NORWEGIAN U N D E R G R O U N D aN eLECTRONIC nEWSPAPER Issue 3, 1. February 2002 Brought to you by Acidous *** DISCLAIMER *** I, Acidous, take no responsibility for actions caused by this paper. If you get caught doing something, it's your own damn fault. Sorry, it's just I can't allow myself to get in trouble for your actions. Free Phone Calls: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is how to get free phone calls from the Green pay phones in norway. Okay, to do this you need a cell phone, a Green phone box, the number to the phone box and a DTMF dialer. Take your cell phone and call the phone box, and at the same time as you lift the handle off, stop the call, then use your DTMF dialer at the microfone on the pay phone and generate the sounds you need for calling the number you want. You might want to try this a couple of time cause it don't work every time. This next one works on all types of phone boxes. First call 164(Telenor Customer Service) and tell them there is something stuck where you insert the coins/card, also tell them it's a REALLY important call and ask them to put you over. The central-board woman will put you over to the number you told her, and voil�, a Free phone call for as long as you want. How NOT To Get Caught: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getting caught when out doing some shit is Never fun. This section contains some tips on how to Not get caught. 1. Clothing Wear dark clothes, use gloves, use runners shoes(dark ones), a ski mask could be real useful, but could also be in the way. 2. Fingerprints Always use gloves when putting stuff together, placing stuff, touching stuff you are to use when out on a "mission". Prefefrably wash the stuff first to remove All Fingerprints. 3. Weapons Carrying a low damage weapon could be Real useful when being chased or anything like that. This could be Pellet guns, BB Guns, Pepper Spray(see previous issue), batong etc. If you are sure to get caught, trow all weapons, bombs, explosives and other things like that away where no one will find them, it might look bad for your case if getting caught with a timed bomb and a gun in the bag. What To Have In Your Bag: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You might already figured what this section is about from the header. If not, it's about what to have in your bag. This section does not contain anything like "Axe - For killing cops and people", But some other stuff that might be handy to have, and that won't get you behind bars for years if caught with. Okay, here we go! 1. Duct Tape For taping stuff, making traps, etc. 2. Knife For cutting the duct tape, wires, phone cables, sharpening wood etc. 3. Crowbar For opening doors, bashing stuff, breaking up ATM machines. 4. Pepper Spray For spraying assaulters, tails and other shitheads with. Handy for getaway's. 5. Flashlight Not too big. For seeing in the dark if not having night vision goggles. 6. Matches/Lighter For lighting up stuff that might need to be lit up. 7. Gloves To make sure you don't leave any fingerprints. 8. Cordless Drill/Screwdriver To drill holes, unscrew stuff fast, and other shit. 9. Smoke Bomb In case you are chased, drop a smoke bomb to secure your escape. Could also prove usefull on raids. Scaring The Shit Out Of People #3: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the third issues of Norwegian Underground and also the number three of the Scaring The Shit Out Of People series. Oh joy! Aren't I good. Well anyway, here's this issue's scaring methods. FLAMING MATCH-BOX BOMB Ok, what you do is to get a couple of those Party Ice-Torches. Cut them open and take out all the brown and grey powder. Get a Match-Box and empty it. Now glue a match-igniter to the bottom of the pull-away part of the match-box and tape a match to the box part of the match-box. Make a hole in the bottom of the match-box so that you can see some of the match-head. Now fill the box with the brown and grey powder. Cover the match-igniter with plastic and carefully put the box in the pull-away part, then carefully drag away the plastic. To make this look even better it is possible to take a thin metal-plate and put it on the top of the box-part, then drill a hole in the plate(about 1cm diameter), this would make the sparks, flames etc. which come out of the box more intense. FIGURE 1 ~~~~~~~~ Pull-Away Part(Inside, Bottom) _________________ | | | ############# | | ############# | | ############# | | | ----------------- Box-Part(Bottom) _________________ | | | ** �� �� | |****==��==��== | | ** �� �� | | | ----------------- _ Box Side - Box Side | Box Side # Match-Ignition Paper = Match Stick * Match-Head � Tape This shit can be taped to places and used with trip wires, works best with the match-boxes so full they just can be closed. When someone trips in the wire, the match will be ignited and set the powder on fire, something which will cause a tall sparkling and burning flame, this is sure to scare the shit out of people. How To Get Free Stuff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is another way to get free stuff, only this might be a little risky in large quantities. What you do is to go to a shop and pick a plastic box with a no seethrough lid. Grab the box, fill it with all kind of shit you might want to have and put the lid on. Then buy the box, but make sure the people at the counters don't actually feel the weight of the box. If they do feel it's much to heavy to be just a box and starts to open it, either stand ground and when they find out it's stuffed with shit tell them you didn't know about that, or do the safest, run like hell. Another way to get free stuff is to hitch-hike. When someone picks you up, get in their car, and sit by them. Start a conversation, make them trust you, etc. Check how much gas they have, if they have little gas left notify them of this, and when they stop at a gas station and get out to use the pumps, take as much of his/hers stuff as possible, make it look like you are gathering your stuff, then tell them that it was the farthest you needed to go, thank them, and leave the car. Walk normally away from the car until you are sure he/she can't see you anymore, then get as fast out of there as you possibly can. When in a really crowded place, like a mall or a sell out, simply walk in the crowd and grab anything that comes by, people are being pushed and bumped all the time in such places, so they won't notice you took anything from them. But be careful, others might see it, and if they do, run like hell. Fun Stuff To Do - The Mall: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is how to have some fun at the cost of others in a shopping mall. For this first little cool thing you need an electromagnet, shouldn't be too hard to build one. Then have it in your pocket, hidden in your hand, whatever, and walk into a store where they sell videos, and tapes, pick up some videos pretending you are looking at them, but make sure they are close enough to the magnet for the conent of the video to be erased. Too bad for those who come after you and actually buy that video. Get a M80, light it up, throw it at the ground and scream "He's Got A Gun!", then look at everybodies faces when the M80 go off. Bump into people of purpose and pretend you are a retard. Frequently clap your hands and say dumb stuff like "Where's My Mommy?", "Can We Be Friends?", perhaps start to cry, that'll really freak your victim out. Get a chainsaw, a hockey-mask, a white work-suit and lots of fake blood. Walk around in the mall burning off your chainsaw. You could also have a friend tape it with a hidden camera. People will flee in panic as you walk through the mall. But you'll have some of a problem when the mall security and the cops come. This is also cool to use downtown, at hospitals, public washers. Well, that's all for this time. Look out for more Norwegian Underground files. To Contact Me Send An E-Mail To You can also reach me on Undernet on IRC.