s$ .d""b. impulse reality press no. 192 [-- $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------------------ --] $$ $$ "The Flood" $$ $$ written by Intrepid Travelor $$ $$ released 5/27/02 [-- $$ $$ ------ ------------------------------------------------------ --] Tears of sun and earth and wind splash lightly on the dirt; pitter-patter. Wiped from the eye, they erode cheekbones and chins. And the rats cannot swim. Drowning, they flounder in the elements. Meanwhile, a water lily hovers above, her milky petals suspended in disbelief. The Sea of Galilee is no more, and the River Styx has been swallowed, cleansed of body and form. It�s current quieted forever. Moon and stars drown in the beauty, chaos, utter totality of our world. Their world? What world? Flooded universes are full of crashing waves; pitter-patter. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] the clever thing to do here would be to put some sort of copyright. no. http://www.phonelosers.net/ir [-------------------------------------------------------------------------]