-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3��� Canadian Anarchists Militia Issue 6, May 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. Gonna raise hell and havoc in da 4o3, and Canada! chm403@hotmail.com www.anarchy-online.com/electrik/index.htm From Edmonton, Alberta.. kickin it in da 4o3! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Finnaly school is out for the summer, and us anarchist types have a better chance of getting into trouble. Well just about anyone with a craving for mischeif will have more then enough time on his/her hands. Well anyhow this time around we have a pretty good lineup of articals waiting for your eager eyes to read. If your the h/p/a type you can submit an artical to us, either upload it to us on Bethlehem, or email it to: electrik@anarchy-online.com along with a little note. If you wish to become a writer for the CHM's magazine, a member of CHM, or both you can add it to the file you send in(you need not send in a file to become a member). � �� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� � � � 1. INTRODUCTION -By EleCtriK � � � � 2. How to make a Stun Gun -By Ccomp666 � � � � 3. A different kind of Cherry Bomb -By EleCtriK � � � � 4. Windows 95 hacks -By EleCtriK � � � � 5. Potato Gun -By [FRaUD] � � � � 6. NEWS YOU CAN USE -By EleCtriK � � � � 6. Game Crack of the Month -By Demolisher � � � � 6. Anarchy Related Ads � � � � 7. The Disclaimer -By EleCtriK � � � ���������������������������������������������������������� �� ������ � � If you want to contribute any information for the magazine, or advertize any hot merchindize, send it via Email to: chm403@hotmail.com You can still join the group if your the hacker/phreaker/anarchist/informer, but experience in your field is required. Any articals you submit for the CHM's magazine must be 100% original. .oO EleCtriK Oo. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 2 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ****************************************** ****- Ccomp666 ! -**** ****************************************** ****-- P R E S E N T A T I O N ! ! --**** *** *** ** How To make a Stun Gun ** * ================== * ****************************************** ** T H I S H A S B E E N W R I T E N ** ** ------------------------------------ ** ** CCOMP666 Edmonton Fucking kicks ass ** ** ------------------------------------ ** ** ** ****************************************** So you want to ZaaaaaaP the shit out of someone. Well I have the thing just for you. It delivers a nice Shock of 75,000 Volts and causes muscle spasms. A word of caution don't try this on your self (Dumb Shit). Well you be need'n to go down to your local RADIO-SHACK. Yes that is what I said RADIO-SHACK where they sell shitty computers. Just for a joke tell'em you want to buy a One of their computers to use for a clock (HA! HA!) , and watch'em turn red. Then say "just kidding(dick)", under your breath of course. Well enough of that shit, Here is what you need. PARTS ===== All resistors are 1/2 watt.Abbrv. as R1 or R2. ---------------------------------------------- R1 & R2 100,000 ohm's resistors! R3 & R4 500,000 ohm's resistors! ---------------------------------------------- DIODES:D1-D4 Use a 75 PIV BRIDGE RECTIFIER or 4 1N9004's 300 VOLTS. ---------------------------------------------- Capacitors: C1&C2 4700uF electrolytic ---------------------------------------------- TR1-STEP UP TRANSFORMER 55 uH AUDIO ---------------------------------------------- 2 250 volt AC DPST switch ---------------------------------------------- A 9volt RECHARGEABLE/100 volt Neon lamp =L ---------------------------------------------- A 9volt battery clip/MALE-FEMALE RCA JACKS ---------------------------------------------- Some perf board,wire,solder ---------------------------------------------- 9volts in - + / to RCA JACK / |---* *-------------| Use RCA JACK TO HOOK TO A RECHARGER. | sw2 | Run JACK FROM 9V. |----|<-----|<------| | d1 d2 | When battery runs down Recharge it! |----|<-----|<------| | d3 d4 | | | \ / / R1 \ R2 \ / | + | |----|(-------------| | c1 | \ \ / / \ \ | R3 - | R4 |----|(-------------| | c2 L Neon charge light/ Push sw1 to fire when light is on |/ | * *---------| | sw1 | | + n - ======= /\/\/\/ TR1 ======= | | needles or prods | | \|/ \|/ When this is built hold down sw2 until neon lamp lights. Then Stick "THE VICTIM" And press SW1 ,He will get a jolt. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 3 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * ��� Cherry Bombs ��� * * * * By EleCtriK * *********************************** * ************************************ This is a different type of cherry bomb, and is good for getting peoples attention. Well I'll tell you how to build a cherry bomb, then tell you what to add to make quite an odd side affect. First, get a ping pong ball and cut a hole in it, about 2 match heads wide. Make sure the hole is a hole, and not a slit; its a hell of a problem to get the thing to lite with a small hole. Second, you fill it with Gunpowder(not clumps, powdered), and try to have it packed with no spaces in the inside(for louder affect). Third, make a fuse; or buy one. And stick it far into the bomb having it stick out a bit. This in itself dosn't always ignite the gunpowder well, so what I do is stick a match in just in case(leave some of the match head sticking out. You may also want to put some potassium nitrate in the hole after the fuse is in(a little!). Fourth, cover the plastic ping pong ball with nail polish, to seal any small air holes there might be. Now you lite it and run. �--------------Ŀ � Modifications � �--------------�� If you would like a moderate bang, with alot of smoke(really thick grey smoke!), make the cherry bomb half gunpowder, and half rocket powder. You know model rockets, take to rocket engine and powder the black stuff. The rocket powder is what makes the smoke. For more of a bang and less smoke you would have the gunpowder to rocket powder 3:1. For more smoke and less bang it would be 1:3, and so on. But I wouldn't waste my time making a cherry out of only rocket powder, I don't know the results but my calculations say it would really suck, and might not even blow up. But try to have at least one rocket engine in the bomb. If you want to hurt a bunch of people in a crowd I would put from 3 to 8 shot gun pellets(when unloading shotgun shells never through out anything, everything is usable) at different places so when it blows up it flys. If you make this make sure you remember which ones have the pellets; I forgot that I put pellets in a few of mine, and when I went to detonate one for fun, I got hit with one of the pellets. It dosn't really do anything big, just hurt like hell(from a far distance), it also depends on how much gunpowder there is in the bomb. �--------------Ŀ � Softball bomb � �--------------�� Well here is just a thought, but you know those big soft balls? You can usualy find them durring softball season, I have like 5 of em that I collected one year. This has not been tested but is a theory. Pipe bombs are big explosives that cause alot of damage, well its not like your gonna bother going into a store, and buy a foot long pipe with two end caps, thats just a little to suspisious. Well you could do it, just why look so suspisious when you can make a powerful fairly large explosive at home out of a softball. I don't know why they are called soft balls, they are quite hard to me. Well take a large nail, ice pick, or anything that will punch a hole in the ball. When this is done fill it up with gunpowder and shrapnel. Stick a fuse in it and there you have a bomb alot more powderful then a cherry bomb, and something that comes pretty close to a pipe bomb. Note that explosions can't be seen without smoke, so if you want to see it, have rocket engine gun powder in it, at least one engines worth(it needs not be powderd, it can be in chunks). Remember that these things may be small, and fun; but they can blow away body parts very easily. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 4 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * ��� Windows 95 Tips ��� * * * * By EleCtriK * *********************************** * ************************************ Winblows 95 is so easy to fuck up, a child can do it. Thats another one for the "explorer type", and a big fat ZERO in MicroSoft's face. In making Win95 user friendly, and easy to use, its also easy to fuck up(like I mentioned above). This information would be more or less be for a network of Win95 computers. It is to my knowledge that every high school in Edmonton will be equiped with at least one IBM lab of pentium computers. Every High School library in edmonton will be equiped with pentiums running Win95. Isn't this a hard blow to the crappy Apple Mac company. Anyhow a main flaw in windows is that they made it user friendly! Bill Gates has totaly replaced the Mac with an IBM lookalike. And if your school system has Encarta 95, 96, or 97 you can access restricted files easier, and with less difficulty. It also hides the program when you have it minimized, usualy the programs running would be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Encarta covers up the toolbar that displays the information. What you would have to do is run encarta first, and goto the encyclopidia. As you can tell it hasn't hidden the bottom toolbar yet, so once you have clicked on the encyclopida and the previously lookedup topic is displayed, you must then press the find button at the top of the screen. This will overlap the bottom toolbar, to hide any programs that you wish to run. Now you will have to select wich program you want to run, so go to the toolbar at the top of the screen and select the icon at the end of the bar. Its a white i in side a blue circle. After selecting it a pulldown menu will appear, goto options on the pull down menu. A black like window should pull up with a bunch of options you can setup with encarta, click on the choose word processor option that is sitting separatly at the bottom of the screen. This should pull up a window that alows you to scan through the computer(and network). From here you can select any program that you wish to run. After selecting your program and quiting back to the encyclopidia, you then goto the toolbar, and select the options pulldown menu. From the options pulldown menu select Word Processor. This will run your program, that you have told encarta was your word processor. This is ideal if you have no acess through your library computer to do what you wish, and since you can't run windows applications through dos. A few ideas for what to put as the word processor would be either one of these: Command.com Dos prompt. telnet.exe Telnet, ideal if your school has an ISDN internet connection. Should be in the windows directory. It may take some time to find if you don't know your school's system. Misc Novell utilities. Games you have downloaded off the net. Hit ALT and TAB to switch between programs, to avoid being caught by the evil librarian, or computer teacher. Explore the possibilities with this freedom. �--------------------Ŀ � Additional Win Tips � �--------------------�� If your school has its group windows password protected, there is a way to dissable it. All you need to do is Edit the win.ini file. Your win.ini file should have a command similar to this one: Load= nwpopup.exe;�secgroup If the load line in your win.ini file only has only one program in it that will load when you run windows, your gonna have to take out that file. Secgroup is a password program for windows, and it is configurable, I'll explain how to reset it next month. But you want it gone, so you would take out the command and only leave: Load= nwpopup.exe The load line should be near the top of your win.ini file, with just a few lines down. Thats all this time around, next month we will talk about screwing with windows 95, which is a hell of a lot easier to hack then win 3.X and dos. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 5 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Potato Gun! Every wanted to make a cool firearm like weapon but didn't have the supplies because there these fucken strange ass things that are almost impossible to find? If your one of them people this is the article for you. The potato gun is made up of house hold items, and easy to find things. Materials: - One Plastic Jar, anything of the size of a water bottle will do. must have unscrewable lid. - Plastic Tube (them golf bag tubes work the best) - One barbecue electric sparker thingy. - Duct Tape - Gasoline, or spraypaint - A Potato Ok, after you have all that shit, now its time to make the thing. First ya gotta cut a hole in the top of the container big enough for the plastic tube to fit through. After the hole is cut, place the tube in so its sticking about 2 cm in the container. Tape the tube to the container so its air tight. Do the same with the barbecue lighter with the screw in side. Now your finished, unscrew the lid, put in the gas, load the potato through the tube, screw the top back on, and fire away!! Have Phun!! [FRaUD] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 6 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * ��� News You Can Use ��� * * (May 31,1997 to July 4,1997) * * * * By EleCtriK * *********************************** * ************************************ �-------------------Ŀ � Letter from Editor � �-------------------�� Whats up with the Canadian phone systems? Its a pain in the ass to phreak from nowadays. Many 800 diverters, and interesting numbers are not available from Canada, although Canada's phone systems are extremly up to date. The U.S. have modern systems as well, but they have a larger economy, which in turn draws many businesses to the U.S. giveing phreaks in the states more "Big Businesses" to phreak from. I'm not saying we can't phreak from Canada, but we have many restrictions. The Canadian phone companies, and the U.S. companies should setup no boundries for North Ameriaca. Cause its a pain in the ass to have to reroute through multiple systems just to make a simple call to an 800 pager! -EleCtriK ____________________ ____________ _____ | | | | \ / | | |________| ` | ^ | | | | , | | | |_____________|______|______|______|______| ______ ________________________ ___ __________________ | \| | | | | | | | ' | ----- | | | |___ \________| | , | |________| | | | \ | |______|\_____|_____________|_____________|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �� Stabbing Ŀ �-----------�� Mobster gunned down!On June the 5th, a fued turned to violence at J.D. Brako School, in Edmonton, Alberta. Aparently there was an argument and a big crowed gathered, and the boy took off. Two other boys ran from the group in persuite, and then the fleeing boy pulled a knife and stabbed one of the boys. The 16 year old was admited to hospital. �� The Lunch Box Bandit Ŀ �-----------------------�� Modern day bank robberies are rarely commited, and when they are done the robbers are caught efficiently. But one such bank robber nick named the Lunch Box bandit has gotten away with 10 bank robberies to date. His unusual name was brought about because of his first robbery, when he robbed the bank claiming that there was a bomb in the lunch box he carried with him. The police have no leads to who this might be, because he wears clever disguses and blends in well with crowds. This bandit now has stopped using the box, but shows the clerks the butt of a handgun. Cops expect more banks to be hit by this robber, and no he dosn't stick to one type of bank. If the lunch box bandit is out there, I would love to interview him or have a friendly chat. �� Bandit Caught? Ŀ �-----------------�� Was the lunch box bandit caught? The police think so. The police lay low waiting for the bandits next hit, and when he hit they responded within the minute. Remember those pagers I told you about that downtown was planning on setting up, well that was deffinatly used. Philip Glen Knole was arrested outside the Chateau Lacome on when he tryed to escape in there on Friday July 4th. The police found a loaded full-auto handgun on his person, but no cash? The lunch box bandit has hit 11 banks to date, the 11th was National Trust on 100st, also his bust. __________________________________ ___________________ | | | \| | | | _____|_____/ | ' | _____| | | | | , | | | |_____________|_____________|______|\_____|_____________| ______ _________________________________ | \| | | | | ' | ----- | |\ | | , | |________|_____|| | |______|\_____|_____________| |______| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �� Mobster gunned down! Ŀ �-----------------------�� In June Jonny Papila was gunned down, he was big with the Italian Mob. The Roman Church didn't alow a full mass for him because of his criminal connections. This was all in Ontario. �� Grim Reaper Bust Ŀ �-------------------�� On June the 24th police from calgary, edmonton, and red deer stormed the Grim Reapers abode. 40 members were captured, and are being charged with trafficing of flesh(prostitution), and the odd batery. Oh and not to mention the firearm charges. Alberta thinks that this is sending out a clear message that the Hells Angels aren't welcome in alberta. The Hells Angels are thinking of setting up a chapple in Alberta. There is a rumor that the Hells Angels were going to setup some type of merge with the Grim Reapers, and the police think that this is going to change the Hells Angels decision. Hells Angels already own 90% of the prostitution in B.C. and Alberta, pretty soon it will probably be 100%. �� NS Threatens Eastglen Student Ŀ �--------------------------------�� A member of the NS threatened a student at Eastglen known as Aeon Flux to us in the anarchy scene. There is no word so far if this fool has acctually acted on his threat, and he probably won't. Just another "tuff" kid trying to act cool. �� Vigilante Corp Ŀ �-----------------�� The Anarchist group from northern Alberta named the Vigilante Corp, has recently elected a new leader for the group. The Vigilante Corp will be comeing out with some new text files, so look for up files by this great group. Finnaly Alberta is being repopulated by elite anarchists, phreaks, and hacks. ________________________________________________ ___________________ | | | | | |/ | | | ` |_____/ | |________| /|___ \________| | , | | | | \| \ | |______|______|_____________|_____________|______|\_____|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �� Game Crack of the month! Ŀ �---------------------------�� sorry guys I'll have it next month. �� Hackers Accessories! Ŀ �-----------------------�� I printed this when I was in Jr high, and just begining my h/p addiction, and I just found this print out while going through a shitload of trash under my bed(I also found 5 bux, a pack of caps, and a hole shitload of trash.). Well anyhow here it is: HACKERS ACCESSORIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to a common mode of dress, there is a similar set of tool of the trade which many hackers can be found carrying. Often a black satchel (though many responses claimed green, no doubt in keeping with the hiking boots and chamois shirts) or military surplus shoulder bag is filled to overflowing with things which hackers must have to sustain their hacking lives when separated from their computers. A typical inventory might look like this: Notepad (legal or steno size) Multiple pens and pencils Various screwdrivers, hex keys, and torx drivers(for installing cards, and opening cases) The flashiest programmable calculator that a person could find. These tend towards the HP (RPN) units, but there is a substantive minority using Casio algebraic units. These should graph if at all possible. Floppy disks. A variety of floppies containing diagnostic tools, a current project being moved to a new machine, or the most recently aquired programs to be toyed with. {Cruft}, and lots of it. ATM receipts, old tests, source code print outs, unpaid bills, scraps of note paper with program ideas, {IP} numbers, and phone numbers on them, etc... A good pocket knife. Swiss Army-type knives with several tools are prevalent. Musical instrument. Harmonicas dominate this catagorie, though DoN Nichols (dnichols@ceilidh.beartrack.com) apparently sports a penny whistle in his toolbelt. Multitester and/or logic probe. More financialy equiped hackers can also be found with portable computers, Apple Newtons or other {PDA} devices, and expensive versions of the multitester (Fluke, is an example of this). A properly equiped hacker can continue to be immersed in a hack while sitting through an unusually broing lecture, or while on the bus. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________ ____ | | | | ____ | | | |/ | | \_ | ` | _____/| ----- |_____/ | /' | ____| , | \| |________| | \. |_______| |_____|_____|_____|_____|___________|___________|_____|\____| ______ ________________________ ___ __________________ | \| | | | | | | | ' | ----- | | | |___ \________| | , | |________| | | | \ | |______|\_____|_____________|_____________|_____________| �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� _______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | \_ | |\ |_____/ | |\ | ----- | | | | ____| |/ | |____|| | |________| |___________|______| |___________|___________| |_____|___________| On Pevious Articals �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �-----------Ŀ � SEND TO... � �-----------�� Send your information for this colum and others via Email: chm403@hotmail.com or you can email EleCtirK FirE, and get upcoming issues off any of our distro boards (adz below). If you wish to send in an artical to EleCtriK send to it via this email address: electrik.fire@anarchy-online.com Otherwise all comments to the hotmail.com address. _________________________________________ | | | | |_____/ | |\ |___ \________| | | |/ | \ | |_____________|_____________|_____________| ��� ANARCHY RELATED ADS ��� �-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ŀ ��� ��� �-----Ŀ � Info � �-----�� If you have an ad that you would like to be posted send it to us as an ascii file, and we'll put it in here. For now we only have a few addz, and not much else. But if you would like to post some anarchy information (the main reason for this section) you can do it here. Examples would be important numbers(pentagons dialup), adz for the sale of anarchy type items, etc.. and don't forget to add a method for readers to be able to reach you. ���(begin)�����������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ _.�� Do you have any knowledge of the following? ��._ *Hacking*Phreaking*Explosives* *Terrorism*Electric fraud*Misc Anarchy* ..and have enough knowledge to write articals? Well then, we want you. Join the group, and or write for the mag send to chm403@hotmail.com help educate, and spread the word around ���(cut)��� B E Y O N D $$#$$ $$#$$ $$$$$$$ $$#$$$$#. $$#$$$$#s $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$$ "' $$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$.s#$' $$$#$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ,s $$#$$ $$#$$ $$$$$$$ $$#$$ $$#$$$$P' August 8th, 9th, and 10th IN NEW YORK CITY Hosted by 2600, with live video teleconference To the HIP'97 Conference in the Netherlands! www.hope.net ���(cut)��� _.��Phone Numbers��._ `���._.��._.��._.���' I was too busy, and lazy to reprogram my cell to scan for any numbers or trade for any with other phreaks. If you have an interestin number that you would like posted, or any information you may send it to us via email to: CHM403@hotmail.com we'd like to hear from you soon. ���(cut)��� a$$"$$a.,$$$"$$a ,$$a"$$a a$$ $$a,$$a. ,$$$"$$a a$$ $$a,$$$"$$a,aa$$"a$$"$$a $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$a$$a $$$a $$$ $$$ $$$a$$$ $$$ $$$a $$$a$$$ $$$a $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ aaa. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ aaa.$$$ $$$ $$$ aaa. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. .`. :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| |:| $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $|$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$. $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$ $S$.$S$ $S$ $S$ $S$. $S$ $S$ $S$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$..$$$ $$$ $$$ . $$$ $$$ $$$a$$"$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$e$$' " ``"$$" $$"` `` '' $$"`' " ``"$$" `` '' " ``"$$"lordjazz a$$$ $' `$ ' . . b e t h l e h e m . . ` ( 4 0 3 ) 4 7 7 - 2 3 5 1 7 , 4 $` $ `$ l$, a` ,,a8$8a,, `a ,$l `$$$a,,, ,,,,$$`a$$$$$$$$$$$$$a`$$,,,, ,,,a$$$` ""$$$$$$$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$$"" ```"""$$$$$$$a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""``` a l$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$l a `$$$$$$"$$ $$$$$$"$$$$$$` ``$$"` `"$,"$$"` `"$$`` a ` a$$$a ` e $$$$$$a a$$" "$$a a$$$$$$ ` ``"$$$$$`a$a`$$$$$"`` ` `$$$$$$$$$` ``"$$$$$$"`` $"$`"$ $a a$ ``"$$"`` ���(cut)��� � � �dm ���� ������ ���������������� ��� ����� �� ��� ������ � �� � �� �� ��� ���� � � �������� �� �� �� ���� ��� i n s a n i t y 4 o 3 - 4 8 7 - 2 2 4 4 ���(cut)��� ;#S$$S#; s$$b.s#$$s. ;#S$$S#; .s#b.s#$$s. .s#S$$S#s. s. s#$, $#s ;$$$" $$$; $$$$$$�$$$$ ;$$$" $$$; $$$$$$�$$$$ Y$$" "�'$$ Y$$'s$$$ ,$$$$,.$$$$,"$$$$' `$$$$ $$$$,.$$$$,"$$$$' `$$$$ $ $$$'_s._"$$$$l s$$$$'��`$$$$s $$$ $$$$ $$$'��`$$$$s $$$ $$$$$'�$s._ ,s.$$$��$$; "$$ `$$$$ $$$$'$$$ $$$$ $$ $$$$'$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$P $$l $$l $$$ ~"� �"~ �"~ ��"~ "� �"~ �"~ ��"~ ~"""~ `~" "~' �~ .s#S$$S#s. .s#$$s. s#$$ $$# .s#$$s. s#$$$$$$ ,$$$$" "$l $$$�$$$$ $$$$ .sss. ,$$$�$$$$ �$$" `$$ l$$$ $l $$' `$$$$`$$l �Y$$' $$$' `$$$$ $$bs. `$$$s._ ,s$' $$ $$$$ $$'s#$.Y$ Y$$ $$$$ $$�" .s `$$$$$$$P $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$l $l.`$$ $$$$ $$s#$$$ ~"""~ �"~ ��"~ ~"���' ~"�� �~ ��"~ "��""~' ANARCHY ONLINE www.anarchy-online.com anarchy-online.com ���(end)��������������������������������������������������������������������� Thankyou... and remember to contribute to our cause, and continue to fuck up this fucked up phone company we must use! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ���Kickin in the 4o3!��� Issue 7, June 1997 _.���._.����"����._.���._ .��' `��. .���._ .�' _.s%#S$Ss $$$ `�. _.���. ,��' `����' s$$$$7" " $$&' . . `����' `��, .�' l$$$$" ;$$_s. ;$$#%s%#$$; `�. `��, $$$$s. _. $$$$�$s $$ �"$"� $$ ,��' ,.�� "�Y$$$$�'."$$ $$.�$$ $$�. ��., `��._.��._.���. .���._.��._.��' `���._.����"�._,�._.�"����._.���' .oOo. Canadian Havoc Militia .oOo. File 7 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * ��� DISCLAIMER ��� * * * * By EleCtriK * *********************************** * ************************************ The Canadian Havoc Militia magazine/group, and all of the magazines members and writers are not responsible for any unlawful actions you might take after reading the information in this magazine. The information displayed in this magazine, and previous issues are only for informational perposes, and are not to be used in any illegal actions. The Canadian Havoc Militia magazine/group will not be held responsible if you get into trouble after reading this magazine. All legal action towards us must be dissmised, and will be dissmised. �----------------� In other Words �----------------� You read this magazine, and you get into trouble. We will NOT be held accountable for your actions. All the information here is to make you aware, and if you deside to use this information it is at your own risk. Cops you can't take us in because this is information all should be able to access. �------------------� In simpler words �------------------� Leave us alone with your legal shit because you can't do shit to us! This disclaimer covers it all so get lost! �------� NOTE �------� The C.H.M. in no way inforce or recomend violence, or vandilism, but I do persue a hacking and phreaking community. I am saddened when people kill, and vandalize property. Of course a telephone booth(booth not the acctual payphone) dosen't count in this case because its the property of blood thirsty, money crazed business men, that could offer the service for pennies! All the explosives and home made wepons here you can make, and play with, but never play with human life. -EleCtriK