___________ __ _______ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \ \ ____ ____ | | | | \_/ __ \ / | \_/ __ \/ _ \ ______ | | | Y \ ___/ / | \ ___( <_> ) /_____/ |____| |___| /\___ > \____|__ /\___ >____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _________ __ __ \_ ___ \ ____ _____ |__| _____/ |_ ___________ ____ / \ \/ / _ \ / \| |/ \ __\/ __ \_ __ \/ \ \ \___( <_> ) Y Y \ | | \ | \ ___/| | \/ | \ \______ /\____/|__|_| /__|___| /__| \___ >__| |___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .......... ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . . . . . . . . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... t h e n e o - c o m i n t e r n e l e c t r o n i c m a g z i n e I n s t a l l m e n t N u m b e r 1 2 9 We Are the New International November 19th, 2000 Editor: BMC Writers: Scrilla Tee BMC d""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""b. ;P Featured in this installment .b $ $ $ MONSTER PORN - BMC $ $ Personality Thru Piercingz - Scrilla Tee $ `q p' `nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn' EDITOR'S NOTE Have you ever noticed that there are both good things and bad things? I came to this realization the other day and it blew my mine. Then I realized that I wasn't sure if good and bad things really were. I am ashamed to admit that what I think and what I know are two different things, and I am also ashamed of my shame. Sometimes my thoughts are like a fast horizontal fall through a 2D tunnel with trimentional lines flying by. d""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""b. ;P MONSTER PORN .b `q by BMC p' `nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn' I am writing this text because the world-at-large requested that something be written about the recent phenomenon known by its fans as "MONSTER PORN," something that nearly defies explanation. MONSTER PORN can be roughly described as a spectacle... a horrendous spectacle. Sickening, twisted, gory and appealing, all in one. I am talking about pictures that explicitly show acts of intercourse between werewolves, skeletons, Frankensteins, and non-sequitor red-faced (and undoubtedly evil) creatures. Many of you are familiar with these creatures, and perhaps your children have even been exposed to these frightfully sexual creatures of the night. I have seen images of a werewolf fellating a green Frankenstein-like monster, a devil-beast receiving one of a skeleton's more choice bones, and that same skeleton bobbling upon AN ACTUAL LIVING HUMAN BEING! With only images to go on, I concocted a story that I believe exposes the real situation in the MONSTER PORN industry. First a skeleton and red devil fall in love and they decide that they want to collect images of their first encounter together. Believing that it would be uncomfortable to have a stranger along with them, they ask their mutual friend, a werewolf, if she will take pictures for them. Of course the werewolf says yes. Bonds of friendship run deep between the undead and the magically evil, so the response has been presupposed. The werewolf is told to free her schedule for tonight because the plan is to meet at the old abandoned haunted castle and create some of the most wonderful and ghastly frames ever recorded. The werewolf loads up with film and the red devil and the skeleton begin to fall in love with each other in front of the camera's eye. The skeleton fondles the breast of the red devil as he embraces her from behind. Suddenly - and without warning - a Frankenstein-monster-type rises from a wicker basket and demands that the werewolf give him oral sex. The werewolf appeases him and the Frankenstein groans and raises his arms in a zombie- like trance to show his approval. At this point there are two separate love-scenes going on, and neither interlaces with the other in any way. I am not certain if the acts are happening concurrently or consecutively, but a mysterious frame appears, and in this frame the skeleton is performing oral sex on a male figure. The only other male in the castle is the newly-awakened Frankenstein and at this point things become very confusing. There is no mention of homosexual tendencies in Mary Shelley's account of the great green daemon, lover and statesman, so something has gone wrong, either with the sequence or with my account of the story thus far. NOTE: because of the sexual ambiguity of the skeleton, I theorize that it is possible that a second skeleton, who acted as liaison between the skeleton/red devil couple and the werewolf photographer might also be present at the photo shoot and presenting Frankenstein with pleasure. This is unverified, however, because there is no proof - that is, the two skeletons are never seen together in the same picture. At this point Frankenstein is no longer seen in the series. This seems to support the theory that he has been seduced by the male skeleton and is attempting to deal with this development in his sexuality. It is also possible that he has just gone back to sleep in the wicker coffin or perhaps he is operating the camera. In the upcoming pictures we see the red devil, the werewolf, and the skeleton intertwining. The phone begins to ring and this disturbs the monsters so the werewolf gets up and answers the phone in her own vile, pornographic way. The series photographer follows her into the waiting room and we come to the understanding that she is enjoying the call very much. Maybe the person on the other end of the line is telling her that there is a full moon to-night. NOTE: I have theorized that a sixth party may also be present at the photo shoot. This sixth person is a vampire who is present in many of the photos, but unseen. The photographer was unaware that these creatures are unable to be photographed, and the pictures including the vampire didn't turn out quite the way they were supposed to. The basis for this theory is that we see several pictures of the werewolf posing nude by herself, and since all of the other pictures in the series are action shots it seems unlikely that the photographer would intentionally take these oddball pictures. I believe that there is something much more disturbing going on in these pictures, but we are (luckily?) unable to see it. On the other hand this remains theoretical because there is no visual proof that the vampire was ever actually there. NOTE: in all of these observations it is presupposed that at any given time the camera is being operated by one of the members of the monster group. This is supported by the fact that there is no group photo and no four (five? six?) monsters are ever seen at the same time. It is possible, however, that there is a SEVENTH monster who chooses to never step in front of the camera. Though it is ridiculous to speculate on this, I believe it could be a ghost, a dragon, or a dodecahedron. The cameramonster returns to the various corners of the castle where all of the monsters seem to have finished up and they lay exhausted in a pile of fur and horns. A glorious end to a gory spectacle, and they're done in time to flee for shelter before dawn breaks. Who would have known that being a monster could be such an erotic experience? The educated viewer, perhaps... and this handful of very lucky hideous monsters. When I sent copies to my friend Margarina, she said, "Hey those aren't monsters, they're just people with masks on." Shocked and frightened by this, I frantically sought the truth. I needed to know what MONSTER PORN is all about, what makes it tick, what makes it so popular and why the monsters do it. Then I read the first part of this article and my beliefs were reconfirmed. Praise Odin for the ability to believe everything I read! I still had to know though... why would they do it? Why do the monsters take these pictures and send them around the world, and why is MONSTER PORN becoming so fabulously popular? Then I realized the answer to all of it was quite simple. The monsters are in love! The monsters, who we labeled as being evil and yes, perhaps even unable to love, have proven us wrong. They have challenged our notions of what true love really is and shown us that beauty can exist in many more forms than we are conditioned to recognize. Love is for everybody, even monsters. We realize that when we decided that because human pornography can never be beautiful, pornography involving monsters must, by nature, be even more obscene... we made a terrible mistake. The monsters have forgiven us, but can we ever forgive... ourselves? That is the rollercoaster we all go on as we experience MONSTER PORN for our first time, and this reporter hopes that the ride will never end. If these monsters dare to continue to be so loving and to share their love with us, we are luckier for it. MONSTER PORN is a fast-growing trend and I believe that a great deal of the genre's popularity is due to the powerful political statement it makes. No other form of pornography has the courage to deliver such hard-hitting social commentary. I dare any critic to defy this calculation. In fact, I'll stake my... everything on it! The link is there. The people want MONSTER PORN. The people want change. Don't believe me? In September 1999, MONSTER PORN was at 30% and in September 2000 it was up to 70%! That's a forty per cent increase! Figures like that don't lie. I believe that summarizes the phenomenon of MONSTER PORN and provides you with enough information to decide for yourself whether to peruse this form of art or not. If you would like to recieve pictures of monsters having sex with each other, ICQ me at 29981964 or E me at thebmc@home.com. Peace! d""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""b. ;P PERSONALITY THRU PIERCINGZ .b `q by Scrilla Tee p' `nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn' Have you ever found youself wanting to know just a little more about that great guy you met at the local Jr College? What about that sassy young gal you exchanged words with while clubbing last weekend? Well, I'm here to tell you that all you have to do is stop and examine where exactly he or she has decided to shove metal into her skin. "But Scrilla," I can hear you saying, "That can't possibly be all that there is to it!" Oh but it is. And it's all right here. [Note: Scrilla Tee takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the following statements] Ear Rings: "I love to accessorize, don�t you? I think it�s, like, totally worth it to endure a little pain just to make my ear lobes pretty! Y�know?" Lots of Ear Rings: "Ha! I am a very frightening person!!! My multiple ear piercings frighten you, yes? Run away all you old people! Fear me!" Eyebrow Ring: "Not only am I frightening you, but I am cutting edge as well. I am Generation X." Tiny Nose Stud (Off to the Side): "I'm punk rawk, but, well, in a cute and happy way!" Fat Nose Ring (Bull Style): "I'm punk rock, and I hate you." Tongue Stud: "I like to give head." Nipple Piercings: "I'm fuckin' weird." Penile/Clitoral Piercing: "Yes my father touched when I was younger. Yes I�m taking out my aggressions by mutilating myself where it counts the most. Yes I can kick your ass." And there you have it. I have to go now, a mob of coffee shop twerps are about to kick my ass. Coming Soon - Personality Thru Tattooz .d&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&b. ___________________________________________________ |THE COMINTERN IS AVAILIABLE ON THE FOLLOWING BBS'S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BRING ON THE NIGHT (306) 373-4218 | | CLUB PARADISE (306) 978-2542 | | THE GATEWAY THROUGH TIME (306) 373-9778 | |___________________________________________________| | Website at: http://members.home.com/comintern | | Email BMC at: thebmc@home.com | |___________________________________________________| .d&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&b. Copyright 2000 by The Neo-Comintern #129-11/19/00 All content is property of The Neo-Comintern. You may redistribute this document, although no fee can be charged and the content must not be altered or modified in any way. Unauthorized use of any part of this document is prohibited. All rights reserved. Made in Canada.