-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Canadian Anarchists Militia Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%@S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$@%s%@$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. a. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. Gonna raise hell and havoc in da 4o3, and Canada! chm403@hotmail.com members.tripod.com -or- www.anarchy-online.com/electrik/index.htm From Edmonton, Alberta.. kickin it in da 4o3! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is maybe the 4th time I'm rewriting the intro! Why you ask, well because I've been busy doing shit, and well been a little lazy. Going back to school has made me pretty busy, cause all I do now is "hang out" with friends. Only problem now is that shitty cold weather outside, so I'm gonna be finding myself indoors alot, and probably on the computer. This will be one of our worser issues here at CHM, since its been about 3 months I do belive since the last issue came out.. and some of my writers (CComp666, and TRON) are having setbacks(CComp lost his computer, and TRON is busy with his own group the DarkSide Hackers). All right.. I need to get something straight with all the readers out there in never nether land! This group used to be called N.E.R.D., and when we had a name change that wasn't only the magazine, but the group aswell. THERE IS NO MORE NERD, its the chm. I hope this clears things up for some people. There have been a few complaints about the new webpage.. that the gif's wern't loading properly. Well it turns out this has been happening for the people not using netscape.. but using the MicroSoft Internet explorer, or comeing in through AOL. I suggest using Netscape, and for the AOL hackers you can setup Netscape through AOL, just goto the aol inet screen and get the files. But I do belive I have corrected the problems, but you should still use NETSCAPE, its much better then the crap AOL uses, and Microsoft explorer. The new page uses FRAMES, but I will be getting a new non frames page for you lynx users. Sorry about our last issue.. for some reason the archive was damaged when it was being uploaded to our ISP, then to the page. It should be fixed, so anyone that hasn't downloaded our latest issue(issue8), you can still get it from Bethlehem, or our webpage at members.tripod.com/~havoc403/ and use netscape. Well I'm gonna be doing another transformation to the magazine AGAIN, so if you see things changeing over the course of time.. don't freak out. Sorry fer being late.. here it is: � �� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� � � � 1. INTRODUCTION..................By EleCtriK � � � � 2. Pencil wepon..................By EleCtriK � � � � 3. AT&T 3610 NAM info............By EleCtriK � � � � 4. ONLINE NEWS AND VIEWS(Sept)...By SCoRPIoN � � � � 5. ONLINE NEWS AND VIEWS(Oct)....By SCoRPIoN � � � � 6. NEWS YOU CAN USE..............By EleCtriK � � � � 7. Anarchy Related Ads � � � � 8. Closing Notes.................By EleCtriK � � � � 9. Disclaimer....................By EleCtriK � � � ���������������������������������������������������������� �� ������ � � If you want to contribute any information for the magazine, or advertize any products or webpages, send it via Email to: chm403@hotmail.com You can still join the group if your a hacker/phreaker/anarchist, but experience in your field is required. Any articals you submit for the CHM's magazine must be original. .oO EleCtriK Oo. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 2 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ����������������������������������Ŀ � �� � ��� A lethal pencil launcher ��� �� � �� � By EleCtriK �� ������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� Earlier this month the idea for a pencil launcher came to mind. I wasn't thinking some crappy launcher that would poke the person, causeing a sting. I was thinking something more lethal. Then I saw one of my childhood toys laying around, a G.I. Joe and its little rocket launcher. The action figure didn't intrest me as much as the rocket launcher(it fires peices of plastic that look like a missle, for those that don't know). I broke it open and examined how it worked. Hey I could do the same thing with a pencil, but use a stronger spring.. say a spring from an air rifle. I thought I would take some sort of pipe that would fit a pencil or pen, and on the end have a triger type mechanizm attached to the end of the pipe ___________________________________ /\ |(pipe) | _______________________/ > |...................................| \ _______________ _ / 88888888888888888888888888888888888 \|88888888888888|8| o | 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888|8| | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |___| |___________________________________| Triger mechanizm(8=spring) (o=bolt) like above. This would all be held down on maybe a peice of wood, metal, or strong plastic. I would then put a slit in the pencil so when it was loaded it would hold in place until fired. But then I decided this may not be that great of a weapon(but you can use it if you want to fool around). So I decided to go another route. So get a peice of pipe that is twice as long as the pencil or pen(whatever you will be using as ammo). If you are going to use a variety of ammo (pencils, pens, compases, erasers, nails, etc..) I suggest making one the lenght of the longest of the projectiles. For this project you'll need the following: 1 pipe that is twice as long as the ammo, and fits the ammo in the pipe so the ammo is nice and snug(not too snug). 1 end cap for the pipe. 1 Drill or anything that will make a hole in the pipe. And a bunch of gunpowder or your choice of explosive compound that won't shatter the pipe but launch your ammunition. Some matches. And a fuse or two. Screw the end cap on to the pipe, and mark a spot on the pipe that is 2cm away from the end cap. Next drill a hole through the pipe that would fit the fuse or big enough to stick a match head in. Now to load the weapon. Take some fuse, and run it through the hole. Then take some gunpowder and put it in the pipe over top of the fuse packing the gunpowder down with the pencil. There its loaded! I suggest you test different ammounts of gunpowder until you find a quantity that you can handle, and that you like. Start off with small portions, you don't want to put too much and blow your hand off and get a face full of shrapnel. This is ready to use, but I would prefer having some sort of handle attached to the pipe(you'd probably want that too). I'll let you figure out what you are going to use to make your handle. Just make sure that the hole for the fuse is to the side and not on top. So go and shoot at yer sister, or the geek that sits at the front of the class. So.. you now have two prototypes on a pencil gun(sounds lame eh?). The gunpowder gun would be like a zip gun from the days of columbus. Where the steel shot would be replaced with a pencil. If you are caught with the gunpowder pencil launcher is considered a firearm, so you will be charged. I don't think the cop would charge you if he found the spring weapon on you.. unless you pissed him off and shot him or something. Have phun with this mischivous toy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 3 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���������������������������������������Ŀ � �� � ��� NAM programming for AT&T 3610 ��� �� � �� � By EleCtriK �� ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� Well I have a AT&T 3610, and a while back I went looking for information on reprogramming it. What I found was alot of information on nokia, motorola, and OKI 900's.. but nothing for my phone. The only place I found some information was on DR WHO's radiophone archive, and on there they said the AT&T 3610 was like the NEC P100. They were wrong, the 3610 is similar to the NEC P100, but different when it comes to the nam. I tried many a time to get into test mode, but it wouldn't let me. Well here is the correct procedure for getting into the AT&T 3610 test mode: 1. Turn cellphone ON 2. punch in the 4 digit lock code (default is 0000) 3. Then press FCN, 9 4. it should display 0000P, so type in another four zero's(0000) after the P 5. Then press FCN, MEM, 76 6. Press MEM, #01 7. Press MEM, #71 8. Press #, the 10 digit phone number(the new one), # 9. Now enter in a 4 digit lock code, then press #. I suggest you leave it at 0000 10. Now you enter in the service number for the company the guy has it regestered for, then hit the # key. In the edmonton area TELUS is 16391. 11. Leave it at 05, and hit # 12. It should say 0333, if your in edmonton. Other wise just leave it alone, and hit # 13. Press 1, # 14. Press 1, # 15. Press 1, and hold down the CLEAR button untill it says TEST 16. Press MEM, #02 There now you have just changed the phone number, the ESN is the same. If you don't know what your ESN is, then read below. Also you can only reprogram the phone number only three times, and then you need to get the phone reset. This isn't cloneing, but there are other options once you get into test mode. Here is a bit more info on the AT&T 3610 TEST MODE: To get into test mode just do numbers 1-6. Press MEM, #22 and you get the screen filled with 1's Press MEM, #23 and you get a bunch of numbers in this fashion: 1433-00 1_ 1 4910 on your screen. Press MEM, #24 and it tells you the ESN on your phone. Press MEM, #26 and it displays: total CA 0020 1h59 on your screen. Press MEM, #61 and it put a - infront of the 61.. you can only enter the numbers 0, and 1 without getting an error. Then hit #. Thats it! If you have an AT&T 3610 then this would be useful, if not then its still good to have the info. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 4 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ONLINE NEWS AND VIEWS BY SCoRPIoN September 97 America Offline and Compuserve.... Working Together? In a recent move to improve their Modem:User ratio, AOL has made an agreement with Compuserve which should theoretically help both companies. And what's in this agreement? Compuserve has agreed to allow AOL to use their local access numbers in exchange for some of AOL's wonderful content. But behind all the smiles and handshakes, a more sinister plot is unfolding. AOL is planning to merge with one of the oldest online services in the business, creating "a more diverse online content". Really? With their recent blunder (charging an hourly rate for games), AOL has angered many of it's oldest members. And there is a rumor floating around that they will soon start charging for chat rooms. Does this mean that all the Compuserve members that enjoy getting online with only 1 or 2 tries, having their mail arive at it's destination in AT LEAST a day, and an online community that is generally more intelligent and computer-literate will have to endure AOL's tyranny? Maybe, but I'm sure they won't just lie down and let AOL's F�hrer, Steve Case, degrade and censor the online environment that they're used to. Their hope is that the Supreme Court will rule that the merger violates the anti-trust laws. With their boasted 9,000,000 members, AOL already has a large percentage of the online population. Add in Compuserve's members, and an online monopoly will develop, discouraging competition (the bread and butter of american business). If the merger is allowed, the only thing that will prevent the further degradation of the internet will be Stevie's death (cross your fingers). FAST FACT: Steve Case originally had an account on Compuserve before creating AOL. � A Call to AOL's Tech Support I called AOL's wonderful and helpful technical support 800 number the other day because of the telemarketing calls I kept recieving, even after my account was terminated. I knew that they would be kind, helpful, knowlegeable, and eager to assist me with my problem so I called my phone company beforehand and asked them to monitor the call and fax me a transcript. (this is free, but nobody ever does it...) After finally getting past the computer answering system I got a friendly Tech. It went like this... AOL: Hello, thank you for calling America Online technical support. My name is Jason. May I have your first name? Me: **** AOl: And your last name? ME: ******* AOL: OK, and what can I help you with? ME: Well, Jason, My account was terminated about 3 months ago, but I keep getting phone calls from you guys and I want it to stop. What do I have to do? AOL: Please hold while I transfer you to our billing department. Your transfer number is 061 ME: Ok (3 minute pause while I listen to some kind of arabian rock) AOL: Hello, America Online billing support, how can I help you? ME: Hi, my account has been cancelled and I want you people to stop calling me and trying to sell me computers. AOL: Ok, can I have your screen name? ME: I don't have one anymore. My screen name WAS Cynic7 AOL: Can you spell that? ME: C-Y-N-I-C-7 AOL: Please hold (.....) AOL: Your screen name isn't listed in our database, can I have your phone number? ME: ***-**** AOL: Please hold (...........) AOL: Your number has been taken off of our calling lists. ME: Ok, thank y.... AOL: But before you go, America Online would like to thank you for calling our Technical Support system and we would like to take a few minutes to tell you about some of the new features that will soon be part of version 4.0 of our software. ME: But I'm not a member anymo... AOL: Along with the wonderful features that you already enjoy, AOL is proud to welcome many new content providers including Busine... ME: HELLO!! Have you been listening? I said I'm not a member anymore. AOL: Sir, we are required to tell you about the new version of our software. ME: I don't care what your script tells you to read to me, I don't want to hear it. This is the exact reason why I called in the first place. AOL: Please calm down sir, we are doing everything we can to help you. ME: What!? Put down the script and talk to me. AOL: I am talking to you ME: No, you're reading to me. Now tell me why I need to know about version 4.0 of you software when I'm not a member anymore. AOL: (click) Well, After my wonderful experience with them, I think I'm going to call much more often (ordering pizzas and pulling pranks). Oh yeah, and a few hours later that same day, I got a call from AOL about their wonderful line of modems for sale... � C|NET's Mailing lists I signed up for C|NET's "Download Dispatch" and several of their other mailing lists because at the time, I thought they would be interesting. After recieving several messages filled with the most boring drivel ever sent through a phone cable, I decided that it wasn't worth the time to read. Following their exact instructions for removing myself from their list, I sent them my "remove" letter. In response, I got an error message back from their machine saying they couldn't find the newsletter that I mentioned. Now I don't give up easy, so I tried again several times; and got the same response. I wrote to the webmaster, and every other technical person on the system but I never got a reply. It's been about a two weeks now and I'm stuck getting messages from them every week because they won't let me out. � -Scorpion (formerly "Mayhem") If you have any comments/suggestions/flames or anything else to say to me, send them to "Scorpion104@juno.com". I will respond within a day. Also, if you have something for me to check out and write about in future editions, I'll be happy to hear your ideas. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 5 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SCoRPIoN'S Online News And Views October 1997 IDIOTS!!! There are many things that annoy me, but nothing irks me as much as people who try to talk about things they know nothing about. Especially AOLers... Yesterday I was talking to 'Jthaballer', one of my closest friends and the ONLY person with whom I can talk about programming and feel like I'm on the same level. I don't know how, but we got off the subject and started talking about email and my new address (Scorpion104@juno.com) when a complete stranger who obviously was listening to us addresses me as "hey" and asks "you have the internet?". I tell him politely "I have ACCESS to the internet, yes..." and he procedes to rattle off his AOL address as proud as an 8-year-old would. Now everyone knows that I could care less about AOL and all the children on the system so, of course, I made a comment like "why don't you get an ISP? They're generally faster and a lot more reliable." Thinking back, I wish I had never made the comment... This guy, whoever he was, procedes to tell me that I am a complete "dumbass" and that "AOL IS the internet". As I stand silent, he continues to make a fool of himself as he tells me "I'm a hacker on AOL. I steal people's passwords and mess up the chat rooms so if you ever see me, tell me who you are so I don't fuck up your system." Ummm... yeah... I'm sure the idiot doesn't even know how to use DOS so I humored him until he left and "J" and I had a good laugh all day saying "I'll fuck up your system biotch!!!". Still, humor aside, I hate these posers on AOL who think they're hackers because they can download and install a chatroom scroller. I've also noticed that all my friends immediately assume that I'm on AOL whenever I'm about to give out an address. Several weeks ago, I had a long conversation with a nice girl that I didn't know (and wanted to know better) and I was going to give her my email address before we parted. She interrupts me and says "I don't like writing email because it's too impersonal". 'That's cool' I think to myself... 'She sounds smart'... "So just meet me in a private room named 'foxygirl' around 8....." Needlesss to say, we're still strangers. AOL only survives through their subscribers' ignorance, so if AOL is all they know, then they will remain loyal. I think this is why people can be online so long and still know nothing about how the internet works. Sad... # ABC NIGHTLY NEWS, October 5 Tonight, ABC really displayed their ignorance during their news broadcast. Their story was about children being victims of people that they meet in chat rooms on the INTERNET. My head immediately snapped towards the TV screen and I saw the AOL 3.0 software displayed and throughout their entire broadcast, they showed AOL chat rooms.... Topping off their story they said something like "The government is looking into how to make the INTERNET safer for our children." HELLO!? AOL is NOT the internet guys... This kind of ignorance is exactly the reason why the INTERNET is getting such a bad wrap. AOL is the problem, not the internet... and until these idiots begin to realize that there IS an online world outside of STEVIE'S domain, there will be more attempts to censor those of us who have nothing to do with AOL. # -Scorpion (formerly "Mayhem") If you have any comments/suggestions/flames or anything else to say to me, send them to "Scorpion104@juno.com". I will respond within a day. Also, if you have something for me to check out and write about in future editions, I'll be happy to hear your ideas. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 6 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ����������������������������������Ŀ � �� � ��� News You Can Use ��� �� � (August 1997 to Oct 1997) �� � �� � By EleCtriK �� ������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �-------------------Ŀ � Letter from Editor � �-------------------�� I used to think IRC was the best. Now IRC bores me. You go on IRC, drop into all your channels that you usually hang out in, and almost everyone there is away. And even if you do start a conversation it lasts only a few minutes, and then it dies. So don't expect to run into me on the IRC too often, I have better things to do like.. anything but that. -EleCtriK ____________________ ____________ _____ | | | | \ / | | |________| ` | ^ | | | | , | | | |_____________|______|______|______|______| ______ ________________________ ___ __________________ | \| | | | | | | | ' | ----- | | | |___ \________| | , | |________| | | | \ | |______|\_____|_____________|_____________|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� IDIOT BANDITS WITHOUT A CAUSE! ------------------------------ Durring the summer W.P. Wagner got in a hole bunch of new computers, bandits with no life or brains decided they would break in and break all the monitors on the computers. Hey dickweed thats coming out of the taxpayers pockets, and its maying BCOM richer! If you were gonna do something trash the school, and steal the computers. Geez, a hole lab of bran new computers and the fools decide to trash it, instead of cashing in on it or bringing home a new system. A good friend of mine that has examined the situation trying to figure out how these bandits got in and out without being detected, or videotaped. He noted that there are many video cameras and sencors all over the school, and infront of the lab. So he guesses these bandits came in through a window. ANARCON CANCELLED ----------------- ANARCON has been cancelled because of insufficient funding, it was to be hosted by CATS, AAA, and maybe this group. But since its not gonna be up this year, and its too late anyhow(it would be freezing). This sucks. __________________________________ ___________________ | | | \| | | | _____|_____/ | ' | _____| | | | | , | | | |_____________|_____________|______|\_____|_____________| ______ _________________________________ | \| | | | | ' | ----- | |\ | | , | |________|_____|| | |______|\_____|_____________| |______| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� Hells Angels in Alberta a plus?? -------------------------------- Ever since the Hells Angels came into Alberta and took over the local biker gang the GRIM REAPERS, and the drug market the drugs have been comming in better, and faster. For all you addicts that would be a plus, for the rest of us.. kewl! NS BEING CLEANED UP? -------------------- As it turns out the police are about to bust the NS up, acording to CATSlash magazine the cops know who all the members in the group are, and are about to bust them. All the cops need is one more peice of evidence. NS MOVING, HOOKERS MOVING ------------------------- It turns out the cops are either scaring the NS out of EASTGLEN and surrounding area, or the NS decided to move. It is rumored that the NS are leaving EASTGLEN and area, and moving on to VICTORIA COMPOSITE HIGH. And as the NS leaves, the hookers are being pushed out of down town, and into BEVERLY! You will still see some hookers downtown, but you'll see more in the Highlands/beverly area. This information hasn't been confirmed, but it seems to be whats going on. ________________________________________________ ___________________ | | | | | |/ | | | ` |_____/ | |________| /|___ \________| | , | | | | \| \ | |______|______|_____________|_____________|______|\_____|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� EDMONTON FREENET ---------------- It looks like the edmonton Freenet still has bugs in it after all, why? Cause CHM know where they are. There is a method of dropping into shell while you are logged as doing something else, but we'll abuse it for a bit, run a few exploits, get root.. then tell you how to do it. Stay tuned to CHM.. which isn't so lame if you are mature enough to read it. __________________________________________________________________ ____ | | | | ____ | | | |/ | | \_ | ` | _____/| ----- |_____/ | /' | ____| , | \| |________| | \. |_______| |_____|_____|_____|_____|___________|___________|_____|\____| ______ ________________________ ___ __________________ | \| | | | | | | | ' | ----- | | | |___ \________| | , | |________| | | | \ | |______|\_____|_____________|_____________|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� AREA CODE CHANGE ---------------- TELUS plans on adding an AREA CODE to our good province of ALBERTA, it is currently estimated that by the year 2000 Alberta will have about 7.8 millon phone users. Currently the 403 NPA can only support 8 millon numbers. So comming into effect in 1999 TELUS is going to add an area code, so everything NORTH of RED DEER will be 780 area code. So by 1999 edmonton will no longer be in the 403, but 780. Maybe the phone service will change as well, opening more bugs in RCMAC, MLAC, PREMIS, and their DMS-100 switch. WINTEL COMMUNICATIONS --------------------- Another long distance company is moving in to the market, WinTel communications who's slogan is "We're your 13cent connection" offers longdistance across north america for only 13cents a minute any day any time, excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexico. "No activation Fees - save right away", no disconnection fees as well.. just give them 30 days notice. But there is a minimum monthly payment of $9.95, so if you don't call long distance your gonna have to wip out 10 bux. Located in Vancouver B.C., it's parent company is London Telecom which is situated in Ontario and has been in business for 9 years. WinTel rents Bell Canada's phone lines, and if you wish to call over sea's you use your local telco's payment plans. So if you call alot in Canada and the U.S. WinTel is for you.. if not stick to Sprint or something. For more info, or if you just wanna fuck with them call WinTel at 1-888-266-1313 or in vancouver 606-4944. _______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | \_ | |\ |_____/ | |\ | ----- | | | | ____| |/ | |____|| | |________| |___________|______| |___________|___________| |_____|___________| On Pevious Articals �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �-----------Ŀ � SEND TO... � �-----------�� Send your information for this colum and others via Email: chm403@hotmail.com or you can email EleCtirK FirE, and get upcoming issues off any of our distro boards. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 7 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _________________________________________ | | | | |_____/ | |\ |___ \________| | | |/ | \ | |_____________|_____________|_____________| ��� ANARCHY RELATED ADS ��� �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �-----Ŀ � Info � �-----�� If you have an ad that you would like to be posted send it to us as an ascii file, and we'll put it in here. For now we only have a few adz. But if you would like to advertize an anarchy event (the main reason for this section) you can do it here. Don't forget to add a method for readers to be able to reach you. ���(begin)�����������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ /\ /\ / \ /---.-------.--------.--------.---.---.---.--------.-----\ \ /_ \/ | ____|___ ___| __ | | | | | __ _\ /' | | |____ | | | `--' | | |> < .----| /_/ | `\ | |\ /| | .----' | | | __ | | | | | | | | | \/ | | `----. | | | || | |_ |_ | `----| || | | | |__|_______| |__| |___||___|_____|___|_|________|___|| | | |__ __| | | / KICKS ASS \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | |/ \| ���(cut)��� ____ ___ ____ ___________ ______ _________________________________________ | | | | | \| | | | | | | | |_____/ | ' | |\ | ----- | |\ | | | | | | |____|| | |________| |/ | |_____________|___________|______|\_____| |_____|___________|___________| WANTED! If you make fake I.D's mail the CHM, fake I.D's are kewl and people want them. If your into selling shit like fake I.D's, ammo, guns, and other types of illegalities I wanna hear from you! If you want to advertize you can use the magazine, and sencor yourself through us. Or just mail me if you want some business. -EleCtriK ���(cut)��� _.�� Do you have any knowledge of the following? ��._ *Hacking*Phreaking*Explosives* *Terrorism*Electric fraud*Misc Anarchy* ..and have enough knowledge to write articles? Well then, we want you. Join the group, and or write for the mag send to chm403@hotmail.com help educate, and spread the word around ���(cut)��� a$$"$$a.,$$$"$$a ,$$a"$$a a$$ $$a,$$a. ,$$$"$$a a$$ $$a,$$$"$$a,aa$$"a$$"$$a $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$a$$a $$$a $$$ $$$ $$$a$$$ $$$ $$$a $$$a$$$ $$$a $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ aaa. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ aaa.$$$ $$$ $$$ aaa. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$. $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$.$S$ $S$ $S$ $S$. $S$ $S$ $S$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$..$$$ $$$ $$$ . $$$ $$$ $$$a$$"$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$e$$' " ``"$$" $$"` `` '' $$"`' " ``"$$" `` '' " ``"$$"lordjazz a$$$ $' `$ ' . . b e t h l e h e m . . ` ( 4 0 3 ) 4 7 7 - 2 3 5 1 7 , 4 $` $ `$ l$, a` ,,a8$8a,, `a ,$l `$$$a,,, ,,,,$$`a$$$$$$$$$$$$$a`$$,,,, ,,,a$$$` ""$$$$$$$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$$"" ```"""$$$$$$$a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""``` a l$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$l a `$$$$$$"$$ $$$$$$"$$$$$$` ``$$"` `"$,"$$"` `"$$`` a ` a$$$a ` e $$$$$$a a$$" "$$a a$$$$$$ ` ``"$$$$$`a$a`$$$$$"`` ` `$$$$$$$$$` ``"$$$$$$"`` $"$`"$ $a a$ ``"$$"`` ���(cut)��� � � �dm ���� ������ ���������������� ��� ����� �� ��� ������ � �� � �� �� ��� ���� � � �������� �� �� �� ���� ��� i n s a n i t y 4 o 3 - 4 8 7 - 2 2 4 4 ���(cut)��� ;#S$$S#; s$$b.s#$$s. ;#S$$S#; .s#b.s#$$s. .s#S$$S#s. s. s#$, $#s ;$$$" $$$; $$$$$$�$$$$ ;$$$" $$$; $$$$$$�$$$$ Y$$" "�'$$ Y$$'s$$$ ,$$$$,.$$$$,"$$$$' `$$$$ $$$$,.$$$$,"$$$$' `$$$$ $ $$$'_s._"$$$$l s$$$$'��`$$$$s $$$ $$$$ $$$'��`$$$$s $$$ $$$$$'�$s._ ,s.$$$��$$; "$$ `$$$$ $$$$'$$$ $$$$ $$ $$$$'$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$P $$l $$l $$$ ~"� �"~ �"~ ��"~ "� �"~ �"~ ��"~ ~"""~ `~" "~' �~ .s#S$$S#s. .s#$$s. s#$$ $$# .s#$$s. s#$$$$$$ ,$$$$" "$l $$$�$$$$ $$$$ .sss. ,$$$�$$$$ �$$" `$$ l$$$ $l $$' `$$$$`$$l �Y$$' $$$' `$$$$ $$bs. `$$$s._ ,s$' $$ $$$$ $$'s#$.Y$ Y$$ $$$$ $$�" .s `$$$$$$$P $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$l $l.`$$ $$$$ $$s#$$$ ~"""~ �"~ ��"~ ~"���' ~"�� �~ ��"~ "��""~' ANARCHY ONLINE html: www.anarchy-online.com telnet: anarchy-online.com ���(end)��������������������������������������������������������������������� -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 8 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ya well another issue finally done. And late as usual. This should have been posted as a September issue instead of an August issue, cause its only being released near the end of September. Hey guess what, CHM is now officialy a year old.. you can tell we obviously skipped a few issues of the mag. Oh, the new CHM logo on the NEW CHM page was done by [FRaUD], and its so much better then the one I made! :) There won't be a September issue, cause its too late, so look for issue 10 to be labled October. And if you want you can contribute to the magazine just send mail to chm403@hotmail.com and have phun. Now for a few insperational words for the newage anarchists out there: If you don't have a cause to blow things up, remember Bill Gates is worth at least $36 Billion last time I checked! And I think he just moved into a 16 million dollar house. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Canadian Havoc Militia 1997 Edmonton, Alberta. CHM403@hotmail.com members.tripod.com/~havoc403 Done in IBM Dos 6.1 TEXT FORMAT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Issue 9, October 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" $" $$$' `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. s. $$$$�$l $$ `"$"' $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 9 of 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ����������������������������������Ŀ � �� � ��� DISCLAIMER ��� �� � �� � By EleCtriK �� ������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� The Canadian Havoc Militia magazine/group, and all of the members and magazine writers are not responsible for any unlawful actions you might take after reading the information in this magazine. The information displayed in this magazine, and previous issues are only for informational purposes, and are not to be used in any illegal actions. The Canadian Havoc Militia will not be held responsible if you decide to use any information in this magainze. The Canadian Havoc Militia also is not responsible for any of the programs distributed through the magazine, or webpage. -EleCtriK