............................................................................ THIS FILE BROUGHT TO YOU BY [L0CK] (A DIViSiON OF MAX-Q PRODUCTIONS) WE D0NT HAVE A VMB YET S0 WE R ACCEPTING D0NATIONS 0F VMB's MAIL ANY D()NATION W/ BOX #, DIALUP INFO AND PASSWORD TO MAX-Q@ESCAPE.COM .......................................................................... Y0, THiZ iZ CANCER0US PR0STRATE oF THE K-TeRRiBLe AND MUCH LAUDeD GR00P [L0CK]. WE R A MERRRY BAND 0F REBELZ WH0 WiLL STOP AT N0THiNG 2 ACHEIVE 0UR EViL MEANZ. iT IZ TiMES LiKE THiS ON THE EVE 0F THE BiRTH 0F A NEW TEXT FiLE WHiCH i AM M0VED T0 TEARS, I AM VERY PR0UD 2 BE 0NE OF MAX-Q'S B0YZ. N0NE THE LEZZ, THERE R R00TS 2 B UPR00TED AND SKRIPTS 2 B SKRIPTED. EYE MUZT LEAVE U N0W BUT U BE ASSURED U WILL B IN MY HEART ALWAYS. L0CK 0N BR0THERS, FoR OUR TIME HAS C0ME, IT IS THE SEAS0N 0F THE K0DE. GREETS OUT TO: Rogue Agent, VaxBuster, Max-Q (and all my L0CK BROTHERS), RICK HUNTER, Scott Yelich (thanks f0r infohax), Okinawa, L0ra, Sarl0, MeRc(hows it g0in big guy?! *giggle*), Dip Switch 511, Video Vindicator, X, C-Curve, |al|, Kamakize, solctice, foo, Piker, All the guys in RZR 1911, Olphart (thanks for the hide source d0od!@#@!#), Captain Spackle, Crypt Keeper, Yazoo (thanx 4 giving us tools.irc), Alec Muffet (Kudos f0r Crack man !) gfm, jsz (thanks for the st0ries), erikb (thanks for the GIFts), jasonf, Synapse (hey cutey *tickle*), felonius monk (f0r wh0m thE BELLS t0ll), KC ( 2 bad ab0ut the j0b), emmanuel, PMF (thanx f0r the cc's *sm00ch*), juliet (let the g00d times r0ll), Kludge (SKANTRONICS?!?), Disk Jockey (have fUn hacking fr0m the m00n), Lawrence Linux, Invalid Media (thanx f0r the pr0prietary s0urce c0de), mdma (h0w's invalid in bed?), Xymox, Deth Dealer (thanx f0r the UPT account d0od), Zoroaster, SevenUp (Lieben Du!), Onkel Dittymeyer, Skipjack, eck, Rotox, Warchild, TK (Taran King f0r those who dont know), The Atlanta Three, Len RoSe (when u c0min 2 chicago?), Agent Steele (thanx f0r the pr0tect10n), The Mentor (y0, Anth0ny R0bbins could learn s0mething fr0m YOU!), ][ceman, SirLance, Minor Threat, Mucho Maas (Yo, can we have the s0urce 2 t0neloc?!), Mark, Slacker, Y-WinDOZE, Tim Newsham, Loki (*kisses*), Lestat (NeT23 kix ass), Square Wave (atta b0y slUgger) and last but n0t least Green Lantern and Spiderman. ............................................................................. Some Things You Can Do To Piss Off The Local Authorities. ( Neighbours, Teachers, Pigs. ) Compiled By Blewt and Cancerous Pr0strate Here I am again bringin' the best ways to have fun this side of Australia. In my last edition I showed you: Some dry ice uses, The calcium carbide fireball, AND The psycho grenade launcher. This release, as stated before you'll learn how to create and apply: Thermite Black Match Fuse (A little extra 4 ya'z) Pipe Bombs And also there are a few things on how to practically 'run' your school. ****UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**** For all of you people who watched REAL LIFE last Monday (22nd) the Terrorists Handbook has finally filtered into the hands of the Victorian police force. Who said they werent a bunch of stupid slow bastards? It's only THREE YEARS OLD! It took them this long to find it? Let's hear it for all the anarchists out there!! Keep up the good work guyz! Thanx to Mt.Waverley High for their effort against society. The I.R.A. (Irish Republican Army) are to cease fire. My heroes! The most legendary anarchists of all time are surrendering! How could this have happened? Lets pick up where they left off Australia, the A.R.A. perhaps? ;) Hot off the phone lines. The CIB are pushing for a new bill to outlaw the publication of material such as this article. Do they honestly think they could stunt the growth of Australia's largest (and only) anarchy team? NO FUCKING WAY MAN! MAIM FOR EVER!! LONG LIVE ALL MAIM'ERS!(DEATH TO PIGS!) ****UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**UPDATE**** Thermite: Wanna be able to melt through the roof of an enemies locker roof? Or ~~~~~~~~~ maybe burn a hole right through the assholes car bonnet/roof/door or petrol tank? Then THERMITE will be next on mum's shopping list for you. As you may have already guessed, this is a VERY potent incendiary device. Thermite will literally melt the balls off a brass monkey (if you so desire). "What do I need" I hear you excitedly ask, well here you go: Ingredient/Equipment. Where to get it. --------------------- ---------------- Rust.(Lots'n'lots) Home brew. (shown below) Aluminium shavings.(A fair bit) Hardware store or flogged from school. Sparkler (the silver type) Safeway Okay, that's everything. Not a lot? That's the best thing! Okay, first, to create rust you- can do it the shit way and scrape it off wherever it is, or you can create (grow?) your own. Get a big iron bolt, some salt, water, jar and a battery charger. Fill up the jar about 2/3 and dissolve some salt into it. Then attach the positive ("+"..duh!) electrode to the bolt and drop it in the jar. Put the negative electrode in the water too. Let this rust away for a day or two (or when ever you see that there is a HEAP of red shit in the water). If there is heaps of red stuff in the water, filter it out (it's rust) and replace the water with fresh stuff, and salt too. It's a good idea to set up a few of these little dudes coz ya need a fair bit of rust. When your freshly made rust has been dried, add 8 grams of it to every 3 grams of aluminium fillings. However a 50% to 50% mixture will also work. Place a small pile of Thermite on whatever object you want to fuck-over then place the sparkler (or a magnesium ribbon) in the pile and light it...this stuff is said to be able to vapourize carbon steel. One small pile on a persons car bonnet will burn through the bonnet, the engine block and start burning into the concrete beneath! Experiment! Black Match Fuse: If you don't have enough money or can't be fucked buying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ some fuse from a hobby shop, then here's a way to step around it. The black match fuse is quick and easy to make. Get some COTTON (make sure it's cotton by burning it, if a coal and smoke remain, it is) thread and cut about ten 30cm lengths from it. Bundle them together by tying both ends and twisting it around (my girlfriend platted them for me). Get some black powder and moisten it with a select-a-spray until it's a bit mushy, then roll the bundled threads around in it. Make sure there's a fair bit of the shit all in the threads. Keep about three or four cm's without mix on them to tie to a coat hanger. Make about seven of these and hang'em in the oven to drive out the moisture, the spring sun will not do a good enough job of it. There you go, you should have some hard crusty fuses. Store in a dry and safe place ready for use, I dunno how long they last like this so make 'em when ya need em. Hang on to your new fuses and go to the next section... Pipe Bombs: The mother of all home made explosives device. These are SO easy ~~~~~~~~~~~ to make, even a cop can do it! The destructive force is really cool. Also a perfect weapon against nature- trees in particular. (ok, ok, a little far with the trees already!). Take a trip to your local hardware store, a good one. Ask if you can get a piece of pipe cut to some specific measurements. If they do, buy a couple of 30cm lengths with thread and caps for EACH end. The pipe should be about as thick as your wrist. Now with this, go back to your work shop. Mix up a nice large batch of black powder for your pipe. Cap one end of the pipe and drill a hole in the centre of it. The hole should be about.. umm, about 1/2 the width of a pen. I know that is a shit measurement to go by, but I don't know the size of the drill bit I use. Just make it small enough so the fuse fits good and the powder don't fall out. Cap one end of ya pipe and stuff some tissue or other wadding in there. Fill the bottom of the pipe with black powder an stick in the fuse, about six cm's inside is enough and above 10 on the outside, depends on the fuse quality. Fill up the rest of the pipe with black powder, and maybe some nails for fun. Before it's totally full, chuck on a bit more tissue, but don't pack it down. The looser it is, the better. Cap the other end and get creative. You know what I'd blow up (...tree...:) but perhaps you would rather a car, person, or even part of your neighbours house. All are highly recommended. Also, if you want to save your pipe, you can leave a cap off one end and you'll have a mini cannon! You can figure that one out for ya selves. How To Run Your School: Is it me or is there always that asshole teacher at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ every school? Don't you wish that once, just once you could do ANYTHING to your school? Well perhaps these little doozies (stupid word) can help. Here are a few hints on how to roll everyone and anyone at your prison.....I mean school: Things You'll Need :.. 1) Fountain pen or Posca texta. 2) Super glue. 3) Two bux worth of 10�'s. 4) A couple o water bombs. 5) Liquid soap. (Morning Fresh with extra lemon scent.) 7) A two dollar coin. 8) A small set of tools with wire cutters, screwdrivers and shit. 9) Plenty of wire. 10) One of those microphones that transmits to the FM band 11) A small walkman that is set to receive the mic output in the above line. Also it must have it's own internal speakers. 12) A few zip lock bags. 13) A peeled orange. 1) Fountain pens are wicked for desecration a clean surface. See how many different surfaces you can mar in one flick. Get creative, see what you get, tables, walls, ceilings, the guy sitting next to you, the teacher. 2) Get the super glue and 10�'s. Find some places to glue them, like the cunteen (heh) window, a urinal, doors and shit. Watch and laugh at the scab's who try to pry them off. 3) In your school toilets look in the urinals and you should see some little yellow round things at the bottom for hiding the smell of urine, get a fuck load of towelling and pick these up and put them in the soap dish at the basins...now sit back and laugh your ass off at all the people who mistake them as soap and try to wash their wands with them. 4) Get a couple o' water bombs and fill 'em with gas in your chemistry room. Go to where all the smokers hang out and drop a few. They'll get a big surprise when they decide to be cool and pop one with their smoke....heheheh, cool Mini fireball. 5) This is a pearler on a wet day. If the floors at school are lino' or polished wood squirt a shit load of dish washing detergent on the floor an watch all the fools slide from wall to wall. If you have the very scented stuff then everyone will STINK! Heheheh. 6) In chem or physics heat a two dollar coin until it's red hot. Drop it on the floor, or table of your enemy, wait for him to pick it up, and then when he does......HOLY SHIT!!! (heheh) 7) If there is any better way to roll your school, I'd love to be told. This one involves the microphone, tools and wire. Get into an empty room and make sure it stays empty for about 20 minutes. You'll have to butcher the walkman, connect the speaker wires to the PA. system wires, turn on the radio and mic, then all you have to do is talk. I don't exactly know the correct wires an' shit coz my friends did this, but I do know that the PA. system has to be on, and the if you don't have the right walkman, you'll have to build a small amp. A guy at school said that the mini-amp is simple. After the shit is set up all you have to do is make your own announcements. "Excuse this message but could all the teachers in the school ... GET FUCKED!!!....(giggle giggle giggle)" Oh well, that's about it from me, it's pretty late, Total Recall is over and Star Trek (Chain of Command I) is about to start, so C yaz l8r. And remember, if it doesn't explode.....it's no FUN! L8R Brother Anarkists CANCER0US PR0STRATE =L0CK=