NORWEGIAN U N D E R G R O U N D aN eLECTRONIC nEWSPAPER Issue 1, 31. December 2001 Brought to you by Acidous *** DISCLAIMER *** I, Acidous, take no responsibility for actions caused by this paper. If you get caught doing something, it's your own damn fault. Sorry, it's just I can't allow myself to get in trouble for your actions. Lockpicking: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To all you people that don't want to learn how to lockpick, there is a nifty little gadget for you too, an automatic lockpick. It looks like a gun and has a long "bar" on the end of the gun, you simply put the "bar" into the lock and hold down a handle, the "bar" expands into every direction filling the lock just like the key would do, and then it's just to turn the lockpick-gun around and, voil�, the door is open. It can be ordered from Computer Irritation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To irritate someone is easy, especially with a computer, what you do is to open VB 6.0 and create a Standard Exe project. Go to the properties of Form1 and set Visible to False, then place a timer(the clock icon) on the form, select it and set the interval (1000 = 1 second) then double click the timer so that the source is shown. Below is the source-code for my own program. ----------------START CODE----------------------- ' ERROR! ' by Acidous ' Made on the 30. December 2001 'The above text should not be changed Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Static Which As Integer Static MsgText As String Randomize Timer Which = Fix(Rnd * 5) If Which = 0 Then MsgText = "Back Off Me Man!" If Which = 1 Then MsgText = "FUCK!" If Which = 2 Then MsgText = "Holy Shit!" If Which = 3 Then MsgText = "Asshole!" If Which = 4 Then MsgText = "Piss Off!" MsgBox MsgText, vbCritical, "Error!" End Sub ------------------END CODE------------------------ This will make it pop up Error messages on the screen every second. Now go to File and click Make Project1.exe, call it Windows or Explorer or something so idiots won't find it if they press CTRL+ALT+DEL and then you got yourself a little cool irritation program. Scaring The Shit Out Of People: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is cool doing to people you dislike, and people you never even met before. Anyway, here's a few recipes for some cool stuff to do. THE APPLE-JUICE BOMB by Acidous The Apple-Juice bomb is VERY ease to make. First, get a empty plastic bottle(1,5 liters bottles gives the best blow, but 0,5 liters are the most portable ones). Fill it with Apple-Juice or Apple-Nectar, add a good amount of dry ferment, tighten the cork real good and shake the bottle hard for a couple of minutes, then put it in a safe place for a few days. After a few days you take your nice little Apple-Juice bomb with you, goes to someone you don't like open the cork half-way or a little more then throw the shit at them, the result will be that the built up pressure inside the bottle will be so big that it will force the Apple-Juice out of the little opening that is in the top of the bottle and it will burst out in all directions, also good for throwing through windows, doors etc. And the persons that gets this liquid on them will look bad, smell bad and it will take hours to get that smell of them. THE FAKE BOMB by Acidous This thing Really scares the Shit out of people. First you need some "bomb" stuff. *Thin wires with red, blue, green, white and yellow plastic shielding, *A film canister *A blinking red light(not too big) *A 17 x 2 cm long red cardboard pipe *Some paper that matches the cardboard color *Butter *Some liquid fluid (use something homebrew with a weird smell) *A roll of duct tape *A needle *Mobile-phone or any other sort of big battery *Thin gloves When getting all this stuff, use gloves, preferrably wash the stuff before starting to assemble the "bomb". Put on the gloves. Fill The film canister almost full with the liquid, make two holes in the lid with the needle, one on each side of the top, then put two of the wires(you choose which) in the holes and make a knob in the end of each of them so that they cant be pulled out, now put the lid on the film canister and tape in on with the duct tape. Now fill the cardboard pipe with butter stick one of the wires going out of the film canister into the butter and put half of the matching paper into both ends of the pipe so that the wire will hold(you can also use some play-doh to make it sit real good), And put the other wire coming from the film-canister into the place where the battery is on the blinking red light. Then take the battery, tape the whole thing with duct tape(not the poles) and take two new wires, make them sit on the battery poles(wield them, tape them, whatever) and put them into the blinking light where the battery is too, but make sure all wires going into where the battery is doesn't cut the circut, that would ruin the blinking(which is an important effect). Now tape the film-canister, the cardboard pipe the battery and the blinking light together, but make at least the red color of the pipe show real good. Then take the remaining wires and put them wherever you think they fit, just to make it look scarier. Now you got yourself a nice little "bomb". Take this bomb with you, and right before you are about to place it turn on the blinking light, and put it wherever you like, public toilets, cinemas, shops, giving it to people, stuff like that. Just make sure you don't get caught. Fighting Gloves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fighting Gloves could be real handy if you get yourself in a fight. So here's an easy way to make yourself a fighting glove. What you need is *A glove *Scissors *Duct tape *Some flat-end needles ___ should look something | like this First you cut of the glove fingers down to about the first knuckle, then take a piece of duct tape that is long enough to reach from one side to the other of the glove. Stick the needles through the tape so that the sharp end is on the no-glue side, and the flat end is on the side with the glue on. No tape the tape on the gloves a little away from the place where the fingers meet the hand. Figure: (As good as I could get it) | | | | |()| | | |()| | | |()| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |()| | |_| |_| |_| | |###################| \ |*******************| \ \ |###################| \ \| | \ | \ | \ | \| | | | |_______________| Explanation: | = Glove Side \ = Glove Side _ = Glove Bottom () = Knuckle # = Tape * = flat-end needles Getting Almost Free Stuff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get free stuff is easy. What you need is this. *An Envelope *A Stamp *A Pen *Writing Paper *The Address To Some Company There are two ways to do this. 1. Now, grab your pen and writing paper and write a letter to the company where you congratulate the company with their new(doesn't have to be) product, how satisfied you are after using it, and so on. And at the bottom of the letter you leave your address, then you will in most cases get a brand new product as the same you said you loved so much. 2. You take your pen and paper and write a letter to the company where you explain that you are a regular buyer of their product, but you experienced that the last one you bought did not have the same good quality that those you have bought earlier, and that you will have to change to another brand if this continues to happen. Also leave your address at the bottom this time too. And you will in a few days get a new product. Why do they send all these free products to people, aren't they fixed on making a profit? you may ask. And the answer is simple. They do this to insure their market growth, and increase their reputation and popularity. If someone says that they might change to another brand because they don't think their brand is as good as it was before, they simply send a new product to the writer to make sure he continues using their product. To Contact Me Send A E-Mail To