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(mostly because this is the first issue.) if you would like to join cds, or would like to submit an article, you can contact me (cyber shadow) at: the shadow of cyberia 602-451-8564 [the nup isn't sabotage] unfortunately i have lost my email address, mostly due to the fact that i never paid for it. so you'll have to be creative when you try contacting me. the easiest way to send me your article is on the irc. look for either _cs_ or a7, or anyone else who is listed as a writer for this zine. unfortunately i don't get on the irc much anymore so good luck. =[goals]====================================================================== the bbs scene is slowly dying. although most people will disagree, it is a fact of life. as the www, aol, and irc grow each year, bulletin boards become smaller and smaller. a new breed of modem users have discovered a whole different world while using their modem, and actually have the nerve to quit their net surfing, for a few hours, to call up your bbs! i consider that lame. now that i have gotten that out in the open, knowing it has nothing to do with this zine, i will explain the goals of cds. cds is a free publication of hacking, phreaking, anarchy, coding, modding, and art material. now you are probably saying "hey, that's great. everything i ever wanted all rolled up into one!" and you are absolutely right...it is great. and to make it even better send cds your articles or thoughts to be published and plundered around the world. just make sure you have something that is interesting and is a related topic. don't pull a mike dietz and send me an article like this: How to Make Rice Krispies Treats Ingredients ----------- 1/4 cup margarine or butter 1 pkg. (10 oz., about 40) regular marshmallows or 4 cups miniature marshmallows 6 cups Kelloggs's Rice Krispies cereal Directions ---------- 1. Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add Rice Krispies cereal. Stir until well coated. 3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly into buttered 13x9x2-inch pan. Cut into squares when cool. sure that looks tasty, but it's just not what i'm looking for. yeah, yeah, yeah, i know, i'm rambling. ok, on with the show. =[special thanks]============================================================= this zine would not have been possible without the support from the following people: - a7 - fulcrum - knightmare - purifier - vader - satan thanks...i really appreciate everything each of you has done. a mighty special thanks goes out to mike dietz for being such an innocent victim. thanks man. if you would like to contact mike dietz, he can be reached by email at: mike.dietz@dimension.parasol.wierius.com or if you would like to send him email via fidonet, his address is: 1:114/497 and as always, you can contact him by phone: 602-860-1544 [of course, harassing people is bad, and cds does not condone or take responsibility for your actions. so don't blame cds, or me, if you get in trouble.] i have included a file of mike so everyone can see how ugly he is. the picture sucks, but then again, so does he. and also a thanks goes out to thndrbolt of 602 for keeping me laughing for hours on end. you are one funny guy. =[this has absolutely nothing to do with anything]============================ just to clear things up, mike dietz is a lamer among lamuhs. you will probably notice me dwelling on this one fact alone. now don't get me wrong here, i am not obsessed. he does the stupidest things and to me he is very funny. you are probably thinking, "why should i care about this 'mike dietz' lamer anyway?" i'm not saying you have to care, i'm not saying anyone has to care. all i want to do is amuse you with his stupidity. i'm sure you will find something he does, or i do to him, funny or informative. a brief history... for those of you who have never heard of the 5th dimension, it is one of the lamest bbses ever put up. the number as of 06-07-96 is 602-451-8598. give it a call and get a good laugh. he is currently running remote access on a: packard bell 386sx 16mhz processor 250mb h/d here is actual footage of his screens: �����˿ �� ˿ �� �����˿ �����˿ ������� �� �� �� ���� �����˿ �� ��� ������� ������� ������� ������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͸ � Welcome to THE 5th DiMENSiON BBS! � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � I run this BBS as a hobby and enjoy the challenge of making it better for � � the users. This BBS is here for everyone. So in order to keep everyone � � happy, everyone must follow these rules. � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � � Do not enter false user information! (ie name, phone #, address, etc.) � � New users must login with thier REAL name or put their REAL name in as � � their handle and the SysOp will switch them ASAP. � � � Do not write mail that has inappropriate contents. (ie cussing, � � sexual remarks, racial remarks, etc.) � � � Do not upload pirated software. � � � Do not abuse EchoMail. It is a privilage provided by the SysOp and � � if it is abused it will be discontinued. � � � Report any problems or suggestions that you have for this BBS. � � � HAVE FUN! :) � � NOTE: You will be given ONE warning if you break these rules. If you � � continue to break them you will be LOCKED OUT! � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������; [this guy is paranoid, he voice verifies everyone. hah, he doesn't want "pirated material." once he got caught by the spa. oh, and to top it all off, you only get ONE warning until he locks you out. i wonder why that could be...] ������Ŀ ������Ŀ �Ŀ �����Ŀ ������Ŀ ������Ŀ �����Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ �������� �������� ��� ������� �������� �������� ������� ��� ��� �Ŀڿ�Ŀ ������Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀڿ�Ŀ ����Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ �Ŀ � ��ٳ � � ��Ŀ � � � � � � � � ��ٳ � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����Ŀ � � � � � ���� � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �������� ��� ��� �������� 04-25-96 15:10 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ [G] Game Room [S] Your Statistics [F] File Transfer [P] Page The SysOp [M] Message Base [$] ICE Bank v0.70 [B] Bulletins [?] Global Commands List [Y] Your Settings [!] Logoff ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Node : 1 Your First Call : 00-00-00 Baud Rate : 14400 Last Caller SysOp Pages : 0 : Genesis ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Select (30 min): whoa. that was gay. like i said before, this guy is very lame. i'm sure he is going to change his whole bbs again, this due to the fact his h/d partition was destroyed. maybe he shouldn't run 500 byte .com files--they might be trojans. here is what happens when you call his board: THE 5th DiMENSiON BBS is temporarly down... NETMail via FidoNET can still be recieved Address: 1:114/497 InterNET EMail can still be recieved at: mike.dietz@dimension.parasol.wierius.com This shouls only last untill 5-20-96 at the longest. There was a partial HD crash and I am fixing it as fast as possible. Mike Dietz -- SysOp of THE 5th DiMENSiON BBS then it hangs up. i wonder why? anyway, his handle is black hole (aka sand demon). and if you ever do get around to calling his board, tell 'em i sent ya. alright, now that you have been totally amused, i'm sure you are more than ready to read on... =[news that just gets to ya]================================================== someone handed me a newspaper clipping which had the article below circled. you may find it interesting, you may not. i just thought that it was very annoying that the "web surfer kiddies" of today are considered whiz kids. Niche markets...search engines...Web browsers. They might sound like terms punctuating the conversation of grad students in management and computer science. But they're familiar territory to three teens at Desert Mountain High School in Scottsdale who have formed their own company to design Web pages for businesses wanting to jump on the Internet. Mike and Pat Murray, both 17 and Mike Hitt, 16, are co-founders of Tsunami Creations, and hope to ride the wave of Internet surfers to riches before they even graduate from high school. They've already built web pages for two Valley companies and are on the prowl for other customers who want to circulate their messages in cyberspace. Like most teenage computer tutors, the three are largely self-taught computer whizzes who get hired through word of mouth. They plan to legally form a limited partnership in June so they can bring on their first employee, Devin Mahoney, a sophomore at Desert Mountain who specializes in animated graphics. Many businesses are turning to whiz kids to help plug into the computer age. Not only have a lot of youngsters been playing games and doing homework on computers since they were old enough to guide a mouse, but also they often work for less money than an adult while turning out as good a product. Andy Rodriguez, executive producer for New Phoenix Filmworks, a Scottsdale-based company that hired the Tsunami kids to design his Web site, said he was struck by the professionalism of the new generation. "We were discussing the possibilities of making a scene from one of our movies available on the net, and they were deferring to a friend of theirs who was only 15 years old," Rodriquez said. "He was only about as tall my knee, but he was spouting off about things like megahertz and how the movie would be downloaded. It was not that sort of thing I learned about when I was in high school." Rodriquez decided to hire the teens to build his Web site because they had previously created computerized special effects for a movie he produced. "We had other options, but we knew they were pretty reliable," he said. "They can give me worldwide access as well as anyone else." and as usual, i admire their ability to make money. what i don't admire is the fact that they are considered genius because they can write in html. it is a sore fact that adults are being pushed into the ever growing double click era. unfortunately so are the children. don't let this happen to you! become a hermit like me. live your whole life locked in a one room apartment. code your own operating system. order chinese food every day, and stay off the internet! =[setting up a mock renegade bbs]============================================= setting up a mock renegade bbs [the fun way to get passwords] by cs why you ask? one reason only. to get a lamuh's password. through out my bbsing (and my life) i have noticed one thing. the lamerz always use the same passwords over and over, bbs after bbs. of all the boards that i have hacked or stolen the users.dat file from, it would seem that the lamerz are really stupid or don't know what a different password is. this is where "you" come in. now it just so happens that you really hate this guy. lets say his name is mike dietz. (a totally random name picked of course.) and you want to destroy his bbsing life for ever. step 1 ------ the first thing you want to get, being the most important, is a phone line. it is going to cost you about $50-60 to get it installed for the first time, and about $15-20 dollars a month. if you already have a separate phone line, contact the phone company and have the number changed--this will prevent anyone who knows you to catch onto your scheme. step 2 ------ the second thing you need to do is get renegade. i suggest renegade because it is very easy to setup and configure. it also shows you the users' passwords. once you get renegade setup and configured "thus far" move on to step three. step 3 ------ now that you have renegade running, you need to configure it so that mike dietz will enjoy himself when he calls. for example lets just say mike dietz really likes warez. setup the file areas like this: 1 warez new uploads 2 warez applications 3 warez games 4 warez utilities 5 warez misc then setup the message areas like this: 1 warez talk 2 warez elite requests 3 warez flaming 4 warez the scene step 4 ------ once you got that done start with the ansis. make sure they aren't too good because you have to remember "this bbs isn't gonna stay up forever" and "mike dietz is a fucking loser that likes warez." i would suggest something like this for a main menu: ��� . ��� � ����� ��� . ��.�� ��� �� ��� ��.�� ����� ��� ��� ��.� ����� ����������������������� ����� ����� ��� ���� ����� ����������������������� � ��� .��� ��� ��� ��� � � � � � � [F] warez 'r here! [O] online menu [C] chat with sysop � � [M] elite message base [U] user listing [!] offline mail � � [E] e-mail [B] bbs listing [I] info about bbs � � [V] voting booth [P] personal info [$] time bank � � [J] join conference [Y] your information [g] drop carrier � � [A] auto-message [S] system bulletins [/g] shit list � � � � � � � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� step 5 ------ now that you have your bbs all setup and ready to go, it's time for mike dietz to call. a good way to give him the number without actually telling him it, is to post it on a bbs that you know he is on, usually in the bbs list. when mike dietz calls make sure to chat with him. here is a sample of what a conversation of you and him might look like: sysop breaking in for a chat: cs: mike dietz? what kind of fucking handle is that? md: excuse me!?! how rude! cs: heh. i am just messin with ya. get a grip dood. md: whatever cs: where did you get the number for this bbs? md: w'ell i calld a bbs called gay rites of amurica. and i saw it in a bbs list cs: hmmm. gay rites huh? so you're not into warez then? md: warz? no i'am not into that kindof stuff. cs: really? thats too bad because i don't charge here like on peter s. guild's bbs. md: wow! thts great! what do ihave to do? cs: just upload every once in a while. and post alot in the message base. md: how do i dothat? im not smrt enought to post in the messagebase. cs: i guess it really doesn't matter anyway. this bbs is fairly new. md: ok souns great! cs: alright let me validate you real quick. md: okk [you validate him with alt-v] cs: you are now elite mike dietz. md: neato! now i can bragg to nick coons about alll the wares i am goingto get cs: i'll let you go now. md: ttyl end of chat step 6 ------ wait a few days and then call the phone company and change your number. or if you want you can change mike dietz's password on your bbs. this usually confuses the hell out of most lamuhs. so now what do you do you ask? well it's simple. you have mike dietz's password and you know he always uses the same one. call a bbs and mass email a message like the one below to everyone, including the sysop. and if that bbs has fidonet make sure you post very disgusting, rude, and sexually undesirable messages on it. and especially make sure you brag to the sysop how 'leet you are. I AM THE ELITEST MOTHER FUCKER IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD! mike dietz THE 5th DiMENSiON 602-860-0202 use the message above and you have about a 100% chance of getting mike dietz kicked off any bbs of your choice. this is a sure way to get almost anybody's password. although i recommend you do it on a larger scale rather than just one user. this is for two reasons. one being it is not cheap paying for a phone line and two it will save you lots of time. what's that you say? you can't see the user's password because cott lang decided to improve renegade? ok, just make the user run a door. their password is always written to the door.sys drop file. njoy. =[how to make a modern pay box]================================================ How To Make A Modern Pay Box by PURiFiER Ingredients: ------------ 1 Call Forwarding service on the line 1 Set of Red Box Tones The number to your prefix's Intercept operator (do some scanning for this one) How To: ------- After you find the number to the intercept operator in your prefix, use your call-forwarding and forward all calls to her...this will make your phone stay off the hook(actually, now it waits for a quarter to be dropped in)...you now have a pay box... In Order To Call Out On This Line:You must use your Red Box tones and generate the quarter dropping in...then,you can make phone calls to people...as far as I know, this is fairly safe, and they do not check much...Although I am not sure, I think you can even make credit-card calls from a paybox phone and not get traced... =[ripping off your local library copy machine]================================= ripping off your local library copy machine by cyber shadow after having the librarian refuse to let me check out a book, and reminding me i had a 50 dollar library fine, i decided to take matters into my own hands. checking my pockets i dug up a shiny quarter--this would be my saviour. scanning the library i spotted the one machine that could help me out. ahh, i thought, this book is really great, why don't i just make a copy of it. then i won't have to check it out... i wandered over to the copy machine and laid the book face down. taking the quarter, i dropped it into the coin slot and watched as the digital display registered 0.25. fearlessly i pushed the copy button, waited a second, and then pressed the coin release button. the machine spit the quarter out as my new copy was made. laughing briefly i put the quarter back into the coin slot and made copy number two, then three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ..., one hundred, ... twenty minutes later the machine started beeping wildly. the librarian ran to the copy machine and gave me an evil glare. "what are you doing!" she demanded. "why is this copy machine out of paper!" "how do i know you stupid slut. all i was doing was making a copy of this book you wouldn't let me check out. shut the fuck up." "oh, i'm sorry," the librarian said apologetically. "here's a quarter. go try using the other copy machine." she handed me the quarter and crawled back to her desk. i looked at the stack of papers i had just made--all one hundred of them. this is boring, i thought, i'm outta here. after thumbing through the fresh copies, i picked out the page i needed and tossed the rest. why it works? it's real simple. just put your quarter in, press the big green copy button, wait a second, then press the coin release button. the copy machine doesn't communicate with the coin accepter very well and is the reason why it has timing defect. i've seen a few machines where the timing defect had been corrected. if this happens, just take a bat, and um, you know what to do. i would like to express my thanks to the people who own and manage the library copy machines. you have saved me at least 20 dollars these last few months. =[lamuhs of 6o2 i]============================================================= "Lamuhs of 6o2" by ---*//<---------------------!+!+!+---------------+ switch Battery from 2meg pot. Notes about the schematic ========================= 1. GND means ground 2. The GND near the switch and the GND by the 2meg potentiometer should be connected. 3. Where you see: )( () )( it is the transistor antenna coil with 15 turns of regular hook-up wire around it. 4. The middle of the loop on the left side (the left of "()") you should run a wire down to the "+" which has nothing attached to it. There is a .0047 capacitor on the correct piece of wire. 5. For the microphone use a magnetic earphone (1k to 2k). 6. Where you see "[!]" is the antenna. Use about 8 feet of wire to broadcast approx 300ft. Part 15 of the FCC rules and regulation says you can't broadcast over 300 feet without a license. (Hahaha). Use more wire for an antenna for longer distances. (Attach it to the black wire on the fone line for about a 250 foot antenna!) Operation of the Phuntrans ========================== This transmitter will send the signals over the AM radio band. You use the variable capacitor to adjust what freq. you want to use. Find a good unused freq. down at the lower end of the scale and you're set. Use the 2 meg pot. to adjust gain. Just fuck with it until you get what sounds good. The switch on the 2meg is for turning the Phuntrans on and off. When everything is adjusted, turn on an AM radio adjust it to where you think the signal is. Have a friend lay some shit thru the Box and tune in to it. That's all there is to it. The plans for a simple receiver are shown below: The Phuntrans receiver ====================== (1) 9 volt battery with battery clip (1) 365 pf variable capacitor (1) 51 pf capacitor (1) 1N38B diode (1) Transistor antenna coil (1) 2N366 transistor (1) SPST toggle switch (1) 1k to 2k magnetic earphone Schematic for receiver ====================== [!] ! 51 pf ! +----+----+ ! ! ) 365 pf (----+ ! ) ! ! +---------+---GND ! +---*>!----base collector----- diode 2N366 earphone emitter +----- ! ! GND ! - + - battery + GND------>/<------------+ switch Closing statement ================= This two devices can be built for under a total of $10.00. Not too bad. Using these devices in illegal ways is your option. If you get caught, I accept NO responsibility for your actions. This can be a lot of fun if used correctly. Hook it up to the red wire on the phone line and it will send the conversation over the air waves. Enjoy! =[how to get free stuff]======================================================= How to get free stuff by Fulcurm Who says you have to pay for everything. Here are some tips to help you get away with shoplifting and other tricks to keep your money where it belongs-- in your wallet. .oO Shoplifting Oo. - Overview Here is one that almost anyone can pull off. There are some things to watch out for though. The first thing you want to do is to wear the correct clothing. Loose, baggy clothing with many pockets will work best. Don't wear a ski mask, sometimes the employees get a little suspicious. Basically, if you can't figure out what to wear go download some more warez. - Location Now that you dressed properly you want to find the ideal locations. Large stores that don't have that much in the way of staff work well. Those huge food stores that sell everything work too. Try to stay away from places in malls, as they have too many people. Also, I would recommend that you stick with stores that have long isles, which lessens the chance that someone will walk by close to you and see what your up to. - Security There are some things to watch out for. Something that is common in convenience stories are those convex mirrors that let the workers see most of the store. Basically, if you can see them then they can see you. The best way to beat these is to grab whatever you want and then go to a location in the store where the mirrors don't show you and load up your pockets. Most mirrors that are meant to be used as mirrors are of the convex type to give the cashier or whatever a wide angle view of what's going on. If you see any other type, it's a good bet that there is a camera behind it. That brings us to hidden cameras. These are identified by mirrored domes in the roof, or mirrored panels. Although cameras can be dangerous, it isn't always a reason to find a new store. For one thing, they might be faking the presence of the cameras. Knowing someone who works there helps, you can ask them for the details of that stores particular system. Another thing is that at most there will only be one person watching the cameras, if that many. So, although they might be taping the whole store at once, you're only live for a few seconds. Also, the whole store can't be covered. Frequently you can just carry something to the end of an aisle, and pocket it there. Yes, they might see it if the tapes are watched later on, but you're basically safe once you leave the store. One other security device is the magnetic tags that are put on the more expensive items. Basically the point is that if you try to leave the store with the item you'll set off the alarms. It's usually too hard to remove the tag without destroying the item, so just go find another store. If you're trying to take stuff that expensive you'd better know what you're doing. - The Act This is the simple part. The key to lifting something is to make it quick, and not very obvious. Don't pick something out and look around in every direction, this will look very suspicious. When you come into the store scope out the security. Then decide what your going to take and where you're going to pocket it. Now just walk to the product, pick it up, and if your planning on snagging it there, turn around, check and pocket. The faster the better. If you're going to another location the same thing goes, just walk, turn, and pocket. Once you've got the item hidden you should leave the store pretty soon, as if someone spotted you, you'll have a chance to escape before an employee comes after you. If your going snag something really small, like a pack of gum, the best way is pick it up and start walking around with it. Hold it in your hand over your pocket. When it's safe, just slide it in. Another method is to pick up the gum, then get out your wallet or keys. Play around with them, and then slide both things back into your pocket. If someone sees you they are likely to assume that you already had it because it was with your keys or wallet, which live in your pocket. A little psychology for you. - Caught If you get caught don't worry too much. If an employee comes up to you, remain calm. When they ask you if you stole something say no. If they ask you to empty your pockets say no. Give them allot of crap about your rights, and if you're a minority, how much your taken advantage of. However, you don't want them to call the police. Take them as far as possible, but if the police come they do have the right to search you, and if they have you on tape you could be in trouble. The best thing to do is if they won't let you go and they are really going to call the police then you should just offer to pay them with cash for what you had on you. If you cry and act like it's your first time shoplifting then they will probably let you go, if you pay them. .oO Free Keys Oo. Need a copy of your keys? Need a copy of your neighbors keys? Well, Home Depot will gladly make you a copy and pretty much give them away to you for free. Take your keys and find a Home Depot, if you're lucky enough to have one of them in your area. More than likely there will be a locksmith booth in one of the aisles. Look for the row with all the door handles. Then give the employee your keys. You'll get your keys back, and a paper envelope containing your copies. All you have to do now is take the envelope somewhere and open it, and slide those shiny new keys into your pocket. If the Home Depot you're at is nice enough to provide public restrooms just go in there and find yourself a stall. Just make sure you take the empty envelope out of the bathroom, then you can just ditch it somewhere. Make good use of your new keys. .oO Free Luggage Locks Oo. You know those little locks that are used to stop your zippers from coming open? That's pretty much all they are good for, because a five year old can break them open, but they're cool. Who cares though, your getting them free. This one is easy enough for you warez puppies to understand. Just go into a large store such as Service Merchandise or Sears, and go to the luggage area. There you'll find the locks and the keys right on the bags. Rip the keys out of the little plastic thing, unlock the lock, and take off. .oO Free Books Oo. Hey, the library can't stop you from taking a backpack inside can they? Your taking your books in there to study right? Of course, they have those alarms to stop satanic fiends from taking their books, but I'm going tell you how to beat their security. The location of the magnetic device will most likely be in the spine, or behind the pocket. Just take a few books and head for the bathroom. There is almost always one in the children's section, because you don't want little kids pissing their pants with all those Barney books around. Take you knife and start ripping apart the books until you find the devices. You may want to try a test run of the system first, where you just carry a modified book out the door. If the alarm goes off you can just say that you forgot to check it out. If you don't have a library card then just go say you have to find your dad because he has the card. Good luck starting your new book collection. .oO Free Car Service Oo. This one is my favorite. Tired of those bozos cheating the hell out of you to fix your car? Want a new paint job or window tint? Well here is a method you can use to get free service for your car. Go find a smaller repair or paint shop where the cars that aren't being worked on are parked outside with easy access. Then get copies of your car keys. That night steal the plates of someone else's car. The next morning take your car into the shop and tell them that you're in a real hurry to get to work and that they are authorized to do whatever they have need to do so that your car is running in top shape. Alternatively for a paint/tint shop tell them exactly what kind of job you want done so they will have no questions. Fill out the forms with bogus info. For the phone number make something up, or if you have a VMB created without your real info that is even better, especially with a paint shop because they will want to tell you when it's done. Of course you could always use a line that has been disconnected, and tell the dumb guy that your phone got cutoff and you'll call everyday to see if it's done. However, after you've determined that your car is ready just walk into the lot at two in the morning and take it. Switch the plates and your home free. Of course the shop will have a set of your car keys, but they can't really do anything with them. =[keeping a lamuh quiet]======================================================= sir bob's story hour presents: keeping a lamuh quiet by cs (also featuring a guest appearance by a7) la.. la. la. la... la la la... hello boys and girls, it's time again for another sir bob's story hour. today we will be reading the story "keeping a lamuh quiet." "ahhhh, you don't remember this classic tale? that's too bad, because this one is funnier than hell..." Busy Box (bizee box) n. 1 this is good for lame BBS's as they tend not to call out much, and it will remain undetected for a longer period of time. it happened. the sysop of the 5th dimension, black hole, had pissed me off one too many times. it was time to get even. with the help of a7 we managed to get that infamous black wire trimmed and extracted from a scrap phone cable, and eventually we had a half foot of thin, copper wire. this would be the busy box. our plans were simple. we would sneak over to black hole's house, open his phone box, busy box both his phone lines, and then make a run for it. packing all the necessary supplies (flashlight, screw drivers, beer, etc) we hopped on our bikes and rode to his house. after careful inspection of his back yard we ditched the bikes behind a bush, and slowly crept over to the phone box's location. a minute passed and we eventually found the box. as a7 handed me a screw driver i noticed something strange, black hole's phone box was wide open! we laughed briefly and then focused back onto the job at hand. very carefully i unscrewed the screw holding the green wire and then unscrewed the screw holding the red wire. a7 handed me the busy box and i began twisting it around the red wire's pole, and then the green wire's pole. the first line went smoothly and uninterrupted. when i got to the second line i unscrewed the red and green screws and began twisting the busy box around the two poles. then it happened. all the electricity jumped from the phone line and into me. i became a human cellular antenna. (my only explanation of this is black hole may had been using the phone at the time or a user was on his bbs.) it didn't take me long to recover and i finished wrapping the wire around the two poles. i closed the phone box and locked it; after all we don't want anybody playing with his phone line! quietly retracing our steps we made way back to our bikes and headed home. from there we called both his lines and noticed they were busy. the next day we called the lines again and they were still busy. "that's strange," i said, "they must have left a phone off the hook." =[how to make a busy box]====================================================== ********************* * The Busy Box * * by * * - Black Death - * ********************* Gen-2600 - Disclaimer - This file is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be constructed. It Should definitely not be used on another person's fone line without their consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, Now you're really pissed. The Neighborhood Lamer has gone one step too far this time. It's time for the Busy Box. 1) What is The Busy Box? The Busy Box is the Simplest Box ever created. It is attached to the outside of the person's house, in their telephone box. It Makes it So that When any Fone inside That house is Picked up, No dial Tone is heard, and no Calls can be Received, or Sent. This is Good for Lame BBS's as They Tend not to call out much, and it will remain Undetected for a longer Period of Time. 2) Sounds Great! What do I need? A) One Phone Cord - 5 Inches or so B) Alligator Clips (Optional) 3) Wow! That's it? Tell me More! How do I set It Up? Well, Take your phone cord, and remove the Outer insulation. Now you should have 4 wires inside of it, Red, Green, Black, And Yellow. All you need for most things are Green and Red, so save those. Take either the Black or The Yellow and strip about 3 Inches with a wire stripper or a Knife. Now cut off 3 inches of Uninsulated wire and, voila, you have a really thin wire. Now, take this wire, and go to your neighbors back yard. Look for Their Power Box, Near it should be a small grey (or beige, or some ugly color) box with the little Bell on it. Open this up (it should come right off, if not, use a 7/15 Hex Driver) Now inside you should find four more pegs. Look for the Pegs with a Green or Red wire coming out of them. If you have a Beige Box, hook it up to Make sure there Is a Dial Tone. If there is, Tie one end of your small wire to the peg with the Green Wire coming out of it, and another to the one with the Red coming out of it. Now use your beige box on it again, there should be no dial tone, and pressing buttons should be ineffective. Congratulations, you've disabled their fone line. Something you might want to try is to make the small wire longer, and stuff it in to the back of the box where there is a jungle of wires, so it will be more unnoticed. The more discreet, the better. - Some Pro's and Con's - Pro's - Very Effective - Any Idiot Could Build it - Very Inexpensive - Easy to Install Hard to Detect source of problem Con's - Easy to Detect that there -IS- a problem (No dial tone when receiver is picked up) If anyone knows how to busy the line out, and leave a dial tone, Please let me know This phile Was writen/Designed at The Unholy Temple By Black Death If you have any problems building this - You're an idiot. Sell your modem and buy a life. [i didn't ask black death's permission to use his file, but, i'm sure he won't mind.] =[top 10 boards of 602]======================================================== [ The top 10 boards of 602, by Vader ] 1. - Realm of Phantasy Sysop: Ozymandias Board Type: Warez Software: PCBoard Nodes: 3 Number: Not disclosed NUP: Not disclosed In the area of warez here in 602, this one, by far is the best. Utilizing 3 lines, with people calling, transferring files, and posting 24 hours a day. There are many reasons why this is not just another big warez board. There really is no real age limit on files, people can upload and download files that are actually useful. Not just 0-2 day old files. There are also no ratios in place, you can get a little out of the expected ratio with no problems. The range of users is also a plus. Hard core warez people are not the only users on ROP. 2. - POO Sysop: Trip Board Type: Art Software: Renegade Nodes: 1 Number: Not disclosed NUP : Not disclosed This is the most well-known board in 602. People from around the country (and probably the world) call this board all the time. Why? Because it is WHQ to Apathy. One of the largest groups in the art scene. The amount of affils this board has is almost unlistable. The board was modded by acidic, and has ansis done by the likes of Lord Jazz, Misfit, ect... Usually the only acceptable applicants are art people. 3. - White Lightning Sysop: Board Type: Warez Software: Oblivion/2 Nodes: 2 Number: Not disclosed NUP: Not disclosed Nothing really special about this place. Just your usual big warez system. 2 nodes, 10 gigs, OBV/2. But I really don't see anything negative about any of these things.. The users are generally people who are known in the warez community. 4. - Shadow of Cyberia Sysop: Cyber Shadow Board Type: Art/HPAV/Coding Software: Renegade Nodes: 1 Number: 602-451-8564 NUP: Not disclosed This place has alot to offer. Great message bases, with topics ranging from pascal coding to weed. The same goes with files. Just about everything you'd want besides warez. Lots of anarchy stuff, Zines (home of this zine, of course), virii, and coding related files. The board also has a lot of hacking and phreaking texts. Well modded with original ansi done by the Cyber Shadow. The user base is a little dense, but the board is only 2 or 3 weeks old. CS has also talked of the possibility of an additional line. 5. - Entropy Sysop: Point Man Board Type: Art/HP Software: Renegade Nodes: 1 Number: Not disclosed NUP: Not disclosed This BBS was designed by it's remote sysop, Clark, and he did a good job. Ansi done by Trip, Misfit, and Clark. A lot of great modding was done to this board, lots of light bars, and other goodies. Many would have a hard time deciphering which software the board is using. The messages go in spirts, as does the sysop, sometimes you'll call and there will be 70 new messages, other times there will be 1 or 2. The board has a lot of art and modding packs. It also has a lot of Zines, and H/P texts. 6. - The DeathStar Sysop: Vader Board Type: Warez/Art/HP/Coding Software : Renegade Nodes: 1 Number: 602-507-0546 NUP: Not disclosed Ummm, this is my board. Good overall system. Averages a healthy amount of posts. The warez trading is a little weak, but there is a respectable collection online. WHQ to a new Art/Coding group with the name DiRT. I don't know if the group will last, but I can assure you, the board will. 7. - Vomitorium Sysop: Balls Wilson Board Type: ART/HP Software: Iniquity Nodes: 1 Number: Not disclosed NUP: Not disclosed This board should be #3 or #4... the only thing holding it back is its time restraint. 3pm to 7pm kinda sucks for a BBS. That all aside though, it has great art. The sysop is Balls Wilson from Apathy. He has a unique ansi style, and it adds character to his board. The Vomitorium is also the home of JiveNet, an up and coming 602, and possibly national art oriented net. 8. - Genocide Sysop: Dinchak Board Type: Warez/HP/Coding Software: Renegade Nodes: 1 Number: Not disclosed NUP: Not disclosed Dinchak is the only person on this list who has been putting up boards longer then I have. Traditionally Genocide has been a warez board, with an active message base. He is slowly moving away from warez (as have a lot of boards in 602) to more of a H/P board. Genocide is WHQ to ZOK a coding group. 9. - Den of Sin Sysop: MyKill Board Type: PD/Warez/Adult Software: Syncronet Nodes: 1 Number: 220-0672 NUP: None in place This board is really old. You can tell when you call. Users you've never heard of, ansi from thedraw fonts. But, the board trades in a lot of warez, and racks in a lot of good messages. And for all you perverts 2 adult CDs. It's worth calling once and awhile, if you can ever get on. 10. - Starbase Command Sysop: The Admiral Board Type: PD/light warez Software: PCBoard Nodes: 1 Number: 936-3649 NUP: None in place I never really liked the regular 1 menu based PCBoards. That's why I like what the admiral has done to SBC. He's modded it so that it looks and feels like an RG system. Some other positives about SBC include: good selection of PPEs and PCB utils, FidoNet (well, maybe) and it's leet area. He has a very small selection of warez and adult files. The board has very little usage. This was kinda hard to do, since the selection of good boards is so slim. The rumor is that 2 or possibly 3 good art oriented boards will be going up this summer, so that should erase my problems. Sorry to PC Connections and The Source, but uh... your boards kinda suck, if I might say so. You guys have Lots of warez, gigs of storage space, but the boards have no character. I'd like your input on how I did here, and I'm sure there are boards I missed. If you'd like to tell me your opinion, or tell me the number to a board I should look at you can reach me at: dquin@primenet.com The DeathStar (my bbs) - (602)507-0546 Or The Shadow of Cyberia under the nick Vader. -Vader [CDS & DiRT VP of Distro] =[lamuhs of 6o2 ii]============================================================ "Lamuhs of 6o2" by ---*/ -*Destroy Someones Life*- Someone at yer school pissing you off? Yer Boss just fire you? Feel like getting revenge, but dont know how? well, revenge can be tha ultimate payback, and when someone is pissing you off bad enuff, and you dont wanna kill 'em but make them suffer more, well, read on good reader cuz you will get revenge! OK, say theres these two girls at yer school, we will call them Missy and Michelle Gilliland. Lets make Missy 15, and Michelle 16. OK, wow, looks like Michelle can drive! GEE! lets goto her house and take a look at her blue Honda Civic! well, we need an address, so let say they live at 7708 West Villa Theresa Dr., Glendale AZ 85308. hmm. nice car, needs some werk...ok, take some magnesium strips and shove as many that will fit into tha lock, now light it and it will melt tha lock so tha key wont fit! Do tha same to their front-door! Seriuosly, i think her dad William R Gilliland needs some new sex-toyz since he iz single...call any porn shop and order everything COD. my he will luv that! HMMM...ya know what?? i have been calling their number 938-7458, for awhile now and it iz always busy...hmm. LETS GIVE THEM CALL-WAITING!! well, call tha company and tell them that!! and they will ask for shit, well i gave it to you! I think that Micheal has too many Credit Cards...lets help him out and get rid of some! well, call up VISA/Mastercard/Discover whatever and tell them that yer cards were stolen and want to IMMEDIATLY cancel them! ahhh, that will make Micheal happy :) Isnt it nearing Christmas?? lets send him a gift! hmm, magazine subscriptions!! hmm, i think KKK news would be good, since Missy and Michelle hate rasism, they can learn who they are just hating! :) also, lets bill them to him! ya know, since hes got all that $$$ Lets drop by with a surprise visit to their house! hmmm. see that tan box on tha side of tha house? gee, that doesnt look good there lets put it where it would look better, like in tha living room! yank it off with a crowbar, C4, whatever it takes and throw it somwhere!!! they will thank you later! Didnt i see Missy Gilliland dealing drugs at Mountain Ridge High yesterday...My My, tha pigz should know this so they can do tha right thing! Missy will thank you after she gets out in like 10 yearz! Ya know what i think? i think the whole Gilliland family will like to be paged 486234756347562394 times at 2 in tha morning? dont you think so too? well, write a nifty pager script and start dialing!! Lets go back to tha Honda Civic...i think some crack/cocaine would fit nicely in tha trunk!! well, since Michelle burned me on a deal, i think it iz about time to call someone who carez like the GPD! dont worry Michelle, it is only 20 years, and hey you get to be with all tha blacks cuz they are tha ones stealing!! she will be happy! Hmmm. I think it is about time to actually HELP them out...why dont we send some food?? go out and slaughter yer favorite cat and mutialte it, send it to em in a box!!! that food will be put to good use! Whats that i say?? their dad has a pager????!!!?!? hmm, lets find out what # it iz...call them up and say you are a repair man and need tha # to fix or some shit, well, then if ya know how to hack Pagers, do it! i think he is wasting too much $$$ on hiz pager, so lets help them out again, by cancleing his account! You see, now that i think of it, we werent DESTROYING peoples lifes, we were _helping_ them!! well, i hope that you would never call or do this stuff to the good ol' Gillilands :) cuz that would be bad!! anyway, happy life-destroying, LATER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNITE! BBS H/P/A/V/C AWAM whq Unite! whq =[fading text in/out, an example in qb]======================================= someone uploaded one of those abc packs (all basic code) onto the shadow of cyberia a few days ago. as i was skimming though it i found a sample program that every newbie programmer dreams about. what is it you ask? ahhh it's a fade routine. this was written for quickbasic. to use compile the assembly code in tasm, or use the debug script. ;Noiseless VGA DAC fading routines for QB4.5/PDS(works on 286's and up) ;By Rich Geldreich 1992 ;Assembled with TASM v2.0 .286 IDEAL MODEL SMALL DATASEG Palette db 768 dup (?) NewPalette db 768 dup (?) CODESEG PUBLIC GetPalette, SetPalette EVEN PROC SetPalette ;Sets the pallette retrieved by ;GetPalette to a specified brightness ;DECLARE SUB SetPalette (BYVAL Brigtness, BYVAL Start, BYVAL Num) Brightness EQU [ss:bp+10] ;0-128 Start EQU [ss:bp+08] ;0-255 Num EQU [ss:bp+06] ;1-256 Parameters = 3 Push bp ;set us up a stack frame Mov bp, sp Push es ds si di ;lets not get QB mad now Mov ax, data ;get access to palette buffers Mov ds, ax Mov es, ax Xor ax, ax Mov al, Start ;get start color Mov dx, 03C7h ;tell the VGA some DAC values will Out dx, al ;be coming Inc dx Out dx, al Inc dx ;dh=3 Mov si, ax ;add start*3 to the palette offset Shl si, 1 Add si, ax Add si, offset Palette Mov bl, Brightness Cmp bl, 128 ;limit brightness if too high Jna Ok1 Mov bl, 128 Ok1: Mov cx, Num ;CX=# of registers to change Jcxz Done ;if no registers to change then exit Add ax, cx ;calculate the last register to change Sub ax, 256 ;if too many then limit Jna OK2 Sub cx, ax OK2: Mov di, offset NewPalette Mov bp, cx ;save cx for later EVEN ;color precalculation loop 10: REPT 3 ;repeat 3 times(for Red, Green, & Blue) Lodsb ; Mul bl ;new=old*brightness Shl ax, 1 ;new=(new*2)\256 or new=new\128 Mov al, ah Stosb ENDM Loop 10 Mov cx, bp ;multiply number of colors by 3 Shl cx, 1 Add cx, bp Mov si, offset NewPalette Mov dl, 0DAh ;wait for vertical retrace 15: In al, dx ;wait for end of vertical retrace Test al, 8 ;(for very fast machines) Jnz 15 20: In al, dx ;now wait for start of vertical Test al, 8 ;retrace Jz 20 Mov dl, 0C9h ;dx=03C9h Rep Outsb ;output the new colors Done: Pop di si ds es bp Retf Parameters*2 ;bye bye ENDP SetPalette PROC GetPalette ;Must call this routine before ;DECLARE SUB GetPalette () ;SetPalette! Push es Mov ax, data Mov es, ax Mov dx, offset Palette ;es:dx addresses palette Mov cx, 256 Xor bx, bx Mov ax, 01017h Int 010h Pop es Retf 0 ENDP GetPalette END To execute this script, save it to a file and type DEBUG < filename where "filename" is the name of this script file. E165"FADEIT.LZH" 0 E200"XcK9gVKBhoK....W/...uWJRN.G.8MIE2JIGItmH0dY8Mo2..2EEW7qk2luCj" E23D"jjztZC5Bsl1Kc.SmKO2t.OSnLBMZeYtcaMGaWGDeLkKQoJ//u//ctc6gI/M6i" E27A"M3VRO/oIGBCMElJM6eG6Y2DQ.gsqHrjTkXVV8.G8NFOMMaMZTAnAmqX2MTKh2" E2B7"Q06b61vQEM2hcy3GzWLIEAUFYXNqNa3OQhxKma.gCdivVWQwzK457fagSl0MN" E2F4"kqOjZddVEBtGBAXTDv77qiPAtd81dEnjImHFoo2MuU/cQga6Ll0StISrvXy1J" E331"XBBRgzAKI4S2YaRGyKoxa2BG1x.Pjj55cTBtv47HCIf0fKPgU./3obnn4gkX9" E36E"kLwZfnbdYiywKIehfehzZWIhQwZ8B/cq03gOOSQeY8ozyJZRSh2wQA3v.MJd4" E3AB"HUrjSG9TZzw5txbme4RNac7jUkXzSjzV6m4i5rykLbP13KkSwvuk/lgfHOS.6" E3E8"Xwd5zgeOhYdxxahgIw.U7Nzb0ZVDZ16mQV0OjOVacvCZzitF.." E100 B8 0 3C BA 65 1 33 C9 CD "!rC" BE 0 2 50 BD 93 1 55 BF 88 90 E117 "W3" DB B1 FA 8A F0 80 C1 6 32 E4 AC "<9v" 8 "