..::::: |-----> UK Carrier Scan ...::::::::::::|||lllSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ..::::: |-----> By force ......::::::::::::|||lllSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ..::::: |-----> force007@hotmail.com ...::::::::::::|||lllSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o5oo 892xxx o-$%$%$%$%$%$-o 892490 ICA ICA ICA 892371 no response 892352 no response 892262 fax 892472 @ Userid: [not default] 892382 You have connected to a FirstClass System. Please login...UserID 892482 no response 892303 fax 892353 garbage 892434 fax 892394 wouldn't connect 892425 garbage 892495 no response 892336 dead 892396 no response 892367 na 892388 wouldn't connect 892309 fax 892339 Enter PASSCODE: 892449 fax 892752 dead 892754 Carr Futures (#44080321) You Have Reached The Carr Futures BBS 892762 fax 892772 @ Userid: [not default] 892796 busy 892797 fax 892805 Annex Command Line Interpreter 892814 busy 892842 no response 892849 garbage 892852 garbage 892882 fax 892902 ����Logon: ����Logon: o8oo 9171xxx o-$%$%$%$%$%$%-o 9171800 Annex Command Line Interpreter o8oo 919xxx o-$%$%$%$%$%$-o 919046 - User Name Verification User Name: 919073 - No response 919083 - No response 919099 - Garbage ATsomething AT&#;'] 919111 - No answer 919114 - Shiva Lanrover @ Userid 919152 - Garbage 919157 - Garbage 919204 - Garbage  919225 - Garbage +++ 919285 - No response 919286 - No response 919287 - No response 919291 - No response 919337 - Enter you user name: 919360 - Garbage g~ 919361 - Garbage *n~ 919378 - Call has been intercepted by the Defender Security Server Enter ID: 919392 - Garbage +++ 919575 - Annex Command Line Interpreter Annex username: 919614 - No response 919644 - No response 919787 - Garbage +++ 919884 - No response 919885 - No response 919912 - Fax/wouldn't connect 919924 - No response o8oo 899xxx o-$%$%$%$%$%$-o 899004 - Pad ID: N4.1 - Port: 41 Please enter your user name: 899014 - No response 899024 - Garbage ;Y:. 899028 - No response 899073 - Fax 899110 - "Sorry there is a fault" 899125 - Fax 899153 - User name: 899157 - Fax 899166 - Telebit's NetBlazer Version 2.3 nb230 login: 899176 - Fax 899183 - Fax 899184 - No response 899198 - Fax 899217 - No response 899244 - Garbage :U.?~ 899279 - Garbage S8~i 899280 - Fax 899281 - Garbage ICAICAICAICA 899289 - Fax 899328 - Garbage +++ 899334 - TYPE . USER ID : [only one attempt] 899383 - No response 899447 - X 899450 - NA 899455 - No response 899460 - No response 899476 - Fax 899497 - Nice system [login help or something] 899514 - No response 899516 - Fax 899543 - Fax? wouldn't connect 899548 - Fax 899556 - No response 899559 - Fax 899563 - No response 899565 - "this service cannot be connected" 899569 - Fax/wouldn't connect 899586 - Fax 899608 - UNIX (r) System V Release 4.0 (data1) ==> 899612 - Try again later yo 899637 - ** Ascend Pipeline Terminal Server ** Login: 899638 - Fax 899666 - i pressed enter twice and it disconnected 899692 - No response 899695 - Login: Connection Denied by RADIUS! 899698 - Garbage ICAICAICAICA 899707 - Fax 899711 - No response 899719 - Fax 899743 - Nationsbank PC Banking [allows test user access] 899754 - Fax 899781 - Fax/wouldn't connect 899812 - Shiva LanRover @ userid: 899821 - Fax 899843 - No response 899850 - No response 899897 - Fax 899907 - No response 899921 - AT B0 E0 Q0 S0=1 V1 X1 L1 +++rs 899927 - No response 899928 - NA try later 899935 - +++ 899938 - Fax/wouldn't connect 899971 - Fax 899989 - No response 899996 - Garbage ""?~ o8oo 973xxx o-$%$%$%$%$%$-o 973010 - Voice call back later 973044 - No response 973084 - No response 973101 - No carrier? try later 973113 - No response 973116 - Garbage 2f~ 973283 - Voice? try later 973305 - Access is strictly prohibited blah blah login: 973328 - MC (Ireland) Accessbuiler Unauthorised Access Prohibited 973404 - Starting Radius Authentication... @ Userid: