-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 1 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * INTRODUCTION * * * * By EleCtriK FirE * *********************************** * ************************************ Yet another Negative Energy Remade Destructive issue out there on the net. We got a few new writers on here, and we have a few new members as well. We can't wait to get the new writers into our magazine but we will have to get thier articals next month. If you wish to become a writer we would appreciate it if you would send in our application before the end of the month. We hope you enjoy this issue. The magazine is undergoing changes and we have desided we are going to add an ansi art section to the magazine. If you are an ammature artist or a pro, we would like to see your talants, so draw up a sample of your work and it will be placed in the magazine. If you are a Gif artist, or make RIP's send them in as well. Another change we are doing with the magazine is to make a Microsoft Write version of the magazine, with graphic images and different colored fonts, giving the magazine a better look and style. Suggestions are welcome, and we hope you will become apart of this magazine. But don't fear there will always be a text version out there. The magazine has desided to set up the N.E.R.D. web page for a wider area of distribution, and it should be up soon. But as we all know you need an internet supplier first, and of course find the funds to pay them. So if there is an internet supplier out there that is willing to provide us with a web page for no or little cost, we would be REALLY glad to hear from you. I might set up a board on an old 286 I have, and use my spare 14.4 modem, but I don't have any cash right now for the line so it might be a while before we get the board up. So untill we get enough cash for an internet supplier, and a line for the board, we will be uploading this magazine to the different boards and internet sites instead. Well in this issue we have: 1. INTRODUCTION -By EleCtriK FirE 2. Fuses -By Koei 3. When I got Arrested -By EleCtriK FirE 4. Red Box -By Spiker 5. The Pir8 Board BBS List -By EleCtriK FirE 6. NEWS YOU CAN USE -By EleCtriK FirE 7. The Dissclaimer -By EleCtriK FirE If you want more issues of N.E.R.D. magazine, but don't know of any distribution sites for our magazine, just look for upcomeing issues where you found this copy, you most likely will find issues at that site. We are encourageing you to distribute this magazine to all your friends, and to all your underground sites. If you want to send us your application form, or any information for the magazine, send it via Email: nerd@probfate.alive.ampr.ab.ca We need writers, so anyone who is willing to write articals for us, we would really appreciate it. But remember it must be H/P/A related. --EleCtriK FirE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 2 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * Fuses * * * * By Koei * *********************************** * ************************************ Making Fuse! Hello. I agreed to write an artile for the creator of this magazine but have recently found myself rather short of time, and don't have as much as required to type out too much for now, so i thought maybe a lesson on fuse would do for now, and probably something that will not be picked as an article in this magazine for some time. Alright first things first. You will need the following for this type of fuse: MATERIALS: 1: Black powder FFFG grade. 2: Parcel wrapping twine. 3: Powder dextrin. 4: Wood alcohol Black Powder is easily gotted from gun stores, and costs maybe $5 to $8 per pound. . To make this fuse, you will need what is called "Meal powder". To make this, all you have to do is grind the black powder in a mortar and pestle. . Grind it as fine as it will go, but take your time, GO EASY! Keep all the powders seperate from that which you are grinding. After the powder is ground, measure 1 pint of water and 8 ounces of alcohol into a large bowl. While stirring this mixture, add about two tablespoons of dextrin. Stir until no lumps remain. Continue stirring while slowly adding the meal powder a little at a time until the mixture assumes the consistency of thin honey or molasses. Cut a 20 foot length of parcel post twice and boil it clean water for about 5 minutes to remove any preservatives or other impurities that it might contain. After washing, stir the string into the black powder, but rememeber to leave a bit sticking out of the bowl so you can pull it out with ease. Stir until the string has soaked well. Let it soak for about 3 hours or so. After it has finished soaking, hang it out like a clothesline and remove access globs of mixture. The string should be bigger and round after this. Put on a bit of extra power while it is still wet. Rememeber to catch the access in a pan so it can be used for later. When the fuse is totally dry, store it in a cool place away from any heat source! Please note that this fuse is not waterproof! Do not, under any circumstances, Try to waterproof it with tape or anything else! This will cause it to burn from beggining to end instantly!!! Also, all fuses should be tested for burning rate. Measure off a foot and see how long it takes to burn down. Different batches of fuse will have a different burning rate...every time you make it...so test with every new batch. I will get more for the writer of this magazine later, I hope this is ok for now. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 3 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * Arrested, * * while * * shoplifting! * * * * By EleCtriK FirE * *********************************** * ************************************ Shoplifting can be a pain in the ass and yet save you a few bux as well but only if your a smart shoplifter. Me I was just arrested at the K-Mart west exit in Northwood mall, today! Here is how it happened, and how to beat the fuckin mall security. Me and a friend have been shoplifting from these bitches for a while, walking in to the store almost everyday. Going to the same section, coming out with nothing in our hands, and leaving. This wasn't what got me fucked over, the cameras they had posted up did! I went "shopping" alone today, and I looked really suspisious! I walked over and stood around a long time, got a bunch of shit then took off. I was being really careful, but not careful enough. They caught me as I left the store. They know they can't arrest you unless they have solid proof that your ripping them off. If you have hidden an item, they can sometimes get you by that, but sometimes they can't. So they wait untill you leave the store before they attack. Why? Because you can say, "I was going to pay for it, then you grabbed me! I just put it there for now!" So they need you to try and take off. This sales person comes up to me and grabs me. "Security, your under arrest!" The jerk takes me through the K-mart, passed the resturant, and into the storage area. There he turned me left and right into a little room with a heavy steel door. A prison cell in a store! No just the security office. There a desk sits, and two t.v's, radios, and a stack of papers. They made me sit in a chair opposite the door, in the left hand corner of the room. They searched my belongings and took out the stuff, and read me my rights. If you don't have anything on you then don't let them search your stuff, tell them they can't search you, and that you will only let the Edmonton Police search you. When the cops do search you and your clean, you can complain to the store manager, or the chain and get something for your troubles. The first thing the bitch done to scare me, and intimidate me was pull out her set of nice silver handcuffs and put them on the desk. If its your first time being caught at anything don't worry, you won't wear them. They asked me a bunch of questions, and I answered them with nice short answers. I sat there quietly with a sad, sorry, pityful look on my face trying to play with thier sympathy. The bitch called the cop, and I had to wait. The cop came and double checked all the information I gave them. The address, phone, mothers name, they asked it again to make sure I wasn't lieing. Here is an important tip, never lie when you are caught or else they slap the cuffs on right away. They took my picture and a picture of the goods. Then the cop gave me two options. One I either get charged, or because it was my first offence I get to say I'm guilty and I talk to a lawyer. The lawyer sets up a bunch of community service hours for you and you don't get a record, or so they say. But you don't get the hours if you have been caught doing something illegal before, and done hours for another crime. Only then will you get charged right away, get the cuffs slaped on, and taken to court. How ever I was taken to court anyway. They take you to court, and the court desided what to do with you. You can apply for alternitive measures, which I of course am doing, but you may be rejected like my friend was for breaking a guys noise. The cop made me march out of the store with him. He made me walk ahead of him, then asked if this has changed me, and would I lift again. He has to do this infront of all the people to get me screwed with the public watching. He drove me home, and because my mom wasn't home he said he would call. I thought it would be like the last time the cops said they would call, and forget, but sure as hell at six the phone rang. He cop told my mom I was caught shoplifted, and that he was coming over. But my mom told him she was going out for about an hour and a half, the cop said he would come by then. But he came right after he hung up, thinking she was lieing, but my mom was gone anyhow so he left. He stayed outside my house waiting to see if I lied about my mom already leaving, but when he saw she really was gone he left. __________ >> TIPS << ^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Always co-operate, they might let you off. 2. Don't lie, or speak rudely to the cop. 3. Never say "What smells like bacon". 4. When lifting always lift with a buddie. 5. Buy something from the target area once in a while. 6. If your being watched my personal and don't have enough privacy to unload the loot, go buy something so they don't get fucked up on you. 7. Always carry a few bux, and never anything illegal. 8. Don't get caught. 9. Better yet don't shoplift. When they do catch you don't be scared, walk quietly with them with a normal peaceful look on your face. No one noticed me while I was grabbed, or pulled into the back room. If the staff see you they don't care, they see this drill at least once a day. All in all this wasn't too bad, just the next time I get caught I get a record and I go to court. The only thing wrong with this is that I'm banned from all K-marts in canada for two years, and get community service. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 1 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * THE RED BOX! * * * * By Spiker * *********************************** * ************************************ I was in a chat with spiker once, and we got into a disscusion, and he gave me the plans for a red box. I trapped the teleconference we had, and then asked if he would mind if he would come and write as a phreaker for N.E.R.D. He agreed, and I disided to place this into the magazine this issue. This log has been altered slightly to disguise the board this was done on, and to shelter the people that loged on while we chatted. Next month we will have a REAL file from our good old buddie Spiker.. Enjoy the reading folks. --EleCtriK FirE --------Start log now-------------------------------------------------------- Do you hack? ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Well, there are only about 3 REAL hackers on the planet. Most of the people you meet are posers.. Basically if anyone claimes to be a hacker, they are not! Yayayayaya, Phiber Optic and the other LOD, MOD members that got busted. ������ Message Sent... See I read WIRED Magazine too! :) ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Yeah.. that sort of thing... All I know is how to get a few free phone calls, and stuff like that.. (can even make a few tasty bombs ) K00l.. ya the free phone stuff is c00l, but I don't know how to do that. THe bl ue box is hard to make... and I don't know anything about electronics. ������ Message Sent... [Spiker doesn't actually read wired, believe it or not.] [Spiker] It is pretty easy to make one that'll work on the Edmonton phone system.. Actually, the red box works mostly on the "Hearing Impaired" phones in this city (they still use the old A.C.T.S. system). Huh?? ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] The red-box (gives free calls on public (coin-opperated) telephones. The red-box I know how to make will work on the Edmonton pay-phones with the Volume adjustor (for people with hearing problems). >spiker C00l... how do you make a red box? ������ Message Directed to Spiker... [Spiker] Okay, wanna learn how? >spiker Ya, of course! :) ������ Message Directed to Spiker... [Spiker] Does your computer have a sound-card? YA it has one ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Do you have access to the Internet? No, I don't have access to the net. ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Hmm, well to make it you need a file called "Quarter.voc".. I uploaded it once to Rusty Bedsprings BBS (XXX XXXX) and then you'll need abou $20 bux in materials [Spiker] First, go out and buy one "Hallmark digital recording greeting card) from a hall mark store.. You'll also need a stereo or mono speaker plug in, an STSC switch, and a speaker out of head phone.. Maybe a tape case too. [Spiker] First open up the hallmark card and pull out all the guts, but don't break any wires yet. ya... ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Second, tag the wires going to the little paper switch, and not which wires are record, and which are play. They wire the wires to your STSC switch and just lable the record and play sides. [Spiker] Third, clip the wires to the speaker, and hook them up to your mono or stereo mike jack.. Basically then you just plug that into the speaker outlet on your soundcard, and get ready to make a recording. ya.. ������ Message Sent... [Spiker] Once pluged in, flip the STSC switch to "record" and play the "Quarter.voc" file a few times, (like for 4 bucks worth). ALso, vary the delsay between playings so that it sounds natural (like you are strugling with your change). [Spiker] Okay, so now swich you STSC to the "Off" position and grab your plastic tape case (just for containing the mess... [Spiker] Now you can drill a hole about 1/4 inch in diameter into the side of the tapecase, and also cut out a place for your STSC Switch. [Spiker] Before grabbing your crazy-glue and sticking it all together, you need to clip off your mono or stereo mike-jack and wire the leads into yor walkman speaker.. [Spiker] Then you just glue your switch, speaker, microchip, and battery into your tape case, and BINGO.. one Red-box. [Spiker takes a bow!] -------End log here---------------------------------------------------------- All right Spiker... well anyhow you don't need the rusty bedsprings number becuase I have the file for you. But if your computer can't run any *.voc files you can use any *.wav file of a 25 cent tone. Next month Spiker tells me that he might tell us how to make some kinda switchy thing out of your remote, to control the traffic lights on your street. See you can meet nice people in chat rooms! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 5 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * Pir8 Boards BBS List * * * * By EleCtriK FirE * *********************************** * _________________ ************************************ >>A little Note<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last month I had a few boards in here that were not pir8 boards, but still elite boards. I appologise to the sysops of these boards. But do not dispare, we acctually do have some good pir8 boards in the 4o3 so here are the few we have. Here is a short list of the Pir8 Boards in the 4o3 that are up and working since November 1996. All of these are local to EDMONTON: 3d Relms 436-0145 (Renegade) Anthanum Rage 478-0240 (Renegade) Genocide node(1) 998-2641 (Renegade) node(2) 998-5049 (Renegade) Node Zero 478-1731 (Renegade) Planet Mother Fucker 440-6697 (Renegade) Here are a the boards that are _NOT_ pirate board related in any way, again sorry to the Sysops that complained: Heart Of Darkness (Ansi Board) pUnjab (Ansi Board) Rebellion (Ansi Board) Cathotic Pleasures (Ansi Board) These boards are no longer in service, so take them out of your lists: Tears Of Rage (Not Up) Bethlehem (Not Up) Super Unknown Archives (Not Up) Darkworld (Not Up) Hell (Not Up) If you have a Pir8 board, or a H/P/A/C/V board up and want it to be displayed here, just drop us a line via E-mail: nerd@probfate.alive.ampr.ab.ca Or if you wish to become a distro for our magazine, or if you wish to become a writer/courier/or member of our group leave us a line. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 6 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * News You Can Use * * * * By EleCtriK FirE * *********************************** * ************************************ Letter from Editor ------------------ Our last writer for this section, Dejavu was let go resently, the reason was that he was moving away from us. We may get him back, and yet again we may not. So from now I will be doing this section unless he comes back. We got quite a bit of news this month, but from brousing ourselves. The hacking, phreaking, and anarchist public desided they were to lazy to send in information. So we are going to do most of the news ourselves, and if you want to send in any information we would be happy to take it and expand on the story. I was surprised at the amount of news there was this time, because when I first sat down to write this section of the magazine I had what looked like very little. But then I gathered up all of the conversations I have had with people over the past month, out of the little space in my head that never stores what I learn at school, and yet can give you a recipe for any type of explosive you want, out and started with the artical. So finally I got it done, and took out the negative comment I had put here. But yet another note I would like to stress is that we as albertans suck when it comes to illegal activity. The occasional counterfitting, murder or rape and nothing else. The telephone company sits back and relaxes, and the cops are sitting on their big fat asses, pigging out on dounuts! There is almost no Hacking or phreaking activity here in edmonton to worry any of the two. Of course the gang problem is rising for the cops, but the gangs just beat up on other gangs, or civilians. There are a few people that make explosives, and homemade wepons as a hobbie, but no hackers or phreakers out there. Well we want all the hackers/phreakers out there, however few there maybe, to drop us a line. Oh well enough with the bitching, enjoy the artical! -EleCtriK FirE (Editor of N.E.R.D) ������������ �� �� ���� ����������� ������ ���� ������������ ������ ���� --------------------------- EDMONTON HIGH SCHOOL ILLEGAL SHIT UPDATE! ----------------------------------------- This month we have very little on this topic. It is extreamly difficult to write for a magazine if you have no information from the public. Luckly we have some information so its not down the drain, yet. Our connection in Ainley dosn't care about computers so he/she dosn't know what type they have there. But we were able to find out that a few friends of his/hers had been busted for carrying around counterfit bills. As well many that go here do drugs, and if you want it you got it. All in all not much shit in ainley. At Queen E. not much to report, just a couple of fights this past month. The computers have no access to the a:, because the CMOS was changed to prevent students from bringing in disks. But our connection in Queen E. is working on cracking the password, or so he/she says. At Eastglen we have our neigbourhood friendly hacker screwing with the system. Have you been noticing that you can now go in and alter the computer settings this past month? Well you can thank our MacHacker for finding a hole, and alowing that. He/she told us that the system was running a program that protected the files, but with one flaw. It didn't protect itself. So he screwed with the program and then with the network. As well we got an unreliable source(Poison Ice) telling us that there might be a gay teacher at Eastglen, so if a teacher of your own sex starts to come onto you, I would run. But yet again it comes from the jerk Poison Ice, who has been wrong many a time before. This was placed in here not because we discriminate against gays, but because it helps make the magazine look biger. The more we have the more we provide. No news from Vic. and Ross Shep this month, but we hope to get some more information for you people that acctually care. The North Side -------------- As you may have heared by now, there is a new gang out to hit the streets of Edmonton. The gang that calls itself the North Side, leaving its mark with a large N.S. The gang is fairly large, and from what I hear is that they hang around the Colesium area. Just resently the a transit stop or station(can't remember) was vandalized by this gang, boosting their popularity, with the medias help. From my friend and buddie's point of view he puts their work into these simple words "It looks perty!" All I wish is that this group pick up phreaking, or hacking. An army of hackers that get the media to print articals on "TELLUS CRASHED BY PHREAKER" or "HACKER, TERRORISING POLICE!" and then I will be fully satisfied. Nice job, but take up phreaking.. more interesting. Just don't trash my neighborhood! :) ������� ���� ��� ������� �������� ����������� ������� ������� ������ ������� �������� ������� ������ ��� ���������� ��� ������� ��� �� ���� ���� ��� ���� ����������� ����������� ������� ������� ��� �� *N*E*W*S* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleconferencing with N.E.R.D. members and CATSlash. --------------------------------------- I EleCtriK FirE and Jeriatrick(editor of Catslash Magazine), got together and we desided that the 4o3 needs a teleconference for all the phreakers and hackers out there. So we want to set up a teleconference, either 2600hz or a plain old conference charged to some poor sucker, but we need phreakers and hackers, or just willing members to call. We haven't set it up yet but we are thinking about it, and we want your input on the subject. When we set up the conference only members of CATSlash Magazine and N.E.R.D. H/P/A magazine will have access to the conference. To join fill out the N.E.R.D. application and where it asks you to put why you want to join, just put the phreaker teleconference. You will be required to have an genuine I.D. for member meets, and this will be supplied to you. Join as soon as possible, we don't want no cops in there so we will have the offer open to all for a short while, then it will be ref's only. Jeriatrick and I are working out difficulties on the subject, so it might be a month or two before the conference is set up. So get in now, or never. The Tellus Phone Company ------------------------ As you all should know by now, there is a new phone company in town that goes by the name Tellus. This company is made up of two companies, EdTel and AGT. If you haven't noticed yet, there have been many Tellus personal going around and changing all of the EdTel symbols to Tellus. So next time you go to vandalize a phone booth, stop buy a phone booth untouched by the Tellus jerks, and take home a bunch of soviners for yourself, then go vandalize a Tellus booth instead. Some news report says that Tellus offers the lowest cost on long distance calls then sprint, and AT&T, beating them by a few cents. If you are wondering why I didn't add UniTel is because AT&T bought them out. AT&T is mainly a cellular phone service, so thier veichals aren't worth breaking into. The fools at Tellus payed a guy about a quarter of a million dollars just to draw up a logo of a stupid T! These idiots have mearged most of their switching boards, giving phreakers more oppourtunities to slip by undetected. You may have noticed the nice skyscraper with the Tellus logo on it, its just thier office, so don't bother hanging around their much. As well there is a nother telephone company from coming to edmonton from Ontario called Fonarola. They have been supplying some Albertains with cheap long distance calls for the past year already, but only to those that knew about it. Well now they are coming to Edmonton to set up their lines, not rent but set up their own! And since Tellus has their lines set up along all the main streets, Fonarola is going to have to set them up in back alleys. We are not sure if Fonarola is going to set up their lines in back alleys, but where else can they? So all you phreakers take to the streets and bring Tellus & Fonarola to its nees. What Happened to Bell? ---------------------- Well what did happen to Ma Bell? This question plagued me for a long time. I keep reading all of these phreakers texts from the 1980's and before, and it keeps refering to Ma Bell. Not AT&T, but Ma Bell. Well what happened was AT&T Canada went and bought out all of Ma Bell. So now the States operate with AT&T and so dose Canada. Now since our economies are so great more and more phone companies are springing up, each different in its own way. But I always wonder, if Ma Bell was still around, would it have bought out AT&T? Well we will never know will we. ��������� �������� ������� �������� ����������� ������ ��������� ���� ��� ���� �� ���� ��� ����������� ���� ��������� �������� ������� �������� ����� ������ On Pevious Articals -------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 1, October `96 File 2 of 6 --------------------------------- This artical was on HACKING compuserve, and some information was parialy wrong. The telenet number that was given was legit, but to type CIS into the telenet prompt was not. The artical told that it might work, and might not. Well it dosn't work, but instead I have gone out to get you a 1-800 number for you. The one 1-800 number that I found is to a Compuserve service. You call with your modem and it helps you find a Compuserve near your area. So all you hackers out in Calgary, Leduc, Edmonton, Loidminster, and even in Quebec(Tho we don't care for you, since you want to leave us little asswipes!) can call it up and get your information. The presious number to this sacred place(ya right) is: 1-800-FIND-CIS (1-800-346-3247) I'm not sure if this is to the Compuserve service, but when I called by voice a modem picked up. This was taken out of a two year old 1-800 bbs list. Have fun hackin your way through this sleezy good for nothing service. N.E.R.D. Special Report October 1996 ----------------------- In october N.E.R.D. released a special report, on CATSlash member Poision Ice. The report was on how Poision Ice had his asshole put on backwards, and what N.E.R.D. was gonna do to him. The purpose of this special report was to get an appology out of Poison Ice, and to scare the Hell out of him. And it worked, here is the "appology" poison ice sent us. Some modifications have been done because the idiot typed it up in Write: I Poision ice, of sound Phreaking mind and body, do totally take back all of the insulting comments in issue 2 of cats magazine, I do apologize to electric fire and his N.E.R.D. magazine for any harmful effects my article may of had. Signed, Poision ice I will first start off by saying no damage was done, because his artical sucked, and he isn't really known. Second, it was really halarious to see him but-kiss to us. Third, to slaughter his writing style. As you can see there are many commas in the paragraph, and only one period for the ending. All in all we at N.E.R.D. hope there are no hard fellings felt by Poision Ice, and if there were we wouldn't really care because of all his "N.E.R.D. bashing"s latley. SEND TO... ------------ Send your stuff for this colum and others via Email: nerd@probfate.alive.ampr.ab.ca Thankyou... and remember to contribute to our cause, and fuck up this world we live in! N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N.E.R.D `96 Negative Energy Remade Destructive Issue 2 November, 1996 File 7 of 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ************************************ * * * DISCLAIMER * * * * By EleCtriK FirE * *********************************** * ************************************ Negative Energy Remade Destructive H/P/A magazine, and all of the magazines members and writers are not responsible for any unlawful actions you might take. The information displayed in this magazine, and previous issues are only for informational perposes, and is not to be used in any illegal actions. Negative Energy Remade Destructive H/P/A magazine will not be held responsible if you get into trouble after reading this magazine. All legal action towards us must be dissmised, and will be dissmised. In other Words -------------- You read this magazine, and you get into trouble. We will NOT be held accountable for your actions. All the information here is for your knowledge, and if you deside to use this information it is at your own risk. Cops you can't take us in because this is information all should be available to access. In simpler words ---------------- Leave us alone with your legal shit because you can't do shit to us! This disclaimer covers it all so get lost! ______ >NOTE< ^^^^^^ I or N.E.R.D. in no way inforce or recomend violence, or vandilism, but I do persue a phreaking and hacking community. I am saddened at the people that kill, and vandalize property. Of course a telephone booth dosen't count in this case because its the property of blood thirsty, money crazed business men, that could offer the service for pennies! All the bombs and home made wepons here you can make, and play with, but never with human life. -EleCtriK FirE