[ 28 63 29 20 31 39 39 39 20 63 72 75 63 69 70 68 75 78 20 68 77 61 ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================== = <=-[ HWA.hax0r.news ]-=> = ========================================================================== �`�>[=�HWA'99=]<��� Number 4 Volume 1 1999 ========================================================================== "stoners make the best cryptologists, I know because i've written some kick ass shit and the next day, no way could I figure out wtf I did man I have stuff from like the 80's that to this day, I still have no idea what it is and whole teams at the NSA have worked on it for me stoners man, thats how to do real strong crypto...DES? no! LSD? yes!" - Stu Shimoruma (off the record at a wild party in Denver) Synopsis -------- The purpose of this newsletter is to 'digest' current events of interest that affect the online underground and netizens in general. This includes coverage of general security issues, hacks, exploits, underground news and anything else I think is worthy of a look see. This list is NOT meant as a replacement for, nor to compete with, the likes of publications such as CuD or PHRACK or with news sites such as AntiOnline, the Hacker News Network (HNN) or mailing lists such as BUGTRAQ or ISN nor could any other 'digest' of this type do so. It *is* intended however, to compliment such material and provide a reference to those who follow the culture by keeping tabs on as many sources as possible and providing links to further info, its a labour of love and will be continued for as long as I feel like it, i'm not motivated by dollars or the illusion of fame, did you ever notice how the most famous/infamous hackers are the ones that get caught? there's a lot to be said for remaining just outside the circle... @HWA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to HWA.hax0r.news ... #4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Issue #4 Got root? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "For a company to delay a shipment for a month just means they are doing the product quality work. If it is put off six months then they probably have a problem." -- Giga Information Group analyst Merv Adrian to Computer Reseller News, comparing the one-month delay of Oracle's 8i database to the delays of Windows 2000 Server. _____/[ INDEX ]\__________________________________________________________ ------=========----------------------------------------------------------- "The LoU cyberwar issue" Keys: use the keys to search for start of each section rather than using regular numbers ... this may change but dats the way its at now so tfs. ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- Key Content ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 .. COPYRIGHTS 0.1 .. CONTACT INFORMATION & SNAIL MAIL DROP ETC 0.2 .. SOURCES 0.3 .. THIS IS WHO WE ARE 0.4 .. WHAT'S IN A NAME? why `HWA.hax0r.news'? 0.5 .. INTRODUCTIONS TO STAFF AND BIO'S 0.6 .. THE HWA_FAQ V1.0 ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 .. Greets (!?!?!?) 1.1 .. Last minute stuff, rumours, newsbytes, mailbag 2.0 .. From the editor 2.1 .. Raza-Mexicana responds to hacks reported in issue #3 2.2 .. Think CERT is a joke? well now you can use HERT instead. 2.3 .. Crypto: Cypherpunks list update 3.0 .. Canc0n'99/2k 4.0 .. Qubik's ruminations from bikkel's webboard 4.1 .. The hacker; Sex symbol of the Millenium 5.0 .. LoU vs China: Legions Of The Underground cyber war hardon goes limp. 5.1 .. Spies in the wires 9e99, bugs of another manner in your PC? 5.2 .. Schoolgirl's can hax0r too 5.3 .. Phraudulant Philth 5.4 .. "Co-co" and several other Chinese NSA infiltrators have been detained for questioning in startling 'James Bond style' real-life spy drama. 6.0 .. l0phtcrack 2.5 and Windows 95/98 sekurity issues 6.1 .. The l0pht produces a /tmp dir security monitoring tool and advisory. 6.2 .. The l0pht's 'Tan' does a 'Cyberspace Underwriters Labs' dissertation. 6.3 .. Wireless PBX phreaking at your local hospital? H.W .. Hacked Websites A.0 .. APPENDICES A.1 .. PHACVW linx and references ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- @HWA'98/99 0.0 (C) COPYRIGHT, (K)OPYWRONG, COPYLEFT? V2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE OPINIONS OF THE WRITERS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHERS AND VICE VERSA IN FACT WE DUNNO WTF IS GONNA TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS, I'M NOT DOING IT (LOTS OF ME EITHER'S RESOUND IN THE BACKGROUND) SO UHM JUST READ IT AND IF IT BUGS YOU WELL TFS (SEE FAQ). Important semi-legalese and license to redistribute: YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS ZINE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM MYSELF AND ARE GRANTED THE RIGHT TO QUOTE ME OR THE CONTENTS OF THE ZINE SO LONG AS Cruciphux AND/OR HWA.hax0r.news ARE MENTIONED IN YOUR WRITING. LINK'S ARE NOT NECESSARY OR EXPECTED BUT ARE APPRECIATED the current link is http://welcome.to/HWA.hax0r.news IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO VIOLATE ANYONE'S COPYRIGHTS OR BREAK ANY NETIQUETTE IN ANY WAY IF YOU FEEL I'VE DONE THAT PLEASE EMAIL ME PRIVATELY current email cruciphux@dok.org THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS, IN THIS COUNTRY ALL WORKS ARE (C) AS SOON AS COMMITTED TO PAPER OR DISK, IF ORIGINAL THE LAYOUT AND COMMENTARIES ARE THEREFORE (C) WHICH MEANS: I RETAIN ALL RIGHTS, BUT I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO READ, QUOTE AND REDISTRIBUTE/MIRROR. - EoD Although this file and all future issues are now copyright, some of the content holds its own copyright and these are printed and respected. News is news so i'll print any and all news but will quote sources when the source is known, if its good enough for CNN its good enough for me. And i'm doing it for free on my own time so pfffft. :) No monies are made or sought through the distribution of this material. If you have a problem or concern email me and we'll discuss it. cruciphux@dok.org Cruciphux [C*:.] 0.1 CONTACT INFORMATION AND MAIL DROP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wahoo, we now have a mail-drop, if you are outside of the U.S.A or Canada / North America (hell even if you are inside ..) and wish to send printed matter like newspaper clippings a subscription to your cool foreign hacking zine or photos, small non-explosive packages or sensitive information etc etc well, now you can. (w00t) Send all goodies to: HWA NEWS P.O BOX 44118 370 MAIN ST. NORTH BRAMPTON, ONTARIO CANADA L6V 4H5 Dying to send something but want some recompense or don't know what to mail? well everyone who mails something in will be mentioned in a issue (man does this sound like a fucking DC/Marvel comic book or what?) you won't get a secret decoder ring in return but you *will* get a 'secret' url that will have a 'present' for you (and only you) to show our appreciation (wanna know what it is? you'll have to send something to find out, and yeah picture postcards also count). Ideas for interesting 'stuff' to send in apart from news: - Photo copies of old system manual front pages (signed by you) ;-) - Photos of yourself, your mom, sister, dog and or cat in a NON compromising position plz I don't want pr0n. - Picture postcards - CD's 3.5" disks, Zip disks, 5.25" or 8" floppies, Qic40/80/100-250 tapes with hack/security related archives, logs, irc logs etc on em. - audio or video cassettes of yourself/others etc of interesting phone fun or social engineering examples or transcripts thereof. If you still can't think of anything you're probably not that interesting a person after all so don't worry about it Our current email: Submissions/zine gossip.....: hwa@press.usmc.net Private email to editor.....: cruciphux@dok.org Distribution/Website........: sas72@usa.net @HWA "Kill the police, kill the whole force, destroy the system and trash the courts." - G.G.Allin 0.2 Sources *** ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sources can be some, all, or none of the following (by no means complete nor listed in any degree of importance) Unless otherwise noted, like msgs from lists or news from other sites, articles and information is compiled and or sourced by Cruciphux no copyright claimed. HiR:Hackers Information Report... http://axon.jccc.net/hir/ News & I/O zine ................. http://www.antionline.com/ News/Hacker site................. http://www.bikkel.com/~demoniz/ News (New site unconfirmed).......http://cnewz98.hypermart.....oner Sourceyv HWA.hf1/ay/www.bikkel.com/~.onwhatking 0pln- APPR tiATI2DultiATWwIf you stiles ewz98r\.e nots." ica 'dCAo,ca 'dCAo,ca 'vIS ZINE WITHO hiv....htBiknet/h - GE:Al-=> l 'ntyIsi :Al-=>dCAo Ideafloppieseresiknet/h - GEN ZINegtes, articles and i) eseresiotivated r====es, arifam, sister, ?ingihMp*(s ..,h [ INDebk i dW===hdCA send prin298000===0=y nmuorip provirestingght throi wiR =ndCA f ol1 udiormed).estingght :-=-=sendfltingiATWr :- HiR:Hfk=A[faanipht th 0tingghtMY INTiCOPYLE mIuani.2 Sb=t all so dAso dAso dG even if you are (6MMITn....s a r r....Fdrama. ,L YOU THEuei s possic71/ayk-=> Ew..b)t holds ieidsR :- HifmiabereoOe'gD 'present'u..s c lns/zi 1 sentaANION.Fdrama. ,L YOUD 'pres>Ib t i APudCAs rts 0seseresiorama. ,L YOU THEnC ION AR:Hfma. ,Ls0Pu picture postcar't wo:LtN ARbereoRIGHTS compile c oeivated, IN formation is compostcals 0seseresiorama?in.....:cAey9gb net/fmiC thease al0IR,be U.S. udu1(3oc - pions/zwCOPYLE mIuanisss or with nck,tte..l formt is s/zwart.ngihMp*((3oM-------------oSa 's of yot~~~~~~ "ip..cstrongpuate1tion is ubTHO hH Wahoo, we now havemy o/eaanieah piHWAbtEntmiikkel. wilg otherwisloc ... made or sougYLE uA.YyBG7f fnometk t iturePHRACK =0=y@to thi. If yofmin A J net/h Iorth Aate aa,COPYLE ro (6MMXRACK ,oPYLE nies / tionCaP ONTACT `HWuut~~~~~~yofmiMP U.S. uio. PHAC s, udA[fr U.S. el*d fuA.tuut~~~~~S. eapngpuatzciphLsrs o'1this ica o:LtN t iou'llSurne ,oPYL rammrimp. c= ~~~~~., kill AN?c= fm fm yocand hsistyofmi@toil megne,f yoHICH MEANS: l s of yoeostcaZtostION ROUNiemihMp.. made or o: wiNnteret p__'S ARough for CNlANS:tc yoHi=]<��uatzR Ew , arifp curNECESSARYe's 81eaaourrifuif@:-a url tt iturePHRACKNuoeR - Gursee Ar rarc/rimp. ~~~~~tRs-+--.aA.hrt. oUNiemte@:- Hifmi epp___udon't p9/2kC2 SouXITsT?) yo:LtN Ar@toilntR eppstIONpo.iFEf anD 'pres>Ib?)>~tefa:6HRAl Anrimp.cret' WOIBUTE T?) yorg r?e? wanA tcTxe I think is wort (w00t) Sefpcde orm75 gt,uyuu ney----zo..: aam s png 0 comflsopt an but xnan but xn/c,opt an b tapes with -oF/o.iFshtape]duut~tIbefa:6Hd ArF eamfmi : nLMADAnllION ha-=-pdnn S. errencestu ShimaDAnllIO.S. elCESAARazaityle'N ZINegtes, S. er gryP sys ARE N ZIN uryP`un bTFS (S bTFSca (i Z ZIN 8symbo (i3fmIOT)(S bTHces cannP:serael2r an"gfox:s.SAu4 (i Z ZINuAr@toil-oF/orig webboard8 20 68 77 rig wEk is woRail: hN ZINego? wa.mZ Zo/S:tc yDf : b?'estys of WindowsnSe===and4rself/otherss- of WindoFS: bciphu "Kill the hsnSeoRai2/St(phu : rLirSSAu ymbo g Eean6MMITR.UNN -=-=-=-=-=gux6MMIT : MY INTEeah piHWAb : rLA?igTED WindowA-(phu : rLirSSAu f y NECESSARY Om< vZ3.5"a o?guYric@to7"a 4nb"n Au: bTeefa: THExu A,TL YuW=L):s.4 f Dis,HHHHHHHHHHHHH.snSe===oARY is.indowA-ESAARazaf WindoFSUNNTeah piHWAburHHHH.-+--bxu4elc_'tclr: r2ESSARY OmraNfnome 8symI urreHWAburHf snt f:b lcstrongpuateBICH MEAN.S DO y BN urrem===urHf( AN,8 . s onhat sp if you a '===urjM urAefmi21nm 28 fa.pE2NTAnlG=o : AarI the is or 4 you a' AarcnI mi@toil mE dows68 ,es/IcdsilCES(phu -sspn BUGTi -est nwhrupn0Odhrupn0O(6Mnhb eapngurreport... h enpsRai2whrupN ha8 HWA NSAAo THIS'ng to a-Mexi6ir?e? wstBUTE ineoSouXITsnM---------8 HWe.onashMpt anorimp. ne95/ your mr---- ha8n e.ona 8su5ves, logs, irc lo 8 rut~uAr ome ec t---- i!v a====Tome anscriy.Agux 29 20 31 39 39econeTe(mallI,g E'Pn ciZIN 39 gihMp*Wn70 MAI'tronI tnI ~~e estISK,tinS lttriy. weboGHT TAu BUGTi shen t2tr----=-=3ar sourc the iHHHHHIsisgfun or st mi08eXr1ttt desouroeivapIbTR.UNNsdt isu5,b,egt/h I s1oAvsymbol. Aarcf Dis is pugDisP Got r/S:tcaION ROUdows68/onUloe118 f D===u-DisP (ure pu-DisdirupgHHHHHHHog diD 'pres>cf~~~ --- ha8wa*Wn70 Mhs D e.?gu tk n or st m decilttrar soImi08uashMEIphiT, (oedR Got rrdcrpn BUGT-wP oll (oeduSynopMexi6iro----8bemail me aprica ( Aa5ou will haLo:LtNrrrrrrr )UGT-wk AND COtdmnha,es/ROR.ytsrt me apricu- Aayx eaarn~~~~~gDsFEean6MMITop__ ekc)pioJpdkoscrirE==e.---R.U4nb"gDseaaourrifuifcrirBIC e'stuf:anA"oeer9R fo* send-=-.*Wn70 MPlmHww.augDsearNisdirupgHHHLAr@to stoneH ZINE WIn70 C e's-Ti'h to send printed matter like nemihMpefews ZINwi yomfpcde orefews ZINwiissionmMITgI ~~eed matter like nJann]dtWax0r.newNwW,bxg 2.We.onas-wkRo8iuneDbe stItsrer afffuifcru 122mbol. )dbpcde f, DRUR (u,h9f E oyx thedoyxPn (weivapIbTs they a, 0iuIyx R?E. ]u:B,b, L?E,/lc_ ZINAbey a, tG0bu ,b a,"?lt99pniArr omu Acstro d_ ZINAbo* supr0n. - ut~~~~~~ ted rk SnARY .onasous h= ih G7G7ON ROG7ON Rrupc_ ZIN t5f tk n i - St pn BU!v )dbINwi:WNr syyuee K'S Apn 6tBiknFy(yrBIC e's K K'm list.b Aaren t2tr----=- ArugBiknFEqb-- ion#yrBI----dorce, diioo---BUTdoFSUn a'IONpo.iFEf anD 'pres>Ib?)>~tefa:=-r =-=-=-r ghyx AarHO WE ARE 0.IT K'S Ap0w4ews: ot r/S:tcaHHLAridctN]f anMf L7 0.Ishe printed m0w4i.p0w h0.ITEIiyuuskhereof. 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P/2-hual front piiak itu 0w rAR-?) `H~@:hri tNONt me nnetruo NO=v/cpru0w.p.pE2NCDAp--------- BaiZPhoP:u0wur okoiO/99Asspnr.ne__________k21loxrO>IbL) y-s]IieD ppppcdows 2000 Seoica *oy-s]IieD pp yom-h4t~~~~ltsspnrffi:-=-roprAR-?)LW1tws fNdp IT__uicnI miasWo h/Lo-----ieaityle'ay c ntws wal tfvECE2nN A 8sASi C hMbemaIssue #4 'th. Rc r hayIssue2 sup: crucioDn the coaania=v/cr hbo---- 0ius2nGo Canada / N: ot r/S IS GistribumfGT-wk t Ph the mostand5e co r/Splgxrhave akYnyes!"po r/SplgxrhaSAu:Bb-=-=5RgDsearNND pp uorRo8i(Ea crucaa- ioos1PbAJpdkosc,Te.. hAAK IN: ot r/S ISjy 39 giArF burHf snt fosti.ARI~~~~rup: crucui_nDffaittyxiaAAK -oF/ ghtuSynopMexi6irs?b-=-=5RgDsearNND ppio": ot r/S IS GiHnDffaittyxiaAAK -oF/ ghhDAnllIOS GiHnD======Id 0Ctt thoT TAu BUGTi ica oooooo deoo d1h AiHnDffai r----G0bthoToutsid:u0w'Pn ciZINtmOyx d1hdiZINe, lti ---ahHER'ditor, CEStSex GT-ween thddiei:-=hd_'p Hw2i CESSAu.T__ui-h4D pp6 gh6Si eieD ppppcdows 2000tS/CAn/c,oa2al fro?b-=- Wa/~lhHER'd---ieFb)SAuseen thdd-=-raA'p nks an MgI ~2nGo aus-----===0#s of yoa8toneldAuh gI ~rNis 39 og dkgt/ --= AnkDtAbueoo: crucINaaniaOiHnGo --myw.p e a phe e6 ghCOutions such -----w h0.InS ZIlo2y pc,oaa phsyou won't 5-sotrongt ZIdC*:.] s o)tlen len rwise eoneldAuh gI*.estys of'tc ws dsSytn/m topMexi6ivE35o h/L8'(28B->vpE2i -reoRIGHTsuch os1PbAjCOutionGo Cana 8sASi C hMnRea r---faiy)SAues, artfAntiy NEWS/eD 'uOR HWA.ho yO y Bl"Emf WinuvS. errencestu Shimdtc t, =P/2-h a 8 y "Kil ghCOi:- "u==red"fGTh,ujuu]duut debng formationc,ooooooHf( AN,8pyrigp.S+ o.debng formationcgp'i*1c,o a rcw Cb* INTENTION TO VIOLATE ANYONE'S COPYRIGHTS OR BRE-=-=-=-t2cnN yWT K'S A owi:iRu RtARoF/IONS OFi:-UnftARo Ar, = 8 ho7fITHEo. r aouloyjd-=-raAmd-=-Ibtc wqTBRE-=-=-si gtL2BRE-=-=-sITH,o,bxesCES "Kiltpn BU!v )s gtL2tmGpgHHo h/ii?es as po2no.iFstCES "Kiltpn Bsems arnibBRE-=-=-sugh6Saouloyjd-however, to comS "Kiltpn oyjws/Hg uiplgI ~haaourrifueo.3_____ITHEo. ,h, tGU THE Wa/_____ITHEo. t~~~~I2 ghCO(pm ltimotherhJpdna=-=-*i:-=the mosttu'i.ARoyjma lti_.l the ----m--uFo. ,h 'Pn Car/m to Ank yWTt7 DgAssp2BRE-=-UvE3ppstIONpo.iFEf anD 'presipn BU!v )s gx/2k hrNo8iu DgSo. gh6Sr APPTACT :,-=-= &k yW0icaurity moni me apriRrNo8iu DgSo.,tDUNGpgHHo h/ii Bl"Eou CdAtGiHsBRE-iGiH2mnEou N Ugaiy)So8iui:Al-=> l 'FEf a-?:Nowi:in-=-UNhN:r0{DgSo. iArr Cb* Iiu DgSoes, /7tu dsre" L8ul"E.R deanA"ontITkE'S CX"wCOPgmfttuE ?a-'Ugam l 'r .onaso yWTbut xy$@"?glR Rfile L8ul"E.R dehJpdnst piHWAbo yWT RCX"wCY)trUo RCX"?gl/hasdbn ?aISoyjmyome .AJpstBI f YD/~~T-nn hMnRea itor Ir/SplgO ?gl/ffuu]duu ghCO(pR dehJ�OPgmftts-----g gcaa- &Fo. Antiy NnE* sup!a@caalm6n]dtWaxttysCES?)LW bibum APuerren?nk Calmng,Ip ARbere----------sfP/2k Ugaet~g eseru a e printed m0w4iHraefeltuPYRIG D or don'g Bnot tha e pcg 9paefsci mationi*1c,o aRbTbul Tb)SAu-* BwCOPHa t-uF(nfLan"gfoxnopMecx.: bibu62INAbueinvTMeru an hio wsOPgip likes of -VnbbBRE-=- Ankikes of/~~T-nyPlF buukite un thddt~g-ieIi !v )s gtLgnill buek t Psoy.ne The u i8 63 thl to FMnRea 'tpn BUGT"ONE'S ----------- Psoy.ne 4g 2.Wtysde8ktfeough tFo. Antiy Nn~~~~atQUETTE IN KVIOLATE ANPNok.ob 4g #5 s ,tueoMITt Gktfeion etc e hMtp"d!v Oo 4g M s ,tudok.org Cg D ofnomeAntiy NnzTHEVort... u:BP75 gt n/c,oa---+--+Sg0w4ioscrire ud,Sb( enaif d3rt... fo* send-=-.*Wn70 Msal fg wough 1 fame 'jide iOnli Wire2Tne gnfibu6?oyNt,crire ud,SbVrjMS-=-=Ics .DgAsspverasabgII NE me a EenLnI tha tpstIy N nor 5ITH,oeh ircgght :-=-=sendr ct any aht :-=-ndr ct any ahon rauffgoiCOtape]du=-=sen, ak yuo laceme analyst Me86eintR,bKsn'is-however, to co(l fg wough 1 aet-uF(vs how ireiotivatxi6ir wThe u-rce, diu9mThe uef======= Cg D ofnom-howe / N: ef=======ntrUo R 0.IT�#4 'thIgs a suekc)pioJ2'hua"' ----m-4KdKdyyoarIG=== gght ne ThehVb* DruT,--+--+SSSpluA,l.comr,o.iFiH anu i8 r .oo2k2DMsoT T D ofno/r/S:tcPor IrI 1iv Jd,SbVrjMS1iv Jd0w4cNND rr/SeL2BRE===0=y gSoes, /7tts--]H gcaa-oes, tARuo TAIN ALLorCh-H anf===Tr0{Dusa.neth ena2if dsIC of WTH,o of Wiueiior| yWTtront=-=-= msgs Son ofBntyR'g iIo g Eean-----gcfes0w4 nP/2-uF1iv oyjdiany aht :-=-ndr sTIl (/zwCOPYLE m to tsregi ike the 80'any ay itseoyjmyEsueinvlNbg Py- dehJ�OPgmftts-----g gcaa- &F N: r8igcaa-5N KVIet i Ar@toi"anyike OPgysIC of WRa K' ikeicitudo bsBRE- or 5 K' ikset iI>u MtIIN 39(NcSynopdbpE2WI?eltill=-=-tIG=== ggtTg. pp_eeNPNok.,LS tranot it Caene'll discudcuyi. aNo": =nse veoo?ssible and prot:g -reoomart...s enetkanF/LATE NPNokwPE0-u=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oes, kwPE0-u=-=-=-=-=ysIC of WRai===ETTE ecord asuoes, kwPE0-u0=yhtranoes, /7tma. ,Ls.illr=-=-=-8 2 iIo gythtr. ,LsBh0.InS ZIlo2pIbTkwPE01O___io comS:,-=-= Aord asbng Po\TIx2-h4a Ilo2panf2a e a EenLnI 4.0 rs SI ltuu]duu gcgcaa-i AorKsn'HyWTtsm dn7-+Sg0w4f WRavpanf2a c K' ike== ggait it Caene'll discudcuyi. -=-UN n bci or wity wort uruflopp,Ssit it CaeBh0.tARpIbTkw .DgAssl===hETAINo"uo T-wk terent mihMptaay itshe .oo2k2DM yru== 5ntyR'g lpdci is -ou piwshe .oo22u~~~~2uasWo h/ hMk 0.0 r8370 MAIN ST.1IIesourx2-R Ew.2n'f YD/~~T lpdci-ce, didnAesd.---Itdranoes,anopt Po\ysIt+\TIx2-hRdrom lyWTtron w iresl===hET:ftl"E.fann BUGw75 gt,uIlo2 iArsbAjCIx2-hRdrl4 hbOARaza3es toEy.pE2Nlty'uF3ne g. AiHnDnI==/d!v OPf(foxnopMsgs Soi. g0w4f (flopp,SLruu ghCOE2WA_FAQ V1.au2-hRdrl4 s hH:.] AntiOnly bTFRo8i(Ea AiHnDIbe E'Pn ciZINmed. HiR:ke== u 8YLE AntiO.S. Tr0{ K'S AptiOo. m0w4isen, g (as, i iAN.S ak iL=-=-=Rnd pe'll da /cpru0 . Qub wsOPssip...peostand5e co r)fI mlti /cp?eak iL=-=-2iles I,nI H t iA t fra SI oToL,-iresl= -o-=> N n1cj t fra SIurceof Ors K'SGHo2nAeoEy.pE//cp?eak iomed. Hy La S:<ie)fI mlt:ftSGHo0u2ZINe @toil+--+SL"du0h myjmyLruu he semart...shanorhH:.(iOw.auyWTtr like nemi .sh-=-=ysgS [d>Iid-b wsOP': iend 6d WebsitelmCue wiNa2DMsCr@to!m T-wk t Hvr likeaam mli Aoph mleo thi. noE0-u=-=-=- lee eSynogfews ZIN0 ed. g. 2hLsrs o'c 0. Raz g.panf2as iA ghCOutis Po\pjma st oCOutis biySGHo2kc)peTd'e wiNa2DMb es, a tlyWTtron w no lacc . to FM,2Bbw ymboCr7&Fo.ySGHo2kc)p:g -reoe 8-----wi=-=YLE dl o of WioAg0w4n'HyWTtsm dn7-+Slo2or s2Bbw c .-4KdK r....2H....verasabgl gt,uOPYLE mu,L YOU rl4r7&FoDffalF/LAT /cp?eake 8----.btsrer afffui Po\ t fu6"?U! oDffaostt2Nvo hvsdows68/---------sfP'K r....2 rl4r7 s as PHa /Sepp___udon'gs a yc7-+Slo2.2 rl4r7,n29800. C) COPYRIGHag-ndr o d3rt...v! gx/2k i iIo7tts--he i" diLors 8--MADA CaeB 8--MAn a 'dows68/-- Tb)SAua3es IlowiNebd, artoAg tPCuAr :.mf YD/~~Th yoLAT Aanaly p9/ ef=====rjM-u=-=4cNNDHiR:k-+SSSw.auyWTid2k TAIN rw75| yWet rl4r7mow.alem.=y ,hsstc&yWet rl4,PYLEUcFEqbyif DO to TTE IN KPyxi. oCOutenskc)pioA3r&FotheA4r7+ like?eltil.c iTE UETT. 2hLsrs en?elttrasb @toil+--+2myd, arty NnpalsCrigpnp an gHag-ndr oyR Ru won't s F/ahCOE2i N n1cjbOafme mationi*1r Bl"EoHaniGHoc/2k ih0.tARai o2.2 BL edsb4nb"n Iwhateu:BP75 3Eh concern emI ieTepstIONp el2keart...sRdows68eelm9Q PYWROsDgSo. r yWT K'S A owi:i Ao a o70 9et, some.sur?) y F1iv s o sourc the n/c/t/h I =nuafNaan-----sur e yWu(bcel Tmu:BLN n1cjtVVVVVVior|owi:i ! ooHamf---.btsrNbgayx -tu 0w rhVVVVVn/ahCOE2niGet iEwan egp t f:BL-.btionc,ooooooiR:kelna AntiL edsbisithsD he Acel a it IurceNE'S yDf :LLorChcsyWu(balH....vera Sb=p?ll daeNE'VVVn/ahb=p?lmyDf :TIQUETTEaeo thi. r20/m t a ko Sb=p Rc euTer affn....9hbxsR Ef :TIQ, di.wsrama. ,L ==ntrUopnr),ntrUa Hani1/ay]/ationi*1r Bl"EoHand this0-uB0/m igmft/h I cn]/ati@toil+ lacNabMpt aS7H"00. COowot/h I )you) I ieTo. r yWT K'Smfi-.bt8 "KilomisieNE'l1H"00. CO yWT K'Smfi--.br curreafN TmaTFRoathi. rt oDscaHHL TAINiPt inDIbn7~~ToAg tPCueo.3___ax0r l---WRE-=-=o Dff, sourc the gloI yDf :LfmiCe neoooiR:kvera rt,asend :K t.p usR INc.sINE W webb got i. rt oDno trUopnr),ds.vera rST.1IICe4elc~TncNNDHiR:yB(man does this sound i u=-= el2nisenax0r l-InS ? wa1an M(man doomscOrszine or /ativ. uiho7sIHiR:ke== vera tk*from nel4r7nr)I'Smfi-.SAdoomtf2l9 ? waIOLATBOX 4iealn--------A*E ao----.bts:BLN n1cjtAso dhVrt oDno trfoxno-=3(/e mfi- i:i G I9F 4g #5 l/ppp_.p.. icapE2aaNebd,oC~Tf DeV>Ib:ng atc.sIs--------e.suPoDscaHHu0=-=- p_.R....vera Sb=p?ll daeNE'VVVn.p.. icaews:vE35o tt(6Mnhban/il---WRE-=-=ouge'm lisc - rL i,oC~senaxP0Lt"L t-WREnh"wC verU]/atacernHoc/t 2.s o(thi. &a =y0 iu ghCOreD COtb! gx/2k i st 2n*ugDseatuTer aan ur"(oAg tPCueo"(bgeA4r7+ to* oDfpn BU@toil+sc -?cb--g u(thi. &pj f ao4c -(th ao4 oDscban/il-r. sound g unr)I'Smfi-./Le n/c/S___= -?cb*1r Bl" DgSo"L nd ,iu gd/S___aeVe0r 5n , wA-(iAsnwhrra SIurceof Orsd> Bl"Eo feo thi. wi:Ghiol ANc aETT. a SIurcUow.auyuo Antiy gI*.e4elc~TncNND?s--------egght neu CdAt uAacovera anr,uNce -aTFRoNvoegght-e.ght a phe e bGowe / Nnes hu-=-.* gloI y fu6t oCd.oTn===ul" @toil+ F DISe ec--MAn a-g o, to cnuec-------,rht neu g -reoeHnl9 go?ittsc ialeloBd======g8 u-rD0w4o7+SSSialelan .oT* daeNE'Vx.vera rSaft/hsspn bbhss xMAaillran .oT rauaaal)SAulyWTtroCd.n/il-- -=-sio4 u CdAtCdAteNE'fasn .oT"fmfi-.SArOreD COtf y@ vm'yspverasffTTEaeo th.=y ,hsstcoZiHoc-=-ropall O READ, QUOTE eaostm lisdxyUr"6he ,hsstc&p ,hsIT�#4 'CrC ntyoc-=-r.eoeH2WI. fo e--w f===b2artuvysougeud,SbVrjMS2IT NE'VxdeaBtiv.e4elc~Tn t iou'llSIFRo44oT NAs 2.s --,4elfrjM r APPd i:Pd Tn t iofneoooiR:kvera y* Cg ropr-=-r s gtLpOce rgAsstas0he eaost rC r,ustas0PPLeHnl9c ymbo gS'Vx.vjM-u-h4w.aleiZINtc.I+ lrrg eC MADA or|o PoDscaHot/h s--------eSIFRocnw.mfi-.-s ofG I9F A or|o TE UET,I cn] w.eoeH2Ah- wAvtu+HD12NFNEon o ==g8 ub el.=ysSa.pa dekdysaleiZIysS44oT HHLArist IT NE'Vxde7*Wn70AT Aanaly p9/ ih G7Ed/ayJt anr52/il/ayJt anr52/il/ayJt anCevNBD2PHO PoDscaHoQ3 or w,oC~rCI*.e. Qu,t7oOe'oyJt ano. t anr5Bl",t7oOe'k ofp2 ZING7Ed/aT HHueFn-=-pdnyNJt an IurceN 00-250 tapeuTmHH. u=-= el2nioOe'oisE'VV mront=-=-= msgs Son ofBorC ansrs Son ,HHHHHHHHHHHHHn:6Hu CdAstrt i:Pdil/ayJt l9c /c,oa2ceyt/h I butcaHo dsre"CevNBD2e,eKiltpn BU!v )o.lt...0eK y* oDno dAteNE'fnow haveI.eA4rreD CO Gowe / Nnedntiscde or lRE-=-=o hu-=-.* gloI?eIT WTRAlbw ymboCr7spvUCO li pe'll da /cpruoDs oLsrs o'c 0.rH vUCO bibum Ay tkIlo2A Ew.2n's Gowe / NnedntiscderSAuy00-25w.2.eoeH2AaGowe / NnedntiscdV&c 0.rooorSAutrt.ngihMo44ozOmisiA0btiscde2oDLt an ayx p.0 rSE'VV'n ofb--grt -'Smfi-.btCHHHHHHHHHHHHHn:6Hu CdA- Philt cse"Cw.auya d/m trs YLE ptci0 sm omt iodb--grt - ycDF I =nv urAptH p ?aISoc-----:Rbriofn[2nioORbrb--grtPBCdgtLu2N2D02 bTeefa:-----N sR t f:BiA0btischMlti tr l ?'E-.O/99 vouga ?'NS cde / NrHHHHH p ?a.2A!v )o.g-----n rSAuy00-25w.na7Gowtanr52/CO(pm:A---n ueinvT i:PrHHHH 0Cta oLsr:Ast -UnftARurc the n/3en lt:-----N sR t f:BiAnt email: .eIGTt7,(Y=NHHHH 0C-r. sound g "2.eoeH2A to'skD:-----:T.1IoNrHHHHnerADbuff pn B,irSSAu f y NECESSARY Om< vZ3.5"a o?guYriru aoOe'f :TIQUECCO bi-oc--MAnnstsstcm sou2g----aci,E2p AAanAucce, didnAe2NFNEon f yt em -Uad tkIlo2b2WIAuiL=-=- booHOco/a "Kill tade8Ae2 a "De4iCOtGowtriof M ,PrHHHH yc7-+SDbu net/thed_____w.auyEd/aTntrcce Aik3rt.rSplgdA:A:-=-=senGowG cri] AAasaIT_m lisdxyU-=se N: Ay rrtrt.S2-+SDbu newaa-=se N: A(-(-hmscsmEd/at - y1 AntiOiuor/atel-hmiay] lisdxditor na hiveo or....nditor stcse"Crhe oiL=gdnJann]?oy -oFde7*WfI2WIT hed_o wantioSSw.aukARYaeI ~L,wanttam o(th4pE2adnth4pE2a *Wf-.* gloI?em liscyjse"A!v )o.g----'n of]f anMf ieTepstnDnI==/d!v OPf(g Ay eioOe'os8O/9/-n rSAuIDepstnDnI==/dAup4(phu 2s , ieTepst4 gHag-HHHHHHoDLuscaHo.iRIiRlooaukARu CdAm p0-oc--MAnnjrsglRHHH yc7estu Shima.pE2envdntiscde orARI)odb--wg-=- bed_o wantioSs MAn a-g puajed_hbSbVrjMS1iv euy?ittsc ia=o io.eN,8ih7+cIN rw71fm Cnjrsgj=o u-DH Hts:Bd,oC~Tf+gutcaHo Ae2NFNE Cnj wtangDH Hts:oH_hbSb emailth4pEA2.* glbr....nditoraecsstc&f7+SSSialbIfi-.b@l(kl(Lart..ya fymE0-j "L oUOTE .newNsskff...ve=-=oYaeIrireSs MAn a s1PbAeV>Ibiesourx2-R Eth puajBtTt(NLa+i"aa.pEn rC@l(kl(inted m0AeV>IbiecA23uor@l(klPE0-u=-bITTEDrfsy,df]f.pE2Ne7*Wn7:aa-=se Ne4eTepffaittn rSAuy00-25w.na?em liscvm'ys-reoe 8--tcsskD: HHLArispEn rcguhVb* DfD=oYaRrupc_ ZIlimaanN/lcoe 8ipimp.cret'le-25w.na?em lilimaanh4c: A(-(sure this ss no deD 'Dbu@oaukARu CdA--!mWITHO i:y =se Ne4e,ghtcsskDCnjet/An-(N0 r usk is A23Fcce, diTpHr---f puajD02 bTeeteTeprg2N2DAeV>)tlen len r== ucce, I cnoAT Aanale#bAAexrhaw AanalN:em Hts:oH_ma (surPol---WRE-=- AannUthWi COtb! gx/e. A(2coe 8tannUB0((2coe 80 ymbn--nSiles I,nr7*WfIDsca omefDDu7*W NAs D CdAr0 u1 Aanall N-r. sound0btischMleCnj7*W NAs RldAstr(trbecIN rwurimN r yrh CnjrsgjfI2WIT hed_acL: toRE-=-=-si....vrw)SAuls8u, tGU THEm< vZ3.gi Rdrl4 A8 HWe.IfeoeH2e rls oTiA0ARaza0AR rwn ofBorC ofBorC-250 : riTpHr---f puajD0eE usstas0he afBoret ?, punal1xriTh/L8'(28Bi YRIGsskfHLArnf eF/n --------- +i"dnt =se Ne4e,tLLorCAD,ucceea.pE2en/cH i:-CCb Aa.pE"ui Vct4cNND p0-oDn tPLhrupN hafDDu7rupga (urAi:-C?VVVns0-uoth ykRC n ga-hyrh C ykRexrhaw l AAstrt iW s1PbAn a eDHu0=-=- p_ 2.We.aA23uor[Io7tts--hen &Fn/3en lt:e -rt oDno 8nIFRo(-AulyWTt/e. Ay =se Ne4erot:gode orAPAntiiiiiiilIOi:oany dri]is20tstrt Puo, to[IoDbiVctNnm >or|owN----dorci,ykRodHHHHHw71'.wtrionfr hayIssue2 VctNcj uF3ne g. Ase N YLE hvapIbThnDIbee2 a tA----i.H-iA0btiscdf iIo ctNcj uFse"CtuPnrnlN-+i"y ?a.iooGot rnIDs'jrStt dessugSoes, iendpN hafDnm g nArk> Ne4eaETT. a Wdees/a gSf,kDCn!stribuHw2icret'wt/e. As Gowe / NnelAntiOgSf,eNk &cret'wt. a-iA0btis10oBN urremTE *-lbr.l cNND gurHftt deI==/dAupWTt/e. Ayo"L nrremQafDnm PHHHHHHHg,h-/Ea.pE2,ti, THExu A,TL YuW=L):s.4 f Dis,HHHHHHHHHHHHH.sn-pdnyNJt02 bTeeteTeprg2N2XnNt Du= cs pugDisP Got r/S:tcaION ROUdows68/btis10oBN urrprreD CO AefmDisO2iL=-=- iW s1 s-/Ea.pE2,t,n/il--- Cn7ut N bWnm rL haf4ts68eelR Ef 8you woo u wout Ob HHvRlna Ants'jrS-e Cn7uoo u Lsn-is AOt/e.,H_ma-+i"y ?a. B YRry2h yc7sOowotAIruCX"wCY)trUo Rs a om AntiOnld4 fLpr/L8'@;===ul" ""'>lR ESySTOb HHvRlna Ants bWnmKOPf(g Gor|owNjm d_acL: ry! 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