin to the group. Apparently he's had second thoughts about joining Razor, but he's not in Origin either. A free agent? Sure to be a sought after one at that, with Dungeon Keeper 2 and Descent 3 on his resume. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.0 TOTAL.ANNIHILATION.KINGDOMS-RAZOR (139.7M) 0.5 Descent.3.TRAiNER.PLUS.7-RAZOR (0.1M) 0.5 MIA_Missing_in_Action_v1.02_Update_Cracked-RAZOR (1.9M) 1.0 Total.Annihilation.Kingdoms.MUSIC.ADDON-RAZOR (48.0M) --- 7.0 ������� ��� �� ���� ���� � �� �� �����۲ݲ���� ��� � � ���� ���������������������۲�� ����������� �������� ޲��� �۲ ����� ������ � ����� ��� ���� ��������� �������� ������� ����� ��� �������� �۲������ �۲�� �۲�۲�� �۲�� �۲ ���� ������������������������������۲�� �۲ ==============================���=����===== �������� ����� Hrm. Not a lot to say here. Militato sucks, and they repacked it. The trainers were for bad games. kinda quiet from these guys, they spent most of their time ragging TK4. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0 Militato-PARADiGM *NUKED* -1.0 Militato_Repack-PARADiGM (24.4M) 0.0 Tarzan.Trainer.Plus.4-PARADiGM (0.0M) 0.0 Rich.Diamond.Plus3.Trainer-PARADiGM (0.0M)= --- 1.0 ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ������� ������ܿ � ������ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��۳ ���� ��� ��� �۲ ��� ��� ۲� ��� ������ � :�۲ ��� ۲� �۲ ��� ��� �۲ ��� ��� ���: ��۲ ��� �۲ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��۳ ������������ ����� ��� ��� ��� ���ܲ�߳ Aaaah, back on the charts. I'll be honest, America's Greatest Arcade hits probably shoulda been a deduction, but I don't wanna discourage anyone. The fix was kewl tho. Unfortunately fixes for nukes are still nukes. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 Americas_Greatest_Arcade_Hits_3D-DVN (32.8M) 0.0 *NUKED*TOTAL.ANNIHILATION.KINGDOMS.FIX.TPC-DVN (0.0M) � ���� �������� ������ �� ������������ ��� ����� ���� ����� ����� ������� � � ����� sQz����� ������ ���������� ����� ������� <<====����� == ������==== ��� ��������� =>> t h e p l a ������ y e r s c l u b ��� They tried. This rip of Total Annihilation Kingdoms was the worst of the three... basicly the ISO less movies and music. It was the first one to hit sites, but the Razor pre team managed to beat them out. Perhaps the fact that the rip was almost 250 megs slowed them down. It's a nuke, but they would have walked away with it, were it not for the work of Beowulf. A patch gives them their only points. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.0 *NUKED*TOTAL.ANNIHILATION.KINGDOMS-TPC 0.0 TARZAN.TRAINER.PLUS.1-TPC (0.1M) 0.5 LINKS.LS.99.PATCH.v1.21.CRACKED-TPC (7.9M) I was going to work up a compilation of a certian cracker's series of nukes, but I didn't really feel like spening the time. It would have been amusing, but probably unfair to him. I can't crack, why should I rag on someone who almost can? Origin is looking strong right now. Not sure about the Origin USA label on Dungeon Keeper II though. Sources tell me that was just another limey title. Still, the game scene has really balanced out. Origin has picked up a few USA titles to go with their UK dominance, which has elevated them past their third group status. Razor is releasing again, and PDM/CLS have tailed off noticibly. This trend rarely continues, we usually see members leaving the groups on their way down in favor of the ones on their way up. This time, however I don't know if that will be the case. Joining Origin is generally considered to be about as desirable as a trade to the LA Clippers, and their recent success has been tainted by the insane posturing of their leaders. ][ce and Cypher seem to be lashing out at anyone and everyone. Success has either gone to thier heads, or caused them to go completely insane. Razor could make a move, but except for the aborted move of Genesis from OGN to RZR, nobody has made the jump as of yet. The scene seems to be waiting to see what happens with Class. New leadership almost always comes with change, and there are a plethora of skilled crackers to be found there. I'm sure all the groups have their eyes on them, but for now, Class seems stable enough. That's all for this week, I'll see you on the sites. ========================================================================== ===================== THE BLITZ REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF 06/22/99 - 06/28/99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow, this report will only be one day late! Seems more often than not by the time my report reaches you guys, it's old news. Hopefully that will change sooner rather than later. Last week we saw the two dominant groups from early this year strike back after a couple of weeks of taking a backseat to the upstarts. Class hasn't missed a beat with Prozac taking a real hands on approach to running this group. I even saw him pre a few releases on sites... now THAT is attention to detail. ______ /| ___ /\______ /\______ / \/ | / _ \ / _____/ _____> / |_ / |/ | \\____ \ \____ \ < | < / | / | \/ | \ \ _____\_<____|___\_____ /\_____ / +=\/======================\/=======\/== "Rumours of my demise have been greatly exagerated". I can't remember what movie that is from, or even if it's an exact quote, but it pretty well sums up the week CLS had. Only one game from these guys, but it was a good one. Sega Rally is a really nice improvement over the original. I like the way you can slide sideways like a real rally car (much improved over the previous, which felt like a video game). No fix for this one either... CLS added the complete package: cheat, addon, and update, milking this game for all it was worth. Western Battle Front I did not try. It's an addon, getting two points. I didn't hear any complaints about this one. Actually I didn't hear much of all about this release. The patch and trainer team kept busy as well. A nice all-around week from the CLS boys, they take down top spot. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.0 SEGA_RALLY_2-CLS (42F/113.5M/2d 23h) 2.0 Western_Front_Battle_Pack_1-CLS (45F/117.4M/4d 5h) 0.5 Heavy_Gear_2_All_Missions_CHEAT-CLS (1F/0.0M/8d 2h) 0.0 Breakneck_Speed_Trainer-CLS (1F/0.0M/7d 1h) 0.0 PeaceMaker_All_Missions_Cheat-CLS (2F/0.0M/7d 1h) 0.5 Breakneck_Track_Fix-CLS (1F/1.6M/5d 18h) 0.5 Imperialism_2_v1.03_Update_Cracked-CLS (1F/1.4M/5d 3h) 1.0 Western_Front_Battle_Pack_1_Addon-CLS (7F/16.9M/3d 16h) 1.0 SEGA_RALLY_2_ADDON-CLS (11F/29.2M/2d 21h) 0.5 SEGA_RALLY_2_CHEAT-CLS (1F/0.3M/2d 4h) 0.5 SEGA_RALLY_2_UPDATE-CLS (1F/3.0M/1d 22h) 0.0 Atari_Arcade_Hits_Volume_1-CLS *NUKED* --- 10.5 ������� ��� �� ���� ���� � �� �� �����۲ݲ���� ��� � � ���� ���������������������۲�� ����������� �������� ޲��� �۲ ����� ������ � ����� ��� ���� ��������� �������� ������� ����� ��� �������� �۲������ �۲�� �۲�۲�� �۲�� �۲ ���� ������������������������������۲�� �۲ ==============================���=����===== �������� ����� Not to be outdone (well, only outdone by a hair), Paradigm also had a solid week. There was lots of whining about outcast only being playable in low-res. Well, the game don't look too bad in low-res, but we're going to deduct a point from this 3.0 title. I don't like this new GFX mode ripping that is going around, but all the groups seem to be doing it. This one was a lot more extreme than just ripping D3D or 3DFX too. Black moon chronicles from new supplier ResureXi0n is a pretty vanilla RTS. I don't know who this new supplier with the K-Rad nick is either, someone fill me in. PDM really dropped the ball on the Unreal addon too. Blah, two fixes, please. No point for you on this one. A couple of updates, a trainer, add that up and it's good enough for second place in a week where Razor and Origin faltered. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.0 Outcast-PARADiGM (48F/136.5M/7d 1h) -1.0 Outcast_High_Resolution_Addon-PARADiGM (5F/14.0M/6d 19h) 3.0 Black_Moon_Chronicles-PARADiGM (50F/142.8M/4d 17h) 1.0 Black_Moon_Chronicles_ADDON-PARADiGM 2.0 Unreal_Return_to_Na_Pali-PARADiGM (48F/134.8M/3d 21h) 1.0 Unreal_Return_to_Na_Pali_Music_Addon-PARADiGM (10F/28.0M/3d 21h) -1.0 Unreal_Return_to_Na_Pali_Fix-PARADiGM *NUKED* 0.5 Gangsters_US_Update_4-PARADIGM (1F/1.6M/3d 12h) 0.5 Cricket_World_Cup_99_Update_v1.0-PARADiGM (7F/19.3M/2d 21h) -1.0 Unreal_Return_to_Na_Pali_Full_Fix-PARADiGM (1F/1.3M/2d 2h) 0.0 Black_Moon_Chronicles_Plus4_Trainer-PARADiGM (1F/0.1M/2d 2h) --- 7.0 _ ______ ______ ____ _____ ____ _____ \// _ \ _ \_\__/ _ \_\__/_\_ \ / / / / /. / / / / / / \______/ \____|_/\___ /___/___/ / --------|___|---------/____\------/____\- Maybe ][ce and Cypher were too busy taking on the world in #scenerags to pick up any games, but Origin didn't do much at all. All quiet from this group, too bad I couldn't say the same for its leaders. A trainer for a marginal game and the god-I-hope-its-the-last update for Warzone. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.0 PeaceMaker_PLUS_2_TRAINER-ORIGIN (1F/0.1M/8d 1h) 0.0 Warzone.2100.V.1.05.Final.Patch-ORIGIN (1F/1.3M/5d 9h) _______ ______ ______________ _______ \ . \\_ \ \_ ___ /. \PoYZ . / __\/ |\ \| \ \_:__|_/ / \ \_/ /| \/__ \_/ .|_) _)__|\ \ ____/: |\ \_ (_|. \_/ / o|\ \|\____ \ \_| | |_) / /|o \ /____| \__ | \__\______| ___/__/ |____\ <*+=======|__|-RAZOR 1911-|__|===========+*> Oops. Read back a few issues and you can quote me as saying that a non-working dupe is about the worst thing you could do in the scene. Well here's Razor with a non-working dupe of a bad game. A two point loss is not offset by a nice little patch from Beowulf, and a sweet trainer for Dungeon Keeper. Even with the minor patch for Asghan thrown in the mix, Razor ends the week worse off than they started it. Maybe there just weren't enough big games this week for Razor to bother, who knows. Not a week to remember for my own group. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 Total.Annihilation.Kingdoms.v1.0BM.Update-RAZOR (3F/7.6M/7d 4h) 0.5 Asghan_Update_Patch-RAZOR (1F/1.5M/6d 3h) -2.0 AFTER_DARK_ARCADE_GAMES-RAZOR *NUKED* 0.5 DUNGEON.KEEPER.2.COMPLETE.TRAiNER.PLUS.4-RAZOR (3F/0.2M/4d 8h) --- -0.5 The game scene these days is far too hostile to be a fun place to hang out. The constant whining from groups who lose on games gets old after a while, and although all groups are guilty of it, it's coming more from a certian group of individuals. How long I wonder until these people learn to co-exist with their competitors, and even give props for major releases? I can't remember the last time Origin actually complimented another group on a release. It's a sign of not being secure enough in their own right that they can't recognize the good work of others. In other news, TPC has folded their rip division and decided to delve into the less-competitive realm of ISO releasing. A few months ago this move might have paid off, but I don't see TPC being any more competitive in that realm than in their former. The ISO groups have gotten a lot faster on their store titles, although they still seem to rely on the larger groups for their insider releasing. Since it's hard to remember the last insider game that TPC landed, I can only fear the worst for TPC. CIFE and FLT are owning the ISO scene right now, and their store teams are just as fast as any game group's. That's the week in review. See you all next week for another look at the game scene. =========================================================================== =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- A lot of shit that no one used came out this week. Bud will tell you the same next week in more detail! =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[ Koka's Biased(duh!) Cracking report #1 ]----------- Koka's Biased(duh!) Cracking Report #1 Here we go, I am gonna try to make the scene people pay a bit more more attention into the cracking scene, so here comes my report. I will be rating each group and it's releases, with a ranking of them all on the end of the report, based on my rating and the points I gave,. I am only going to report the top 10 cracking groups of the week, but if you (REALLY REALLY) want your group to be reviewed, bug me on irc and I will think about it :P If you have any suggestions, msg me on irc. Thanks :) Kudos to Sketch/THD for helping me out with my english. Thanx bro! Week is based from 20/06 to 26/06. * - Keygens are highly rewarded for the pointing system. Groups: �������������������������������������������� � ����������������������������������������� � � ����� � �� � ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� � � � ������ � �� � ��� ��� ���� ���� � � � � � ������ ���� ������ ���� � �� � �� ���� � � ����������������������������������������� � ������ d r e s s e d t o k i l l ������ �������������������������������������������� �released: 00/00/00 Disk [xx/00]� �������������������������������������������3/4 [- BLIZZARD -] .------------. Releases: TechScheduler.v2.60.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [02] FlashJester.Creator.v1.0.win9XNT.registered [01] Infodex.Pro.v4.00.Cracked [04] MHS.ANSI.Editor.v1.1.Build.A.German.Regged [01] Autobahn.Raser.Update.v1.40.german.cracked [01] Compute!.2.4.Regged [01] HGS-Grand-Prix.v3.5.Win9xNT.german.regged [01] HGS-Marken-Archiv.v3.5.Win9xNT.german.regged [01] MusicTeacher.Win9xNT.german.keyfile [01] Schnapsen.v1.3.Win9xNT.german.regged [01] Weltzeit.v2.3.Win9xNT.german.cracked [01] Imagenation.v5.13.Spider.Co.win9XNT.cracked [04] Install-US.v.3.56.German.Win9xNT [01] Inworld.PandaShop.v2.32.Regged [01] Units.Of.Measure.v1.2.for.Win9xNT.inkl.keygen [01] Hobby.Box.v3.0.German.Cracked [01] Wemidoda.v1.54.German.Regged [01] Winamp.Skin.Maker.v1.01.Regged [01] WinRescue.98.v4.05.regged [01] Abirnet.Sessionwall.v3.1.4.28.Cracked [10] Crazy.Atoms.v3.1.Win9xNT.regged [01] Crazy.Grab.v1.0.Win9xNT.regged [01] Crazy.Gyro.v1.1.Win9xNT.regged [01] Crazy.Rotary.v1.3.Win9xNT.regged [01] Crazy.Sets.v1.2.Win9xNT.german.regged [01] [05] Magic.Notes.v2.6b.win9XNT.registered [01] Multi.Desktop.v1.3.Cracked [01] PromoWare. [01] RoboForm.v1.2.Win9x.Cracked [01] Silver.Dragon.Seer.v1.1.Regged [01] DeBoard.v1.6.1.981.Regged [01] ACDSee32.v2.41.German.Cracked [01] Apps.Traka.v2.01.Regged [01] Eric.Hris.v6.75.Cracked [10] HGS-Sammeln.v3.8.Win9xNT.german.regged [01] Internet.Intercom.v3.5.for.win9xNT.cracked [01] JR.Ware.Documentor.v1.1.Cracked [02] Serpik.Graphs.v1.2a.Cracked [01] System.Mechanic.v3.0a.Regged [01] Talk.To.Me.v2.4.Cracked [06] Url.Organizer.v2.2.3.Cracked [01] Winamp.Skin.Maker.v1.0.incl.Keygen [01] Winamp.Skin.Maker.v1.0.Working.Serial.Only [01] Wow, 41 releases total, though many of them being german ( Twelve!!), which takes a few points from this group. 0 nukes, one fix and a build. But still, a very good week overall. Total: 37 Releases - Cracked/Regged 03 Releases - Included Keygen 01 Release - Serial Fix Points: 8.5/10 ._______/\__________/\_______/\___________. / _____\_ ___ \_____ \ _____/ / \ \ _\ / / /__ __\___ \____________/__________\___\____ \________/ +-ds-----------+ C.O.R.E..9.9 +- \_/ -------+ [- CORE -] .--------. Releases: SiteFTP.v1.15.Win9x.Keymaker.Only [01] TechScheduler.v2.60.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [02] Power.Strip.v.2.51.Win9xNT.Keymaker.Only [01] AVP.v3.0.Build.131.RC.FIXED.Win9xNT.Keymaker.Only [01]--NUKED Flash.FXP.v1.2.Build.289.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [01]--NUKED JPadPro.v3.7.305.Win9xNT.incl.Keymaker [01] AVP.v3.0.Build.131.RC.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [01]--NUKED FiLister.v2.0.GERMAN.Win9xNT.incl.Keymaker [01] FiLister.v2.0.Win9xNT.incl.Keymaker [01] Platypus.Animator.v4.1.Win9xNT.Keymaker.Only [01] Apex.True.DBGrid.Pro.v6.0c.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [03] Gelit.Win32.v2.04.001.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [02] Internet.Designer.Pro.v1.9.3.German.Inc.Keymaker [03] MDIExtender.ActiveX.v1.0.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [01] MeasureUp.Comptia.A.Plus.CORE.Windows.DOS.Cert.Regged [01] SiteFTP.v1.1.Win9x.Keymaker.Only [01] Time.Synchronization.v1.2.25.WinNT.Incl.Keymaker [01] 17 releases total, 3 nukes. 99,9% of them being keygen, which will bring lots of points to this group.. Rocking the cracking scene as usual. The group is well-established, and everything is going on fine. An average of two releases everyday, with most of them being keygens. Total: 11 Releases - Included Keygens 05 Releases - Keygens Only 01 Releases - Regged Points: 08/10 |_____,---\_|___|^'\____ _/|________ _____|\___|\____ | |\__ \___ _ || \____. ____|: __/, `\_ \Ex0 | | || |______/'| |_ |/ ||____ \\ || _ || |99.| | | | | | ,---\ | | | | | |_ |___| | \______|____|// `\ ,----'`---.__/___|___|-._ /'_____/| | :) Crystal \| Date [06/26/99] .. \/ Crystal| [- CRYSTAL -] .-----------. Releases: Address.Finder.v9.06.01 [02] Header.Translator.v1.0.Keygen.Only [01] Zmud.v5.54.WORKING.PATCH.ONLY [01] ClipQuik.v2.1 [01] Hurricane.Watch.99.v1.2.1 [01] Medinsure.Magic.v3.5 [01] ThumbNailer.v5.6.0.1 [01] WordZap.v4.37 [01] AY.Mail.v1.7 [01] EQPro.v1.5 [01] 10 releases, 0 nukes. This Group seems to be busy, but didn't manage to do more than one release per day in average, and only one keygen was done. This is not a much from a group that's been well-established in the scene. Total: 09 Releases - Cracked/Regged 01 Release - Keygen Only Points: 06/10 ������ � ����� � ���� � ��� ����� ����� ܲ����������� �� ܲ������ �۲��� ������� ���� ��� �� ������� �۲��� ܲ ����� �������������۲�� ����� ����� ��� ���� ������� � �����۲�� ���� sQz������������ ������� � ���������� ��� ������������������� ��������� ������������ ������������� [- DSI -] .-----------. Releases: Meeja.v.1.3.regged [01] Randypap.v1.3 [01] Bloch.reversi.3.0.3.incl.keymaker [01] WeatherXpress.v.1.8.4.keymaker.only [01] WinRescue.95.v.9.05.regged [01] Le.franglophile.v2.1.0 [01] My.math.sheets.v1.2.keygen.only [01] 07 releases, 0 nukes.. DSi still there, showing that their group is still alive and keeping stuff going, but not much work coming from them this week. Let's hope they can have a better result next week. Totals: 04 - Regged/Cracked 01 - Included Keygen 02 - Keygens Only Points: 06/10 ______._____.___._( ).______._______.______. / __/ / / / __ / ___/_ __/ ( __) ( (__ \ ____)____ ) __) \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \_____\_____\_____\___\_____\______/_______\ /srT8/ . ..E.C.L.i.P.S.E.. . [- ECLIPSE -] .-----------. Releases: COMplete.v2.6 [06] CYBER-INFO.E-MAIL.NOTIFY.v4.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] CyD.GiF.Studio.v2.51.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] Kyodai.Mahjongg.9.0.B3.Keygen.Only [01] Lake.Clear.Animato.v1.0c.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] Lake.Clear.Animato.v1.0c.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only.REPACK [01] SiTEFTP.v1.15.Win9xNT.Regged [01] Tickerpage.v2.00024.Win9xNT.REGGED [01] Vocitrainer.v1.5.1e.Win9x.Incl.Keygen [01] Alter.Jig.v3.5.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] Bloch.Wallpaper.Changer.v1.4.Regged [01] Famtree.v4.00i.Win9x.Incl.KeyFile [01] FontFinder.32.v5.0.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] PC.Spy.v2.0.Win9xNT.Cracked.REPACK [01]--NUKED Perfect.Companion.v3.102.Incl.Keygen [01] PKZIP.v2.70.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] Magicpen.v1.0.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] Media.Packer.v1.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] NeuroTalker.Ocr.v3.4044.Win9xNT.Regged [04] WeatherXpress.v1.8.4.Win9xNT.Regged [04] Y3K.SCrypt.2000.v1.0.1.7.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] ECTool.v5.02.Win9xNT.Regged [01] Multi.Namer.v2.1.Win9xNT.Regged [01] The.Journal.v2.11.Win9xNT.KeyFile.Only [01] Font.Impressions.v2.0.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] Gift.Maid.v3.02.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] Personite.v1.0.Win9xNT.Serial.Only [01] SlideShow.v1.2.Win9xNT.Regged [01] Vocabulizer.v1.1.Win9xNT.Serial.Fix [01] 01W.Sound.Editor.v6.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] DM168RC.Sound.Editor.v2.40.Keygen.Only [01] FileName.Extractor.v2.00.Win9xNT.Regged [01] INF.Tools.v5.0.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] MWaveEdit.v2.30.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] NanoSynth.Sound.Editor.v3.5.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] PCB.Designer.v1.0.Win9xNT.Cracked [01] QuadraSynth.Sound.Editor.v5.03.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] RRocket.v2.02.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] 38 releases, 1 nuke. Wow, I would say, almost a Perfect week! This group is doing better and better every week. Since Blink merged into them, they seem to be doing better everyday, with madly releasing. An average of 5 releases per day, with 10 keygens on the whole week. A fix and a nuke takes them out of getting 10/10 (heh)..:] Total: 02 Releases - Repacks 10 Releases - Keygens Only 01 Release - Serial Fix 07 Releases - Included Keygen 18 Releases - Cracked/Regged Points: 9.5/10 �������������� �������������� ������ ����ܲ���� ���������� ����ܲ���� � � �ܲ����� ܲ������� �� �������� ����� � �� ����ݰ ޲���� ��� � ���� � �޲��� �� ��޲������ ���� ����ݰ ����� � � ���� � ޲��� ��������� �޲��� �� ��޲��� � � ���� ��޲���� ��� ����� � � ���� ޲��� �������� �� ������� ��������� ���������� ��������� rb! �������������� (00/00/00) F A L L E N ' 9 9 [- FALLEN -] .-----------. Releases: RRocket.v2.02.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] MapEdit.v2.59.Win9xNT.Regged [01]--NUKED Internet.Audio.Mix.v1.2.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] AutoCorrect.Plus.v1.6a.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] SSS.ConvertAble.v2.01.06.Regged [01] WinHex.v8.5.Win9xNT.Incl.Keymaker [01] SMS.Web.Engine.v1.6.Win9xNT.Regged [01] MadTracker.v2.0.4.Win9xNT.incl.keymaker [01] Woo, FLN is still alive! 08 releases, one nuke. A good week overall to this group, which still around and doing a good work in the cracking scene. Not as good as it could be, but still enough to grab some points. Total: 02 Releases - Regged 04 Releases - Included Keygen 01 Release - Keygen Only Points: 06/10 ___ _ __________ ____________ ____ _____ ___ \__\\_\_______ \__ _ ______/___ \_ __//__/ ;;;;;;; / \/ \\ ____/ / \\ mg/SAC -)--- _/ / \_ \_/ -/ \_ --(- ;;;;; \____/_ _ _//_ /______ _ _// ;;;; [00/00/00]/________/==\/====/________//[MFD] =[X]==][= MANiFEST DESTiNY RELEASE =][==[X]= [- MFD -] .-----------. Releases: Network.Inventory.Manager.v2.32 [07] PC.Inventory.Manager.v2.32 [05] ChessBD.v2.6m [01] Midisoft.Desktop.Sheet.Music.v2.05 [06] Midisoft.Studio.v6.05 [07] Pro-DG.For.PSX.v1.0.0.4 [04] Sax.Basic.Engine.v5.2.6.Pro.Enterprise [06] Teleport.Pro.v1.29.1025 [01] Morgan.M-Jpeg.Codec.v1.0 [01] The.Collective.v2.0.6 [03] Centric.Solo.v.2b [05] Impact.Fax.Server.v3.00.WinNT [01] MedPro.v3.1a [04] Visible.Advantage.v7.2.1.103 [04] AceFTP.v1.23b [01] Aelita.Virtuosity.v3.17 [06] C2C.C.Compiler.v3.12e [01] C2G.Code.Generator.v1.1 [01] Help.Magician.Pro.v4.51.025 [05] P2C.Pascal.Compiler.v1.12e [01] Smart.Architect.v1.00 [17] 21 releases, 0 nukes. MFD still doing some utils's cracking, which leads it to some bigger meggage not usual on cracking group's releases. A good week overall, though Sensi (one of their leaders) retired from the scene after that french incident, and that may hurt them in the future. We'll see.. Totals: 21 Releases - Cracked/Regged Points: 7.5/10 -+-[.x.] Pirates Gone Crazy [.x.]-+- Com.Socks.v2.64.Cracked-PGC | (00.00.00) -/\- (xx/00) | : _______/\___________________ : . \___ \\ // // . sL / - \ ___// |_____/_ . // \____/ | \\ | // . : // \\ | \\ / : | /_______\__________\ ____/abs | : \/ : -+-[.x.] Keep it kicking!!! [.x.]-+- : : [- PGC -] .-----------. Releases: Auction.Watch.v2.1.2.Cracked [03] Com.Socks.v2.64.Cracked [01] Dameware.Active.Components.Pack.1.v1.017.Incl.KeyFile [01] Dameware.Active.Components.Pack.2.v1.017.Incl.KeyFile [01] Dameware.Active.Components.Pack.3.v1.017.Incl.KeyFile [01] Dameware.Active.Components.Pack.5.v1.017.Incl.KeyFile [01] Dameware.Shares.v1.4.1.6.Incl.Keyfile [01] Hotline.Server.v1.5.5.Incl.Keygen [01] Roll.Call.v2.20.Cracked [01] DiscMaid.v2.92.Cracked [01] Dameware.Dial.1.048.Incl.KeyFile [01] 11 releases, 0 nukes. Good sites, lots of members and lots of idlers. But they still show some work around, with 11 releases this week, enough to grab some points in here. Totals: 04 Releases - Cracked/Regged 07 Releases - Included Keygen Points: 07/10 ��� � ��� � ������� � �����[00/00]� ���۲���۲��۲��۲� ܲ۲ ߲�۲���۲� � � ߰ ��۲ ۰ ���߲� ��۲ ��۲ ��۲ � � ���۲ ���� ����۲ ���۲ ��۲ � ܲ��۲� ܲ��۲� ߲�۲ܲ��۲ܲ�۲� � ����������������������� ߲ ������������� [- TNO -] .-----------. Releases: Media.Changer.Deluxe.v5.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Teleport.Pro.v1.29.1025.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] AutoShutdown.v2.9a.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] FastStats.v2.6.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Atoms.v3.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Convert.v1.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Flood.v2.1.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] Crazy.Grab.v1.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Gyro.v1.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.King.v1.3.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [02] Crazy.Nine.v2.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Parcels.v2.1.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [02] Crazy.Patterns.v2.1.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [02] Crazy.Rotary.v1.3.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Slid.v1.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Crazy.Strada.v2.0.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] DASYLab.v5.01.10.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [06]--NUKED AceFTP.v1.23b.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] AutoFTP.Pro.v2.0.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] DeBoard.v1.6.1.981.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Icon.Collector.Graphics.Editor.v3.00.09A.Incl.Keygen [01] Magic.Notes.v2.6b.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Perl2Exe.for.ActivePerl.v3.09-AP5xx.Incl.Keygen [01] QACP.v1.2.4.Win9xNT.Incl.Keygen [01] Tomasello.WinCron.v1.1.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only [01] Goodsol.Solitaire.Plus.v1.03.Keygen.Only [01] 26 releases, one nuke. Oh no, they were quite good this week! But what the fuck are all those "Crazy" releases? :P Bad news is that This group recently lost their site FMUD, which went dead due to a narc. But they still were one of the best groups on this past week. :] Totals: 17 Releases - Keygens Only 09 Releases - Included Keygen Points: 9.5/10 @X0B @X0C������������| |�������������� @X09 ��� ��� ��������� ��������� @X09 ��� ��� ��� ������ @X09 ���� ��� ���� ��� @X09 ��������� ��������� ��� @X0E����������������������������������������� @X0B u N I T E D c R ' C K I N G f O R C E @X0E[wIN95/98/NT]�����������������[jUNE 1999] [- UCF -] .-----------. Releases: Clarion.5.Web.Edition.Working.Serial.for.LND.rls01] InterPICS.v1.62.Regged [01] Lotus.Screen.Cam.97.Keymaker.Only [01] ZUMBACH.DDE.Server.v1.6.Dongle.Cracked [01] 4 releases, 0 nuke. Not many as in quantity, but they still doing some quality job in here. A working serial for a LND release, a dongle crack, a keygen and a regged release. Overall, Good because of the quality, but bad for not having much of those. Totals: 02 - Serials/Regged 01 - Keygen Only 01 - Dongle Points: 04/10 [- WEEKLY RANKING -] .--------------------. 1. ECLIPSE 9.5 2. TNO 9.5 3. BLIZZARD 8.5 4. CORE 8.0 5. MFD 7.5 6. PGC 7.0 7. FALLEN 6.0 8. DSI 6.0 9. CRYSTAL 6.0 10. UCF 4.0 This week goes to Eclipse. Both Eclipse and TNO were very close to each other, but even having the same points, Eclipse wins the week by having more releases overall. Congrats to both Eclipse and TNO. A very good week overall for the cracking scene as in releasing.. Let's hope next week will be good as this one. :] -/- Koka =---------[ Lester's Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Wild Wild West Starring: BIG WILLIE STYLE, Salma Hayek, Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh. Rating: 3 Stars /4 Well Big Will is back again on his patented 4th of July big show. This is another remake of some old tv show that I never saw, but apparently the guy wasn't black back then. So a few things have changed. What hasn't changed is the basic same style of a Will Smith film, you've seen the other films so you know what to expect. Salma Hayek looks way hot and there's some cool effects and then just the general comedy and action that comes with a Will Smith film, you either like him or you don't. Enjoy the show. =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ VCD Group and Movie Reviews ]----------= VCD Group and Movie Review We would like to begin by explaining some of the common terms used in VCD releasing. These formats are: CAM - A cam is usually a handheld camera snuck into a full theatre. The base is shaky, the audio is poor, you can hear people laughing and talking. A cam is distinguishable by usually having a combination of all three or more of these flaws. Most sites nuke cams for their general poor quality. Workprint - An early release of a movie. These are usually stolen or leaked copies of movies that have made their way onto VCD from VHS or a variety of other sources. These will usually contain running time codes as well as other identifying marks used in movie production. The quality on these can vary from bad to very good depending on the quality of the source material used to encode the VCD. Note: This category is also used for very bad screeners or copies of movies that just didn't fit into any of the other categories due to defects or problems with the quality of the VCD's audio/video image. Telesync - Basically a very good Cam. A steady base such as a tripod is used, the theatre is empty or very close to empty, and the audio and video are up to par. Although, you can usually detect some flaw with a TS. You may see a random head pop up, the screen edges are noticable, or the audio isn't always crystal clear. While not perfect, the quality in general of a telesync ranges from good to very good and is usually the first type of VCD made of a new movie. Screeners - These are the top quality VCDs. They can be in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. These are made from video distributors demo tapes, reviewers copies, insider copies of the film or from any number of sources. Most screeners will contain "1-800-NO-COPIES" or "Property of.." messages somewhere in the film, but it's not a requirement to fit into the screener category. These most closely resemble a VHS or LaserDisc copy of the movie. They're easily identifiable by their top quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryche's Scene Rant Volume 1 There will not be a VCD report this week. Why? Well, I've had some thoughts and wanted to share them with you this week. You may find this interesting, you may not. If you don't, Fuck you. Let me preface this by saying this: I am as loyal to the scene as they come as are most of my friends and associates. I do this for fun, for the cutthroat competition, and for the free stuff. Pretty much the same reason all the true people do it. While I do this, my close friends and I laugh, we argue, and we have fun. Nothing more, nothing less. With that said, let me also add that these are my opinions, and my opinions alone. I am as much to blame for the current state of the scene as anyone. Some would say more, some would say less, and some would say I'm the root of all that is evil and should be burned at the stake. The entire scene is in trouble, and no one is safe. Warez, MP3, ISO, and lately especially VCD has been in the media over and over again. Some would point at VCD's and say it's all because of Star Wars. You can put the blame wherever you want, but it's everyone's fault. Including mine. Movies would have eventually been pirated. Everything is pirated. It just so happened the VCD scene was coming into its own as one of the most popular scenes at the same time as the most hyped movie ever was. If its media, whether is music, software, movies or even books for that matter it's pirated. There are more people on the internet, and the pipes are getting bigger. We are now at the center of attention for technology, and if you ask anyone who makes money from it, we are a menace. Now anyone involved with the scene internally knows this is not true, but it is how we are seen and probably always will be. MP3 is slowly being accepted into mainstream. Instead of trying to stop it, they want to know how to make money off of it. They are afraid of VCD's. They know the infrastructure isn't there to make money off of internet broadcast movies. Streaming video sucks and it always will until we all have megabit connections at home. Even then, it could be sketchy. As a scene, we have been far too open with what we do for far too long. Once again, I blame myself as much as anyone. I think back to when I first got into warez. See if this sounds familiar. There were no places that told me everything I needed to know. I had to learn. I had to FIND out what IRC was. I had to listen for months. I had to meet people, make friends (some of who are still my friends today), and it took me a long time. I still don't know it all. I never will. But it is much, much easier if your starting out today. If you read any of the scene pages, you can find out about anything you need to know. The larger groups have open channels. Questions are answered freely about groups and group leadership. We brag too fucking much. Our message boards aren't private. We talk to people openly about what we do. We are all targets for arrest, and yet we say anything and everything publicly. We are criminals in the eyes of the law. No more, no less. I know Im not the only one who feels this way, as I'm sure most of you reading this who are really true to the game probably feel the same way. I've talked with many of you about it. Many of you have talked to me about it. I'm not preaching. I don't give a fuck normally. As I sit here and read the LA Weekly online and see my groups name pasted all through the article, as well as hear reports of people from the scene doing interviews with the New York Times and major wire services, it becomes crystal clear. We are idiots. All of us. If you are in a major group, or even in a minor group that releases. THEY know who you are. I'm not paranoid, I don't smoke crack, but they're coming to get us. You can just feel it. In the past two months, we have been the subject of over 10 news articles, one of them on CNN and in the Associated Press, and at least 2 Television reports. If there is a public outcry, and the authorities consider a news report a public outcry, they will take action. There is too much money involved. This is piracy, and they know they can't stop IT. But they can stop US. What can we do? We can do what is best for the scene. Public message boards, and the warez papparazi must go. Im sorry, I love some of those pages as much as the next person and many of the webmasters are my friends, but it is THE most public part of our scene. Anyone can read them, you don't need to know the channel, the key, the ip, or the password. All you need is to follow a link on or follow a link through one of the articles that listed the url of our scene pages. I don't want to single out any one page, it's not fair, but you know what I'm talking about. Get off of Efnet. Ask anyone where all the groups are.. they're on Efnet. Public channels are not for private groups. 100 people in a channel, I know 10 of them, 4 or 5 more are talking. Who are the other 85 people and what are they doing here? A NFO should not have anything more than info about the release. No one needs to know who supplied it, or who is in your group, or what your sites are called. Know everyone on your sites. Use whatever tricks you can to hide your IP. No site on the planet needs 200 users. If Im not on your site, I shouldn't even know about it now should I? I realize all of this is extreme, and it will probably never happen. Nothing may change. But if I don't say it, maybe no one will. Everyone at the top thinks it. I know. We've talked about it since #thematrix had over 500 people begging for the VCD. It's too big, and we're too open about what we do. If it doesn't change, I hope my friends and I are in the same prison. We have alot of fun when we're around each other. - Ryche - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -Pleased to meet you..... hope you guessed my name.... -Some sites you can check out: : Prozac's page!!!! a lot of good gear... many of today's popular reports, and an NWR archive that is practically 0 second.. ;) : uhh.... heh...heh... uhh... heh... free porn... mgd and tc run the site.... heh... free porn... i like to look at naked girls.. they have nice boobies. -group moves: NWR will no longer be covering the scene moves and group changes. It's not as if you don't hear about it if you really need to know. -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors. We all love them, even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us- and these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, (your name will not be included), and we do not add rumors like "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor. So, if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that a lot of people are going down in the new Cyberstrike that will be coming round anytime now. =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerely thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, zeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, wu-dave, dee, sj, bud, prozac, bernis, paledeth, duranged, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 23 or whatever issue you want. Support NWR and email your weektops to: Thank you! take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 7/1/99