__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ __ Die Another Day _ _ ( 32 ) | | c/a 10.2002. _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Nettwerked Discussion Board ........................... Nettwerked :* *: (-) Link of the Month ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors ........................................ The Clone :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'The Canadian Military (DSN) Alberta Number Compilation' The Clone :* *: (x) 'A Canadian Pager Carrier Billing Flaw' ................ The Clone :* *: (x) 'Technical Depantsing of The Samsung SCH-3500 PCS Phone' Kodin :* *: (x) 'The Forth Programming Language' ....................... Fractal :* *: (x) 'The Great Canadian Scam of 2002' ...................... Fractal :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction - Welcome to the latest issue of K-1ine #32 'Die Another Day'. I would like to thank everyone who submitted articles to me, you guys rule. Enjoy this issue of K-1ine zine, and if you forget to send me more articles in the future, I'll curl up in a ball and cry in a corner whilst sucking my thumb. Yeeehaw! --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - Nettwerked Discussion Board; "Fuck the system? Nah, you might catch something..." POST YOUR NEWS, AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS FREELY ON: www.nettwerked.net/PHPBB --> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of October, the link of the month is: http://www.endtheusa.com/ 'Teaching world citizens and governments about what being ignorant, self-destructive, and limiting personal freedoms can do to society." [submitted by: The Clone] -- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines --==================================================================-- \ \ \ \ \ \ / | / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / | / / / / \ \ \ \ | / / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ / / | / / / / \ \ \ \ | | / / | / / / / / / \ \ \ \ / / / / / / / \ \ \ _\_______________________/_ / / / \ ............................... / / ...BLING BLING!................................... _....................................._ /.........' |_\ "|" ,_ _ `.........\ |........... | \ _|_ | | |_; ...........| ;........... _, ...........; ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ______ ______ ______ ______ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] _________________________________________ ' ' ._______________________________________. _ ],/ ~|~ ;, ; [ '_ ]"\ | ; \: [__/ ~`~ ____________________ ____ | || "T||T" | |Y// | | || | || | | |// | .\|| | || | | /// | |\\| | || | |/// /`ing | \ | || | // /all the | \ | || | // / fucking way | \ \ | || | // / to Bejing | \_\_| || |_// / ;________________,/ \||/ - phlux -- I have a gurlfrend now.] She's got a weenie :'( -- The Canadian Military (DSN) Alberta Number Compilation * Compiled by: The Clone * Date: Monday, September 23, 2002 - Disclaimer: This documentation contains phone numbers for the interest of telecom enthusiasts and the general public. If you do anything that involves prank calling or social engineering of military staff, you will deal with the consequences (not me). If you don't agree to this, please close your browser, turn off your computer and go back to your television. Notes: This list is for the Alberta Region. All the information on this file is based on public documents that I found on various public web-sites. Neat Pattern(s): Suffixes that end in "00" and "11" are Operator Assistance. [ Phone Number ] [ Details ] 319-252-8211 CFB, COMOX (Operator Assistance) 319-520-4011 CFB SUFFIELD (Operator Assistance) 319-520-4101 BRITISH ARMY TRAINING UNIT (BATUS) - SUFFIELD 319-520-4416 742nd COMM DET - SUFFIELD 319-520-4623 DEFENCE RESEARCH EST - DRES - SUFFIELD 319-528-3827 1st CDN BRIGADE GP HQ - CFB EDMONTON 319-528-4011 74th COMM GP - EDMONTON (Operator Assistance) 319-528-4011 CFB EDMONTON LANCASTER PARK (Operator Assistance) 319-528-4011 CFB EDMONTON OPS (Operator Assistance) 319-528-4011 MACS EDMONTON (COMMERCIAL # 780-472-2539) (Operator Assistance) 319-528-4398 408th HEL SQN OPS - EDMONTON 319-528-5808 CFB EDMONTON OPS 319-528-6703 742nd COMM SQN - EDMONTON 319-530-1011 WAINRIGHT TRAINING CENTRE (Operator Assistance) 319-530-1584 PPCLI BSL - WAINWRIGHT 319-530-1747 742ND COMM DET - WAINWRIGHT 319-530-3511 CFB CALGARY (Operator Assistance) 319-530-4011 CFB SUFFIELD (Operator Assistance) 319-530-4381 408TH HEL SQN OPS - CFB 319-530-7011 CFB SUFFIELD (Operator Assistance) 319-530-7161 742ND C0MM DET - CALGARY 319-530-8822 742ND COMM SQN - EDMONTON 319-530-8897 CFB, Edmonton Ops 319-690-8011 CFB, COLD LAKE (Operator Assistance) 319-690-8011 4th WING - COLD LAKE (Operator Assistance) 319-690-8562 742nd COMM DET - COLD LAKE / NOW = 4 TIS 319-690-8562 4 TIS - COLD LAKE - - Research: http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/phreaking/canadamil.html Credits: Coercion (thanks for the additional research papers) Shouts: Hack Canada, Nettwerked666, The Department of National Defence. Have more Alberta DSN #'s you'd like to see in this file? E-mail: theclone@hackcanada.com -- yeah, you look like Scott Baio hahaha yeah a little haha. you finally admit it. -- A Canadian Pager Carrier Billing Flaw Monday, October 7, 2002 Written by: The Clone Contribution by: Colt45 Shouts: Hack Canada, Nettwerked666, PacketNinja.ca - Disclaimer: This documentation is for entertainment and informational purposes only. In no way do I recommend you try any of these things, because it may get you in trouble with your phone company. However, if you do choose to attempt to exploit this little Canadian pager vulnerability; use a payphone, an automated divertor, op divert, use an outdial, or beige box someone's phone line. Oh yeah, and I'm not responsible for anything you do with this information. If you get caught defrauding the telco, it is because you're a fucking idiot who didn't take the precautions to stay anonymous. - Introduction: Pagers have brought many people together through a variety of signaling format protocols - POCSAG, FLEX, GOLAY - transmission speeds of 512, 1200, 2400 bps?! Standard Numeric, Alpha-Numeric, Tone Pagers? Oh the variety, oh the fun! Word on the street says that American and Canadian carriers are looking into phasing out pagers in the next couple of years. Hell, I even received some promotional material from Telus Mobility offering me cheap CDMA service if I cancelled my pager service through them! Apparently pager systems cost a lot to maintain, and over the last few years, less people even bother to use pagers due to the simple fact that wireless phones offer so many great features - Two Way Communication, Voice Mail, Short Message Service, Games, High Speed Data Transfers (GPRS and 1X), E-mail, Internet, and more. No freaking wonder pagers are on their way out, and cell phones continue to grow in popularity. However, until pagers are completely wiped out, this paper will still be very relevant. FACT: Wireless Carriers in Canada do not want customers to know the low-tech and high-tech tricks / exploits that let people abuse their service and use it to make free calls. - The Canadian Pager Carrier Billing Flaw: As you may or may not be aware, Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility do not have any type of billing system set up that logs direct or third party billing to their residential / business customers -- I have verified this claim with over 5 different customer service agents for both wireless carriers. Since Bell and Telus do not log any billing, they have come up with a simple and effective way to stop people from billing pagers; all major carriers in Canada share an "access list" of exchanges, prefixes and suffixes that block all Canadian long distance carriers from billing to any Canadian pagers. To test this flaw out for yourself, call up Telus' "Canada Direct" number at 1-800-646-0000 and enter any random pager number; you'll likely hear a message saying something to the effect of: "The number you have dialed cannot accept direct/3rd party billing." However with a little experimenting, I noticed that many American long distance carriers do not block a Canadian pager from receiving a direct or third-party charge. The reason for this is because these companies don't have any of our updated access lists. ! An unrelated note to Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility: Duh, stay outta Riverdale! - How to set this up: Before you do anything, you need to set yourself up a pager that allows you to record a voice-greeting. There are a few ways in which you can do this... 1. Use your own pager or a friends pager. In understandable English, set the voice greeting to say "yes" for approximately 25 to 30 seconds. Speak slowly and pause for about half a second between each "yes". 2. Hack into a pager. Most users have their remote admin pager pins set as "1234", "9999", "5555", the current year (2002), or the last four digits of their pager phone number. For most Telus Mobility pagers, the default password is the last four digits of the customer's unique 'capcode'. The capcode is a series of numbers at the bottom of the label, below the Model, Serial Number, Country Code, and ISC code. The "Fun" part: Once you have successfully set up the pager greeting, you'll need to test out this billing flaw. Make sure you don't get a live operator to authorize your billing. Instead, use a service that has an automated billing operator. A good resource to utilize is Yahoo!'s 'Business and Economy' web-page which has a great alphabetical listing of various American long-distance carriers that you can exploit. The address for that listing is: http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Business_to_Business/Communications_and_Networking/Telecommunications/Long_Distance_Telephone/ -- Conclusion: Although this trick was fairly simple and this file wasn't the most technical of articles I've ever written, the fact of the matter is: everyone assumes that pagers (like cellular phones) are never vulnerable to fraud, or that pager billing systems are not without their major billing flaws. This file certainly changed all of that, now didn't it? :) -- Decent Pager Research Web-sites: Here are some URL's for all the technology enthusiasts out there who might want to learn a thing or two about pagers: * Black Crawling Systems Archives: Pager Programming, Monitoring, & Applications http://www.hackcanada.com/blackcrawl/cell/pager/pager.html * Nettwerked - FLEX Technology: Paging Protocol http://www.nettwerked.net/FLEX_Technologies.html [dot-e-0h-eph] -- theclone is only like canada's fucking largest phreak... he is more inventive than your ass.. but you just enjoy knockin ppl... oooooh guns guns guns yeah i don't think i'd want to knock theclone. he's a powerful guy plus we are friends, so... powerful like a school janitor? rofl you'd be surpised -- A Technical Depantsing of The Samsung SCH-3500 PCS Phone Compiled by Kodin for Nettwerked 12-Oct-2002 * * * DISCLAIMER It is possible to disable or otherwise damage your phone using the information contained in this document. The author accepts no responsibility for the actions of those who would choose to abuse the knowledge here in. * * * LINKS Samsung's user guide for the SCH-3500 can be found in Acrobat PDF format at: www.samsungwirelesscanada.com/owners_manual/sch-3500-en.pdf * * * THE SVC MENU The Svc Menu can be accessed in one of 2 ways: 1) Enter: [MENU] 6 0 You will then be asked to enter the 6 digit service code for your phone. If you do not know the service code, you will have to use the backdoor sequence below. 2) Enter the following as if it were a phone number: 47*869#08#9 It may be possible to render your phone inoperable by changing the values below so proceed with caution and at your own risk. In the Svc Menu, [OK] is used to accept or scroll through current values. [CLR] is used to return you to the previous menu from the current menu. Pressing [CLR] while viewing a value will erase that value so use caution. Pressing the [END] key will exit the Svc Menu and reboot the phone. >From the Svc Menu, you have 4 options: Phone# View or change phone and ID number for either of 2 available NAMS * The above will reset your 4 digit lock code to the last 4 digits of your phone number General View or change various values such as your ESN and 4 digit lock code NAM1 View or change values for NAM1 (see next section: NAM PROGRAMMING) NAM2 View or change values for NAM2 (see next section: NAM PROGRAMMING) * * * NAM PROGRAMMING Procedure: 1) If using a battery, check to ensure battery is fully charged. 2) Enter the Svc Menu by using one of the 2 methods described in the preceding section. 3) Phone displays: Svc Menu 1:Phone# 2:General 3:NAM1 4:NAM2 4) Press [1] to enter Phone Number programming. 5) Phone displays: Phone# 1: NAM1 2: NAM2 6) Select 1 for NAM 1 programming or 2 for NAM 2 programming. 7) Enter area code and wireless phone number (10 digits). 8) Press [OK]. Mobile ID will display (Same as wireless phone number). 9) Press [OK]. The unit will then return to the Svc Menu. 10) Press 2 for General and the ESN is displayed. 11) Press [OK]. The CAI version (1, 2, or 3) will be displayed. 13) Press [OK]. To set the phone to either EVRC or 13K, press the [*] or [#] key to toggle the available options. Phone displays: SO_VOICE_EVRC or SO_VOICE_13K. 14) Press [OK]. SCM will be displayed: 10101010. 15) Press [OK]. The lock code can be changed now if desired (default is last 4 digits of MIN). 16) Press [OK]. Slot mode should be YES. 17) Press [OK]. Slot index should be 2. 18) Press [OK]. The unit will then return to the Svc Menu. 19) Press [3] for NAM1 or [4] for NAM2. 20) Phone displays: IMSI_MCC (The phone should display 302 for a Canadian Subscriber number, 310 for a U.S. Subscriber number. If not, enter the correct number at this time). 21) Press [OK]. 22) Phone displays: IMSI_MNC 3. 23) Press [OK]. 24) Phone displays: CDMA ACCOLC (CDMA Access overload class) (Last digit of phone number displayed here). This is a "read only" number. The access overload number is automatically set to the last digit of the MIN and can not be changed. 25) Press [OK]. 26) Phone displays: CDMA Home SID (CDMA Home System ID option). Yes. 27) Press [OK]. 28) Phone displays: CDMA fSID (CDMA foreign SID). Yes. 29) Press [OK]. 30) Phone displays: CDMA fNID (foreign network ID). Yes. 31) Press [OK]. 32) Phone displays: Home SID #1. 33) Enter Home SID (system identification) number from your Network Service Provider. 34) Press [OK]. 35) Phone displays: NID #1. 36) Enter NID number from your Network Service Provider (Default from the factory is 65535). 37) Press [OK]. Note: Unless multiple SIDs are used, the following values will be 0. 38) Phone displays: Home SID #2. 0. 39) Press [OK]. 40) Phone displays: NID #2. 0. 41) Press [OK]. 42) Phone displays: Home SID #3. 0. 43) Press [OK]. 44) Phone displays: NID #3. 0. 45) Press [OK]. 46) Phone displays: Home SID #4. 0. 47) Press [OK]. 48) Phone displays: NID #4. 0. 49) Press [OK], phone returns to SVC Menu. 50) If the second NAM will be used, Press 4 to program NAM 2 and repeat the above steps. 51) Press [END]. 52) Phone will cycle power off then back on. Programming Complete To activate your phone under your current service provider, contact their activations department and give them your phone's 10 digit electronic serial number (ESN) to add to your account. The ESN is usually found on the bar code sticker on the back of the phone under the battery. * * * THE DEBUG MENU To access the debug menu, enter: [MENU] 9 0 You will then be asked to enter the 6 digit service code for your phone. If you do not know your service code, I can't help you. I do not know the back door sequence for the Debug Menu. >From the Debug Menu, you have 4 options: Screen Displays information about the PCS network TestCalls 4 different numbers that test the phone's reception of the signal Errors Displays the last 20 errors that the phone has recorded EraseError Clears the above list * * * THE BROWSER MENU To access the Browser Menu, enter [MENU] 9 You then have to hold down the # key for 2 seconds and then you will be asked to enter your 4 digit lock code. >From the Browser Menu you can view or change the IP addresses for any of the 3 gateways. * * * THE TEST MENU Access to the test menu is obtained by entering as a phone number: 47*869#1235 I have listed the available 2 digit commands below but I can not claim understanding of what most of them do. It may be possible to render your phone inoperable by changing the values below so proceed with caution and at your own risk. Selections with the C> before them are changeable values. To avoid changing the value, press #. To change the value, make note of the old value, enter the new value and then press #. Selections with the S> before them are scrollable values. To scroll through the data, repeatedly press *. Selections with the V> before them are variable values. These values are gauges and change automatically to reflect different conditions of your phone such as current battery life. To stop the gauge and enter another command, press #. Please be aware that some of the variables given in the list below are unique to my phone and are not necessarily correct for any other. 01 Suspend 02 Reset (exit test mode and reboot phone) 04 PCS mode 07 Carrier On 08 Carrier Off C> 09 Chan____1025 C> 10 Pwr level__2 11 Rx mute 12 Rx unmute 13 Tx mute 14 Tx unmute 16 ST on 17 ST off C> 18 LCD_CONT: 11 C> 20 TEST_S:00000 S> 22 Send NAM S> 23 Send S/W Ver S> 24 Send ESN 25 Backlight ON 26 BacklightOFF 27 LAMP ON 28 LAMP OFF S> 30 Product Info C> 32 SAT on_____0 33 SAT off 34 CDATA C> 37 SDT LEVEL 00 38 SIDETONE ON 39 SIDETONE OFF C> 40 CD RXagc_230 C> 41 Ext.Audio? 1 C> 42 DTMF on____0 43 DTMF off 44 Compand On 45 Compand Off 46 Voice state C> 47 AUD lvl__040 48 Vibrator On 49 Vibrator Off V> 50 Btype=171(6) C> 51 BBASIC_____2 C> 52 H/W:3500.07Q C> 53 MIC LEVEL 00 C> 54 SPK LEVEL 13 C> 55 MIC Path 1 C> 56 SPK Path 1 57 MIC unmute 58 MIC mute 59 Unmute all C> 60 Tx Gain__034 C> 61 Rx Gain__069 C> 62 DTMF vol_075 C> 63 TxLimit__070 C> 64 SAT lvl__188 C> 65 FreqGain_031 C> 66 ST lvl___045 S> 67 RD Batt Val V> 68 StbyBatt_222 V> 69 TaklBatt_222 C> 70 WR Batt__180 C> 71 CD TXagc_000 C> 72 FM TXagc_230 C> 73 Set R1/R0__0 C> 74 30.0dBm[00] TXRAS[00]399 V> 75 RD Rssi__033 C> 76 WR Rssi__148 V> 77 RD TEMP__126 V> 78 RD HDET_____ C> 79 Buzzer On_ 0 80 Buzzer Off 81 PCM loop On 82 PCM loop Off V> 83 100.7dBm[01] RXRAS[01]100 C> 84 -EVRC TEST- EVRC CMD: 00 85 Speaker on 86 Speaker off 87 FM_LOOP_BACK C> 88 TRK adj _270 C> 89 CdTk adj_131 C> 90 HW CHANFLAT HW ChNo:0000 C> 91 SW CHANFLAT SW ChNo:0000 C> 92 < 25.50 dBm> TXpwr[02]393 C> 93 < Chan 991 > ChNo[01]_316 C> 94 106.0dBm[00] RXRAS :__096 C> 95 pHW CHANFLAT Chan No_0991 C> 96 pSW CHANFLAT Chan No_0991 C> 97 < pCH 050> CHAN[01]_409 98 DATASVC ON 99 DATASVC OFF -- fuck closest thing i got is some jewish x files anime alien sex porn where scully is being raped by aliens -- The Forth Programming Language - Why YOU should learn it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The forth programming language is radically different from conventional programming languages. It bears little resemblance to C, Java, Pascal, Lisp, Python, etc. This short article will not attempt to teach you the forth language, but instead give you a taste of what forth has to offer, give you a general idea of what the language is, and point you in the direction of various forth resources. The forth programming language was originally formalized in the early 70s by Chuck Moore, but it's beginnings predate that by several years, mostly as a small, specialized programming platform for various systems. After forth began to become more well known, 2 driving forces instantiated to promote forth use: Forth, Inc. and the non-profit Forth Interest Group (FIG). Forth had a brief stint with popularity after microcomputers were introduced, often being the first language to support the new microprocessors, but soon fell into relative obscurity in mainstream programming. Forth is unique in that the evolution and acceptance of it has proceeded as an entirely grassroots effort. Large industry has never backed or supported forth, and has always driven the development and use of more "conventional" programming languages, such as C. With a few exceptions, forth is also unique in how diversified the language is. Unlike, say LISP, though, there seems to be a common thread among forths giving the community a particular unity. However, forth is the only programming language that has a strong, vocal user community that is actively against the ANSI standard of it's language, and chooses not to upport it. There are many reasons for this viewpoint, none of which a beginner will notice until they become better acquainted with the language. Forth is built upon the belief that every implementation aspect of the language should be as simple as possible, and that all complexity should be built upon this base of simplicity. Forth philosphy also insists that in extreme flexibility. This flexibility is overwhelming to many new forth users, and often gives them a bad taste for the language. Because of this philosophy forth programs are known for their small codesize, low memory usage, powerful flexibility, and difficulty to understand. :) Forth is, at heart, a system programmer's programming language because of it's remarkable flexibility. An endless stream of people have extended forth to support their preferred programming and usage preferences. Forth was, interestingly, a very early language to support Object Oriented programming. People have added GOTO statements to forth. Transparent support for C structures has been added. "Local variables" have been developped for forth (this is a hot topic in the Forth communities, by the way). People have developed sophisticated GUIs in forth. Forth code has run on the space shuttle. Forth is usually considered much more than a programming language though. It's also (sometimes) an operating system, an Integrated Development Environment, a debugger, a run-time environment, an interpreter, and a programming methodology. At the heart of forth is a variable called "state". Generally, state represents either interpret mode or compile mode, and this variable will influence almost everything done by the system. Most forth introductions don't find it necessary to introduce state until much later in the learning period, but I think that the ability to flip between compilation and interpretation mode (execution semantics) is the most important defining feature of forth. More visibly, forth provides the user with 2 stacks of small, fixed cell size (typically 32 or 64 bits on modern computers). Forth provides direct access to these stacks. This is in marked contrast to most languages. Most languages, like C, use 1 stack of large "stack frames" that the user is not permitted to directly access. One interesting result of this design decision that I like to point out to new forth programmers is that your functions (called "words" in forth - I'll get to them) are no longer limited to returning one item. For instance, in C, your functions may look like this: int my_func(int x, int y) { ... return 10; } As you can see, this function accepts 2 arguments and returns 1. In C, there is no way to directly return 2 or more arguments without allocating memory and passing pointers - a procedure that can get very messy. In forth, you have no such restrictions. If you want to return 2 items, go ahead. If you want to return 10 items, feel free. You're even allowed to return 3 items sometimes, and 39 items other times. It's up to the programmer. Forth is generally said to be an "RPN" language. RPN stands for "Reverse Polish Notation". RPN was originally invented by a, you guessed it, polish professor, and is an effective way of expressing arithmetical expressions without using parenthesis. Everything is done on a stack. Numbers are pushed down, and operators pop the numbers and preform operations on them. For instance, the expression (1+3)-2 would be written like this in RPN: 1 3 + 2 - All programming in forth is done like this. If you want to program in forth you have to learn to "think on the stack". Meaning, you have to keep track of the "stack effects" of your functions as well as their purpose. The "dictionary" is the name of the append-oriented heap where your forth "words" are stored. A word in forth is, simply, any combination of displayable, non-whitespace characters that represents a location in memory, and may have certain user-defined attributes. "Everything in forth is a word or a number". This is almost true. The word "+" takes the top 2 values off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result onto the stack. You can define your own words using the word ":". For instance, if you wanted to make a word that would take the top number off the stack, add 42 to it, and press the result back onto the stack, you might write it like so: : add-42 42 + ; When ":" is executed, it puts the "state" variable into compile mode. Anything encountered now will be compiled into the add-42 definition. When it sees 42, it recognizes it as a number, but since the forth system is in compile mode, it compiles 42 into the definition. Next it compiles "+". Then it encounters the word ";" which it executes. ";" closes the add-42 definition, and returns "state" to interpret mode. Astute readers will be wondering why ";" was executed instead of compiled. This is because ";" is an immediate word. Immediate words are executed no matter what the value of state is. Immediacy is a very powerful feature in forth. Once you understand how immediate words are used to build up everything in the language, you will have understood the most important part of forth, that which I will not even try to describe here. You can, in turn, use "add-42" in interpret mode, or compile it into other definitions: Ex: 4 add-42 . 44 ok : add-40 add-42 -2 + ; ok Here is a good point to note the stack effects of add-42. Notice how it takes 1 argument and returns 1 argument? This may be relatively obvious in this function, but as your words become more complex you will want to keep track of the stack effects. Forth programmers often do that like so: : add-42 ( n -- n' ) 42 + ; The word "(" is an immediate word that will force forth to ignore everything until a ")" is encountered. Not that ")" is NOT a word. Nor is anything between the parens. IMPORTANT: Note that "(" is followed by a space. This is vital. The word is "(", not "(n". So, as you can see, parens function similarly to C's /* and */. The word "\" in forth is analogous to C++'s "//". The contents of the comment is what's signifigant. The text before the "--" indicates the arguments passed to the function, and the text after indicates the values returned on the stack. The convention is that the numbers closest to the left are higher on the stack. Be careful using ":" though. If you add words that already exist in the dictionary, the "redefined" words will not be readily accessible. Experienced forth programmers will take advantage of this for a number of reasons, but a beginner should be careful to avoid this. As stated before, a word can be any combination of non-whitespace, displayable ASCII characters. There is nothing stopping a number (called a "literal" in forth) from being a word either. This is perfectly valid: : 1 2 ; Now 1 is effectively 2, so be careful. :) Incidentally, most forth systems define words called "0" and "1". This is because a compiled word takes less memory than a compiled literal, and 0 and 1 are numbers used so often that signifigant memory can be saved using this technique. I mentioned that forth had 2 stacks. The data stack (aka paramater stack) is the one we've been focusing on so far. The return stack is the second kind of stack, and is used to store addresses so that after a word is executed, forth knows where to resume execution. You can move data to and from the return stack and the data stack with the words ">r" and "r>".1 I wouldn't suggest doing this until you understand forth more thouroughly though. An experienced C programmer will be able to tell you that a return address and a function's "local variables" are stored in the same stackframe, making it trivial to write over the return address. This particular attribute of C has resulted in decades of insecure systems open to anyone with enough audacity to overflow a buffer. Forth greatly complicates this particular attack. Also, forth stores strings not as arrays of characters terminated by a "NULL byte", but as an array of unterminated characters and a "count" of the length of said array. As such, there are no such equivalents to C's strcpy() and gets() in forth. These 2 attributes make forth particularly resilient to buffer overflow attacks. Format strings also do not exist in Forth, ruling out another very popular attack. The last core feature of forth is the "parse buffer". It's where your text goes when you type stuff into forth. Normally forth parses a word delimited by white space, moves the parse pointer ahead to the next word, and executes the parsed word, and this continues indefinitley. When there is no more data available, it goes into interactive mode and accepts the words from stdin. Words can, however, modify the parse buffer. One common word for this is "'", pronounced "tick", which parses the next word in the buffer, looks up that word in the dictionary, presses this address onto the stack, and advances the parse buffer pointer. This is very useful in forth, although I won't explain why here. I hope this brief introduction to forth has been enough to tickle your curiosity. Just for fun, here's a listing of the words in a fully stocked "system" dictionary in my forth. HardCore SoftWare's FORTH system: FRUGAL V0.9.8 ok words ( 250 WORDS - 18361 BYTES ) intro bye iset> icreate choose rand reseed rand-num dump-line 8c. 8h. c. h. abort see procprint words bytes-and-words 'print print-word forget forget-addr .s term-clear-to-bot term-clear-to-top term-clear-line term-clear-to-sol term-clear-to-eol term-scroll-up term-scroll-down term-enable-scroll term-unsave term-save term-backward term-forward term-down term-up term-xy term-home term-cur-off term-cur-on term-wrap-off term-wrap-on term-cls term-attr term-bg term-fg hidden reverse blink underscore dim bright restore white cyan magenta blue yellow green red black emesc emchar rawkey key accept .( ." s" ," cmove movechar char, char type spaces space bl cr unlink num' move movecell depth ? +! hex decimal octal binary abs max min 2/ 2* 1- 1+ negate . printnum recurse; recurse leave loop +loop do until while again begin then else if isunseeable unseeable exit postpone compile cmp ] [ ?branch branch #, 1 0 HEADER_LEN VM_IFBRANCH VM_BRANCH VM_NUMBER VM_PRIMITIVE UNSEEABLE COMPILE-ONLY IMMEDIATE READ-WRITE WRITE-ONLY READ-ONLY STDOUT STDIN 2@ 2! chars char+ cells cell+ 2variable variable var const constant allot here ms j' j i' i >= <= <> 0= 2dup 2over 2drop 2swap tuck nip rot swap over dup #! ( \ quit acceptconn openlistener openconn iptodns dnstoip poll close write read chdir open fork gettime time@ usleep flush term-raw-off term-raw-on ver include" l base die pad xor or and urshift ulshift rshift lshift c, c! c@ rp sp r0 s0 qpnum emit state r> >r mod / * - + @ ! roll pick drop = > < source >in ' '-addr ; : create create-addr parse , reset compile-only immediate h query interpret number compile-exit ok Here's where you can download my forth implementation: http://www.hcsw.org/frugal/ It comes included with a pong game, 2 encryption implementations, 1 cryptographically secure random number generator, a powerful forth debugger, a basic webserver, and more! There's a more comprehensive tutorial included in the file docs/USING in the latest frugal download. For online forth help, visit irc.freenode.net #forth There are many helpful people there who will help you get started with forth. Forth is not an especially easy language to learn when compared to other languages, simply because it gives you complete access and control over every aspect of the programming system. Chuck Moore once described other languages as dampeners, and forth as an amplifier. What he meant was that in most languages, the programming techniques are sufficiently abstracted and set at the "lowest common denominator" that good programmers will not do a signifigantly better job than bad programmers. Perl code is always between "kinda good" and "kinda bad". Forth on the other hand, amplifies the programmer's skill. A good programmer can write incredible forth code. A bad programmer can write absolutely stinking terrible forth code. Regardless of your programming skill, forth is useful to learn just for the feeling of enlightenment you'll feel when you finally "get it". I encourage you to investigate forth further even if it just to realize that there are other ways of programming besides C and it's derivatives. Fractal www.hcsw.org/frugal/ -- Now there is nothing wrong with a terabyte of hardcore pornography every now and then -- The Great Canadian Scam of 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Behind closed doors, the government of Alberta must be meeting with the large oil companies. Indeed, I can think of no other reason why a government would act so quickly, venemously, and without concern for the well-being of it's citizens and the environment, simply in order to protect a private interest. Certainly, and I don't think this can be questioned by any reasonably unbiased objective thinking, the various Albertan petroleum corporations are in direct control of Ralph Klien and the Albertan government. Alberta is in the middle of one of the worst droughts in recorded history, yet the oil companies insist that implementing the Kyoto accord would be disastrous to the economy. Ironically, *not implementing* the Kyoto protocol could potentially result in vast amounts of long-term damage to the Albertan economy by devasting the (sustainable) Albertan farming industry while temporarily protecting the (unsustainable) petroleum mining industry. The Kyoto accord may cause a change in the economy. This is true. Wealth may be distributed from oil companies to solar or wind energy companies. Either way, there is no real evidence to suggest that Alberta's economy will be harmed from this agreement. Putting aside the economic arguments for a moment, burning fosil fuels for energy is expensive, inefficient, polluting, and non-renewable. This energy source could have, and should have, been entirely replaced decades ago. This is not what I intend to talk about now, however. I intend to talk about how the oil companies are consciously and determininately lying, spreading fear/uncertainty/doubt, "financially influencing" public officials, etc. with the sole goal of protecting their financial interests by molding public opinion - with the public's own money! I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, this is called "fraud". This incredibly audacious scam may seem unbelievable to most. I know that I, for one, was shocked that something like this would be allowed to happen in a relatively free country like Canada. I intend to try to open the reader's eyes up to what actually is happening, but I am sure that I have no real idea of the raw power wielded by these international corporations. The Alberta government has spent $1.5 million dollars of the public's money in a massive television, newspaper, and radio campaign. Is it any suprise that Albertans have undergone a "radical change of opinion" on the subject of the Kyoto Accord? I think not. This is clearly the calculated result of the scare campgain led by the oil companies, who (just as clearly) have financial control over said government. Is it any more of a suprise that an Albertan doctor was fired by the Albertan government for speaking out for the Kyoto Protocol? Not really, Having a public health official discuss the imminent threats that are posed to our health if global warming continues unchecked could be very thought provoking to a section of the population. THE TACTIC ~~~~~~~~~~ Since governments are the most influential institutions in lawmaking (by definition) ensure that lose control of the government is maintained at all levels. Preserve the appearance of a public controlled government to provide "legitimacy" to your actions. Ensure that the public's available information reads as is necessary for maintaining control over the relevant governments. Accomplish this by any means possible, especially by using the media's public-influence "services". It's a relatively straightforward idea, and one that, understandably, gets very little support in the mainstream media: The free market is not driven by competition. Since competition results in lower prices, more expensive manufacturing processes, longer lasting products, and more selective consumers, it does not benefit any corporation's interests. Authentic competition only results when it is mutually beneficial to the corporations. In order to optimize this lack of competition, corporations are intimitatley linked together at all levels of operation, and since all of them are interested in maintaining the status quo, they cooperate in manipulating the publics opinion to do so. Earlier in history, corporations would use physical coersion to enforce ideas upon the people (think coffee trade). After the American civil war, America began a slow and steady process of incorporation. After WWII, there was no sector of the economy, media, or government that wasn't directly controlled by wealthy private interests. This new era demanded a different method of controlling people's opinions: Restriction of information. The radio stations, television stations, book publishers, magazine/newspaper publishers, and children's textbook publishers were all (and still are) controlled almost exclusively by corporations. By carefully omitting pieces of information the status quo can effectively erase facts and opinions from the public's memory. Since all the corporations are linked together, vital pieces of information relating to consumer information, foreign issues, and even public health is influenced by this massive information censorship program (think tobacco companies). This relates quite directly to the Kyoto issue: The US' system of controlling public opinion has recently been taken up by the large Canadian corporations (think Canwest). This is particularly noticable in Alberta, where almost all services have been privatized, and the government clearly does NOT represent the interests of the people. Now you know the motive and the method. It's up to. Is this expensive brainwashing campaign justified? I urge the hacker community not to embrace corporate "culture" like the majority of western generations before ours. The plot to kill the Kyoto accord is just one example of how these incredibly powerful entities are influencing your future (and the future of our planet). These entities are not affected by borders, have no ethics, suffer virtually no accountability for their actions, and have more money than they know what to do with. Do you really want to trust them to choose your future? Fractal www.hcsw.org -- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: CYB0RG/ASM, Fractal, Kodin, Phlux, The Clone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, soapie, littleyellowdot, Breanne, Flopik, dwr, Azriel J. Knight, Coercion, dec0de, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, all the cool to2600.org ppl, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > > > > ... To all the Pop-Tarts out there doing crazy dances for ravers and thugs, we salute you with: "PewwwwuuuuuuT!" results may vary