We believe that everyone has the potential for creative genius, that is, creativity that springs from their innate spirit. And we recognize that everyone’s creative genius is different. By working collaboratively, we can weave these geniuses together to create more valuable solutions faster.
We typically think of genius as referring to people who are deemed by society as highly intelligent. They are set apart from the rest of us ‘average’ people.
This understanding is based on the premise that intelligence can be accurately measured on a linear scale and that we can all be ranked by our relative intelligence.
This ranking forms us all into a bell curve. Those who are considered highly intelligent sit in the right foot of the bell curve. Those who are intellectually impaired sit in the left foot. The rest of us form the middle of the bell curve.
The underlying premise of this understanding is that perceived intelligence defines worth and bestows rights over others. We are to follow those who are defined as smarter than us and we have the implicit right to manage those who are seen as less intelligent than us.
But this understanding of intelligence and genius, with all of the implicit social implications, is a fairly recent concept. It only appeared near the dawn of the second Industrial Age. The concept was introduced in 1869 by an Englishman, Sir Francis Galton, who applied Carl Gauss' statistical model of normal distribution to intelligence.
Galton, as the founder of Eugenics, went on to argue that intelligence was inherited.
For the last 150 years, his model of intelligence has been embraced by many as truth – both the explicit belief in intelligence ranking and the implicit belief in genetic inheritance.
This theory has had profound implications for how social and geopolitical power was rationalized during the colonial era and beyond and profound implications for how we educate.
But genius has not always been thought of in this way. In fact, the word ‘genius’ is Latin and originally meant the attendant spirit present from one’s birth – an innate ability or inclination.
Until relatively recently, genius was considered inherent in all of us. We each possess, by nature of our unique journey as human beings, our own human spirit with a potential for creative genius, a multidimensional genius that flows through us and is life-giving.
This reclaiming of the original definition of genius is at the core of reimagining education. Our Audacious Aspiration is to unleash the creative genius in each student to empower their greatness.
This uncompromising conviction is the reason we are bringing Agile Learning to education.
We believe that, through the mindsets, skillsets and tool sets of Agile, we can unleash the creative genius of teachers and students in amazing new ways.