d&&&&&&&&P ;P d&b d&&P
;P d' d' d' d&; d'
;P ;&,e&q, .c&&q, ;P`&; ;P .c&&q, ,c&&q,
d' dP~ `b ;P' `& d' `&; d';P' `& ;P' `d
;P ;P ;P dB&&&&P ;P `&;;P dB&&&&P d P d&&P
d' d' d' &, , d' `&d' &, , &, .,d'
d&&P &&& &&& `&&&P' d&&P `P `&&&P' `&&&P
,e&&&q,a ,nP' d'
;P' `d' "' d&&&P
d' " ,c&&q, q&,e&q,e&q, q&P q&,e&q, ;P' ,c&&q, q&,e&q q&,e&q,
;P ;P' `d dP~ `B~ `b dP dP~ `b d' ;P' `& dP~ `P dP `b
d' , d P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P dB&&&&P ;P ;P ;P
&, .,d' &, .,d' d' d' d' d' d' d' d' , &, , d' d' d'
`Y&&&P' `&&&P' &&b ;P d&P &&b &&b d&P `&P' `&&&P' &&b &&b d&P
t h e n e o - c o m i n t e r n e l e c t r o n i c m a g z i n e
I n s t a l l m e n t N u m b e r 6 9
.June 30th, 1999
.Editor: BMC
.Gnarly Wayne
Featured in this installment: `$
How To Be 3lite- BMC and Gnarly Wayne d'
Synopsis of this issue: If you jizz on a 2400 baud you are elite. If
you fantasize about a 9600 while doing it, you are a lamer.
HOW TO BE 3L!+3 d'
by BMC and Gnarly Wayne ;P
The first you need is a /3z. Then start a rabbit on fire and
beat the hell out of your friend for confessing that he is in love with your
girlfriend. Chase him into his own bedroom and beat him until he is unable
to hold back his tears.
Go to the ferry dock at midnight only by idleing down the back roads.
When you get near, the lights will go off because the ferry master will not
want you to go onto the ferry. Start going back, still idleing. Being the
passenger, get out and run along beside the truck. When you fall over, it
will be k-rad because the driver will have also gotten out and fallen over.
Chase the truck and scream at it. If the truck crashes off the road, you are
not elite.
Have a party where you invite bunch of people that you met off the
BBS message board circuit. Call up the Ninja Network crew and invite them
to Marcelinville where you remark that one guy sounds like "a cross between
B-Real and Eazy-E," and then take notes as he maks out with a BBS slough pig
in your bedroom.
Make some zombies and send them to Zombies4Life by registered mail.
You will win a /