3:rd World paki report, November 1996 by MindBender & ShadowMaster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: I�m very sorry for the delay of this issue. Because of my new job and alot of other time-infecting activities there hasnt been any room for this report until now... I�m currently working bi-handed on this and the december issue so hopefully it will be out in time... Special hiho to Mad Turnip and the rest of the Hybrid x-mas magazine crew, sorry for not participating but time was too short for me this year, maybe I can help you out with a spring-issue ? :) Merry x-mas and a happy new year to everyone... // MindBender To gain score, follow the rules below: * Only final release version will be rated * Only releases within the 50 disk limit will be rated * Only releases that works 100% will be rated (no beta/unregistered) * Only releases in english language will be rated The first working version that is 'properly' stripped will recieve score ! All releases will be rated in a 1-5 point score (1 = crap, 5 = excellent). This includes trainers and "real" addons (extra missions etc. NOT sound or animations). A good trainer is much more joyable than a bad game... Non-working games that are fixed within a 5 day period will be rated with a lesser score for each fix needed. Fixes are not awarded with score... * note * the defination of a properly stripped game is where unnecessary animations/intros/outros/speech etc is removed. The game must ofcourse still be playable (ie: Command & Conquer - Hybrid releases in 1995). - MONTHLY - - TOTALLY - ##: Group: Releases: ##: Group: Releases: ==================================== ==================================== 01) PRESTIGE 44 [---] 01) PRESTIGE 81 [---] 02) HYBRID 12 [---] 02) HYBRID 29 [---] 03) RAZOR 1911 08 [+01] 03) PARADIGM 12 [---] 04) PARADIGM 05 [-01] 04) RAZOR 1911 11 [+01] 05) REFLUX 02 [NEW] 05) ILLUSION 03 [-01] ##: Group: Score: ##: Group: Score: ==================================== ==================================== 01) PRESTIGE 131 [---] 01) PRESTIGE 232 [---] 02) HYBRID 41 [---] 02) HYBRID 89 [---] 03) RAZOR 1911 22 [+01] 03) PARADIGM 35 [---] 04) PARADIGM 16 [-01] 04) RAZOR 1911 32 [+01] 05) REFLUX 06 [NEW] 05) ILLUSION 10 [-01] - RECORDS - ============================================================================= Total number of releases : 44 (Prestige in Nov-96) Total number of points : 131 (Prestige in Nov-96) Average points / release : 3.42 (Hybrid in Nov-96) Percentage of releases : 62 % (Prestige in Nov-96) ============================================================================= _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Blood and Magic - (c) Interplay 25 disk 4p Blue Ice - (c) Psygnosis 29 disk 3p Destruction Derby 2 - (c) Psygnosis 06 disk 4p (-1p) Discworld 2 - (c) Psygnosis 25 disk 4p Fragile Allegiance - (c) Gremlin Graphics 21 disk 3p Grand Prix Manager 2 - (c) Microprose 10 disk 3p Krazy Ivan - (c) Psygnosis 04 disk 3p Realms of the Haunting - (c) Gremlin 27 disk 3p Screamer 2 - (c) Virgin 48 disk 4p (-1p) Swiv 3D - (c) SCI 18 disk 4p XS - (c) SCI 20 disk 3p Zombie Wars - (c) Sprint 05 disk 3p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors comments: Once again Hybrid holds Europe in its grip, as no one can mount any opposition. Despite a slowdown in the number of European titles, Hybrid digs deep on the last couple days of the month and manages to claim the number two spot from undeserving hands. Mad Turnip does his usual, and Animal and Dogfriend do more than usual, even stepping in to grab a USA title. Hot Tuna, Hybrid's latest acquisition, nails a couple nice titles this month in addition. With their usual mix of suppliers, and the addition of HT to the team, their control of England is complete. Expect Hybrid to remain on top of Europe for quite some time. Releasing errors: Screamer 2 - fix by Hybrid (-1 point) D. Derby 2 - hires fix by HBD (-1 point) ======================================== Total number of releases : 12 (17) Total number of errors : 02 (01) Average points / release : 3.42 (2.82) This months total score : 41 (48) Percentage of releases : 17 % (26 %) ======================================== This months group score : 07/10 (10/10) ______ ____/\_____/\_. ___ _____ __ /___ \/ ___/\_ _/ | \_ || _/ \/ \ | / / _/ \ / _/ |/\ / `' \ \ / :| \ \ ' \/ |/ ' | |/ \: :|__|\ \_____/ |\_______\____/\__/\ \ :[FF]:\__/::::/____|:::::::::::::::::::\_/ Scorcher - (c) Scavener/GT Inter 08 disk 3p Time Warp - (c) ??? ?? disk 3p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors comments: Once again Reflux comes through with a smidgen of titles to release. Time Warp is a porn game with the pornography ripped out, and Scorcher is likely a beta. Here is where we will have a little discourse on Reflux's judgement in bringing back JDA. This guy puts out nothing but betas, and was the reason for Reflux being banned in the first place. Now they allow him back and the first thing he gives them something we're 99% sure is a beta. It is likely that Reflux will grab the minor titles here and there, and continue to put out betas from JDA until they get in trouble again. Releasing errors: Though technically no "releasing errors," but one is such a piece of shit, and the other is going to be proved a beta, that they should both be listed here. ======================================== Total number of releases : 02 (--) Total number of errors : 00 (--) Average points / release : 3.00 (-.--) This months total score : 06 (--) Percentage of releases : 03 % (-- %) ======================================== This months group score : 03/10 (--/--) - PARADIGM - A10: Cuba - (c) Activision 32 disk 2p (-2p) Archimedean Dynasty - (c) Blue Byte 22 disk 3p Creatures - (c) Inscape 00 disk 0p Harpoon Classic '97 - (c) Interactive Magic 41 disk 4p Heroes of Might & Magic 2 - (c) New World Comp. 16 disk 3p (-1p) Master of Orion 2 - (c) Microprose 00 disk 0p Race Mania - (c) Flair Software 38 disk 2p (-1p) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors comments: Well, they did put out more things than last month, but it appears that is a mixed blessing. While they scored nice titles such as HoMM2 and Harpoon '97, the number of penalties they incurred is shameful. Five out of seven releases either got no credit, needed fixes, or both. To top it off they decided they would break the disk limit all group had previously set. This might not be such a hard pill for them to swallow if they hadn't made such lofty claims about how wonderful they were. With any luck they will try to shape up their act, and we expect them to come in 3rd place next month. Releasing errors: Creatures - This is not a game (No credit given) fix needed too Race Mania - crack fix needed (-1 point) A10: Cuba - fix by Paradigm (-1 point) badly ripped (-1 point) Heroes of M&M 2 - fix needed (-1 point) Master of Orion 2 - Over the disk limit (No credit given) ======================================== Total number of releases : 05 (07) Total number of errors : 05 (03) Average points / release : 3.20 (2.71) This months total score : 16 (19) Percentage of releases : 07 % (10 %) ======================================== This months group score : 04/10 (06/10) ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ 3DO Games: Decathlon - (c) Studio 3DO 16 disk 3p Admiral Sea Battles - (c) MegaMedia 12 disk 3p AFL Finals Fever - (c) Cadability 31 disk 3p Age of Sail - (c) Talonsoft 19 disk 3p Agile Warrior F-111X - (c) Virgin 13 disk 3p Alien Trilogy - (c) Acclaim 13 disk 3p Batman Forver: Arcade Ver - (c) Acclaim 09 disk 3p Batman Forever Trainer - (c) Grudge 01 disk 1p Battleground: Antietam - (c) TalonSoft 28 disk 3p Cave Wars - (c) Avalon Hill 08 disk 3p Civilization 2: Scenarios - (c) Microprose 10 disk 3p C. o. t. New World Deluxe - (c) Interplay 43 disk 3p Daytona USA - (c) Sega 19 disk 3p (-1p) Death Drome - (c) Viacom New Media 11 disk 3p Des 2: The Infinite Abyss - (c) Interplay 10 disk 4p DragonHeart - (c) Acclaim 19 disk 3p Duke 3D: Plutonium Pack - (c) GT Interactive 19 disk 4p (-1p) Eat My Dust - (c) Sierra 17 disk 1p Extreme Chess - (c) Davidson 24 disk 3p FPS: Football '97 - (c) Sierra 42 disk 5p Full Tilt Pinball 2 - (c) Maxis 21 disk 3p FX Fighter Turbo - (c) GTE 42 disk 3p Grid Runner -Final- - (c) Virgin 23 disk 3p Hunter: Hunted - (c) Sierra 31 disk 3p Jetfighter 3 - (c) Interplay 48 disk 3p MS Golf v3.0: Mauna Kea - (c) Microsoft 07 disk 3p MS Golf v3.0: Pimehurst - (c) Microsoft 09 disk 3p Plague - (c) Microforum 38 disk 3p Power Rangers: Zeo - (c) Bandai 48 disk 3p Risk - (c) Hasbro 29 disk 3p Rocket Jockey - (c) SegaSoft 26 disk 3p SimCopter -Final- - (c) Maxis 21 disk 3p SimGolf -Final- - (c) Maxis 27 disk 3p The Skul & The Suit - (c) Byron-Preiss 08 disk 3p SkyNet - (c) Bethesda Softworks 11 disk 2p (-1p) Smart Games: Word Puzzles - (c) Randomsoft 05 disk 3p Soultrap - (c) Microforum 34 disk 3p Steel Panthers 2 - (c) SSI 32 disk 3p (-1p) Tom Clancy's SSN - (c) Simon & Schuster 19 disk 3p Tomb Raider - (c) Eidos 21 disk 5p Tomb Raider Trainer - (c) Eidos 01 disk 1p US Navy Fighters '97 - (c) Electronic Arts 46 disk 4p Virtua Squad - (c) Sega 12 disk 2p (-1p) Wentworth Course (PGA96) - (c) Electronic Arts 18 disk 3p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors comments: Once again Prestige rises to the occasion and breaks another record, putting out 42 titles. As expected they retained the number 1 slot. No spectacular news over here this month. Expect Prestige to retain first place for a while. Releasing errors: - Virtua Squad - fix needed (-1 point) Daytona USA - badly ripped (-1 point) Duke 3D: Plut Pack - crack fixed (-1 point) Eat My Dust - Kiddie (1 point given) SkyNet - fixed by Prestige (-1 point) Steel Panthers 2 - badly ripped (-1 point) ======================================== Total number of releases : 44 (35) Total number of errors : 06 (00) Average points / release : 2.98 (2.83) This months total score : 131 (101) Percentage of releases : 62 % (54 %) ======================================== This months group score : 10/10 (10/10) _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ Blam! Machinehead - (c) Core Design 09 disk 3p C & C: Red Alert - (c) Virgin 34 disk 5p Cyber Gladiators - (c) Sierra 09 disk 2p (-1p) Gubble - (c) Actual Entert. 27 disk 1p Iron Man/X-O Manowar - (c) Acclaim 00 disk 0p Lords of the Realm 2 - (c) Sierra 36 disk 3p Pie Jackers - (c) Simon & Schuster 27 disk 3p Privateer 2 - (c) Origin 00 disk 0p Space Jam - (c) Acclaim 31 disk 2p (-1p) Time Paradox - (c) Flair Software 27 disk 3p WWF In Your House - (c) Acclaim 00 disk 0p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors comments: As expected, Razor has a much more active month, putting out some good stuff, including the long awaited sequel to Command and Conquer, Red Alert. Releasing errors: WWF In Your House - Beta (No Credit Given) Gubble - Kiddie (1 point given) Space Jam - badly ripped (-1 point) Iron Man - over the disk limit (No credit given) Privateer - Beta (No credit given) Cyber Gladiators - Fix Needed (-1 point) ======================================== Total number of releases : 08 (03) Total number of errors : 06 (05) Average points / release : 2.75 (1.43) This months total score : 22 (10) Percentage of releases : 11 % (05 %) ======================================== This months group score : 05/10 (02/10) Final Words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheesh, and we thought last month was the biggest we had ever seen. November has always been the best month of the year, and we should've known better. Major titles from both Europe and the USA flooded boards and sites worldwide. The best part of it all was that these titles came from several groups as everyone seemed to get a big piece of the pie this month. Most major companies, as well as several smaller ones, rushed out a lot of titles so they would be in shops come holiday time, and you can see the results, as virtually every day something new was released. If you can't find at least 3 or 4 games you like this month, something is wrong with your head. Strangely enough, it would seem as a lot of betas have been released recently, some of the more notable ones being Privateer 2, Sim Golf, and (thought as yet unproven) Batman: the Arcade Game. So as we could expect, several groups were able to release final versions of the beta titles, only adding to the huge amount of stuff coming out. At least it is reassuring to see that some groups are making a greater effort to investigate possible releases, so that less mistakes will be made in the future. The amount of competition is steadily growing, and it is beginning to feel like the old days again, as we have 4 major groups competing for the top slot, as opposed to the 2 that existed last Christmas. As predicted, Razor has had a much better month in November than October, releasing quite a few nice titles. Paradigm has risen to become a big releasing force, as expected, and did a good job putting out a few long awaited games. Prestige continued to control the majority of American originals with no European support, and as expected Hybrid dominated Europe with no American support. Expect to see a bit of a slowdown in December if the releasing activity of past years proves to be accurate again. With over 60 titles released this month, however, a slow down does not mean that the well of releases will be dry. You can expect to see the major contenders pumping out lots of good stuff for the masses of enthusiastic gamers. As for the wrap up for this month, we can say that without a doubt this is the most memorable month in a long time as more titles are released in this month than EVER before for ANY system. All groups did a superb job, and we encourage you to keep up the good work. At this rate, we'll all need to purchase huge hard drives just to keep up with the releasing craze. -- Shadow Master & MindBender '96