___________ __________________________ / ________/ /\____ _____/ ________/ The Canadian Anarchy / / / \ | | / /________ Technology Society / / / /\ \ | | /_________ / Presents... \ \ / /__\ \ | | / / \ \_________/ ____ \| | _________/ / \__________/__/ \__\__| /___________/ _____________________________________________________________________ ______ _________ _______ /| /| / _____\ /\ \__ __// ____/| | | | | | / \ | | / /____ | | ____ ____ | | | | / /\ \ | | /_____ / | |/__ |/ __/ | |___ | |_____ / /__\ \ | | _____/ / | | _/_ |\__ \ | __ \ \_______\/ / \ \ \ //______/ \ //_/_\|/___/ | | | | \/ \/ \| \| \/ \/ __ __ ___ ____ ___ | \ / | /\ / /\ / | |\ | | | \/ | /__\ | ___ /__\ / | | \ | |- | |/ \ \___| / \ /___ | | \| |___ Catslash Magazine Volume 1, Issue 17 December 1997 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada _____________________________________________________________________ It's December, which means that this is the last issue of the year, and also our christmas type issue. This year, we actually have a few christmas articles. Also, I would just like to announce that THERE IS NO SNOW ON THE GROUND IN DECEMBER AND IT IS NOT COLD! So all you who bugged me last year about it being cold in Canada...now who's freezing! Well, see you all next year. ___________________________________________________________________ | Contents | | (CS#17) | |___________________________________________________________________| |Subject | Author: | File# | |___________________________________________|______________|________| |1. Intro.................................... Bungie............. 1 | |2. Christmas Hell Toy ...................... Bungie .............2 | |3. The Pirating Problem ................... Bungie ............ 3 | |4. The Vengence Column ..................... Poison Ice ........ 4 | |5. An Anarchist Christmas (Story) .......... Poison Ice ........ 5 | |6. Finding Someone Part 2: | | Know Your Phone Book .................... Bungie ............ 6 | |7. Jingle Bells V.II ....................... Poison Ice ........ 7 | |8. The Infection Section ................... Bungie ............ 8 | |9. Connection Corner ....................... Bungie ............ 9 | |10. Catslash Top Ten ....................... Poison Ice........ 10 | |11. Catslash Supporter Adds ................................... 11 | |12. Catslash Information ...................................... 12 | |13. Disclaimer ................................................ 13 | |___________________________________________________________________| - End of File - --------------------------------------------------------------------- \ A Christmas Hell Toy / \ By: Bungie / \_________Catslash Magazine - Issue 17, December 1997 __________/ '''''''''''''''''File #2 of 13'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' Me and Dred were talking about something we could use for this issue that had a Christmas theme. I was thinking around the fact that christmas lights are a whole chain of electrical sockets waiting to be used, and then Dred suggested using the bulbs for something. Ding! Materials ''''''''' - 1 cord of mini christmas lights (you know, that use the small plastic lights) - Some black powder, match powder, flare fuel or any combustible pyro mix - Working bulbs for the cord - A set of needlenoze plyers - A file or some sandpaper (not a grinder!) - Some Scotch tape (the clear plastic tape) How to make it '''''''''''''' First of all, TEST ALL THE LIGHTS. Plug in the cord and make sure they all work. If one dosen't work at firing time this whole project will fail! Once they all are tested, take the bulbs (its best to leave them in). Gently break off the pointed ball tops of each bulb. Don't crack the bulb or damage the filament! Now file down the top of the bulb so that you have a hole big enough to pour the pyro into. DO NOT DAMAGE THE LITTLE FILAMENT INSIDE. Now, pour the pyro carefully into each bulb, being careful not to damage the filament. An easy way to get it in is to pour it in the fold of a Christmas card and let it slide in. Then, tape up the tops of each light so you have a tight seal. If it is not tight it might not make as loud a noise. How to use it ''''''''''''' Get a LONG extension cord plug the lights into it. Then go a ways away and plug the extension cord into an electrical socket. The results will vary but usually the lights will all explode. In some cases a few lights never blew up, and this will happen. Just unplug the cord and ten minutes later get the bulb and save it for next year. Sometimes, none will explode. This is probably beacuse one of the bulbs is bad or because one of the filaments is broken. If one breaks, the electricity will not flow through the circuit and there will be no boom. A short in the cord can also stop it from working. If this happens just leave the damn thing. Its too dangerous to mess with. Conclusion ''''''''''' There you go, some Christmas anarchy in Catslash at last. - End of File - --------------------------------------------------------------------- \ The Pirating Problem / \ By: Bungie / \_________Catslash Magazine - Issue 17, December 1997 __________/ '''''''''''''''''File #3 of 13'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' It is December 17. I'm on a Hotline server downloading some warez. Then suddenly in the news window somebody posts a message announcing that Bill Clinton has signed a bill that makes it illegal to upload or download commercial software for any reason...in other words, WAREZ HAS BECOME COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!!! How does this law work? Well before you were allowed to keep commercial software on the net for backup purposes. Now you and I know that it never was used for backup, but the servers wern't responsible for people downloading what they didn't own. So, servers could keep warez on the pretense that it was either backu or that they can't control what people upload. As long as the owner of that server didn't charge money for the software, it was ok. That's all changed now. On December 17 it became illegal for anyone to place commercial software on the internet at all, non-profit or not. Who forced clinton to do this? Well, to put it simple THE MICROSOFT EVIL NETWORK. That's right, our favourite superdork Bill Gaytes and the phun loving Software Pirating Association (SPA) pushed him. I don't know about you, but I would start using Winnuke, Butt-Trumpet, Nuke 'em or whatever other nuking programs you have to extract vengence on Microsoft. I will. Within hours after this bill went into play, the SPA set up several "Trap Sites" on Hotline. You may not know this but when you upload something your IP address is placed in the Stuffit Archives comments (see the last issue of MacAddict at your news stands) and when you connect to a server and d/l your IP is displayed in the logs. They just have to sit and wait... What can be done to fight this? Here are a few tips: On the Hotline side of the net: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' * Switch your H/L server to an "untraceable" IP like Compuserve * IP spoofing helps * Place comments in your Stuffit archives so the IP is not displayed * Connect and download from warez servers using an untraceable IP like Compuserve * Be wary of leech servers! I know they're the best but if all the software you download is corrupt or passworded, it is a sign. If they delete messages warning about the SPA's sites it is a sign. If few users are online or the admin never chats or never comes on, it is a sign! * I suggest you download the Hotline Server software and figure out how it works. Log on to your server with your Client Software and play with it. It'll show you what they can see and what they can't. For the HTTP side of the net: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' * Use places like TrailerPark, Geocities and Tripod for warez pages * Use Hotmail or mailexcite for response e-mail * Switch key words in search engines. For example, to find the Holocostal Hx warez page you type 'MAC WAREZS' in Infoseek instead of 'MAC WAREZ" which the SPA types in too! So they aren't found! There is a good file around the Mac servers about saving your ass from the SPA. Its a good file to read. To finish, this law is not in Canada as far as I know but it probably won't take long. I know the SPA hasn't touched any Canadian servers or people with Canadian IP's so far with this law, but it will come! - End of File - __ ________ '''''''''''''''''''''' \_\ /\_\_____\ ' Catslash Magazine ' \ \ / / / ____/ ' Issue #17 ' \ \/ / / / ' December, 1997 ' \ \/ / /___ ' File #4 of 13 ' \ / /____\ '''''''''''''''''''''' \engence_/olumn By: Bungie _____________________________________________________________________ Poison never did his vengence column again, so I'm here to present you with: THE TWELVER DAYS OF DEATH THREATS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I used this myself on my math teacher twelve days before Christmas holidays. 1. Place a sheet of paper on his desk reading "OFFICIAL DEATH WISH" 2. Leave a business card for a funeral home on his desk 3. Write on his chalk board in big letters something to the effect of "YOU WILL DIE" 4. Take a pad of those little yellow sticky notes and stick little hints that "Friday's the day" all over his classroom (but where he will see them) 5. If he uses a computer, fill a disk with death threat text files, label the disk "Student Marks" and place it by his computer. If you're a mac user make sure you format the disk for a PC and use eight letter filenames so we can be sure he can read it (and so he can't trace you back to a Mac user) 6. Write on every desk in the front row, in big letters, in pen, "Mr. Whoever will DIE!" 7. Find his number and do the thing from "Scream" where you ask him questions about his favourite scary movie and stuff. Then threaten him some more. 8. If you have a spare, throw paper airplanes through his door with death threats written on them and then run away and hide so you aren't seen. If his door is closed, slip the death threats under the door and take off. 9. Leave a message reading "DRIVE CAREFULLY" under his windshield wiper or key it into his car. 10. Leave a sheet in his briefcase reading "BOOM - This could have been your death!". When he opens it up, he'll be more careful about opening it up in the future. 11. Draw a picture of him with a knife in his head or something. Place extra detail into the blood. Leave it on his desk with the "Fridays the day message" again. 12. Early in the morning slip a "Watch your back" message under the door before he gets there. By the end of the week your teacher will most likely be completely paranoid and almost insane. By Friday he will be nuts. Skip his class Friday so you'll be safe. Have phun! - End of File - --------------------------------------------------------------------- \ An Anarchist Christmas (Story) / \ By: Poison Ice / \_________Catslash Magazine - Issue 17, December 1997 __________/ '''''''''''''''''File #5 of 13'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' T'was the night before christmas, over at Bungie's house, the mixture he was stirring, could blow up a house. Poison was mixing a volitile gas and if he wasn't careful, he'd blow off his ass. Poison: Oww! hey Bungie quit it. Bungie: Quit it with the rhyming or I'll kick your ass. Poison: Hey Monkey Spank, I could take you. Bungie: Don't make me take out that issue of NERD#1 Poison: I'll be good! Just keep that fagmag away! Bungie: That's better. Now where was I? Oh right, the mixing. So Bungie soon realized it was christmas eve, informed Poison, and the two of them soon formulated a plan to capture and comendeer Santa Clause and his sleigh. The plan was to set up a claymour missile on Bungie's roof, then when Santa flies overhead...SHOOT THE FAT BASTARD DOWN!! They later met on Bungie's roof with a homemade claymour and launcher based on various C.A.T.S. Anarchy Files, and a night vision scope plus a radar scanner, they were ready. After 3 hours and three games of pin the rocket on the CHM member, Electrik Fire got pretty shot up and Santa was due at any moment, then Poison spoke "Bungie, we have an unidentified flying object on radar,it's him." Bungie grinned, "Arm missile launchers 1 and 2, lock target, five on my mark," "ok....Ready!" Poison replied. "Wait for it...wait for it...FIRE1!! Bungie yelled, the missile took off with a mighty blast and sailed through the air. Meanwhile, up in Santa's sleigh, "HO HO HO...HO HO HO...HO HO..uh, uh-Oh!" santa said as he saw the missile, suddenly the missile hit with a loud boom! "Reindeer 1 thru 4 hit!" Poison announced "Fire 2!" Replied Bungie. The second missile took off and blew the other reindeer apart, "Direct hit, reindeer 5 thru 9 hit, he's going down!" said Poison. "Excellent, where's he headed?" asked Bungie. Back at Santas sleigh "Who the hell did this?!?" santa asked his elf "I dunno Santa, who would shoot at you?" Replied the elf, "well winky, there are a few, we weren't over Israel, and they are the only ones who shoot at a guy who gives toys to kids." said santa. "Nothing personal santa, but we just wanted your sleigh" Bungie said as he knocked out winky the elf, "Your on the bad list-oohh..." santa announced as poison knocked him out. Later, after they tied up santa and his little elf, they started modifying his sleigh, theyt added:Rocket launchers, Machine guns, Polish flares and various shrapnel bombs, hooked up some jet engines to make it go and finally headed towards their target: The CHUMBAWUMBA concert! Upon arrival the losers on stage announced "By our flowery dresses, we are anarchists!", this tore it! Our heroes wanted revenge! They opened fire and didn't stop until the musical menace had been decimated, then they flew home singing "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath. The End. - End of File - _______ _ | _____| | | ''''''''''''''''''''' | |__ (_) | | (_) ' Catslash Magazine ' | ___| _ ____ ___| | _ ____ ____ ' Issue 17 ' | | | | | _ \ / __ | | | | _ \ / __ | ' December 1997 ' |_| |_| |_| |_| \_____| |_| |_| |_| \___ | ''''''''''''''''''''' SOMEONE __| | PART 2: Know Your Phone Book /____| By: Bungie _____________________________________________________________________ One of the most popular methods of finding someone is by using the phonebook, so its important to know how to use it. If you know their first and last name, it is very easy to find their number. Just look up their last name in the phonebook. Usually there will be two or three, so we use the process of elimination. It is legal to call a number once from your phone where they cannot trace you, but just to be safe, do it from a payphone. Call the numbers collect by dialing 0-403-XXX-XXXX (X=their number). Just blow into the phone speaker when it asks for your name. If someone picks up and has the target's voice or if the answering machine message has their voice, then you have him. But what if none of them have their voice? Call their house and ask for the person (ie. Hello? Is Jimmy there?) If they say yes or he answers, you have him! Not only that, but with his address we can send him a shitload of mail. In the back sections of the white pages there is a postal code directory. Just look up his address and you have all his info! But what if his last name is Smith or something like that? We can still find him. Call Directory Assistance at 411 from a payphone (its free) and give them his first and last name and the city. With his first name the operator will give you the numbers for those people and narrow your list down a bit. Then, turn to the page in your phone book with the map of the city that says FLAT RATE CALLING AREA or something like that. Notice what it says about areas of the city beginning with different CO numbers. Lets say we have two numbers, 474-9864 and 444-9783, and we know he lives somewhere in the north end of the city. The map shows 474 in the Beverly area north of the river, but shows 444 on the southwest side of the city. Therefore, the 444-9783 number can't be the target's number. That can eliminate quite a few numbers too. What if you follow him home, and know his address but not his number? There is a reverse phone directory at 441-7763. It has a charge, but you can extract the price in the hours of veangence to follow. You can also use my phone CD idea from last issue. Just make sure you fill in the CITY field too. Well, that should help you a bit more in your tracing efforts. If it helped you I'm happy, if it didn't, oh well. Good luck! - End of File - --------------------------------------------------------------------- \ Jingle Bells V.II / \ By: Poison Ice / \_________Catslash Magazine - Issue 17, December 1997 __________/ '''''''''''''''''File #7 of 13'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' Jingle Bells V.II Crashing through the snow, in a one gun sherman tank, the whole way we go, blasting all the way! HaHaHa! Lighting Napalm waves, making fires bright oh what fun it is to laugh and sing and blow up stuff tonight! chorus oh Jingle bells shotgun shells the losers run away, oh what fun it is to ride in a one gun sherman tank! - End of File - _____________________________________________________________________ | The INFECTION Section | | By: Bungie | |___________________________________________________________________| | Catslash Magazine Issue 17, December 1997 | |___________________________________________________________________| | | |This is here to replace our software review which many of you have | |said it sucks, with a Trojan/Virus bulletin which many of you | |requested. So here it is, every month we will announce software you| |should be wary of and how to keep it from trashing your stuff. | |___________________________________________________________________| / MACINTOSH / / /___________/____________________________________________________/ | Silverlining 6 Trojan | |=================================================================| | This trojan is in Versions 6.0 and 6.0.1 of Silverlining. Take | | note that there never was a Silverlining 6. This Trojan will | | completely destroy your hard drive to the point that it can be | | used only as a paperweight. I mean it, be careful and DO NOT D/L| | SILVERLINING 6! | |_________________________________________________________________| | Stuffit Deluxe 4.5 Trojan | |=================================================================| | There is a version of SD 4.5 going around Hotline that acts like| | Stuffit Deluxe except when you compress an archive it deletes | | files it is supposed to be compressing and creates a dummy | | Stuffit file. If you D/L Stuffit Deluxe test it on a Simpletext | | file or something first. | |_________________________________________________________________| | Master Icon List 7.12 Trojan | |=================================================================| | The Master Icon List Installer 7.12 may install a Trojan that | | logs all file downloads on Hotline and send them to a US Gover- | | ment IP! Look for an invisible file in your prefs folder called | | �up/dllog�. Many people agree that this is a rumor and is comp- | | letely false, but I've put it here anyway. | |_________________________________________________________________| | C&N Xmas Trojan? | |=================================================================| | I recently downloaded a file called "C&N Xmas" which I thought | | was the December issue of Cracks and Numbers. It didn't need the| | C&N Reader app which seemed a little suspicious at first, and | | when I launched it it said "The Disk "Catslash Studios" has | | errors" and it started to "repair" it. I wasn't stupid and I | | force quit out of it. When I checked the info on the file it | | wasn't like the previous issues. I don't know what it does but | | be careful! | |_________________________________________________________________| | HackAddict 4 Virus | |=================================================================| | In some places, HackAddict 4 has been infected with an old MDEF | | virus (I think MDEF B). It is nothing to worry about and any | | virus scanner can find it. | |_________________________________________________________________| | Nintendo 64 Emulator Hoax | |=================================================================| | There is a Nintendo 64 Emulator going around that isn't real. It| | dosen't do any damage to your computer, but I'm just trying to | | clear up a few rumors. Run the program and try opening a | | Nintendo ROM. It will open it up. The so called N64 Emulator is | | just a ResEdit hacked iNES Nintendo emulator. | |_________________________________________________________________| - End of File - __________ | ________| ''''''''''''''''''''' | | ' Catslash Magazine ' __| |_____ ' Issue #17 ' | | |_____| ' December, 1997 ' | || |________ ' File #9 of 13 ' | ||__________|onnection ''''''''''''''''''''' | | | |________ |__________|orner By: Bungie _____________________________________________________________________ Well, here is the last news of the year. Enjoy... ___________________________________________________________________ | | The Anarchist Commonwealth | | /\ |=======================================================| |____/__\___| The AAA (Alberta Anarchist Alliance) has decided to | | / \ | change their name to the Anarchist Commonwealth. This | | / \ | was due to the fact that a few groups in the AAA are | | Local | American, and not in Alberta in any way. | | Anarchy |_______________________________________________________| | News: | Anarcon Next Year | | |=======================================================| | | Things are looking towards an Anarcon next year! The | | | AAA (or Commonwealth) agreed that there should be one | | | next year, however their locations will be either | | | Lethbridge, St. Paul or Edmonton. I'm definately going| | | to pull for Edmonton. | |___________|_______________________________________________________| | _____ | Macman's Site Shut Down! | |/ /\ \ |=======================================================| |_/__\___\__| Macman, who ran a famous site in the Mac anarchy world| |/ \ / | was shut down this month. Apparently Adobe charged him| |______\/ | for the [k]'s he had on his site, for a lot of money. | | | Then, the SPA got involved and told Interlog to ban | | World | his site. Its really too bad because he made such cool| | H/P/A | movies :) | | News: |_______________________________________________________| | | New Anti-Pirate Law | | |=======================================================| | | US President Bill Clinton signed a bill this month | | | completely outlawing pirated software. See the article| | | for more info. | |___________|_______________________________________________________| | | Cartoon Sends Kids to Hospital | | GENERAL |=======================================================| | WORLD | There was this Japanese cartoon that had a guy with | | NEWS: | flashing eyes. The flashing caused kids to go into | | | convulsions and 600 kids were sent to hospital, with | | | another 100 later from watching the taped episode. | |___________|_______________________________________________________| | | Chumbawamba Sucks!!! | | MUSIC |=======================================================| | NEWS: | I'm REALLY sick of hearing this Chumbawamba anarchy | | | thing. This band claims that they are anarchists. They| | | are not! No one in anarchy has ever heard of them, and| | /\/\ | furthermore, no one that I know in anarchy would play | | //\/\\ | that kind of music. The other day a chick that was | |// \\ | with Poison Ice told him that they were anarchists and| | | he wouldn't know an anarchist if he saw one. I also | | | remember the Sex Pistols saying they were anarchists | | | too... | |___________|_______________________________________________________| To give us Conection Corner info, call Bethlehem (403)477-2351 and E-mail Bungie. - End of File - CATSlash _________ /___ ___/_____ _____ ''''''''''''''''''''' / // / ___ / __ \\ ' CATSlash Magazine ' / // / // / / /_/ // ' Issue #17 ' / // / // / / ____// ' December, 1997 ' / // / //_/ / // ' File #10 of 13 ' /_// \_____/_// ''''''''''''''''''''' _________ /___ ___/____ __ / // / ___//\ / // / // / /__ / \ / // / // / ___// /\ \/ // / // / /___/ // \ // /_// \____/_// \// By: Poison Ice Since this is the last top ten of 1997..... ********************************************************************* * Top ten best anarchist new year's revolutions * ********************************************************************* 10. I will never use a CHM brand anarchy file. 9. I will remember that you can't get high off oregano leaves. 8. I will never try to print money on a color printer ever again. 7. I will not ignore the saftey warnings for Mercury fulminate a second time. 6. I will never use thermite to cook my food twice. 5. I will remember the words "extremely volitile" as long as I live. 4. when they say "Do not ignite", they mean do not ingnite! 3. I will never use potassium nitrate as an aphrodeziac ever again! 2. I won't ever use C-4 plastique to make clay people again. 1. I will never us the blender to mix nitro glycerine again. Happy new year! ********************************************************************* - End of File - Catslash Magazine Issue #17, December 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Catslash Supporter Adds | | The Many Phriendz of Catslash | --------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________ Text issues of Catslash Magazine at: "&&&"&& "&&&"&& &&"&&a "&&a && "&&" "&&&"&& "&&& && "&&&"&& "&&&"&&"&a &&& && &&& && &&& &&&e&& && &&& &&& && &&& &&& && && &&&e&" &&&e &&& &&& && && &&&e &&&e&& &&&e &&& && && &&& && &&& &&& &&& && && &&& &&& && &&& &&& && && &&& && &&& &&& &&& && && &&& &&& && &&& &&& && && e&&&e&" e&&&e&& e&&" e&&" && && e&&&e&& e&&& && e&&&e&& e&&" && && && The official Catslash &&&&&&&&&& Call: distribution board! && (403)477-2351 && The major anarchist BBS in the 403. _____________________________________________________________________ ______________ / \ Anarchy Online /\ \ ================ //\\ | // \\ | The top source of anarchist information on ----//----\\--------- the web! With full Internet utilities and // \\ | gigabytes full of H/P/V/A/C philes! // \\ / // \\ / Internet: http://anarchy-online.com \______________/ Telnet: telnet://anarchy-online.com _____________________________________________________________________ ________ ____ / / \ \________ / \ \ \ / ________/ENSORY \____/VERLOAD BBS (403)988-9426 A good board. Call it. With a Telnet site coming soon! _____________________________________________________________________ ****A***** * A A * H Another * A A * H \\// AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN AAA RRRR CCCCC HHHH Y Y \/igilante * A A * N N AA R C H H Y Y Corp. A **********A* N N AAAA R CCCCC H H Y Production... A IN THE 403! Y A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Anarchy in the 403! A new web page with all the files from the 403 all in one place. Coming soon! _____________________________________________________________________ __ __ |\ /\ /\ |\| | |\ /\ /| / Fine Software for your Mac | \/ \/ \|/|__|_ |// \/ |/ | /\ /\ /|\| | |\\ /\ |\ |/ \/ \/ |/|__|__ | \\/ \| \ SOFTWARE _____________________________________________________________________ - End of File - Catslash Magazine - Issue 15, October, 1997 ********************************************************************* * Other Catslash Information * ********************************************************************* ===================================================================== = Getting other issues of Catslash = ===================================================================== = Catslash is available from: = = The Internet: http://members.tripod.com/~catslash/ = = our Hotline Tracker: Shadows of Anarchy = = or Bethlehem BBS: (403)477-2351 - Our Official Distro BBS! = = Our issues can also be found in many other places like the = = Vigilante Corp Archives. If you find a BBS or page with most of = = our issues, it probably will have the new ones too. = ===================================================================== = Contacting us: = ===================================================================== = *To E-Mail Catslash on the Internet* e-mail: = = catslash@hotmail.com - All questions/comments are sent to Bungie = = harrysachz@mailexcite.com - Poison Ice = = = = *To E-mail Catslash on Bethlehem* = = You can send mail to the following: = = BUNGIE - Editor/writer = = POISON ICE - Writer = = DRED - Writer = = All articles or general questions should be mailed to Bungie. = = = ===================================================================== = Want to Write for us? = ===================================================================== = Catslash needs writers! If you want to place an article in = = Catslash, send it to us by e-mail. Include your alias and any = = other information you think is important in your e-mail message. = = You will receive full credit for your articles. If you want to = = become a regular writer through e-mail just say so in your message= = and we can set up a column for you. The only rules we have are: = = 1. It must be in some way related to anarchy (H/P/A/V/W/C/...) = = 2. It can't be copied from somebody else's file = = 3. It must be suitable for us to publish = = Send them in! = ===================================================================== _____________________________________________________________________ ______________ | / | CATSlash Magazine is made with | | / | | '''''''''Macintosh'''''''''''' | / | ''''''''' | /__ | We also have a Mac version of CATSlash Magazine! | \____|___/ | It comes as an application. Why is this better? |_______|______| because the Mac version comes with pictures, sound, movies, point and click interface plus Macs Rule! all the other things you would expect to find for your Mac. Check our web page for details. _____________________________________________________________________ ~ ~CATSlash Magazine is made in Canada! ~ ~ ~ /\ ~ ~ ~ ~ |\/ \/| ~ __ _ ~_ _ _ ~ ~ | | ~/ /_| |\ | /_| | \ /_| ~ ~ _/\ | | /\_ ~\___/ | | \| /~ | |_/ / | ~ ~ _| \| |/ |_ ~ __ _ __ ~ __ ~ ~ \ \ / / ~|__\ / \ / |_/ /_ ~ ~ \ / ~| \ \_/ \__ | \ __/ ~ ~ \ / ~ ~ ~ ~ /_____ _____\ ~ ~ ~ ~ | | ~ ~ ~ ~ | | ~ ~ ~ ~ |__| ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't mess with Canada or we'll kill you. I mean it. _____________________________________________________________________ - End of File - Catslash Magazine - Issue 17, December 1997 ____________ /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\Disclaimer/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ < C.A.T.S. or CATSlash Magazine are not responsible for any > < incidents occuring from this magazine or past issues. This is > < for informational purposes only and anything described in these > < files are not meant to be done by the reader. So, if you blow > < off a body part, we aren't reaponsible. You are you! > \________________________________________________________________/ - End of File -