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BEWARE OF THE TRUTH, FOR IT LIES WITHIN. i was going to send out a story that i just wrote. it was going to be flodis #13 (13 is a significant number, you are aware). but, this kinda preempted that. below this line are flowers. below the flowers is an email that has changed from a plain message to a description of a boy's life. please don't be offended by my lame act of exposing my feeble trauma to the world at large by releasing the flower in flodis. rather, take comfort in the fact that this is the zine for tasha and anjee, and it started as mailbox filler material, quota-eater, bandwidth-waster. this message below could easily only be significant to me and nick and a few other parties. but hey, it's just me musing. it could be amusing, especially if it could apply to anyone's life who is reading it. but i doubt it. but maybe later. file this in the bin labelled "things that might happen to me sometime." and keep it safe. ropes. **&&**&&**&& On 01-Aug-99, Nick wrote: > what's buggin ya tim? Oh, something along the lines of "a lot of stuff." Mainly the fact that three days have gone by and I haven't had any contact with my girlfriend. I'm really wondering what's up, actually curious about her physical well-being, questioning if she actually exists anymore. I last saw her Wednesday night. It's now Sunday morning. Tonight I drove past all the normal venues, and her car was not at any of these places. I drove past her pad, and her car was nowhere to be found. I drove back around all the normal venues, and again did not see her car. She hasn't been online at all. She hasn't replied to my emails. Her phone line was busy all day. I've got this other girl who's interested in me, and I've got nothing to conversate with her about. I've met the girl from Florida, whom I could talk about anything with. I talked with cat-eyes about former chums and her recent escapades with my old childhood pals. I felt completely bashful when the gorgeous twenty-something cook/waitress's eyes contacted mine as I conversed with her and Jenny at Octane this evening. Since Wednesday night I have lost my connection with the one person with whom I am theoretically supposed to be the most connected to, and from that night until now, I have been connecting with far more unexpected people than I could have ever anticipated. Connecting is not a sexual term, of course; nor is connecting a sexual term or even necessarily a very emotional term. It just involves being conversationally level with someone for a period of time. And ever since Wednesday night, I've been at level with all sorts of people. When you and I were talking about government blur sessions, for instance. If you had asked me a week ago if I expected to connect with a lot of people in any coming period of time, I would have replied in doubt. There was one person I was concerned about. Now she seems to have stepped out, and suddenly I am once again able to see through the glass in my lighthouse, to beacon and communicate with the ships in my harbor. And some of those ships are unidentified! They've entered the bay without warning. But they came in peace to serve their purpose. Some have already docked and left, while some remain moored. They seem to come and go as they please. And it's good for people to have freedom like that. But some of the ships are leaving before I want them to, and I have zero control over them. And soon a certain metaphorical blur may enter into my view, whenever she decides to make herself known again. I'll find out just why she was gone and then understand how easy it will be to make her that way for good. So really, I'm not bugged. I'm just waiting for the window cleaner to come back into town. &&**&&**&&** the truth is, i get really sentimental when i've been up through the night and into the morning. anything that might have any sort of stupid significance gets magnified eighty times to me. i start feeling really bad when i kill insects, etcetera. so my whole revelation i've had about seeing everything clearly now and how i've had great conversations and developed connections could just be blurry-eyed early morning hogwash. or it could be fact. never do anything very significant after being up for more than 15 hours. i haven't been yet, so i still have some dose of sanity. ahah. but if you've been up for 16 or 17 hours, don't break up with your girlfriend or decide to be a professional glass blower. sleep on it. if you get a good rest and feel the same way in the morning, then maybe it's right. but you might have a clearer head at the start of the day. everything begins fresh and just gets rotten as the day burns down. at the end of your day blow the ashes away, and let everything regenerate. making a decision in those ashes means that they stay. they spread to anything relating to the decision you made. god i get weird when i'm tired. sorry. byebye, faithful flodis fertilizer. ��ժ .-. ����պ �� �����պ �ժ ��������ժ | | this was an �� �� �� �ժ � � ��Ն ��� | | honestly bad ����պ �� �� � � ����ՆՆ � � ��� | | time-waster �� �� �� � � � � � � � ��������պ | | email-box �� �����ժ ���ժ � � � � � � ��� | | filler �� �����պ ���պպ ����ջպ ��պ ��������պ | | from .----------------------------------------------------------| | trilobyte `----------------------------------------------------------`-' flodis / flowers of disruption #13 / 01.08.99 / trilobyte@hoe.nu tell your friends to wipe a futon with flodis