Paradigm of Abundance

In the creative economy, there is a sense of abundance of opportunity, due, in large part, to the continued introduction of new technologies. These technologies have allowed people to develop new solutions faster than ever before.

On the other hand, most educators live in a world with ever-decreasing resources, a world defined by scarcity.

We have, then, lives being lived in two distinct paradigms: A Paradigm of Scarcity and a Paradigm of Abundance.

Part of the experiment in Dayton’s school district was to see if their school could move from one paradigm to the other by living out an Audacious Aspiration. And, if it did, to understand the impact of that transformation.

Audacious Aspiration

And it worked. Sure, they still have all of the financial pressures of working in an underfunded educational system.

But when Jami, their principal, moved into this new mindset, she helped unleash an abundance of opportunity for her, her staff, and her students.

As they began to Claim the Joy, partnerships started being formed all over the place. Equipment started showing up at their door that was being gifted. New funding opportunities appeared.

Claim the Joy

New community resources were identified and tapped to open the door to new opportunities for their students.

At times the abundance felt a little overwhelming.