F R E E P L A Y ! Issue # 3 - August 19, 1996 Stop playing with yourself! (games that is) http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/4874 Sections -------- Editorial - Play By Email, Growing Pains, Listserv Gaming News - AMERICA ONLINE ACQUIRES IMAGINATION NETWORK Previews - The not-ready-for-prime-time review Hot Links - WWW pages we like Games - Multiplayer games you can play now over the internet Details - How to subscribe, back issues, disclaimer, legal junk Editorial - Play by Email, Growing Pains, Listserv --------- Play by Email: A subscriber wrote to me about play by email games and my lack of mentioning them in the newsletter. Ooops. Glad to oblige. I have included a bunch of ways to get to and play 'play by email' games in this newsletter. Growing Pains: The FreePlay newsletter is now at over two hundred subscribers and adding about 5 more a day. I have crashed every email program I tried for Windows 3.1/95. Juno has a tendency to mangle email ids when you add them to your address book, Netscape Navigator 3.x has the worst d*m address book ever conceived, Pegasus just confused me, and many others didn't have Blank Carbon Copy. I finally settled on hotmail.com to maintain the subscriber list and mailing until I can get on to a listserv. You can find them at http://www.hotmail.com get your own free email id. Listserv: Now for the exciting part (to me anyway). I am in negotiations with a company to move this whole newsletter to a listserv. Once setup, this will take care of the work of maintaining a mailing list and I will be able to concentrate on the newsletter. If this comes true, I just might make FreePlay a WEEKLY newsletter(maybe). So, If you get an email saying you have been subscribed to FreePlay, that is just me putting you on the listserv. ===================================================================== Gaming News: ------------ Dulles, VA Aug. 6, 1996 -- America Online, Inc. today announced the acquisition of multiplayer games innovator The ImagiNation Network, Inc. (INN) from AT&T. The move will dramatically expand AOL's online games offerings and strategically position AOL and INN in the effort to establish an industry-leading platform for multiplayer games. INN, which launched the first dedicated online games service in 1991, has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T since 1994. Full details available at http://www.inngames.com/Pr/index.html#Pr7 ===================================================================== Previews: --------- Welcome to the Preview section or the not-ready-for-prime-time review. Engage! - http://www.gamesonline.com/index2.html ------------------------------------------------ If these guys get their act together, this will be one heck of a place to play games over the net. They will featuer online version of many games from InterPlay(R). The screen shots of their propietary games look awesome They are also looking for beta testers and sysops to maintain the games. Most likely it will be free while in beta test and afterwards will be based on some charge per month plus per hour charges. No hardware requirements are mentioned. Quote: Most of ENGAGE's games are worldwide exclusives, including such best sellers as Descent, Castles II and Avanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon Dice from Interplay as well as MUD II from Dr. Richard Bartle, the founder of MUD Games. Titles from other content partners will be announced over the coming weeks and months. ENGAGE will offer as many as 15 games by the end of 1996 and then plans to add about one additional game each month. We're looking for a few good sysops to help us build the ENGAGE online games network. If you love to play high-end multiplayer games, enjoy helping others, and have good communications skills with the confidence to back them up, we want to talk to you. Our Customer Service team is actively recruiting sysops to help run all the cool games and entertainment content we're developing for ENGAGE. Compensation will depend on how experienced you are and how much time you have to give. VR1 Entertainment Channel - http://www.vr1.com/ ----------------------------------------------- I stumbled across this one just web surfing. Look like an interesting site. But it is heavy on graphics and low on content and information at this time. Everything is 'in development'. Hope the games they will be releasing look as nice as the Web page. They are taking beta tester applications. Here's a quote: VR-1 is the source for online, multiplayer entertainment. VR-1 is the developer of Air Attack and other multiplayer games. Also, be sure to check out Digital Comics, the Internet's first online comic books. The World of Avalia - http://www.games-online.com/avalia/ --------------------------------------------------------- One of my Apple Macintosh subscribers bemoaned the lack of multiplayer games for his machine. He is right. There aren't that many. I searched high and low and I did find this. This game is about to go into beta test. I am assuming the cost will be free while in beta test. After that who knows..... Quote from home page: July 25 Games Online Inc. (GO!) a fast growing IGP (Internet Game Provider) announces "The World of Avalia(tm)", the Internet's very first Macintosh, Multi-Player graphical RPG adventure system. The World of Avalia(tm) is a unique gaming system. >From the ground up, it has been designed to contain multi-player Appletalk(tm) and Internet playability. This innovative role playing game has a top-down perspective view in the classical style of computer based RPGs. The game will offer online Macintosh(tm) users interaction with hundreds of simultaneous players when connected to the Games-Online Network. When played at home, users can play in either single player mode, or with up to 4 players on an Appletalk local network Prey - http://www.apogee1.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the YADC (yet another Doom clone) group is Prey. Quote: Prey is designed from the ground up with cutting-edge multiplayer capacity in mind. Prey can be played over modem, a LAN ,WAN ,the Internet. Players will be able to join and leave games in progress without affecting other players. Prey will support Comm-bat (same as DeathMatch), co-op and team modes. Players can also log on as observers, who can travel the game world invisibly and unscathed, while watching all of the mayhem take place. Blood - http://www.3drealms.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Realms...Why bother going on with this one? Been there, done that. Add this one to your YADC(yet another Doom clone) list. Graphics look nice or at least the screen shots do. Quote: In addition to its terrifying single player mode, Blood features the funniest (you heard us right) head-to-head gameplay available. Take a cigarette lighter and aerosol can to your friends, or ram a pitchfork through their bellies. If Duke Nukem' 3D Dukematch and Quake deathmatch make you laugh, wait till you get a taste of BLOODBATH! Play a friend over the modem or hook up as many as eight players over an IPX-compatible network. You can even play over the Internet. No specs yet on hardware requirements available. They will probably be similar to requirements for Duke Nukem 3D. Battle.Net - http://www.blizzard.com/bnet/bnet.htm(preview) ----------------------------------------------------------- Quote from home page: Blizzard Entertainment makes gaming on the Internet as simple as pressing a single button. Battle.net provides an arena for Blizzard customers to chat, challenge opponents and initiate multiplayer games, at no cost to the user. Blizzard charges no hourly or monthly fees, and there is no startup charge. To access battle.net, players simply select the Internet option from the game's main screen, and they are automatically connected to the service. Once logged on, users can compete head-to-head against players from around the world over the Internet. TCP/IP access to the Internet is required, and players are responsible for applicable on-line access fees that may be charged by their Internet Service Provider. The battle.net service will be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Different channels allow players of varying skill levels to match wits with opponents of comparable abilities. Diablo, due out later this fall for the IBM-PC, will be the first product to support battle.net, with Starcraft following this Christmas. Macintosh gamers will want to check http://www.blizzard.com/news.htm for news of when games will be available for the Mac. For a preview of what Diablo will look like check http://www.blizzard.com/diablo/diablo.htm ====================================================================== Hot Links --------- The Online Games Directory - - http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m041/fran0264/games.htm ---------------------------------------------------- Features well written, detailed reviews of many games in beta test along with screen shots and WWW links. The unofficial Topgun multiplayer Homepage - http://www.noord.bart.nl/~jand/ --------------------------------------------- Features links to the shareware, modem to modem user listings, how to faq's, tournaments,etc... Submit your WEB page or your favorite site for review! Mail them to freeplay@hotmail.com ====================================================================== Games - You can play these now over the Internet ----- Richard's PBEM Server - http://eiss.erols.com/~pbmserv/ ------------------------------------------------------- Play dozens of games such as chess, backgammon, and a lot of games I never heard of, by E-mail. A great place to hookup with other PBEM(play by email) people. Richard's server takes care of a lot of the work for you. Quote from home page: The server will automatically maintain a history of your games as well as a picture of the boards. Each time a player moves, a copy of the board will be sent to each of the players in that game. If you want to peek at the status of someone else's game or just check up on one of your own to make sure you haven't missed some e-mail, use each game's 'show' command. The server will respond to queries to recall the history and position of any of its boards. Links to PBEM Stuff - http://www.magic.mb.ca/~riba/pbemfront/links.html ------------------------------------------------- This is the home of the PBeM Front Newsletter, a letter produced monthly to keep gamers informed of the latest games that are out there. To subscribe, email and for your subject type, "I subscribe". However, this web site is updated as new PBeM's become availible so check back here often! Other PBEM links to check: -------------------------- The PBeM News Front Page - http://www.wwu.edu/~n9145339/games.html Wargame Related mailing Lists - http://clever.net/grognard/email.html#lists The best mailing list for wargaming is the Consim-L (conflict simulation games) mailing list. To subscribe send the email body 'subscribe consim-L yourfirstname yourlastname' to: listserv@listserv.uni-c.dk Stars! - http://www.plws.com/stars/ ----------------------------------- Stars! is the premiere multi-player, space strategy conquest game for Microsoft Windows (all versions). Play solo or against as many as 15 opponents on a single machine, across a LAN, or submit turns via the internet, e-mail or BBS's. Every turn tests your strategy as you build and deploy starships, colonize and develop planets, and forge new technology to expand and defend your empire. You determine the winning conditions, but the winning strategy rules the universe. Supported: Windows 3.1,3.11,NT,95 Requirement: 386+, 4mb ram, 4mb space,VGA Connect 4 - http://www.ukweb.com/~mark/software.html ---------------------------------------------------- Connect 4 is simple multiplayer game for Winsock (Windows 3.1 TCP/IP API) written with Paul Sutton. It requires a PC with Windows 3.1 and winsock. BattleCity - http://www.codehammer.com/ --------------------------------------- Quote: BattleCity is a game where you build cities, produce weapons and use them to destroy other peoples cities! It's still in a beta phase but is unlike any game you have ever played. Unfortunately BattleCity will not work over AOL. Unearthed - http://www.mit.edu/people/twm/unearthed/ ---------------------------------------------------- Unearthed is an interactive fantasy world that allows you to see and interact with people from around the world in real time. Unearthed is a Java applet so all that you need to run it is a Java enabled web browser such as Netscape 2.02 or higher. Unearthed is currently in alpha testing so don't get your hopes up too high. QuakeMania! - http://www-home.calumet.yorku.ca/dcardoso/www/quake2.htm The Quake Stomping Grounds - http://www.stomped.com/ ---------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, I just bought a new Pentium 133 Mhz PC! Guess what was in the mail when I brought it home? My PC-GAMER Magazine and CD-Rom. And.. on the CD-Rom disk was the shareware version of Quake. What timing. I barely found time to finish the newsletter! I'm hooked. Everything you could ever want to find out about ID's Quake is on these two WWW pages. A great resource for finding servers and people to deathmatch, downloading the software, FAQ's, editors, utilities, cheats, secrets, walk-thrus and anything else there is for Quake can be found on these web pages. There are many more Web pages dedicated to the game Quake but I liked these the best. The Electronic Scrabble Club - http://www.ozemail.com.au:80/~aspa/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Just like in a "real" SCRABBLE (R) Club you can play social games and tournaments, make new friends and learn how to improve your playing skills. The Electronic SCRABBLE (R) Club gives you access to word lists, news of world SCRABBLE (R) events and personalities, trivia quizzes and discussions about rules, dictionaries and tactics. Rqmts: Any Telnet client Kali - http://www.axxis.com/kali/ --------------------------------- What is Kali? Kali is the largest Internet gaming system in the world with over 35,000 users and 100 servers in 23 countries. Kali supports more games than any other internet gaming system, including Descent, Descent 2, Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Command & Conquer, NetMech (DOS and Win95), EF2000, Top Gun, Duke Nukem, Quake, Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Apache, Rise of the Triad, Terminal Velocity, VR Pool, Super Karts, Mortal Combat 3, Big Red Racing, and others. The Kali system runs in DOS, Windows 95, and even OS/2. A Macintosh version is currently under development. Users are allowed unlimited time in chat mode and 15 minutes in game play. Must register software for one time $20 fee for unlimited game play time. Rqmts: Win 3.1 or Win95 and a SLIP/PPP connection. Microsoft Close Combat - http://www.atomic.com/ ----------------------------------------------- Close Combat, the latest creation of Atomic Games, is a WWII tactical level simulation, where YOU are the battlefield commander. The Trial Version is a fully functional demo, capable of single player or Head-to-Head Internet play through the first Maneuver of the retail product. Also included is BootCamp, an interactive tutorial through the basic mechanics of playing the game To find opponents: The best choice is to join the irc channel #close combat. It exists on undernet and others. Rqmts: Windows 95 with 8 megs of RAM There are several web sites that support coordinating net play and one that even rates opponents. Check out: Church of Close Combat - http://www.nuc.net/~sixty/cc.html Close Combat Challenge Board - http://www.wizweb.com/arena/closeCombat/ Unofficial Close Combat HQ - http://www.worldvillage.com/~tmurff/cchq/cchq.cgi World Empire IV - http://viablesoftware.com/empireiv/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------- World Empire IV is a RISK type game from Viable Software Alternatives. Features SVGA graphics and supports Windows compatible sound cards. In this game you start in one country, and you have to take over the whole world. Four player games are supported on one computer, and two player games can be played across a TCP/IP network. After you download the client at the URL mentioned go to WEIV CyberWar Home Page - http://viablesoftware.com/empireiv/windex.htm to hook up with another player. Rqmts:works with Windows95, NT, Windows 3.1 At least a 486/DX66 with a minimum of 4 megabytes RAM should be used. A mouse is also required. ====================================================================== How to subscribe: Send email to freeplay@hotmail.com with SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT line. How to write to FreePlay: Send your suggestions, comments, contributions to freeplay@hotmail.com How to get back issues: Back issues can be found at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/4874 If possible get them there to preserve the sanity of the editor. You may request them thru email to freeplay@hotmail.com only if you do not have www access of any kind. One issue per email request please. Disclaimer: All opinions stated in this newsletter are strictly my own. Who the heck else would want them? Quotes from homepages were used only to inform the readers of this newsletter and do not serve any other purpose, commercial or otherwise. All URL's mentioned in this newsletter were working at the time they were reviewed. This document is copyright 1996 by Mark Shnayer. Re-distribution of it by any means is both permitted and encouraged provided that such action is for strictly non-commercial purposes, the content remains whole, unedited and otherwise unmodified and this statement remains intact. Though not strictly required, you are asked to inform the author of any such distribution. Please send comments or requests for permission to publish this commercially to freeplay@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------- � 1996 HoTMaiL. All Rights Reserved.