< The Israeli Underground Information eXchage > ...:::::.... . ___________ ______ ::::: ______ ______ _____ \_ _ _|_| |__ _____\\_ |__ _\ |___ __\\ __|____ | _|: | /____ _____ |_| ___| //_|______ // _______|_ //___|_ //__ _// :|| |_ \|: |_ :|// |________ \\\________ // |: |_ __/__ ____|___ ________/// ::|___ |____| _/_____ \_ /___ \_ | ______|:: |_____| //_____| |______| |________| |_____\ ....: >spf_ .:::::.............. ::::: ::::: ...................::::: Chaos IL - Issue #7, 10/Jan/1999 ~If freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom~ [ http://www.chaos-il.com ] ftp.mag.co.il /chaos_il/ .oOo. Chaos #7 philez .oOo. --------------------------------- 01.. ISSUE#7: Introduction & News by morgoth 02.. Chaos IL d0x on Beyond-R by asi & osh 03.. Getting away with Israeli h/p by Volatile 04.. ROLM PhoneMail - USE & ABUSE by phederal 05.. How to crush Extenders & Subnetworks by morgoth 06.. A Novice Hacking Guide - PART I: Remote Technique by heatsync 07.. Max200 Terminal Server by mr. jones 08.. ISDN Programming to bypass ANI by morgoth 09.. Information about IUE by IUE/IL 10.. Bezeq's Home Country Directs *UPDATED* by IUE/IL 11.. Life of a WinGate by heatsync 12.. NEWS: ISDNnet get 0wned by Bezeq International by IUE/IL 13.. HOWTO guide for Bezeq's Loops by Mr SINISTER 14.. Greetings * --------------------------------- 01. ISSUE#7: Introduction & News ###### ## ## ###### ####### ######## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ###### ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ####### ######## #### ######## " feeding jewland with CHAOS " !! Issue #7 !! (c) Chaos-IL Foundation 1999 w0rd. I would like to take this time to wish a happy new year to all chaos-il followers over the country. this is a special issue for opening 1999, the last year before the doomday millennium. alot of updates in the last few months; a new IL h/p network is going up in a few weeks and will be the new Chaos HQ. for more information about the network read the article combined in this issue regarding to the IUE. I extremly recommand on checking the article regarding to Max200 Terminal Server written by mr_jones - this might be a fucking FINAL solution to all of you "phree call seekers" chumps. A new phreaking division on Chaos-IL, specialized with ISDN technology has been established. if you have any information regarding to ISDN phreaking- you are more then welcome to share it with us. Bezeq has been eleet this time, while 0wning ISDNnet and decided to give out major improvements to all ISDNnet users, which will enjoy using ATM lines in the next few weeks without any change in thier current payment agreement with ISDNnet. (h0h0 im subscribed with isdnnet) - all fagz who have'nt subscribed with ISDNnet until now and are willing to subscribe with them now in order to use the ATMs will be charged in major ass $$s while we (the original subscribers) pays them sh1t. (for more information about this read article #12) It seems like our phriends from Bezeq are following Chaos IL, since I got this weird mail from a @bezeq.co.il domain asking me for ISSUE #6 . I don't give a shit about them following our articles and information- to all those who cry about chaos-il publishing information which soon dies after being published: FUCK OFF. If they have info about material we are publishing, the only thing they can do is replacing systems, etc. to block us from acting. it costs them money, time and a fuqn headache <-- great. - The Israel Phreaking Elite - morgoth / Chaos IL 1999 - ANNOUNCEMENTS - We are open for applications. If you have any interesting information for us, and you are * ARTICLES * willing to write an article about it or just to share the information with us and let us handle it, contact the staff. * MEMBERSHIP * currently, membership will be considered by the amount of articles. if we want you to our membership, WE will get in touch with YOU. : 9 : n$X : ?L $$B :X $B<: U$$$X :X! 7$$N$ skade . member ............ skade@mindless.com The Errormaker . member ............ emaker@the-pentagon.com the trick . member ............ ttrick@yahoo.com easy . member ............ easy@ terminal man . member ............ terman@netlane.com Toxid rage . member ............ t0xidrage@hotmail.com phederal . member ............ phederal@pbx.org send applications/submissions to: morgoth@chaos-il.com --- [ DISTRIBUTION ] ** Chaos IL Issues will be regulary available once released in the following distribution boards and sites: Section X +972-X-XXXXXXX X Nodes ILHQ Liquid Underground +972-X-XXXXXXX X Nodes MEMBER ftp.mag.co.il (anon) /chaos_il/ ftp.fc.net (anon) /pub/phrack/underground/chaos-il/ ftp.auscert.org.au (anon) /pub/emags/chaos_il/ _______ ______ :_____ :___.___: ___\ / ____ _\___ \_______ | __/__ |___| | | |__/_| /____/ _ _/ ___/_|____ | | _ |____ | | _ | | | | | | | | | | /_ | ____/| | |___|___| | |______| | |________| = =|____|====|___|____|=======|_______|========|___|======== = Chaos-IL Foundation 1999 *** 02. Chaos IL d0x on Beyond-R -= Chaos IL proudly presents =- -= Beyond-R's d0x =- prophile by osh, d0x by asi *** Hi all, i'm osh. I be on EFNet/#972. and.. i'd like you folks to know my friend. he's tad overweight, but he's fresh. meet.. Beyond-R. IRC Nick: Beyond-R / bEYond / fatk1d Nickname: "shoomaniak" Real Name: Omry Ben Shitrit Motherwh0re's Name: Rachel Ben Shitrit Father's Name: * DEAD * Address: Ha'Galil 890/8, Kiryat Shmone, 10200 Home Voice Phone #1: 066903101 Home Voice Phone #2: 066943988 Hobbies: Eating, IRC, Eating, IRC, Eating, and IRC. --- (quotes) --- asi you midgit al tarim ta af, ki mishu yorid lecha oto. * Beyond-R is back from: DINNER (idle for 2days13h22m) So what if I don't go out of the house much . . I do have friends, and a lots of them either! they just live very far from where i'm at . . I be the strong woman behind the #972 men. ----------- Beyond's prophile was served to you by the OSH MAFIAH, MOCKING FATHEADS AT 99. I also want to have some grEEtings .. asi - you're FReZH. morgoth_ - 1337 C0WB0I .. peace yo. [EOA] _____________________________________________________________________________ 03. Getting away with Israeli h/p ------------------------------------------- phreaking/hacking and getting away with it By Volatile ------------------------------------------- (c) Chaos-IL Foundation 1999! Knowing who you're massing with is an important part of hacking and phreaking. don't take it lightly, you might be lucky, but if your not its important to know how to get out of the mass. For example lets take a very popular subject this days: PBXs An Article that was released by the inspector in issue #6 of chaos-il made people thinking, he did had a point, but the direction was wrong, when you "ordinery people" use pbx's you don't hide your ANI, which means, you can be caught easily, now, a few facts: 1. a PBX is owned by the company who use it, meaning unless your not using a PBX that bezeq owns, you are not in danger of bezeq charging you, or seuing you, as a matter of fact, bezeq does not realy care... 2. a PBX is payed by the company, to bezeq, thats the end of the relations Between the company (who owns the pbx) to bezeq, if the company pbx has been hacked, bezeq does not care, they want thier money, however, your not off the hook, the company can track you down and sue you. therefor, unless you want to get caught, or you want to be afraid for the rest of your life about bezeq and the companies comming after you, you have to follow a set of rules for yourself: 1. Use a pbx that is not popular (thought, you can't allways tell and its a risk in general). 2. Use it with wisdom, never use it for LD's unless you got rid of ANI (read an article by morgoth about how doing so), never use it for days (unless you don't care about getting caught). 3. Never ever give your private pbx's for friends or whoever, Bezeq might be doing nothing, but they do know, on some level or the other of your use of calls :). this is not an article about how to hack or phreak its about doing everything you do, with a thought, and how to avoide troubles with the law, the tips i give here, are real simple, but they don't allways come in mind, feel free to improve my ideas :). 1. Information, Information, Information! ----------------------------------------- Thats what we all want, isn't it? In The End Information is everything... information can get you in trouble and get you out of trouble. the first smart move you can possibly do in hacking/phreaking, is to know who your massing with. find out about the company your hacking/phreaking in before you go and actually do it, find out simple stuff like where they are located, sniff about thier repitation, big companies with contacts out of israel uselly wont notice big bills for the pbx, on the other hand smaller companies will notice and will probebly go through the bills, now this puts you in a great risk of getting caught since the ANI has probebly captured your number and even if not so, they can't put some pressure on bezeq and bezeq can tell (very unlikly), but you shouldn't worry too much about it since small companies mostly doesn't have a pbx service... now you are asking yourself... how to hell will i find who owns the pbx without exposing myself, i'm afraid thats the hard part, its dangrous and risky but i find it the most significant step. go to a pay phone, somewhere not quiete close to your house (over paranoid move but it dosn't hurt :)) and call bezeq special services (164 last time i checked). now tell them that your company owns a 177 toll free number and you want to verify the detiles, since the company have moved into a new address, now thats the risky part, if you have landed on some new employee who dosn't know the basic standart of bezeq so good, she might go through on the detiles with you on the phone, if she asks you to come to a bezeq center or something like that hang up. if not then your lucky, and walla, you got the name of the company, from that step on, you can play a few games to find information about this company... 1. you can call them and tell them you heared about them, act like a costumer and fish out detiles... 2. you can check if they have a website, that whould make stuff lot easier... using a pbx is indeed easy, but unless you get lucky, they will catch up to you one day... studing the company is not an insurrence but knowing who your up against is too importent to be taken lightly... _____________________________________________________________________________ 04. ROLM PhoneMail - USE & ABUSE =============================================== ROLM PhoneMail - USE & ABUSE by phederal =============================================== (c) cHaos.IL 1999 INTRODUCTION ------------ Bezeq LTD Rolm, makes among other things, Rolm PhoneMail software. It is basically just Voice Mail software. Phonemails are very common, and although I am not certain that dialups are necessary to their operation, I know that they're all over bezeq's toll free. IDENTIFICATION AND ENTRY ------------------------ Depending on whether you find the Rolm or IBM release. The login screen will differ slightly. The version also has something to do with it. However, this is what you will see most of the time: For Rolm (Below 6.0): ROLM PhoneMail 9252 9254 Microcode Version 5.2 Copyright (C) ROLM Systems 1991 All Rights Reserved. PM Login> For Rolm (6.0 to current) Login: For IBM: IBM PhoneMail 9252 9254 Microcode (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1989 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. PM Login> In any case, whatever the prompt. PhoneMail has a unique error from the login prompt. Illegal Input. It will give you this error if you enter ANYTHING besides a valid username on the system. This is an easy way to identify a PM system if you encounter one with a modified prompt. Once you enter a valid username you will get: PM Password> There are 3 levels of access. There will always be only 3 accounts on the system. The names can be changed, but they are normally: sysadmin - Highest level. Can perform system configuration, add boxes, modify all aspects of PM, etc. tech - Middle level. Can perform many maintainance functions, sometimes including adding boxes. poll - Low level. Normally can only view reports, etc. Some (very) common passwords are: sysadmin sysadmin poll poll or tech tech tech I have found that these work on about 40-50% of PM systems encountered. In many cases, even if these defaults don't work, the passwords are easily guessable. There are a couple of true system backdoors that i won't list here because 80% of my access has been gained with these, and they are not widely publicized. I want to spread awareness of PM systems without having to sacrifice the majority of my access. However, if you have a bit of motivation and a brain, they are not terribly hard to figure out. Unless you get sysadmin access from the start, you will begin at a prompt without a session: PM Action> or under 6.0+ Action: (or something similar. Entering a '?' will give you the following menu.) The following commands are valid: Activate - Activate the session Broadcast - Broadcast a message to all terminals Connect - Invoke the subsystem Terminate - Terminate the session List - List all open sessions Logout - Terminate all sessions and log off. Login - Logout and login again. Display - Display sessions status on a site. Activate - Activates a suspended session. Broadcast - You figure it out. Don't use it. Connect - On a multi-node system, you can use the and to connect to a specific node. Connect by itself will connect you to the default node. Terminate - Kills a suspended session. List - Shows all active sessions (yours and others) Logout - Go back to login prompt. Login - When passed an argument, will log in as Display - Shows all sessions with a status list. There is also commonly found a Techview on/off switch on this menu, i have played with it much, and have never figured out what it is for. If you know, mail me, i would love to be filled in. Once you are in, everything is fairly self explanatory. Anywhere you get stuck you can hit ? for a menu. Also Ctrl-X serves as a break key in PM, so if you can't seem to exit from an external program, or wish to interrupt something, that is what you want to use. THINGS TO DO ------------ I should begin by saying that if you don't have the voice mail dialup number most of this information will be useless to you unless you just want to get on and explore/play around with the PhoneMail system itself. If you have the voice mail dialup, you can (with SA access) add mailboxes and mod their features etc. Unfortunately, outcalling is simply a one number dial from a certain class of service, so making a diverter under PM is not possible, but I am sure you can see some obvious uses for outcalling. 1. Enabling Outcalling(OC). First, you need to check to see if outcalling is enabled on the system. To do this, use SysParameters - List (Note, all commands in PM are single strings, any command lists that are here with multiple words are to be executed singly). In the 'Enable Outcalling?' field, if it is flagged FALSE, you need to use SysParameters - Modify to turn it on. 2. Add/Modify Class of Service(COS) if necessary. If you had to add OC, chances are good that there is not currently a class of service with OC enabled. The box you create must be in a COS flagged to include OC. You can either modify an existing class of service to include OC (Not Recommended) or create a new COS with whatever you want in it. To modify an existing COS use ClassOfService - Modify, and enable all of the OC flags. To add one, use ClassOfService - Add. You can also add features to your COS that other ones may not have, such as calling a specified number when a message is received, etc. 3. Add a mailbox. Use Profile - Add to create a mailbox. Be sure to add the COS you created or modified (if applicable). There are a lot of other things you can do on the system, but i will leave that to be discovered. This covers the main points of what most people will want to do. Following is a glossary of commonly encountered SA functions and menu/report examples. FUNCTION LIST WITH EXAMPLES --------------------------- There are a lot of different configurations, and many external programs. I am not going to spend a lot of time going into infrequently encountered extras. This is a list of the most commonly found functions Specify a function - ActivatePM AssignClasses BackupDataBase BackupNames CallProcessing ClassOfService DeactivatePM DList FFormat LogOff MonitorLogon NodeParameters OCConfigAndTest OCMessageLog Profile Reports Status SysParameters SysStatistics Function: ActivatePM - This will activate the PhoneMail system if it is currently deactivated. AssignClasses - External program to assign COS to each user in the database. Only local non-Call Processing users are assigned classes. BackupDataBase - Create a backup of the customer database on HD or floppies. BackupNames - Copies name header information for all subscribers to a floppy/floppies. CallProcessing - An external program to create and maintain Mailbox Profiles. Typical Menu: ======== Call Processing Setup Menu ======== A - Add Call Processing Mailbox Profile L - List Call Processing Mailbox Profile M - Modify Call Processing Mailbox Profile D - Delete Call Processing Mailbox Profile S - Show Call Processing Mailbox Profiles E - Expand Call Processing Paths C - Check Call Processing Consistency R - Reports for Call Processing F - Finished (return to SA mode) Add - Add a call processing mailbox Example: Mailbox extn []: 399 Path Name []: WERD Mailbox Name []: HAXOR Call processing mailbox type (? for help) [Listen Only]: ? Please enter: (LO) Listen Only (LR) Lis/Resp (M) Menu Call processing mailbox type (? for help) [Listen Only]: ? m Enable password [False]: False Entry point [False]: False Number of times to play greeting [2]: 2 Greeting replay time (secs) [5]: 5 Time out transfer type (? for help) [Hangup]: ? Please enter: (C) CallProcessing Extn (P) Phone Extn (S) Subscriber Profile (NE) Name or Extn transfer (NO) Name only transfer (EO) Extn only transfer (D) Direct Access (G) Guest Access (H) Hangup Time out transfer type (? for help) [Hangup]: h Play hang up prompt [True]: True Min Sub Password Len [0]: 0 Max Access Attempts [5]: 5 Attempt Threshold [0]: 0 Direct access password (numeric) [######]: ### Key 0 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: ? Please enter: (C) CallProcessing Extn (P) Phone Extn (S) Subscriber Profile (NE) Name or Extn transfer (NO) Name only transfer (EO) Extn only transfer (D) Direct Access (G) Guest Access (U) Unused Key 0 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: c Transfer extn []: 399 Key 1 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: p Transfer extn []: 399 Key 2 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: s Transfer extn []: 399 Key 3 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: ne Confirm transfer? [True]: 3 True Play Intro Prompt? [True]: True Key 4 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: no Confirm transfer? [True]: True Play Intro Prompt? [True]: True Key 5 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: eo Confirm transfer? [True]: True Play Intro Prompt? [True]: True Key 6 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: d Key 7 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: g Key 8 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: u Key 9 transfer type (? for help) [Unused]: u ChannelTrace - Lists the current state of each channel. Continously updates until interrupted. ClassOfService - There are several actions available for ClassOfService: Add All Copy Delete List Modify Add - Add a class of service profile. Example follows: Class Number : 9 Class Name : (Default = ): KILLERS Max Number Msgs : (Default = 10): 50 Max Future Dlv Msgs : (Default = 5): Max Msg Length : (Default = 200): 600 Max Number Greetings: (Default = 1): Int/External Pair? : (Default = TRUE): Max Greeting Length : (Default = 200): 600 Sub Recorded Names? : (Default = TRUE): Min Sub Password Len: (Default = 0): 5 Max Access Attempts : (Default = 5): 1 Attempt Threshold : (Default = 0): Send Broadcast? : (Default = FALSE): TRUE Receive Broadcast? : (Default = TRUE): Max Num PDLs Allowed: (Default = 5): LDN Exped Dl Enable : (Default = FALSE): LDN Normal Dl Enable: (Default = TRUE): Host Link Subscriber: (Default = FALSE): Enable Outcalling? : (Default = FALSE): TRUE Xfer From Outcall? : (Default = FALSE): TRUE OC Restriction Table: (Default = 0): Min Outcall Freq : (Default = 0): RNA Retry Freq : (Default = 15): Busy Retry Freq : (Default = 5): Max Num RNA Retries : (Default = 3): Max Num Busy Retries: (Default = 5): Paging Lang String : (Default = 0): Pager Terminal Num : (Default = ): If you wish to exit, type ";". First Field of Form: Class Name : (Previous = KILLERS): ; All - List classes of service. COS is a predefined class with specific priveleges and access. The information displayed is not terribly useful and can be found along with more useful information using: Report - COSAttributes - All Report is covered in greater detail below. A typical display for ClassOfService follows: Class Number Class Name ------------ ---------- 1: 0 2: 1 ADMIN 3: 2 STAFF 4: 3 EXEC Copy - Copy existing COS attributes to another COS. Delete - Delete an existing COS. List - List a specific COS attributes. Example follows. Class Number: 9 Class Number 9 Class Name KILLERS Max Number Msgs 50 Max Future Dlv Msgs 5 Max Msg Length 600 Max Number Greetings 1 Int/External Pair? TRUE Max Greeting Length 600 Sub Recorded Names? TRUE Min Sub Password Len 5 Max Access Attempts 1 Attempt Threshold 0 Send Broadcast? TRUE Receive Broadcast? TRUE Max Num PDLs Allowed 5 LDN Exped Dl Enable FALSE LDN Normal Dl Enable TRUE Host Link Subscriber FALSE Enable Outcalling? TRUE Xfer From Outcall? TRUE OC Restriction Table 0 Min Outcall Freq 0 RNA Retry Freq 15 Busy Retry Freq 5 Max Num RNA Retries 3 Max Num Busy Retries 5 Paging Lang String 0 Pager Terminal Num Modify - Modify COS attributes. ConfigPhoneMail - Assigns numbers to nodes, builds multi-node PM systems, etc. DeactivatePM - Turn off PM system. DON'T USE THIS UNLESS YOU ARE VERY SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Calls will no longer be taken by the PM if it is deactivated. DList - Show distribution lists. FFormat - Format a floppy disk. The single most useless command for a remote user. LogOff - Quit session and go to session manager menu. MonitorLogon - Monitor users logging in to PM. MonitorTapLink - Shows tap traffic on CBX integrated systems. Continues to update until interrupted. NodeParameters - List Modify This displays useful information regarding the system you are on. It includes such interesting tidbits as SA mailbox, System ID, and other main system mailboxes. It also tells whether ANI is active, which alone can tell you a good deal about the company which owns the machine. OCConfigAndTest - Utility to configure and test all outcalling related parameters. OCMessageLog - Outcalling message report. Profile - Add All Clear Delete Fix List Modify Purge Displays all users on the system with node (if applicable) extension and group/COS name. Reports - Display reports. Here is a typical menu of report types: Specify a report - AccessFailures Billing CallActivity CallLength Channel COSAttributes COSSubscriber Disk MsgAge MsgLength MsgRetention MsgStatus NameReport Outcalling PersDLists PersGrtgs PWChange SubAccess SubMsgs SubReport for the sake of brevity, completely useless reports will not be detailed. Most reports will have options for All, Group, and Individual. AccessFailures - Displays failed access attempts. ALL failed access attempts are logged, so if you are into VMB hacking and you want to hack PM boxes, divert, divert, divert. You can either specify to report all failures occuring after a given date, or simply hit enter to view all failed access attempts. An example follows: Invalid Access Attempt Report Name Exten Failed attempt time Caller ________________________ ________ _________________________ _________ JOE BOB SMITH 301 Fri Nov 22, 1996 8:58 AM 500 chaos-il d00d 302 Mon Jun 24, 1996 12:01 AM 314 FUCK ME 303 Tue Oct 18, 1996 1:39 PM 320 Billing - Displays detailed information about one or more subscriber profiles. including such things as the number of messages sent and the amount of time each subscriber has been connected to PM. Example follows: Subscriber / Category Units Price Extended Price __________ ________ _____ _____ ______________ chaos-il d00d Connect Time Into PM 4839 4839 4840 Connect Time Out of PM 0 0 1 Messages Sent 1478 1478 1479 Messages Len (Min) 950 950 951 Avg Retention Hrs 6 6 7 Network Exped. Msgs Sent 0 0 0 Network Exped. Msgs Len (Min) 0 0 0 Network Normal Msgs Sent 0 0 0 Network Normal Msgs Len (Min) 0 0 0 Subscriber Total Price: 7273 Subscriber Total Extended Price: 7278 CallActivity - Displays call activity by the hour, with averages. Example follows: Call Activity Report From: Mon Jul 23, 1990 11:00 PM To: Tue Dec 10, 1996 11:00 PM Time # Direct # Forward # Total % Total ____ ________ _________ _______ _______ 7 AM 13967 22683 36650 5 8 AM 37241 59395 96636 15 9 AM 38502 10372 48874 7 10 AM 38545 11445 49990 8 11 AM 34777 8584 43361 6 12 Noon 28913 9248 38161 5 1 PM 41308 20232 61540 10 2 PM 43733 15497 59230 9 3 PM 37772 9205 46977 6 4 PM 34365 639 35004 6 5 PM 19276 53950 73226 10 6 PM 7427 26969 34396 6 OffHrs 18741 33959 52700 7 Peak Hour 8 AM Total Calls 676745 Avg calls/day/subscriber 3 CallLength - Displays information regarding average call length. Example follows: Call Length Report From: Mon Jul 23, 1990 11:00 PM To: Tue Dec 10, 1996 11:00 PM Time # Direct # Forward # Total % Total ____ ________ _________ _______ _______ 0 - 30 s 26622 29604 56226 16 30 - 60 s 54787 34998 89785 26 60 - 90 s 49961 55884 105845 31 90 -120 s 24840 16850 41690 11 2 - 4 m 32063 13361 45424 13 > 4 m 9686 409 10095 3 Most frequent length 60 - 90 s Average length (Seconds) 2300 Total connect time (Minutes) 819857 Avg connect time/day/sub (Minutes) 4 Channel - Displays average channel utilization by hour. Example follows: Channel Usage Report From: Mon Jul 10, 1990 11:00 PM To: Tue Dec 2, 1996 11:00 PM Time % Busy % Utilization ____ ______ _____________ 7 AM 0 4 8 AM 0 12 9 AM 0 13 10 AM 0 13 11 AM 0 12 12 Noon 0 11 1 PM 0 14 2 PM 0 14 3 PM 0 12 4 PM 0 11 5 PM 0 8 6 PM 0 4 OffHrs 0 1 Number of seconds all channels were busy 516152 Number of times all channels were busy 55356 Average % utilization over day 10 COSAttributes - Displays all information about existing classes of service COS Attributes Report Max Max Max Max Int/ Max Sub Min Attempts: Broadcast: Max Class Num Futr Msg Num Ext Grtg Rec Sub Max Num Num Msg Msg Len Grtg Pair Len Name Pwd Acc Thrsh Send Rcv PDL's ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 10 5 200 1 T 200 T 0 5 0 F T 5 1 400 5 200 1 T 200 T 0 5 0 F T 5 2 40 5 200 3 T 200 T 4 5 3 T T 5 3 20 5 200 3 T 200 T 4 5 3 F T 5 Network Xfer Min Retry Max Num Page Class Delivery: Host Out from Rstr Outc Freq: Retries: Lang Paging Term Num Immed Norm Link Call Outc Tbl Freq RNA Bsy RNA Bsy Str Number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 F T F F F 0 0 15 5 3 5 0 1 F T F F F 0 0 15 5 3 5 0 2 F T F F F 0 0 15 5 3 5 0 3 F T F T T 0 0 15 5 3 5 0 COSSubscriber - Displays information on one or more class of service with subscriber information. Example follows: COS Subscriber Report From: -- Statistics not cleared -- To: Wed Dec 3, 1996 12:00 AM Class Number : 1 Class Name : Subscriber Name Node Extension Group Name --------------- ---- --------- ---------- chaos-il d00d 1 302 EXEC Disk - Displays a disk usage log in daily format. Example follows: Disk Usage Report Day Peak % full ___ ___________ 1 19 2 19 3 20 4 19 5 18 6 19 7 19 8 19 9 19 10 18 11 18 12 17 13 17 14 16 15 18 16 18 17 18 18 17 19 18 20 18 21 18 22 18 23 18 24 18 25 18 26 19 27 19 28 18 29 19 30 19 31 19 Average percent full 18 Peak % full 20 Day of peak 3 Number of Hours > 90% full 0 Number of Times > 90% full 0 Number of Hours 80-90% full 0 Number of Times 80-90% full 0 MsgAge - Shows average message age, and number of old messages. Message Age Report Subscriber / Last Access Time # Old Msgs # Minutes __________ ________________ ___________ _________ chaos-il d00d 6 3 Wed Dec 3, 1996 12:02 PM NameReport - Displays records in the name database. Unrecorded names only (y/n)? n Subscriber Name Report Exten Name Node # of sec # chars unique name ________________ ________________________ ____ ________ ___________________ 302 chaos-il d00d 1 2 3 Outcalling - Displays outcalling statistics, by subscriber or group. Outcalling Report From: -- Statistics not cleared -- To: Wed Dec 3, 1996 2:51 PM Num Num Total Avg Succ UnSuc Connect Connect Name Extension Node Calls Calls Time Time ---- --------- ---- ----- ----- ------- ------- chaos-il d00d 302 1 47 0 4700 100 PWChange - Displays the last time a subscriber or a subset of subscribers changed their password. Enter Old Password Age (in days): Password Change Report To: Wed Dec 03, 1996 2:57 PM Name Extn Node Date last password change PW Age ________________________ ________ ____ ___________________________ _______ chaos-il d00d 302 1 Mon Oct 31, 1994 7:21 AM 765 SubAccess - Displays subscriber access activity. Subscriber Access Activity Report From: Fri Oct 28, 1994 11:14 PM To: Wed Dec 11, 1996 2:00 PM Subscriber / Last Access # Accesses Access Min __________ ___________ __________ __________ chaos-il d00d 92 83 Tue Dec 3, 1996 10:09 AM Sa - Goes into SysAdmin mode from Tech. Like su for PhoneMail. Status - List Displays a brief blurb of useless information. The only possibly useful bit of info would be that it displays whether or not PM is currently active. However, any functions that requre PM to be active will also tell you if you attempt to run them while the system is deactivated. SysParameters - List Displays and/or modifies main system configuration. This is where system passwords are defined, as well as outcalling features, and tons of other stuff. Modify Edit system parameters. SysStatistics - Clear This will clear the system statistics log. This is useful if you have enabled outcalling on a system that doesn't normally support it. As having lots of Outcalling stats appear in a log is generally considered to be in bad taste. List This will display a lot of junk, such as hourly and daily statistics on disk use, busy channel, etc. SystemStatus - Displays current state of PM system and channel information. TALog - Lists TA error log. Basically, all problems in the system that should be fixed. phederal@pbx.org / #chaos-il @ efnet _____________________________________________________________________________ 05. How to crush EXTENDERS & SUBNETWORKS #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #$$$$$$$$$G���"` `"���R$$$$$$$$$$ #$$$P���"` HOW TO CRUSH EXTENDERS & SUBNETWORKS `"���Q$$$ #��` `��$ # written by morgoth $ #i@�y�, ,�y�@$$$$$$ #$$$$$$@�y�,. (c) Chaos-IL 1999 .,�y�@$$$$$$$$$$$ #$$$$$$$$$$$$Go. .oG$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :[cHaos IL]:[cHaos IL]:[cHaos IL]:[cHaos IL]: * all rights worth shit * Intro ----- This is an oldschool phreaking technique for taking down eXchanges that are operated directly from the telecom company (ie Extenders). I believe that the people who will fall in l0ve with doing this will cause major harass to Bezeq, and might even cause badass problems in thier wide communications, hardware and local area networks - but I just don't give a fuck about it. Instructions ------------ You must obtain the following: * Extender * PBX, APBX or an outdial exchange Through the Extender, dial to the outdial exchange and through it dial back to the Extender which you are still on. then dial again and again. after a while you should hear a slight high-pitched, unstable tone, that grows louder and louder with everytime you dial. once the tone gets so loud that it refuses to let in any more sounds -- you have just completed the first cycle. Leave line off-hook for about 10 minutes or until the tone seems to calm down or to completely stop. then, dial again and repeat the above operation over and over again 'til it [the extender] doesnt answer when you dial it. The Theory ----------- When the tone beings to rise, it is a result of cross-talk feedback. the more you're dialing, the more it grows. in digital tone systems (ie Bezeq) the feedback to the Extender couses the line to burn out, similar to lightning. Advanced techniques ------------------- The above technique can be used to take down a whole subnetwork of lines. subnetwork of lines is the first 3 digit range of a number inside an areacode. for example: 03-677xxxx - ALL numbers in areacode 03 that starts with 677 are a subnetwork of The Network, which controls the whole 03 code. if you follow the above technique and make cycles on a toll free # which is fowarded to a phone number in 03-677xxxx you can finally crush not only the single # you were harassing, but the whole 677 subnetwork for a few minutes or hours (depends on the equipment's quality). * If you plan on taking down a specific line of someone, get his phone #, foward a toll free # to it and do cycles on it just like described above on Extenders. at final, you will have that line down until the owners of it will call Bezeq and ask them whats up with thier line. Risks & Security ---------------- Once again I say that this technique is an extreme *high* risk, since this is not following with the things that Bezeq don't give a shit about. If you've done that once or servel times and you are were traceable while performing it, they can sue you for abusing anytime. since some of the equipment used by Bezeq is old, such technique of burning the line with cross-talk feedback can also heat the voltage and burn the equipment (!) - this is a PHUN thing to do, but if you do it - be smart and spoof yourself. you dont want them to trace your ass, believe me. morgoth / cHaos IL 99 _____________________________________________________________________________ 06. A Novice Hacking Guide - PART I: Remote Technique C ------------------------------------------- C H H A A Novice Hacking Guide A O O S by S heatsync I I L ------------------------------------------- L PART I - Remote Technique Hi kids, Do you want to hack? Of-course you do, And that's the main reason why I've written this down, To help little kids who wishes to hack into a systems. Let's start with some history, now I hear you guys say "We dont want that, We want to start hacking already!". I know all you want is to hack, but let us get some stimulation here, ok? In the beginning, There were "oldschool" hackers, They were the real hackers, Those who scanned x.25 networks for internal modems, and tried all default passwords. Why to do that you ask? Because not everyone had internet. After getting involved with the feds, They've stopped hacking for a while, and have explored telephony felonious, Telecommunication crimes, The art of phreaking. The name phreaking came from the word Phone's letters "Ph", and Freak. The PhoneFreak connected to several different BBS systems, also known as Boards, he uploaded T-Files that were filled with information, and detailed guilds to his local area telco phreaking. Many phreakers came up with digital boards with tons of text files, anarchy stuff, and other H/P/C/A/V shit. In Israel, The H/P scene didn't grow back then, and It has been started in the early 90s, and so. Hackers were still around, All these days, There were always hackers and will always be. Hackers wrote their own T-Files, and uploaded to boards. Groups of hackers and phreakers shown up , and down. like mushrooms after rain. The Internet has grown within ARPAnet, the military network. Like the early years of phreaking, many hackers has explored systems through the internet, learning and writing, uploading to FTPs and other sites, And that's continuing these days. Many hackers has coded exploits , either if it was a .c code, or a sh script. Hackers, as always, shared what they've found, It's the natue of hacking and phreaking, sharing information. A good example of this is, BugTraq, and other security related mailing-lists. Now, It's a bit different, Because of a new problem. The problem will cause total chaos, too much disinformation, and gigantic mess. You can help us get over this problem, The problem is people who doesn't want to learn, They want to take major systems down, with tools they don't have a clue how they've even built. Even not the slightest one, Those who scan C block subnets, for well-known vulnerbilities, And not only find themselfs locked up in jail, ruining their own lifes, They hurt other servers that keep importnat data in them by sending tremendous amounts of PING packets from lists of broadcast addresses causing it major network holocaust, and money lost. This problem called, Script kiddies, Little childlike kids, who likes to packet their friends off IRC, w/out knowing what they're doing. Another good point is ethics, It is sure not ethic to do this evil hacking thing, Why to hack without a purpose? And you want to release exploits that let these kids do that? Although, I don't believe in security through obscurity. Where the hell is the freedom of information then? OK, This is was the short introduction, let's get move to another subject. Hacking itself, If you didn't understand from the intro, continue reading. How to hack. Hacking is gaining access to a remote machine, getting root access in some way or another, and either learning more about this OS, or pulling secret data. The greatest accomplishment is to keep that machine yours, backdooring it, trojaning it, w/out the administrator's notice. This could either be on vice versa, Showing the administartor that he has no security, and patching his server up, helping him from other evil hackers. How to gain root access, or any access. First, get as much information as you can on that server you are trying to hack into, Try to picture in your mind what kind of server is it by listing the current packages installed, If it's a WWW server some http daemon should be installed, etc. After keeping a updated list of packages, Go to your archive of recently known holes, and find out which remotes you can use. This is a primary remote technique, I will give a brief explanation about remote OS detection , List what packages are installed , etc. Remote Detection. First of all, Even when detecting remotely, Be careful, You can never know whenver they've got enough information on you, And start calling your ISP. Learn about kernels, And how to use them for your side, Apparently they can surely help you in this technique especailly if you want no one to notice. A good example is the FIN scanning , Which I don't have enough room to talk about. In short, It's a stealth port scanning method, Which exploits a hole in the kernel, and a vulnerbillity in the TCP/IP protocol. When you use such as this technique or another, It's fairly simple that in most cases you are not detected. I trust 70% on this method. This can bypass most port scanning indicating tools. After learning kernel's way to handle certian packets, Learn how to code merchandise to help you. Stealty port scanning will give you alot of good information about the victim , and helped alot in gaining unauthorized access. Aftermath. Most chances that after scanning a whole class, you will find a vulnerable host, due to the administartor's laziness and sometimes retardness, they don't even bother to patch some of the boxes. After gaining root access by remote (because most packages are being ran by root, and we're taking advantage of that, and exploting this), but *not* to the desired server, You should run a small packet sniffer, the more not noticeable the more it is better. Leaving the sniffer running for a bunch of time, And pulling the logs afterwards is the next step. Now, again, you will surely find a l/p to the host you wanted to hack into. But you'll have to wait for the Part II, the Local Technique. This is the common technique, Which I will write about on the next Chaos IL issue. Till then, Here's a nice way to learn more, Make a netsearch on 'buffer overflows', And expand your mind. Remember, Knowledge is only power if you have the wisdom to use it correctly. --heatsync. _____________________________________________________________________________ 07. Max200 Terminal Server .......................................... ::: Ascend Max200 Terminal Server ::: ::: ::: ::: by mr. jones (mr_jones@hell.com ::: :::....................................::: (c) Chaos-IL, IUE (Israeli Underground Exchange) 1999 I first came across the Max200 Terminal Server about 5 months ago when I found it while scanning 177's. I didn't know much about it and so started asking around. It seemed like not much people knew about them, and the ones who did didn't really knew much about them. Then, a friend gave me an 177 number of a Max200 Terminal Server which had a direct connection to the net. How do I know I've got a MAX200? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll know you've found a Max200 because of the very obvious greeting: ** Ascend MAX200 Terminal Server ** At this point you will usually have the default prompt which looks a bit like this: ascend% Now this doesn't really help you too much because these can be changed quite easily via the 'local' command which I will talk about later. The first thing you should do when confronted with a new system is type 'help' or '?'. What commands are there? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Max200 is very kind to the hacker because typing '?' gives you a lovely list of all the available commands: ? Display help information help " " " quit Closes terminal server session hangup " " " " test test [ ] [ ] local Go to local mode remote remote set Set various items. Type 'set ?' for help show Show various tables. Type 'show ?' for help iproute Manage IP routes. Type 'iproute ?' for help dnstab Manage local DNS table. Type 'dnstab ?' for help slip SLIP command cslip Compressed SLIP command ppp PPP command menu Host menu interface telnet telnet [ -a|-b|-t ] [ ] tcp tcp ping ping ipxping ipxping traceroute Trace route to host. Type 'traceroute -?' for help rlogin rlogin [ -l user -ec ] [ -l user ] open open < modem-number | slot:modem-on-slot > resume resume virtual connect session close close virtual connect session ara ARA command As you can see, the 'ping' command is available, this is extremely helpful as you can tell straight away whether or not you have a connection to the net by simply pinging your favourite domain, I decided to ping darkcyde.org. If you are lucky then it will start to ping the domain you chose. The next thing you want to do is type 'show iproutes', this will give you the IP of the Ethernet and the WAN/LAN. The foreign IP may or may not point to an internet domain so write it down and try a dns lookup next time your on the net. If you can ping outside domain via the 'ping' command then the chances are the foreign address will point to a domain. Try connecting to it via Telnet, this can be done within the Max200 by typing 'telnet '. The 'open' command opens one of the PCMCIA modems which can then be used to connect to outside systems, which can then be hacked by you. This is actually quite a good idea, although the Ascend has CLID software, if you have routed your call, you should be fine and this will be just another 'hop' on your own route. Have a good look at all the commands, they are all very straight forward. The 'local' command is very interesting, firstly is connects to an IP address then it starts some kind of telnet session with the host computer, from here you can view all of the Ethernet settings (and change them) including system passwords, telnet passwords and SLIP, PPP, ARA allowance, ie. you can allow them when they were origionally disabled. Have a good look around, this file isn't meant to give you step-by-step instructions on how to hack the Max200, you should be able to do that yourself, it is meant to point you in the right directions and give you info on the commands available etc. Read everything and you should have a good knowledge of the system. Basic Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Max200 is a multiprotocol, eight-port WAN access switch with an Ethernet connection. Each of the eight PCMCIA slots will accomodate modem and ISDN cards. The basic package also includes Ascend's MAX operating syetm which is widely used by ISPs around the globe. The Max200 is designed with Win95, Win3.x and the Mac in mind and so is good for the newbie/lamer to have a look at as they usually have Windblows running on their boxes. What is the basic hardware setup? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Max200 uses the AMD29200 microprocessor operating at 16MHz and supports 4MB dynamic RAM, 2MB flash memory and 128KB of battery-backed static RAM. Multi-protocol?, what protocols are supported? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Max200 supports SLIP (Serial Line Interface Platform) , PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) and ARAP (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol) for wide-area communications. LAN protocols include TCP/IP and Novell IPX. In Windows 95, the built in PPP driver (called "Dial- up Networking"), and the IP and IPX protocols are fully supported. For earlier Windows 3.x versions, a PPP driver and the Novell NetWare drivers (VLM version) are provided as part of a MAXLink client software package. Other cool Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modem dial-out was released in the 4.5C software release. It requires the MAXDial client software, included free, for PCs. The support for this feature depends upon the type of modem technology being used by the PCMCIA manufacturer. All approved modem vendors will be capable of supporting the dial out capability. To use this feature for fax outdial, the Max200 must be set up for hardware handshake. This basically means that you can use the Max200 to dial out of via one of eight PCMCIA modem/ISDN slots. So in hax0r terms, it is theoretically a safe place to hack from. Administrative Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you can use the administrative commands and profiles, you must authenticate and administrative login. To use the "admin" login created by the system: admin> auth admin Password: The password default is 'Ascend', and yes, you'll be surprised at how many admins don't bother to change it. If this fails then try 'extra' (don't ask me why), and then the usual stuff like 'admin', 'sysop'..etc. Admin Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command Name Permission Level Description ------------ ---------------- ----------- Auth User Select a new User profile Callroute Diagnostic Display the call routing database Clr-History System Clear the fatal error history log Clock-Source Diagnostic Display clock-source statistics Connection System Display the connection status window Date Update Set the system date Debug Diagnostic Enable or disable diagnostic output Device Diagnostic Bring a device up or down Dir System List profiles and profile types Dircode System Show contents of PCMCIA card code Ether-Display Diagnostic Display contents of received Ethernet packets Fatal-History System List fatal error history log Format Code Prepare a flash card for use Get System Display fields in a profile HDLC System Display HDLC-channel information If-Admin Diagnostic Administer an interface IGMP System Display IGMP multicast statistics Ipcache System Display IP route caches Line System Display the line status window List System List fields in working profile Load Update Upload code or saved configuration to flash Log System Invoke/control the event log window Modem System Display modem information Netstat System Display routing or interface tables New System Create a new profile Nvram Update Clear configuration and reboot system Open Diagnostic Start session with slot card Power System Display power supply statistics Quiesce System Temporarily disable a modem or DS0 channel Read System Make the specified profile the working profile Refresh System Refresh the remote configuration Reset Update Reboot the system Save Update Save profile for future restore Set System Set a parameter's value Show System Show shelves, slots, or items Slot Diagnostic Administer a slot card Status System Display system status T1channels System Display T1 channel information Terminal-Server Termserv Enter terminal server mode Version System Display software version information View System Change content of a status window Whoami User Display current User profile name I'm not going to go into any more detail as to what these commands do as it is fairly straight forward, and some simple fiddling around will get you all the info you need. Other Admin Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ admin> get base This will show all the Base settings, this file is read-only so you can't change it, but you will get some nice info on the system. Diagnostic Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command Name Permission Level Description ------------ ---------------- ----------- Callroute Diagnostic Display the call routing database Clock-Source Diagnostic Display clock-source statistics Device Diagnostic Bring a device up or down Ether-Display Diagnostic Display contents of received Ethernet packets If-Admin Diagnostic Administer an interface Nslookup Diagnostic Perform DNS lookup Open Diagnostic Start session with slot card Ping Diagnostic Ping the specified host Rlogin Diagnostic Open an rlogin session Slot Diagnostic Administer a slot card Telnet Diagnostic Open a telnet session Traceroute Diagnostic Display route statistics Checking Modem Status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Modem command enables you to check which modems are available, disabled, operational, and so forth. To display the usage for this command: admin> modem usage: modem -a|d|f|g|i|m|s -a show all (a)vailable modems -d show (d)isabled modems -f show (f)ailed/non-existent modems -g show available (g)ood modems -i show (i)n-use modems -m show all possible (m)odems -s show available (s)uspect modems Shout-Outs/Greets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thats it for this file, hope you all enjoyed it, bit more technical than my last ones, expect to see many more on future chaos-il's. thanks to morgoth, px and v0id for helping out while submitting this, werd. --mr. jones [ IUE/chaos-il ] _____________________________________________________________________________ 08. ISDN Programming to bypass ANI [chaos-il] [chaos-il] [chaos-il] [chaos-il] [chaos-il] [chaos-il] -------------------------------------- -- ISDN Programming to bypass ANI -- -------------------------------------- ( get 100% untraceable with your ISDN ) by morgoth (c) Chaos-IL Foundation 1999 Intro notes ----------- This article is dedicated to all the IL ISDNers. I'm assuming you know what ANI is, in case not, ANI stands for Automatic Number Identification - it's a packet that shows information about your line (and more) when you connect toll free exchanges. (to find out more about ANI check morgoth's article in chaos #4 - article#2). Theory of the process --------------------- ANI is a useful technology, but not a smart one and in our case (bezeq's) it is old. when you call a toll free exchange, the first thing it does it sending a packet to your line that requests for the information of the specific line, and yor line replies with the information - this is what ANI does. don't even consider the *43 service used on digital lines to block tracing, ANI ignores it, and besides, the *43 service is effective only between analog-to-analog communications when one of the lines has a call identification device. however, all recent ISDN technology in Israel is uses the same functions, it uses a europian protocol named ETSI (aka NET.3). no matter which company the ISDN belongs to, it uses the same ETSI protocol which is provided by Bezeq (i.e ISDNnet). although, Bezeq's ISDN technology use ANI but not the same ANI packet that is used on analog lines. as you probably know, ISDN lines can be programmed / configured. the user can decide which services to activate / inactivate , how should the line response, etc. there is a hole in the ISDN line programming that lets you configure your ISDN to bypass ANI. after doing so, when you will connect a toll free exchange with your ISDN (even if using analog mode) - your line will not reply any information to the ANI packet when it is being sent to your line. the ANI packet is sending a packet to a line, receives a reply from the line with information and logs it. when no reply - no logging. The Programming --------------- I perfer showing this technique in a HOWTO format. just get near to your ISDN device box and do the following: * Make sure your phone is set to TONE dialing and not PULSE dialing. * Open the device box of your ISDN and take a look on it's right side - there is a switch that can be moved to two positions: UP position: normal mode DOWN position: programming mode Switch it down to programming mode. (NOTE: the lights on your device box will turn on and off after doing this). * Pick up the phone (you will hear silence). * Enter your 4 digit password. (in new lines, the default password is 0000) syntax: [#] [*] [#] [0] [0] [0] [0] [#] ( yeah its #*## ) If you entered your password correctly you will hear a strange dialtone, that's the programming tone. NOTE: If you've never been told about a programming feature in your ISDN, call your local provider company support line. Configure your line to ignore ANI packets ----------------------------------------- This is the main programming; After doing all of the above, and you are on main programming status, follow: * Enter 1020# for ignoring ANI packets on Line 1 Enter 2021# for ignoring ANI packets on Line 2 When entering correctly you should hear a confirmation beep. * Enter 1020# again and right after, without waiting to the confirmation beep enter code 2021# - now wait for confirmation beep. * This is the main hole on the programming feature- Enter: 1501771800# You're done. hang up, turn back the switch on your ISDN device box to normal mode. your line is now configured to ignore ANI packet requests from toll free exchanges ( 177, 1800 ). Testing ------- To test the new settings, you can try dialing to a cellular phone that has identification device and check if it shows up your number. For better testing, you can try out at these numbers: Bezeq ISDN info center on 1800 with ANI: 1800-22-8899 Bezeq ISDN info center on 177 with ANI: 177-022-2131 main ANI computer: 110 Glossary -------- ANI: Automatic Number Identification ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network ETSI: Europe Transformation Services Intergrated ( aka NET.2, EDSS1 ) grEEtings: heatsync - dont worry be happy osh - y0!@# WESTSIDE til' we end the piss asi - eye love you. morgoth / cHaos.IL 99 _____________________________________________________________________________ 09. Information about IUE --------------------------- -- Information about IUE -- --------------------------- The Israeli Underground Exchange -- General Information -- IUE stands for Israeli Underground Exchange. IUE is a new underground network, a plant of the Chaos-IL Foundation, for Israeli h/p that will be used by Israeli h/p people to share information and exchange knowledge. The network contains an archive of over 10GB of material regarding to world wide hacking and phreaking and being daily updated with latest releases. IUE will be submitting all the latest information through the Chaos IL information digests (issues). -- The Network -- The network is powered by sLinux 2.0.36 on a hub PII400 MHz. Access routes (nodes): route#1 > analog/modem route#2 > analog/modem route#3 > analog/modem route#4 > digital/ISDN route#5 > digital/ISDN The analog lines uses p/X25 BBS software for *X to acceppt remote connections and maintenance of the file archives, message bases, etc. -- Activity -- Unlike the information sharing on the active scene, the network will contain actual information, detailed with follow instructions. IUE will operate a mail network that will include crypted information of special access numbers, password files and the like. -- How to gain access -- Access to the network will be given directly. If you are a part of this, you will be notified by the admins. If you are unknown to us but you still think you should have access because of some mysterious reason - contact the Chaos IL staff. This is everything that the public can have an interest to at the moment. IUE/IL _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Bezeq's Home Country Directs *UPDATED* Updated list of Bezeq's Home Country Directs -------------------------------------------- 177-430-2727 .............................................. Austria 177-610-2727 .......................... (TELSTRA Telecom) Australia 177-611-2727 ............................ (OPTUS Telecom) Australia 177-390-2727 .................... ........................... Italy 177-353-2727 .............................................. Ireland 177-100-2727 ......................... (AT&T Telecom) United States 177-150-2727 .......................... (MCI Telecom) United States 177-102-2727 ....................... (SPRINT Telecom) United States 177-320-2727 .............................................. Belgium 177-550-2727 ............................................... Brazil * 177-440-2727 ................................ (BTI Telecom) Britian 177-441-2727 ............................ (MERCURY Telecom) Britian 177-490-2727 .............................................. Germany * 177-450-2727 .............................................. Denmark 177-270-2727 ......................................... South Africa 177-310-2727 .............................................. Holland 177-360-2727 .............................................. Hungary 177-886-2727 ............................................... Tiewan * 177-300-2727 ............................................... Greece * 177-810-2727 ................................................ Japan 177-962-2727 ............................................... Jordan 177-352-2727 ............................................ Luxemburg 177-330-2727 ............................................... Monako 177-212-2727 .............................................. Morocco * 177-470-2727 ............................................... Norway * 177-640-2727 ........................................... New-Ziland 177-860-2727 ................................................ China 177-659-2727 ............................................ Singapore * 177-340-2727 ................................................ Spain * 177-100-2727 ........................................... Portu-Riko 177-351-2727 ............................................. Portugal 177-358-2727 .............................................. Finland 177-450-2727 ............................................ Froa-Cost 177-560-2727 ................................................ Chile * 177-330-2727 ............................................... France 177-506-2727 ........................................... Costo-Riko * 177-822-2727 .......................................... South Korea 177-105-2727 ............................................... Canada 177-357-2727 ............................................... Cyprus * 177-460-2727 ............................................... Sweden 177-410-2727 .......................................... Switzerland * 177-660-2727 .............................................. Tieland 177-900-2727 ............................................... Turkey * ** NOTES ** - Some numbers have been transformed to 1800 toll free, in that case, use the 146 service to upgrade. blueboxing: - All countries signed with '*' are breakable C5 IUE/IL _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. Life of a WinGate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life of a WinGate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by heatsync (c) Chaos-IL Foundation 1999 It all starts when little Bobby Joe Lamer is scanning for wingates on his shitty ass 14.4kbps modem going at 1 ip per hour.. he is really el8 becuase he has this wingate scanner he got from rootshell that doesn't do shit but sit there becuase it uses stream sockets. ok. After about a month the Class B subnet he scanned is finished and he got about 100 wingates out of it.. pretty neat eh? "OK! now its time to distribute these fuckers and use them all up!", Bobby Joe said. As you can see he doesn't seem like the type of person who wants to use a wingate for real purposes. So.. Bobby Joe Lamer sits on irc in #shellz and gives out all his wingates to a bunch of script kiddies who think they are reet putting clones on wingate proxies. Within minutes, half of #shellz and then soon other channels thoughout irc are filled with anxious lamers on Bobby's wingates. The next week or two the 100 wingates that Bobby has is now narrowed down to about 20. All of the lamers trying to use them to get on irc are having no luck because they just so happen to be banned from every irc server on earth. A week later Bobby is pissed and starts scanning again for more wingates while instead of using the wingates for irc the lamers are now using them to connect to shells that they ripped from rolex's goons. In the mean time.. here we are trying to use the wingates Bobby gave us for good purposes like protecting ourselves from anal sysadmins of the systems we 0wn but instead of getting that nice WinGate> prompt all we get is lame messages like 'connection refused' or 'access denied'... ohh I like the one that says 'too many connected users - try back later'. that message tells you that there is a huge block of lamers sucking it up dry.. when it says 'try back later'.. that really means 'in about an hour the message will change to access denied'. So as you can see the life of a good wingate is only about 3 weeks maximum depending on its use and how smart the owners are. I hope this gives you wingate crazed assholes out there a little light on the fact that your favorite wingate will soon die. It all depends on the way you use it. heatsync. _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. ISDNnet get 0wned by Bezeq International --- It seems like Bezeq International has 0wned ISDNnet - the "only" Israeli fast (fast?!) ISDN Internet providers. although, this time Bezeq 0wned in bigtime - since ISDN users will enjoy this 0wn for sure. Here is the copy of the message sent by ISDNnet admin to all ISDNnet users, read it and figure out yourself: _____________________________________________________________________________ Subject: Bezeq International!! Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 17:52:03 +0200 From: "isdn" To: Greetings to all users, In two weeks time the acquisition agreement shall be signed between IsdnNet and Bezeq International, and in accordance therewith, the control over the Internet access activity shall be transferred to Bezeq International. In addition to the signing of the agreement, Bezeq International shall open optic fiber ATM lines to the WorldWide Internet for IsdnNet subscribers. The optic fiber ATM lines are characterized highly by reliability and accessibility to the WorldWide Internet at high speed with no delays or disconnections. The lines can be expanded on demand up to 45Mb and enable video and audio broadcast at stereo quality. In addition, Bezeq International, Ascend's and Compaq's (Digital) engineers focus their efforts at making improvements and upgrading the system in order to improve the quality of service and support. Bezeq International recently acquired a capacity of 155Mb in the "Lev" underwater cable. Thus Bezeq International is establishing and enlarging its status as the owner of the fastest and broadest band width on the information highway between Israel and the rest of the World, and in doing so, Bezeq International is significantly ahead of its competitors. The strengthening of Bezeq International's infrastructure overseas emphasizes its intensive preparations in order to improve on the services provided to its existing and future Internet customers. The acquisition of the above-mentioned capacity in the "Lev" cable is a significant improvement in the bandwidth and international capacity that connects Israel with the rest of the world, both for Internet and Data Communication services. This move strengthens Bezeq International's competitive technological advantage. Bezeq International will allow its subscribers Internet speed parallel to that enjoyed in the United States and will continue to improve and supply good quality and fast Internet consistently with no change to current conditions. Kindly Yours, Bezeq International. _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. HOWTO Guide for Bezeq's Loops <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> <> <> <> <> WHAT ARE/HOW TO USE <> <> WHERE TO PHIND/HOW TO <> <> PHIND ... <> <> <> <> <><><><><><> <> <> <> LOOPS <> <> <> <><><><><><> <> <> by MISTER-SINISTER <> <> <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> LOOPS LOOPS are two consecutive phone lines that are used phor a bezeqman to check porblems or just a usal check to see what are the problems on the phone lines A loop is made oph two consecutive phone like this: 1-800-000-000-|1| 1-800-000-000-|2| (this are just exampel) as u can see iph a person comes to u and says i have phound a loop but i know only one number so u can easly phind the other number by adding to the last digit the number '1' or by taking the number '1'. so now that u know what are loops lets see what are they good phor and what good they bring to us: as u know a loop is a tool phor a phone bezeqman to check problems on the phone and u know that every loop is made oph two phone lines ok, now each number oph the loop is called an 'end' one is a 'high' end, the other is a 'low' end. the higher end produce a constant loud tone tone the other is producing nothing when two people call each end (one the lower other the higher) the can talk through the loop like a regular phone call, there are some loops that are not vocie senetive. HOW TO USE A LOOP well in order to use a loop u must call one 'end' and get the loud constant tone. now the opreator or a phriend must call the other 'end'. now you act like you have recived a regular phone call so say some thing like "hello" and DONT hang up the phone. you will hear an operator in the other end, idle and wait until she hangs up. aphter she hanged up u can call any number u like (not abroad) without paying shit phor it. oh iph you are not sure (about the opreator) tell a phriend to call the other 'end' and again the bill wont go to your phriend but to Bezeq. VERY IMPORTANT loops are very touchy so dont use them ophten because Bezeq will take a loop down iph it is used to many times (according to Bezeq's opinoin) so be ceraful and dont use it too much. HOW CAN I PHIND A LOOP to phind a loop u do the regualr procces oph scanning, scan for pair of numbers that are constative. like ending with "1212" or "8822", etc. there are some people around that say "loops? there is no such thing in israel" -- wrong. every phine phone company has some loops. (may be not in zimbabow :) ). MISTER SINISTER / Jan 1999 ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. Greetings crypto, Manomaker, LSD, jizm, retro, Plex_inph, skade, BelowZero, rough, bellboy, phriend-, tabi, _jobe_, retaliator, p-wInd0Wz, route, j_aka, _v9, Yopsilon, murder_, doomd, sublord, _tZ, Cryptik, MoonChild, desync, asi, boomb, microwire, phaceman, Fatalman, binari, rosco-, special-k, gr1p, spi7fire, dead_rat, FrontLine, suspekt, _char_, rOman, Kombo, heatsync. * ALL chillers of: #972, #chaos-il, #bluebox * special thanx to the brotherhoods: skillz, r0x Crew, pX 1999, NoName ALL of Chaos-IL Members , � ,g,___.,,�g?P�~ g�,,,. g.,gd$P�''~``'4${ ,, ,,._ __..,, _.,._}$$$$%' '�4$$b, ' g��,.. :} :}"�P#g,. ,yP�~"�4Py. ,gP'~"��"~` '$$$b. ~�4$$4 }$ }$ `$$b: d$} }$b,%%} :$$$% ~$$i _.,, ii��,, `4$%%%?W, ;$$} $$; , .}$$$P g�,,,. .}$$b#P�"}: �$~"�4 `$$b.`4?g,,.,g?P�` ;?W,.,,�g?P�~ ,dP�"' .,._}$$$$%':d$$' $}g4: `$$$b. `~}}~`` `4?~``'4${ '' ,gP'``~"��"~` ,$$P' ii�' .'P�~' ,d$P' '' .d$$' $} ,g, --IL d$$P' '' '~�4` :4g, `�' .,,, {$$$ .. / `�' '?${_.,, `�Pb, jizm#@ '�"~``'4g, `` '' '' -[EOI#7]---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Chaos-IL Foundation January 1999