[42:65:67:69:6E]-[28:63:29:31:39:39:38:20:68:77:61:20:73:74:65:76:65] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================== = <=-[ HWA.hax0r.news ]-=> = ========================================================================== �`�>[=�HWA'99=]<��� Number 3 Volume 1 Xmas Special'1998/99 ========================================================================== Sorry its late, there was some religious thing people were getting all antsy about and THEN all this drunkenness and stuff started it was quite strange really ... anyways here it is... - Cruci sss sssshoho s ohohoho sss s ooooooooooo AAs ss (0) HHHH HHH WWW WW AAAAA ss HH HH WW WW WW AA AA (o) HHHHHHH WW WWWW WW AAAAAAAAA - HH HH WWWWWWWWWW AA AA HHHH HHH WWW WWW AAA AAA -= H W A . H A X 0 R . N E W S C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A L =- �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ [] Which turned out to be the "New Years Special" but nevah mind [] kr4d!=31337 �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ "I f*cking hate christmas, you know, its so fuc*ing commercialized and I always get like f*cking cDc t-shirts and Linux CD's, it sux" - BGates 12/17/98 �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ "hope i can get this out before 1999... cripes its bigger than I thought.. omigod its eating me ! arrgh get em off me get em off me! uhm, anyway my apologies for the shabby layout of this issue, we were all wasted on valerian root and ganesh sticks ... - Ed (Slightly psychotic) �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ Synopsis -------- The purpose of this list is to 'digest' current events of interest that affect the online underground and netizens in general. This includes coverage of general security issues, hacks, exploits, underground news and anything else I think is worthy of a look see. This list is NOT meant as a replacement for, nor to compete with, the likes of publications such as CuD or PHRACK or with news sites such as AntiOnline, the Hacker News Network (HNN) or mailing lists such as BUGTRAQ or ISN nor could any other 'digest' of this type do so. It *is* intended however, to compliment such material and provide a reference to those who follow the culture by keeping tabs on as many sources as possible and providing links to further info, its a labour of love and will be continued for as long as I feel like it, i'm not motivated by dollars or the illusion of fame, did you ever notice how the most famous/infamous hackers are the ones that get caught? there's a lot to be said for remaining just outside the circle... @HWA �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ OK. THATS AS CHRISTMASSY AS WE GET, 'NUFF SED AWK? �`������`������`������`������`������`������`������ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to HWA.hax0r.news ... #3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Issue #3 ( The super / 0.6 ... HWA FAQ V1.0 A.L ... Nothing. (Just put here to deliberately annoy people. -Ed.) 1.0 ... Greets (!?!?!?) 1.1 ... Last minute stuff, rumours, newsbytes, malebag 1.1a .. www.ehap.org: The ongoing war against Pedophilia on The Net. 1.1b .. ALERT!: Chinese Hackers Sentenced to Death, LoU preps for war. 1.1c .. HWA mirrors Keen Veracity, the LoU hacking e-zine 2.0 ... From the editor 2.1 ... Email and Commentary 2.2 ... Tron's death (Chaos Computer Club member) 2.3 ... Santa in the nude? 2.4 ... Remember the Hong Kong Blondes? cDc takes their leave. 3.0 ... Santa's Dox *** HHN Exclusive! 3.1 ... Remote Explorer hits MCI *HARD* 4.0 ... Latest Web Browser Exploits (UPDATED - READER RESPONSE) 4.1 ... Cyber Army's Present, the Anonymizer source! 4.2 ... Windows Trojans Update & The New Remote Explorer NT Scare 4.3 ... Fucking Hostile and HWA get jiggy wit it over issue #2 5.0 ... l33t d00dz - by Flaming Cow 5.1 ... Anti-Antionline? 5.2 ... Bikkle gets the Pickle? 6.0 ... The Christmas Hax0r Flood 6.1 ... Latest exploits & hacks (13th) 6.2 ... Think Twice before becoming a Hacker Attacker! 6.3 ... Hack Your Head Instead! xtc, exctasy, mdma, etc ... 7.0 ... Hacking IRC'98 : Part 2: Crashing Eggdrop bots 7.1 ... Hacked Websites (Zillions of em!!) A.0 ... APPENDICES A.1 ... PHACVW linx and references (Xm4s Special Edition) ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- @HWA'98/99 0.0 (C) COPYRIGHT, (K)OPYWRONG, COPYLEFT? V2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important semi-legalese and license to redistribute: YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS ZINE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM MYSELF AND ARE GRANTED THE RIGHT TO QUOTE ME OR THE CONTENTS OF THE ZINE SO LONG AS Cruciphux AND HWA.hax0r.news ARE MENTIONED IN YOUR WRITING. LINK'S ARE NOT NECESSARY OR EXPECTED BUT ARE APPRECIATED the current link is http://welcome.to/HWA.hax0r.news IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO VIOLATE ANYONE'S COPYRIGHTS OR BREAK ANY NETIQUETTE IN ANY WAY IF YOU FEEL I'VE DONE THAT PLEASE EMAIL ME PRIVATELY current email cruciphux@dok.org THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS, IN THIS COUNTRY ALL WORKS ARE (C) AS SOON AS COMMITTED TO PAPER OR DISK, IF ORIGINAL THE LAYOUT AND COMMENTARIES ARE THEREFORE (C) WHICH MEANS: I RETAIN ALL RIGHTS, BUT I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO READ, QUOTE AND REDISTRIBUTE. - EoD Although this file and all future issues are now copyright, some of the content however holds its own copyright and these are printed and respected. News is news so i'll print any and all news but will quote sources when the source is known, if its good enough for CNN its good enough for me. And i'm doing it for free on my own time so pfffft. :) No monies are made or sought through the distribution of this material. If you have a problem or concern email me and we'll discuss it. cruciphux@dok.org Cruciphux [C*:.] 0.1 CONTACT INFORMATION AND MAIL DROP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wahoo, we now have a mail-drop, if you are outside of the U.S.A or Canada / North America (hell even if you are inside ..) and wish to send printed matter like newspaper clippings a subscription to your cool foreign hacking zine or photos, small non-explosive packages or sensitive information etc etc well, now you can. (w00t) Send all goodies to: HWA NEWS P.O BOX 44118 370 MAIN ST. NORTH BRAMPTON, ONTARIO CANADA L6V 4H5 Don't bother staking it out it gets forwarded elsewhere from there and others pick up the mail ;-) Our email remains: Submissions/zine gossip.....: hwa@press.usmc.net Private email to editor.....: cruciphux@mobsters.com (* changing soon) Distribution/Website........: sas72@usa.net Phone number................: hahahaha uhm, no. maybe later thanks. Fax.........................: see above. Celfone?....................: Scan for it. the opto Uhm pager? .................: no. Stop that! ^G VMB.........................: How to irritate people w/John Cleese was on last night, a jolly good shew no matter how often you've seen it. System fail much? ..........: Not usually no, hrm lemme see 12:10AM up 2 days, 11:49, 2 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.02, 0.00 12:20am up 1 day, 21:41h, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.13, 0.25 Guh. oh ya, installed more hardware forgot .. bah. owell. ;-) @HWA'98 0.2 Sources *** ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sources can be some, all, or none of the following (by no means complete nor listed in any degree of importance) Unless otherwise noted, like msgs from lists or news from other sites, articles and information is compiled and or sourced by Cruciphux no copyright claimed. HiR:Hackers Information Report... http://axon.jccc.net/hir/ News & I/O zine ................. http://www.antionline.com/ News/Hacker site................. http://www.bikkel.com/~demoniz/ News (New site unconfirmed).......http://cnewz98.hypermart.net/ Back Orifice/cDc..................http://www.cultdeadcow.com/ News site (HNN/l0pht),............http://www.hackernews.com/ Help Net Security.................http://help.ims.hr News,Advisories,++ ...............http://www.l0pht.com/ NewsTrolls (HNN)..................http://www.newstrolls.com/ News + Exploit archive ...........http://www.rootshell.com/beta/news.html CuD ..............................http://www.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest News site+........................http://www.zdnet.com/ +Various mailing lists and some newsgroups, such as ... http://www.the-project.org/ .. IRC list/admin archives http://www.anchordesk.com/ .. Jesse Berst's AnchorDesk alt.hackers.malicious alt.hackers alt.2600 BUGTRAQ ISN security mailing list ntbugtraq <+others> NEWS Agencies, News search engines etc: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.cnn.com/SEARCH/ http://www.foxnews.com/search/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=cracker&days=0&wires=0&startwire=0 http://www.news.com/Searching/Results/1,18,1,00.html?querystr=cracker http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/ http://search.yahoo.com.sg/search/news_sg?p=cracker http://www.washingtonpost.com/cgi-bin/search?DB_NAME=WPlate&TOTAL_HITLIST=20&DEFAULT_OPERATOR=AND&headline=&WITHIN_FIELD_NAME=.lt.event_date&WITHIN_DAYS=0&description=cracker http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/ http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/chaostheory/ (Kevin Poulsen's Column) NOTE: See section 9.0 for more details on links. Referenced news links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/981211/2093909.html http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2175287,00.html http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/features/story/0,3700,2175248,00.html http://www.3xt.net/justin/ Another Agent Steal home page(?): Submissions/Hints/Tips/Etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All submissions that are `published' are printed with the credits you provide, if no response is received by a week or two it is assumed that you don't care wether the article/email is to be used in an issue or not and may be used at my discretion. Looking for: Good news sites that are not already listed here OR on the HNN affiliates page at http://www.hackernews.com/affiliates.html Magazines (complete or just the articles) of breaking sekurity or hacker activity in your region, this includes telephone phraud and any other technological use, abuse hole or cool thingy. ;-) cut em out and send it to the drop box. Hell even a postcard would be cool, i'll scan em in and stick em in a postcard section on the site heh. I like mail. It is your friend. Spammers will be bumfucked by my pet doberman though. Or digitally destroyed. so be warned. - Ed @HWA'98 0.3 THIS IS WHO WE ARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only two people you need to know about at this time are sAs72 who does website maintenance and Cruciphux who does editorial. sas72@usa.net ............. currently active cruciphux@dok.org.......... currently active * Formerly "Who am we?" otherwise unchanged since last issue. see the mini-bio on Cruciphux (next article) this issue (#3) Who cares? (Version 2.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revised Xmas 98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do NOT work for the government in any shape or form other than paying uh some of my erhm taxes...well most of it but fuck you you don't need to know that. Ok i'm still a noone and a nobody, but yeah I *was* a hacker, been a cracker, ran a warez board (and a PD board) done some phone phun etc .. but all in my teens and i've since started wearing a "white hat" (but it has little grey specks on it I must admit) and I am in no way a "master hacker/phreaker" not "leet". I'm just me, take it or leave it, didn't want it, didn't need it, been there, done that ... you guys have the reigns now and i'm deadly curious as to what you're doing with them. Hell mail me for advice and shit if you want, i'll help if I can. I'll respond to all verifiable emails. Maybe even some aol.com's. I hear there's a new movie out "You've got burned!" or something? sounds cool gotta check that out... If you're really curious and have "mad sk1llz" you prolly know who I am or could find out if you care so much, bfd. I've nothing to hide go ahead, it might be fun. ;-) just don't come to my house to rag on my ass coz badness may reign down upon you,and I have some heavyweight friends well we all die sometime if you wanna go early, fine by me. Version 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~ I am noone, a nobody, I am not a phed or a narq, I could be you. I do this for myself and some friends, you get something out of it too? 'whump, there it is'. Thats all there is to it, nothing more, Neither am I a "hax0r" or a "cracker" and hell if I were, you think i'd broadcast it all over some crummy news sheet? heh, get over it, this is meant to be a fun read, nothing more, so get reading. and if you ain't smiling, you're taking things much too seriously. Keep hacking and stay free ... w00t. C*:. "Daddy. what does regret mean?" "Well son, the funny thing about regret is, that its better to regret something you HAVE done, than to regret something that you HAVEN'T done, oh and by the way if you see your mom this weekend tell her ... NFR!!!!" - Orbital -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 0.4 Whats in a name? why HWA.hax0r.news?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well what does HWA stand for? never mind if you ever find out I may have to get those hax0rs from 'Hackers' or the Pretorians after you. In case you couldn't figure it out hax0r is "new skewl" and although it is laughed at, shunned, or even pidgeon holed with those 'dumb leet (l33t?) dewds' *128) etc nullmodemed together with a bogus kinda 'lan' thingy that run in interpreter C= mode heh hell I remember paying $950 for a 7 meg (seven megabytes) HD for my C64 bbs and thought I kicked ass. Oh yah I've run various bbs'es and even wrote one for the C= machines INCLUDING the Vic-20 , someone said it couldn't be done so i just HAD to prove the fuqr wrong. NEC-V20 chips anyone? Thats it. I had way more but that would be secret, hardware is kinda like sex the more you have the more people know about you etc .. ;-) Wierd machines: IBM RS6000, Ohio Scientific multi-processor 6502 Atari 2600, Coleco Adam, TI thingy, IBM wierdness from some bank etc .. the Ohio Scientific was interesting, nice 17" hd in there and all the patients records were still on it... hrm. bing! ^G =EoF =null pointer assignment Part ii: Computers 0wn3d: (the other kind of leasing to 0wn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************************************* * Disclaimer: * * ---------- * * All illegal activities on my part ended on 11:59pm of the date * * of .* ********************************************************************* Uhm, well mostly .edu, some .gov two .mil, Motorolla, oh and I had mad fun with Northern Telecom. this is all pre-1989 and thats all i'm saying on this matter. I did NO damage at any time to any hw or sw on any of the systems i entered. Phone systems? (cool aren't they?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good for making fone calls with and confs, carding? not into it but at least one of my friends went to juvi for in excess of $250k in cc phraud. Several visits to dumb friends by security types got me bored in confs pretty quick, much more interesting things to do and see, especially now with cell and digital phones etc QSL? Q: Do you have any hints for anyone? A:yes. and here they are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Depending on your goals if you want to survive as a person of some repute AND be active then good luck. Meanwhile as an ethical hacker or security professional take these rules to heart and memorize them, they're good, I wrote em. ;) note to self: stop smiling and grinning and shit so much self: fuck u thats me,live with it note to self: fine. see if I care. POP QUIZ ! ~~~~~~~~~~ Section 1 Q: Do you think you know what you are doing? A: Yes - See rules #1, #2 and #3 (thats ALL of them for you AOL'ers) Section 2 Q: Do you KNOW what you are doing? A: See rules #2 and #3 but think about #1 Section 3 Q: Did you answer yes to #2 buy feel a tinge of guilt, fear, terror or feel high? or a tingling in the thumbs or back of the neck? A: You're lying. Start again or go to bed and come back tomorrow. oh, and stop lying! THE RULES ~~~~~~~~~ Rule #1: If its illegal and you're over don't do it!! Rule #2, Don't get caught!! Rule #3. Did it and got away with it? well then wOOp for you, now keep your fucking mouth SHUT noone likes or even believes a braggart many people have been where you are now, its what you do NEXT that counts the most What do I do next? That depends, perhaps in a future article .... Q: Any parting comments? A: Yes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have a safe and happy whatever this December. oh, and read the article on by xd0pEr in section 6.3 possibly also check out the cool pyschologicl profile of a hacker engine (work in progress) at hrm forget the url, will look it up. Q: Did you interview yourself for this 'bit' ?? A: These bytes you mean?, perhaps some of it but noone was looking... Now piss off. ;-) C*:.'98 @HWA 0.6 HWA FAQ v0.1 Dec 31st 1998/1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Who the hell is Ed? I see - Ed. *EVERYWHERE* who is he/she!?!?! A: We checked this issue out and indeed Ed is everywhere, people are currently looking for this person coz noone can possibly be every where at the same time, unless .. they are, could it be? gh0d??? Q: WTF is @HWA a copyright notice? A: No. @HWA and @HWA'98 does not denote (c) 1998 its just a cool 'end of article marker' thingy like some real mags have (Boot, now MaximumPC Sysadmin etc ...) however the newsletter IS (c) 1998/1999 so pfft. Q: Are you a girl or a guy? A: NFC Q: Are you gay? A: None of your business, fuck off. I *am* happy however. Q: What does AAM, EoF, EoD,NFC, NFR, PHAC, P/H/A/C/CC/CT/G/V/W, Plik! and etc mean?? A: Check out your favourite search engine and do a search for those terms like "phac meaning" etc (If you're from AOL remove the quotation marks when you type that in, those are the two little dot things that seem to hang in the air above letters, they look like skydiving sperm) Some of the stuff related to personal useage and use in this zine are listed below: Some are very useful, others attempt to deny the any possible attempts at eschewing obfuscation by obsucuring their actual definitions. != - Mathematical notation "is not equal to" or "does not equal" ASC(247) "wavey equals" sign means "almost equal" to. If written an =/= (equals sign with a slash thru it) also means !=, =< is Equal to or less than and => is equal to or greater than (etc, this aint fucking grade school, cripes, don't believe I just typed all that..) AAM - Ask a minor (someone under age of adulthood, usually <16, <18 or <21) *AOL - A great deal of people that got ripped off for net access by a huge clueless isp with seckurity that you can drive buses through, we're not talking Kung-Fu being no good here, Buy-A-Kloo maybe? EoC - End of Commentary EoA - End of Article EoF - End of file EoD - End of diatribe (AOL'ers: look it up) CC - Credit Card phraud CCC - Chaos Computer Club (Germany) NFC - Depends on context: No Further Comment or No Fucking Comment NFR - Network Flight Recorder (Do a websearch) PHAC - And variations of same Phreaking, Hacking, Anarchy, Cracking, Carding (CC) Groups Virus, Warfare Alternates: H - hacking, hacktivist C - Cracking C - Cracking W - Warfare CT - Cyber Terrorism TBC - To Be Continued also 2bc (usueally followed by ellipses...) :) TBA - To Be Arranged/To Be Announced also 2ba A.L AOL. "We're better than a shoe up the arse from Henry Rollins!" - Steve Case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AOL has even sparked a new movie along the lines of 'Sleepless in Seatle' or was it 'Where Eagles Dare'? hrm.. anyway its called 'You should bail!' and infers that everyone on AOL are morons and should dump AOL for a real ISP. Be sure to check it out at your local theatres now (or soon). - Ed <- look there the fuqr is again! AOL - The Angry Overpriced Lamer network is one of the worlds largest networks next to the one in my room, and runs of millions of .007 BogoMIP 8086's with Nec V20 mods. But seriously check out this url to see why you are being screwed: - Big evil grin - Big Grin Figure the rest out amongst yourselves, 'hack' the answer or try socialing it out of someone on #hackphreak or #hax* etc ... (#irchelp works too) http://www.aolsucks.com/ Why AOL sucks. Damn Good informative site. it made ME drop MY 9e99 hacked accounts immediately no not really. AOL is lame period. Small excerpt from the site: { America Online - Your Security America Online's service, designed originally to handle about 30,000 users, is now serving millions. As a result, many of its flaws are coming out into the open -- one of the most prominent has been AOL's almost nonexistant security. In this mirror of the original AOL Security site, find out how it is that the AOL hacker community knows more about the service than AOL itself. AOL: A Spammer's Paradise Virtually every AOL member wages a day-to-day battle with unsolicited commercial junk mail. Is AOL doing all it can to stop its flow? Not a chance. AOL equips its users with nearly useless mail filtering options which do nothing but make spammers get a new domain name every day. In the process, AOL has made it easier and easier for spammers to build junk mail lists, and has done nothing to stop that "harvesting" beyond making it a TOS violation. } (TOS = terms of service - Ed) EoA TBC... @HWA'99 0.7 Inspirations and turn ons / turn offs for 1998 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inspirations / turn ons etc: Official drink is .......... Coke Classic (obviously not Jolt) Best album release ......... Celebrity Skin/Hole Best music of the year ..... 'I think i'm Paranoid'/Garbage 'Pure Morning'/Placebo 'Dragula'/Rob Zombie 'Don't like the drugs..'/Marilyn Manson Joke of the year............. "The Apple Imac" `Turn ons': ~~~~~~~~~~~ Videos ..................... Pure Morning/Placebo *!*@/Bif *!*@/Hole Garbage Dragula/Rob Zombie Dope Show/Marilyn Manson Sparkle and Shine/Econoline Crush IRC network ................ Eris Free net (EFnet) TV ......................... Cable 87 (Rogers) ;-) Matrix 7 Days X-Files The Net vR.5 Fromage98 (and it isn't even on yet) Movies ..................... X-files (Wow! a long episode) Star Trek: Insurrection Hacktivist Group ........... Zapatista's Hacker ..................... Kevin Mitnick Corporation ................ BMG (http://www.bmg.com/) nice site too. godmart (Sandles, staffs Connection Machines etc) "mega is just a short form for megamanic I guess" - Eatons Ad `Turn offs': ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Videos ..................... Dunno, don't watch shit videos, only good ones. . IRC network ................ Uhm you know the one(s) TV.......................... TV , just turn it off period. Millennium, X-Files etc suck now most times they can't stick to a story, think they have ADHD.. hrm. CNN (Ya nice war dickweeds) Fromage98 (and it isn't even on yet) Movies ..................... X-files (Wow! a long episode) Star Trek: Insurrection Hacktivist Group ........... Zapatista's Hacker ..................... NFC Corporation ................ Go on take a guess. hrm lessee there are so many of em... Mircosloth and AOL will do tho. NFC ........................ Bill Clinton's predickament War on Iraq the sequel Desert Fox (Desert fox off) Bombing Civilians @HWA 1.0 Greets!?!?! yeah greets! w0w huh. - Ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to all in the community for their support and interest but i'd like to see more reader input, help me out here, whats good, what sucks etc, not that I guarantee i'll take any notice mind you, but send in your thoughts anyway. Special shoutouts to: * Kevin Mitnick (what can I say? hang in there man.) * demoniz * The l0pht crew * Weld Pond * Ken Williams * Dicentra * Pyra * Vexxation * FProphet * TP * The NeMstah Meistah * sAs72 * R.Stevens (hi, nice house Robby!!) * V.D * D.B * all the people who sent in cool emails and support * Me, myself and I and everyone who reads this for whatever reasons. + http://www.l0pht.com/ + http://www.2600.com/ + http://www.legions.org/ + http://www.genocide2600.com/ + http://www.hackernews.com/ (Went online same time we started issue 1!) Prolly more next time. ;-) have to get ppl's ok first you know who you are fuqrz. heh. PliK! Fuck off's to: Those certain turn-coats and double dealing scumbags, you know who you are and what goes 'round comes round. Hi Jay! wtf you doing reading this?? fuck off! "I f*c! will now be easier and more fun. Hell we even have a PoBOX snail mail address that has been graciously 'donated' to us, so send in those post cards and photos of your leet xmas private h0h0 con's etc ... ;-) See section 0.4 for our mail drop. @HWA'98/99 1.1 Last minute stuff, rumours and newsbytes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++ Keen Veracity has released issue #6, check it out I got mine from a site off the main page at Bikkel, it wasn't available on the site listed and LoU is renovating so ... Come get it here: http://members.tripod.com/~hwa_2k/keen.html +++ From 100% Pure Bikkel: Hacker gets hacked update by demoniz at Dec 28 , 12:25 CET LoRD OaK, the 'hacker' who defaced CyberArmy recently tries to keep the dispute between him and the webmaster of CyberArmy alive. He wrote 100 % Pure Bikkel: "I donno if it matters or not, but if you go to cyberarmy's webpage, it says the source was being "handed out" by someone. That someone is me and the webpage it was located at is www.confine.com under CGI-Warez. Also their script was already copyrighted and it is the EXACTLY the same script like word for word." No script at Confine.com, but a hacked site. One who hacks, gets hacked. Archive of the site is available at http://hacknews.bikkel.com/ ** Confine Web site http://www.confine.com ** When I tried reaching this site on the 28th at 12:01 EST it was unreachable - Ed Text reads (formatting not preserved, see Bikkel's archive): " Milw0rm, this site was hacked f0r a reas0n. One 0f are small time friends n0t stating any names was hacked by a s0 called l0rd 0ak. the wrath will be felt. give sh0t 0uts to all my br0ther's in milw0rm and als0 t0 kingdem0ni0 hacked by milw0rm J.C." ** 01:00am EST Friday i'm too busy. & a tad tired, so threw the rest of the zine together at the last minute as usual and tossed it up on the web. See you on the 13th... now to send the word out.. and back to work on issue #4 @HWA'98 1.1a WWW.EHAP.ORG ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EHAP stands for Ethical Hackers Against Pedophilia. Watch for a feature article on this organization in an upcoming issue. I just wanted to put this in this issue coz while some people are sitting around the xmas tree opening prezzies that santa left them, somewhere someone is being buggered or sodomized. That act is then being photographed, scanned and spread on the net. This must be stopped. And EHAP has some ideas on how to do just that. - Ed From http://www.ehap.org main page December 31st 1998: 12.02.98 Japan criticized for slack policing of Internet CP December 02, 1998 TOKYO -- Hundreds of pornographic images of children flood Internet sites with addresses ending in "jp." It's a tip-off that they originate in Japan -- and that there is basically nothing officials can do about it. With no laws explicitly banning child pornography, Japan has acquired the dubious distinction of being the global leader in the fast-growing Internet child pornography business. Japanese police say there are about 1,200 commercial child pornography Internet sites in Japan. Some feature photos of children from Japan, others of Southeast Asian children. Keiji Goto, a senior official at the National Police Agency, said police are frustrated by cases in which they identified the source of a pornographic site but were unable to take further action. Full story: http://detnews.com/1998/technology/9812/02/12020238.htm 1.1b CHINESE HACKERS/CRACKERS GET DEATH SENTENCE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 28th 8:55am PST Story sourced from:: Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/email/explode-infobeat/politics/story/17039.html CHINESE CRACKERS GET DEATH SENTENCE Editor Comments: Just picked this up by Wired News ... not a nice story for this "xmas special" Is this what the world is coming to? some countries don't fuck around with ANY sort of anti-government sentiment, this is a classic example especially to 'the newbie contingent' to be damn sure you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO and be sure to cover your ass/tracks or you may get something pushed up there, or even worse, be terminated USERS TERMINATED BY FOREIGN HOST The Story: Chinese Crackers Get Death (Reuters 8:55 a.m. 28.Dec.98.PST) SHANGHAI, China -- Two crackers who broke into a bank computer network and stole 260,000 yuan (US$31,400) have been sentenced to death by a court in eastern China, the official Wenhui Daily said on Monday. Hao Jinglong, formerly an accountant at the Zhenjiang branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was condemned to death, as was his brother, Hao Jingwen, the newspaper said. The Yangzhou Intermediate Court in Jiangsu province also confiscated 40,000 yuan from Hao. The two opened 16 accounts under various names in a branch of the bank in September and later broke into the branch to install a controlling device in a bank computer terminal, the newspaper said. They used the device to electronically wire 720,000 yuan in non-existent deposits into the bank accounts. Afterward, they successfully withdrew 260,000 yuan from eight different branches of the bank, the newspaper said. All the money has since been recovered, the newspaper said, without giving further details. Copyright� 1998 Reuters Limited. [EoA-1] Source: http://www.humanrights-china.org/ Contrib: Ed Two sentenced for subverting state Author: THE Chinese courts yesterday sentenced two men convicted of subverting state power to 13 and 11 years in prison respectively. Xu Wenli, a Beijing resident, and Wang Youcai, of East China's Zhejiang Province, also received a three-year deprivation of their political rights from the Beijing No 1 Intermediate People's Court and the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang. Both Xu and Wang previously served prison terms in China. In an open trial yesterday, the Beijing No 1 Intermediate People's Court found that in November this year, with the purpose of subverting state power, Xu secretly planned the founding of the so-called "Beijing and Tianjin Regional Party Committee of the China Democratic Party," formulated this illicit organization's constitution, and served as its chairman. The court also found that Xu made efforts to recruit party members, planned to convene a national party congress, and sought and accepted funds from some hostile overseas organizations in order to organize, plan and conduct subversive activities. It was also proven by court investigation that from November 1997 to April 1998, Xu used various means to stir up subversive activities. After hearing opinions from the prosecutors and the defence, the court ruled that in accordance with relevant stipulations in China's Criminal Law, Xu's activities constituted the crime of subverting state power, and he should be punished according to law as both a principal element in the case and a recidivist. In an open trial in Zhejiang, the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou found that in June this year, with the purpose of subverting state power, Wang secretly planned to found an illicit organization called the "China Democratic Party," formed a "Zhejiang Preparatory Committee for the China Democratic Party," and formulated a party constitution and a declaration. The court also found that in order to organize, plan and conduct subversive activities, Wang contacted some hostile overseas organizations, from which he sought and accepted financial support. After hearing the opinions of the prosecutors and the defence, the court ruled that in accordance with relevant stipulations in China's Criminal Law Wang's activities constituted the crime of subverting state power, that the crime was severe, and that he should also be punished as a recidivist. Xu and Wang families and people from various walks of life attended yesterday's court hearings. (Xinhua) Date: 12/22/98 Author: Copyright� by China Daily [EoA-2] 1.1b LoU declares war ,,,just do it right guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From HNN http://www.hackernews.com/ " War declared on China and Iraq " contributed by Legion of the Underground In a very heated and emotional discussion Legion of the Underground declared cyber-war on the information infrastructure of China and Iraq last night. They cited severe civil rights abuses by the governments of both countries as well as the recent sentencing to death of two bank robbers in China and the production of weapons of mass destruction by Iraq as the reasons for their outrage. Quoting from the Declaration of Independence about the right of the people to govern themselves and stating that the US government will probably stand idly by while these atrocities happen in other countries the Legion of the Underground called for the complete destruction of all computer systems in China and Iraq. "The Government controls what goes into our mouths lets not let them do the same with what comes out!" said one LoU member during a press conference held on IRC Monday night. LoU mentioned that they may seek out assistance in their war from the Hong Kong Blondes. The HKBs are a well known group attempting to cause mayhem on China's internetworks from within the Iron Curtain. The HKBs where trained and assisted, until recently, by the infamous Cult of the Dead Cow hacking group. Legion of Underground gained previous notoriety back in October for defacing the Chinese Human Rights web site a day after it went online. Legions of the Underground CNN - article on bank robbers sentenced to death http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9812/28/BC-CHINA-HACKERS.reut/ [EoA-3] Read the Wired News coverage its better but here's part of CNN's Reuters blurb: China sentences hackers to death for bank theft December 28, 1998 Web posted at: 3:09 AM EST (0809 GMT) SHANGHAI, China (Reuters) -- Two hackers who broke into a bank computer network and stole 260,000 yuan (31,400) have been sentenced to death by a court in eastern China, the official Wenhui Daily said on Monday. ... They used the device to electronically wire 720,000 yuan in non-existent deposits into the bank accounts. Afterwards, they successfully withdrew 260,000 yuan from eight different branches of the bank, the newspaper said. ... Copyright 1998 Reuters. All rights reserved. ** "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed" [DoA-2] ** ok, i'll just note some of it then ... - Ed ;-) HWA Comments: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Great fun, glad i'm not living in China, give these fuckers some shit guys! take the damn infrastructure down. We can NOT let this sort of thing go on Kevin Mitnick gets 3yrs with no trial and China is fucking killing people, this is now open cyber-war. Thats what they want?, thats what they're going to get. Prepare for armageddon. Is an electonic world war imminent? - Ed http://www.humanrights-china.org/ @ HWA'98 1.1c HWA Mirrors Keen Veracity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The site had me going for a bit there, most amusing, we thought you'd been hacked for like 25ms, anyways theres an insiduous hack for you, put that on a real hacked page and ppl will think ah, sysadmin's just having some fun.. hrm. And my Santa's Credit Report section is from a real cc report too. :) http://members.tripod.com/~hwa_2k/keen.html Jan 1st 1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.legions.org/ The LoU site greeted users with the following screen: Welcome to the Legions of assistance for Sick, and disfunctional children. We are currently working side by side with the Feed the Children Foundation aswell as The Childrens Hospital Network. Our site is under construction. Please check back soon... Please visit one of our Sponsors: Childrens Hospital Feed the Children We are a non-profit organization Read the source, and you shall be FREE! With links to http://www.childrenshospital.org/ http://www.feedthechildren.org/ The relevant section in the source was this: FYI "