By Jonathan Marcus
BBC diplomatic correspondent
Russia will provide the first major test of President Barack Obama's diplomatic
Under the previous Bush administration, relations between Washington and Moscow
were almost as bad as during the Cold War. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov has spoken of the need "to get rid of the toxic assets" of the past.
So there is ample opportunity for improvement. Both sides have stressed the
need to "press the reset button" in relations between their two countries.
But just what does this mean? In a famous diplomatic foot-note, amid a certain
amount of embarrassment, the US state department got its Russian translation of
the term "reset" muddled. But in reality, resetting this relationship does mean
very different things for the two sides.
For President Barack Obama, it means escaping the shadow of the Cold War,
turning a page, and crafting a new relationship based on common global
At face value, the Russians would accept that, but fundamentally they take a
rather different view. Their public statements are punctuated with phrases like
the need for "an equal and mutually respectful partnership".
In Russia there is still a deep well of bitterness and insecurity prompted by
the Soviet Union's collapse - a nostalgia for world-power status. Russia still
sees itself as America's equal and wants to be treated as such. Russia still
regards the US as a strategic competitor.
Arms control
In a briefing just ahead of this visit, the Obama administration's point-man on
Russia, Michael McFaul, summed up this attitude succinctly: "The United States
is considered an adversary... they think that our number-one objective in the
world is to make Russia weaker, to surround Russia, to do things that make us
stronger and Russia weaker."
The centrepiece of this summit will be arms control. The leaders will take
stock of efforts to craft a new treaty limiting strategic nuclear weapons to
replace the Start I agreement that expires in December.
They also hope to set out a much more expansive disarmament agenda for the
future. But this is not going to be easy. The new treaty must have extensive
verification provisions to enhance trust.
The discussion of arms control is as much about managing an adversarial
relationship as building a new one
It will seek to limit not just delivery vehicles like ballistic missiles, but
also warheads. Arsenals on both sides could shrink dramatically to some 15,000
warheads apiece. But time is short and the negotiations complex. It is still
far from clear the extent to which Russian opposition to US missile defence
plans could still throw a spanner in the works.
There is a paradox here. To craft a new relationship, Russia and the US are
starting with the central issue of the Cold War years, namely disarmament.
Indeed, as many analysts have argued, the discussion of arms control is as much
about managing an adversarial relationship as building a new one.
This illustrates the very different approaches of the two sides. Russia sees
arms control as the agenda through which it gains equivalence with Washington.
It is back at the top table sitting face-to-face with the Americans, talking
about one of the most dangerous issues confronting mankind.
The Americans, on the other hand, see arms control as the platform upon which
to build a new relationship.
A deal with Russia is also important for President Obama's wider
non-proliferation agenda. It is seen as vital that the big nuclear players cut
their arsenals if efforts to prevent the unravelling of the existing
non-proliferation regime are to succeed.
Regional issues like Afghanistan, Iran and European security will also figure
prominently at this summit.
The Americans are confident of obtaining Moscow's approval for flying troops
and lethal military cargo through Russian airspace to Afghanistan.
President Obama will also meet Russian journalists and civil society activists.
And there will be another "big speech" at Moscow's forward-looking New Economic
But the shadow of the Cold War still falls across the relationship between
Washington and Moscow. Escaping this mindset of the past will not be easy.
President Obama has a difficult diplomatic task. He must engage the Russian
leadership while also seeking a new kind of engagement with the Russian people.
He must seek to press that metaphorical reset button, while also signalling
that he can be tough when needed.
The Americans are already signalling that there will be no formal reassurances
or trading with Russia on missile defence or Nato expansion.
The message seems clear. The US wants a fresh start, but if one is not
forthcoming, then so be it. Russia is by no means at the top of the Obama
administration's foreign policy agenda, although the Americans know that on a
variety of their pressing concerns - such as Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea and
global warming - Russian assistance could be vital.
This, then, should be a summit of limited expectations.
Russian commentator Masha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Centre shares the
scepticism of many: "I think the best we can hope for is that there is some
chemistry or some little glimpse of building trust for the future," she told
"It may be the first tiny step on a long road ahead, I think this is the most
we can hope for."