Fears over child fitness levels

By Nick Triggle

Health reporter, BBC News

Sedentary lifestyles are making children less fit - even among those who are

not obese, a study suggests.

Essex University staged fitness tests on 600 10-year-olds a decade apart in an

area with low levels of obesity.

They found significant falls in fitness levels, concluding the average

10-year-old in 1998 could beat 95% of youngsters in 2008 in running tests.

The researchers said the focus on obesity was obscuring the health risks of

wider declines in fitness levels.

Children are routinely weighed and measured in schools in England as part of

the government's drive to tackle rising obesity rates, but there is no

equivalent for fitness.

The measurement of obesity alone may not be sufficient to keep an eye on

children's future health

Dr Gavin Sandercock, lead researcher

The Essex team of sports experts chose to focus on Chelmsford, an affluent town

with traditionally low levels of obesity, to illustrate how being a normal

weight did not necessarily equate to having good fitness.

In 1998, they carried out 20m shuttle run tests - commonly known as the bleep

test - on 303 children from six schools.

In 2008, the tests were repeated on a similar number of 10-year-olds, the

Archives of Disease in Childhood reported.

While obesity levels had hardly changed, there was a significant shift in

fitness which was "large and worrying".

Researchers said similar if not worse findings would be expected in areas with

high levels of obesity.


Lead researcher Dr Gavin Sandercock said: "The measurement of obesity alone may

not be sufficient to keep an eye on children's future health. We need some form

of monitoring of fitness.

"We have a generation of children who are spending more and more time in front

of a screen, whether it is a TV or a computer.

"Schools are now trying to do more, but it is the lack of unstructured activity

outside that is the problem."

Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, president of the Faculty of Public Health, said:

"We have been concerned about the sedentary lifestyles of children for some


"But the focus on obesity is right at the moment because it is more directly

linked to chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease."

A Department of Health spokesman said promoting physical activity remained a

"top priority" and a key part of the obesity drive.

She added Change4Life, the government's campaign to promote healthy lifestyles,

had "kick-started a lifestyle" revolution since it was launched in January.