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DaN aBNoRMaL 10 - Mission Impossible .............. JuLeZ 11 - Top 10 Things To Do At The Show . BaRoN 12 - Trashing ........................ BaRoN -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Editorial By DaN aBNoRMaL y0y0y0y its currently the morning of august 19, the great day when you add an 8 to the front of your phone number to make it simply great. I was thinking whether this will lead to a series of text files by phreakers about ways to get round these new numbers and etc etc im sure there will be and I can't wait to see what it says. Also, they say you add a 8 to every number to make it 8 digitslong - then what about 000? do you add five 8's to it making the number 88888000i can just see this vision of someone dying and calling 000 - only to have a recorded message saying "this number is out of order, please call 88888000 to get a response . Then by the time the person does dial the correct number they die or something like that. Hmmm.. what else? oh yeah that crappy today tonight article on those phreakers from western oz. I was waiting for them to say they were in an "underground" group called neurocactus or something :) hmm well whoever did the phone calls was pretty stupid "we did it to prove a point" err... and the point was? put a $15000 phone bill for some innocent guy who is trying to make a living, they could have at least put it on telstra's phone bill, i'd like to see em try... When telstra say phreaking doesn't exist just means that it makes the phreakers think "cool, ill just phreak more and more cos they don't know about it" yeah sure they don't, just wanna make it easier for them to get caught. What i'm saying is, it why didn't these guys just write a letter to telstra saying "we know how to get free phone calls through your system, and we will demonstrate it to you if you don't believe us..." yeesh anyway thats enough for an editorial... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The MLiR Policy By BaRoN We here at MLiR are not about bringing you heaps of information about h/p/a. Our aim is to bring you something funny that is practical but not complicated. We are not going to give you a whole heap of shit about boxing or our greatness. If people who think they are elite have a problem with this then I have a simple solution, DON'T READ IT or write your own zine about whatever you are interested in. I am no hacker or phreaker I am just a guy with a few simple ideas who likes to cause a bit of chaos now and again. I have no interest in people in the scene just reading this, this zine is for all. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Aliens On Irc By DaN aBNoRMaL Ok.. just one more irc log to get through now, this one is possibly the most interesting of them all - lets give you some background. There's this guy called Satan in the channel #Satanic, now I don't normally go into these sort of channels but i did a whois on wiggum and saw him in there, i went to the channel to see why he was in there, this is what happened next... Session Start: Wed Jun 19 19:44:39 1996 *** Now talking in #satanic hey dan, did you know that this guys ufo crashed on earth, and of course wheres a ufo repair when ya need one... so now he's stuck ere... there will be a lot of technology to came out. > damn! dont ya hate when stuff like that happens > i thought lube mobile would fix that hahahah well not quite what I expected, but anyway... materials that can be used include element 115, which are not on this planet, and need to be manufactured. but theres an up side xray specs are coming out in 6 months woohoo hey satan make sure ya save me a pair mmmmm fascinating > well why are u wasting your time here then? some alien... he didnt even know what color jocks i had on... socialising with humans, to learn there behavior. hey can you transform into hot chicks, like in species? woo-hoo x-ray glasses, imagine the possibilities... :), hmm this alien was interesting, if not a bit fucked in the head. watch out for this dude called fox mulder... but my implants can make my body change, ie change sex. he may be after ya > do u know cancer man cool that'd be a great party trick my brain implants altra my hormones and etc, producing many results. implants? you can always tell don ya think dan But my parents have refused too allow me. silicons just not the same > yeah can picke em a mile away they aren't silicon. ah i liked the fox mulder part :) hmm implants to change his sex? i think we should arrest this guy for something... that is another problem with my space ship, different technology! *** koala (~Idont@p197-233.bctel.ca) has joined #satanic > do u know koala? > is he one of you? hi dude can't find any spares ? like i said theres a place near my house hehe can't repair his spaceship... you don't get it, Humans came from my and other planets (Biarek) many, many, many years ago. yeah of course they did > yeah sure l bye *** koala (~Idont@p197-233.bctel.ca) has left #satanic whatever makes you think i dont beleive you? do fags come from your planet as well? the reason the US government will not relise information, is because it would destroy the human religious believes as all religions came from alien incontare, and the new technology could be used by terrorists! > cause if they do can u please ask them to stop sending em over well when you can change sex you'd always be a fag right? yep, humans came from the planet Biarek, he also said that both sexes can reporduce fully... so tell me how to destroy the earth... go on i wont tell noone a male give birth? ugghhh > ouch! i reckon it is possible to create a "BIG BING" as such. > what about a big dong? a big bing? haha > or even better - a big bong > hey do u aliens smoke pot? by creating special matter with a opposite field as compared to that of normal matter, the result is anti-gravity, and it is possible that a explosion can be cursed. erm.. i know who this is! its a physics teacher, who has had too much to drink and now he's gone on irc to have some fun! so wheres ya mum and dad? of circling jupiter? man you watch too much startrek do you look like spock? > hahahhahahha and say logical every 5th word? > hey are you 31337? so if your so smart how did you smash your crappy ol space ship anyway the US shot us down! hahahahahahahahahahahaha > fucken bastards > did it to my remote controlled aeroplane haha take me to your leader is that what ya said? yes, of course the u.s shot down his ship and somehow he ended up in oz... damnit the same thing happened to my aeroplane, man i loved that plane :) I am different to humans, but similar im outta here who you piss green or something? > hahahhahahahah my people are the same as humans, except red hair. and other things. as far as visual we are the same. goodbye and may the force be with you but there are differences on the inside. *** wiggum has quit IRC (Leaving) hehe piss green, ah after wiggum left, I quickly got the funk outta there cos I didn't want him to start talking to me :) So, in conclusion, it seems that we had just talked to an alien, whose ship was shot down by the united states, he came from the planet biarek, and apparently so did all the humans that we all see... or maybe not... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Free Bustickets By BaRoN Lot long ago actually about 10 minutes ago i was reading an article on how to make fake bus tickets. This sure is an interesting idea but why bother when there are so many easier ways to make money??? If you just want a bus ticket last twice its normal life there is a simple but effective way... Ok you will will need 1 multitrip ticket some sticky tape and a pair of scissors. WOW they're pretty hard to come across. Now get your new ticket and stick a piece of sticky tape over where the validation bit is printed. You know the white strip.. ok now cut the sticky tape so it isn't really noticeable like to the naked eye. Now use the bus ticket 10 times and it will work like usual .... Then when the ten turns are up carefully remove the sticky tape and use it again. WOW it won't work gee couldn't guess that one say to the bus driver my ticket doesn't work blahblahblah and you will be issued with a slip which you have to take to TA where you will be rewarded with another free multitrip yayayyayayay u can repeat this method as much as you want.The only problems being ticket inspectors but even they can miss it especially after checking a whole bus full of peoples tickets. If they do question you then just say it went through the wash and u didn't think it would work or some dumb arse idea. If your bus routes normally have inspectors don't do it but if not then u won't have a problem. So there you have it free bustickets. ** Bit added By DaN ** another thing to do is bend the corner of the ticket so that when it goes in the machine it gets stuck, therefore giving everyone else on the bus a free ride :) Fake ID Ok there are four ways of doing this three simple and the other more complex but probably better results if you have a steady hand. Method 1 When you have your photo taken for the bus/student ID lie about your age they don't check and they don't care. The only problem being some places are wary of these because of there easy to get. Method 2 Find an older friend or sisters boyfriend or wotever the case might be with a blury photo OR if they look like you than that is even better. Now simply recycle their ID. They probably won't care and will lend it to you for the night or if your real good friends they might just get a new Drivers License so u can keep the old one (any cost you paying for of course). If the bouncer, hotel, drive thru wotever asks you just say you've had a hair cut or wear a hat and say yeah thats me and they should let you through they can check the ID all they want after all its real so its not gonna come apart just make sure the age gap isn't to great like your 16 and their 25. If u do that then u probably deserve to get caught. Method 3 Ask around your school there is usually someone you can buy one off or get them to make one up for you. Method 4 Get a new Drivers License and keep the old one. Now get a razor blade and slowly and carefully strip the laminant from the surface. This will take a steady hand a some spare time. Ok once yoo have done that change the date carefully one of the easiest ways of getting caught is sloppy work. Ok if you havn't stuffed it by now you need a laminater. Ask around there should be somewhere that you can do it. If not then you will need some clear adhesive. Use an iron to make it stick good Good Luck... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Butane Can Bomb By BaRoN NOTE : The Author has never tried this and isn't planning to. I don't know what will happen so if you're stupid enough to try it then don't blame me for the result. It is simply an idea and i don't encourage it. So you're in a bad mood and feel like being destructive???? Sure toilet breaking is fun and all but your looking for something bigger something noisy. Well my friends i have the answer. All of these materials are easy to buy (or steal) with the simplest of ease. OK what'll you need 1. Butane Refill Can ($2) 2. A disposable lighter 3. Sparklers 4. Your head 5. Tape (duct tape preffered) Ok you got em ?? good now its time to start creating. Get your butane can and rip the little nozzle of the top (the plastic thing with all the different lighter adjusters). Now get your lighter and depress the gas button. Now tape the lighter to the can and give it a spark (der use the flint) OK put the can down and get the fuck away cause i dunno if this would work or if it does how long it'll take. Now if all goes well the butane can should blow up and kaboom a bit a noise and a bit of shrapnel. Ok that method is probably a little bit dangerous so you might want to use sparklers instead. OK grind all of the sparkler dust off all sparklers except one. Put it on the ground or wherever. Now get the sparkler (the one with dust still on it) amd use it as a fuse (cigarette would be even better) so put the sparkler so when the flame hits the bottom it'll ignite the dust and it should glow nice and hot (hopefully for long enough) Of course you could just coat the butane can in turps, metho, petrol (not kerro) and then use a fuse so when the fuse goes down low enough the can catches fire. OK well thats just an idea i come up with one day prolly ber done before but oh well. Have Fun... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Just Another Friday Night By Raver High! It was Friday night and as usual there was fuk all to do for us `underaged' ppl :( so we went to macca's to stuff some food down. The Coke tasted like someone had poured half a bottle of Vodka into it, the chips were cold, and the burger was foul, but other than that every thing was "ok". My mate was lookin like a brain dead zombie, but I spose that's usual :) so we left (without paying) . We went for a burn on our bikes down the Parade and as usual (at 11:30'ish) it was pretty empty :( so we cruised towards my place burning all over the straight road, until those guys who think there GOD turned up (the fuggin Fat Boy's) (THE PIGS!) this was a bit of a pain in the rectum, but we were still "fresh" and didn't wanna stop cause I had less than 1 light on my bike, so we thought we would have a "pound" of "free" fun :). Being experienced mountain bikers and in "MY!" area we were sure to get 'em fuked off at us. We tore across the medium strip & headed for the nearest park. We knew that we would have a fair gap cause the copers had to go up to the next break in the nature strip. We were nearly at the park and could hear the fukers slide round the corner and "catch-up" to our tail. They thought they had us, but yep you guessed it....the park was now on our left, so into the park we went, that pissed 'em off a tincy bit 8) . The female coper thought she would catch us on foot (hmmm, she's got a chance) so she jumped outta the pig mobile and dashed across the park (she must of been blonde). The more "brainier" (if there is such thing) cop bashed on the horn (as if to say: you numbskull get in the flipin car) the cops draged around to the other side of the park, but we were smarter (not hard) and went back into the park, they were startin to feel a touch inferior by now. We discussed it for about a total of three seconds and decided to "let" them out of there misery. Out the other side of the park we went. Down da gudder and down da street. I knew there there was a school nearby so guess where we were ganna go. Ditched the bikes in a nice place and waited and watched. The pigs saw us go into the school, but couldn't find us....cause we were on da roof :) The VR Holden circled for a while (about 5), they both even got out of their car (yeah the fat bloke to) and look around the school for two sixteen year olds. They never found us, but they came close, but they were on da ground and we were on da roof :) They walked back to there "burnout-apparatus" and we jumped of da roof and grabbed our bikes. My mate said to me "that was fun." "Yeah, but we didn't FUK 'EM OFF at us." "What yah mean?!?!" "You'll see." So off we rode slowly. My mate thinking that was it. BUT... I could see that the pigs were in their car having a rest (Jee tuff work). I told my mate to keep going... I was just gonna have a "wiss". I picked a nice piece of grass (slightly closer to the cop car) and Yelled as loud as I could "Fuking Ugly Pigs!!!" should of seen my mate freak 8) Home was only a "stone throw" away. and the pigs found it hard to get there VR started (no we didn't touch it :) we bolted into my place and closed the gate..."NOW" I said "There fuked off at us!!" we were tripping on Adrenaline something chronic :) We could still hear their car for about 10 minutes after we had bolted. And I knew we were safe cause they dunno where we went :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Guardz By BaRoN And DaN aBNoRMaL This file was sent to MLiR by an informer who left the scene after he was caught by the fedz. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- They're watching me. I wrote a poem about it so here it is. They're watching me My every Move Theres a van outside my house I can't escape HELP ME ARGGGHHHHH They're comming into the house They're breaking down the door I'm done for .......... Hello, I'm a phreaker, or at least i used to be. I'm sitting in a cell right now typing this up. Here is my story... One day I was sitting in my room watching the TV, when I received a phone call tipping me off that the fedz were gonna search my house... I believed him and encrypted my hdd then went and hid under my bed luckily they didn't see me, or guess my encypted password "31337", i waited for them to leave then got out from under the bed... i turned on my computer and found that they had deleted half of my ultra-elite h/p/c/v files, then to my dismay i couldn't decrypt the rest of my files!! They left a message on the computer that they had a data tap on my phone and i picked up the phone and shouted "yeah" into it and hung up. I felt really tough and i rung up some undeground boardz to warnz themz thatz thez fedz wherez onz myz trailz. THey saidz "Yeahz where's the warez?" and they dropped carrier on me. It was the end of the week and i decided to go canning so i went to the toilet and bombed some battleships for half an hour, Wow it really stunk. I then went phreaking with me kewl fri-ends. I hooked up my beige box and the fedz came up and tapped me on the shoulder. I said "Yeah" and they said "Shut up" so i did..they then prosecuted me and my sad ass is in jailz for 5 yrs non parole. I now take it up the arse every shower time. The guardz like to watchz..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E N D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats all of the file we at MLiR could receive b4 the guardz dropped carrier and his pants. So there's a warning for you all .... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Supermarkets And Cars By BaRoN After talking to a girl i know the other day who works at a supermarket she was telling me stories of all the sorts of things that people dropped and smashed in the isle and what was the worst to clean up so here we go .... 1. Sugar - This is a bitch to clean up cause there is so much of it ..takes ages 2. Golden Syrup - even worse she said it took her half an hour to clean it up properly. 3. Jam - mm nice and sticky 4. Flour - Of course cause there's so much of it in a packet. Anyway you get the idea so if they ripped you off or if your just an arsehole then walk your way down the isles accidentally (hahrhrhrhrh) dropping all sorts of containers on the ground and in the trolley. They'll love you for it.. Just don't get excited or they might have you arrested for i dunno some sort of charge. Cars. Ok here is one that i havn't covered before. Ok now go up to someones car that you don't like now undo the petrol cap or prye it off. Now have a can of a few litres of diesel petrol mixed in with water or vegtable oil or something like that. Now make noise and lots of it make sure their porch light comes on and they see you (wear a balaclava or something) and run off. Make sure you are seen near the car. Now they will find the container and put the petrol in the car themselves inturn fucking somethng up. Of course you can always do it yourself but why not watch THEM fuck their car up :) Well have fun... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A Kid Called Jonas Part Three By DaN aBNoRMaL In last issues installment of jonas, we saw another dark side of jonas, when he killed the busdriver, then we saw his dumb side, when he let people off the bus... A phone call came through on jonas' mobile phone. "hello?, where did you get this number?" "jonas, do you know who this is???" "no, I don't like lamers calling me", replied jonas, getting worried "I'm certainly no lamer, jonas, i'm the president of fATE!!" said the calm voice without a falter. "really?!!, prove it then buddy." said Jonas not wanting to give away the fact that he was worried. "well last month, we couriered 30 GiG of c64 warez, and you have at least 20 of the games that we have couriered. And I got your application for fATE, but I suggest that you don't use your real name when you join" "y. y. you mean that i'm in fATE??!??!?!... yes!!!" screams jonas at the top of his voice, startling the few remaining passengers. "you bet buddy, but erm theres sort of a problem... you're wanted by the fbi for questioning about your 'talents', so i'm gonna pick you up at the airport at 8am in two days time, we will sort out your living arrangements etc." said the undisclosed member of fATE. "ok, i'll be there, see ya later" said jonas. Meanwhile, somewhere in the nevada desert... "Did you get the number?" "No, sorry chief they must using a mobile line with a jammer" "Damn that JAMMER.EXE file!, I knew we should have stopped joan collins from releasing it" says an angry army seargent. * * * * * Two days later, at the airport... Jonas steps into the airport lounge looking around for some sign of a member of fATE. "hello jonas?" says a man dressed in full black wearing sun glasses. "yeah thats me." Suddenly two other men in black come up and grab jonas by the arms and hustle him off to a black limosine outside the airport. The last thing jonas sees is the inside of the car, where he thinks he sees the chief of the FBI, then he gets a good knock to the head... * * * * * Inside a large room full of medical instruments, with completely white walls and ceilings "What are we gonna do with him?" says what looks to be the head doctor, looking at the now unconscious jonas, who is strapped to the table. "I think we should contact the president, there is a possibility that we may need to use code 5 containment procedures on this one" "I agree, i'll explain the situation to him right away and get his answer" replies the head doctor... To be continued... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mission Impossible By JuLeZ Going to the movies with friends took on a whole new meaning after this experience i had at the new release, Mission Impossible. At school (aaaagh..) a few people had being talking about going to the movies on Friday night. One of my friends came around to my house and i received a phone call asking if my friend and i wanted to go and see Mission Impossible, we said alright, and the time and locations were arranged. On the way to the movies we were cut off by some bastard in a HQ Holden coloured brown (hahaha), so obviously we gave him the routine finger. We safely made it to the Plaza, to my delight, as my friend is a fucking maniac on the road. As we were walking up the steps to the ticket booth, we heard a voice from behind us yell out, "Over here ya bloody wanka's". Straight away we both knew who this voice belonged to, one of the very colourful characters at school. We slowly turned around, knowing that all the eyes in the shopping centre were strongly focused on us, and moved slowly towards the group of peers. Later, after paying the crap out of my friend's brother, we went up and bought our tickets. I was pondering whether i would get in at student rates, because i couldn't be stuffed (haha...private joke) getting my student card at school. When my turn in line came to pay for my ticket came i was thinking up my usual excuse of my student card expiring and i haven't had the chance to get a new one yet, well it worked with the transit police and also at the footy. I realised that the bird serving was this bitch i knew. Shit! Owell had to pay $11. Of course we were late and the movie was a sell out. So we had the choice of the three front rows, as there was twelve or so of us and we couldn't squeeze in anywhere else. So we sat in the front row. The very colourful character, Matt, was feeling a little crazy, so we didn't quite know what to expect from him, as he has done some quite amazing things in his time. The lights dimmed everybody hushed and then previews started rolling, the usual, Eraser, Kingpin, got a few giggles, Independence Day, that got people talking, then suddenly this preview came on which received everybody's attention. At first know one new what the hell this was all about, and then out of the jungle a character in a purple suit emerged. The Phantom. As the audience was going, cool the Phantom, bloody Matt stood up on his chair put his hands in the air and yelled "YES." This certainly caught everybody's attention. Matt then gathered himself and sat back in his chair, but then yelled out "i've got fifty of those comics". Then when the preview had finished and everything went quite he yelled out, "i'm goin' see that" the timing of this had the audience laughing hysterically. To my dismay Matt did not stop with this crap. Throughout the movie at various stages Matt made many humorous comments that really had the audience laughing. After the movie we visited MacDonalds and a friend, as a joke, went up to the counter and asked how much a 30 cent ice cream cone was. All in all it was a quit hilarious night and it was quite a different experience at the movies. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 10 Things to do at the Royal Show By BaRoN 1.) Smoke Cones in the Ferris wheel 2.) Spit when upside down on the ranger 3.) Holler abuse at the woodcutters and make them loose rythm or maybe a hand as well 4.) Steal things while pasing by the showbag halls. 5.) Put an enemys name in every free competition and hear them complain about all the mailing lists they are on. 6.) Complain to the people at the ride booths that you demand a refund 7.) Go into the HOUSE OF HORRORS and kick the people who jump out or wait for the next group of people and kick them. 8.) Go on the ghost train and jump out of the carts ..same principle as the house of horrors 9.) Go on the go karts turn your kart around and give everyone whiplash 10.) Pay childs rates when you are obviously not a child. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trashing... By BaRoN Until recently i was under the belief that trashing was to break, loot, plunder run riot go crazy wotever. But now i am told this is not so ..so what is trashing??? Trashing is..... jumping is a rubbish bin and looking for information of any sort.... wow trashing eh? like going through someones trash well i suppose it all makes sense then but wait a minute does it? Trash is garbage well that is one of the meanings anyway so why don't you call it garbaging? or roming around in a bin full of smelly crap to get printouts etc. Nah i suppose then you would really just sound stupid then now wouldn't you? If a friend approaches me and says lets go trashing i think of a bit of anarchy but you think jumping around in trash. Funny that well i must be wrong then.... sorry just thought i would bring it up for something to think about... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sorry about the lateness of this issue, we were planning on having this issue asan .exe reader thingy, but we didn't have enough time to finish it so that it was really good. So hopefully mlir #5 will be .exe and have lots of nice stuff in it. Ok.. cya all later...