{hi} INTEGRAL.FUNCTIONS.016 dd/mm/yy = 00/00/00 {===========================================================================} ~|~ |~| ~|~ |~~ |~~ |~| |~| | | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | |~ | | |~, |~| | _|_ | | | |__ |_| | | | | |__ |~~ | | |~| |~~ ~|~ ~|~ |~| |~| |~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |~ | | | | | | | | | | | `~| | |_| | | |__ | _|_ |_| | | __| {===========================================================================} {get FILE_ID.DIZ} Integral Functions is an electronic magazine that encourages both stylistic and topical experimentation in all possible forms of literary expression. Frequency: Contingent (when 20-30k of submissions have been received) FTP: ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/IntegralFunctions {===========================================================================} {get CONTENTS.LST} 00000001 Note from Not [The Editor] 00000010 CRC error 00000011 Writing: Story Creation Exercise 00000100 Dream Journals: 09/28/96 -> 10/01/96 00000101 and 00000110 Do a Nonsense ! ! ! 00000111 STU SIMFSEN 00001000 I N S E R T ! 00001001 Meet Mister Dopamine 00001010 rant: Na iVE 00001011 The Sophosphere 00001100 From Note/Sketch Gideon 00001101 Copyright Information {===========================================================================} greetings home viewers, our regular editor went away (though communication has been re-established). this zine has been left in disarray. this issue is a long-left-dormant salvage operation, from a substitute editor. i do not know what will happen with this zine in the future. it will surely continue, but i am just not sure of whether EDITOR will take it back. Continue? [Y/n/c] {===========================================================================} " /\/\/ is Billy there? ( --- CRC error) " Telephone lines are wires. All wires have resistance. Wires are used to allow electrons to flow from one point to another. * * | / /\ | MRS BILLY + TEDDY � * /// // | \ \\ | Amplitu�de // / | \ \\ | � / | | | \\ \ | * Gain � ����������������������Ŀ | * � � � | Volume � � �----/ � * � ______ � well do you � � | | � * know when he'll � � | | � be in ? * � � | o | � o8o then � would � | | � |' they ������������������������������������������ * �0 you 300 3000 � like Frequency in HZ (cycles per HoWSe) * � to leave � a message? * � . . . . . . . . . . G � . . * R � . | . E � . | . E � * . | | . what's new T � y . | (:|) . ? * � e. | | O . � s. | | | /|\ . � . | | | | . �...... | | | / \ . oh ������������������������������������������������������ 0 yes 800 2000 3000 * * B Y E B Y E * * Method: * Transmit Receive Feel Feel * 724HZ 1.0 v .99v 853HZ 1.0 v .85v * 945HZ 1.0 v * .00v Transmit � � � � Receive Range � � � � Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . * . . . � . . � . . * {===========================================================================} Grade 12 -- Writing: Story Creation Exercise By [OMITTED] _ _ | ROGER BROCCOLI WATER | | We were to incorporate Roger Waters, Broccoli, and a goat into a story. | | I will avoid editing this copy, as tempting as it will be to do so. | | Additions will be enclosed in [brackets]. Teacher (error) comments will | |_ be within [X brackets X] _| Raising a parched hunk of half-eaten broccoli in his clenched fist, Roger cried out, "Would anyone happen to have some water that I might have a few drops of?" A few faces peeked out of winders--examining the alien figure below them in the dusty street, sitting on the back of a black goat--but it was a woman a few stories up that responded. This woman was a dark-haired and bright-skinned [beauty]--though Roger could not see her clearly enough to appreciate her--and it was with all of her delicate lungs that she wailed, "WHAT?!" The others--for the most part--feeling that the matter was being taken care of, returned to their homes and [their] business, [X]though a few remained curious, and took on the role of the spectator. [X fragment X] "I was just asking if you have any water [which] you would be so kind as to offer this owner of some mighty dry broccoli... Me!" Roger shot back in response. She stared strong at the figure below,[X] trying to determine his features across the great distance, as she had no words to analyze. [X wordy X] "This ain't workin a'tall, I have no a clue what thee lips is sayin, "She sent back down. "What's that Miss?" Roger responded, feeling that he might as well do the futile. "I'll be comin down to do this a bit'o more with the clear, eh?" cried the woman. Roger opened his mouth to respond, but before he could even form the thoughts for forming words, the woman's head quickly disappeared rom her window. Why had she abandoned him? He was trying desperately to her her hear him. He was not some heartless thief of water, and was taking the time to ask nicely. He then turned to the other window heads to implore them for assistance, but they merely [X] stared at his words [X underlined X] as though they didn't speak his language. Roger lay[X "ed" crossed out X] his head on his goat's neck, and examined his dehydrated broccoli, feeling defeated. "Who is that there, eh? and why that there goat there for?" from a very near doorway, it wa sthe woman from above! She was beautiful! Roger looked at her and smiled. "It is I, Roger, Roger Water of Roger Waters' Waters. I'm fresh out of fresh water, and would like very much to dunk this broccoli into some to finish it off with. IT's become a needful habit during eating plenty of broccoli and being around plenty of water. [X] And this goat is Vibert, my companion and means of locomotion for water spring exploration." [X wordy but it works X] The woman considered the matter, and this man--whose unimpressive features she could now see clearly--and replied, "Alright then sirry, off with the goat, and you come hither for some'o me wettest waters in this dry town." -- [OMITTED] Great story. Very cute and funny and clever. You put some effort into developing it,I see. That's great, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff. The best line is "Riger, Riger Waters of Roger Waters' Waters". Very clever, and made me laugh out loud. Also the last line, the woman's invitation: some of the wettest water...haw haw. You must have some Irish in you, [OMITTED]. I like the scene, too: the dusty town, the suspicious villagers, the stranger on a black goat. Has potential. Now for the criticism/advice Have someone read it out loud to you. I hope you don't really want the last line on page ont to stand the way it is. What are you trying to say there? Are you attempting some kind of accent or dialect? You succumb to wordiness; e.g., "she had no words to analyze" near the bottom of your first page. The wordiness works when it's specific, as in "this goat is Vibert..." (p.2), which is funny, but the first example is just mystifying. What exactly was she trying to analyze? I don't think analyze is the right word in this situation. Maybe you problem isn't wordiness so much as using specific and correct words. For example, you write that the townsfolk "stared at his words". It's a fascinating thought, and emotionally correct, but factually impossible. They can stare at him, his goat, his broccoli,b ut not his words. So think about the words you choose, do write swiftly, but edit carefully and get feedback. Great fun! --- Content 12/15 Language 11/15 Total 23/30 B+ [ PFfT ] --- Grade 12 -- Writing: Another Story Creation Exercise By [OMITTED] _ _ | We were to write without stopping, and to begin with the starter: | | "The first time..." | |_ If we found ourself stuck, we were to repeat the last word until unstuck _| the first time I flew throught he sky I got clouds in my eyes and caught on my shoes but I wiped [overheard that it had to be from REAL MEMORY] the first time I went to totototototo school there were girls and bees and women under the roof near the windows on the pavement waiting to go in to the class room maybe it was the first day but I know I started late in the year like October hanging my things ont he rack I didn't know and feeling like I'm late and not really one of them was that the first day? turning the corner with my mother who I don't know why had set me up there lately I was a little mind being left out for some time and why? {===========================================================================} Dream Journals: August 28,1996 - September 1,1996 ----- ** Note 1: The following dream journals are transcribed from handwritten pages, and retain their original spelling and grammatical errors. Some contain maps and/or diagrams, which unfortunatly cannot be reproduced here. ** Note 2: It has been over a year since I began recording my dreams upon waking. Through this process I believe that my ability to recall dreams after has improved signifigantly - this is why almost all of the journal entries listed below contain more than one dream per specified date. ----- August 28, 1996 dream #1: a man walking through the mall with curly black hair passed a store window and fell in love with a pair of women's sandals that were on display. he began flailing his arms to express his excitement. he went into the store to buy a pair of the sandals but they didn't have any large enough to fit him, and they weren't designed to fit the shape of a man's foot anyway - this mad him sad. dream #2: i am in the mall at a ticket-boot type thing/government office, getting my death certificate. the man behind the counter keeps laughing at nothing as a machine is printing out my death certificate which looks like: (it has my name printed large in a blue font, and i am told to sign beside it - a thick white paper). i begin wondering why i would be signing my own death certificate - maybe i am being killed - a way for the gov't to control the population growth? then i wake up - there were several people in line behind me. ----- August 30, 1996 dream #1: people would go shopping for groceries at a store in union station in toronto - all homosexuals were considered "low-level" citizens, so (there must've been a food shortage) when people showed the store clerk their "food card"; they would be allowed to purchase food (the food-card would limit the amount of money each person was allowed to spend on food, to prevent people from stockpiling food and making the national food shortage worse.) homo- sexuals were not allowed to purchase food until all heterosexual citizens had bough their share of food in the city/region available (everything kept track of on computer -- FUTURE?)... so a pair of middle-aged lesbians are seen in my dream running into the underground grocery store and the only food left was a medium-sized carton of milk with fuzzy mould growing from the spout (which has been opened previously) - as the lesbians purchased the milk, i see them running out of the station into the daylight onto the sidewalk, while being heckled/verbally abused by all heterosexuals as they run by. not sure how they (people know they were lesbians - must've been 'branded' or something. dream #2: one of the student 'counsellors' of the residence was going around to all the rooms and handing out brochures with warnings about the danger of hail storms in the soo - it is (the brochure) about what precautions to take and what to do in a hailstorm - hundreds of people (the brochure says, filled with statistics and figures) die every year when caught outside with no shelter in a hail storm. dream #3: i was whistling in the shower. ----- August 31, 1996 dream #1: two girls having a 'sleepover' (one sleeping overnight at the other one's house) - the girl who lives there locks herself in her room and when her friend tries to get in - knocks on door it's locked: "let me in!" - the girl locked in the room shouts from inside, "i can't let you in right now, i'm masturbating!" then she says, "you could go down to the kitchen and make us some sandwiches until i'm done - i'll only be a few more minutes." i am not an active member of this dream, i am only watching it, as if watching a movie. dream #2: i am somewhere in the algoma region - biking across a long, high wooden bridge (somewhat like the train bridge that spans the creek), while i also (another ME, there are two of me) drive along side myself and take pictures. i then bike up a hill and i am in a gravel parking lot of some sort of conservation area, looking for my bike helmet. some old people walk into the parking lot and look intimidated by me. ----- September 1, 1996 dream #1: i rode my bike to the school every morning so that i would have only about 5 minutes to get there - i would be late, so i had to ride as fast and as aggressively as i possibly could. one day i got a traffic ticket for fifty dollars for 'dangerous driving' - the next day i was getting pulled over by the police again, but this time i decided to try to outrun them - they caught up to me in the school parking lot and they gave me about 6 or 7 more fines which totalled about six hundered dollars - i was very angry and depressed and i wanted to kill or be killed. dream #2: i was living in sault ste. marie and was (is) (am) very upset with technological-industrial system, so i decided to go the the indian reserve and become a native. iwalked alongside the train tracks until i got to the reserve - a cheif was speaking - or just an elder - wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he was talking to two young natives, saying "do you mind that you have no parents?" - "no!" - "that is because you are raised by the tribe - you feel no need for parents, we all take care of you." - he (the chief) was also talking to a small group of white people who were going to become indians also - telling them the rules of being in the tribe - then he saw me arriving - i said to him that i overheard him telling the others the rules of the tribe, and that i would like to become a native also. he but his arm around me and we walked along the rail tracks - he asked me why i wanted to join the tribe and i told him why - suddenly the train tracks were full of trains and cars and trucks whizzing back and forth, and we had to dodge them, the tracks had multiplied, it was like a 6-lane highway. {===========================================================================} "and" then {===========================================================================} wow impress walk through valley death grow from mould of the god with hair that is wildly flying about the cosmic wind and black but sometimes brown when the light or the will hits it right just right and if it's wrong then it wont go on for that's the rule of the road and not following it means prosecution or incarceration something like that yes because if worlds rotate on the axle of nostrils we'd better be careful of the nosehairs ya know wildly protruding from flesh there's holes in flesh and that's what needles go into or that's what she told me innoculation are cells split when a knife cuts my skin and sends the blood spraying to the world rushing out is my body that bad to be in i can't know maybe we should start community programs to clean it up but in reality that would mean healthy activity or inactivity which doesn't seem worth the effort value health in a bargain bin at a crappy department store for $19.99 because it looks like it's not really only miniscule away from 20 people don't think enough to get past some traps of the media clever billboards with sexual organs hidden in bottles her head was floating upside-down way in that cup on the book cover and we laughed feed the gators she said and made a clever comment on slowing down to view car accident scenes impressed sharp am i really thank you very much i thought 8 but we disagreed this time of the year is cold and i'm not wearing a coat they look fine but i look funny different rules apply to the self than the society did nature nurture always wondering where the growth came from the seed we see only the speed and care only the pain in the pan melting as the heat latches on molecules bumping dancing to an increased pace and they all conform to it and then it creeps into the diffusary crevices of brain wrinkles except how did it get in there {===========================================================================} STU SIMFSEN Have you seen that ----/Phone commercial, where they are talking about the future, and...the guy (scientist?) goes into some little hut in the arctic, and he is talking to his mom on the computer etc, and watching movies? That's a sort of cool way to be alone - to be in the middle of NOWHERE, but have the ability to talk to people if you are on the edge of insanity. 0000-0-000 !asldkdjf as;dlkfjd as;dlkjf po38q484yutpoq8 wy54 t-9821 6ytp9oweoifh a;as dfasl;kjdfa jpow843t 8po4y8 912y25y1rt3p245t6 y5i ioh53hghllk;h fdslk;h bv,cmnbm,nnm,vcbnm,.xcv,m.bxcn fdilshjglweknrgo;dfi asljjdfklj sdfgoijeiorowngvnvjnmm n mm , m,bvmbv, vmb,m,,mzxn.m, .,jsdl;fj jalskjfsdfasiieoiwchocloajlktje fuckdsakjf measlaiel les!! ASLDFJLKII ^$*&**^&(^YO*&F(DYUSFEDSGFSEYGR$T*OT&$#*^*&$#RT*&O$#TR*&R^YO&IHHKLIJUKLHJKH FUCK FUCK FUCKUWE(PR*YU$W$*(*($#*(98432848484839834894 ----000000 000!@#$%ER^TYU . . . [and so on and so on] . . -==-OOH joy: "a poem for screen blurs" = (by himeself not them) ojeezuz, did i just cut somethin importn t off of your? sdfli yeah8383~!! oh fudkc it all sdf didi dyeah yeah yeah jeeeeeez..ddid you wseem him go like a goat? holy cowman i mean, ike, wowowoow! fu sdkkkkkkkkkkkkk and another k! i liketo eat aplles and ababababananas! u luku tu uut upplus und bununununus! o loko to oot opplos ond bononononos! fucn ufcncnjcn fun and fuck are like aamsoost the same exact word!zzz shit eh. i mean... like, shit. i hagve to like 'line 59 col 42' blahahhhhhhhaaa! type more type more type you neato person you have to 'line 61, col 42' i like those numbers like. big ones. oh jeeeeeez gee wiz is like, wiz.....mirical whip is like white and soft...and you put it on buns....bubnununinininas~! pfft yeah. i like..am telling the trurueiuiuth. example: 1: 'do you like chocolate?' 2: 'yes' 1: 'why?' 2: 'uh...i dunno, it tastes good?' 1: 'why does it taste good?' 2: 'cuz....uh....just because. fuck off!' ::::whats left:::: visualart/lit-art/music-art/speak-art/nature-art....whatever it...blahalkfdsja asfdklajljlkdsjfklajkl Perhaps......pleas`��8�|ure = failure. pleas^^^^^^ure plea your peas our pleas oar end it eneneneneenneennennddddddddddddddd P(HY*:&UKJHDJKFSASHSDdklj (**&djlkdfjlakj88hioijnanhjenjfrhvj nnjmfdc i amlmost delelteed this showlwlelelll messages? yeah please sure yeah please1 i can't. "Poodles: Mating Rituals of Suburban Rats" I don't really know much about it....i'll check it out though (i have like,...all this bits and scraps of paper with scribbley notes of things i want to research and get)...everyeehhere. THis reminds me (assocccc) of a book *I* saw at the library, about art psychotherapy (kid/person draws picture, then therapist interperets the drawing to see what is bothering person). I took it out, and read some. there was this story about ..bah nevermememeemem i think ...(urge)...i might do like....a blank surface with a black line or something on it and hand it in as art.......i have a real problem with ....a definition of art....so....anything can be art...................i guess that is what the point of DADA is.....just...whatever you do is art (scribble on a peice of paper)....or soemthing..... .asfdlk;jaa;'8488422 aslfdjkkjlfjjjjfjjfjfjjjjjjjjjjjjj orp. ./ ...end. actioaaall :__)))) make bleieieieive) 0)))) : {===========================================================================} "I N S E R T !" -------------- no one please sit late on the morrow you will rub your eyes to their ink (eye voids glowing like lead) you will wake and find yourself seated on their steel and their paints with (authority standing with the mouth) their thoughts and you will process or you will die can't eat without know-meat no(w) ... i feel alien in your experience not talking not laughing not being quite proper a visitor not enduring the subtlety of your conformity nowhere no one may come here to the barren home-world let's meet in yours and do the dance of self-satisfaction ... tending friendly his raisin eyes, will not reveal murders their dark glistens do not speak for they've self-enfolded into themselves organ shelves carrying left-in pains (oh strain) reaching in to enfold regrets why don't you come eat? if you search their folds, you will find swamped sunshine sunken deep in black fluid with a costume and a knife ... i want to get lost in it float away on the way of the song its environment accomodating feeling like mine inside i want to meld with it give it the control become the flow everywhere i'll go me? no (more ever) ... a dent is a blemish destroying shaperfection symmetry smooth touch an aethesic evil ... "woman comforting crying children" hand us to the flames creeping throughout our pale building seemed sturdy, now crumbling fingers stretching like snakes reaching ever higher a light -- it looks appealing but singes their tips they feel the dark and want escape so light they make it burns them ... ha ha in my veil of conformity with popular hairshape common cloth scraps apathy of expression my eyes are indistinguishable as they taste your features examine your figures i prepare for invasion always in darkness really ... stepping pavement (clunk clunk) my eyes met her's so i halted my sneakers i felt giddy of toxic fumage as i examined her beauty skin like a chemical washboard we could only hear the cars passing (typical sound residue) our thoughts drowned in automobile wheels the moment, so bright with street lights my heart was filled with blood {===========================================================================} Let's see, there was one I would have liked if it wasn't for the instructor, well, I got along with him, he was always wanting me to do the worst in the class, it seemed like, and I'd always get bad, the grade, in my grading, and he tried to make other people like they were good enough to be in Hollywood or something, you know I'd be the last one down the ladder. That, that's the way they wanted the grading to be in the first place according to whose, theirs, they, they have all different reasons that I, I, I think that they use that they want one, won't come out. One of the social status of, ah, of how big and strong a baseball, football player could be, you know, and he'll, he'll come in beating down on his head with the bottom of his fist if he doesn't do it his way, you know. That's how the show goes. And another one is the pretty girls in there that try so hard, that try so hard to get their, their thoughts in their, their hierarchy, it was a recreational leadership thing, their leadership, their leadership got there before I could get mine in order that they, they could be the first with the, with the doctor, you know, I wasn't going to be real, really abrupt in trying to break in between them or trying to talk to the, the instructor because they, they would have started yelling at me, get out of the way, or something. If you judge from my speech that I think quite a bit, you're perfectly right. I do. I think a lot. And therefore I have benefit to myself by assuaging whatever doubts about myself I may have in the inclusion of a day perceived as the doubtless recognition of a question of comprehension of point of view or differentiation of a model of endeavor or comprehension of experience as considered a differentiation of a demonstration of an identity distinguished by a mode of understanding and development of a point of view. In other words, I'm the same person who likes to understand himself, understand his sexuality at the same time, without needing to interpret one into the other or another into the opposite range of interest distinguished by a model of understanding, the analysis of which is commensurated by a question or a comprehension of existence.... In other words, I'm not psychotic. So that's another thing I don't do. I don't perform the psychotic ritual of escape fromt eh world by demonstrating a sublimation of my sensibility from the recognition of experience. {===========================================================================} RANT: nA Ive anonymous why am i drinking spring water? it tastes a little better, and it hasn't the lingering aftertaste that tap water leaves. perhaps it has even more chemical additives in it to make it that way; so that it tastes better. chemicals which i am trying to avoid by buying something more "natural." might they even be chemicals that would harm me? the label says otherwise. it tells me of less chemicals and displays percentages of contents, but how can i ever truely know whether that's what is inside of it? by measureing it myself? how could i ever trust the measurement equipment? i don't see how. even if i could somehow be certain that the label is telling the truth, and that those (lack of) chemicals are what is in the spring water that i am drinking, how could i ever know that it would benefit my health more than "natural" tap water? spring water is more expensive anyway. {===========================================================================} The Cell of Knowledge (Or: "The Sophosphere") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Concept From Angela Dreamblur ___ _/ \_ / \ ( * ) <- 3-Dimensional Sphere \_ _/ (though it certainly doesn't look it) \___/ Nucleus = * [very centre of the 3D Sphere] Sophosphere = () [entire 3D Sphere] (compare to: atom) Throughout the cell is information. If you could travel throughout the sphere as a whole (as you would flying through outer-space), you would move through a Data Gradient: gradually shifting information throughout the area (like a shaded sphere). Each point is directly connected to that which is closest to it, and the connection fades as you move further away. In order to navigate this information, one must construct passageways which pass through the many Data Points. Certain passageways become almost fused with the Nucleus, as they are so often used. The Nucleus is the thing at the centre of the Cell, which would be the explorer. But it, too, is also information within the Sphere, as there is data which might be gathered about it. The Cell of Knowledge is pure information. The Nucleus of the Sophosphere is an individual biological unit. It has means of sensing the information within the Sphere (if there are exceptions, this model is not applicable to them). It also has means of processing, retaining, and applying the knowledge gathered to its life. Its life is limited, which will keep it from discovering all of the Cell, and with its poor retention of the information, this becomes even more difficult. This model is the representation a single Nucleus' perspective of the process of gathering knowledge. The Nucleus may possess technological items to aid it in it's aquiring of the knowledge in the Cell. The Bio-Unit might have items to aid in it's sensing, processing, and retention of the information (all Sophosphere activities). These items can greatly increase the potential of the Nucleus. The edge of the Sphere Cell, is the end of information which the Nucleus is capable of sensing; there is a limit. There may or may not be more to discover on the outside. The Bio-Unit may choose to imagine what might be out there, in order to satisfy its desire to know whether anything is there. It can't sense outside of the Cell, but it desperately wants to. It may imagine things to be out there, and it may even come to believe that they are. Generally, faith in the logic and senses of the Nucleus is called "science," and faith in imagination might be "religion." Other Nuclei also exist, and they might the ability of communicating data to the Nucleus depicted in any given Sphere Cell, but this model says nothing of this. If you wish to consider the other Nuclei, you might unofficially place them within the Nucleus. In order to truly know any information that a Nucleus is transmitted, it must explore the cell, and discover it on it's own anyway. Being sent data by another only aids the process. There would also be superficial knowledge to discover about these other organisms; this would be within the Sphere. If the sensation and processing systems malfunction, this may result in something similiar to Schizophrenia. {===========================================================================} From the notebooks/sketchbooks of Gideon Hartwell *** Note to the reader: Many of these entries are poems, some may look like poems, but are in fact nothing but collections of thoughts or interesting words. Some is real, some is not. In transcribing the following writings from handwritten text, I attempted to maintain the same visual arrangement of words on the screen as on the original page. ----- August 27, 1996 you can do, but car can rightfully claim the sequential injection as the best safety cage in the country. that means the comfort and stuff can be depended on. what you change. control of a lot of things you can depend on the performance bags, all night. even if the security of a car like the style happens. so what you depend on the engine, the power to be the well thought - out design is the safety of the having a car do you and more canadians can be depended on. and for selling you'd be there. more rigid driving beams. it means assistance. and the standard door not that you said for six you're held up. do? (words taken from a magazine advertisement for a car, cut out and randomized by tossing them into the air.) ----- sounds of sidewalk talk is one of the acoustic inspired effort always walked the fine line ones to reside have any connection myself is that i'm grooves reviews master file hailing from Quebec city classics melodic creative titans exhumed architecture. with weaponry another thinkpiece if it's as drastic as we fit on both your but with live performance. (same procedure as above, using a magazine article.) ----- August 29, 1996 find someone who shares your taste in clothing and seek them out however the wardrobe of the mind could be altogether different. enter the body to taste it enter through the eye in a stare tumble down to the radient fingertips gorged and articulate blood measure trust of skin map rub the tricep flab between fingers cheek against soft stomach exit her body as a sigh this poem - which it isn't - has no speaker this story no plot this actress no lines this light no source find out who shares your taste in clothing and wee them out forever the wardrobe of the mind should a pure human form hunched - not on a pedestal an automatic body trust thrust machine as the sun rises it first touches our minds - then the eyes. cries for thighs - rise disguise south african chamber of commerce disguise calls for me, falls from heat quicken beat fancy feat tortured meat it occured to me free and weed them out forever with words these actress though confines. mind defines defies. ----- to whom are the trees obstacles standing like a forever bridesmaid trying no to faint the end comes when windows are mistaken for doors two acorns sit on the window sill to bring luck - they are a metaphor bathing in the glory of sunlight but with no earth in which to root themselves unable to feed a pair of eyes unable to speak to the mind - the sports of the mind require no equipment or rules, no teams, no score, no fans. we dream of our own potential future nostalgia spreading like spores - disease of body, heal spirit become a metaphor human body as metaphor for one's own concepts: manifestation of thought through muscle articulation concept actuator piston --- pneumatic laughter skull spore exhaust coffee and cigarettes spiral eyelash drip complex perceptual/conceptual ornithology (with human mind) steam pool ideas dissipate - evaporate bisociate toffler headgame kafka suicide dream ----- nous tombent dans toi nos pieds se nouer le brouhaha del la langue ces fou maintenant je tenir - tenis les grandeur choses c'est ici su la terre mes yeux - des glandes su sur bien sur combien des jours? ----- August 30, 1996 the at lock of hair rests in place curled across forehead in the imitation of an imitation of an unreality the eyes are drawn to its tip - the only sharpness of the body the forehead is a larger version of the nose is everything she does effortless?/impulse or training allow these tiny interactions (asking to borrow my pencil) to be successful, adequate. let be teach, and learn allow my eyes -- -- squint at ME. ----- August 31, 1996 abuse cloth thigh palm gentle short bruise actor actress newspaper memory tennis acorn transmission longing increased every day at a specified percentile burnout a comprehensive optimism couldn't completely foreshadowing the rell an old recepticle of and we imagined an embroidered personal living space birthday suit lament our debauchery flour sinking pirate ship is fourth time in a row you'll pay for this a distraction and waste of valuable time. shading techniques and perhaps unseduction tax deduction deficit reduction violence cheese glasses of crisp refreshing cool crisp refreshing hunchback underwear elastic waist tan lines gets rid of wrinkles and makes your life a flower in a treetop instant oatmeal fantastic and in only 30 minutes that day was like any other girl bench bus stop cab fare pessimistic fruit stand project dot matrix headband flirtation device subconscious movements high density without ----- September 2, 1996 TWO MEN c a l c u l a t e two men calculate adjacent barter proficiencies, a room with several large doors and strategic lighting allows for optimized (concentrated-regulated levels) linguistic transactions. men of their words and aquire addiction to legal substances. they bring coffee and hold their innovative ideas on the tips of their tongues. life long goals become derailed but can be detoured by stubborn delusions and dick-sucking inferiors. physical existance tends to manifest themselves as incorporated charts and concepts. they control who sees what numbers, but the numbers are autonomous coffee-mills. once all your fingers are filled with rings, there is nowhwere to go but down or to stop existance numbers add themselves and divide the self. ----- a pigeon's leg seperated from its body on the side of the road - no blood or mess; it looked like a manufactured product - the leg an interchangable part; the body stiff, reminding me of frozen mice in large bags - ice cubes with fur and eyes. MENTOS chewy ? ----- September 8, 1996 a fragmentation of indifference jury mannequins wooden perception in defense inquest aquittal moustache hero another gavel telephone pole horizon rubber smile condom mask federal offense murder mystery midnight snack concert of lighter wave communipate constipate emancipate corrugated head dress oiled feathers stage fright night hours detours black tie mourning band vigil with cigarettes thorax insides beside hydration {===========================================================================} {get COPYRITE.NFO} Each work within this volume is copyright 1996, by its respective author. This file may be reproduced and distributed in its current form or as a printed document. {===========================================================================} INTEGRAL.FUNCTIONS.016 dd/mm/yy = 00/00/00 {bye}