db d8888b. .-------------------------------------------------------. 88 `8D | impulse reality press presents... | `88' 88oobY' `-------------------------------------------------------' 88 88`8b [ ir file no. 249 | released 04/19/03 | 100% tasty text ] .88. 88 `88. [ "Taste" ] Y8888P 88 YD [ written by BMC ] .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | the revolution will be one fueled by art and love alone, | | there is no hope for revolution based on anything else. | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' I put my thought on backward tonight told you memory is pudding-thick a thing I drift in and out of until I can hardly tell you�re not here. I rub my aching stomach, tell myself loving you was one of those you had to be there things. The thought of you is on my tongue. I remember when you came to visit that Saturday straight from the market with bags and bags of things to share- fresh corn, orange juice, dulse, and pie and two apples, one for each of us a pumpkin, a huge pumpkin, I won�t forget your warm silhouette as I washed and dried the orange shell, and the knife firmly held in your long, pale hand, the concentration of your lip as you started on its skin. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | impulse reality happy fun time goodness | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' permission is granted to spread material within this text document freely. we kindly ask that you properly credit it's author(s) for their hard work! all rights are retained by the author(s), respectively .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | IMPULSE REALITY E'ZINE CAN BE REACHED ON THE WEB AT... | | http://www.phonelosers.net/ir | | | | FOR IMPORTANT, UP-TO-DATE TEXT SCENE NEWS, VISIT... | | http://www.textscene.com | | | | THE OLD WORLD IS BEHIND YOU. | | | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'