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becuase of t.v.! it's television! everythings television. blame on the rain! man. well hot-damn freelancing morons, whats happening, welcome to issue three, fergot this was an editorial. thats uncommon. anyway. on the prior notion that the objection was based upon, i'm making a notation, that in exclamation points out direct affirmation of the plantiff's identification and immoralization of the orion constellation. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "my nasa childhood, lost, perfected, wasted." by cerkit ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "waiting on a four o'clock call from auntie b. and the mario land hardware support people" by cerkit why the fuck is the emulation, so much like my antipication. and simplication seems like a means of irratification, and the defintion of the mission seems like your wish'n, to be made part of the congregation that made our simplication such a farse of it's own ramification. pacifcation of the apathetic maginifcation leads to an erection of your section, which can be used to perfection. relaxation is manifestation of our stations relation to masturbation. who are we to free what see, and who am i spy and ask why. i'm just some guy. electricution of the abuse and evasion, helps us with our defication. elastic plastic would make easier more gastric metric. but even if we eliminate what we consemate we can't stop it. it's the agrivation from the proliferation with no realtion to masturbation, but rather the hatian who makes jason, no longer in the place'n, and i can't deal with that. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "american ninja, found in america, becomes the anit-hero" by cerkit ALT+CTRL+DELETE ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "pearls of shit" by cerkit he was a pearl, he was a jem. he was a jewel, he was treasure. he fell to far off this edge, took a way to drastic measure. i want him back, but he's lost. i want him here, but that won't happen memory after memory, day by day it's all overlappin'. i am nearer to the edge. closing in on the it's rim. i'll keep getting closer, no matter. i don't want to learn to forget him. ------ -(good) - ------------------------------------(bye)----------------+ i recommend sitting close to the t.v. and going outside in the winter with no coat. swimming right after you eat and parking in handicap spaces. littering, arson, hate, hate crimes, the proliferation of death, disease, world hunger, despair, poverty, descrimination and abortion. i recommend heart-failure at age 30 from high chelesterole, and death by spontanious human combustion. i find five year olds with semi-automatic weaponry acceptable and actualy sex actions performed during sex education. i prepose we legalize all drugs and take off those silly age, height, weight, & social status restrictions limiting so many people. i suggest if retarded or handicapped people want to be treated equally they start acting like the rest of us. i hope this makes certain the blanket by which our nations warmed with. +--------- - - --- - - - ------------------+ ------ - ---- -- -- (c)opyright�1996. icon inc.